The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 13, 1896, Image 6

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A SUNDAY SHOOTING Dick Deadeye Removes Gus Cl irk’s Lelt Arm WITH THE MO OF A SHOTGUN The Shotting Occn r-rt Oi Fifth Avenue- Deadeye Now Cccupi s A Ct 11 • Dick Deadeye got in some of his deadly work Sunday night. He fired a load of No. 8 shot into Ous Clark, and as a result that col ored individual is now minus his good left arm. The shooting occurred about 6 o’c'ock Sunday evening on Fifth ave nue, near the side door of Jervis & Wright’s drug store. Clark was standing on the edge of the side walk when Deadeye, whose right name is Gus Clarence, came from across the street with a shot gun in bis hands. He raised it and fired, - the charge entering Clark’s right arm- Deadeye walked off, and a few mo. ments afterward Chief of Police Shropshire walked up. “There he goes, Mr. Shropshire,’’ -called some one, and Deadeye hearing it, turned and walked back, • giving h mself up. Clark was taken to his home where Dr. McCall and Dr. Hanis amputated his arm, which was shot to pieces. Clark said Deadeye shot him for • nothing. Deadeye was locked up in the police station, and yesterday morning was transferred to jail. To a Tribune reporter he said he had shot Clark because Clark had threatened to kill him and he thought was going tptry to do it. He said that about 1 o’clock Sunday Clark and he had some words about fifteen cents he claimed Clark owed him, and Clark had struck him and drew a knife on him, saying he would kill him next time he saw him. This was in front of Pavoloski’s, he said. Then He went home und got his shotgun. At the place where the shooting occur red, he says Clark started at him with his hand in his pocket. “I thought he was going to shoot me,” he continued, “as I knew he carried a pistol. So I blazed away.” Atlanta Ostrich Feather Works, 694 W hitehall street, next door to High. Ostrich Boas, Plumes and Tips dyed and curled like new at ~ I. Phillips. TELLS A STRANGE STORY. Railroad Agent Disappears and Reappears In a Very Mysterious Manner. Hahira, Ga., Oct. 12.—Lucien Miley turned up at his father’s home, six miles above Hihara, in an awful predicament. He was gagged and his hands were tied behind him. He was almost daft from excitement and told a story that rivals a fairy tale iu mystery. He stated that he remembered noth ing that has happened since Tuesday night, nor does he know where he lias been, what he has been doing or how he •was gagged and tied. He was the agent of the Georgia Southern road at Lake Park, also agent of the express company at the same place. Last Tuesday night he left on the night train for Hahir i to visit his pa rents. People from this city saw him aboard the train, but saw nothing of him afterwards. When the train reached Hahira the conductor stated that he did not get off there, and when his unex plained absence from his duties became known the railroad and express officials began an investigation, which found his affairs all right. He is a married man and the son of James B. Miley, a prominent farmer and millman in the Hahira district. YALE SILVER CLUB FORMED. Its Members Pass Resolutions Apologising For the Bryan Incident. " , New Haven, Oct. 12.—A free silver club was organized by about 80 Yale students. Jerold Hughes of Denver was chosen president, and O. H. Stndienski of Pueblo, 0010., secretary. The dub is the direct result of the Bryan episode. Tkftse resolutions were adopted: Whereas at the recent visit of Mr. Bryan to New Haven certain members of A YOUNG B WIVES We Offer You a Remedy Which Insures ’ - SAFETY to LIFE of Both 1 v Mother and Child. “MOTHERS' FRIEND ROBS CONFINEMENT OE ITS PAIN, HORROR AND DANGER, Makes CHILD-BIRTH Easy. Endorxrd and recommended by physi cian., mid wive. mid those who have used It. Beware of substitutes and imitations. Sent by express or mall, on receipt of price, SSI OOper bottle. Book “TO MOTHERS’* mulled free, containing voluntary testimonials. HR AT)FIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga BOLD BY LU DRUGGISTS. I raie university clld thoughtlessly ana un fortunately interfere with the proceedings ■and. Whereas, such action has unjustly been imputed by the press to the Yale, student body as a whole. Be it resolved, That we, the members of the Bryan and Sewall club of Yale uni versity, do hereby denounce this action as untrue to the sentiment of our university and hostile to the spirit of its broadmind edness. We tender Mr. Bryan our sincerest apol ogy for this action of ourfellow students. A HUNDRED BODIES FOUND. Firemen Discover Remains of Victims of the Guayaquil Conflagration. New York, Oct. 12.