The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, August 17, 1897, Image 2

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•In the Realm + * of Society. ♦ JMil 1 The Maid of flood*. When days are dark, and damp, rnd drear I need not note barometer To see just when the clouds will clear, I only need to look at her So moody (Town. The stormjl’ve feared I well can tell, hath run its race, I know each cloud has disappeared— I see the sunshine in her face, —Roy Farrell Grrene. This evening from 6 o’clock until mid - night Congressman and Mrs. Maddox will celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at their beautiful home, “Oak Law i” on Third avenue. Rome society people will be out in full force from the youngest set up to the more elderly mar. tied couples. Quite a number of people will come from a distance. United States Senator Steve C’ay wiH be among the prominent guests unless detained by ex traordinary business. He has some im portant legal cases that may come up and not bi finished, but he has written that he hopes to be present. But there is every prospect that the silver wed ding anniversary of Judge and Mrs. Mad dox will be a most notable social event in the Seventh Congressional district. Miss Julia Bayard will leave Wednes day for Carters, Ga., to attend the large house party of the Misses Carter. There will be fourteen couples in attendance. Miss Eva Camp returned yesterday from a visit to Monteagle and Cleveland and will leave in>a day or two to attend the Carter’s house party. Miss Jessie Reynolds, of Marietta, is the guest of Miss Annie Beattie. Miss Nell Lavender entertained last night complimentary to several visiting young ladies. / A Misses Minnie Langford and Laura Caldwell arrived in the city yesterday. They will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Langford on Fifth avenue. Miss Louise Ross, of Gadsden, is vis iting Miss Margie Hoyt. She was a popular student at Shorter college the the past session. Dr. *nd Mrs. Henry H. Battey have left their East Rome residence, and are for the present with Mrs. Bayard on Second avenue, preparatory to making a final move in the early autuni to the old Battey home on First avenue. Mine Letitia Johnson will give a house party this week to her friend Miss HQ! from Union Town, Ala. A I! -'■■.Jgla _. Disease makes a man just as helpless as if he were tied with ropes. Weary lassitude makes his muscles useless —slug- gish circulation of impure blood fills his brain with useless clogging matter. Ef fort is distasteful and brings scant results. The trouble usually starts with the diges tion. Too much brain work takes needed blood from stomach to head and retards the stomach’s work. The body is not fed. The nerves rebel. Sleep becomes a stranger. Loss of appetite is followed by loss of flesh—and all for the want of the right medicine at the right time. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is for the man who is losing flesh and vitality. It is for the man whose digestion needs help and whose nerves and brain are overworked. It is the greatest of all tonics. No matter what seems to be your trouble, the “Golden Medical Discovery” will cure it It cures by making the blood pure, rich and plenty, and by fur nishing food for nerves and brain. Noth ing has ever been found to equal it, but dishonest druggists sometimes try to make you believe that something more profitable to them is “ just as good.” Do not be deceived. Get what you ask for. Constipation if neglected brings with it a train of maladies that unfit the sufferer for either the duties or pleasures of life. Sick and bilious head aches ana a multitude of other ills are due to con stipation. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure con stjimlion promptly and permanently. Druggists Sell them. Nothing else is "just the same." number of young society people will sp?nd the week at the beautiful home in East Rome. There are no less than t wenty visit lag young ladies in Rome this wee.;. It promises to be very gay. It is reported that it is probable that Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carver and family will move back to Rome within a few weeks. They will be given a warm welcome, it they decide to come, by their many friends. Dr. Robert E. Gramling, the United States army surgeon, who was here Saturday and Sunday, has gone to Montgomery, but expects to return in a few days to spend a week in Rome. He is on a sick leave until October Ist when he will go to'Honolulu on a mission for the government. Miss Mary Beiry will return from her trip to Warm Springs, Atlanta and Grif fin on Thursday. Miss Addie Wright, who has been at tending the house perty of Mr. John Graham, of Pinewood, Tenn., and who has also been at Fernvale Springs, has been the recipient of many pretty com pliments beauty