The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, August 15, 1897, Image 8

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INDIANS. COWBOYS AND GREASERS. Alfred Harper Writes Interestingly of Queer Sights and Strange Scenes in Santa Fe—Cowboys Race with the Train- Prairie Dogs and Adobe Huts,, , . Sahta Fk.New Mex. .August 10.—I have bat a short time come from up town to my room, leaving Bfllie at work. In the twilight, the.walk here through the streets -very like those of -Cairo—was like a dream so different is it from what we see at home. Lit tle adobe homes crowded close togeth er, decrepit old men and women sit ting on the ground in front, repul sive specimens of dirt, grease and poverty, smoking cigarettes, and a jabbering of foreign language in the ears make it an odd and interesting sight. On the streets one sees genu ine, old time Indians,' in queer white shirt like garments (with theciudal appendage outside) queer trousers, moccasins, a brilliant red blanket around the middle, long hair, a red handkerchief abound the forehead and the queer face plentifully smeared with red paint. I thought about my scalp and home-sweet-home, but it seems they are peaceable and live in villages near here. They are Pueblos and Techiuebes. I am going out the first opportunity I get. Besides there are hundreds who wear clothing like civilized people, but even' they are very ignorant. • * * Billie rooms in a very nice house and has secured quarters tor me here. We and one pother are the ohly ones who room here beside the family. He eats atj the “Sanitarium” conducted by sisters of charity, and who give him that privilege. The food is excellent, as you might suppose. For •Sapper tonight I ate fried chicken, irish po tato, hot biscuit, raspberries, drank, milk and coffee, Will trained little Mexican girls (orphans taken care of by the sisters) wait on the table and do it well. It is a rather pretty place, with a number of patients from Wis consin toJMissibSippi. Met several more at dinner and this afternoon. A young fellow and hisjsister from Ken tucky are very nice, also a prominent yon ng Louisville newspaper man. The Misses Drew are c daughters of a St Louis multi-millionaire. *»* The post office here is located in the ol i Spanish palace, occupied then by the viceroy. This is the second old est town in this country. Ben Hur, by the way, was written in this palace. It is a flat adobe structure. The governor and ex-governor live; in the little flat things, and Billie saya they are very comfortable inside. « They look like mud huts and seem very low to one unaccustomed to them. Little burros are seen here on all sides. (By the way it is pronounced booros (oo like boot) like bureau except for the sound of the oo instead of u. They bring great loads of wood » from the mountains. Everything is wild and picturesque more than I imagined. I am learning to breathe better, but walking makes my breath very short. I am writing this 'with no attempt at anything but merely putting down things that come in my mind in the briefest manner I can. A letter could be written of my trip from Kansas City here. The train was crowded. In the smoking department of the chair car were 8 chairs. I secured four, then lost two and then another. But I clung to one. An old German and his daughter were there, and a young fellow from North Carolina. Later a ranchman and cowboy. We became well acquainted and it made the trip pleasant. The German is just from South African gold fields and is going to Klondike. In Kansas one sees miles upon miles of corn. It is a wonderful sight. Then prairies, bare almost, stretch out as far as the eye can pee. Great herds of cattle are scattered about, and oc- Gold Medal. Highest Awards. Diploma of Honor AWARDED TO A- K. HAWKES. BT THB - Q >tton States and • International Exposition For superior lens, grind ng and excellency in rhe manufacture of Spectacles and Eyeglasses Curry-Arrington Co, Hus a full assortment pf these famous Glasses. casionally a prarie schooner or a cow boy, or in Colorado and New Mexico, ; a lone adobe hut, an Indian vil lage and Indiana (mostly I think half • Mexican and half Indian. I was sur . prised to note the hundreds of praire dogs along the track, and also one jack-rabbit. Two of the most pictur esque cowboys I’ve seen, while the train was rushing through the prairies lined up along side just out from my e*r window, and the race with the , train was exciting. For a mile or two . they whipped their horses almost every step, and fairly flew. Both gained a little on the train before they t stopped. It was a fine sight, and if I ever become a cowboy I’ll race with every train that posses for the amuse-, ment of the passengers. »*» Well, I’ve written a long letter, , without telling much either It seems . to me I will try to write a letter for ’ The Tribune later on —one that will be ( worth reading. Have bad no bad ( cough today and feel first rate though , weak and somewhat nervous. This , seems to be a common complaint when ( one first arrives. There are many people here to keep me company in coughing and one’s health is a cheer , ful topic of conversation. These in valids are bound together somewhat , by a feeling of mutual trouble, and , they welcome a new one with consid [ erable manifestation of interest. I t think I like the people I’ve met. Alfred Harper. M is? Men Know It is folly to build upon a poor found ation, either in architect or in health. A foundation of sand is insecure, and to deaden symptoms by narcotics or nerve compounds is equally danger ous and deceptive. The true way to build up health is to make the blood pure, rich and nourisbing by taking Hood’s Sarsaporilla. Hood’s Pills oct easily and prompt ly on the liver and bowels. Cures sick headache. ; Two Women After an Estate. San Francisco, Aug. 14.