The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, September 18, 1897, Image 2

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A POLL PROGRAMME First Annual Session of Georgia Federa ? tion of Women's Club ’.JL. J—'.'T .1 IT WILL MEER IN ROME NOVEMBER 3. Will B* a Most Interesting Meeting and Prominent. Women From All Over Georgia Will Be Present. . Thri'programme for this first aftnual session of th?. Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs has been issued as fol lows: The first anpual.nieeting of the Geor gia Federation,pf VJ? queen’s Clubs will be held in Rome, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, November 2. 3 and 4, 1897. The board of directors meets upon call of the president Monday, Ist, in Rome. >ui i :tnnu The business sessions of 'the FederU'- 1 tion will be held in thia superior ootirt room, corner of Fifth avenue and Wedi First street. ' Tuesday, November 2d, in”the morn ing the Rome Woman’s Cltifi Will der the delegates a drive over the ‘ visiting the Rome hospital ahd tree kjndergarten, which are under' the the management of the Rome Woman’s Club. ’ ’ ' ' *"- 1 The afternoon sessions of each day will convene kt 2:30 and Will be devoted to ten-minute ' addresses by' prominent Georgia club women, and will include an address by the state chairmen of correspondence of the Georgia Federa tion of '.Vonieh’s tllub. '' •>* The evening of Tuesday, November 2d, will beo&{hpied"by a reception to delegatesandclhb members given by Mrs J.’ Lindsay'Johnson, president 1, of the Rome Woman’s dlub'kufi first vice ®reßtifoflt''s,tbp’ GfA’brgia Federation. 1 at her home ou.iFourth avenue/ ~, / ■Wednesday, November 3d, 9:90 a. m., itill oc^upiejdreports bf Officers and chairmen of committees, ' Tht* morhidgi session of November 4th, 9:30 will be occupied' with”the rilebtirtn of officers of the Georgia Federation of Women’s ©tubs delegates to< the. next blfenfna 1 tfreleting- of the general federa tion As ‘wdifaeii’s clubs'and general busi ness.'/ The .chairman Os tH6 committee of each department will select a,| woman to give thi-’evening address who in. .the opinjpp of the cbnpnittee is fitted to pre sent the next work from the beat , and and latest point of view. At the evening session of November 3th at 8 o’clock;, Mrs. Ellen M. Ilenrotit, president of general federation of wo men’s clubs, aud speakers will be heard. 'When the first programme l is issued by Mrs. John King Otrlpy,. chairman! of the programme committee;, it. may-contain some modifications and additions to the outline given herewith. Each club may'send its president, who is a vice president of the' federation, and one other delegate. If the president cannot attend, another member may be elected in her place. • The.members .of the Rome Wqpr’an’s Club generously'offer to entertain in . (heir homes all delegates and the speak oieraand musicians ..who assist in th?,pro gramme. ' '• 1 I'.’ . mm > The Armstrong will be federation headquartets. ■’ >' ■ . , AH 'delegates from the various clubs ! ‘are requested"'to notify Mrs. A. B. S', MobileyJ Os Rome, chairman of the cen tral cAmhu'l!t«e. of thCir ititontfbii to at ■ rM If ' ' I ;i '.HI. '.OHlfft* ' I. BeldOmbetoldiif women would but properly ) prepare themaeluemfor, fb4 dqtiqs gs moth erhood. If a wojpan will taXp tljq ngjit care •i of tfce organs that ru r a'ke i inpthprhooa possi , ble, ,approaching maternity' will no , fears. for her Nature' intended' thdt all wo men ilhotfld bear l 6liildtbn, ; hnU < Uid not meat)! that till'd' duty slibtild ' be a cruel (.torture. Wbtadft’s' ow ignorance and, neglect have made it so. <i » ;i, ~, , . *, <( All weakness and disease of woman’s re productive, organism are cared by Doctor ~ Eiprqe’s Favorite Prescription. It acts di rectly upon these organs. 