The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, February 08, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE ROME TRIBUNE. Fabllsbed dally except Monday f THE ROME THIHL E CO, W . Or. COOP B, Ge Msn'gr. Office No. 327 Broad Street, Up Stairs. Telephone 73. KITIWOF SUBBOBIVTIOH. t Dally, except Monday. One year ,6.00 I Three months....Rl.W lx months 3.00 I One month SO TO A.DVKBTIBICBS. Ths Ron Tribonb is the official organ Floyd Connrv and the City of Rome. It has large and increasing subscription list, and as an advertising medium is unexcelled. Rates very reasonable.' THE WEATHER. (Official Forecast.] Atlanta, Ga , February 7 For Georgia: Increase in cloudiness, probably showers; alight change in temperature. Mobbill, Local Forecast Official. * —J—SB—SB—————l I M THE WATER WORKS. We regret to see a disposition in some quarters to indulge in cap tious criticism of the water works department. Intelligent criticism should be welcome, but criticism for political capital only is as short sighted as it is mean. With some extended observation of public work in general and water works in par ticular, we are inclined to believe that in this new plant Rome will get more for the money than any com munity within our knowledge. It is possible that a mistake may have been made here or there, but so far as we can see and have been able to learn from non resident experts, this is a remarkably good and substan tial piece of work at a phenomenally low cost. Time, we believe, will demonstrate this. Such being the fast, where will the captious critics appear twelve months hence? To say the least, their position will not be a happy or a graceful one. Having accomplished a work of this character, the water works com mittee and the superintendent can well abide the petulance of this campaign, for ill advised criticism ■ only serves to bring out in bold relief a magnificent success. •— - ( A SCIENTIFIC OPINION. The following communication from Prof. H. W. J. Ham, the dis tinguished naturalist and specialist , in the genus homo, will be read with , interest: Gainesville, Feb. 6th. '94. Editor Tribune: In reply to your letter ot recent date i calling my attention to a new species of the genus homo, namely, the eggbuster politl cus. I beg to thank you for bringing before me so original and interesting a type. I had flattered myself that I was familiar with all existing species of the genus homo, but this discovery opens up an entirely new field. I have not had time to make a careful analysis of the characteristics of this animal, but from a hasty survey I think it comes nearer to the hypothesis of Darwin’s missing link than anything I have yet seen. It has some points in com mon with the Snollygostris Magnificus and the Guyscutis Horribilis, but in many res pects it differs widely from both. For purposes of accurate and scientific classification, I would like to have the animal itself before me, I have great confi dence in the accuracy of your description, but experience teaches me that '.he pur poses of science cannot be attained excent by a minute inspection of the subject itself. If you can catch one alive and send it by express I will cheerfully pay all charges- In the meantime please enlighten me as to the habits of the animal. Is it gregarious or does it flock by itself? You neglected to say whether its teeth were incisors or grinders, but from some of its recent actions I judge that it is carnivorous. Yours very truly H. W. J. Ham F. R. S. We regret exceedingly that we are not able to comply with the above request. So far, only one of this species has been seen or heard of and that one has gone into its hole and pulled the hole in after it. Further more its habits are such that we do not hope either to catch or to tame it, much less ship it by express. The discovery is enough to begin with and at some future time we may be able to classify it more ac curately. HARDLY ECONOMICAL. We print this morning a com munication from a prominent citi zen of Rome who lays down what he calls a platform of economy. With all due respect to his opinion, we do not tbibk such a schedule would save the city money. On the con trary we think cheap men in re sponsible office are costly pieces of furniture —the most costly we can imagine. As to policeman, we think it would be a hardship to reduce their sala lies twenty per cent. Our neighbor, tlanta, pays fifty per cent more than we do, and the force there is only on eight hours, as against twelve here. The suggestion about street tax is one we approve. It is wrong to make a sixteen year old boy pay four dollars for walking the street, and it is a still greater wrong to make a man work fifteen days when he is too poor to pay the four dollars. That is a rank discrimina tion against the poor. It amounts to fixing the price of labor at 25 cents a day. THE HORSE SWAP. In the days of Judge Longstreet, the horse swap was an important in stitution in Georgia, but of recent years it has been relegated to ob livion except in a few favored locali ties like Summerville,where the bone yard is an honored relic of the past. We obser /e with interest that the town of Talladega in the county of