The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 18, 1896, Image 8

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Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report R9>al PURE PRUNED Aad POINTED A Ea'ch of Ness Ileus of Interest Cut io lie Gere. |i! s Ctf LI'TLE U)LL LINES ih.y Are Not Di »wn Out, nnd Are None the Less Interesting Because of Their Brevity. Preyei Se.-vl.•. There will be an interesting prayei service at tte First Methodist church tonight. Ah invited. Prerbj terlan Church. Prayer meeting tonight at 7 o’clock at the First Presbyterian church, all are cordially invited to be present. Found Guilty. Jule Foster was found guilty yester day of assault with intent to murder by the Floyd superior court now in session. A Ei thday Party. Little Miss Allison Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Smith, will be given a birchday party at the Arm ; trong tomorrow. Itrauges at the Post Office. There have been several changes in Sie delivery department of the post office which add to the convenience in handing out the mail. Precious Stone Found. A precious stone found yesterday' Owner can have same by calling upon Frank T. Reynolds, city editor Tri bune, describing same and paying for ibis notice. L eked Up. The police locked up two young white boys yesterday claiming Annis ton for their home. One of them was Nourishing a pistol over in the Fifth ward. Officers Jones and Collier made Lie am st. I ft eat re. Another well pleased audience d the Maude Atkinson compai y at the opera house last night. The company grows upon their hearers. The bill last night showed the strength of the company to better advantage. Miss Berry’s Flower Party. Miss Mary Berry gave an elegant dower party last night to quite a. large circle of her friqnds. Those present were charmed beyond measure. Miss Berry has no superior as a hostess and all who know her are proud of her friendship. B be Readings off. Dr. A. J. Battle preached a fine ser mon last night at the First Baptist church. Owing to the failure of Dr. A. B, Vaughn, of Canton, failing to arrive the Bible Readings and services h.'.ve been called off. Tonight is regular prayer meeting night and all are expected. ijßnt Up* Aleck Goodwin was arraigned be fore Floyd superior court yesterday charged with false swearing in order to get insurance on what he claimed to be an injured hand. He was found guilty and sentenced for three years in the ehaingang by his honor, Judge W. M. Henry. A Beautiful Edition. The woman’s edition of the South ern Argus, to be issued tomorrow,will be an t legant affair, gotten out by the adies of East Rome. It will contain contributions from the best writers in the city, and will be profusely illus- WILL CONTINUE! The Old Reliabe Meat Market of T. J. FORD. i’hoirto inform the public and the patrons of my father, that 1 will continue the business at the old stand. 1 will keep constantly on hand a sap ply of the freshest meats and game in season and will endeavor to give com plete satisfaction. Give me a trial order. Mr. G. F. P. Watters, who has been in the market business for about fifteen years, is with me and will be glad to serve bis friends. Arthur N. Ford, No. 8 Broad Street, Rome, Ga. Iq-28 eod2w Tklkphone 67. t ated with beautiful half tone en gravings of scenes in East Rome. DininK Friday. The ladies of St. Peters’ church will give a dining at the vacant store on the corner of the Masonic Temple Friday for the purpose of earning funds for repairing the organ and [purchasing new hymnals for the church. It will be an elegant affair, turkey, oysters and other good things in abundance at moderate prices. Gave a D'ning. Col. and Mrs. C. H. Lavender gave aa elegant dinner last night at six o’clock, at their charming Second av enue home. The appointments were exquisitely perfect, and the hospital ity exceeded all. Beside Col. and Mrs. Lavender Mrs. Nell and Miss Willie Nell Lavender, were present Mis’* Griswold and Mr. Frank T. Reynolds. During the evening Miss Griswold sang several delightful numbeis in a truly artistic and captivating manner. A Chocalate Tea. The Ladies Aid Society of the Rome Christian church will give another one of their delightful teas at the resident e of its Secretary Mrs. W. S. Pennington, on East First street Thursday from 4to 10. The members of this society have pledged themselves to make up a cer tain sum each month to help defray