The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, June 12, 1895, Image 7

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Good Advice. Once upon a midday dreary While I pondered, weak and weary. Over many an unpaid, bill from creditors bo sore, And I thought, while neatly frantic, "I will cross the broad Atlantic, And the duns so importunate I’ll escape forevermore.” On this thought my mind was centered When into the chamber entered A young man whose business bearing And firm tread upon the floor Promised fresh increase of sorrow, And from him I tried to borrow Money that the crisis once again I might tide o’er. Not to my appeal he listened, But his diamond shirt studs glistened In the sunlight as he calmly looked me o’er, And this sentence then he uttered, Never stopped and never stuttered: “Why not advertise tomorrow All the goods within your store? “I will give you top of column, And of trade there’ll be a volume That at once from every corner of the town to you’ll pour: To your till will cash be sifted, All your debts and burdens lifted, And a reputation made at once For you, your business and your store.” His advice was quickly taken, Doubt and melancholy shaken. And today my advertiements cover columns by the score, And each day my growing riches Fill the pockets of my breeches. And from them I take the surplus, And I advertise the more. —Printer's Ink. A Present For Your Deaf Friend. A curious present for a deaf person has been introduced in Germany—a fan deftly concealing a tiny ear trumpet in its stick. ' Leave orders with F. B. Huffaker at Montgomery & Co. ’s for Huffaker’s Lime and Cement. 5-8-lm. A CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. Benton, Ark. Messrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga. Gentlemen—l had rheumatism about two months during last winter, was con fined to my room most of the time. I saw an advertisement in the Saline Courier recommending P. P. P. as a cure for rheumatism. I bought three bottles, but before I got through with the third bottle I was cured, and have not felt the least effect of rheumatism since. It is undoubtedly the best rem edy for rheumatism I ever tried. I can cheerfully recommend it to the public. Yours very truly, W. P. HUNTER. Record In Bull Fighting. Guerrita, the bull fighter, established a record for a day’s work recently. He be gan at 7 o’clock at San Fernando, near Cadiz, killing three bulls and putting the banderillas in the other three. He then took a train to Xcres and did the same thing there between 11 and 3 and wound up the day by reaching Seville in time for another fight at half past 5. In this la t fight the hulls were unusually fierce, kill Ing 19 horses before they were dispatched. —New York Sun. A clear, soft, rosy complexion is the desire of every lady. Why not give Johnson’s Oriental Soap a trial. There is nothing to compare with it as a skin beautiffer. For sale by F. A. Johnson & Co. and C. A. Trevitt. Hat Not Received the Wills. Boston, June 10.—Attorney Frank Brewster, of this city, a classmate of Professor Harold Whiting, of the Uni versity of California, who, with his family, perished in the Colima disaster off Mazatlan, has not received the two wills which it is reported Professor Whiting made and mailed to him be fore embarking on the Colima. Mr. Brewster says the professor last sum mer made two wills leaving his estate to the members of his family, and in the event of their death to his brother, who resides in this city. He believes these were the last wills Professor Whiting made. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. We’ll Soon Have Those In Line. It is now stated by science that indiges tion is caused by a microbe. This discov ery makes the microbe responsible for about every known inconvenience except ing the overhead trolley and the hard times.—Washington Star. A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. King’s New Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman, druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King’s New Discovery is undoubtedly the best cough remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at D. W. Curry’s drug store. Regular size 50c. and sl. Will Probably Laugh Last. The young New England women who are being neglected at strawberry festivals because they have banded together to re sist young men who are not total abstain ers may miss an occasional plate of ice cream, but in the end they are likely to gain a house and lot. Such prudence does not go unrewarded.—Philadelphia Press. YOU’VE NO IDEA How nicely Hood’s Sarsaparilla hits the needs of the people who feel all tired out or run down from any cause. It seems to oil up the whole mechanism of the body so that all moves smoothly and work becomes delight. If you are weak tired and nervous, Hood’s Sarsaparilla is just what you need. Try it. HOOD’S PILLS cure liver ills, consti pation, biliousness, jaundice, sick head ache, indigestion. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. We will paycash for huckle berries iu any quantities. 8w Lillard A Co. New summer goods received every day at Bass’. HORSES ABE HAS BEENB. Oregon Is About to Start In to Use Them For Fertilizing and Oil. A novel enterprise is being projected near Portland,Or., by a number of ener getic men. It is a manufactory for utiliz ing the vast number of horses of the . northwest by turning them into oil, glue and fertilizing material, extracting the superior tallow and preserving the hair and skin for use in various ways. The managers expect to kill between 50 and 60 horses a day. They say that the introduction of elec tricity and the bicycle throughout the country has so curtailed the need of horses that large bands in Oregon and Washing ton have almost no value. The only way, therefore, to reduce the large numbers grazing on the great ranches, each eating about as much as two head of more valuable cattle, is to grind them up. The company has bought ' between 5,000 and 6,000 head at>A cost of $3 each on the ranches, and they believe they can get a great many more at about the same price. These horses used to read ily sell at SSO each. But prices have fallen so low lately that one band of between 1,000 and 1,100 head grazing partly in Or egon and partly in Idaho was sold lately for the lump sum of $2,000. The owners have closed no contracts, though they say they would be willing to do so at a cent a pound. They would sell to anybody at that rate, always mak ing it clear, however, that it was horse meat and on no other understanding. However, to furnish meat for consufup tion is not their object. A small quantity may be sent to Europe as an experiment, as in some parts of Europe horseflesh is being used for food. The projectors believe they are doing a public good in ridding the country of live stock that since the introduction of the bi cycle and the electric and cable cars has no value as transportation power. No lon ger are car horses or livery horses desired to the degree they once were. In place of keeping a horse a man now has a bicycle on which he goes out for a ride. For freighting and for all the uses to which horses were once put only a few are now required.—San Francisco Examiner. Fashions In Dakota. A Grand Forks girl wears a lamp shade for a hat, —Minneanolis Journal When so many people are taking and deriving benefit from Hood’s Sarsapa rilla, why don’t yon try it yourself? It is highly recommended. An Important Point. Can a criminal take advantage of his own crime and acquire property thereby? This question is now before the supreme court of Pennsylvania in the case of J. B. Carpenter, who murdered his father and whose mother was convicted as an acces sory after the fact. While the mother and son were in jail awaiting trial they exe cuted an assignment of the murdered man’s estate as his heirs, and the court is now asked to annul the proceeding on the ground that they were estopped I>y their crime from inheriting the property.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat. MOTHERS 7 RELIEF. Makes Labor and Childbirth Easy. A companion and friend of mother hood during pregnancy and confine, ment; that dangerous and painful ordeal through which all mothers must pass restoring them to health, form and happiness, and promoting the vigorous development of the child. Sold by drug gists—sl per bottle or $2.50 for 3 bottles. Send us the price and we will send med icine by express. MOTHERS’ RELIEF CO., 33 Peters St., Atlanta, Ga. Postal Employes on a Strike. Buda-Pesth, June 10.—Twelve hun dred postmen have struck for an in crease in wages. No letters were de livered on the right side of the river Danube and only a few on the left side. Women who are unable to concen trate their thoughts, remember what they read, become suspicious of friends, and all undertakings from lack of confidence in themselves, had better take Dr. Parson’s great Nerve Restorer. For sale by J. T. Crouch & Co., D. W. Curry and all druggists. A Disastrous Explosion. Columbus, 0., June U—The explo sion of the purifier of the Crystal Ice company killed Fletcher Selle, engineer, destroyed several thousand dollars’ worth of property and placed in jeopar dy a large stock in cold storage. DID YOU EVER Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the re lief and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melan choly or troubled with dizzy spells. Elec tric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Large bottles only fifty cents at D. W. Curry’s drug store. Mrs. Leslie’s Latest Conquest. London, June B.