the same name has revived this cus tom in the good old way. Our friend Mr. W. M. Towers has handed us a little yellow dodger, whereon the following words are printed: • FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, ! January 26 and 27, 1894, ■ : ala the hobsesw appebs :Ot Talladega and adjoining eountles will; : meet in Talladega to have a good time and ; awap stock. : A brass band will be on hand both days to; : make music, and there will be a parade each - :day headed by the band. : If you have a horse, mule or any other :kind ot • ANIMAL YOU DON’T WANT, : Bring it to Talladega on tha above dates and: : Get Onb That Will Suit You. : : A program la being arranged and you will: : have a good tine. Come. ; ; Bob Watson, : : Tomßubris. : It was the rare fortune of the writer to look on at a horseswap in ! Summerville several years ago, and after a glance lasting one hour his impression was that "boneyard” | was an appropriate term for the! place. Such a scene would be a rarity in Rome. Probably there 1 were such scenes in the days of the original Bill Arp, when ring fights and horse swans were popular, but 1 those days have long since passed ■ into history. The originality and courage of the Talladega people in ! turning time backward in his flight might at least be emulated for a time. We have had lectures and editorials on what a horse onght to be, but an extensive horse swap would give a horrible example of what a horse ought not to be. There is either an appalling par- • alysis of industry to the North ofi us or else an appalling indolence in some of the miserables who pass through here almost every day, ask. | ing for work or for bread. One man who asked for work here Tuesday had a pinched and hungry look that was distressing. These are not palmy days for the tourist. A STARTLING PLATFORM. Editor Tribune: The following is a platform for econo my i 1 Let the clerk be clerk and treasurer, salary per year, SI,OOO. 2. Let the mayor be mayor and record er, salary SSOO. 3. Reduce the policemen’s salary per mouth to $45. 4 Curtail the police force to two less than the present number, 5. Reduce councilmen in proportion to the above scale and all other officials of , the city likewise. 0. Let the contracts out to the lowest responsible bidder. , 7. We favor a reduction of the street tax to $2.00. Where money can’t be paid I favor three days work in lieu of 15 days as it now stands. 8. We think the fire companies, expen ses ought to be reduced. A Tax-Payer and Voter. “BOYAL"' 5 |GERMETOER| CORES LA GRIPPE. ' j Keep Bowels Open with Gcrmatuer Pills. | i I KING’S ROYAL GERMETUEB CO. | a G-A. the Rome t&ibune, thlrsdat* fjebbuaky a, 18M. I ! WORTH A GUINSA A BOX.” | TASTELESS-EFFECTUAL ; I ' FOE A I ; . , > DISORDERED LIVERii ~ Taken as directed these famous PHIs will! | ' I E ro ?L e “«veltou» restoratives to all enfeebled , <» by tuo above or kindred diseases. ( > !• 25 Cents a Box, I or ' P**J* n t*» and that they have saved to many < > '' dietora' S binß." one but manv * Qiueas - •“' | II Covered with a Tasteless & Soluble Coating 11 ;, Os all druggists. Frige 25 cents a box’' I ,■ New York Depot, 365 Canal St II AAAWMSSSAMSSMtStMeasSsa a, I ffa/e you iri „your Fatnily ? J7o one "thing causes more dyspepsia than, Izrd. is s clean, And . J)YSpErfi& “&nd oTh.e.r invalids Can. eat food QooKed v/ithout unpleasant e_ffe ct. jbr /ILLcocking purposes it Xci-y other j/i o re Fo re , U&9. CoTTOIENE. Made only by :l ‘ N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., CHICAGO and ST. LOUIS. W Estate Agent. buy notes, county script of Floyd or any other county, and stocks and bonds. See me if you want money. will insure your life in the Mutual of New York and loan] you the money to pay the premium. have a large list of city and county property for sale on monthly installment or any other terms. No such bargains have ever been offered in Real Estate as I now offer. you wish to borrow money on long or short time see me. *„* L ok for my advertisement very other this paper. 8-tu t lm-1-28 1 JK. I BWiThe VMCENNEtfSI •EvansvilleF/ Tolf* E KNorth ROUTE OF THE CHICAGO and lim/ITTCR NASHVILLE W THE ONLY Pullman Vestibuled Train Service wit* Newest and Finest Day Coaches, Sleepers and Dining: Cars FROM THE SOUTH —5 TO a — Terre Haute, Indianapolis, CHICAGO, . Milwaukee, St. Paul, AND ALL POINTS IN THE NORTH AND NORTHWEST. Over Fifty ffeand Dollars IN I Clothing, Hats and Garnishing Goods z Is What our invoices show today. We in tend to sell them, and from this date offer the entire stock at its original cost. This means that anything in our house can now be had for just what we paid the manuafacturer. All mens’ suits and over coats, all boy’s suits and overcoats, all mens’, boys’ and children’s pants, Stetson’s hats and all other hats, (except Dunlap's) neckwear, underwear, shirts, collars, cuffs, silk and inen handkerchiefs, suspenders, gloves, hosiery, trunks, bags, valises and everything to go For Spot Cash in This Sale. No goods will BE CHARGED. We have enough accounts to burn up a wet mule. We Want the Money, And it you will come here with it, we will sh you what cost means. W. M. GAMMON & CO H. ] ). HITzL, Real Estate Agent, 230 BROAD STREET; HOME. GA. Renting a Specialty, and Prompt Settlement the Rule. moh3-dtf goUGLAS 'iVaw S 3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. xSfflL and $3.50 Dress Shoe. cO- v /jA •! MmL 83.