The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, January 24, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report ABSOLUTELY PURE CITY GLEANINGS. Traffic Improving. Trainmaster Bennett, of the E. T. V. A G. reports traffic improving on the Georgia division. “Thia month,” said he, “is better than the same month a year ago, and December was a good deal better.” The Sr ay Ticket. There was a rnmor yesterday that tb« Beay ticket would be changed in th< Second and TMid wards, and tba Messrs. Curry #kd Camp had declined t< run and Henry Lapadel! and Major W. F. Ayer would take their places. Florence, Ala. Cape. C. Rowell just back from Flor ence, says: “Florence has a wagon factory that selb wagons all over Mississippi, a furniture factory, a pump factory, two furnaces, one of which is in operation and the other will blow in soon. Their cottor factorv an extensiveone with all mod ern appliances.” Farmers in Alabama. Mr. J. W. Crow, of Jacksonville, Ala., and formerly of Rome, was in the city yesterday. He. says the farcers in North Alabama are in better condition than he has seen them for some time. They have sown three times as much grain as heretofore. The hapless kind have moved west, and those who remain are largely well-to-do. Wedding at the Court House. The first marriage in the new temple of justice occurred this week. Theie was a wedding in the ordinary’s office Monday, Samuel H. Storey, of Alabama, and Miss Emma A. Akins, of Floyd county, were united in the bonds of wedlock by Rev. Alfred Johnson, a Primitive Baptist minister of Chulio. The bride’s father and sisters were present. Blegant Quarters. The Postal Telegraph Company will move into the A strong hotel building on the l.t of Feb ary. They will oc-' copy the store so erly occupied by the Merchants Natip Bank and cotton ex change. Manager dkins says the wires will be brought into the office in cables and everything will be first-class. The office has a tile floor and in its finish and arrangements is one of the best in the city. The Rome Cotton (Mills. In a review of the industries of Rome and vicinity the other day, no mention was made of the Rome Cotton Mil). It has never stopped except for repairs and under the {superb management of Mr. Henry Harvey, the mill has been steadily prosperous, and has given steady em ployment to a large number of hands. Within the past year it has largely in creased its capacity and is one of our strongest and most helpful industries. The Railroad Tax. “The financial prospects of the county are very flittering,” said Commissioner W. A. Wiigbt yesterday. “The decision of the United States supreme court will give us about $15,000 of back taxes and hereafter about SB,OOO per annum on the present basis of valuation. Ibis will be a big lift and the county deficit will disappear even more rapidly than wo had hoped. If we get our taxes prompt ly I see no reason why we should not wipe out the , floating debt next year without increasing the tax above the present rate.” A reason for the faith that is in him.— A responsible citizen of the South writes: From observation covering a great num ber of cases I unhesitatingly pronounce Salvation Oil to be the most wonderful remedy for burns I have ever tried. ■ ■ Notice. Having suffered considerable less by renting fine goods, we have decided to neither rent nor lend China or cut glass from this date, under any circumstances. Our goods are for sale. 1-10-ts Carver & Harper. Ip. Ga m m on’s Cash Cost Sale you can get a fine well-fitting child’s suit for less than you can anywhere—even if you bought them of the trash shops. Deserted by his wife for a year, Mill ionaire John B. Gay, Jr., of San Diego, Cal., now sues for a divorce. The Japanese Pile Cure is the only propep application for internal piles and is gunrauteed in every case by I). W. Curry, Rome, Ga. Great Horse sale Wednes day, Thursday and Friday, January 24th 25th and 26th, Horses, Mares, and Mules. CITY REGISTRATION. Notice of Reglstratlonfof Voters for City Election. Official notice is hereby ’given that the books for the registration of city voters for the next municipal e.ection are now open at the clerk of council’s office, at the city hall. AH city taxes, fines, and all dues to the city must be paid before registering. The attention of city voters is called es pecially to the fact that the payment of taxes does not register voters in the city registration, but in addition to paying all dues to the city personal application must be made to the clerk. Attention of all city voters it ca'led to this noti-ie. Registration closes Saturday, Feb. IT, at 7 o’clock p. m. E ection Tuesday, March 6,1894. M. A. Nevin, dt Feb.l7 Clerk of Council. The only man in history that was lion ized without having his head swelled was the Biblical Daniel. Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite felt away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight year's standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven bottles of Bucklen’s Ar nica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, 0., htd five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one bott’e Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by D. W. Curry. For Sale. A good pair of mules for cash or on time with satisfactory note. ROUN SAVILLE & BRO. 1-18-dlw-wlm John Hardy, colored, who killed Thor. Drew, colored, at Welch, Va., over a game of dice was hanged. The Best Salve in the world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions" and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give parfect > satisfaction, oi money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by D. W. Curry, druggist. Attend Great Horse sale of Simon & Co., at Green & Rhudy’s stable Wednesd , Thursday and Friday. While going home from his store W. C. Clark, of Burton, La., was killed by unknown assassins. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a cough, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King’s New Discovery for'consump tion, coughs and colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferer’s from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at Curry’g Drug Store. Large size 50c and SIOO. Trotting horsts with ped igree and three minute gait to be sold by Simon & Co. Fur Sale. Complete set household and kitchen goods cheap for cash, also chickens and good cow and young oalf. One buggy and harness. Address W. B. J. care of Tribune. 1-16-61. ■■■ ffi ■ ■ Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. I offer my entire stock of boots and shoes at cost. I have to raise money and must sell now. This is your best chance for bargains offered in Rome for good shoes for some time. R. T. Connally, 7-28 d-w6m 216 Broad street Rome Ga. Notice to Water Consumers. Water tax for the fourth quarter is now past due. This being the last quarter for the fiscal year, it will be necessary for consumers to meet the bills promptly. All bills will be presented but once. If not paid the water will be cut off. Consumers who wish to settle at the water works office can do so between the hours of 2 and 6 o’clock p. m. L. J. Wagneb, 1-13-ts Snpt. of Water Works. You can buy a Macin tosh coat or a first-class umbrella at factory pri ces at Gammon’s Cash Cost Sale. Found—A bunch of keys. Owner can get same by calling and paying for this advertisement. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. THE ROME TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 24. 1894. AMNUUNILMLNT. Rome, Ga., Jan. 23, 1894. Editor Tribune: You are hereby authorized toannouno this ticket to the voters of Rome, sub ject to their action in the coming munici pal election. Asking their support we pledgeonr best tffor s, individual and combined, to tbeservio-s of the people, and the upbuilding of our city. Resptctfully, FOB MAT'S, JOHN D MOORE. fob aldkbmen, First Ward—a. B Mcirver. St cot d Waid—W. J. Nsel. Third Ward—Henry S'offregen. Fourth Ward—Walter Barris. Fifth Ward—T. J McCaffrey. l-24dte Coal. The best blacksmith coal, the best coal for stoves and grates at J. A. George’s foundry. Tel. phone 29. 1-13-aprl Attention Angel Cake Bakers I We have just rereived a ehip ment of tbe F moos Van Dueaon Cuke Pans, in troduced by the Californian Cake Maker in the Leake Introducing Car. Fourteen splendid re ■ oeipts given with each set 1-21 « 7 CARVER & HARPEE. For alleged slander of a convent moth er, J. V. McNamara, whose lecture caused a riot in Kansas City, is under arrest. Shiloh’s Cure, the great cough for croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty five 'loses, only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold by drag gists. For sale by 1). W. Curry. You can buy a first class trunk, bag or va lise at the closest fac tory price, at Gammon’s Cash Cost Sale. Fighting over old fami.y troubles, Mil ton Bond and Charles Colt, brothers-in law, of Sullivan, 111., fatally shot each ’ other. , Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga 1 Tenn.,sajs: “Shiloh’s Vitilizei” saved ’ my life.’ 1 consider it the best remedy for a debiliated system I ever used. For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it ex cel". Price 75 cts. For sale by DW. Curry. , The reign of the world, the flesh and 1 the devil ends in a short three weeks. Karl’s Clover Root will purify yom 1 blood, clear your complexion, regulate i your bowels and make your bead clear as as a bell. 250. and 50c. For sale by D. W. Curry. ' Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria* i' SEED POTATOES. AflQ rvrrr'■'r- 1 ' ■ Buist’s Genuine Eastern Seed Potatoes, Gar den Seed, Onion Sets. We have just received our first shipment of Buist’s Genuine Eastern Seed Potatoes. All the earliest and best varieties now on hand. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS for all kinds of Garden Seed. Step into out mammoth drug emporium’and be convinced that we are posi tively headquarters for everything in our line of business. It would be t>o tedious to name in detail everything we handle, but if you want any thing pertainig to TDi-mgrs, Give us a call and you will find it. We keep not only abreast of the times, but far ahead of them. Use Curry’s Liver Compound For sick headache and all liver,complaints. It has cured thousands of cases and it will cure you. CURRY’S New South Worm Syrup is sure, safe and pleasant to take. We keep large fine Bath Sponges,Chamio Skins and Toilet Erticles of every kind. Curry’s New South Cologne in extra large bottles only 50c and SI.OO. This is a luxury for toilet or bath. RUBBER GOODS of every kind or description. Rubber Tubing every size. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Putty, Window Glass, Wood Stains and Graining Colors, Harness Oil and Axle Oil. Read This Carefully. Without a single exception every person who has taken Curry’s Emulsion Cod Liver Oil has been benefitted by it. “The proot of the pudding is in the eating.” Our Emulsion is not treated with powerful antiseptics to preserve it for months and months, but is made fresh and consequently many persons find they can take ours when their stomachs have entirely repudiated other preparations. tsTATE MeITERS. Applications for Administration, Etc., | Be fore the Ordinary. Thos. E Weems has applied for per manent letters of administration on the estate of bis father, Jacob Weem<, who died near Six Mile station, January 17tb. Cte >ar Stalling has applied for perma nent letters of administration on the es tate of Tetnpa Stallins. W. A. Rhudy has asked for permanent le'teri of administration on ths estate oi Aggy Berryhill, who died January 6.h. Twenty-two widows have filed appli cations for pensions. Ordinary Dtvis wishes to send their applications to the executive offioe by tbe 25th inst. One of these widows. Mrs. Mary Jane. Fry. has been a bed-ridden invalid for thirteen years, and the ordinary had to go to her placa on Armuchee creek to sign up tbe papers for her. THE COMING AND GOING Os the People You Know and Some That You Don't Know. Mr. R B. McAtver was up from Coosa ville yesterday. Hon. W. J. Neel went over to Carters ville yesteiday to spend a few days. Col. John Temple Graves is in Wash ington. He willhcture for the Georgia Club sometime in March. Miss Luta Cook, who has been visiting the family of Mrs. J. C. Moore, left yes teiday for her home in Marietta. Miss Cora Lewellin, of Chattanooga, arrived in the ci'y yesterday and was tbe guest of Mrs. S. B. Bennett. Both ladies left last night for Atlanta. Miss Pauline Harris has not returned to her home in Athens,as was announced yesterday, but is tbe guest of Mrs. Ham ilton Yancey, in East Ki me. LI fa is Misery To manv people wbo have tbe taint of- scrofula in their blood. Tbe ago des caused by tbe dreadful running sores and other manifesta tions of this disease are beyond description. There is no remedy equal to Hood's Sarsapa ril a for ecro' ula salt rheum and every lorm of blooo disease. It is reaso-ra.iiy sure to be util; all who give it a fait trial. Hood’s Fills cure all liver ills, Kensington claims the distinction of holding a citizen whose gas bills have always been satisfactory. Horses, Mares and Mules at auction Wednesday, at Green & Rhudy’s stable. The last lot went dirt cheap. Now is your chance. Wanted —Twenty-five bead of cattle suitable for fattening. Apply at Cotton Oil Mill before Feb. Ist. d-w-17 Iw for Infants and Children. THIRTY years* observation of Caatoria with the patronage of million* of persona, permit a. to apeak of it vrlthont guea.fng. I It ia nnqneafionably the best remedy for Infants and Children the world has ever known. It is harmless. Childraw Hke It. It gives them health. It will save their lives. Tn it Mothers have something which is absolutely safe and practically perfect as a. j child’s medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. Castoria allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vovnitfng Sour Curd, Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Toothing Trouble.. Castoria onres Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria nentralixes the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonons air> Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotio property. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and V giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is put np in one-size bottles only. It is not sold in .bulk. Don’t allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it is “just as good” and “wiH answer every purpose.” See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fao-simile ■// jf *** ** on CTeg Y signature cf wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. COAL. Southern Jellico Coal Co., Comprising Follomvixig DiXlyxea; WOOLDRIDGE JELLICO COAL CO. FALLS BRANCH JELLICO COAL CO. AST TENNESSEE COAL CO. JELLICO COAL MINING CO. PROCTER COAL CO. { R^ B AD laNEsT STANDARD COAL CO. MAIN JELLICO COAL CO. CENTRAL JELLICO COAL CO. INDIAN MOUNTAIN COAL CO. ROB’T.,wTmVES & co. l 2 23-3 m TETjEFECONE 96. COTHRAN &T(C Fire Life and Accident Insurance. Gin Houses Insured. Office Corner Armslroiij Hotel, JOHN H. REYNOLDS, President. B. I. HUGHES, Cashier. P. H. HARDIN, Vice President. First National Bank/ OF TeOAZEE. G-Al. CAPITA! AND SURPLUS: $300,000 All the Accommodations Consistent with Sale Banking Ex ended to our customers. W.L .ToUfiUS T S 3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fl O \ H S 5, 84 and $3.00 Dress Shoe. c«|| jwl | XywL 53.60 Police Shoe, 3 Soles. 82.00, $2 for Workingmen. J xWk- 82 anc. $1.70 for Boys. ladies AND misses, S 3, ® a -®° S 2» s h7s ' * *" CAUTION.—If any dealer St- '. \WMh offers you W. L. Douglas shoes at a reduced price, 10l HE nPCT" A I ® r “y» he has them wlth- out the name stamped’ wfecji SMKon the bottom, put him * Ilr II down as a fraud. W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fitting, and give better satisfaction at the prices advertised than any other make. Try one pair and be con vinced. The stamping of IV. L. Douglas’ name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to Increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe you can save money by baying all your footwear of tbe dealer iidver* Used below« Catalogue free upon application. W» X. DOUGLAS; Brockton, Mass* For Sale in Rome by Cantrell & Gwens- Jan