1 ft’ 'makes them ■ strong l and'healthy; i It prepares/them for approaching maternity,. I,t allays the dist- 11 comforts of the expectant penod; ' ft'makes. baby’ l s comihg easy and comparatively pajn -11 ' Wis, and insures the health of- the child All good druggists sell it., '"••I have■ had l three tniscamiages," writes Mrs. T. 1.. Shaffer, of Ney, Sully Co., S. Dakota. “ Last- Spring t,received ppe ,o( your Memorandum Books in which I found your •’Favorite Prescrip tion ’ recommended to prevent it. I took eleven • , bottles of it and have a bright boy five months ’ dill. Which I Owe tb God and your inedicihe." WhatwOrifan does not Wish to make her '■ family cares as light as possible, consistent ii' . with her family's well-being? The greatest, •caye of all is Uie. fear of sickness. It is ai common saying amongst Cohs'cientidtis mothers: ‘* As long as the children are well, I don't mind anything else." For these , mothers Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Med ical Adviser would prove "The shadow of a great rock in a weary land,’’,, TJjis book of i,OOB pages, profusely illustrated, give? plain talks and kindly setifiible rt’edical ad vice. It is peculiarly valuable for mothers of young daughters. More than a half , a million copies of this book, have been sold for Si. 50 each. Now there is an enormous edition to be given away. Send 21 one-cent stamps, to covpr edit of mailing’ only, for a cony in paper cover. For cloth binding, send .31 one-cent stamps. World’s Dispen sary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. ELY’S CREAM BALM iaa posltlveanre. Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Druggists or by jnall; samples 10c. by mall. ELY BROTHERS. 58 Warren St., New York City. : . . J; tend the convention, giving the name < f their club and stating whether they are ex-officio vice presidents or regular dele gates, before ■ October 15th.. Arrangements have beeA made with the Southeastern Passenger Association for reduced,rates of one and one-thiid fare on the certificate plan over all nads and from all points in Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee for the week beginning November 2d. “Certificaltes must be procured from local agents on purchase of tickets and same mast be presented in the court room, Wednesday morning November 3d. fnd fiuly signed by Mrs, Eugene Heard secretary, Middleton, Ga.. id or der to secure return transporation at one third fare. “Rebecca- D. Lowe. President, :i. i. “Atlanta. i A ‘Sarah H.. Heard. Secretary/ /1 * ' I, “Rose Hill, Middleton, Ga. ’’ Summary of Rome Committees. Central local committee—The busi ness committee of the Rome Woman’s Club. Arrangements—Mrs. J, Lindsay Johnson chairman. , . Entertainment —Sirs. Halsted Smith, chairman. Credentials—Mrs. A. B. S. Moseley, chairman. " ' ' ' 1 " ’ Music —Mrs. J. J. Prihtup, chairman. Calendar, exchange aind- exhibit—Mrs. C. S. Sparks, chairman. Bureau of Information—Mrs, John C. Printup, chairman. fi ~ , , Special Notice. A copy of every circular issued by the federation or by f any of its. commit tees is mailed tp.the corresponding sec retary, of. e.very federation club, fetich Secretary is earnestly requested io read'fo full to her club those circulars in''Order that information and Well understanding of the Work may be general araoogiclub members. ... i , Mrs. Rebecca D, Lowij, . , President. Mns. Sarah H. Heard, Secretary. After meals you sluodld ba've islm nly a frieiingof comfort and satisfac tion. You should not feel any. special indications that digestion is going on. If you do, you have indigestion, which means not-digestion. This may be the beginning of so many dangerous diseases, that it is best to take it in hand at once and treat it with Shaker Digestive .Cordial. For you know that