The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 16, 1896, Image 2

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CALL THEM BOLTERS Ci'lZ'ns’ Club Trying to’Bar Chatham’s Delegation . FROM THE DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS w It I* a Warfre Amons: D-raocrat, and a K after B.tter Partisan Fight— How \lt Comdft Up. A story comes frpm Savannah to the effect that the Citizens club, claiming to be the regular democratic organization of Chatham county will undertake to have the members elect from Chatham excluded from the legislative caucus of the democratic party on the ground that they are independents or bolters, and not regular democrats. Mr. W. W. Osborne, the leader of the Citizens club, is a candidate for solicitor general of the Savannah circuit, and this movement is b shind bis candidacy ■which suffers from the defeat of his friends who were candidates for the leg islature in Chatham. Behind this story is a longer one, lead-! ing up to this as a climax. • Savannah is noted for the bitterness of its political factions, and of late the acrimony has been intensified by the rivalry of two powerful political organizations, the Citizen’s club and the Liberal club,which are nearly equal in strength and influ ence. The former has had the advantage heretfore, but this year, under the lead ership of "Ex-Senator Peter Meldrim, the Liberal club ’was victorious. The contest was especially bitter because of the charge of unfairness which the Lib erals had made" against the Citizens, The Citizens club had control of the party machinery and called a primary to nominate county officers, and mem bers of the legislature. The Liberal club demanded a division of managers in the primary, and this was refused by the citizens who held a death grip on the democratic machinery. Liberals In R bellion. The Liberals then declared that the nomination was unfair, and they would not abide by it, and would nominate candidate of their own. The Citizens club went on with the pri mary and declared Messrs. Tiedeman, Colshorn and W. W. Gordon, Jr., the nominees of the democratic party for the legislature. The Liberal club re pudiated this action, saying it was not according to democratic usage and could bind no one. Accordingly they put in nominotion Peter Mel drim, ex Mayor J. J. McDonough, and Dr. Duncan. The contest waxed bit- Gr as the election approached. The Savannah papers were filled with crimination and recrimination, per sonal encounters occurred, and the town was wrought up with intense excitement. Fatal difficulties were expected, and reading "’fJens went armed to the polls. The night of the election gentlemen of state promi nence were present at a dinner party with pistols on their persons, with the result that one of them was accident ally shot. The Liberai club won by a majority amounting to about ten per cent of the vote. This left the other side de seated but not conquered. Burning under the chagrin and mortification of this result, they have laid plans to turn the sweetness of the triumph into the bitterness of defeat for their opponents. After electing all of their candidates to the legislature, it would be gall and wormwood to the Liberals to have Mr. W. W. Frazier, their can didate for solicitor general of the Sa vannah circuit, defeated before the legislature Thty Are Called Bolters. To the politician, nothing is sweeter than revenge. Not even victory can excel it in this quality. Then, too, it would be a powerful influence locally to have the solicitor genera) of the su perior court on their side. He would be a potent factor in the next cam paign. Nowadays, when the party" lines are drawn tightly to check the rising ’spirit of independentism, and when a county like Bibb has set the prece dent by declaring that those who scratched or bolted in the state elec tion should be excluded from the democratic primaries of 1898 and 1900, the opportunity appears to be open for the effort to unhorse the triumph ant element of the Liberal club. “Give a dog a badnime and hang him,” says the old saw. and no douot, to call the Liberal bolters would be a good start toward excluding them from the caucus. The Liberals laugh at this. They say this question was appealed to the people of Chatham, before whom they appeared as democrats, and were endorsed as dem ocrats. 