The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 13, 1896, Image 2

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FOR CHEAPER BOOKS Movement Started, Denned to Cheapen Public School Books. LEGISLATURE MAY ACT ON IT Suggestion That All Textbooks in the State Schools Should Be Alike and Printed Here. There is a plan on foot by which the school children of Georgia and all the southern states may be enabled to purchase school textbooks at a rate much lower than that which they pay at present. The plan has not yet fully matured but those who are at the head of it are working quietly and with promise of success. As a result of the surges tionabill will likely be introduced at ’’the next session of the legislature asking that a committee be appointed to have the right to name the books ■to be used by all schools iu this state. It may be that the bill will provide that the power will be vested in the board «.f education instead of creating a committee. The plan now proposed is to have all the schools in the state of Georgia use the same textbooks. It will be impossible, of -course, to compel the private schools of the state to use the books to be named by the board of education, but the board will have the power to compel all the public schools of the state to use the booksit names, provided the bill is passed. It is claimed by those who are at the head of the movement that all Che schoolbooks used throughout the, south are published by northern houses and the fact that they have to be shipped here makes the books costly. It is proposed that a contract be made with some reliable printing house in Atlanta to publish the text books for this state for a certain period of time. In order to get some print ing plant to enter into such a contract it would be necessary to guarantee it the sale of the books for certain length of time. The contract to be made with the printing plant, if the plan goes through, will be so arranged that the books will be sold at a price lower than the books are now bought for. This will be a great help to the people of the state and will enable many children to attend school who do not now do so because their parents can not afford to buy the necessary books. it is intended that the textbooks to be indicated by the board of education, or the committee appointed for that pur pose, shall choose books written by southerners. It is believed that if such a plan as the one proposed is carried out it will do a vast amount of good throughout the state. A large number of persons are interested in the matter and it is possi ble that the state board of education will favor the entire scheme. After the plan has been working in this state for some -time it is intended that is shall be introduced in other southern states and the same house that supplies the schools of this state will receive contr o s from other t ite-s. The plan will sive the people cheap school books and do no little.toward advancing the school interests of the state. Georgia’s Growth. The Manufacturers Record gives the following list of new enterprises begun the past week: Atlanta —Window glass Factory.— Pierce Mahy, of Ransart. Belgium, is in correspondence with Volney Bul lock, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, relative to the establish ment in Atlanta of a co operative window glass factory. Augusta—Railroad shoos.—The Au gusta Southern Railroad Company, will, it is {stated, shortly rebuild its Rheumatism Is a blood disease and only a blood reme dy can cure it. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: “For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was un able to take my food or handle myself in an y way; I was abso lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re me 80 that 1 soon able to move n, y r ’g* lt arm; before long I could walk across the room, and when I had finished one dozen bottles was cured completely and am as well as ever. I now weigh 170.” A Real Blood Remedy, S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you have: a blood disease, take a blood medi cine—S.S.S. (guaiaittecdpurely vegeta tattle) is exclusively for the blood and is recommended for nothing else. I! forces out the poison matter permanent ly. We will send to anyone our valuable AFto dl books. Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, shops recently burned. James U. Jackson, president of the company, can be addressed. Augusta—Warehouse and Com press.—The Union Warehouse & Com press Company will, it is stated, shortly begin the erection of its plant for compressing cotton. Canton —Marble Works.—The Geor gia Marble Finishing Works informs the Manufacturers’ Record that it is now building a plant to include a marble saw mill and finishing shops. Main building is 20x50 feet. Macon—Printing Company.