The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, August 15, 1897, Image 2

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|jj CSSS*? I I jF c r ■ tme world !■ 0F FASHION 1 MIRRORED. The notable social event of the com ing week will be the silver wedding anniversary of Congressman and Mrs. John W. Maddox which will be oek brated Tuesday from 6p. mto mid- : night zat their home “Oak Lawn” at i the foot of Third avenue, next to : the Rome railroad. No invitations : Jbisve. been issued except throught the i -newspapers. The society people of i jßome will be out in large numbers and - there will a large number of visitors. 'The beautiful lawn and house will be i arranged for the most Comfortable en- t tertainment of the host of friends and the affair promises to be one of North Georgia's most brilliant social occur- < rences, The entire seventh district i feel a personal interest in the event t and will cordially wish for their repre sentative and his charming wife many happy returns of the day. j 5 —1 Mr. and Mrs. Ware, of Marshalyille, will arrive this week to visit Mrs. Mary Nixon. 1— . 1 Miss Edith Hardy will return in a . week or two from Tennessee. She has had a delightful summer in Virginia i and comes home much improved. f —1 Mr. John H, Reynolds, president of j the First National Bank, will leave to- , morrow for Detroit, where he will at tend the annual meeting of the Amer ican Bankers’ Association, which con- < venes August 17. It is needless to say that Northwest Georgia will have an able representative in Mr. Reynolds at this notable gathering of the financers of America. Mr. and Mrs, V. T. Sanford will enter tain a number of friends at a barbecue on their plantation down the river on Wednesday. Mr. and Mia Butler Harbour and Miss Mabel Harbour who have been visiting at the pretty country place of Mr. Frank Harbour, have returned to their cottage on East Fourth street. 1 The Misses Flemming entertained six or eight young ladies at dinner last Thursday complimentary to the Misses McCord, of Cameron, Texan, who are are their guests, ♦ Friday evening Miss Bessie Sproull gave a very elegant bicycle party to Miss Jordan, of Anniston, who was passing through the city. From 7to a little past 9 an elegant luncheon was served on the Sanitarium hill. The moon in full splendor rode serenely in the heavens, adding to the pleasure of the party. After luncheon about twenty of the party wheeled down the bluff road, returning to the city at midnight. t Miss Carrie Clark has been given a warm welcome by her many friends on her return after an absence of eight weeks at Louisville and the Virginia resorts. Mrs. Thompson Hiles, and Miss Ethel Hiles ere having a most pleasant visit to' Monteagle, Tenn, There are many charm ing people at this popular resort this sea son. Mr. Ab. Dean has just returned from a western trip. He went through Texas, Miss., Kansas, La. Indian Territory and • Alabama. Miss Sallie Hamilton gave a few of her little friends an informal party Fri day afternoon. She only had the little children in the neighborhood. They all had a delightful time. They played “dropping the handkerchief” and other childish aames. The little boys enter tained the girls by “acting on the act ing pole” as one of the little ones ex pressed it. Mrs. Hamilton had large rugs spread upon the grassy lawn and refr.’shments were served to the little ones in groups upon these rugs. Those invited were Sallie Sparks, Mabel Har bour. Bessie and Gordon Hight, Lena and Addison Knowles, Margaret Ham ilton, Sara Smi|h, Margaret Pruden, . Marie Boozer, Sara and Mild**ed Gas- : kill, [Pauline Kincaid, Catharine Me- : Donald, Sallie Hamilton, Hiles Hamil ton. Leland Bass, Frank Sparks, David and Linton Hamilton. j —1 Mrs. W.C. Alexander, of Atlanta, < is Visiting her sister, Mrs. Will Darby 1 at the Armstrong. i i Mrs. W. J. Nunnally will leave in a day or two for Cbickmauga to visit her mother Mrs. Lee. She will carry the lit tle Misses Gaskill with her. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Will Darby and Mrs. Alexander went to Spring Bank yes- ’ yesterday. ’ \ • The little Misses Spullcok gave a party Friday afternoon to their little friends, ; 1 A pleasant event of the coming week j will be a family barbecue at Mobley’s Springs on Tuesday, The Sullivans, Griffins, Towers, Shaws and Maddox . families are among those who will parti- , cipate. Miss Minnie will be the gurst of Miss Mary Sbaw this week- >— i W. H. Adkins arrived in the city yes terday and is shaking hands with his many friends, 1 Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Brand enter- 1 tained a few friends art, dinner on Thursday at their home in the Fifth ward. Among those present were Mrs. J. H. May, Misses Emma and Ella May, Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Roser and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Roser. Among those who were trolley rid ing on Friday night were the follow ing: Misses Gussie Ross, Jewett, Irene Jewett, Martha Jewett, Lula West, Louise Oehmig, Estelle Willingham, Annie Curry, Farquhar, and Messrs. Frank More, Ed Maddox, Sam Hardin, Will Wright, Will B. Chidsey, J. A. Shaw, George Nixon, Walter Griffin, Clarence Harper. Chaperones, Mr, and E. A. Trevitt, Misses Dozier, Trevitt, Scottie Wimbish K Nettie Walters, Ed West, Joe mlover,Charles Hill, Charles Morrison. Miss Letitia Johnson has returned from a delightful visit to f; lends in Tennessee. Mrs. Chas. Hight returned a few days ago from a most pleasant visit to her mother who lives in Chickamauga. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Colzey have re turned from a visit their old home in Columbus. Mrs. W. J. Nunnally gave her little 1 niecesand nephews a party at her handsome home on East Fourth street last Thursday afternoon. It was a most delightful afternoon, and the children enjoyed it only as bright happy and frolicsome little ones can. They entered into gamesand Mesdames Nunnally and Hight entertained them with the ‘ ‘spider I web” game. They were all given a , string and after winding yards and yards at the end they found a souvenir I which delighted each little one. These ■ souvenirs consisted of cups, dolls, tops, ! tablets, pencils and toys of many, kinds. I Delightful refreshments were served 1 and all the little ones went home f happy. The children to whom this party was given, were, Annie Lee, - Pauline, Mildred and Bara Gaskill, - Bessie and Gordon Hight, and Tommie »| Gordon. 1 Their little friends who were invited b are as follows: Cecil Love, Sallie and THE HOME TBIBUNE. St NIIAI AUGUST 15 JwTJ Frances King.Getrude Oebmig;Miriam, Willie and Sara Steele, Joy Glover, Panl and Fortin, Catharine Mc- Donald, Sallie, David and Linton Ham ilton. Marie Boozer, Frankie Ross, Louis, George and Ross Fouche, Mabel Harbour, Sara Smith, Janie Fahy, Sara Woodruff, Blanch /md Edna May.. OMrs. W. G. Oehmig and daughter, Miss Bessie, returned today from Rome, Ga„ where they have been spending the heated term. Miss Louise will not return for several weeks yek—Chatta nooga News. Hart Smith will leave today for New York on a pleasure trip. He will be absent several days. » —— Prof, Northcutt, the popular dancing ( teacher from Marietta, is in the city, and , will resume b’s dancing classes at the : Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Will Darby are now at the Armstrong hotel. Mrs. Henry Hine is visiting her mother Mrs. West on Second avenue. Some twenty-five or thirty couples went out to the furnace on thei*- bicycles on Friday night. They had a most en joyable trip. A patty is being made up to go to Morr’on’s camp ground in the wagonette on Monday night. Mies Eddie Magruder, one of Rome’s prettiest and most popular young Itk dies, has returned from -several weeks spent delightfully at Spring Bank. The S. A S. club was most enjoyably entertained last Wednesday night by Beu Hale. Dancing and games were the features of the evening. Refreshments were served. The following were pres ent; Misses Mamie Parish, Mary Wr.ght, Bessie Oehmig, Jeanie Bowie, Mattie Hamilton. Annie Hamilton, Louie Fouche, Rosa Gammon, Zula Adkins, Lucy Goetchius, Mamie Goetchius, Annie Belle Hale, Messrs. Colquitt Turner, Frank Bowie, Mel Gammon, Elbert Hale. Will Hoyt, Louis Wright, Joel Dean, Barry Wright, Millafd Parish, Hugh Parks, Bennie Hale and Sidney Dean. Miss Pattie Gilliard has returned home after a pleasant her sister in Tallapoosa. Her little niece Marion Harrison accompanied her home. Mrs. N. M. Gomez left yesterday for Catoosa Springs to spend several days. Miss Louise Gomez ban been there about one week and is greatly ad mired. Miss Lottie Hanson, of Anniston, Ala., is here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. James McGuire on Fourth avenue. M|ss Bettie Penn, a very charming young lady who has been the guest of Miss Armstrong in East Borne, left for her home near Trion yesterday. Mrs. O. L. Millican, who has been ( visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs C. , W. Marshall in the Fourth ward, left [ yesterday for her home in Alabama. I “ I Miss Ivylyn Duggan, the handsome : daughter of Prof. I. W. Duggan, re i turned the past week from Lafayette 1 where she was member of a camping • party on Lookout Mountain.’ The I Walker county Messenger in a long account of the party says: , “The visiting members of the camp I. were 4 'first, Miss Ivylyn Duggan, of i ' Rome, who Is indeed quite attractive ■ and accomplished, and her genial and , entertaining presence as well as her , delightful musio t«aa highly b elated by all, and added many charms to the already attractive camp. Miss 1 Duggan, while with us, was the guest 1 of Miss Nannie R. Warthen, the fair little blond who was the principal leader and planner of Camp- Jolly ra July of last year and who is truly the belle and sunshine of LaFayette.” Miss Duggan only remained an Rome three days the past week and went oni to Macon to visit Miss Mattie Wilson for a while before Shorter College takes up for the fall session. • —' Mrs. W. W- Moore and Wiiso* Hardy arrived in the city Friday after a delightful visit to Virginia. Misses Mamie and Lillian Jones have returned from a pleasant visit of some weeks to relatives in Cave Springs. A very charming party ®f young ladies are the guests of Mr. and Mrs- C. A. Trevitt in the Fifth ward. They are Mieses Nettie Watters and LBlie Dozier, of Atlanta, Marvin Trevitt, Dalton and Scottie Wimbush, city,. Miss Leila Hall, of Cartersville, is visit ing Miss Lula Mullan in the Fifth ward. Mr. Robert Gwaltney will return to the city Monday. He has been attend ing a house party at the lovely count./ home of Mrs. Sproull near Cartersville. Mrs. C. A. Trevitt complimented her visitors with a tea last Monday evening. The appointments were lovely and ell had a charming time. Her guests are Miss Trevitt, Dalton; Miss Minnie Wat ters, Heimitage; Misses Watters and Dozier, of Atlanta, and Miss Wiinbish, of this city. The young nfen were Messrs. Mather Daniel, Carter Wunbisb, Ed West, Chas. Hill and Frank Archer. Mr. Will Dance will leave today for Anniston to spend some days with friends. Miss Willie Kincaid left yesterday morning for a visit to relatives in Cave Spring. Mr. Gordon Hiles returned from a trip t> the west Friday evening. He is very much improved in health, which will be good news to the many friends of this brilliant young Roman. An entirely informal furnace party left the city Friday evening at 8:20 and' after spending half an hour at the furnace, the remainder of the evening was spent finder the trees at Mobleys. ’Tis certain that no jollier, or more agreeable crowd could have been selected impromptu, and it is an evidence to know that the fifteen couples were gotten together and al most at a moments notice. Those in the party were: Clarance Harper, Miss Farquhar, Chattanooga; Edward Wess, Miss Dozier, Atlanta; ;Ed Mad dox, Miss Jewett, Macon; Jim Shaw, Miss Oehmig, Chattanooga; Billie Barker, Miss Ford, Augusta; Charlie Morrison. Miss Trevitt, Dalton; Will Wright, Miss Martha Jewett, Macon; Joe Glover. Miss Nettie Watters, At lanta; Bam Hardin, Miss Irene Jewett; Macon; Henry Taylor, Miss Mamie Taylor, Bowling Greene, Ky.; Will Chidsey, Miss Loula West; Charlie Hill, Miss Wimbish; Mather Daniel. Mies Hannah Neely,; Frank Moore, Atlanta; Mies Gussie Ross, Ed Hume; Miss Mary Neely; and Mr. and Mrs. C. A- Trevitt. SumtnerviUe Society Mrs. W. M. Henry, of Rome, who has been visiting her father near town, went dowfi to Raccoon Wednesday. Miss Venice Clemmons has returned i from a delightful visit of several weeks to relatives in Rome. i Mrs. 8. F. Taylor, of Rome, is visit ing Mrs. W. H Penn near town. Mr. 1 John Hill came up from Atlanta Thursday and is visiting Mr. and Mrs. I W. H. Penn, i Misses Venice and Marion Clemmons , are spending this week in the country. I Misses Kate Omberg, of Rome and KANE'S THIS WEEK FOR BARGAINS. ' / 20 dozen Madras cloth shirts, worth $1.50, at 85 cents. e 25 doz. Percale shirts, collar attached, worth $1.25, at 75 cents. All Shoes at Special Prices I • ' k ‘ '■■■ Summer prices prevail here. F. J. Kane & Company 248 Broad Street. Catherine Cain have returned from Holland. Miss Ann and) Messrs. Rob and Dun ean Bryan are visiting relatives at Chickamauga. Mr. Rob Bryan returnc i last week from the Business- College at Colunn bus. John Branner, of Atlanta, is in town. Mrs. Jno. Cleghorn and Mrs. J; R. Pitner have returned from the mountains. Miss Edna Cain spending this week at Cloudland on, the mountain. Miss Eugenia Betting came up from Rome Saturday and went np to Cloudland Monday. M»ss Minnie Cleghorn and Mr. C. C. Cleghorn, j,r., have retu.aed front Ca-- tersville. where they attended a delight iful house party given by ’he- Misses Munford. .Misses Elia, Fannie and Hattie Hunt, of Chattam oga, are the gursts of the Misses Pitts. Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or grippe, loc. AN ADDRESS TO THE POPS. Chairman of the Com unties F’ttsioit. Dallas, Aug. 14. Milton Burke, who at the national conference of Pop ulists at Nashville. Tenn.. July 4 was appointed chairman of the national or ganization committee, created at the conference, has i-sued a lengthy ad dress to the Popaiists of the United States. He reviews the origin and organiza tion of the party, naming the abuses which led dissatisfied elements of the old-parties to create a new one, and com ing to personal conditions declares that ••the trusts, the monopolies, the corpo- 1 rations, the moneyed interests of the country are organized. Their strength is concerted into the action of one man; hence their power, their success. If the People’s party would hope to suc ceed they must organize, they must unify; they must concentrate their strength. We are confronted today by obstacles and enemies within and with out.’’ After reviewing the action of the con ventions at Omaha and Bt. Louis and deploring the events of 1896, the ad dress continues: “As chairman of yonr organization committee I urge every Populist, every where, to avoid, repudiate and reject all fusion or alliance with the Demo cratic or Republican party.” “Dead Stuck” for bugs. Used by U. B. Government. A liquid insect powder. Won’t stain. Will there be a tariff put on China and Jap mattings? We cannot answer the question positivelyi but we do know that we can sell you a splendid quality for very little money, Rhudy, Harvey & Co. 337 Broad St Lost.—five cabinet pictures if found kindly return to'Johp Perkins. Dancing Hcbuol. Prof. Northcutt will 1 open hie school' of dancing next Wednesday night at 8 o’clock in the ball room of the Arm strong HotelL On Monday and Tues - day nights the hours will be from 8 to 10a. m.FHday nights from Bto Ml Visitors always welboiae. For further particulars call on Prof. Northcutt at Armstrong Hotel. There is a time for everythingand the time to attend to a cold is when itr starts. Don’t wait till you have consump tion, but prevent it by using One Minute Cough Clare, the great remedy for coughs,, colds, croup, bronchitis and ail throat', and lung troubles. Curry-Arrington. Go., Notice to the Public. To those who want Monte valla coal, would do well to see us now and plaoe their-orders, for what they want.. We can now secure a few cars of this- fa mous coal, but whan the rush sets- in it will be hard to get. We- are-sole agents for this market. On account of the mining troubles we are not prepared yet to sell you the Jbllico coal. Rome lee Manufactoniug com pany- It heals everything except a. broken, heart, may be said of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Piles aud rectal) diseases, cuts, burns,, biuises, tetter, eczema ,and all skin troubles may be cured by it quick* ly and permanently. Curry-Arrington Company. A Popular Favorite. The South’s peerless hotel, the De Soto, Savannah, Ga., offers special rates for the Summer months, $2.50' per day and upwards. It is worth a trip to Savannah, to explore- this modern marvel of architectural beauty—this palace covering an entire block of the city. Send for Illustrated Souvenir Booklet descriptive of the favorite. Southern Hotel. Some for ten, some for twenty years some for thirty years have suffered from piles and then have been quiekly and permanently cured by using De- Witt’s Witch Hasel Salve, the great remedy for piles and all forms of- skin diseases. Sold by Curry-ArriingtonOo. Half Rates to W aahinirtoa, RlonnDad. Nor folk, and Return, vi* southern Railway The Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Washington, D. C., Richmond, Va., Norfolk, Va., and return, on August 12th, 13th, and 14th 1897. with limit good to return fifteen days from date of sale. j This will afford an excellent oppor tunity not only to visit these three cities but other eastern cities at small cost. Call on any agent of the South ern Railway lor further {information. Chattanooga, Tenn. August 4tb. “They don’t make much fuss about it.” We aie speaking of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for consti* pation, biliousness, and all stomach and liver troubles. Curry-Arrington Co. Go to see Terhune/Nixon Company's granite iron show window with price of every article marked in large, plain figures.