The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 10, 1895, Image 17

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TRADE EDITION ESTABLISHED 1887. 238 BROAD STREET, T TZ" T XT T 2 238 BROAD STRKET, ROME,GA. b JIVW 1 A -LN Erf-Fl ROME, GA. You wonder at our popularity; you wonder why our store is always crowded while others are not? We give the people at all times the best values for the money, and every article sold by us is cheaper than the same can be had at any other store. Autumn leaves are falling—so are our prices. We ’W’irtcL TTp tlxe Year 1895 With the following offerings. All our woolen Dress Goods—this includes the late arrivals, which will be sold at half former prices. C.ome and get your Dress Goods from us and save 50 cents on every dollar. t Silks! Silks! Table Damask. <v. (i Plaids. All Wool Flannels- B A nice line of China* Silk all Turkey Red, worth 25c for 15c. Usually called Checks, the ,5c Red, worth 25c, for 15 cents. shades; well worth 60 cents, our u “ 40c for 20c. kind, our price 3fc. « « &sc, for 20 cents. B price 39 cents. “ 50c for 25c. OQ m - “ “ 40c for 25 cents. B Bleached Damask at 25c, 40c, 50c, TOWeIS and Napkins. 40c ’ Handkerchiefs. 60c and 75c, worth double the In endless varieties at fully half Best Medicated, 30c. . 50 dozen Children Handker- money. , regular price. Call and see them. White Flannels 10c, 15c, 20c and . chiefs, sold everywhere at 5 cents, BALES TT „ 25c, worth double, our price 2 cents. Ribbons- unclorwear. 10 cent Handkerchiefs for sc. We haye a world of ribbons, all All our winter underwear for COTSCtS. I ( “ tXT widths a„d shades, just at half SHEETING* Bfc We carry aMI line of Corsets, g 25 “ - 2 for 25c. what others ask. Try us on '-’LX savinglfor you. Come and price including C. B. Thompson’s R. 35 “ “ 3 for 50c. ribbons. them." & G., Dr. Warner’s and Feather- ||||||| k (4 it for 25c * Blankets AT Hose- ston’s. We have the best 50c, Fine Kid Gloves. 200 Blankets at 20c each 100 dozen Ladies Hose, fast 75c andsl.oo Corsetin worth‘for SI.W). tO Ail wool Blankets a M 2.25, 454 Cents per yard. 15c. DomeStiCS- I *1.25 Gloves for 75c. s2 ' 7s ’ ’ 3 ' so and $4 - 00, worth 35c Hose for 25c. Fruit of the Loom and Lonsdale SI.OO Gloves for 50c. double the money. Have them ■ 50c Hose, best made, 3 pairs for Bleachin „ at 7 cents this week. All shades, buttons and hooks. 10-4,11-4, and 12-4.51.00. Guaranteed colors. a PmC < wft fifinhit ■ rwwk " w>»*r JEm-ir t a <ii P « Rones of Silk Seal Plush like All Wool Cloth, black, brown and Plush Cape, lined with fancy or black This Jacket is a hummerrjvery This Jacket is made of good Broad- All Wool Flannl Capes, black Ladies Bopes, o . , rollino- tan Canes richly trimmed worth silk, trimmed with ribbon ruching and stylish and good; all sizes, 'only cloth.extra large sleeves, black, navy, navy, brown and tan, worth $2.05, our SS» i «l’«rs'»7^X’:^ l S , »rw“' ! &:gprS&S. iet^,l „t..w,r t h»n.»,,.rprice fc ».95. »1.75. browed t„, w.rth»6 our price 52.7 S ■ pr.e, 85 cent.. ’ tdottiing! Clothing! Clothing! Qverceats apd j p'arpisljipg Qaads, | FOR MEN AND YOUTHS. FOR BOYS. FOB CHILDREN. Our stock of Furnishing Goods $4.00 Suits - - - $2.00 We lead in this line We carrv Mn r lei nf nchpC is complete. Underwear, hosiery, 5.00 Suits - - 2.50 *5.00 Suits - - -*2 50 We have SClj Ipt©St) 6S, dr.*, and negbgee Shirts, in 6.00 buits - - o. g.oo g ults . . 300 nice Bne o f j UV enile Suits, prices Tecks, Scarfs and Four-in-hand. H1 Us ’ /nn 7.50 Suits - - - 4.00 ranging from 50 cents to $4.00 a We can save’you'solcents on ® cri Y e " Dr awers 75 cents. A few 15.00 Suits - - 7.50 5.00, $6, $7 and $8 will buy suits fai/to” see whTn in every dollar on/dther.of them., | them at *5 cents™each ’ the best 16.00, $lB and S2O Dress Suits at worth from $lO to sls. ne^ On Come and be convinced.] Centß * Cuffßl0 ’ 15 and $lO and sl2 for the best. centß, - No house in the city can offer such stupendous values. We want to reduce our stock. Every body cordially invited to attend this great sale. - Mail orders promptly attended to. Samples sent on application. J. K UTTNER, 238 Broad St. Rome, Ga. _■ . . . '? ' -..a . - 1.. . . A THE ROTIE TRIBUNE. ■ . ■ -i .1,,- —1 ' ✓ r - - ■ TKADt EDI LION— SOME. GA.. Du.CI3.MBEK. 10, 1895. PACES 33 11 401 PKICE FIVE CENTS.