The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 18, 1896, Image 6

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THE TE THE THRONG PEOPLE SALE THRONGS CONTINUES DELIGHTED Never was sale more succesfuL The crowds increase. The people evidence their faith in our pledges in no mistaking terms The sale shall continue—we shall for a time longer offer any and every article in our store—top to bottom—ex cept Foster’s Kid Gloves, Contract Corsets and Butterick’s Patterns at what it cost us—what it cost us and no more. The why is not in the issue. That we are doing it is the fact in which you are interested. You can get the goods at what they cost us—that’s what you can do during this sale, if you have the cash to pay for them. Can not sell goods at cost and pay book-keepers and collectors. Noth ing charged. No periodical tickets taken. RESPONSE ROYAL! This great sale has leaped out and beyond our most sanguine hope. Not since the very birth of the earth has retail sale of human wants scaled the heights of achieve ment as this has done. People read our advertisements. They believed our pledged word. They responded to our invitation and they got the goods as advertised, and what’s more,they’ll ever continue to find goods at our places as advertised. We repeat: Keeping faith with the public has built for us the greatest retail dry goods business that ever was in Rome. Keeping faith with the people has given us achievement in dry goods circles in Georgia unequalled by any, and we’ll not tamper with that faith now. You’ll get the goods at what they cost us if you come for them. This sale will continue until it stops. This much we promise. But after it stops such prices as we are giving now will be enrolled as a back-number. COME AT ONCE AND COME OFTEN. g' I $ S I ■ I ■Q ■/ > JBB jßf BB // IJBf BJw BB j f J V B TLE ROME TtfIBUNE. WE NESDAY NOVEMBER 18, 1896, MILLINERY. The second floor, in a sense, not a part of the general store. A well filled, well rounded, peerless store within itself—a radiant millinery store without an equal in all North Georgia. That millinery store on the second floor has been on a rousing boom these recent days. Ladies measured the elegance and grace of the work turned out. They visited the upstairs store; the supply was large and the exhibit—it was as a ‘ transalation of dreams’—parlors all aglow with the newest and prettiest creations of Dame Fashion. The goods are speeding away during this unprecedented sale. Miss Mynson and her gifted help, never awed by task ahead, are working day and night to meet the want of the trade. We ask you to visit again and again this millinery store, as in everything else, we are top notch quarters for all that is latest newest and best Stock yet large. What an opportunity to buy fashionab e Millinery, as wdi as D ry Goods. Nut ons, Shoes., Clothing. &c., at cost, a id the opportunity is yours.