—Mrs. Frank Les lie, of New York, is in this city, and her veteran admirer, the Marquis de Leuville, is again in constant attend ance on her. The marquis intimates that he is once more engaged to be mar- If you were indiscreet in youth and allowed your passions to lead you to excesses and indiscretions, leaving you with but little vital power, ana depriving you of manhood or woman hood, you had better take a course of Dr. S. C. Parsons’ Nerve Restorer, for it is just what you need. For sale by J. T. Crouch & Co., D. W. Curry and all druggists. How to Dispose of*Turkey. Turkey has been roasted enough. If It doesn’t yield, it should be carved. —Pitts- burg Dispatch. sciatic Rheumatism cured ' L. Wagner, Wholesale Druggist, Rich mond, Va., says: “I had a fearful attack of Sciatic Rheumatism, was laid up almost two months; was fortunate enough to get Mystic Cure For Rheumatism. This cured me after a doctor’s prescription had failed to have yny effects. I have alsy heard of fine results fram others who have used it.” Sold by F, A, Johnson & Co., Rome, Ga. THE ROME TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 12, 1895. KEEP THEM OUT ZY sb all those germs, •w Md seeds of disease, that are trying day rT°ii~ J i and “ght t° Bet a . 1 . 1 1 foothold in your sys- TT v-r *TT tem. You can’t do . N\-, I I 1 it, unless your liver I I IKX' lis active. That is ,' ■ 1 xX 11 all you have to de- <_■ 1 iii T'*T P opa upon, to keep XL*'-'--them out of your ./S'// blood. V / t ' ■>.. The very best med icine for the liver and the blood, is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. Take that when you’re getting thin, when you have pimples or eruptions, when you’ve no appetite and feel “run-down” (these are warning signals)—and you’ll save yourself from serious illness. Franklin, Lane Co., Oreg. World’s Dispensary Medical Associa tion : Qentlemen— My wife, of whom I wrote you, is another woman as far as her health is concerned; since taking your “ Golden Medical Discovery” and ’’Pellets," she says she feels better than she has for years. She has gained twenty-five pounds in three months. Emily Faitllfull’s Pipe. It may be a mere statistic, without eth ical value, that the late Emily Faithfull, who lived to a good old age and was a righteous soul withal, found much com fort in a pipe.—Chicago Times-Herald. BACK TO “JAIL. De bn and His Associates Will Be Return ed to Prison. Chicago, June j. —Eugene V. Debs and the other officials of the American Railway union will be sent back to the Woodstock jail. The certified copy of the order of the supreme court was re ceived here and the United States mar shal was notified to return the men co jail. The men under sentence of im prisonment are: E. V. Debs, G-. W. Howard, S. Keliher, L. W. Rogers, James Hogan, W. E. Burns, R. M. 5 Goodwin and Martin Elliott. I There is a question as to the time the i men will serve. The original sentence was six months for Debs and three months for his associates in two differ ent contempt cases, the sentence being made concurrent by the court. The defendants’ attorneys later had the sen tences made cumulative in order to take a desired legal action, and the time to be served by the prisoners is consequently a matter of dispute. It is thought probable, however, that an effort will be made to have Judge Woods reinstate the concurrent sen tences. Physicians all over the world recom mend Japanese Pile Cure. It has cured thousands, will cure you. Sold under positive guarantee. Sample free. For sale by F. A. Johnson & Co. and C. A. Trevitt. Two Millions For Sports. Two million francs is the appropriation for sports at th* Paris exposition of 1900. They will be IJfffil at Vincennes and will Include athletics, fencing, shooting, horse and bicycle racing and ballooning. Rheumatism, neuralgia, pains in the back or side, stiff neck, sore throat, tonsilitis, diphtheria, cramps and colic instantly relieved by John son’s Magnetic Oil. Large bottles, 25 and 50 cents. For sale by F. A. John son & Co. and C. A. Trevitt. Closed the saloons. Des Moines, June 10.—Every saloon in the city was closed by order of Judge Spurrier of the district ■court, holding that the socalled consent statement lacked sufficient signatures to entitle the saloons to the bar feature of the Mulct law. An appeal will be taken immediately. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and posi tvely cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by D. W. Curry, drug gist, Rome, Ga. Warm Weather In BlHville. Watermelons are coming in. We have a good appetite, and all we need now is a sharp knife. We don’t know exactly what time it was when we had the hot wave last year, but if we don’t disremember it was long about mushmillion time. We take Georgia raised cucumbers on subscription, and the doctors on time. There has not been a lynching in town in six days. It was so hot when we struck the last fellow that the rope ran down his back. Our relations are still coming In for the exposition. They are so accommodating that they are all willing to sleep on the floor.