and fascinating manners. She will not return home for soipe w iks yet. Several trolley pa-ties are booked for th's week. Miss Margie Hoyt entertained a few couples at her fathers residence on Fourth avenue last evening in honor of her guest Miss Louise Ross, of Gadsden, Ala. Miss Anna Belle Rhodes, the charm ing daughter of Mr. J. Henry Rhodes, entertains a few friends this evening. A band wagon containing seven couples went out to Morrisons yester day afternoon, took lunch and returned at 11 p. m. M : °s Willie McWilliams is expected home is a few days from ( LaGrange where she attended the big bouse party given by the Outing club at Mr. George Truitt’s. There were fifty people in at tendance and they held high carnival for eight days. The LaGrange Reporter says of the event: Mr. Truitt, the inimitable, is con stantly in the scene and, as a host, leaves nothing to be desired. The Outing Club was truly fortunate in their selection of a place for their house party, the natural beauties of the host cannot be duplicated. Mr. Truitt gives his entire sympathy and encouragement to the many couples who find greatest pleasure in gazing upon the moon, and silently. Given beautiful surroundings, moonlight nights, congenial spirits, and there is no limit to the powers of the blind God. We expect to hear the merry chime of wedding bells in the fall. The party dis a most congenial one consisting of: Misses Annie L. and Francis Strong, Sarah B. Mason, Emma Leila Calla way, Ledra’and Annie C. Edmondson, Annie Burks, Cornelia Willis, Lizzie Beeves, Retta Fannin, Mary Bobertson, Florence Sohirmacher, Evie Whitaker, Howard Birdsong, Julia Ridley, Lizzie Thornton, Nep Ferrell, Ruth and Wil lie Evans, of LaGrange, Florida Clark, Louis Todd, of Atlanta, Willie McWil liams, of Rome, Messrs. Steve Thorn ton, Henry Glanton, Jim Cal laway, Rob and Jim Ridley., Albert Thornton, Gas Whitaker, Nath Dozier, Harvey Simmons, Madison Reeves, Hal Childs, Ohisom Ferrell, C. T. Freeman, Frank Hudson. Emmett Williams, Will Morgan, Gue Cox, Ed Bradfield, Chas Strong, Tom Thorn ton, B. C. Ferrell Jr., of (LaGrange, Dan Hughes, Watt Harris, of Macon, John Dennis of Eatonton, Fred Buice of Atlanta The party was delightfully chaper oned by Mesdames J. B. Strong and 11. Mason to whom the club is under many obligations for their kindness. the Angelas Bird. When traveling in the forests of Gui ana and Paraguay, it is not uncommon to meet with a bird whose music great ly resembles that of an Angelas bell when heard from a distance. The Span iards call this singular bird a bell ring er, though it may be still more appro priately designated as the Angelas bird, for, like the Angelus bell, it is heard three times a day, moriiing, noon and night. Its song, which defies all description, consists of sounds like the strokes of a bell, succeeding one an other every two or three minutes, so clearly and in such a resonant manner that the listener, if a stranger, imag ines himself to be near a chapel or a convent, but it turns oat that the for est is the chapel and the bell a bird. The beauty of the Angelas bird is equal to his talent. He is as large as a jay and as white as snow, besides being graceful in form and swift in motion. But the most curious ornament of the Angelus bird is the tuft of black, arched feathers on its beautiful head. It is conical in shape and about 4 inches in length.—Guardian Angel. THE lOMJC 'llfJßuJ|E, TUESDAY. AUGUST 17. 1897 FELL FROM A TRAIN SingiTar and Almost Fatal Accidftit on Son hern Railway. LADY FRO Ji ATLANTA THE MOTIN Mrs. W H. Scruigs, Wi'S of Our Form'r Min ister to Venezuela, is Hnrt—bbb P «- *ed Th roach Rune Sunday. Early Sunday morning in a Pull man sleeper, Mrs. W. L. Scruggs, of Atlanta, who fell off a Southern rail way train this side of Cleveland about 9 o’clock Saturday night, passed through Rome. Col. Scruggs who is a prominent citizen of Atlanta, having been a con sul to Venezuela under the Harrison administration, with his wife and two daughters. Misses Maud and Ruby Scruggs, were en route home from Tate Springs where they have been for a month past. About twenty miles above Cohutta, Mrs. Scruggs, a lady of 60 years or more, went to the ladies’ toilet of the sleeper in which they were traveling to wash her hands. Failing tp return immediately, her husband went back to look for her, but could find no trace of his wife. Subsequent search by Conductor Toms and several porters revealed the tact that she had in some way fallen off he train, probably mistaking the rear car door for the toilet room door. At Cohutta Mr. Scruggs and daugh ters left the train, and Mr. Scruggs, taking an engine provided by the rail road company, went back over the line to look for this wife. She was found nearly fifteen miles above Cohutta, lying by the side of the track in an almost