the church expenses and they are well worthy of congratulations from every ore for the determined and wholesouled manner in which they have gone to work contributions of 10 cents or more will be taken at the door. Roosted High. Yesterday about noon a good deal of fnn was caused by nine turkeys getting out of a coop on a farmers wagon. They flew on the copings of Tedcastle and West buildings, some alighted on the mass of telephone, telegraph and electric light wires and poles near the junction of Second avenue and Broad. For a time an immense crowd stood on the streets and watched a number of young negro boys climb for them. The fowls had just read the thanksgiving proclamation and didn’t propose to be a party to it if they could help it. Capes and jackets greatest bargains ever offered to the public at this season of the year J. Kuttner. MORE STARTLING PRICES Our special prices on a few articles last week met with such instant suc cess that we will make some startling figures on several lines this week,pos itively good for five days only: 11 large cakes laundry soap 25c. 3 cakes nice toilet soap sc. Canned salmon, new, only 10c. New lunch tongues 25c. Magnolia milk only 10c can. Large pails best jelly, new, 25c. New Gunpowder tea 25c pound. Best oyster crackers,fresh,7c pound. Lunch milk crackers, loose, 7c. New mince meat only 10c pound. 2 dessert peaches 10c can. Fancy evaporated apples 10c pound. Every article guaranteed satisfac tory. Lloyd’s Fair. Big sale of wheels less than cost E. E. Forbes. To Be Married. As announced in yesterday’s Tri bune, the following invitations have been issued: Mr. and Mrs. John J. Seay request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Mabelle Brewster, to Mr. Lewis Clarke Harrison, Wednesday evening, December second, eighteen hundred and ninety six, at six o’clock, First Presbyterian Church, Rome, Georgia. Reception, at half after six o’clock, 401 Second Avenue. Cheap Bates. The Western & Atlantic R. R., will sell lound trip tickets Home to Atlanta and return at $2.00 November 18 and morning trains 19th. good to return until Novemoer 20. C. K. Aye®, Tkt. agt. We carry the largest assort ments most elegant selections and most exclusive style J. Kuttner. Wanted—Four good traveling sales men good pay and steady position to right men call at corner Fourth avenue and West Second street. 7t012a. m. Gigantic Sale of ladies’gcape 8 and jackets, misses and chil drens cloaks and refers J Kut tner. THE ROME TRIBUNE. .WrDNESDaY, NuVhMßhlt .8. 18»6 BEFORE THE ALTAR Mr. Thomis Benton Owens and Miss Jennie Hih WERE MARRIED LAST NIGHT The Scene Wn«a Mos' Iniprjft-i v« One and tin Kec p lon Very Much Kn- * juyenlAf forward.. Last evening at 8 o’clock Miss Jennij Hill, the beautiful daughter of Capt. James B. Hill, and Mr. Thomas Benton Owens, were unitel in marriage. The wedding occured at the Second Metho dist church in the Fourth ward, and was attended by a large number of friends of tne bride and groom. The attendants were Miss Addie Bogan first maid of honor and Mr. J. B. Owens, best man and Miss Sallie Gardner and Mr. Charles T. Hill. The ushers were Messrs. Bailey Gor don, Alexis D. Kendrick, Will Culpep per and Edwin Wright. Mrs. IL D. Hill was at the organ as Miss Bogan and Mr. Owens entered the church and marched down the right aisle. Miss Gardner and Mr. Hill marching down the left hand aisle at the time, the bride and groom follow ing the latter couple, and the entire party being gracefully grouped about the altar, the ceremony was conduct ed by Rev. T. A. Owens, of Taylors ville, uncle of the groom, in a most impressive manner. The entire affair was beautifully conducted, and after the wedding the wedding party and a number of in vited guests were entertained at a very enjoyable reception at the home of the parents of the bride. The presents were numerous and very beautiful, with many telegrams of congratulation. The happy couple will leave this morning for Bartow county, to at tend a reception tendered them by his brothers and sisters at twelve o’clock today. ' Mr. Owens is a prominent merchant of Rome, and stands high in social and business circles, and the bride 1 has been a favorite with a large circle of friends since her childhood. POINTS ABOUT PEOPLE. Soma Who Coni'*, Some who Go and Some Who Stay at Home. Mr. John W. Jones spent Sunday in Cartersville so says the News. Many papers throughout the state