The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, June 30, 1896, Image 8

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Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report / ABSOLUTELY PURE PRUNED AND POINTED A Batch of News Items of Interest Cut to the Core. LOPS OF LITTLE LOCAL liNES They Are. Not Drawn Out, and Are None the Less lutvresting Because of Their Brevity. The Southern railway will extend the final limit of Richmond reunion tickets until July 15. for the conven ience of veterans. See ad elsewhere. Library Hours Changed. The morning hours at the Young Men’s Library have bees changed to 10 to 12 instead of 9 to 11 o’clock. Going t? Salt Lake. Chief. T. L. Cornelius will attend the convention of fire chiefs at Salt Lake City on August 10. He will represent Rome’s excellent depart ment. Burner cf a Tragedy. Yesterday a rumor reached the city that John Wright,a negro well known in Rome, had been shot in a church near Centre by another negro named Mucklereath Sunday. The rumor could not be verified. An Able Sermon. Col. D. B. Hamilton preached a very strong and able sermon at the Second Baptist church Sunday morn ing. It was a learned and profound discourse, presented so all could un derstand it, and the large congrega tion present was delighted with the sermon. The Woman’s Club. The Woman’s Club will hold its reg ular monthly meeting at 10 a. m. Thurs day morning in the club rooms. Mem bers entitled at this meeting to bring a guest to hear the delegates report of the General Federation of woman’s clubs which met in Louisville, at which place they were ably represented by Mrs. J. L. Johnson ana Mrs. A. R. Sullivan. Club members bring their hospital dues. A Slight Change. The impression that Mr. H. M. Tanner is going out of business, and is even curtailing his stock, is erro neous. He has simply rented out a portion of his building, having more room than he needs, to Mr. E. E. Forbes, and while a little torn up just at present he still earri es a a full line of wall paper, stationery, school books and latest pe iodicals, and will order any publication not in stock. They expect to largely im prove and add to their business from time to time. The Hooka' Excursion. The Hooks are anticipating a fine time on their outing to Cumberland Island. A visitor just from the island tells them that many improve ments have been made and that the fare is first-class. They earnestly in vite their friends to join them. The trip is a cheap one. Railroad fare for the round trip only $7. From pier to hotel for self and baggage 50c, nothing on return trip. Hotel fare, first class, at $lO per week, and mana ger Shackelford knows how to treat his guests. No charge for berths, nor from hotel to beach. Prof. R. J. Gwaltney and wife, the father and mother of the Hooks, will chaperone the party. Parties who are going with them should see Mr. Smith, the agent of the Southern, for places on the sleeper. They leave next Mon day, July 6. Awarded Highest Honors—World’s Fair, DR; F CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. ~„re Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free ~jm Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant /O YEARS i'HE STAND/.7.D- POINTS ABOUT PEOPLE. Some Who Come, Some Who Go and Some Who Stay at Hume. Mrs. Poindexter, of St. Louis, Is the guest of Mr. Halsted Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cundell are visit ing relatives in Richmond, Va. Mrs. Joe Frei', of Savannah, is visit ing the family of Mr. J. Kuttner. Mrs. H. M. Smith is visiting friends in the country for a few days. Miss Battio Shropshire is at home again after a pleasant stay in Chattooga county. Miss Emma May was reported better yesterday to the delight of her many friends. Mr. J. T. McVey came in from Cal houn Saturday and will spend the week in the city. Mr. Gregory Ornberg left yesterday for North Carolina on a visit to friends and relatives.. Mrs. Weed accompanied by her son, Mr. Arthur Weed, leave today for Cleveland, Ohio, on a visit. Prof. J. C. Harris came up from Cedar town yesterday afternooon and was warm ly greeted by his many friends. Misses Addie Wright and Eva Camp will leave in a day or two for Pinewood, Tenn., to spend a copnle of weeks. Little Mildred, the daughter of Mr # and Mrs. Moses R. Wright is quite sick, to the regret of the many friends of ;he family. Capt. Felix Corput came up from Cave Spring yesterday. He will go to Grffln today to attend a meeting of the directors of the Experiment station. Engineer Felix Denman, of the Chattanooga, Rome and Columbus railway, who has been down with fever for the past six weeks, is now convalescing and in a fairway of be ing at his post of duty again in a few days.