The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 08, 1896, Image 16

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Highest «f all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Rpyal^" e ? ABSOLUTELY PURE ALBERTVILLE, ALA. Saud Mountain’s Thriving and Booming Metropolis. THE FISiST SECTIONS OF THE STATE Its Busin* s", T. ople. Enterprises and Hospitality—Two Leading Meichnnt. and Th* ir Trade- One of the finest sections of North Alabama lies on the elevated plateau of Sand Mountain. It is well watered, well timpered, the lands are free and easy of tillage, the health is perfect, and both the air and water as pure as can be found in any mountain region on this globe. For years this beautiful section of country remained in comparative Ob scurity,but a few energetic men finally spied out the lands and found that like Canaan of old it was a varitable re gion, flowing with milk and honey. Their success attracted the attention of others, and the settlement of this country followed with phenomenal rapidity. Beautiful farms are laid out with tasteful and comfortable farm houses built thereon, towns began to spring up, and Albertville, the Metropolis of North and East Alabama came into existence. The town is located cn a beautiful plateau eleven hundred feet above the sea level, and many beautiful public bnildings and residences have been constructed in the last few years. Successful merchants have erected substantial business houses and many elegant residences have been located in this embryo metropolis and its at tractive suburbs. One of the district public schools of the state was located at Albertville a few years ago., constituting another attraction for those seeking homes in a prosperous town There are churches of the various denominations with large and handsome buildings, and the social status of the town is far su perior to that of many more preten tious localities. There are quite a number of manu facturing establishments, all of which are flourishing, and Albertville en joys an enormous trade among the thriving farmers of the surrounding section. The roads are built on nat ural roadbeds, sothat communication is easy and the merchants carrv such apt o date stocks, sell at such reason able prices and give such ample re turns for all products brought to that market, that it is small wonder that the town has grown so rapidly, FACTORS IN ITS PROGRESS, Mr. L. S. Emmett is the oldest mer chant in Albertville, and one of the prime factors in its progress. His right hand man is Mr. Thomas B. McNaron. who has occupied the position of book-keeper for Mr. Em mett during the past five years. Mr. McNaron came from Collinsville Ala., where he received a good common school education, afterwards gradu ating with honor from the Kentucky university at Lexington, having taken the full course in the business de partment. After coming to Albertville his ge nial manners and fine business quali fications soon won for him the respect and esteem of all with whom he came in contact. He married the accomplished daugh ter of Mr. Emmett, and settled down to business in a beautiful home on one of the principal streets of the town, and since then his rise in the business and social world has been very rapid. He is one of the best equipped young men in North Alabama, and has been engaged in many of the most important transactions that have added to the wealth and prosperity of his town. He enjoys a large acquaint anceship throughput the whole coun trj”, which hes been of vast advantage io him in the consumation of his ex tensive business transactions, and in forming strong connections with other important business concerns. Besides being a most accomplished book keeper, Mr. McNaron has made a success in the hotel business,a large amount of which is direct ly attributa ble to the good taste and judgment of his wife, who was Miss Lula Emmett. She is a lady o' rare culture and re finement. having taken a two years’ course in art in the seminary college of Cleveland, Tenn., which added a Awarded Highest Honors—World’s Fair, •DR; VW F CREAM BAKINfi POWRIR MOST PERFECT