indigestion makes pois.on, which causes pain and sick ness. Ahd that Shakbr Digestive Cor dial helps digestion and cures indi gestion. Shaker Digestiv? Cordial does this, hy providing thp digestive materials in which the sick etofnach is wanting. It 'alted tones up and strdhgthetiS the digestive, organs and makesthem perfectly healthy. This is the rationale of its method of cure, as the doctors would say. Sold by druggists 10 cents to SI.OO per bottle. « _ t THE’LOVE LORN M 1119 RETURNS. '■ H'li: > i. ot.iti,. lij.;v ... .... Ocala people r iTor The Youcg I /-fill; ' Laoy—Cqttou stalk, Ocala, Fla., Sept. .1/7 —Miss Gwendd-I line C. ; JrAnkins, Svho came to Ocale a week, ago and oreated such a Sensation iu Social oirolesiby annonncing that she 'had l cothe here to marry Willi Gary or sue, himi left today for her northern' home, after trying jpr a her case before the courts.,She spent,, all of her little savings iti" coming to" Ocala, and .became' such a nuisance that a' few of the young man’s friend? made./ up,a purse and sent her back to her parents. R. E. Young has the largest and most, prolific stalk of cotton in Marion county. It measures ten feet in height, and fif teen feet in circumference around the branches.' It has more than 400 well developed bolls and is still covered with blppms./There' beeif mote "dotton grown in Marion county ypat than for the past twenty >■ years,<> mdsfly in small patch ep, and the growers are just now realizing that after all, the fieecy,staple tfye qnly thing they d*d .count on as a “money crop. .’ Geo. fc. Bpbiqsou, place for H. F. Dutton & Cd,..,0i Gaineß -sd far has shipped 50,000 pounds of'cotton to His firm hpd has about that much more on hand to be Be< sides Mr, Robinson, there are several other cotton buyers, w’bo are doittg I equally as good a business in this line. , Jhe first oranges grown id 'Marion pountjy since the freeze and placed on tno markets here made .their Sppear- ; ance today, andooe would have lbought a Floridk orange was a real curiosity to have seen the large crowd gathering around and admiring theip. They were grown by Dapt. H. F. Lytle, pf Stan- ' to«, who 1 says he expects ,tp ship about three car loads the present ssasqn. ‘ Tri Cate a Cold In One Day i Take Laxative Bromo Quininri Tablets AU druggists refund the ihdiitiy if it falls to cure. So. . Th? lighijiti th£ |iW?nfi l « w < ,,V ter ' I midnight but too ■ frequently 'tfe 1W ■ the old; old-story ■ of . the awful tor fl ture of approach fl irig motherhood, B for Some illy-pre- ■ .pared ,W.ope«- ■ All too often I 'death lurks on the " doorstep;; tfhis is a stpry that would j 8 ’ 897 - f OQCTON. head of'Anytlilng; I In That Line He Haa Ever Seen. Capt. Joel A. Walker has returned from a trip to Atlanta, where be went to meet the managers of the cotton oil f companies. These gentlemen went i out to inspect the wonderful cotton I near Atlanta The field consists of | six acres of the Jackson copton. Tfie I plant grows about six feet high, ahd ; h s scarcely any limbs at all. The bolls grow around the stalk. It is said that Jackson will easily make five or six bales to the acre on h'is patch. This wonderful cotton Is at tracting wide-spread attention. It Is s lid that the Chilian government Beht represfentatlves to Atlanta tQ'BXr amine the cotton and offered Jackson a very, large price for the entire out’ j put, with a view to experimenting with itj in Chili. Cupt. Walker says the, .potton is certainly a great im provement qn anything he has eVi’r seen before. The staple is much finer than the ordinary cotton, and seems to be variety. It seems to be somewhat, on, the order of the old ‘ iDUie’l cofton, pxcppt that it is much more hardy and prolific. A curiousfltory is jpld of how Jack son secured th? seefi from which’such wonderful