—Two wo men, each claiming to be his widow, are struggling for the estate and name of Daniel G. Waldron, a veteran Cali fornia journalist, who was fouud dead in his bed at Yseka on May 8. One oi the women, Mary P. Waldron, has been recognized as the widow by the su preme court. Now comes another woman who claims to be the widow of Mr. Waldron. In the superior court an at torney acting for Mrs. Sarah A. Wald ron, who resides at Portsmouth, N. H., filed a petition asking that various or ders entered in favor of Mrs. Mary P. Waldron be set aside. American Lumber to Go Abroad. Taqoma. Aug. 14.—Henry Hewitt, formerly one of the millionaire lumber men of, Wisconsin, now connected with the St. Paul and Tacoma Lumber com pany of this\:ity, has arrived in Tacoma after a years trip to Japan and Chink, Australia and Siberia. He is the first American lumberman to go to these .countries for the purpose of dr.ummiug up trade tor the American products. He says he has met with unexpected success and established trade relations in all the countries named, which will result in an enormous output of lumber from Tacoma and other const points. Just try a 10c box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. FOR RENT. A six/room cottage, convenient to business. Reasonable rent. Apply to Henry Hine, Rome, Ga. ts Illicit Distillery In Cliiea-o. Chicago, Aug. 14. —Detectives and internal revenue officers raided a little frame house in Twenty-Sixth place and found an illicit distillery capable, of turning out 52 gallons of “moonshine” a day. Samqel Marlow, a -Prussian Jew, and his sou, were taken in as pro prietors of the place. Several illicit distilleries have been located almost in the heart of the city and, other arrests Will probably toijow. Driver* mid Miner* Strike. Hazelton, Pa.. Aug. 14. —The drivers and miners employed at the Honey brook No. 5 colliery have struck for an advance in wages. Some of the drivers are Americans and others are Hunga rians atid % Italians. They have been getting from $1 to $1.35 per day. accord in to the grade of teams. They claim they have to work one hour per day without pay and for this they want-re muneration s nugmt iweiuy-Om Yenr». Barbourville, Ky.. Aug. lA-v-The trjal of John Dugan, charged with tl»e murder of John Colson, which has been in progress here for the past week, was brought -to a close by a verdict of guilty of manslaughter and a sentence of 21 years in the penitentiary. The jury was out 118 hours and for a time it looked as if ml verdict conid be • reached. Au appeal wjli be taken, and already a bill of exceptions has been filed. Burning. itching skin disease s in stantly relieved by De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, unequalled for cuts, bruises, burns. It heals without leaving a scar. Carry-Arrington 00. ROME BOMB TRIBUNE, SUN DAT AUGUST 15, LUMBER TO ADVANCE' Lumber Corporations Form to Fores Frees Upward. If I LL NO? BeTtRUST, IT IS SHD All Big Mill Concern la State in Combine it ip to Stop Small Mills Frm Cut ting Prices. ( The lumber nen of Georgia have hit upon a unique plan to maintain and ad vance prices, says the Atlanta Journal. They have a device which is intended to minimize competition without making the stockholders obnoxious to the anti trust law. The plan is to organize a company with $50,000 capital and ten or fifteen of the largest mills the state are to take the stock. This company will have offices in Atlanta and Savannah or Bruns wick, possibly at both Savannah and Brunswick. The company is to act as selling agent for the mills interested, and for as many more as will co-operate with them. The sales will thus be turned through one channel, and price cutting will be stopped. It is not to be obligatory on the sub scribing mills to sell their lumber through tne new company, but common interest will lead them to do so. They will own its stock and reap whatever profit it makes through brokerage The stock is to be taken, not by the saw millosmpanies as corporations, but ‘by the individuals who own the mills. It is a more elastic affair than any form of trust which has been heretofore devised and a great deal of ingenuity has been displayed in the formulation of the plan. Mr, W. F. Amorous, of Atlanta, and Mr. H. H. Tift, of Tifton, COMPULSORY VACCINATION. The City Ordinances on the Subject Which Are Now Being Enforced in the City of Rome, ALL RESIDENTS MUST BE VACCINATED.