are predicting the election of Judge Bran ham. J. E. Swain of Reeve’s Ga., and J. H. McCalla, of Gadsden Ala., are at the Central. Mr. L. B. Cochran, of Rockmart, was autographed at the Armstrong yesterday. Mr. Nat Hoyt has, gone to Dalton, w ere he will be with the Lowry Bros, d ug firm. Capt. John H. Foster and Co). Hal sted Smith are among the Rome dele gation in Atlanta. Col. W. G. M. Simmons of Center, Ala., a prominent lawyer is spending a few days in the city. Rev. J. W. Pullen preached a fie sermon yesterday morning at the First Baptist church. Dr. J. T. Crouch went down to At lanta yesterday to help the Rome force in working for Judge Branham. The Lowry Brothers "have shipp d their stock of drugs and fixtures to Dal ton. Dr. Sam Lowry leaves today. Mr. C. F. Taylor the thorough going and popular salesman for D. W. Curry is quite sick at his home in South Rome, Mrs. B. M. Blackburn and Miss No a Martin, who have been visiting Mrs. Frank Reed have returned to their At lanta home. Miss Myra Lloyd has gone to Salt Springs to recoveu her health. Her friends hope for an early and permanent improvement. Mr. Charles Treadwell, a prominent citizen of Atlanta, came up yesterday on a visit to L. G. Todd and other rel atives in the city. H. has accepted aposition with Berry Gilliam & Co., wholesale boots and shoes Lynchburg Va., andstait; out on the road today. Mr. H. D. Cheney, a prominent citi zen of Chattooga county, is in the city for a few days and gave the Tri bune a pleasant call. Gen. E. W. Pettus, of Selma, well known here in Rome, has been nom inated for United States senator to succeed Senator Pugh in Alabama. Editor N. C. Napier and Col. H. P. Lumpkin of LaFayette were in the city yesterday en route to Atlanta where they will yote for Judge Bran ham today. Miss Idolene Edwards, of Atlanta, will arrive thia morning from Atlanta to visit Mrs. J. Sam Veal. Miss Ed- wards is a popular society favorite in the Gate City. Judge Bellah and Col. C. C. Cleg horn of Summerville passed through the city yesterday eu route to Atlanta to attend rhe caucus for supre i e court judges. They are instructed for Branham. • Misses Louise Oehmig is in Rome. She wi 1 be among the guet-ti of honor at a grand german to be giv. n there Wednesday evening, and wi'l return home the latter part of the weeir.—Chattanooga News. Col. Montgomery M. Folsom, the talented editor of the Rome Tribune pegsed through the city yesterday on his way to Atlanta. It is hinted that the colonel was being groomed as a dark horse for senatorial honors and was going down to see about i'. - Car tersville News. THE TEACHER.-' PAY Gov. Atkinson Holds a C«»n»ul atiun With Treasurer Gov. Atkinson held a consultation with Treasurer Speer jestirday in regard to the payment of 8,000 public school teachers for the three months ending October 1. The teachers want their money and there is not enough in the treasury to pay them. “It is a mistake to say that we have tried to borrow and had trouble to get it,’’ said the governor. 'The state can borrow without any trouble but it does like to do so when it seems likely that enough tax has been col lected to pay the teachers. What we need is a law like that or Fulton coun ty, requiring the tax collector to pay collections to the treasurer as soon as they amount to $3,000 or $5,000 ” It appears that ouly about $60,000 of this year's tax has been received by the treasurer, and this is so small a part of the annual collections that considerable amounts are supposed to be held back by the collectors. It seems that a custom prevails by which banks make bond for tax collectors and as a return favor, the tax collect ed is deposited with them. Under the law no fi. fas. can be issued till Dec ember 20, and the advantage is often taken of this to hold the taxes in banks in the counties in which it is collected. If this money were promptly remitted the school teach ers could be paid, but as it is, the banks get the benefit and the teacheis have to wait. Governor Atkinson thinks the time for issuing fi. fas. is too late, as crops and collections are earlier than they used to be, and in many cases, all movable property, out of which the state might make its money, is taken off the land befere December 20. There are some people who never wear dark glasses and yet they never see any thing brigt; it’s the people who are dys peptic and soured. Everything is out of joint with