The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 11, 1895, Image 2

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GENUINE OPPORTUNITY TO STYLE-LOVERS AND MONEY SAVERS. paijccj flress goads. One case Fancy Woolen Suiting 36 in. made to sell at 25c, our price 10c. Big lot of Fancy Scotch Plaids only 25 cents. Lovely line of Novelty Suiting, worth 50c, our price 25c. Another lot of all wool Fancy mixtures in checks and plaids, 36 in. for 29c. Latest French Novelty, in the change able Suitings, 40 in. worth 75c, our price 50 cents. 54 in. All Wool Ladies’ Cloth, in black, navy, gray and fancy mixed, all for only 60 cents. 54 in. French Boucle Plaidt, newest Paris Novelty: special price SI.OO. 40 Elegant Suits- In all the new weaves and designs. Worth from $8 to S2O: now at $5 to sl2 each. These goods with hundreds of other bargains were bought 10 days ago in New York by our Mr. Powers at about 60 cents on the dollar. GENUINE NEW BARGAINS. £l4 ? • - ;m /■- V A j&’^k. vy->n.--: r ■ ~ : ' • B f fewest tyalfes, greatest RUNNERS MAY READ This Column of Short Paragraphs and Personal Mention. NEWSY NOTES FOR HASTY READERS The Minor Happenings of the State—A Batch of Items of Interest Cut to the Core Open from 7 a. in. to 9 p.m. J. Sam Veal’s Book Store Prayer meeting at the First Presby terian church to-night at 7:30 o’clock Burney Transfer Company. Tele, phone 126, Armstrong hotel. Use your Periodical Tickets at L A. Dempsey’s the grocer and get some of that nice furniture that is being given away by the Advertising Jour nal Co. If you have not been in J. Sam Veal’s Book Store you must do so. We keep the finest line of staple and fancy groceries in the city and receive Periodical Pickets. S. S. King and Co. Money to loan on good security. C. B. Hargrove. . We are headquarters for nice gro ceries of all kinds, and will receive Periodical Tickets on all cash pur chases. Hand & Co. Subsciptions for any magzaine or paper received at J. Sam Veal’s Book Store. When you want nice fresh fish and oysters go to J. E. Brown & Co’s market opposite Armstrong hotel and use your Periodical Tickets. I Fire Insurance in good companies at greatly reduced rates. C. B. Hargrove. We keep constantly on hand a nice line of fresh meats of all kinds and receive Periodical Tickets on all cash purchases. J. E. Brown & Co., op posite Armstrong. For Rent—Five room cottage, Fifth ward, Oak street, good garden and cow house. Apply to Curran, Scott & Co. 12 1 ts Jones—Where can I find the bes flour on earth. Smith—Why, get a sack of “Obelisk” at Youmans, No. 8 Broad street. A strange coincidence. While Damrosch is playing Tanhauser in Atlanta next Friday evening, Judge Joel Branham will be playing it on the stage at Nevin’s opera house. PU BRANNON & CO. Headquarters for Styles in Dress Goods, Silks, Capes, J kets, Shoes, Kid Gloves, Zephyrs, Embracing Silks, Fancy and I > 11 y oods, and M EVERYTHING EXCEPT HIGH PRICES. piacl} flress goods. 25 pieces of New Black Goods in all the best styles in Fancies, German Henriettas, Mohairs, French Serges, Novelties, Paris Diagonals, Boucle, Mourning Suiting. These are all new and from our big bargain purchase 10 days ago. Heavy Woolens- 54 in. Gray Mixfed Water Prool Goods worth Si) cents, for 33c. 54 in. Fine Wool Repedant, in Black and Gray only, 45c 54 in. heavy Beaver Cloaking in black navy and tan, was $2.50 a yard, our price $1.50. Best All Wool Jeans At mill prices—18c, 20c, 22%c, 25c and 27c. G-ood Red Flannels at killing prices—l2J£c,-'lsc, 18c, 20c Good White Flannels away under value —10c, 15c, 18c, 20c and 25c. These bargains are all you can ask I or wish for. They will not be dupli-l cated. To see them means to buy them. I BLANKETS, 10-4 Gray Blankets, large size for 50c per pair. 20 Pairs of $2.50 White 11-4 Blankets, slightly dainagee. for SI.OO. Fne Wool Blankets, large size, $3.00. Blanket Lap Robes, $2.00, $2.25, $3.50 and $5 - 00. California Wool Blankets $5.00 and upwards. MANY BARGAINS HERE. COME TO SEE US. Examine our stock. Lots of people