—Atlanta Constitution. ’Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life AWAY.” Is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poisons, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No-To- Bac is sold by F. A. Johnson & . Co. under a guarantee to cure or money re funded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. d-w-l-y Laziest Mule on Record. The laziest mule in Georgia eats grass In Houston county. This mule recently fell from the top of a barn, but before he reached the ground some one cried” Whoa!” and the intelligent animal paused while he was yet ten feet from terra Anna.—At lanta Constitution. Japanese Liver Pellets draw the blood from the head to the stomach, thereby curing sick headache and cleansing the complexion. Fifty doses, 25 cents. For sale by F. A. Johnson & C. A. Trevitt. Creates a Record. According to the New York Journal, a baby only three-quarters of an inch in length and weighing about half an ounce was born in that city one day last week. How to Cara All Skin Diseases Simply apply "Swayne s Ointment.” No in ternal medicine requited. Cures tetter,eczema. Itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, Ac., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great dealing and curative powers are pos sessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swaynb’s Ointment. A DIVORCE MEGOA. Oklahoma Outrivaling Dakota In Its Mar riage Sundering Facilities. Oklahoma is fast outstripping South Dakota as a place where divorces may bo obtained quickly and with complete pri vacy. The laws are not only liberal, but very flexible and are so construct cd that the most galling matrimonial bonds can be sundered with neatness and t'ispateb. 11l mated couples are b'-n’lnrl’-gjolc-’n of the advantages offered them bv the ter ritory, and they are floci.,. g iin,;u iu numbers from nil part , of the :i < • rid themselves of uncongenial partners in wedlock. Divorce getting lias come to be considered by the bora fide residents of Oklahoma as one of the firmly established industries. In Oklahoma City alone there Is a col ony of 200 people who have gone there in search of marital freedom, and in the ter ritory there arc at least 1,000 persons who are seeking to establish legal residences preliminary to applying for divorce. Oklahoma City has the largest divorce colony in the territory because It has bet ter hotel accommodations than any rival town and offers more facilities for amuse ment to those who elect to make the terri tory their home for 90 days, the time re quired by law to establish a legal residence. On the ninety-first day after arriving in the territory papers may be filed witii the clerk of any district court, it not being necessary to begin the suit in the county in which the plaintiff is supposed to reside. Usually the members of the Oklahoma City colony do not file their suits in Okla homa county, but go to some . remote dis trict where the local newspaper is known to have the most limited circulation. Through the advertising columns of this paper service on t lie defendant in the case is obtained, which is all that is necessary under the law, and when the case is set for hearing but one witness is required to establish the allegations made in the com plaint.—Pittsburg Dispatch. Hypnotized by His Nerve. One evening not long ago a yellow car was jolting along West Ninth street, and just as it had bumped over the mule car tracks on Broadway a well dressed young man stepped off the curb and hailed it. The gripman threw his levers this way and that and brought the car to a stand still opposite the young man. • Between the young man’s lips was an unlighted cigar and in his fingers a match. When the car had fully stopped, the young man carefully scratched his match on the side of it and slowly lighted bls cigar. The gripman was looking at him in a fascinated way. When the cigar was lighted and drawing freely, the young man waved the car along, nodding his thanks to the gripman and stepped back to the sidewalk. It happened so quickly, so naturally and so altogether as a matter of course that all the gripman could say was, “Well, I be ” The passengers gazed stupidly at the man, who was walking away, hypnotized by his nerve.—Kansas City Star. No Ambition In That Direction. Susan B. Anthony, in resigning from her position in the national association, shows that she has no ambition to be known as the Gladstone or the G. O. W. 5f the women’s suffrage movement.— Washington Star. The Danbury Four Hundred. The society of young women in Dan bury, Conn., whose inembers are pledged not to marry any man who uses liquor, now numbers about 400.—New York Tribune. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she cave them Castoria. Mormonism Checked by Hard Times. The Mormons have been among i:s titd preached their doctrines, and some of our neighbors fully indoiro them, and we sus pect if times were not so bad and our laws would permit we should have polygamy in our midst.—Stafford Republican. At Plantersville, Ala., a small sta tion above Selma, John Shorter, a brakeman on the Southern, was killed. Just as the cars came together for him to make the coupling a pair of trucks that had been loaded on a flat car turn bled over on him and crushed him to death. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the “New Gbeat South American Kidney Cube. This new remedy is a gieat sur prise on accennt of its exceeding prompt ness in relieving pain in the bladder, kid neys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by D. W. Curry, druggist, Rome, Ga. decs ly Epworth Leaguers! Send stamp for Official book “Historic Chattanooga,” containing full particulars International Convention of Epworth Leagues, at Chattanooga next June. The Queen and Crescent route will make rate one fare for round trip. A. J. Lytle, D. P. A., Chattanooga, Tenn. J. R. McGregor, T. P. A., • Birmingham. Ala. O.L. Mitchell, T. P. A., Knoxville, Tenn. T. M. Hunt, T. P. A., - Dallas, Texas. I. Hardy, A. G. P. A., Vicksburg, Miss. R. H. Garratt, A. G. P. A., New Orleans W. C. Rinearson,G. P. A., Cincinnati, O. NOTICE. I want every man ahd woman in the United States interested in the Opium and Whisky habits to have one of my books on these diseases. Address B. M. Wolley, Atlanta, Ga., Box 836., and one will be sent you free. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. MONEY TO LOAN On city property. Can fur nish money on short notice at small interest. If you want a loan call during next few days. ts Geo. F. Chidsey. Hands Off. Why try to press back a side ache with your hand, as so many do, when an AHcock’s Pcrous Plaster will not only relieve the pain but prevent its return. The best remedy known for weak back, strains, sprains, lameness and all local pains. Bear in Mind— Not onvof the host of coun« forfeits and imitations is as good as the genuine. Allcock’s Corn Shields. Allcocx’s Bunion Shields, Have no equal as a relief and curt for corns and bunions. Brandreth’s Pills. A safe and sure remedy for diseases arising from impurity of the blood. Southern Railway Co. ISCXXXJTSTTXim . NORTH AND EAST BOUND. No. 7 No 13 No 9 Lv Rome 315 am 10 20 am 435 pm Ar Dalton.... .... 552 11 36 am 546 pm “ Chattanooga 635 ICO pm 710 pm “ Knoxville 10 30 10 00 pm "Bristol 2 35pm 4 50 am “ Asheville 3 00 1 00 pm “ Washington 6 42 an 8 30 pm *’ New York 12 53 pm 6 23 am NORTH AND WEST BOUND. NoTt No. 13] No. ft" Lv Rome 315 am 10 20 am 4 35 pm Ar Dalton 5 52 am 11 36 am 546 pm “ Chattanooga 635 am 100 pm 710 pm “ Louisville 8 10 pm 220 am 710 am “ Cincinnati 720 pm 720 am 720 am “ Chicago 730 am 10 15 am 620 pm “ Nashville 720 pm 720 pm 620 am “ Memphis 610 pn 530 am 700 am SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST. No. 8 No7i6 No. 14 Lv Rome .. 440am11 15 am 410 pm Ar Atlanta 730 am 2 00 pm 7CO pm “ Macon 11 20 am 7 10 pm 12 00 N’t “ Brunswick 7 45 pm 7 (X) am “ Savannah 5 40 pm 6 00 am “ Jacksonville 9 20 pm 10 30 am “ Augusta 830 pm 515 am “ Charleston 11 30 am “ Charlotte... 6 20 pm 6 50 am SOUTH AND WEST. NoTtTl No. 63 Lv Rome 11 20 am 4 00 pm Ar Anniston 1 25 pm 7 45 pm “ Talladega 230 pm 950 pm “ Selma 6 05 pm “Montgomery 710 pm “ Mobile 3 05 am “ New Orleans 7 30 am “ Birmingham 6 55 pm to 20 pm “ Memphis 730 am 730 am GADSDEN AND ATTALLA. No~lß No. 9 Daily >x Sunday Sunday only. Lv Rome 1 00 pm 500 pm Ar Gadsden 6 15 pm 725 pm “ Attalla- 630 pm 740 pm SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. No. 7 has sleeping car to Chattanooga, where it makes direct connection with the Washing ton and Chattanooga Limited, via the Shenan doah Valley route. It also connects at Chatta nooga with sleeping cars for Memphis, Cincin nati and with Pullman drawing room cars for New York, via Asheville, “the land of the sky,” Washington, Baltimore and. Philadelphia. No. 9 has sleeping car Atlanta to Cincinnati and connects with sleeping cars tor Memphis and Bristol. No. 8 has sleeping car to Atlanta. No. 10 has sleeping car Cincinnati to Atlanta. No 14 has sleeping cars Atlanta to Brunswick and Jacksonville, and makes connection with sleep ing cars for Augusta, Savannah, Charleston and all principal points In the Carolinas, Geor gia and Florida. NOTE.