—According to The Herald’s correspondent at Guaya quil, Ecuador, several attempts of an incendiary nature have been made. Sev eral alarming fires- have occurred in parts of the city not touched by the great conflagration, but the vigilance of the firemen prevented them from spread ing. Several more arrests have been made in connection with these fires. A large meeting has just been held, at w-hich a commission is appointed to pro cure relief funds and provide tents and other temporary shelter for the home less citizens. The churches and schools which were left standing are being used, and rough wooden sheds are being erected as fast as possible in different quarters of the city. More than 100 charred bodies have al ready been found in the ruins. STENOGRAPHER’S CHANCE. I£xaminatloi)R to Be Held In Jacksonville For Government Positions. Washington, Oct. 12.—The United States civil service commission gives no tice of an examination at the postoflice in Jacksonville, Fla , commencing at 9 a. m. on Oct. 31, for the purpose of pro curing eligibles to fill a vacancy in the positions, of stenographer and typewri ter in the office of the board of United S ates local inspectors of steam vessels at Jacksonville. Fla., at a salary of SI,OOO per annum. None but males will be eligible this examination. There is a dearth of eligibles on the male sten ographic typewriting registers. Persons desiring to compete shc»r’ write to the civil service commiss •' Washington, for an application ’ ’ and a pamphlet of instructions, contains specimen examination tions. WHERE'TO ay Parties indebted to the electric light company will find their accounts at the Merchants Nation al Bank. Please call and pay same C E. Wood ruff, Receiver. START UP ON FULL TIME. The Big Wheel, at the Eagle and Phenix Turning and Op'ratlves are Happy. Columbus, Oct. 12. —After a long period of waiting Eagle and Phenix mill No. 1, the rope department and woolen mil), started this morning on fulltime. On the 28th of last March the departments mentioned were put on short time, and a few weeks later they were shut down altogether. Mr. G. Gunby Jordan, as one of the receivers, took hold of the pro perty, he said that it was absolutely necessary to make many repairs, put in new pieces of machinery, and /io other work to get the best results, and with his usual alacrity he set about doing so. The work having progress ed sufficiently to warrant it, Mr. Jor dan decided to begin operations in the departments above mentioned at once, and the bands were dnly noti fied to be oh hand this morning, pre pared to go to work on full time. As soon as No. 3 mill can be put in shape it will also start up on full time. This was cheerful intelligence to the two thousand who have been on short time or idle for the past six months. Fahy has a big line of capes, jackets and reefers. Go and see them. He is making very low prices this season. Childrens reefers and Misses jackets the very latest just ar rived J. Kuttner. The Western and Atlantic Railway will sell round trip tickets to all points in Arkansas and Texas at one fare for the round trip plus $2.00 on the fol lowing dates: September 15th and 29th and October Oth and 20th. Tickets will be good returning twenty one (21) days from date of sale* and will be good going to destination fif teen (15) days from date of sale. Par ties can stop off at any station in Arkansas and Texas going, but the return trip will be continuous passage. For rates, maps and general inform ation, write to C. K. Ayer, C. E. Harman, Ticket Agt. Atlanta, Ga. J. L. Edmondson, S. P. A. w-td Chattanooga, Tenn. Burney never forgets trunks. Call or telephone Armstrong. ITaUIAN COLONY IN TROUP. One of the Outcomes of Governor Northen’a Tour of the West. LaGrange, Oct. 12. - Governor North en’s Bureau of Immigration, of which Mr. O. A. Dunson is local agent,, has lo cated in troup county, twe miles from La- Grange. It is an Italian conlony. E'ght eeu have already arrived. 