The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, February 01, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE ROME TRIBUNE. Published dally except Monday P THE ROMS TRIBL E CO, W. G. Coor B, Ge Man'gr. Offioe No. 827 Broad Street, Up Stain. Telephone 73. UTMOI SUBaOBmiOB. Dally, except Monday. One year *6.00 I Three month*.... *l. BO lx months s. on I One month SO TO ADVBBTIBXBS. Tbb Bomb Tbibonb it the official organ BJoyd County and the City of Rome. It has Mrge and increasing subscription list, and as an advertising medium is unexcelled. Bates very reasonable. DEFICIENT RAINFALL-MAN AND NATURE. The remarkable deficiency of rainfall in this region during 1893 has caused much apprehension here, lest nature, in the effort to restore the average, should give us an ex cessive rainfall in the near future, causing destructive floods. While in the long run nature maintains nearly the same average rainfall for a series of years, there is no certainty that she will accomplish that result in a few months, or even within a year or five years. As it is a matter of special interest to this community, Mr. W. M. Towers, who represents the weather bureau at Rome wrote to Mr. Park Morrill, director of the weather service for Georgia, re questing his opinion upon the sub ject. Mr. Mo. rill’s reply which has been handed to us, is so full of in formation and interest that we print it in full, commending it to the careful attention of our readers. This letter shows that nature un locks her secrets only to the most diligent and most loyal of her sub jects, taking them into her confidence after long and patient tutelage at her feet. The investigations of Prof. Bruck ner reveal the periodicity of exces sively dw eras over the whole earth, recurring about every thirty-five years. This indicates some extra ordinary cosmic influence operating upon our planet, or perhaps upon the whole solar system at remote inter vals. A study of history at such intervals might be interesting. The past year has been a remarkable one in almost every aspect. The unusual has been the rule. Normal condi tions in the weather, in crops, in the mental status of man, have been altogether overthrown. Both man and nature have been perturbed and violent, and it is not straining an influence to suppose that the per turbation of nature has had its in fluence in the restlessness of man. While we have had drouth and storm in frequent succession, with devastation of our coasts, we have had frequent uprising and ferment among the people of all lands, and the financial world has been through an upheaval such as no man living has ever seen paralleled. Looking back from 1893 to 1858, we strike close upon another panic, and in the midst of an era of extra ordinary political excitement. This may be a mere coincidence, but at least it is an interesting one. Some thing has been said about the in fluence of the Sun spots, which are visible about every eleven years, and of the meteoric showers, which have been observed about every 33 years, all going to show that our elements are affected by causes that come in cycles larger than Long eras of quiet and prosperity are followed by periods of storm and stress for man and nature. Upon all of these we know little, but grad ually nature seems to be revealing herself. The inability of the government to give a fictitious value, even, to an ordinary product is well illustrated in the effort to hold up the price of silver. In the face of purchases equaling the entire products of the silver mines of the country, less the amount used in the arts and manu facture, silver declined from an average of 47 5-16 d. in January, 1891, to an average of 43 3-4 d. in December, 1891; to an average of 38 3-8 in December, 1892, and to an average of 32d. in December, 1893. And as evidence that the immense purchases of the Government had little to do with maintaining the price at all, the figures show that in November last, after these purchases had ceased, the average price of sil- ver was 32 1-4 penc? per oance, as I against 33 5-8 in October when the purchases were in force. So it ap pears that the buying of silver at the rate of 54,000,000 ounces an nually did not add three cents an ounce to its value. —Exchange. A LITTLE NONSENSE- You can never realize how near an alarm elock is until it “goes off.’’—Yonk ers Gazette. One reason why some men are so lean is because they have thrown all their fat into the fire.—Dallas News. Landlady: Do you like your steak rare, sir? New Boardei: Yes, ma’m, rare as once a month.—Boston Courier. Briggs: Would you ever take Brushes for an artist just to look at him? Diggs: Not if I could get any other.