are now getting nice prizes in furniture and magazines py using Periodical Tickets. If you havn’t got a book it will pay you to go to the officeofthe ‘‘Advertising Journal Co., at McDonald Sparks-Stewart Co., and get a book free of charge and have the manager explain the system to you. There is nothing about it that costs you a cent and you get the premiums as soon as the tickets are used. BETSEY HAMILTON She Will Be at Shorter College Monday Night. Betsey Hamilton, the noted Geor gia humorist, will be at Shorter Col lege Monday evening. Betsey always draws a good au dience in Rome. People here know how to appreciate the quality of her humor. Her appearance Monday will be for the benefit of both the Young Men’s Library and the College Library, and everybody should be on hand and en joy the evening. Betsey will be at her best and all present will be made to enjoy a few hours’ most delightfully. Tribune Trade Edition. The Tribune Trade Edition has been universally praised. It con sists of 40 pages, and is profusely illus trated. No better advertisement of Rome and the surrounding country could be desired. Those wanting ex tra copies can get them at this office. A Sma 1 ! Scrap. Yesterday evening, at Lord’s beef market, Mr 1 Mike Curran and Mr. N. C. Brand became engaged in an alter cation over some trivial circumstance. They finally resorted to blows and , indulged in a regular fisticuff, but were separated by friends before much damage was done. State and County Tax*. Books for collection of above tax are now open: Office at Court House until Books close December 20th, after that tax interest and cost. John J. Black, T. On. IT-27d&w4t. Dr. R. Goldstein the scientific and practical optician, of Louisville Ken tucky is at the Central hotel and will remain ten days where you can have your eyes examined and glasses fitted to them. Lenses pnt in gold silver and rubber frames. Dr. Goldstein comes to Rome highly recommended. He has had years of experience in his profession and has fitted thousands of eyes. Examination free. THE BOMtC TttlßirhK. TIXKStfAY, DECEMBER 11, im, DECEMBER’S , Grand Inaugural Lowest priced ever named in Georgia in any Dry Goods House. Our entire stock was bought after all the tariff was taken off, which makes our entire stock only cost us 55 to 60c on the $1 compared to the Dry Goods bought 4 to 8 years ago. CANT YOU SEE NOW Why we sell new goods at the same prices that the people are paying for old shelf-worn, bankrupt goods. Don’t be deceived by the wolf and sheep bankrupt and New York Cost Sales! VISIT OUR STORE! SEE OUR GOODS! Then if you don’t buy your winter goods from us it will be your fault, not ours! Ladies’ Underwear- Ladies’ Cotton Vests . '. . . 15c Ladies’ Fine Cotton Vests . . 25c Ladies’ Fine Cotton Pants . . 25c Ladies’ Wool Vest and Pants, Extra Value 75c Misses Vest and Pants Misses Cotton Vest and Pants . 15c and upwards. Children’s Wool Vest and Pants 35c. 45c, 50c, 60c and 75c. t INFANT VESTS. In all grades, beautifully finished and at Popular Prices) ROME LOAN & DISCOUNT CO. 206 East First Street, Rome, Ga. We have for sale the following : 2 Sewing Machines, 2 Shot Guns, 10 Silver and Gohl Watches, 1 Diamond Ring. Prices are low. Sold as unredeemed pledges. Money to Lend on Your Valuables. CONFIDENTIAL. > OHRICH FEATHER BOAS Ladies bring your Ostrich Feathers to Atlanta Feather Works. 691-2 Whitehall st. and have them cleaned, dyed and curled I Phillips. COTHRAN & CO. Insurance Agents, ROME, GA SIO,OOO OR MORE TO LOAN! I represent one of the leading loan oompanies in this country and can loan you money on good security at a rsry Low Rate of Interest. Write to me or call at my office in the Hamilton Building. Wm. H. Smith. Men’s Underwear. Good Cotton Shirts 15c Fine Cotton Shirts 40c Heavy Gray Shirts 45c Good Camel Hair Shirts and Drawers only 62c These are all great bargains and are 4o per cent under value. Men’s Fne Saxony Shirts and Drawers 2.00 Boys’ Shirts and Drawers 50c, 60c and 75 cents. Buy your underwear from us. |- EVERY LADY I Can have a Piano or an Organ. 