such people. “I suffered many years with Dyspepsia and liver troubles but have been relieved since taking Sim moo’s Liver Regulator. I know others vh > have been greatly benefited by its u?e. ’-James Nowland, Carrolton, Mo. Now is the time to get a bicy cle cheap, repoesesf e i wheels good a< new for less than cost E E. Foibes lip- Bait Your Hook with low prices and then fish in this jewelry store. Whatever you catch, it will exactly represent the price you pay. Nothing is misrepresented. We keep a complete stock of fine jewelry, and you get solid value for every cent you spend with us. T. J. STILSON, Jeweler, nl2 3m 55 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. For Investment $550 AT 8 PER CENT. AND COMMISSIONS. Water Works Bonds 6’s Floyd County Bonds. Address, “INVESTOR,” 221 Broad St. G. RENTZ & CO. 303 BROAD STREET. Call on me for your Fine Candy and Fruits. Baskets of Fruit or ' andy fixed up to order. We han die oniy the best and guarantee satisfaction. To the Merchants: Wt can save yon money on penny goods. We have the oest and larg est assortment of any house in town. Virginia Hand-Picked Peanuts a specialty. €l. BENTZ CO. am ' d’ l "' 111 ■.: i ro ili . ,e, nr .. j, M AVegefablePreparationforAs- I slmilatingtheFoodandßegula- i tiiig the Stomachs andßowels of | ■— • I ■ - i Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness andßest.Contains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. ofOld BrSAMUL'J’ITUBER Pum/Jan jlbc.Senna * Jio&MSdu- JniitStcd * fippprmint - > l i th Carbonate Soda • Wrm Setd - Clarified Sugar . Wntayrcen flavor / Aperfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions,Feverish- ■ ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. i Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. • EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. WWBnb. f| G1 ” 80n ' Telephone 148 Bherry - fannin Ujy Diodora, ~ | Yellowstone, COUNTY -- CANADIAN CLUB I O. Cabinet, | „ . 9Ba» I California Monogram, XXXX. Port W Ines, ZZ CURRAN, SCOTT & CO. °“” flgS w 9 zAlf Blackberry /; cfOz 1 el I>Pr The Best 82 gallon Cook- Brandy, Label, ing Sherry sold in Georgia. SCHIEDIM JhJIQ Duff}’a Malt California Claret 83 per SCHNAPPS roa'To, dozens For Kidney Schlitz Bottled Beer, Bladder and ||i- Lincoln, Ale, Porter, Cabinet and Blood Log Cabin. Royal Pale Beer. Maderia Wine No. 6 Broad Street $1,000.00 IMPORT SHIPMENT OF JOSEPH ROGERS & SON’S Fine Pocket Knives, For 100 Years the Best Known to the World Fine Scissors, Fine Carving Sets, Fine Table Knives, Triple Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons, Imported Razors and Shaving Sets, Men’s Double and Single Bit Axes, Hatches, Boys’ Axes, Picks, Mattocks, Shovels, Spades, Hay Forks, Rakes, Coal Hods, Wire Screen Fire Fenders, Wringers, Fluters, Sciubbers,&c., at Terhune-Nixon Company, THE POPULAR HARDWARE HOUSE. | KENTUCKY DEW WHISKY | 0 STANDARD OF PURITY. Distilled of Carefully Selected Grain and Pure Limestone Spring IQ Water; Matured in Wood and Bottled under Our Own Supervision. gs /Tv Kentucky Dew is the leader of Fine Old Fashion Sour Mash Whiskies “ and for Mellowness and Richness of Flavor has no superior. Buy •Q Kentucky Dew bottled by the Distiller if you want an absolutely Pure £ Whisky for the club or sick room. Ask your dealer for KENTUCKY' S 3 DEW, bottled by ourselves. If he hasn’t it write us. 01 H OLD KENTUCKY DISTILLERY, H D. Meschendorf, Proprietor. Louisville, Kentucky. FOR SALE BY J. R. CLEMMONS. 1115 lIU Whitfield Commission Co. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. —WHOLESALE DEALERS AND SHIPPERS OF Live and Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Game, Fish, Oysters, Celery, &c. Consignments solicited. Prompt and personal attention given all business. Returns and remittances made day of sale. u 12 tm8p doi cFlas & co., / Livery and ’Sale Stables, Broad Street, Rome, Ba. Finest turnouts in the city furnishedat the most reason able terms. Give us a call. Telephone 102. I SEE I THAT THE |FAC-SIMILE I SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OF CASTORIA Castoria la put up in one-size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don’t allow anyone to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it is “just as good” and “will answer every pur pose." •ftS'See that you get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fao- , - simile J r’ is oa every cf * wrapper.