respjto are, being secured. It is said that Jackapn ip some way meta Jewish pqdlar who, had been ship-wrecked on the pf Africa, or South America. JThU nian faad a few seed in his pocket, .which hft. gave to Jackson, with the statement that,if he would plant them and take, care of the product he would be made a rich man. The man told knew what the cottoi*,;and th'A’t he did not thiqk any white man had ?vt!r seen it before.' "Jackson acted : upon the ad vibe of the man, with tha j reablfs stated in this article. It aeeius 1 tbat.jhe only objection to the cpttbn is that it grow? so. high apd fruits so heavily that the roots are not . anf .fici^nt'to'hold up the'stalks in an up rightjppsitiop, Tbe|siialkß are all bent, over, Some of them lying upon the ’ ground.’ JaxsksOn’s experiments have left no doubt as to the value of the new ciitton, and the -indications are that the next Tew “years it will be t planted generally by the. planters of i the south. For the present, however, the demand.for- the seed will mqph greater than the supply., The old man’s prediction that the cotton would make Jackson a rich man seems in a fairway to he fulfilled. Practise Economy Iji buying; medicine as in other’matters. ' It is economy to get Hood’s’Sarsaparilla because there is more medicinal value in Hood’s Sarsaparilla than in any other. I Every bottle of H jod’s, Sarsaparilla cpu- t tains 100 doses and will average, taken.' according to directions, to last a mbnth, while others last btit a fortnight. < Hood’s Pills are the only pills to take witn Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Easy and yet efficient. ;judie MiDDorssmcH. ■ ' 1 .- • r~~n —-r .. •. , ■ ; Made at the Big ReyUnton of the Cpnftder- ~ aces at Summerville. . The follpwing is clipped from the Summerville News: j' Judge Maddox was introduced to the audience by Commander Cleghorn in a few timely arid pertinent remarks, p It is impossible to give even a synop sis of the speech that fblid'wed, for an account would do the speaker a grerit justice. It is suf fleieht tb say that the addressed lasted for about one hour ftnd thirty min utes, and during that long time the veterans remained standing, andgave' the closet attention to what was being said. /Time and again the tears would come to the! eyes, of the ;ex.-eppfed- 1 erates when the.names of such njen as Bill Cleghorn, Joe , McQonpell, and ■■ PAIN KILLER ’ '■ '■ THIGNUV : „ , Family Medicine of the Aje, , Tatyn |nternally, ft Ctiraa tManrhcea, Cramp, and j*aln ht the - Stomach, Bore Throat, fiuddea Coida, 7 ■ Cougha, &c., &c. '''• mi Uaed Externally, ft £urvs ‘ ! “ ' Cats, Brakes, Burna, Scalds, SpraisM. Toothache, Pain >in the .Face, , Ns*» talgia. Rheumatism, Frosted Feet. ~.. I _ .artlok nn attllnid Unit uWuM i rfepwrfi. a , .... J I ; ■ AstMte? - **'''* 1 ' ' M Tann. Organ. li.* 11 * J I l» baa real merit; as a maaaa er ramevlaa •• madlelne ha, aoqulfad a reputation oawal ia Ferry Oavia* •ally • Tstaßbb madJofa*H».lß «Ms hr ' I '< ■WF Pbyaioiana.— -Borton ,. .< ~ ttluaat 1 nlTftJberi of Others who/had dfiid itj battle, iFere/mentioned,; The r 'iNSra-ekjquerii of *he herdip de’eds of the men, and of the unparalled detfo -1 tion of the women of the south, dur i Ing the long, dark years of the war, and it was no discredit to the man ; hood of the gray beaded surviors of i the lost cause that’ their eyes 'should be wet with tears when the clarion i like voice of the speaker -recalled the. I stirring days, when at the command > of L-e and Jackson and Longstreet i and Gordon they touched elbows in i the ranks,.find moved forward as one i man in the tnigiity shock Os battle. • I ■ was perhaps, the best speech on i this line ever delivered in the county, t aud Judge Maddox’s nearers were de- • lighted with it. Those who weie not i in the