insensible con condition, and very badly injured. How she came to fall off the train seems a mystery,and Conductor Toms, who was seen by *a reporter doesn’t quite understand bow the lady fell from the car. She was unable to tells her husband on account of her weakened and nervous con dition. The lady was moved to Cohutta and Dr. Baxter, surgeon of the Southern railroad,-at Chattanooga summoned. After replying restoratives it was deemed advisable to remove her to her home at 445 Peachtree street, Atlanta. Dr. Hunter Cooper and Dr. W. C. Robinson were called in at once to see her and they found that her injuries were of the most serious nature jL Her right thigh was broken in three pWces. there was a deep cut over the right ktiee, the right collar bone was broken Lnd the left arm broken.. Besides thkse serious fractures there are numercliis outs and bruises over her body and sane. The physicians are unable to say jfet whether or not she sustained any inter nal injuries. I Colonel Scruggs states that while his party were in the coach Mrs. Scruggs left them to walk to the rear end of (the train. She jvent through a door land turned to another door which waa on the side of the platform, the train be ing vestibuled. She opened this <loor, thinking it communicated with a toilet room, and stepped out. fell from the train, which was running About fifty miles an hour. , A It was a wonder that she was not in stantly killed, as she must have struck with fearful force upon the railroad embankment. ' The many friends of Colonel Scruggs and his family sympathize with them and hope Mrs Scruggs will soon recoveir from the effects of the distressing accident. ' Something to Know, '< It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restor-' ing the tired out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates tbe liver and kidneys and aids these-organs in throwing off impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion" and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it Sold foi 50c or $1 per bottle at Curry- Arrington Company, Rome, Ga. COL. J. LINDSAY JOHNSON What He Say* About Tbe Agricultural College At Athens ■■■ The new vice president of the state agricultural society for the seventh con gressional district, Colonel J. Lindsay Johnson, is quoted in tbe Atlanta Con stitution as follows: ‘‘lam opposed,” to the frittering away of our efforts, when by uniting them we can build up Blood poison A SPECIALTYJXSSS tlary hLoou POISON permanently cured in 15 toßs days. You can be treated at home for same price under same guaran ty. If you prefer to come here we will con tract to pay railroad fareand hfttel bills,and nocharge, if we fall to cure. If you hare token mer cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and pains, Mucous Pa tches In mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of thebvdy, Muir or Eyebrows falling out. It Is this Secondary BLOOD POISON we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti nate cases and challenge the world for a case we cannot cure. This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent physi cians. •SOO,OOO capital behind our uncondU a grand system which will deserve the name of university. I listened with in I erest to the speech of Professor Well born, of the Agricultural college of Mississippi, especially when he met the charge that agricultural graduates go out into the professions. He claimed the fallacy of the statement that their work was lost to the farm, for the truth is that nine-tenths of them become country lawyers and country doctors, all of whom, in addition to their pro fessions, are the intelligent farmers of their communities, extending to their less fortunate neighbors the knowledge which they have acquired. The same is true of the university graduates of Georgia who, although they go out into medicine and law, will be recognized all over the state as its most progres sive farmers. Let us stop this eternal agitation which paralyzes all effort and turn our attention to a demand that the state university shall at once make agri culture what it should be—the leading feature of its course. Knowledge of na tare is equally necessary to lawyeis and doctors and preachers, and to all a course In agriculture will be remem bered in after life as a priceless ex perience. The university has the work in hand and it must be held up to its duty.’’ How’* This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props. ToledoO. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan& Marvin, Wholesale • Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 750. per bottle. Sold by all Drug gists. Testimonials free. CA.STORIA., The fas- .. _ •lull* y/t’/) .'jt signature f • » - - Pieces and Wholes. Proprietors of stores where musical instraments are sold say that many peo ple seem quite unable to discriminate between such establishments and those in which printed music is dealt in. As an instance it is related that a young man came into a piano store and asked: “Do yon sell piano pieces here?” “No,” answered the salesman, “nothing but pianos whole.” The intending purchaser ripened his eyes in a wide and puzzled way and went out apparently wondering whether the salesman thought he wanted a frag ment of a piano. Youth’s Companion Guinea Pig Farming. England has three guinea pig farmers, one of whom exports 150,000 yearly to France, where they are used at restau rants as rabbits, the flavor of the flesh being identical in the two animals. The industry is said to be very profit able. Don’t nauseate your stomach with seat and bitter herbs, but regulate your liver and sick headache by using those famous little pills known as DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. Curry-Arrington Co. Week End Rates by the Southern Railway, Cave Spring and return 50c.; Lit.hia Springs and return $1.25; Lookout Mountain and return $2.00; Tucker Springs, Tenn., and return $2 25. Tickets at above rates are sold for Saturday afternoon trains only and are not good to return later than the follow ing Monday morning. ’ C. A. Benscoter. 'T. C. Smith, A. G. P. A. P. & T. A. Arnold's Bromo-Celery. Never heard of it? Try it for headache and see. 10c. , Curry & Arrington, wholesale druggists, Rraoe, Ga. j. Are You Going Bast? if so the Western & Atlantic R. R., offers absolutely the quickest and most convenient schedules, safest and best routes to all eastern cities. Choice of routes all rail or rail and water. Very low One way and round trip tickets on sale for information as to rates, maps, schedules etc., oall on or write to C. K. Ayer, P & T. A., Rome, Ga. Half Rates to Washington, Richmond. Nor folk* and Return, via Southern Railway The Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Washington, D. C., Richmond, Va., Norfolk, Va., and return, on August 12th, 18th, and 14th 1897. witn limit good to return fifteen days from date of sale. This will afford an excellent oppor tunity not only to visit these three cities but other eastern cities at small cost. Call on any agent of the South ern Railway for further imformation. Chattanooga, Tenn. August 4th. Ob, How Inviting? The De Sota Hotel, Savannah, Ga., is only five miles from the salts, eight een from the majestic ocean. The cool breezes from sea and sounds make the De Sota as inviting a retreat from the heat of the interior as the moun tains. You can stop at this popular hotel this summer at s2' 50 per day and upwards. Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or grippe. IQ6. THE PUBLIC APPRECIATE And show their appreciation of first class service by trading at CURRY-ARRINGTON CO’S DRUG STORE. They appreciate the quality of everything sold and the prices we make them. Everything sold is fully guaranteed. When you get the best, there is no better, even though you may pay higher prices elsewhere We appreciate the support extended to us Don’t Have Headache. Don’t! When it is so easy to get relief ! Curry’s Headache Powders Will do the work and do it quickly. Neuralgia yields to the effects of these pow ders like magic. 5 powders in a box, 10c. Curry’s Diarrhoea and Dysentery Specific stands the peer of all bowel medicines, and is the champion of young mothers tor teething babes and cholera infantum. -(’•Don’t forget the Placed We guarantee purity of medicines and care in filling prescriptions. CURRY-ARRINGTON CO. Broad St., Rome, Ga. SHORTER COLLEGE X-iaxliee, SOME, GEORGIA. Next Session Opens Wednesday, Sept. 8,1897 ADVANTAGES—A situation ideal in its beauty and phenomenal in its bealthfulness. Splendid buildings, beautiful grounds and charming natural scenery Extensive courses of study under specially accomplished teachers, The most approved and advanced methods in music. A splendid School of Art. Elocution and Physical Culture taught by approved methods. Admi rable arrangements for post graduates or eclectic courses of study. A de lightful- home for boarding pupils, with all the comforts of a first-class hotel, in an invigorating climate, and amid wholesome and . refined in fluences. Moderate charges. Apply to DR. A. J. BATTLE, President, Rome, Ga. W. P. SIMPSON, Pres. I. D. FORD. Vice-l'res. T. J. SIMPSON, Cashie. EXCHANGE BANK OF ROME, DOME. GBORODA.. STOCK, SIOO.OQC Accounts of firms, corporations and individuals solicited. Special at utioi given to collections. Money loaned on real estate or other vood securities. Prompt and courteous attention to customers. Som,x-c> ot Director*. A.R. SULLIVAN. J. A. GLOVER O. A. HIGdT. I D. FORD. w. P. SIMPSON Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy cures indigestion, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Hiccoughs, Heart-burn i