11 SELL I i PIANOS $175 -llrlliVU and upward o . ORGANS $25 v 11U Hit J and upwards. ON EASY PAYMENTS. MUSIC BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, Largest stock in Rome. » Small Musical Instruments. I can save you money. . Write for catalogue of prices or call on E. E. FORBES, No. 5 Broad street, Rome, Georgia SEAB DAVIS, Manager. —PALACE BARBER: SHOP! Armstrong Hotel, NED HUDGINS, Proprietor. A Firstclass shop with sajse rior workmen. Neat clean Baths with hot or cold water. I Don’t forget the place— No. 7 East Second Avenue, ARMSTRONG HOTEL, Rome, GeokglaL slid yea That we keep the best line in the city of Zephyrs, Fancy Zephyrs. Germantovyi, Filo Floss. Saxony, Rose Silk, Ice Wool, Knitting Silk, In all the newest and most popular shadings. HOLIDAY GOODS. Our buyer has just returned from New York where he bought a fine line of Holiday and Christmas Goods. They are pretty, nobby, new and all at about half price. Among these goods are found tfte novelties of Japan, China, Germany, France and America in Metal, Clay, Silks, etc. HOLIDAY HANDKERCHIEFS. The Biggest Assortment, the Best Styles, and the Most Wonderful Bar gains in the State, from 5c up to $2.50. TIDIES, SCARFS, RESTS, PILLOWS. CUSHIONS, SILKS, FANCY GOODS, Etc. Factory Goods. 40 inch Heavy Sheeting .... 5c 36 inch Fine Sea Island .... 5c Heavy Factory Drill .... Good Cotton Checks 5c Best Hickory Shirting .... 10c Heavy Colored Shirting- . , . Good Cotton Flannel 5c Heavy Cotton Flannel .... 10c Best Colored Calicoes 5c Heavy Blue Denimes . ... 10c Yard Wide Bleaching . . 5 and 7c ALL FRESH NEW GOODS. The Holidays Are at Iland -A.JSTID Has the Most Elegant Line of Goods Imaginable, In fact, it is impossible to imagine with any degree of preciseness what an e aborate display it is. To appreciate the beauty of these goods it is nece sary to see them—and it is easy to see them—they are on dis play -and it is but a pleasure to shew them. Never before have these goods been offered so cheat). Added to our already mammoth s ock a line of Scotch-Lin n Paper, in pound boxes, and envelopes to match. This is ths very best tex ture of linen paper. Aso a fine dnen paper with Rome, Ga., taste fully engraved on each sheet. Are Yon for Albums? If you are we can certainly please you. Our line of Albums leaves nothing to be desired. It is complete. Fine Russia Leather Albums, Fine Sheet Celluloid covered Albums, hoth plain and with beautiful motlier-of pearl settings. Beautiful Albums, with music boxes that play perfect mnsic, ingeniously h.d in the back cover. Our albums range in price from the ordinarily cheap ones to the best that can be made. Is it Dolls? E. erybody knows that Curry is famous for his beautiful Dolls at Christmas times. Our Dolls arp down stairs now and it’s time to begin to dress them. TXT iinnallv’s Fine Candies are the most delicious sweets made. Our stock of Confectioneries is always fresh. No old Candy ever offered for sale. When buying Christmas sweets don’t forget Nunnally’s Candy. 60c per pound; PASH ION ECONOMY. UNICES AND great Capes at)d Jackets. |R All Wool Tailor Made Capes, tan Id and black . . , . $1.75 Ort Stylish Cloth Capes in Colors and LU Black .... $51.25 6 Large Black Beavep Capes, great bargains .... $2.00 8 Elegant Beaver Cloth Capes, at . . , . . $3.00 and $3.50 QE Lovely Cloth Capes, elegantly fin ished, were $6.50 to $8.50, choice* for $5.00 Oft Handsome Tailor Made Capes, were tv sl4 to $16.50, your choice for SIO.OO - Plush Capes made to sell for $8.50, lv y- ur choice now for . $5.00 7 Pretty Plush Capes, worth SIO.OO, our price .... $7.50 6 Elegantly Trimmed Plush Capes,, only SIO.OO MISSES' JACKETS Big lot just received; prices range from $1.25 to $4.00. LAbIES JACKETS, Good, stylish Jacket . . $1.75 Fine Black Beaver Jacket, tailor made . 2.5(j Lovely Black Boucle Jackets, $4,55 and $8.50. buy your Capes and Jackets till you see our stock. Sr . V? - GE” YS‘5 AVY ''■GT T-W -■■r ' a-. k-’ ■’’? j’ i Latest Stqles at Lowest prices.