MADE. pbre Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free rm Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 4A kea-S THE STANOA7J). great d ealto her other accomplish ments Some of her drawings have been highly praised by compent con noisseurs, one of which in particular has been estimated as being worth at least SSOO Mr. and Mrs. McNaron are very happy’ in their beautiful home, and welcome all strangers to stop at Al benville with such cordiality as to impress them with the hospitable dis position of the people of that thriving town. Those in search of information re garding Albertville and Sand Moun tain can always learn all that they’ desire to know of its progress and of the outlook of the country at large, and of Albertville in particular, from Mr. McNaron. One of the men who has been largely conducive to the growth and prosperity of Albertville is Mr. J. L Chambers, a thoroughbred Georgian who removed to that thriving place some years ago from Rome and soon identified himself thor oughly with the advancement of the town. He was elected mayor and served the people with the most satisfactory efficiency and has ever been both as a business man and official one of the prime factors in the progress of Albert ville. He is a man of genial bearing, affa ble and accomodating disposition and impresses all strangers who visit the place with a warm welcome that awaits every one who visits Albertville. He is engaged in the livery business ana furnishes teams at the most reason able rates for traveling men and pros pectors who wish to take trips over the beautiful roads that lead out in every direction from the North Alabama me tropolis. In his large livery, feed aid sale stable he keeps the very best stock aud the most stylish turnouts and those who patronize him may always be as sured of the fairest treatment and the most reasonable rates. When you go to Albertville, and every person who has not visited that beautiful country should make it a point to do so, call on Jack Chambers and he will not only give you all the information you want about the town and the adjacent section but he will fit you up with the means to pursue your investigations by visiting the coal mines, the ore banks, the timber lands, and the magnificent farm and farm lands that lie adjaesne to beautiful Albert ville. Handkerchiefs for the holiday trades, elegant line of gents and ladies all linen handkerchiefs, perfect beau/ tys at Thos, Fahy's. ANNOUNCEMENTS. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for bailiff for 919th district, G. M., election to be held second Satur day in January and respectfully solicit the votes of the people of this district. ts C. N. Mizk. If you have any pitcures you want framed for Christmas bring them to Harry E. Patton, at F, A, Johnson's Are You Engaged ? If so, you would not like to be dis appointed about your wedding invi tations would you? Guard against this .disappointment by having your wed ding, reception, and visiting cards engraved by A. C. Stephens who has in his service the finest engravers in this country. Mr. Stephens exhibited some of the most exquisite cards as specimens of work and lays great stress upon his ability to furnish work promptly; visiting cards in two days, and wedding and announce ment cards in three or four days. Ladies who use fine correspondence paper will be pleased with Mr. Step hens’ work in monograms addresses, initials etc., done in colors and illu minated. This new enterprise which Mr. Stephens developing will be a great convencience to the citizens of Rome as hitherto this work has been sent North which entailed delay and un certainly. A good second-hand one-horse wagon and harness for sale cheap. Inquire at Veal’s Jewelry Store. 