army, or Were not' brought in ’ direct contact with the trials and 1 dangers of the soldiers, cannot under i stand or a{qirecidtetbe'bc|nd pf sym- ■ patby that holds these men together, k Each year the thin ranks is being . depleted by death. They are falling by the way constantly, and full soon the.last man of those who figured in • tfie bloody scenes of the late war will [ have “crossed over the river to rest under the shade trees.” RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. '■Gistreesing Kidney ainfi Bladder dis eases relieve/1 .in six hours by the “New Great South'American Kidney Cure.” This new remedy is a gieat surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, palrt of the urinary pas sages in male'or feniale. It relieves re * tention of water and pain in passing it I almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by 1 Curry-Arringtoa Co j druggists, Rome, Ga. “ th-fr-sat & w. A BIG ISSUE. Trie Trade ritid Sonveuit Edition of The Tri buneWillß a Dancy. We are pleased to state that from the encouragement we, are receiving The Tribu,ne’s annual trade and sou venir edition will be larger aud broader in scope than we at first au . ticipated. 1 This edition will receive a large cir culation at the Nashville exposition, in addition to that throughout Gepr-, gla and bther states. Jt will afford advert isers a rare opportunity. ~, ~ '’’ ■Space for this big issue iebeing rap idly taken, and it behooves all tpsjgn 'up tlifeir contracts at once for good locations. ~ p A special feature of this edition of The Tribune will be its■ handsome half-tone engravings. They will excel ! any ever printed in a Georgia daily 'newspaper. I Remember this edition will appear 'soon, and if you wish to'be repre sented in it you should inform Th Tribune at once. ' “ “ " 1; . ■ t z • ( ■ ! The Discovery Saved HU Life. ; Mr. G. 1 Gaillouette, druggist,..Beav ersville, 111., says: ‘‘To Dr. King’s , New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with la grippe and tried-all the physicians Tor miles about, but of no ttvail, and was given up aud told I coaid not .live. Having Dr. King’s ■ New Discovery in my store I sent for i a bottle and began its' use. and-from i the first dose began to get better, 1 and ' after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We keep store Or house ’ without it, ’’ Get a free fridl at Curry-. Arrington Company, Rome, Ga. i ( -——— ', z :h ; Excursion Rates by the Southern Rail/ I ' way, i Nashville, Tennessee—Tickets on sale daily at the following rates: $5.10, good to return seven daysfrom date, of sale:' ; $7, 55, good to return fifteen days from, date of sale : : $ll.OO, good to return until No ember ,i. Tickets to the following summer rfesorts on. sale gopcjl to return October ...filat, .1891!': ifeave, Sprjtig, Tiedtnont,. Ala, t AnnistoU, Ala., Rockmart, t’pwder . Springs, Austell. Dalton, Tucker Springs 'end all of the famous resorts ip East ■ annessee, North Carolina and Virginia. » 'il . ii. ' -ji 1 j CASTORIA For Infants and Childf'efl'J - ‘ ’.n POPULAR LOW/PRICE CAttFOR/ ",' The Santa Fe ROu+e daily excursions to California fti tourist cars are deservedly popular. Cars are of newest patteri!'iitid Vory"C6mfortable, having evUfy ne'cessdi'y c6Wvenienoe. ■ ■■ These excursions are ficcompenied by Pnllinaia'dofiHuctors and porters, and are patronized by many of the best peo ple. lio'sV ttckfit fates. 'i’v • 1 , The Santa Fe’s California I life is re-' iparkabiy‘ ' picturesque. "Its miiidld' course abrdrt th'e douthient AVtiids' ex-< ’ literature address Geo. T. Guhriip. General A'gfeht; 417 Waunt" street,Cjnoinqaii, Qhio. , ‘ < | (j * ' Nf ' J ‘Asheville, Worth Carolina. Asheville. N. Cl,' situated'' in the heAM'bf the nrountains of Western North Carolina 2,900 feet, above sea level, is free from’ all, malarial and fever diseases, and is reached via the Southern Rail way, on most convenient sohbdules, " t >i’ i Removal Notice. Dr, R. P. dox reriioved his 6f fice to’ the bull til nit occupied by Tay* l ' lor & Norton, near Armstrong botril. ' •' V ■> Imo 9-6 ' j 3 ~ a.