— Inter Ocean. Snap: Did you ever notice the ex pression on the face of the Venus de Milo? Snip: Oh, yes; she looks all broke up. —lnter Ocean. “What will drive a man to drink quick er than a sharp-tongued woman?'* “Did you ever try a broiled salt mackerel?”— New York Press. “It makes no difference to me,” said the old theologian, “whether I came from a tadpole or a monkey. How to get out of the scrape is what bothers me.”—New port News. “Did you ever get anything from that man you just applied to for help?” “Only good advice.” “What advice did he give you?” “I said I was cold and he told me to go to blazes.” New York Press. Book Agent: Only a moment, sir, I wish to show you the latest and best, most finely illustrated, handsomest edition of “Poems of All Ages,” com plete in 27—01 d Gentleman: lam blind, thank heaveu. New York Weekly. “Angels have wings, haven’t they grandma?” “I’ve always beard so.” “I hear Uncle Gerald tell Mademoiselle she was an angel—in the shrubbery this morning—and she hasn't got wings.” “No, but she’ll have to fly.”—Punch. A DISGUSTED CRITIC. Or course, about living and Terry, There are many good things to be said But to my mind, they don't hold a candl, To the man who can stand on his head- Then d > a back turn to a table, And give us a bit of a dance; Or an act of the Indian jugglers They had on the Midway Plaisance- Some people may like to hear Patti Os course her performance is good, But give me the song of the fellow Who slipped up on splitting the wood; “Papa Wouldn’t Buy Me a Bow wow,” Or “Brannigan’s Latest New Tile”— Our crowd think they all lay out Patti For music and general style. I got taken in by a train boy: He sold me a book on the game As I thought, by a fellow named Howells’ The “World of Chance” was its name. If I didn’t know no more than he does And couldn't write better, why l— l’d just buy a ticket to nowhere And go there and lay down and die. —Detroit Free Press. HER SOUL IS PURE. Her soul is pure and sweet and white, AH good is garnered there. If I might once peep la and write, Wkat poem half so fair? When next across my path she trips, This woman wondrous wise, I’ll kiss a lyric from her lips, An epic from her eyes. Robert Loveman. N.H.BASS, \ £MT*I buy notes, county script of Floyd or any other county, and stocks and bonds. See me if you want money. will insure your life in the Mutual of New York and loan you the money to pay the premium. glF'l have a large list of city and county property for sale on monthly installment or any other terms. No such bargains have ever been offered in Real Estate as I now offer. you wish to borrow money on long or short time see me. *,* Look for my advertisement very other this paper. ■-tu t lm-l-28 Application hr Letters of Dis mission. °Tv3i R e^’w L n»U, Adminletrato. . the estate of Elixa H. Keeveo, represent, to the court in bis petition duly filed, that he has fully administered Elisa H. Reeves’ estate. Thiels to cite all persons concerned, kindred and cred itors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from bls administration and receive letters of dis mission on the first Monday in February 1804. This November 6,1893. JOHN P. DaVIS, oaw9od Ordinary, THE ROME TRLBUNK. iHCRSDAY, FIbUUAKY 1. 1894. O Pimples, blotches Q O and eruptions com- Q Q pletely vanish before Q Q a steady use of q Beecham’s ( w """ g .“£s) Pilis (Tasteless) O and health again Q Q glows in the pure skin Q q and clear complexion. X jE 25 cents a box. •000000000 8 Stuart’s Gin and Buchu , sl-00 Frauen has her lily And England her rose, And everybody knows Where the shamrock grows. Scotland has her thistle, Flowering on the hill, But the American emblem Is the one dollar bill; Which will buy one bottle of Stuart’s Gin and Buchu Read the following from an eminent physician: Atlanta, Ga.—Some time ago I had a well marked case of Bright’s disease of the kidneys as carefully diagnosed, after the most thorough, searching examina tion known to the medical profession. I tried all the remedies recognized by standard authorities, but without being able to relieve a single bad symptom. I then in despair tried STUART’S GIN AND BUCHU. The first bottle gave de cided results. After taking the third bottle a complete cure was effected. I write this simply in the cause of hu manity. M. C. Martin, M. D. and ns lard rnalfey food too tor childrpxv and deli* case persons, as • t is u,nke For bO'dy fiat it IWs to d^spepS' a . lor\_Q as is these things must So, but the //£l¥ SHORTER iNCf is better than lard for all CooKjnO) purposes, & has none, of the. ev6l effects oF lard, of im’itaTfons-CJet tfipGeKuiMs. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., CHICAGO and ST LOUIS. BE INDEPENDENT By Learning Shorthand with which you can E-AJRiNr MONEEYi If you cannot come here, we can give you a thorough course by mail. Satisfaction guaran teed. We do not teach by printed slips, as others do, but treat the intellect of each indi vidual pupil as required. Terms: S2O for course of 40 lessons, to be taken within 20 weeks, payable halt in advance, and balance in 60 da. s. Text-books free to pu pils. We reach nothing but standard sho’ thand and give full value for money received. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT, SOLD AND RE PAIRED. If you wish to purchase a typewriter of any make you can save money by buying tnrough us. If you have a second-hand writer to sell, ship it to us and we will oiepoee of it for you to best advantage, price subj-ct to your approval. If you do not wish to buy a new machine send your old one to us to be thoroughly repaired. THE STENOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE, IM Church St . New York City. 1-17 dly-8m JAPANESE) /gift PI LUS W/ CURE A New and Complete Treatment, consisting of SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and two Boxes of Ointment. A never-falling Cure for Piles of every nature and degree. It makes an operation with the knife or injections of carbolic acid, which ire palniul and seldom a permanent cure, and often resulting in death, unnecessary. Why endure this terrible dleeeee? We xuarantee O t>ox>s to cure any cate. You only pay xor benefits received. 11 a box, 6 for 15. Sent by mall. Guarantees Issued by our agents. CONSTIPATION >» Japanese Liver Pellet* the great LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR and BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant to take, especially adapted for children's use. 60 Doses >5 cents. GUARANTEES issued only by For sale by D. W. Carry. Application for Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA, Floyd County. Whereas J. L. Chambers, administrator of Agnes L. Chambers, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has administered Agnes L. Chambers estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, it any they can. why saidSadmlnis tretor should not be discharged from his ad ministration and receive letters of dismission on the first Munday in April, 1894. This Jan uarv Bth, 1894. > JOHN P. DAVIS, < 1-9-8 mo* Ordinary Floyd County, Ga. Over Fifty Thousand Dollars i IN Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods Is What our invoices show today. We in tend to sell them, and from this date offer the entire stock at its original cost. This means that anything in our house can now be had for just what we paid the manuafacturer. All mens’ suits and over coats, all boy’s suits and overcoats, all mens’, boys’ and children’s pants, Stetson’s hats and all other hats, (except Dunlap’s) neckwear, underwear, shirts, collars, cuffs, silk and linen handkerchiefs, suspenders, gloves, hosiery, trunks, bags, valises and everything to go For Spot Cash in This Sale. No goods will BE CHARGED. We have enough accounts to burn up a wet mule. We Want the Money, And it you will come here with it, we will sh you what cost means. W. M. GAMMON & CO. H. D HILL, Real Estate Agent, 230 BROAD STREET; ROME. GA. -tri tv g; a Specialty, and Prompt Settlement the Rule. mch3-dtf TBE BACKUS'WATER .08. Is the Most Economical Pow er Known, and the Best in the World for Driving Light Machinery. It takes but little room. It never gets out o repair. It cannot blow up. It cannot bl ow u It requires no fnel. It needs no engineer. It needs no engineer. r There is no delay; no firing up; no ashes to clean away; no extra insurhnee to pay; no re pairing accessary; no coal bills to day, and it is always ready for use. It is invaluable for blowing Church Oreana for running Printing Presses dewing Machines Turning Lathes, Scroll Saws, Grind Stones Coffee Mills. Sausage Machines, Feed Cutters Corn Mills, Elevators, Etc. Four-horse power at 40 pounds pressure of water, It is noiseless, neat, compact, steady, and above all IT IS VERY CilEAl\ PRICE, Sls TO #3OO. Send for Circular to the BACKUS WATEB MOTOR CO., Newark, N. J., Stating paper you saw advertisement in. We Alsd Manufacture Patent Rotating and Exhaust Fans. Send for Special Catalogue on Vehtllatlng, I 1-6 4m | ROYAL 1 IGERMETDERI CURES LA GRIPPE. I fatp Bmli Open vM Oinnetuer RD* || I KING’S ROYIL GERMETUER CO. | Q-JL. Eawssse er VMS Hmmsst Mssiml ArtHoarima. »|RHEAD*CHE'«?!S!*!I ICT i*| , IxwAtjm will eare you. A boon to .uffsrsn from Cald», MoraThrwal. e imnuMaUrtUtf. Anefletea* remedy, convenient to earnr to pocket, ready to on first indication of eold. CaaMaaad V— KSTbcta PenaaaaaS ■ eenta. L A CVIIMII, Mfr., ftaw kwn, Kuh., D. I. * CtraKM *JT' ■* MPUTlini The .urest and safest remedy fee Mtn I tIUU all skindjwsws, Besema.lteb.Salt Bheum.old Sores-Bnrns, Cute. Woadarfta lm» edy for FIXE*. 