30 are sure to con ea d there may be a great many more. They have purchased the Henry Ware place, two miles from the city, where they will engage in truck farming, will run small farms and raise grapes They are educated, thrifty people from Pennsyl vania. Burney’s midnight hack Is just as prompt as his Noonday baggage wagon—Never Ltops. THE ROME TRIBUNE, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 13, IB9t. FOR FALL BUSINESS Every Advertiser Should Be Represented IN THE TRIBUNE’S TRADE EDITION Will Will Be Issued E rly in Octcber and Eclipse All Previous Lfforig In This Line. Readers of The Tribune have learned to look forward to each new and successful achievment of Rome’s great daily. We have issued several special editions since the present management has been in charge and we are happy to say that each and every one has been an improvement on its predecessor as has been evinced by the popular public favor with which they have been received. Early in October we intend to issue a special edition which will eclipse our previous efforts. Rome is steadily growing and there is healthy and sub stantial improvement going on all over the section of country tributary to the North Georgia metropolis. Now is the time to keep our advantages before the pedple. In no other way can this be done quite so successfully as through the medium of a widely circulated news paper like The Tribune. Every edi tion of a special character that we have gotten out has gone abroad on its mission of progress and the results have been made apparent by the at tention attracted to this section of country. We have endeavorad to make every edition as full and complete as possi ble, but in this one we want to cover the whole ground. All that we ask is the liberal co-operation of the people for whom we have labored so earnestly and for whom we expect to continue to work as long as we control the des tinies of The Tribune It will be to the interest of every busit- :or professional man in North and North and East Alabama, ■ secure space in this great issue The merchant, the manufacturer, the land owner, the mine operator, the professional man and all who are in terested in educational, industrial work, or emigration work, will he benefitted by represention in its col umns. Not less than ten thousand readers, in every part of the country, and especially in the West and Northwest, will read this great edition and profit by the information gained from its columns. Our solicitors are .already | out and will make a thorough canvass ! of the country contiguous to Rome and we bespeak for them the consider ation which they are entitled to in promoting this laudable enterprise in the interest of our city and section. Notice. I want every man and woman in the United States interested in the opium and whisky habits to have one of my books of these diseases. Address B. M Woolly, Atlanta. Ga , Box 363, and one will be sent you free. FREE If you send your name and address, mention ing this paper, tc Dr. Hathaway <fc Co., 22% So. droad St , Atlanta, Ga.. you will receive their vamaoie 64-page Reference Book for Men and Women. This book has just been issued and is full of valuable information to those afflicted with any of those delicate diseases peculiar to men and women. It tells how to cure diseases. Dr. Hathaway & Co. are considered to be expert in the treatment of such diseases, and are without doubt the leading specialists in the line of dis eases which they make a specialty of. SPECIALTIES. Specific blood poi- Boning, nervous de ( kywl bility, kidney and |"Sk VSf urinary difficulties, Ks! strictures. varico- I / \ cele, hydrocele, pim- ’ jety Bles,8 les, piles, rheuma- AMa.j';.®' am, skin and blood diseases ot all forms, catarrh and diseases of women. Address or call on Dr. away St, Co., 22% So nroau St., Atlanta. Ga Mail treatment given by sending for symptom blank. No. 1 for men. No. 2 for women, No. 3 tor skin diseases. No. 4 for catarrh. Save All You Can ON YOUR Grocery Purchases. Yet get the best of everything. We know your needs and we are making every ef fort to supply them. We have a new stock of Flour—the best brands. Meal—always fresh. Canned Goods. Fish—ail kinds, in barrels and cans. Salmon, Mackerel, etc., Fruits, Vegeta bles, Butter, Coffee, etc., Teas, Sugar, Syrup, pure and delicious. Crackers, Candies, Pickles, Sauces, etc All kinds of Fancy G3ods, Cigars and Tobacco. Give us a part of your trade. We will save you money. We will make every es. fort to give you the best of everything the market affords. WK DELIVER YOUR GOODS. J. R. DUPREE, No. 8 Second Avenue, Rome, Ga. Opposite Armstrong Hotel. 9-18tf is not satisfactory when in Atlanta call on GOODELL & PIERSON, The most successful Eye glass and Spectacle Fitters n the South. Examination free. ATLANTA OPTICAL ROOMS, 68 Whitehall Street. 3rd Floor. OOT’TOLBIOE® ■ Also ‘ St. Louis. New Orleans, Baltfaors. ■REPORT OF THE CONDITION Ot the Merchants’ National Bank at Rome, in the State ot Georgia, at the close of Business, Oct. ttih. 1890. RESOURCES DOLLARS. Loans and discounts. Ti.-dll 13 Overdrafts, secured and unsecuied 239 91 U. 8. Bonds to secure clrculati >u M,(XK) W Stocks, securities, etc 44.451 67 Banking bouse, furniture auu fixtures 3 94) 90 Other real estate and mor-.gige owned 2',3 8 76 Due from National banks (not re serve agents).. 