The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, August 15, 1897, Image 10

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... <• ‘ •„ * f ’ ’■ v > | • ' * POSITIVE— DETERMINATION • , • ■ ' / — I TT— 1— ' ’ It matters not what our Summer Wash Goods cost, nor what they are to-day worth at the mills, we are going •4* * ' * - to sell our holding—a more Determined Position to accomplish this end was never before undertaken by our firm. 70 Cents on the Dollar, 50 Cents on the Dollar, 40 Cents on the Dollar, or at some price we MUST and WILL sell Summer weights and Summer weaves in Wash Goods. The real value and genuine worth do not enter into the question. The reason for parting with our holding at such sacrifices need not create any sensation in the world of political economy. The wife, the husband, the son or the daughter of business economy will grasp the opportunity and straightway come to us. Wash Goods. India Lawn 3 i c Remnant Prints 3i° Shirting Prints.... . 3 s c Colored Lawn— .................................. 4 c Irish Lawn.. 4 c Printed Lawn .... .' * 4 c Domino Ginghams 4ic Colored Dimity 6|c Dotted Swiss 15 to 60c quality 6ic Fancy Sattine ®ic Red and White Dimity 6|c 40-inch White Lawn All-Wool Challis B*c 12|c Quality Percales B|c It is not a question of gain in this sale of Summer Fabrics. You who take hold of this opportunity will enjoy the seast —You are certain to gain. We are just as certain to lose, and as the maxim goes, OUR LOSS, YOUR GAIN! We invite every lady, every gentleman who has visited our store and purchased goods of us, to come and see for yourselves and judge the.truth of our deliberate determination to close our Summer Wash Goods. COME! COME! BASS BROS. & CO. TUB ROME TRIBUNE SUNDAY AUGUBI" 15. I&H7 Gent’s Furnishings. All-Silk Four-in-Hand Ties 16c White Pique Scarfs 12c White Lawn Scarfs 12c White and Fancy Tecks . 17c White Lawn Bows 4c Black Silk String Ties 17c Laundered Negligee Shirts 47c Laundered Negligee Shirts, $1.25 quality 86c White Unlaundered Shirts , 23c Balbriggan Undershirts, 40c quality 23c Balbriggan Undershirts, 50c quality 29c Balbriggan Undershirts, 75c and $1 quality 46c Black Lisle Thread Half Hose 15c Fast Black Half Hose, 20c quality 10c