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles. 1 $2.50,82 for Workingmen. ? J' \jwlk ® 2 anc * s*- 7B for B °y 8 « LAWK AND MISSES, Sfß ■" ® 3 > ®S.6O S 2, $1.76 > CAUTION If any dealer \WBlk offers you W. L. Douglas shoes at a reduced price, ■pHIS IS THE L" ’.‘SSSS W. L. DOUCLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fitting, and give better -atisfaction’at the price* advertised than any other make. Try one pair and be con -ed. The stamping of AV. L. Douglas’ name and price on the bottom, which gu tees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dea.. ‘io push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increas,. sales on their full line of goods. They can afford to sell at a less profit, and -a - u you can eave money by buying all your footwear of the dealer adver- tised bui Catalogue free upon application. W. X. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. For Sakiin Rome by Cantrell & Owens- Application for Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA, Floyd County. Whereas J. L. Chambers, administrator of Agnes L. Chambers, represents to the court in bis petition dulv filed, that he has administered Agnes L. Chambers est<te. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any tbev can. why said adminis trator should not be discharged from Ills ad ministration ami receive letters of dismission on tha first Monday in Aprl., 1894. Thia Jan uary BCh, 189 i. JOHNP.DAVIB, l-» 3 mo* Ordinary Floyd County, Ga. GEORGIA, Floyd County. Joe Sanford vs. ) Damages in Floyd E. T., V. & Ga. Rail-} City Court, Septexber way Company. ) Term, 1893. To the defendant in the above stated case: You are notified and commanded to be and ap pear at the next term of the city eourt, vo be held in and tor said county of Fioyd on the 2nd Monday in March next, then and there to answer the plaintiff's petition for damages, as n default thereof BAid court will proceed as to ustice shall appertain. Witness, the Hon W T Turnbull, judge of said court. This December 22nd, 1893. W- E. Brvbiegbl, l-2am 2m Clerk ( ity Court, PROFESSIONAL COLUMN PHYBICIANB AND BUBOHOffiB. R. A. HICKS, M. D. ROME, GA. Homoepatbic Physician and Surgeon for merly Resident Physician to Hahne mann Hospital, of Chicago. Office 103 1-2 2nd ave, Residence 406 3rd ave. Office hours, 9 to 11 am, 2 to 4pm, 7 to 8 pm. Sundays, 9to 10 am, 2to 3 pm. howlrTeTfeltoOX Physician and Surgeon. Offije over Hammack, Lucas 6k Co.’s Drag Store. Entrance on Broad Street, office d,.y and night. Telephone 62. 8-15 DR. L. P. HAMMOND, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence No 403 West First Street, Office CROUCH & WATSONS DRUGSTORE Residence Telephone - - - no Office ... * c. Hamilton; physician and surgeon Rosidance No. 115, Maple St. East Rome. Office No. 220 1-2, Broad St. Residence Telephone No. 109. Office Telephone No. 123. x attorneys-at-law. Wright, Hamilton & Wright, Attorneys-at-Law. Office 1 : Masonic Temple Annex. 1-4-€bb J. H. SANDERS, I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. | CEDARTOWN, GA.I Collection? a Specialty. ■ B.TLuMPKiir~j Attorney at Law J Room 12, Postoffice Building. Prompl attention to collections. 1 d6ml ma 3 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 1 Rome, Georgia. | D. D. Richmond & Railboad. I My employment by the above company will not interfere with my general practice, whlek f will be attended to as heretofore. mch«-dly J W, W. Vandiver, ’ ATTORNEY AT LAW j Postofflce Building, - - Romb, GA. GAffIS&H AMILTOH, ' Architects, Conti actors, 4 Builders. Plane draw d contracts made at lowert prices, ami sa..efactlon guaranteed. Postals addressed to ns at Rome. Ga., will receive prombt attention. feb26dtf THE BACKUS WATER, .iIS ii Hi Is the Most Economical Pow er Known, and the Best in the World for Driving Light Machinery. It takes but little room. It never gets out of repair. It cannot blow up. It cannot blow up. It requires no fnel, It needs no engineer.' It needs no engineer. » There is no delay; no firing up; no ashes to clean away: no extra insii'lince to pay; nq>“ pairing necessary; no coal bills to day, and if always ready for use. It is invaluable for blowing Church for running Printing Presses Hewing Ma' hine Turning Lathes, Scroll Saws, Grind Stones Coffee Mills. Sausage Machines. Feed Cuttog Corn Mills, Elevators, Ete. Four-horse power at 40 pounds pressure o\ water. It is noiseless, neat, compact, steady and above all IT IS VERY CiIEAP.’ PKICE, if? <55 TO #3OO. Send for Circular to the BACKUS WATER MOTOR CO., Newark, N. J., elating paper you eaw advertisement in. We Also Manufacture Patent Rotating and Exhaust Fans. Send for Special Catalogue on Vehtllating, l-»4m | SCHEDULE White Star Line tato Ci Steamers Clifford B. Seay and Resaca. Boats leave Rome for Gadsden and in termediatc landings Tuesdays and Fridays 8:80 For Greensport and Locks 1, 2 and 3, Fridays 8:30 RETURNING. Arrive Rome I bursdaya «* nd Sundays..4:oo p (