—-The Postell Printing Co., before referred to, has been incorporated, with a capi tal stock of $6,000; S. M. Postell and others, incorporators. Rome —Electric light Plant.—The plant of the Rome Electric Light Co. is reported as to be enlarged and improv ed Charles E. Woodruff, receiver, can be addressed. Savannah—Cotton Mill —The Sav annah Cotton Mills Co. will rebuild at ooce that part of its plant lately des troyed by the storm. Summerville-Water Works.—A sys tem of water works will, it is stated, be constructed. Address the The Ideal Panacea. James L. Francis, Aiderman, Ch} cago, says: “I regard Dr. King’s New Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung Complaints, having used it in my family for the last five years, to the exclusion of phy sician’s prescriptions or other prepara tions.” Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, lowa, writes: “I have been a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for 50 years or more, and have never found anything so beneficial or that gave me such speedy relief as Dr. King’s New Discovery.” Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial Bottles Free at D. W. Curry’s drug store. *ln Search of Hsppinfea*’ Robert Downing’s New Play. Mr. Robert Downing’s new play, ‘‘ln Searcn of Happiness,” is calculated to elevate the American stage. Mr. Down ing is now looked upon as the sole rep resentative of what may be termed the legitimate drama and the popular suc cessor of the late John McCullough, for whom, by the way, *’ln Search of Hap piness” was originally written. But the untimely death of the factor, which occurred a few months after tie com pletion of the play, prevented its pro duction. We quote Mr. Downing in stating that he considers ,l ln Search of Happiness” the strongest play that has ever been produced upon any stage for many a year. Strong as the faith of of Mr. Downing may appear, he is sus tained in his opinion by the declaration of poet Longfellow, to whom the lata John McCullough read the play. The distinguishd American poet foretold a most brilliant success for it, and undy ing reputation for the man producing it. Mr Robert Downing has spared no ex pense in scenery and costumes, and we are promised an artistic and attractive production of “In Search of Happiness. ” P. P. P. A wonderful mediciae; it gives an appetite,it invigorates and strengthens. P. P. P. Cures rheumatism and all pains in side, back and shoulders knees,hips, wrists and joints. P. P. P. Cures syphilis in all its various stages old ulcers, sores and kidney complaints. P. P. P. Cures cartarrh, eczema, erysi pelas, all skin diseases and mercurial poisoning. P. P. P. Cures dyspepsia, chronic fe male complaints and broken down constitution and loss of manhood. P. P. P. The best blood purifier of the age. Has made more per manent cures than all other blood remedies. - The Iron Market. Tne pig iron market during the past we r k has not been quite so active as for the previous two or three weeks. While prices have maintained firmly, sales have been somewhat smaller and inquiries not so large. This is regarded as tempo - rary, the result of the approach of the election. Iron men believe that trade will remain about as it is until political conditions are settled, but that immedi ately after the election there will be a decided turn one way or the other, de pendent to a large degree upon the result of the election. Were it not for politics there is no doubt but that the iron mar ket would be decidedly bullish. How ever, the market stands firm, and sales are far more active even with the politi cal uncertainties that prevail, than they were during the summer months. Prices are 50 cents per ton on all grades high er now than then. Sales are chiefly No. 1 foundry at this time. The coal trade continues active, be coming more so as the winter season approaches. The mines are kept busy, and there is no complaint of a scarcity of work. • There has been no reduction during the past week, either in the coal or iron output The latter is about 2,800 tons per day. The cure of rheumatism has often taxed medical skill, but its prevention has been very easy by an occ s onal use of Simmons Liver Regulat< r It keeps the liver well regulated, ai d the system free from poison. Therein is the secret of health “1 have used it forjyears for Indigestion and Con stipation, and also found it gives one relief from a touch of rheumatism.”— N. Hughes, Lordsburg, N. M. A Welcome Complaint. The fat man was going around the lake in Druid Hill Park, to beat the orchestra. He was bent over the handle bars in an attitude peculiar to the hands of a clock at 6:15. Little rivuleis coursed down his >oly poly face. “Hi. there!’’ yelled a bicycle police man sharply, “j ou’re going rnoie than eight miles an hour.” The fat man looked aghast and tumbled lif his wheel in astonish ment. I "Mr. Officer,” bo puffed, “if you were not on duty, I’d ask you to take a drink. You’ve paid me the greatest 1 compliment of my life.”—Baltimore jLife. HIE LOME TRIBUNE. Tl ESDAY, OCTI/bEB 33, 1896. SALE OF TELEGRAPH Major J F Hans >n aid Friends Nov Owj the Paper WILL Bi N) CHANGE OF POLICY Mr. Henry C. Hao.on I, Buelnrae Manag r ■nd Bditor Alien I. HtUl in Edicorlnl Charge. Major J. F.,Hansou and a party of his friends are now the owners of the Macon Telegraph. The purchase was* made romu weeks ago, though the general belief is th. t the paper was bought only within the last day or two. No publicity hns here tofore been given to the timister, and It now becomes known from the fact that Mr. Henry C. Hanson, a brother of Mn jor Hanson, has taken charge of the Telegraph as business manager. Mr Henry Hanson was business of the Tel egraph when * Major Hanson was its proprietor a number of years ago. Since it has become known that Major Hanson is in control of the Tel egraph, the city has been filled with rumors to the effect that the paper will advocate republicanism. The News is authorized to state that the Telegraph will neither now nor hereafter declare for republicanism- In-as-mucb as the Telegraph has been under the ownership of Major Hanson and his friends several weeks, perhaps months, and has not during that time declared for republicanism, it is not reasonable to suppose that on the eve of the election, it will espouse the cause of McKinley, as it is not to be presumed that any good can be ac complished at this late hour for his presidential candidacy. The News has been assured that the parties who are interested with Major Hansou in the ownership of the Tele graph are not politicians and have not purchased the paper for political pur poses, but have bought it as a business investment and will run it on business principles. Editor A. A. Allen, the late proprietor of the Telegraph, is still directing its editorial policy, and so far as present purposes go, will continue with the paper. It has not been determined that any of the employers of the paper shall be re moved. The Telegraph, however, will be improved in its various departments and additions made to the editorial force. The. e has been no change in the old board of directors, and the company has not been reorganized since Major Hanson purchased the property. —Macon News. Millinery Novelties just re ceived at Bass’. Aqua Crystal Spectacles and Eye Glasses to suit ail sights and all pocket books tojbe obtained from JERVIS & WRlGHT,Druggists Cor. Broad St. & sth Ave., Rome, Ga. The eyes carefully tested and correct lens- s adjusted. Articles of necessity at popuk r prices. sep!3-6m Buy a Smooth White W Skin For Your Face! It probably needs renewing, for it is rough, red. freckled, blotched or pimpled, until it has become repulsive Instead of attractive. Hoaltby skin is always beautiful. The sun and wind, impure soaps and cosmetics injure the skin. Viola Cream cleanses, nourishes and restores the skin, making it soft, white and beau ifui. It h not n cosmetic —does not cover up, but removes blemishes, it is harmless and always does just what we claim for it. The only preparation shat will positively remove Freckles. Blackheads, Tun, Hunburn and Pimples. Hundreds cf testimonial.} from promi nent ladies. P-ice 50 cents a p.r at druggists O. C. BITTNF T ’ *’*V. TO’.r-no J*. o. C HaKoOML «OMB ANDBECTAL SUPPOSITORIES BA local home treatment for all lompiaibts peculiar to-etna let au<l diseases of ther> ctum. Thei subdue and cure any iuflamma tion,irritation.ulceration oi <3 f charge. In womb and rectal dis eases, they relieve pain pro wi. absolutely cure >1 used as di tected. PRICE 76c Ogice7%N-Broaa St- HoursUt' . For pamphlets, question lists, o private Information address utjjj’nu. « r ptpcHw I E nollll’Q FOK either sex. LC DnUlv d This remedy being in ... Jeeted directly to the Beat of those diseases ■ ■ Q ■ ■of the Ge ni to-Urinary ■m Ju ■■l Organs, requires no B W UEI B m change of diet. Cure guaranteed in 1 to 3 <■ TT TO Tt age. by mail, 81.00. U JK Ji* Sold only by Forsaleby D W Carry Jt Co.. A hole eale Drug gists Rome Oa. M. A. THEDFORD’S VEGE TXT IR, E fop' ! hrtSi X \^ asrl ' fENeS ' dyspeps.a | jfy 1 Sick or 9NDIGESTIUN . I HEADACHE. B/l/OUSf/Eos\ jjAUNOtCE Sourness SyVE. oss of Stomach Appetite None Genuine Without The Likeness Ano Signature ofM.A.Thedford on Front Os Each Wrapper. M.A.Thedford Med.