'Prtee. ■» eU. st Drag- D * IM giAs or by mall prepaid. Addree, M-sbove. 9 ■ and Opium Habit® ififfiJlVPrlCW ' ured at homo with- HPnV,SA 4 ■ outpatn.Booxorpar- HHM lllvlwlas I iicularssrrit FßKE. K ■ BBBOEisaMNSID.M.WOOLI.UY.M D. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN PHYSICIANS AND BUBBBONB. R. A. HICKS, M.D. ROME, GA. Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon, for merly Resident Physician to Hahne mann Hospital, of Chicago. Office 1031-2 2nd ave, Residence 4063rd are. Office hours, 9 to 11 am, 2 to 4 pm, 7 to 8 pm. Sundays, 9to 10 am, 2to 3pm. HOWARD E. FELTON, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Offiae over Hammack, Lucas & Co.’s Drug Store. Entrance on Broad Street. WAt office d.y and night. Telephone 82. 8-15 DR. L. P. HAMMOND, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence No 403 West First Street, Office CROUCH A WATSONS DRUGSTORI Residence telephone « * - no as. Office ... * 13. C. HAMILTON, M. 0., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Residence No. 116, Maple St. Bast Rome. Office No. 220 1-2, Broad St. Residence Telephone No. 109. Office Telephone No. 123. ATTOBNIUYB-AT-UAW. Wright, Hamilton & Wright, Attorneys-at-Law. Office : Masonic Temple Annex. l-4-6a> j.h.sanders, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CEDARTOWN. GA. Collections a Specialty. “Tb. f. lumpkih, Attorney at Law, Room Ij, I’t-jtofiice Building. Promp attention to collection*. dfiral ma 3 J. BKAMiAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rome, Georgia. ,D. C. Richmond <S Danvillb Railboad. My employment by the above company will not interfere with my general practice, which will be attended to as heretofore. mch4-dly W. W. Vandiver, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE IN Postofflce Building, - - Rome, Ga. GATTIS & HAMILTOH, Architects, Contractors, Builders. Plans draw d contracts made at lowest prices, and Bi..sfactlon guaranteed. Postals addressed to us at Rome, Ga., will receive promnt attention. feb26dtf Road Citation. GEORGIA, Floyd County. Whereas, R. S. Montgomery, et al., nave pe titioned the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue, of said county, for a public road commencing in front of H. J, Davis’ house on the Floyd Springe and John’s Creek road, run ninnthe old road by M. J. Caldwell’s horse lot, crossing the slough at the low point of the Haw thicket; thence along the old road bed by R. 8. Montgomery’s house, and intersecting with the Floyd Springs and Pocket Mills roads in front of J L. Touchstone’s house. Now, this is to cite all persons having objections thereto, or claims for damages arising therefrom to make the same known to the Board of Commissioners at their meeting to be held on the first Monday in Witness, the Hon. John C. Foster, Chairman of the Board, this 20th day of December, i 892. 12-22 80d Max Meyerhakdt,; Clerk. Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA’S VIOLA CREAM fW Removes Freckle., Pimples, Liver • Mole., Blsokheads, V Sunburn and Ten, and re- \ .gfa* stores the skin to its origl- nal freshness, producing a JMpZ JWSi-SMio clear and healthy com-jJWp. plexlon. Superior to afi face . . .. vim a SKIN SOAP *• •'“P'r “ • •Sli °rUjlog S«p. rival for ths nuraery. J* 1 ™ _ m druggist*. Price 25 Cents. G. C. BITTNER 4 CO.. Toledo, O. :; WEBSTER’S <; ;l INTERNA TIP NA L ? ] t Aireasto/tht Tamil. dictionary"' (’ Successor of ‘ $ i “l/’nafbridied.**. r ; F Everybody t , C should own this < RSmH . C Dictionary- It an- v ' BHhSH k ewers all questions . I I* concerning the bls- < 1 L vBMR 1 tor L spelling, pro- < ' E nunclation, and , > ' f meaning of words. ALibraryin ;l ! > Itself, it also ‘ 1 ’ gives the often do- , > i sired information < i ’ concemingemlnentpersons; facts concern ing the countries, cities, towns, and nat- < i ' ural features of the globe; particularscon- i! i cerning noted fictitious persons and places; !i 1 translation of foreign quotations. It is in- <' ' i valuable in the home, ofiicc, study, and < [ i ’ schoolroom. j > i; The One Great Standard Authority. ] | ] i Hon. D. J. Brewer, Justice of U. 8. Supreme <' < 1 Court, writes : •• The International Dictionary la ', '' th. perfection of dictionaries I commend It to ;, 1 , all as the one great standard authority. , i | [ Sold by All Booksellers. ' \ \ G. Jb C. Merriam Co. f \ ' Publishers. I WVRSTFRX 1 ' ; ’ Springfield. Mass. I [ ' I fcSF 1- Do not buy cheap photo- \ ■nTr'TTnkJfllTV / < 1 ' Kmphic reprints of ancient \PIVIIUNnKI / , > ] > editions. \. 7 ’ > ®-Send for free prospectus. <