—Chattanooga Times. Richmond, Va. Tickets on sale June 27th, 28th and 29th at $12.45 round trip,good until July 6th These tickets may be extended to July 15 by depositing them with agent at Richmond on or before July Sth inclusive. Populists to Meet. The Floyd county populists will meet next Saturday at the court house and decide upon a plan of ac tion. It is probable, say those who should know, that Colonel Rankin will be endorsed for congress in spite of the opposition to him that exists in the ranks. Insist on having just what you call for when you go to buy Hoods Sarsa parilla, the One True Blood Purifier and nerve tonic. No matter at what prices would-be competitors are of tering you goods come to us this week and get it 25 per cent cheaper J. Kuttner. The Memphis and Charleston rail road always gets there. On the 21st of July this line will sell round trip tickets to Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Indian Territories for a very cheap rate. All who wish to go will do well to place their names with J. L. Smith, traveling passenger agent atj Dalton, Ga., so satisfactory ar rangements can be made for a happy trip. J. L. Smith, traveling passenger agent, M. & C. Ry., Dalton, Ga.; C. A. DeSaussure. general passenger agent, Memphis, Tenn. WANTED—Three live canvassers. Apply to The Singei Mfg Co. A PEE • 8 IST RESORT Which is and Should be Patronized by Our People. One of the pleasantest and most health ful resorts to be found anywhere is at Fullwood Springs near Cedartown, where Mrs. R. D. Vann conducts one of the best hotels in the land. She is a lady whose friends are many, and she personally sees that her guests have the best of atten tion. Fullwood Springs is a charming spot, and the water is of the most healthful character. The place in reached by a daily hack line, and telephone connection is a convenience appreciated by the guests. The rates are cheap, and the re sort is an ideal one. Several Romans are among those who intend going there soon. Many guests are now there, and all are delighted with the place Apple pies and dumplings are delic ious just now. Plenty of apples at G. G. Burkhalter’s. Great remnant sales of all kinds of fabrics J. Kuttner. THE KUME THIBUNE, TUESDAY. JUNE 30, 1896. GONE TO RICHMOND. The Veteran. Have Departed for the Confederate Convention. The old vets have gone to Richmond, and it is needless to say they will have a jolly, good time. Quite a party of Alabamians passed through Sunday, and among them was a negro who served as a Confederate soldier all through the war. Among the delegates from Floyd who have gone are Col. A. B. Montgomery, J. H. Camp, F. W. Quarles. A. C. Mor rison, W. O. Connor, J. P. McConnell, J. F. Wardlaw. J. J. O’Neill, J. P. M. Byrd, J. C. Lindsey and A. W. Overby. These go as delegates, and several others will make the trip. Among them are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Veal, Miss Katie Perkins, Mr. Walter Perkins and Mr. P. D. Roser. Miss Perkins has gone as a delegate from the Rome Chapter, Daugh ters of the Confederacy. Wanted Help Male—Confederate Veterans with license who can give am .ple security to sell an article of assured merit. A good continuous business. One hundred per cent profit. Address J. A. Morrell & Co., 116 1-2 Peachtree street Atlanta Ga. THE ROLLING MILLS Will Probably Have to Run on Double Time at Once. The rolling mills are running on full time. And the quality of steel cotton ties being turned out cannot be excelled. Langston & Woodson, of Atlanta have contracted for the entire output and it is now beliewed that the mills will have to begin running on double time within a week. JULY 4tb, 1896- Cheap Rates Via the Western and Atlantic Railroad. Only ene and a third fare for the round trip tickets to be sold July 2-3 and for trains scheduled to reach their destination before noon of July 4, limited to return until July 7. Call on C. K. Ayer, Ticket Agent, Rome, Ga. je29till ju4-d A JOLLY BARBECUE. The D. A. R. Will Give One on Next SHur day. On Saturday, July 4th, Xavier Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo lution will give a barbecue and Bruns wick stew at Lytle’s Park, beginning at noon. That the ’cue for a good cause it is needless to say, and it also seems needless to add that the meat and stew will delight every one present. Don’t forget the time —next Saturday, and be sure to attend. Cheap Rate East. On account of the fifteenth inter national convention of the ‘‘Young People’s Society of Christian En deavor,” the Western and Atlantic railroad will sell tickets Rome to i Washington, D. C., and return at ' $17.50. On sale July sto 7, good to I return until July 15; can be extended ■ until July 31 by depositing with joint i agent before July 14. Call on C. K. 1 Aver, ticket agent, Rome, Ga. I ’ 6 ’ 3 °- 7t - . A LARGE CROWD Ed joyed the Epworth League Exercises Sunday Afternocn. I The Epworth League entertained , at the Second Methodist church Sun. ! day afternoon was largely attended and all enjoyed the interesting