80 the question will go to the democrats of the legislature. Both the Citizens club and the Libera ™L lr you send your name and address, mention Ing this paper, ♦< Dr. Hatuaway & Co , 22% So. •’road at, Atlanta, Ga.. yon will receive theii vainabie #4 page Reference Book for hen and Women This book baa just been iesued and is full ol valuable information t > tbose afflicted with anv of those delicate disease-t peculiar to men and women. It tells how to cure diseases. Dr Hathaway & Co. are considered to be expert in the treatment of such diseases, and are without doubt the leading specialists in the line of dis eases wuch they make a sjiecialty of SPECIALTIES. Specific blood pol wooing, nervous de 7 SwA bility, kidney end nrina'y difficulties, Ks/ wi strictures. vario >• | / >." «x'J cele, hydrooel". ptm- Mfy pies, piles, rheuina ties*, skin and blood ■■■<•• diseases of all forms, catarrh and diseases Oj&fo of women. Address IKOiS , or cad on Dr. I a.wav & Co., 21% So' oroau st, Atiant., ■, u Mall treatment given by sending for symptom I blank No. 1 for men. No. 2 for women, No. k ' for skin diseases. No. 4 for catarrh. club supported the state democratic tick et, with the result that Governor Atkin son secured a majority of 4,700 in Chat ham. For at least half, probably more than half of this he and the state dem ocracy are indebted to the Liberal club and its friends. It will be pretty hard to get the state democracy to take sides in a local fight, especially against the fac tion which won the fight. There is noth'ng that causes women greater discomfort and misery than con stantly recurring headache. Men suffer with headache. “My wife’s health was very indifferent, having headache con ' tinually, and just two packages of Sim . inons Liver Regulator released her from ■ all headache and gave tone and vigor-to 1 her whole system, I have never regret ted its use. ” —M. B. Deßord, Mt. Ver non, Ky. j Bryan In Boston; 1 The Boston Globe, a very pronounc ed McKinley organ, in describing the I monster Bryan meeting in that city has this to say of the candidate’s 'personality: “Boston audiences are not as a rule extraordinarily demons : trative, not nearly so much as those of the West or the South. But last night there was no stint of applause. ■ It was an audience thoroughly enrap- I port with the orator, and like all Bos ' ton affdiencee, quick to seize the good points and appreciate their full sign ificance. It it be said about Mr. Bry an, although perhaps it is unnecessary to say so at this late day, that he is a genuine orator, one of those rare beings who possess the power to mould the emotions of man as the skillful worker in clay shapes the plastic material to assume the tangi ble foi ms of his brain. This verdict which has already been endorsed by thousands and tens of thousands in lyindreds of cities in the past few months, met with the approval of a Boston audience last night. And let it be said that it was an audience of high intelligence. No man could say that it was a gathering of cranks or anarchists or uneducated persons. It was an assembly such as few cities could furnish, but which are not un common in Boston.” Z ■ . ______ Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed when the languid, exhausted feel ing prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and al terative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and per haps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the jialarial poison. Headache, indigestion, consti pation, dizziness yield to Electric Bitters. 50c and $1 per bottle at D. W. Curry’s drug store. An Advertiser’s Dream, A certain merchant believes thor oughly in advertising, and the result is he has the biggest business in his town. Indeed he works so much on week days that when he goes to church on Sunday, as he always ioes, he generally goes to sleep as soon as the preacher gets well started into his sermon. Not long ago a visiting clergyman filled the pulpit, and our friend, being unaccustomed to him, slept rather un easily, starting up every now and then as the minister grew emphatic and almost shouted the words of truth at the con gregation. When the preacher called out: “Brethren, ivhy stood he here all the day idk?” “Because they don’t advertise,” sung out the half-awakened merchant; and the way his wife grabbed at him and shook him into a sense of his situation and almost broke up the meeting. -Ex change. Marvelous Results. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gun derman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract: “I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King’s New Discovery, as the results were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junction she was brought down with pneumonia succeeding la grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption, and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King’s New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results.” Trial bot tles free at D. W. Curry’s drug store. Regular size 50c. and sl. A Philadelphia Airs, rtiaiaprop. There is a Mrs. Malaprop living up town whose queer blunders in her ev eryday talk would nii a good sized vol ume, and most of them are funny enough to deserve publication. She was telling a neighbor the other day about a friend of hers who had bought a bicy cle. “He went and bought the thing,’’ said she, “for sls, and when he went out to ride it the first thing you know it fell apart. ‘Why don’t you go, ’ sez 1 to him, ‘and get a good wheel and pay for it on the European plan? ” Yester day she went over to a neighbor’s house for a recipe for mayonnaise dressing. She said: “How d’ye do, Mrs. Smith? I want to make chicken salad tonight, and I thought I’d get you to give me a recipe’’—pronouncing it in two sylla bles—“for Moyamensing dressing.’’ Last winter her house caught fire and was slightly damaged. To her friends she explained that the trouble was caus ed by a disinfected flue. On another oc casion an accident-occurred on the street opposite her house. She and her cronies were discussing the affair across the back fence. “I didn't know there was an accident at all till I heard the ava lanche a-comiu down the street a-ringin the bell. ’’ bhe also told Mrs. Smith one day that she Lad read in the paper that milk was u good “anecdote” lor poison. F hilum 1;...ia Record. What a woman will do for Love— what a man will do for Honor. These are the themes that are so beautifully told in Robert Downing’s superb pro duction of “In Search of Happiness.” THB ROME TBIBUNE, FRIDAY OC L'UBEK 16, 1 9-i. A PECULIAR REMEDY- Someth!-g Ab n' th" New Discovery for l uriiiir Dyspepsia. The Rev. F. 1. Bell, a highly esteem ed minister residing in Weedsport, Cayuga, Co., N. Y., in a recent letter writes as follows: “There has never been anything that I have taken that has relieved the Dyspepsia from which I have suffered for ten years except the new remedy called Stuart’sDys- Cepsia Tablets. Since taking them I ave had no distress at all after eat ing and again after long years can sleep well Rev. F. I. Bell, Weeds port, N Y., formely Idalia, Colo. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets is a re markable remedy, not only because it is a certain cure for all forms of indig estion. but because it seems to act as thoroughly in old chronic cases nf Dyspepsia as well as in mild attacks bf indigestion or biliousness. A per son has dyspepsia simply because the stomach is overworked, all it wants it a harmless, vegetable remedy to digest the food and thus give it the much needed rest. This is the secret of this peculiar remedy. No matter how weak or how much disordered the digestion may be, Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets will digest the food whether the stomach works or not. New life and energy is given not only to the stom ach but to every organ and nerve in the body. A trial of this splendid medicine will convince the m< st skep tical that Dyspepsia and all stomach troub'es can be cured. The tablets are prepared by the Stuart Chemical Co., of Marshall, Mich., but so popu lar has the remedy become that Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets can now be obtained at any drug store at 50 cents per package. Send for book on stomach diseases free. Eugenie Blair, as “Siva,” the Grec ian captive in Robert Downing’s beau tiful production of “In search of Hap piness,” wears some of the most beau tiful gowns ever designed for the stage. They are simply poems of beauty. P. P- IP. A wonderful medicine; it gives an appetite,it invigorates and strengthens. ' -P. P. P. Cures rheumatism and all pains in side, back and shoulders knees,hips, wrists and joints. P. P. P. Cures syphilis in all its various stages old ulcers, sores and kidney complaints. P. P. P. Cures cartarrh, eczema, erysi pelas, all skin diseases and mercurial poisoning. P. P. P. Cures dyspepsia, chronic fe male complaints and broken down constitution and loss of manhood. P. P. P. The best blood purifier of the age. Has made more per manent cures than all other blood remedies. In the part of “Siva,’’the Grecian captive, as played by Eugenie Blair, in Robert Downing’s beautiful produc tion, “In Search of Happiness,’’will be found thoughts that will appeal strongly to every woman. It is a study that is creating considerable discussion in the drawing rooms throughout the country. MANLY VIGOR fiNCH MORE in harmony I with the world, 2000 I i: A" A completely cured men are wsw* A happy praises for I || || I' 'pF. , the greatest, grand- est and most suc cessful cure for sex- IIIn |l ual weakness and |JUf lost vigor known to I'll Fp'-YVXiSxx medical science. An | p account of this won- LUV derful discovery, In VriZjk book form, with ref- erences and proofs, B’ will be sent to suf- sering men (sealed) free. Full manly vigor permanently restored. Failure impossible. ERIE MEDICAL CO.,BUFFALO,N.Y. Buy a Smooth White Skin For Your Face! It probobly needs renewing, for it is rough, red, freckled, blotched or pimpled, until it bns become repulsive instet-d of attractive. Healthy stein is always beautiful. The sun and wind, impure soaps and cosmetics injure the skin- Viola Cream cleanses, nourishes and restores the skin, making it soft, white and beautiful. It 1j not a cosmetic —does not cover up, but removes blemishes. It is h«rmb*wi and always does just what we claim for it. The only preparation -hat will positively remove Freckles, Blackheads, Tun. Sunburn and Pimples. Hundreds < f testimonials from promi nent Judies. P-ice 50 cents a j«tr ut druggists O. C. RITTNP n *•**.. TOI 16 TO I. Wilkerson & Sons Are furnishing 16 people in meats to their competitors’ one. He handles only the best of Lamb. Mutton. Veal & Beef We guarantee all onr meats to bo su perior to any ever offered in Rome, and we sell them at the very lowest prices - Fine Mutton and Beef Daily We deliver our meats free If you want meats quick telephone No. 97. dive us yoor orders and you will be pleased with yonr meats. WILKERSON & SONS, Cor. Third Ave. and E. First St. Aqua Cryitil Sp clacles and Eye Glasses to suit ail sights and all pocket books to be obtained from JERVIS& WRlGHT,Druggist? Cor. Broad St. & Sth Ave., Rome, Ga. The eyes carefully tested and correct lense* adjusted. Articles of necessity at popular prices. * sepl3-6m PROPOSAL! NOT-FOR YOUR HAND, BUT FOR YOUR TRADE. We have the largest and most varied stock of goods ever brought to North Georgia. . . We Need Your Dollars, And to get them we make this proposal : no matter what you wish in our line we will ’ save you . . From 10 to 25 Per Cent On every dollar spent with us. This may seem at first glance a rash promise, but we are prepared to prove it, if you will give us the opportunity. » > , , , SUIT OF CLOTHS $2.50. Men’s Shoes SI.OO. GOOD ALL WOOL JEANS From 15 to 30 Cents Per Yard. All Wool Undershirts 50 Cents SOMETHING NICE. When you come to Rome don’t buy one thing until you have seen us We are headquarters for everything you need. La.dies’ shoes 75c. 100 Children’s shoes 25c to 75c. Calico 4to sc. Cotton Checks 4to sc. A. A. A. Sheet? ing 4 to sc, the best, A. C. A. Bed Tick 13c. Men’s Work Shirts 25c’ Jeans Pants 60c to 1.25'. WHY NOT COME TO THE CUT PRICE HOUSE and get your goods.cheaper than anybody else in Rome can sell them. We are your friends and have been for years. Buy jour cotton and pay more for that than anybody in Rome We have bought very largely this reason expecting a large cdtton crop but it has been cut off and we have got these goods on hand and they must be sold regardless of cost. So come and see for youiself how cheap you can buy from THE MAMMOTH CUT PRICE HOUSE OF W. H. COKER & CO. 19 &21 Broad Street. ROME, - - GEORGIA. DOUGLAS & CO., Livery and Sale Stables, Broad Street, Koine, Ga. Finest turnouts in the city furnishi d,t the most leasoa able terms. Give us a call. Telephone 102. Bi i nn muu hwK ■* - p , Axinxi m rxn niml People Don’t Buy Pianos For looks alone. If they did, any one of the pretty piano cases, offered for sale,, with the tin-pan attachment inside, would do very well and not cost much. A tew months’ use serves to show the difference between a good and bad piano —between a piano carefully made of ex cellent material and a\ piano made of cheap stuff, slapped together anyhow. The Conover is as good a piano as was ever made. You may see it any time yon will come in. Seeing’s free.” >7 E. E. FORBES, Music Dealer, 327 Broad St., Rome, Ga. Save All You Can ON YOUR Grocery Purchases. Yet get the best of everything. We know your needs and we are making every ef fort tr supply ib.rn.. We have a new stock of Flour—the best brands. Meal—always fresh. Canned Goods. Fish—all kinds, in barrels and cans. Salmon, Mackerel, etc., Fruits, Vegeta bles, Butter, Coffee, etc., Teas, Sugar, Syrup, pure and delicious. Crackers, Candies, Pickles, Sauces, etc. All kinds of Fancy G ods, Cigars and Tobacco. Give -us a part of your trade. We will save you money. We will make every ef fort to give you the best of everything the market affords. WE DELIVER YOUR GOODS. J. R. DUPREE, No. 8 Second Avenue, Rome, Ga. Opposite Armstrong Hotel. 918tf LaFaloma Cubasa Cigar Factory, LLORENS, PACETTJ & CO-, Props- M ANUFACTVRERS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS: LaPaloma Cabana, Three Friends, El Parvenir, Our Tittle Havana, Star ot America, Flor de Key West, El Machete. We guarantee that all our Cigirs are Cuban hand-made, and are of the very best quality. We solicit a trial. . OFFICE AND FACTORY * 85 W. ALABAMA ST., ATLANTA, GA. DYEING! But Not Dead Yet. Ladies’ apd gentlemen's silk and woolen goods of all descriptions cleaned » and dyed in a superior manner. Prices to suit the times. The oldest Steam Dyeing and Cleaning>Jiyorks in Atlanta. ’Phone 880. MRS. J.E. KREIS, No. 18 Trinity Avenue, Atlanta, Ga EXTRACTED POSITIVELY Without Pain. • By the use of Vitalized Air, the. latest and best anaesthetic known to the medical profession. EVERYBODY can take it. Painless extracting, 50c. Warranted first class Crowns, Bridges, Fillings and Plates. Philadelphia Dental Parlors, 36 Whitehall Street. Atlanta. Ga. Moncrief Bowman bo., Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornices,&- ->©Metal Sky Lights, Conservatories and Hot Houses, Tin. and Slate Roofing* Heavy Iron Works of every description. Be sure to get our prices. Work done anywhere in the South. ’Phone 525, 57 South St.. Atlanta, vail us up from Rome. YOUR EYE-SI 6HT is not satisfactory when in Atlan a. call on GOODELL & PIERRON, The most success! ul Eye glass and Spectacle Fitters n the South. Examination free. ATLANTA OPTICAL ROOMS, 68 Whitehall Street. 3rd Floor.