The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 09, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Only One Standard / You and we may differ as to money standards and out of our very differences good may come. But we won’t differ as to the merits of one standard emulsion of cod liver oil. SCOTT’S EMULSION has won and held its way for nearly 25 years in the world of medicine until to-day it is al most as much the standard in all cases of lung trouble, and every condition of wasting whether in child or adult as quinine is in malarial fevers. Differ on the money ques tion if you will, but when it comes to a question of health, perhaps of life and death, get the standard. Your druggist sells Scott’s Emulsion. Two sizes, 50 cts. and SI.OO SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. WHITTLED OF WHITE PINE. “Did you see me?” asked the first waiter in the Rising Sun case and restaurant for ladies and gents. “I couldn’t see nothin’else,’’ said the second waiter. The second waiter was a bad young man. He chewed tobacco while wait ing on the table. On this morning, in particular, he needed a shave. His long apron dashed and decorated with the various articles of the bill of fare until it looked like a colored war map of Cuba. “How was I?” asked the first waiter, whose exposed shirt-front was a de sign of horse shoes and whips. “You was aces and eights.” “The little lady comes purt’ near bein’ the real works, hub ?” “She’s a lollypotash, sure enough.” “You've said it. Did I look like 1 was in it?” “You looked like ready money.” “Jeez, you’re swellin’ me this morn ng. I think I’d better set down an’ write a few letters to myself. ” “If I could win anything like that, I’d send cablegrams—on the level. I don t see how you ever done it. You must ‘a’ led your ace to cop that dance.” “It’s all in knowin’ how to talk to em,” said the first waiter, with a fear ful smirk and a lift of the shoulders. “Give ’em the old bunk talk?” “Oh, not too strong. It’s easy to over play, if she’s wise. Just lead her on an’ find out who she’s sore at, and then help roast. I made a star play last night. I was goin’ right down to the corner an’ do up that guy that runs the cigar store. She had to hold me back.” “She done it, didn’t she?” “Yes, she talked me out of it.” “Well, it was a good thing for you. If you ever try to make good good with that boy, I can see your finish.” “Is that so? He ain’t such a much, is he?” “Well, he’s several. I seen him swing on a farmer one night down in Dan’s, an’ for awhile there it looked like a killin’.” “Well, I ain’t no farmer. I wouldn’t go up an’ hold nut me jaw to him.” “Say, cull, if you’ve got yourself jollied up to thinkin’ you can have tro ble with that Turk, you want to come out of the trance righ away—understand? You want to wake up. I think the little lady must ’a’ cooked you a pill. He’s liable to beat in your face an’ make you say you like it.” “Not me does he do anything like that to, my boy—not me. What’d Ibe doin’ while he was pushin’ in the face?” “Go an’get it if you want it! Youmay like it in the hospital. I don’t know, of course, where you want to be.” “W’y, you talk like a faucet! You seem to think this boy’s the only shirt in the laundry,” “Well, that’s what he is. He’s main clinker in the stove when it comes to scrappin’.” “Oh, I don’t know. There may be oth er clinkers.” “You keep on thinkin’ so. I’m begin nin’ to believe the little lady’s fixed it up to get you killed.” “Don’t you think it. ” The first waiter went back to the kitch en to Reta plain steak fora thin man who had been waiting at one of the ta bles. When he returned the second waiter, the one with the incrusted apron asked: “How about it—are you strong today?” •• You mean the mazuma?” “Yeh, the dough. Tne real thing did n’t get into you for all of it, did she?” “She didn’t leave much, 11l promise you.” “Jeez, you’re playin’ her strong these d rys. ” “ I’tn backing her off the boards. After we left the dance last night an’ got the two stews an’ 1 blowed off her and her two friends off for some o’ those tall nes my pockets looked like I’d been in u Kansas cyclone. “I can’t worry about two bits out of you. huh?” “Not unless you’re better’n I think you are. I got just enough for a pack o’ sweets ’’ ’ ‘You’re getting to be a fan on shows.” “A man’d better be at a show than down the line here fightin’ booze.’ ’ “Oh, I don’t know." “Well, I know. They got green booze down at Dan’s now. I seen A tallow take two cracks at it the other u igbt an’ then he went out an’ tried t o steal a hack. If I go there again I’m goin’ to take sa’saparilla or else duck. Dan gi’ me a drink o’ that sherry one night, an’ this ain’t no lie neither. The stuff et my teeth until they was just like sandpaper when I put ’em together. On the dead I thought 1 was poisoned, I asked Billy about it, an’ he said they made it in the back room out o’ whisky an’ rain water an’ two or three kinds o’ dope they get at the drug store. No wonder they give a tall glass for ten. They can keep it. I don’t want to go to no nut college.” “You'd better shake the little lady then. There’s more men goes- daffy over women than there is over booze.” “Listen to his wise nobs. I s’pose some knowin’ fellow come in here at night an’ told you that.” “It’s right, and I know it. I read it in a book.” “I s’pose you set up every night readin’ them books.” "I read this one all right. It said that more men went nutty from bein’ tossed in the air by women than any thing else. You can bet that’s straigt, too. Il am an gets a tide he can get up the next day, shoot in a little bromo or something like that, eat a steak, an’ he’s all right. He ain’t flossy, but he’s good for a day’s work, an* by night time he’s got fixed up so that he don’t jump over a chair every time somebody slams the door. But if he’s got the girl gone in bis h ead he’s queer all the time. He ai’t goin’ to be fixed up by no bromo, an’ the more drinks he takes the worse off he is. I seen too much of it. I seen a fellow lose a good chop house an’ go to openin’ oysters, all in six months. Did the booze do it? Nix. A fairy, an’ a bum fairy at that, Don’t talk tome.” F. T. R. DANGER IN SODA Serious Results Sometimes Follow Its Ex cts-ive Use. Common soda is all right in its place and indispensable in the kitchen and for cooking and washing purposes, but it was never intended for a medicine, and people who use it as such will some day regret it. We refer to the common use of soda to relieve heartburn or soar stomach, a habit which thousands of people practice almost daily, and one which is fraught with danger; moreover the soda only gives temporary relief and in the end the stomach trouble gets worse and worse. The soda acts as a mechanical irritant to the walls of the stomadh and bowels and cases are on record where it accu mulated in the intestines, causing death by inflf’mmationor peritonitis. Dr. Harlandson recommends as the safest and surest cure for sour stomach (acid dyspepsia) an excellent preparation sold by druggist* under the name of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets. These tab lets are large 20 grain lozenges, very pleasant to taste and contain the natu ral acids, peptones, and digestive ele ments essential to good digestion, and when taken after meals they digest the food perfectly and promptly before it has time to ferment, sour and poison the blood and nervous system. Dr. Wuerth states that he ; nvariably uses Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets in all cases of stomach derangements and finds them a certain cure not only for sour stomaeh. but by promptly digesting the food they create a healthy appetite, increase flesh and strengthen the action of the heart and liver. They are not a cathartic, but intended only for stomach diseases and weakness and will be found reliable in any stomach trouble except cancer of the stomach. All druggists sell Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tabelts at aOcts. per package. A little book describing all forms of stomach weakness and their cure mailed free by addressing the Stuart Co. of Marshall, Mich. NINE MONTH* IN BED. CURED 24 HOURS, T. J. Blackmore, of Haller & Blackmore Pittsburg, Pa., says: “A short time since I procured a bottle of “Mystic Cure.” It got me out of the house in twenty-four hours. I took to my bed with Rheumatism nine months ago and the “Mystic Cure” is the only medicine that did any good. I had five of the best physicians in the city, but received very little reliex irom them. I know that Mystic Cure to be what it is rep resented and take pleasure n racomending it to ether sufferers.” TO THE PUBLIC. I will continue the coal bns ineHH ot my late lather, Col. C I Graves. I have given up all other business and will give my entire time and atten> tion to same, and ask ot his friends and customers a con tinuance ot their patronage. Robert W. Graves. Are You Going West ? The Iron Mountian and Texas Pacific is the only line out of Memphis that runs through cars via Little Rock Texarkana to Dallas and Fort Worth without change. We also have Pull man tourist sleepers via “The True Southern Route” to Los Angles and San Francisco without change. If you contemplate making a trip West kindly drop me a line and I will mail to your address map and book of the state you wish to locate free of charge, also send you illustrated book on Hot Spring, Ark., the World’s Sanitarium, which is under the direct supervison of the United States government. Address. A. A. Gallagher, Southern Passenger Agent. 