—Every resident of the city of Rome is required to be successfully vaccinated, or to be vaccinated a sufficient number of times to make it evident that successful vaccination is impossible. FREE VACCINATION.—It shall be the duty ot the city physician to vaccin ate, free of charge, all residents of the dity who may apply to him for that purpose. FAILURE TO BE VACCINATED. —Any resident of the city of Rome over fifteen years of age, who has not been successfully vaccinated, and shall fail or refuse after twenty-four hours’ notice to be so vaccinated, may, on conviction, be punished as prescribed by Section 447, for each day such person so refuses or f»ils. And any parent, guardian or any other person having control of a child under fifteen years of age, who has not been successfully vaccinated, and who stall fail to have such child so vaccinated, after twenty, four hours’ notice shall be subject to the penalties abo%e provided. j PENALTIES.—Any violation of any of the provisions contained in this chapter, for which no punishment is provided 1 , may be. punished by fine not exceed ing one hundred dollars or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, are at work on the * project and it is said by other saw mill men that the plan will go through. Thirty.six Big Mills. The bulk of the pine lumber in Geor gia is out by 36 concerns whose aggre gate capacity is about 2,000,000 feet per day. There are about 100 smaller mills averaging something like 10,(500 feet per day each. Theses small mills Lave done much to demoralize the market. Their, necessi ties have often driven them to sell lum ber for less than the cost ol production, and only the strong mills doing a heavy business on railroad work and the like have been able to refuse orders at low prices, when the market was demoralized .by the cutting of prices by brokers rep resenting the smaller mills. One strength of the larger concerns was the large or ders from railroads, which could not well be secured or filled by the smaller mills. Nevertheless, the cutting has hurt the business of the larger mills, and they are trying to devise a plan to stop that trouble. Most of the large mills have orders ahead for a month and they feel that business justifies better prices than lumber has been selling for. The de mand is better both for export and for domestic consumption, and they want to take advantage of this fact. Similar movements are going on in other parts of the southern pine belt. At Lit tle Rock ten days ago the saw mill men of Arkansas,' Louisiana and Texas met to take steps for advancing prices. There will be a meeting of the Southern Lumber Manufacturers’ associjUtion at Nash ville on the 17th and the call of Presi dent While says the time has' come when the lumbermen “can by con certed action, sechre living prices for lumber during the remainder of the year. ’ ’ Advance Is Exp’cted. A leading Nashville firm, in an ticipation of the meeting, has sent ont Constipation Causes fully half the sickness in the world. It retains the digested food too long in tho bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indi- Hood’s gestlon, bad usee, coated Mfe ■ ■ ■ tongue, sick headache, tn- KJp ■ | I a somnia, etc. Hood’s Pills ■ 111 cure constipation and all its ™ results, easily and thoroughly. 26c. All druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. | circular letters to manhfacturers of lumber all tbrongh the south, sug gesting a new list of prices with the flooring at sll to $lB, according to quality, and boards at sl2. That firm has sent out a second letter announc ing that of forty firms replying, nearly all indicated an intention to advance lumber to about these prices about August 10th to 15th. : > A general advauce in the price of yellow pine lumber all through the south seems a certainty. BUCKUBN'S ARNICA SALVE Toe best salve in the world for outs or bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum fever sores, tetter, ohapped hands, chilblain corns and all skin eruptions and post tvely cure? piles, or no pay required. It is „uarantbed to give perfect satin.action or money refunded. Price 35 cents per box. For sale by Ourry-Arringtoh Co., druggists. Rome Ge. ARK YOUR CARPETS DUSTY. Tolles & McDougald Will Make Them M Good as New. Messrs. Tolles & McDoqgald, repre senting the Chicago Carpet Renovat ing company, are in the city prepared to do- your work. These gentlemen have had long years of experience in ttye business, and will take your dusty and soiled carpets and make them look as goud as new. The prices are moderate and when it is considered that they make your carpets and rugs look almost new why the bargain is apparent. They may be seen at Curry-Arring ton’s drug store. Leave your orders for them today. i « . ■■■—. CHEAP RATES TO NASBVI’U.E On Account of the Tennessee Centennial and International Exposition at Nashville, Tenn , May 1 to October 30.1897. For the above occasion the Western and Atlantic Railroad and Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway wi’.i