©' Rome. GA. Gold Medal. Highest Award Diploma of Honor AWARDED TO A. K. HAWKES. BY THE Cotton States and International Exposition For superior lens, grinding and excellency in the manufacture of Spectacles and Eyeglasses. D. W. CURRY, Druggist, Has a full assortment of these famous G lasses. Cushman’s MENTHOL INHALER B Cures all troubles of the Head aud Throat CATARRH, HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, LaGRIPPE, WILL CURE halation stope sneezing, snuffing, coughing, _ HEADACHE. Con tinned use effects /S&M? SURE CURE. ENDORSED & highest medical au thorities of Europe America for ” * x COLDS,Sore Throat Hay Fever, Bron chitis, La GRIPPE. The most Refreshing and Healthful aid to HEADACHE Suffer ers. Brings Sleep to the Sleepless. Cures Insomnia and Nervous Prostration. Don’t be fooled with worthless imitations. Take only CUSHMAN’S. Price, sOc. at all Druggists, or mailed free. AGENTS WANTED. CUSHMAN’S MENTHOL BALM ful cures of Salt Rheum, Old Sores, Cuts, Wounds, Burns, Frostbites. Excels all other remedies for PILES. Price, 25c. at Druggists. Book on Menthol free. Address Cushman Drug Co., Vin cennes, Ind. or 324 bkarborn st.. Chicago* 111. MANLY VIGOR B! MORE in harmony h the world, 2000 3tely cured men aro g happy .praises for the greatest, grand est and most suc cessful cure for sex ual weakness and lost vigor known to medical science. An account of thisu'on derful discovery, in hook form, with ref erences and proofs, will be sent to suf fering men (sealed) free. Full manly vigor permanently restored. Failure impossible. ERIE MERICfIL CO., BUFFALO.N.Y. MARY BALDWIN SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES. STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. Term begins Sept. 2d, 1896. Located in Shev-ndoah Valley of Virginia. Unsurpassed climate, grounds and appointments. Board, etc., w’th full English course, $250. Music, Languages, Elocution, Art, Book keeping, and Physical Culture, extra. Pupils enter any time. Write for Catalog. ML J. Baldwin, Prim i - ' ? The Rosy Freshness And & velvety softness of the skin is inva- I riably obtained by those who use Pozzoni’b I Complexion Powder. / gm u mt i imirmn t xaxnxxwsxmnj People Don’t Buy Pianos For looks alone. If they did. any one of the pretty piano cases, offered for sale, with the tin-pan attachment inside, would do very well and not cost much. A iew months’ use serves to show the difference between a good aud bad piano —between a piano carefully made of ex cellent material and a piano made of cheap stuff, slapped together anyhow. The Conover is as good a piano as was ever made. You may see it any time you will come in. Seeing’s free.” E. E. FORBES. Music Dealer, 327 Broad St., Rome, Ga. DYEING! But Not Dead Yet. Ladies’ and gentlemen’s silk and woolen goods of all descriptions cleaned and dyed in a superior manner. Prices to suit the times. The oldest Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works in Atlanta. ’Phone 880. MRS. J. E. KREIS, No. 18 Trinity Avenue, Atlanta, Ga EXTRACTED POSITIVELY Without Pain. By the use of Vitalized Air, the latest and best anaesthetic known to the medical profession. EVERYBODY can take it. Painless extracting, 50c. Warranted first class Crowi s, Bridges, Fillings and Plates. Philadelphia Dental Parlors, 36 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. D. W. CURRY] THE DRUGGIST I Bas just received a large I INVOICE OF 1 PREPARED WAX For Floors and Interior Work. A Superior Article-One Pound Covers 250 Feet. STAIXS AUIa COLORS: Walnut, Oak, Cherry and Rosewood. 1 Curry’s Roofing Paint Is the Best in the World. Gives universal satisfaction. Cheaper than you can mix oil and pigment. Gallon cans 75 cent'. • Silver Novelties, t Wedding I h .ve j ist received «nc of th •. han tsim’st line iof Nov. Iti s and 5 B 'idal G,f .s ever s?e i tn R >tn \ I cg.'y a complete line of WATCHES TEWELBT NEWEST AND LATEST CUT GLASS. If you want an elegant present for birthday, bridal, silver or golden wedding occasions you can fioil just the thing by looking through my stock. Engraving free on all goods bought of .me. Full Line of Spectacles and Eye Glasses in Stock. J. K. Williamson's Jewelry Store, ~ ZEj. K. HOLDEfJ ' DEA-IJEFI IN BEST COAL' ON THE MARKET. Wooldridge Jellico Lump, Jellico Round Lump. Prompt and careful attention given to all orders. Give me a trial. You will find me at McGHEE’B WARE HOUSE, corner East Third street, Rome, Ga. epß —— *l*hone 160 H. E. KELLEY, M. B. McWJLLIAMS. » Formerly with R. D. Van Dyke. kellev & McWilliams, No 13 Street, Rome, Ga. WIIOEESAIjE Grocers i Commission Merchants. The Trade <>l ihe Merchants Noliciteil. Our entire personal attention will be devoted to the bm-ines* in all its details and to all who intrust us with c )usi s uinents we guarantee 1 roropt and satisfac tory returns. Liberal advances made on consignments. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF CORN, OATS BRaN AND HAY.