103 Read House, Chattanooga, Tenn. 11 25 ts. WANTED A good live boy well recom mended for his ability as a col lector. Apply to B. C. care Tribune Office. StiKleutd Kates. The Western & Atlantic R. R , wil[ sell r >und trip tickets to students desir • mg to spend the holidays at home, at one and a third fare, t ickets to be sold upon presentation of certificates signed by the surperintentent, principal or president of the schools and colleges, on December 1(1 025 inclusive, limited to return until January 4, ’97. 0. K. Ayer, Tkt.,Agt. C. E, Harman, G. P. A. Rome, Ga. 12 25. THE HOME- TftIBUNJE, WEDNESDAY, .DECWMR ». 1896. TELEPHONE WIRES REACH OU Gsd.deu Will S. on Have Most Complete -y.u in South Gadsden, Ala., Decembers—Several weeks ago a telephone line twenty-four miles in lenth was put in by R. L. Adams, manager of the Western Union telegraph office and telephone exchange from Gadsden to Walnut Grove, in the extreme western portion of the county. Repeated wike cutting occurred in one place, two miles of wire being cut down and hauled off, by an old farmer in Blount county. This was done, it was claimed, because the superstitious people thought the telephone line af fected the price of cotton, it having be gun going down the day after the line was completed. Mr. Adams offered a handsome re ward for the arrest and conviction of the guilty parties and since then the wires have not been molested. Beginning Monday wires will be strung from this place to Center, in Cherokee, thirty miles distant This line will tap the Walnut Grove line at Abertville, in Marshall county. As soon as these wires are erected and connec tions made a line will be erected to Huntsville, in Madison countv, and im mediately thereafter connection will be made with Anniston. This will give Gadsden the most complete telephone service in the south. Tutt’s Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or der by the occasional use of Tutt’s Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT’S Liver PILLS Atlanta Ostrich Feather Works, 69i w hitehall street, next door to High. Ostrich Boas, Plumes ana Tips dyed and curled like new at I. Phillips. VIM, VIGOR. VITALITY RESTORED 30 DAYS. Good Effects at Once. CATON’S VITA LIZ ER Cures general special debility, wakefulness, spermatorrhoea, emissions, impotenty, pare sis,etc. Coirects functional disorders, caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring Lost Manhood in old or young, giving vigor and strength where former weakness prevailed. Convenient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate. The Cure is Quick and Thorough. Don’t be deceived by imitations: insist on CATON’S Vitalizers. Sent sealed if your druggist does not have it. Price $1 per pkge. 6 for $5, with written guarantee of complete cure. Information, references, etc., free and confidential* Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week’s trial treatment. One only sent to each person. CATON MED. CO., Boston, Mass. Dr. A. P. McINNIS, DENTIST 36 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Mclnnis makes a specialty of ex tracting teeth without pain, and gold crown and bridge work. From 1 to 30 teeth extracted in two minutes without the least particle of pain. Gold crown and bridge work, or teeth without plates in serted where you have lost the natural organs, at prices within the reach of every body. Inquiry invited. A, P. McINNIS, L. D. S., D. D. S. Philadelphia Dental Parlors, ? B" SbW injected directly to aeet « UflSn WsuMrew W thu-. biwiMesoftheGenito-UrinArvOn gen. -quires no change of diet o> nausea, me-ourial or poisonous med to Liken internally, Whet jg W I/ " used ER ffVa AS A PREVENTIVE VV-’S by either «ox i. Is iropossibletocontreal any venereal diseaa*; but in Zw ...... i those already Unvotingsreix ArrMcAtx -! ■* IM— wlt h Gonorrhoea and Gleet se guafftf For sale by D. W. Curry & Company, Wholesale Druggist, Rome, Ga. Dr. M.T. SALTER SPECIALIST. Dr. Salter is engaged in a general prac tice of the treatment of all forms of chronic diseases of men, women and children. Diseases of the blood, liver, lungs, heart, kidneys, eye and ear; also nervous dis eases successfully treated. Cancers, tumors and ulcers treated and cured without the knife. Whatever your disease may be, Dr. Salter invites consultation in person or by letter. Dr. Salter prepares medicines himself for each case treated. If interested, call on or write to M. T. SALTER, M. D., 9 20-3m' 68 S. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. JK. a I-ARSONB lIOMBIWBTOL SUPPOSITORIES tA local homo treatment for all lompmifts peculiar to .euiaiei mid diseases of the rectum. They subdue and cure any inllan'inn tion,lrritation.ulceration or dis charge, in woxnb and rectal dis eases they relieve pain encl wit. absolutely cure It used as di lock'd. PRICE 76c. Office 7'7 N. Broad St. Hours U tot For pamphlets, question lists. 