10 29 w-ts. HO! FOR THE HOLIDAYS’ Drop in nt Hesdquarters and See For Yourself. If you don’t believe that Christmas is at hand, just drop in at beadquar ters and see for yourself? Where? why, at C. A. Trevitt's, of course, though everybody knew that Trevitt has one of the most superb stock, of imported perfumeries, Bald win’s domestic perfumes, holiday presents, hair brushes, combs,Mirors, Crest ware novelties in jewels cases, puff boxes, photograph cases and so on in endless variety. C. A. Trevitt has one of the neat est and most attractive drug stores In the city and he has a heavy run of prescription business, because of the accuracy and promptness with which he fills all orders. His prescription department is in charge of a skilled pharmacist and he keeps only the very best and purest drugs and medi cines. His place is headquarters for holi day goods at rhe very lowest prices. Just drop in and take a peep at his beautiful stock. TH® BOM® TRIBUNE, TUESDAY, DKCKMBEB •*, JHfMJ. CITY COURT SESSION Judge G. A. H. Harris Will Open His Next Monday. IMPORTANT BUSINESS TO COME UP The Idst of Jurors Drawn and Who Will True Verdicts Give According to Evidence. Next Monday morning at 9 o'clock his Honor Judge George A. H. Harris will convene the city court, to try quite a number of cases, many o' them trivial, but some of them are of importance, and will prove interest ing. The following are the jurors drawn for the first and second week: John Henry J. F. Maples; R. Barnes, Jr., W. M. Callahan, J. C. Wood, V. R. Richards, Jas. W. Burns, H. A. J, Beard, C. R. Caudle, M. A. Brandon. J. F. Baldwin. G. M. Battey, J. C. Brown, M. B. Bennett, Jas. W. Reeves, C. M. Fouche, G. J. Briant, J. F. Touch stone, Moses Fornby, B. E. Kerce, John T. King, James A Beard, A. A. Attins, Needham Griffin. Second Wei k. Eli P. Floyd, Jas. L. Duke, Jas. W. Mills, Geo. J Dykes, P. J. Deason, C. T. Horten, Joseph S. Espey, T. C. B Chapman, J. W. Coker, J. L. Camp, R. P. King, J. B. Bobo, A. J. Crocker, J. F Bass, R. A. Barnett, H. H. Mc- Clure, Geo. R. Morton, Sex Morris, E, T. McGhee, A. D. Hardin, J. F. Green; J. W. Giles, J. E. Moore, Livingston, Jno, W. Bagwell. Mr. J. T. Tracy. A man who occupies a position of great responsibility is Mr. J. T. Tracy, head blacksmith of the Southern rail road shops in Rome. He was born in old Cass county, now Bartow, and came to Rome twelve years ago and entered the shops of the bld East Ten nessee, Virginia and Georgia, where l / r- J. T. TRACY. i by close application to duty and in domitable perseverance he developed his natural skill and ability to such a degree that his promotion was ever rapid. Mr. Tracy to Cherokee Ma sonic lodge No. 6, and is captain in Rome Chapter Royal Arch Masons, occupying a very high position in that ancient and honorable order. He is also a member of the Rome Council of Royal and Select Masters and Rome Lodge No. 40 of Odd Fellows, and is chief patriarch of the Floyd Encamp ment. Besides these he holds a membership in Riverside Lodge Knights of Pythias and is a member of Rome Chapter Woodmen of the World, and is com mander of the ’K. O. T. M., Tent No. 1 of Rome, and of the Ancient Essenic Order. He has been for a long time a member of other fraternities. He is a man who stands very high among his fellow workmen, and is an honest, in dustrious and useful citizen. Give your subscriptions to Harry E, Patton, for magizines, papers and begin with January numbers, due about 25th December, Stamping and braiding done at 209 East Third street. dee 6-8 t The best all wool underwear in Rome is at Thos, Fahy's, New friip of Nits. Walnuts, Almonds, Filberts, Bra zil Nuts, Peacons, Italian Cheet nnts; also Dates and Figs. Call on us fcr your Thanksgiving Fruits, Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Pears,&c. To the Merchants: We can save yon money on penny goods. We nave the nest and larg est assortment of any house in town. Virginia Hand-Picked Peanuts a specialty. «. i Z A co. Aqua Crystal Spectacles and Eye Glasses to suit ail sights and all pocket books to be obtained from JKKVIS& W RlGHT,Druggie Cor. Broad St. A Sth Ave., Rome, Ga. The eves carefully tested and correct lenses adjusted. Articles of necessity at popular prices. sep!3-6m __2t see (ll HID HhUßj I rj. rTnn.ji I that the |jf**** Isac-simile AVeeetablcPrcparationforAs- ■ SIGNATURE slmilatingtheToodaadßegula ting the Stomachs andßowels of « —— OF-*— Promote s Digestion,Cheerful- l nessandßeSt.Containsneither ■ Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. ■ Tg ON THE Not Narcotic. WRAPPER Pumpkin .ALx.Senna * H| (I OF @ ~RQ r E r I’ I /FI OF Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- fl| Mb B fil lion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, ffimH O B ■ Worms .Convulsions,Feverish- || S B MUM B CT, pw I UnlH NEW YORK. | Oastoria Is pot up in one-size bottles only. It K IMMM not bulk. Don’t allow anyone to sell IfiU™ an y t *‘* n C e ' sß on It l9 pl'- a promise that it j "i ust aa g°°d" and “will answer every pur [gpOSoi i> .ear gee that you get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. Bl Thefzo- EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 9 simile /""pf r S bon W signature mij ’taffiasas of » wrapper. $1,000.00 IMPORT SHIPMENT OF JOSEPH ROGERS & SON’S Fine Pocket Knives, For 100 Years the Bes? Known to the World. Fine Scissors, Fine Carving Sets, Fine Table Knives, Triple Plated Knives, Forks ajid Spoons, Imported Razors and Shaving Sets, Men's doable and single Bit Axes, Hatches, Boys’Axes. Picks, Shovels, Mattocks, Spades, Hay Forks, Rakes, Coal Hods, Wire Screen Fire Fenders, Wringers, Fluters, Scrubbers, &c., at Terhun e-Nix on Compah y, THE POPULAR HARDWARE MOUSE. * * o ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ * ♦. ♦ .♦. ♦ ♦ * ’ ♦ ♦ * ♦ * ♦ : MURRAY HILL CLUB I /A. > *' •. < STRICTLY HI TH GRADE ♦ WHISKEY. COSTLIEST BECAUSE BEST. ♦ ♦. ' ♦ Sold only at the following* Saloons in Rome: A ♦ ♦ G. J. BRIANT & CO. ARMSTRONG BAR. I. i KAY & BRO. I. SCHWARTZ. ;* W. J. SATTERFIELD. JNO. R. CLEMMONS. >5 O ,A, Beware of refilled bottles- see that you get the genuine. X • JOS. A. MAGNUS & CO.,Sole Proprietors. R \ - HEATINGsStOVES. FINEST LINE OF HEATING STOVES IN ROME FOR WOOD. COAL, COKE OR GAS. CzSL.X«Xa uf3i.jxrx> isxix: Also first class Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Steam Heating. Repair work given special attention. mk-JSTSOdST 3'25 BROAD STREET. Next to Opera House. ZZ. ZD. SiILL. REAL ESTATE AGENT 230 .SRO-A-iD ST’ Renting a Specialty and Prompt Settlement the RuleJ Curran, Scott & Co; THE LEADERS IN FINE PURE WHISKEY. THIS IS ONE OF OUjR jp| LEADING BRANDS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. HI DISTILLED IN WakervilllE, Canada. flaisLSM All good Doctors, Physi- cians and surgeons pre scribe this Whiskey for run-down systems. WE are Sole Agents. BjFwfr™ A YELLOWSTONE, The Greatest American Whiskey. Aged in Wood. Bottled by the Distillers. j We feel when we sell you a < l u “ rt Whiskey i we have made a customer iktfinuf of you to last. If THERE IS NO BETTER. OLD TAYLOR Q is one of the wji FINEST BOURBON JOL WHISKEYS WfcH Distilled in Kentucky, J I —BY — 11 i| TAYLOR & WILLIAMS, i| |j C-.jy .K < Louisville, Ky. This is One of Our ggffi Leading Ffffl OLD KENTUCKY l| Bl WHISKEYS, fItHH DISTILLED BY W.L. Weller & Sons y yijk LOUISVILLE, KY. Famous for its pu- —rity and rich flavor. £CSE yi I This Whiskey is not only pure, but stands as a first and supe rior Whiskey. PURE GRAIN Fayette County LJ, Whiskey. F f W. L. Weller & Sons, I, ' I Distillers, LOUISVILLE, KY. j AND LEXINGTON. KY. FULL QUARTS. We have placed the /WbisliSV UJfeMKIfIV ' price of this Whiskey at 75 Cents. fe ‘ -J GIBSONS i ROSEDALE tOUR TWO LEADING WHISKEYS J®L j FOR A /A ONE DOLL AR I jjgj MUART. S” JEGG For Your Xmas Nog Get Our St. Croix and Jamaica Rum. r This is the Purest Corn Whiskey, FIRST RUN. SECOND RUN. Isl' Fannin and Pickens County, Ga. We keep a full and well matured old Wine in stock from the very best vineyards in the laud. Our Sherry, Maderia, Port’and Bia k berry are rich. We are headquarters for Whiskeys and Wines, Our Two Dollar a gallon Old California Pale Sherry Wine cannot be surpassed for its ele gant and rich flavor Ladies who need a mild stimulant for weakness, run-down system, should use it, as there is nothing better for strength and health, A.s a good Cooking Wine, for flavoring deserts, it is pat excellent. Nothing better. Send us an order for our favored Wine for making* Syllabub. We have it. TELEPHONE US-148. We Can Save You Money on Liquors and Wines. Curran, Scott & Co. NO 0 BKOAO STREET