pro gram, which was as follows: : (1) —Voluntary Selected i (2)—Music Chas. Wesley (2) —Prayer . . . J. Bailey Gordon J (4) —Lesson Selected (5) Wesley Ancestors, R. C. Lumpkin (6) Music Chas. Wesley I (7)—Early Methodism, W. O Clement 1 (B)—Music .... Chas. Wesley ' (9) —Susaua Wesley, Miss Hawthone (10) —Music .... Chas. Wesley (11) Chas. Wesley, Rev. A. H. Tilly (12) Music • . . . Chas. Wesley (13) John Wesley . Bailey Gordon (14) —Music .... John Wesley (15) George Whitfield, A. A. Tilley (16) Doxology (selected) Chas. Wesley (17) Benediction, Rev. W. T. Hun nicutt. The Fleet Falcon The Falcon bicycle is the lightest running bicycle made. Its bearings are as perfect as a watch. Won the first prize in the handicap race. The S6O Crawford winning the second prize. The best wheel manufactured in the world for the money. Terms easy, E. E. Forbes, No. 5 Broad street THE OFFICIAL ROUTE To the National Democratic Convention, Chicago, 111., July 7. The Western & Atlantic Railroad and N. C. & 8. T. L. Ry., via. Nash ville, has been selected by the dele gates and alternates,(at the state con vention) as the official route to Chicago. Tickets on sale July 3 4-5 Sood to return until July 12. Only 19.65 Rome to Chicago and return. The Georgia delegation will leave Atlanta Sunday morning July 5, train leaving Rome at 9:10 a. m., makes direct connection at Kingston with through sleepers for Chicago, without change, parties desiring sleeping car berths or rooms in Chicago reserved call on or write. C. K. Ayer, ticket agent Rome, Ga., or C. E. Harmon, G. P. A. Atlanta. Quantities of delicious apples for cooking purposes at G. G. Burk halter’s. The Poison, Nicotine, which pervades the whole system of the tobacco smoker or chewer, causes greater mischief than can be told. Dyspepsia, paralysis, nervous prostration, heart dis ease and cancer are some of the routes by which tobacco hurries tens of thous ands to the grave. Man, you can’t be honest to yourself, you can’t do your duty to your wife, children, mother, to any one you care for and use tobacco another day. ANTI-CIGARETTE will enable yon to stop using tobacco in any form, with the most positive im provement to health and pocket-book. Sam Jones testifies to the value ot Anti-Cigarette. Cartersville, Ga., April 4th 1896. Empire Remedy Co , Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen; —I used tobacco in every form for many years and found it to be very detrimental to my health, but after using two and a half boxes of your Anti- Cigarette, I am now free from the habit, I used a great many Cigarettes, but now they are very distasteful to me and I have absolutely uo desire for them. I would recommend Anti-Cigarette to all who are slaves to the habit and wish to throw off the yoke. This testimonial is given conscientiously and I am sure I will not go back into the habit again. I am, Yours very truly, Sam. P. Jones, Jr., Get a box Bnd use it—if you are not cured your money will be refunded. Price $ 1 box, 3 boxes $2.50. Write for book and free sample. EMPIRE REMEDY CO ATLANTA, GA. Sold in Rome by D. W. Curry. TO CHARGE FOR BICICLES An Order on the Seuthern Railway In Effect July 1. If yon enrry your bicycle on a Southern railway train m the future you will pay for the privilege. General Traffic Manager J. M. Culp, of the Southern railway, has just issued a new order in which he states that in the future all bicycles carried on the road will be charged for at the rate of excess baggage. It matters not whether a person is entitled to carry so much bag gage, the wheel will not be included in his. All extra charge will be made for all bicycles. The rate will be 25 cents for each bicycle, or 50 cents for a tandem, Twenty-five cents for each extra seat on a wheel. They will be charged for at an estimated weight of 25 pounds, the same as excess baggage. The bicycle will be handled by the baggage master and checked as a trunk. Another restriction placed on the carrying of wheels is that they will not be carried unless the per son wishing to ship them purchases a ticket and is on the train. This goes into effect July 1. Heretofore wheels have been carried as regular baggage and on many occasions nothing has been charged, Aberdeen, O. Messrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga. Dear Sirs : -I bought a bottle of your P. P. P. at Hot Springs. Ark., and it has done me more good than three months’ treatment at the Kot Springs. Have you no agents in this part of the country, or let me know how much it will cost to get three or six bottles from your city by express. Respectfully yours, Jas. M. Newton, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. City Tax Notice. The first half of the city tax was due on the 15th inst., and all persons who have not paid said first half are liable to have executions issued againt them for the whole amount of their tax