01 private Information address witt "lamp. UK.I.C. paiuiom'. atto> Ii z O A hours make one day. ( / ou can t make any more mnnmuim out of them—by the clock. I/ \\ \ w ’ se women, pro- I'7'H gressive women, can make 100 I 0 I cr>| eac h day worth twice as IT U /j . I much to them. Just by v. j using Pearline. It isn’t \cP\z° ' on wash<la y onl y that Z/c'/ Pearline ( no u - ap ) saves V/. y' y° ur time, and shortens and lightens your labor, and lets r ~. —-J —you do other and better things. It’s every day, and in all the scrub bing anc? scouring and cleaning that makes hard work about a house. Pearline is woman’s labor-saver. It takes away that ruinous, tedious, tiresome rubbing. <9B FOR THE BEST AND PUREST LIQUOBS caul on HI. ISATTERFIELD, AjetiL Opera House Saloon. Shenandoah Valley, Canadian Club, Canadian Rye Whiskey, And all the leading brands of Rye and Corn Whiskey for domestic and medicinal purposes, Wines, Beer, Cigars. Tobacco, Etc. Buy your Christmas and holiday goods from me and be happy. Winters (or Up-to-Dale Shoppers Presentation Goods, Diamonds at Popular Prices. Opals, Emeralds, Rubies, Sapphires, and all other pre cious stones set in tasteful and novel combinations. DON’T FAIL TO EXAMINE OUR LINE. large and complete assortment of BINGS, SCARF PINS, BROACHES, STUDS, ETC. At prices to suit every one’s purse. The latest Sterling Silver Novelties, Pocket Books and Card Cases, with fine Sterling Silver Mountings. Beautiful hand engraving on all goods bought of us free of charge. Take a peep at our windows. Wedding invitations and visiting cards handsomely engraved on short notice. Special attention paid to repairing Watches, Clocks, etc. A-. CL STEPHENS Popular Price Jeweler, NO. 218 BROAD STREET, ROME, GEORGIA. ! KENTUCKY DEW WHISKY | STANDARD OF PURITY. Distilled of Carefully Selected Grain and Pure Limestone Spring Water; Matured in Wood and Bottled under Our Own Supervision. Kentucky Dew is the leader of Fine Old Fashion Sour Mash Whiskies & and for Mellowness and Richness of Flavor has no superior. Buy Kentucky Dew bottled by the Distiller if you want an absolutely Pure Whisky for the club or sick room. Ask your dealer for KENTUCKY fes DEW, bottled by ourselves. If he hasn’t it write us. OLD KENTUCKY DISTILLERY, D. Meschendokf, Proprietor. Louisville, Kentucky. FOR SALE BY J. R. CLEMMONS. 1115 im ~ ESTABLISHED IN 1881. Paltnn Sash, Doni and Building Co.. J. B PATTON, President. IBorrxe, ; : G-eorgriei. Manufacturers « and « General « Contractors. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Kiln Dried Flooring and Ceiling, Moulding, Brackets, Etc.. Sash Doors and Blinds. Porch Work and Stair Work a specialty- Give us a all. Write for prices or Telephone 48- 10 2lm FITTZ* ALCOHOL* CURE POINTS TO ISTOTEJ 1, it cures; 2, it is taken in the home; 3, no loss of time; 4, no injury to any one; 5, it builds up the diseased body; 6, any one can administer it; 7, it is inex pensive; 8, can be taken secretly; 9, we guarantee what we say; 10, write so particulars. 11 27 Im J. D. CLARK, 704 Temple Court, Atlanta, Ga. J. E. WINFREY’S CIGAR FACTORY. o 'HAND-MADE and HOME-MADE.” Havana Blossom, Winfrey’s Hand-Made. W. & A. Cigars. The best Five Cent cigars on the market. There are none better, because none better can be made The manu facture of all cigars personally superin tended. patronage solicited. Care ful attention given to all orders. No 22 Broad Street, Carlock Packing Co. ROME, GEORGIA. Elastic and gKIWfe Sectional WftP PACKING For stationery and portable engines. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rome Stove Works, TOCCOA STOVES (Eight Sizes) KENNESAW GRATES, Frames fit standard size mantles with tile filling—three sizes, 19, 20 and 23 inches TERHUNE NIXON CO. 229 Broad Street, Rome, Ga. W. T. JONES, Manufacturer and Dealer in Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, Statues, Coppings, Etc. Cemetery and building work of all de scriptions made to order. All orders promptly attended to and executed in the neatest manner possible. 414 Broad Street, Rome. Ga. Geo. F. Chidsey & Son, WHOLESALE Brokers & Commission Merchants No. 5 Bread Street, H. E. KELLEY. M. B. Me WILLIAMS. kelley & McWilliams, No. 13 Broad St., Rome, Ga. WHOLESALE Grocers I Commission Merchants 0 We make a specialty of the handling of Corn, Oats, Bran and Hay. The trade of the merchants solicited. WARTERS Extra Good BEST 5c CIGAR. A. W. HART, 231 BROAD ST., ROME, GA. (Hoyt’s Old Stand.) Practical Boot and Shoemaker Leather and Shoemakers’ supplies. Fully prepared to furnish anything in my line of business from a brogan to a ladies’ fine shoe. A good stock always on hand. Give me a call and save money. Repairing done in the best style at reasonable prices. Only house in Rome that sells shoe lasts. I. F. Cresne & Co., Livery. Feed end Trade Stable (Colclongh’s old stand.) > 324 Broad St , - Rome, Ga. •First-class teams and vehicles at rea sonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. Patronage solicited. Special accommodations for wagoners and stock dealers. nov 1.