252 01 Due from state banks and bankers.... 5,169 06 Due fr m apuroved reserve agents.... 3,019 31 Checks and other cash items 4, 42 62 Notes of other National banks 1(0 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 84 CO Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Legal tender notes 878 00 Re demptlon fund with U.S. Treasurer (5 percent of circulation) 2,250 00 Total 209.817 24 LIABILITIES. DOLLARS. Capital stock paid iu 100,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 380 81 National bank notes outstanding 45,000 00 State bank notes outstanding :-6j 17 Due to other National banks 648 05 Individual deposits subject to cheek.. 11 815 86 I ime certificates of d- posit 16,770 29 Notes anu bills rediscounted22,B4l 99 3ills payable 12,000 00 T0ta1.... 209,817 21 STATE OF GEORGIA, County of Floyd, ss: I, E. A. Heard, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the nest of my knowledge and belief. K. A Hbabd, Cashier. subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of Oct., 1896. henry J . Hine, N. P., Floyd County, Ga. Corn ct— Attest:— R. J.Ragan, ( J, L. Bass, < Directors. O. H. Me A illiams. ( . Railroad Commission of Georgia L. N. Tbimkiil, Chairman, 1 Allen-Fort, tCommissioners. Taos. 0. Crenshaw, jr ) J. D. Massi y, Secretary. Atlanta, Ga., October Sth, 1896. CIRCULAR NO. 262. CHANGE IN COMMISSIONERS’ CLASSIFICATION. The following changes in the Commissioners’ Classification are hereby adopted: c a o r Brick, t on in m and Fire. See Rule 12. C.L. 411,600 b» P. Rice, in Sacks C. Bosin, any quantity Class K, less 20 per cent., without percentage.... Tur, entlne. Spirits, in barrels, with out percentage R. This Circular shall be effective on and after October Isth, 1896, and repeals all Circulars, etc., in conflict. By order of the Board. J. D. MASSEY, L. N. TRAMMELL, Secretary. Chairman LiPilomi ta Cigar Factory, LLORENS, PACETTI & CO-, Props- Manufacturers of the following CELEBRATED BRANDS: LaPaloma Cabana, Three Friends, EL Parvenir, Our Tittle Havana, Starot America, Flor de Key Went, Ei Machete. We guarantee that all our Cigsrs are Cuban hand-made, and are of the very best quality. We solicit a trial. OFFICE AND FACTORY 8i W. ALABAMA ST., ATLANTA, GA. 16 TO I. nilkui'SOii & SOiiS Are furnishing 16 people in meats to their competitors’ one. He handles only the besfof Lamb, Mutton. Veal & Beef We guarantee all our meats to be su perior to any ever offered in Rome, and we sell them at the very lowest prices- Fine Mutton and Beef Daily. We deliver our meats free. If you want meats quick telephone No. 97. Give us your orders and you will be pleased with your meats. WILKERSON & SONS, Cor. Third Ave. and E. First St. Moncrief Bowman Gr._. Manufacturers of Galvanized iron Cornices,s*- ->sMetal Sky Lights, Conservatories and Hot Houses, Tin and Slate Roofing- Heavy Iron Works of every description. Be sure to get our prices. Work done anywhere in the South. ’Phone 525, 57 South St.. Atlanta, call us up from Rome. i mm NOT FOR YOUR HAND. 1\ RUT FOR YOUR TRADE. 41 We have the largest and most varied stock of goods ever brought to North Georgia. . . We Need Your Dollars, And to get them we make this proposal ; no matter what yon wish in our line we will save you . From 10 to 25 Per Cent ’(I \ On every dollar spent with us. This may seem at first glance a rash promise, but we are prepared to prove it, if you will give us . the opportunity, » > > , » SUIT OF CLOTHS $2.50. Men’s Shoes $ 1.00. GOOD ALL WOOL JEANS From 15 to 30 Cents Per Yard. All Wool Undershirts 50 Cents . SOMETHING NICE. When you come to Rome don’t buy one thing until you have seen us. We are headquarters for everything you need. Ladies’ shoes 75c. 100 Children’s shoes 25c to 75c. Calico 4to sc. Cotton Checks 4to sc. A. A. A. Sheet ing 4 to sc, the best, A. C. A. Bed Tick 13c. Men’s Work Shirts 25c- Jeans Pants 60c to 1.25- WHY NOT COME TO THE CUT PRICE HOUSE and get your goods cheaper than anybody else in Rome can sell them. We are your friends and have been for years. Buy jour cotton and pay more for that than anybody in Rome. We have bought very largely this season expecting a large cotton crop but it has been cut off and we have got these goous uu hand and they must be sold regardless of cost. So come anl see for yourself how cheap you can buy from THE MAMMOTH CUT PRICE HOUSE OF W. H. COKER & CO. 19 & 21 Broad Street. ROME, - - GEORGIA. ZZ. ZD- HILL. REA L ESTATE AGENT 230 BROAD ST Renting a Specialty and Prompt Settlement the Rule