for 1896. Persons interested are notified to call at the city clerk’s of fice at the city hall, make payment and avoid costs. This 24th day of June, 1896. Halsted Smith, RULE Nl. SI. 8 E Smith vs M F Kinard and AU Kinard Ru eni .ei. to foieulose mortgage in Floyd Superior Court. It appearing to the court by the petition of 9 E Smith that M F and A J Kinard did on the 4th day of April, 1885 execute and deliver to said 8 E Smith a mortgage on fracticnal parts of lots of land number (219) two hundred and nineteen and (214) two hundred and fourteen in the whole fifty to sixty acres on the south side of Cedar Creek of the aforesaid state and county and of the 4th District and 3rd Section, for the pur posed securing the payment of a certain pro missory note made by said M F and A J Kinard on tile4th dav of April, 1885 for SI 10. payable to the saidS E Smith on or before the Ist of Nov ember 1883 and bearing interest at the rate ot ten per cent pel - annum after November Ist 1885 It is also appearing to the court that the said M F and A J Kinard refuse to pay the said note and the interest due thereon. It is therefore ordered that the said M F and A J Kinard pay into this court on or before the let day of the next term thereof the principal and interest due on said note together W ith the costs of this pro ceeding or in default thereof the court will pro ceed as justice shall appertain, and it is further ordered by the court that this rule be published in the Rome Tribune, a newspaper published in thee unty of Floyd once a momh for four months or served upon M F and A J Kinard, or their sp> cial agent or attorney three montbr previous to the next term of this court. This rule signed in open court this the 12th day of November, 1894 W M HENRY, J S C R C I cei tify that the foregoing is a true copy of a rule ni si granted in the Superior Court of Floyd county and appears from the minutes of said court, this the 13th day of March. 1896. Wm E BEYSIEGE L, Clerk Superior Court Floyd County Georgia. Road Citation. GEORGIA, Floyd County. Whereas J D. O’Bryan and others have petitioned the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue of said County for a change of the public road commencing at the bridge above the old O’Bryan Mill and running to the Summerville Ro„d, and the District Commis sioners having reported that it would be of public utility to change said road from the bridge to the corner of the fence about halt way to the Summerville road. This is to notity all persons having objections thereto, or claims tor damages arising therefrom to make tn* same known at the next meeting of the Hoard t<> be held on the first Monday in July, 1896. Witness the Hon. Ino. C Eater. Chairman of the Board, this June 3rd. 1896 Ma X MEY ERH A RDT, Clerk. June 4th 4w Year’s Support. GEORGIA, Floyd County. To all whom it may concern: . Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set. apart and assign a year’s sup port to Mrs. Charlotte McCaffrey the widow and children of Thos. J. McCaffrey, deceased, have filed their award, and unless good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made the judgment of the Court at the July term. 1896. of the Court of Ordinary. This June Ist 1896. JOHN P. DAVIS, s Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia. J one 5-4 w Just One Word TO THE PEOPLE of FLOYD and surrounding country: You know that the WILL BE Full with Mighty Events ■> and Wonderful Revelations, Wars and rumors of wars, great social revolutions, astounding discoveries in the sciences, matchless carnivals, pageants, and tournaments in the sporting world. THE GREAT POLITICAL BATTLE Between the parties and the standards is now on. There is agitation everywhere. What will be the result? You want to know what of Georgia? what of the South? what of the Union? The TRIBUNE Will Tell the News I Besides its Telegraphic service and corre spondence from surrounding country, OUR Special Articles from the most noted and abPcst writers of this generation, will be worth many times the subscription price. Our Home Many of the most talented ladies and gen tlemen of Rome and North Georgia con tribute special articles to the Sunday and weekly editions. You will enjoy them and appreciate them because they express} the thoughts and feelings of those who ' are near to you. Our Liberal Offer. We will send you the Daily and Sunday Tribune from now until January 1, 1897, for $2.50. OFFICIRL ADVERTISEMENTS of Floyd county and the City of Rome will be found in its columns. Two Dollars and Fifty Cents! Less than one and one-half cents per day. THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE, 12 to 16 pages every week, the greatest weekly ever published in North Georgia, from now until October 1, 1897, for ONE DOLLAR. Less than two cents per week. SUBSCRIBE HOW I © ® The ROME TRIBUNE. W. A. KNOWLES, GENERAL MANAGER. i