sell round trip tickets from all stations to Nashville, Tenn., at very low rates. $5.10 Rome to Nashville, Tenn., and return. Tickets on sale daily from April 27 till October 30. Limited seven days. $7.55 Rome to Nashville, Tenn., and return. Tickets on sale daily from April 29 till October 30. Limited sis teen days. . $10.30 Rome to Nashville, Tenn., and return. Tickets on sale April 28 till October 15. Limited November 7, 1897. For special rates for studentsand their teachers, military companies and uni formed brass bands and fire companies traveling in bodies of twenty-five or more on solid tickets. Call or write C. K. Ayer, P. & T. A. ' Rome, Ga. C. E. Harmon, G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. Evervuouy Bwy» So. Cnscarets Candy Cathartic, the most won jeilul medical diacoverv of the age; pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently ■and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever,- habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-dav; 10,25, 50 cents, bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. (Planters | Female i: | Regulator:; w For all diseases peculiar to women anti girls, i I W It Tones up the Nerves, Improves the An- i) 10 petite, Enriches the Blood, and gives Life, i ' Health and Strength. It is the i i i I QUEEN OF TONICS;: V MAKIS THE COMPLEXION OLBAB. < ) # EDEE ! Abottleof " Monthly " Regulating < > W r liCC ■ Pills with each bottle. For sale by ' J W all dealers or sent direct upon receipt of price by < > % New Spencer Med. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ] | $ LADIES’SPECIAL TREATMENT: in || cases requiring special treatment, address, j , St giving symptoms, Ladies' Hedical De- ] . JK partment. Advice and book on Female J . •E Diseases, with testimonials, free. J , For Sale and Recommended bj Curry Arrington ■ Co., J. T. Crouch & Co.. Roma Drug Co., C. A. Trevitt and Taylor & Norton. FREE: Jao.oo INGOLD, VOll fl CT Bicyde.Gold Watch, Diamond ■ Ring, or a Scholarship in ■-W f _ Draughon's Practical Business College, Nashville, Tenn., or * Jzfiwr Texarkana, Tex.,.or a schol arship in most any other reputable business col lage or literary school tn the U. S. can be secured by doing a little work at home for the Youths' Advocate, an illustrated semi-monthly journal. It is elevating In character, moral In tone, and especially interesting and profitable to young people, but read with interest and profit by peo ple of all ages. Stories and other interesting matter well Illustrated; .Sample copies sent free. Agents wanted. Address Youths' Advocate Pub. Co., Nashville, Tenn. [Mention this paper.) THE PUBLIC APPRECIATE And show their appreciation of first class service by trading at CURRY-ARRINGTON COS' DRUG STORE. z ' k J They appreciate the quality of everything- sold and tlJ| prices we make them. Everything‘sold is. fully guaranteed. When you get the best, there is no | better, even though you may- pay higher prices | elsewhere We appreciate the support extended v I tons * ’ Don’t Have Headache. Don’t! When it is so easy to get relief ! i Curry’s Headache Powders Will do the work and do it quickly. Neuralgia yields to the effects of these pow ders like magic. 5 powders in a box, 10c. Carry’s Diarrhoea and Dysentery Specific stands the peer of all-bowel medicines, and is the chanynon of young mothers ioijg teething babes and cholera infantum. * • * -4-Don’t forget the Place. 4* x We guarantee purity of medicines and care in filling prescriptions. CURRY-ARRINGTON CO. V • Broad St., Rome, Ga. ■ ■■■■- V. I " . .ILL—> JOHN H. REYNOLDS, President. B. I. HUGHES, Cashier- P. H. HARDIN, Vice President. FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOME, GEORGIA. _ _ _ _ < _ Capital and Surplus $300,000. - ' K All Accommodations Consistent With Safe Banking Ex tended to Our Customers. ■.- 1 ■ . z - The Unspeakable Turk Ae Gladstone calif? him, would find no difficulty in talking over the Toll Lines of The Southern Dell Telephone & Telegraph Co. Our lines are Copper Metallic Circuits, equipped with Long Distance Transmitters, which give per fect service. Connections affording all the advantages of Personal Interviews can be had with Rome, Atlanta, Macon, Columbus, Amer icus, Albany, Athens,*'Opelika and Fifty Other Places. • ■ i A Night Rate is in effect between 6 p. m. and 8 a. m., and is One 'Half of the Day Rate. . \ -. • A” ? Mercer University, Macon, Ga. , Sixtieth Session Begins Sept. 22,1897. Organization—Ten separate schools: Latin Language and Litera ture; Greek Language and Literature; Modern Languages; Mstiiem ittc and At-tronomy; Natur) History ; Physics’and Chemistry; History and Philosophy ; Pedagogy and L«w. ‘ ’* • Expensee—Matricula ion fee $40.00. Board in helph g balls $6 00 a month. Manv students get through the year on $150.00. , Law Fat-uliy—Strong school of Law. Judge Emory Speer, ol United Statep court, chairman. 4. * For further particulars of catalogues, address P. D. POLLOCK, President, Macon, Ga. Tyner’s cures indigestion, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Hiccoughs, Heart-burn