—This is the only line running Palace > Drawing Room Sleeping Cars via Rome. It is the only line making connection with early morning trains at Atlanta and Chattanooga. It is the only line running three first-class trains daily each way between Lome. Atlanta and Chattanooga. It is absolutely the best and quickest line to Atlanta. Macon, Augusta, Sa vannah. Brunswick and all points in Florida and the Carolinas, and also all points north west and southwest. C. A. BENSCOTER. A.G. P. A.. Knoxville, Tenn. T. C. SMITH, P. & T. A., Rome, Georgia. SEE THAT YOUK TICKETS READ VIA “THE OLD RELIABLE” Western i Atlantic AND NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA, & ST. LOUIS RAILWAYS. SAFEST AND BEST ROUTE TO •£LtIAXX’t«M Dalton, OHattanooga, JN* aahville, Mik.'ng close connection In Union Depots tor all points beyond. THE ROME EXPRESS, The Moat Popular 3 lain p< ivun Rome a,xxcl Ta an elegant Through Train, making close con nection in Atlanta with the Seaboard Air Line, Atlanta Special and the Southern Railway Ves tibule Limited for the East. Through Coachese<- On Tbains Nos. 113 and 112. For Atlanta....? 40 a. m. 910 a.m. 250 .m For Dalton, 1 For Chattanooga, J 9 10 a. m. 2 50 p. m For Nashville, J 1 For any information call on or write to .L. Edmondson, T. P. A W. F. Avitß, A’t. Chattanooga, Tenn. Rome, Ga. J F BOON’S - ta>3* WiiWaii thu_. 'AseMesoftheOenito-UrinaryOr atu xHSJx naus.A,aa, me-curial or poisonous dim. j^j sto bo token hxt€rnaU y« Wfc en Hl M fa AS A PREVENTIVE Egwaa by either «« 11 Is impossible to contract any venereal disease; but in he case ci ■■■. „ t hose already UMForTP»Ar«LY Arrucrxc mm with Gonorrhcea and Gleet, we guarau* PROFESSIONAL CARDS W.W.; Vandiver. a. G. Ewis«t» VANDIVER & EWING, ATTORNEYS, ROME, - - GEORGIA. Offices over postoffice. Will practice in all the courts. Mosbs Whisht. Harper Hamilfcw WRIGHT & HAMILTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office, No. 14 Postaffice Uullding. J. BRANHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROME, GA. D. C. Richmond & Danville Bailroad. My employment by the above company will no interfere with my general practice, which will be attended to as heretofore. mch4-dly DR. T. M. SHAW. DR. W, J. SHAW DRS. SHAW, Office in Medical Building. Office hours Btolo a. m., 2to4p. m. Office telephone No. 62. Residence 800 Fourth avenue. HALSTED SMITH, ATTORNEY- AT- LA W. Office in City Hall. ROME, GEORGIA MAX MEYERHARDT, ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW, ROME, - . GEORGIA Office in Court House, Up Stairs. IT, Gh Attorney at Law, ROME, - - GEORGIA Dr. HENRY H. BATTEY SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, ROME, - - - _ - GEORGIA. OR. T. R. GARLINGTON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office and Residence Cor. Second Ave. and. East Second Street. Telephone 28. Dr. D. T. McCALL, Physician and Surgeon, ROME, GEORGIA. Office, 208 Broad Street: Residence, 42 Main Street. Offide Telephone 13. Residence Telephone 132; C, HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence, 406 Second avenue. Office No. 800 Broad Street, Medical build» ing. Residence Telephone No. 109. 9-1-lyr. WM. J. NEEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROME, GEORGIA. Office in New King Building. Will practice in all the Courts. Special atten tion given to Commercial Law and the exami nation of Land Titles. DR. L. P. HAMMOND PHYSICIAN A N P SURGEON Residence No 403 West First Street, Office Medical Building, Room L, Second Flo, r Residence Telephone - Office .... 62 —■ ■ . ..... "" ■■■> J. E. KREIS, Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Established 1877, 18 Trinity Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia. Ladies’ and gentlemen’s silk and wool len goods of all descriptions cleaned and dyed in a superior manner. Satisfaction guaranteed. 4-18 3m Letters of Administration. GEORGIA, Floyd County. To All Whom It Mav Concern: W. H. Ennis having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the es tate of C. L. Barker, late of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of C. L. Barker, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show canse, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to W. H. Ennis, County Adminis trator, or some other fit and proper person on C. L. Barker’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature tbie 3d day of June, 1895. JOHN P. DAVIS, Ordinary Floyd County. Road Citation. GEORGIA—FIoyd County. Whereas, R. M. Gray and others have peti tioned the board of commlse'oners of roads ami revenue of said county for a public road, be ginning on the line between A. B. Barton and Thad Everett, thence along the line to the line between Mrs O, H. Dye and A. B. Barton, t.b.'nee along their line to the foot of mountain st th- end ot lane, thence turn to the right a' .ag A. B. Barton’s private road to top of ridge, thence up ridge to main mountain, thence southwest to top of mountain. Now thia is to cite all persons having objections thereto or claims for damages therefrom, to make the same at the next meeting of said board, to be held on the first Monday in July, 1895. Wit ness the Hon. John C. Foster, chairman of the board, this June 4th, 1896. Max Mkykbhabdt, Clerk.