- ar '—l ,-.4 TEXAS ffifflES SPEAK PLAftLY. San An ton 1o , Tex., writes: In 1862 I had 1 Chronic Dysentery k and Periodical Con. W etipation. Dr. M. A. I Simmons Liver Medi cine cured mo then,and I have raised my Daugh ter, Miss Julia Belt whoso picture I send, on Ik Soma Dealers try .to force ‘‘Zeilin's Regu . lator” on me, but 1 aj. ’"’ways return it. W Vs?* Profuse Menstruation. Flooding Is always an annoying and some times s very dangerons disorder. When trio menstrual discharge is natural, it is so grad- Ual'Uiatiby mixing with, the vaginal seer-> tidßS'itis prevented from coagulating; While in this disease, clots are often formed. Where therd is a .tendency to costivguecs, laxative doses ofX-’a. M. A-SimmophUiver Medicine should be taken, and to give tono and strength to the pelvic organs I>r. Sim. xaons Squaw Vine Wino should be used conei-noualy fop, weeks, to eject a perma- Bentcure. ■' tri Dublin, Tex., writes: Dr. Al. A. Simmons Liver M e di c to e has caved many HVes in fa this malarial equn-, try. It prevents Bil- F ions 'Tlalariut Tn* l termittent Dover and Congestion.' It ' thoroughly,, cleansps, my system without Eny 'pain, while the , ‘,‘Zefllnis Regulator” and “Black Draught”' 1 |Rj j v i 4r3 / vsHKlfii ,; 1 h w > “ 1 zj - T iisedci used great 'Ufieaslness ia bowel? n and griped. I think It as far ahead of them as noonday Is ahead of midnight; - <''■ di _. hilnful MenMruatibn l; ■ ' IS caused by disordered nervous.system, Vitiated blood, uterine derangetfichls, placement of Womb;'excessive menstana tipn, apd often completely incapacitates suffering women fdt anything except Buffer’- ' ShgiuntoMagony.i JforrpJiofjOf pain apply cloths wet with hot water to narik arid hip?.' For pehbaiientictß-aitnke one tablespoonful Dr. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine before each meal for three days before and during the monthly period, and each night during , the period take a dose Os Dr. mt. A. Sim mens lilVer Medici-no, nnrl ernr is ccjtgin. ■,. Keqp y°. ur Pyes Qpcn. Some men for money wo learn use- trying tritlecoivo the publia with aipropar.itiqn called ‘‘Black Draught,” telling the people "It’s Just the same .as M.'A. SJL. 21.’ ; The statement is false.,. There is none genuine without the Name, Picture and Autograph of Dft M. X Simmons, .1 . • rtO'.'tlliPtrV- * -Haggard’S Sold ,DWC6tfIS lx IF ROT Ort SALE AT YOUR PLACE ORDER FROM nAU ATL ANTA, GaS^ s ONE BOX' 4.>a>o. ” * For nervous women that suffer from nienstruai derangement they have no equal on the market. Sold by Curry- Arrington Co., and Taylor & Norton. . Hiii • ■ zj J ~, ; Jvills Roaches,x leas,, Moths and Bedbugs. Non- j poisonous: won’t staiti. Large bottles, at drag frifits and grocers, 2d cents. . a SSBj ■ Wbi-e Xr A-'* *' r ’■ Ta r 7 it prbbuh'r ;v . • •/Al*. tv*' . «■ fed ‘Crackled. + 'ic ■>. p-;..: ui ■ ’ f t ’ •»> repv.huA (* liJSfGi <! ot ;tWr; '? ", it/f J Uin IS •dwfiy* he >r.n‘ { uapuic seapuunu jjftiu-itiw J:..! .rft ,U<: -.aav. Viola CiSam cleanses, nourishes odd z t‘'4sKH. ? &sk*np ' ItlMtft, wbate nnd tiean j.. j Ok M t —•'loos not cove: UV. ■ ,:r .■.-. u-. •’. < 1 It is nlifm.Wfu!:fti wi<• t < • • I fop !(.-u ...i : .• renivvu > :r<‘ •• .. • I'. . ; c : :iJn a add }'iiHph-s iiiiTMiieu- h’ X:’ • )•..' - */lu» } >rvf<n. pent iaoirs- I •#.»‘ Q. C fv-T •- « ’» • . h; ~9V ' -I’. SAVEO FROM A LIVING GRAVE. Ain Mb A W .F< FORFEIT if our testimonials are ’CKISrISI not triie. druggist show W&eVaWte to’^io-r W&tm’&ja&FA* Mnmuoo.?’ 1 ' ■ ! ,! For sale by Rome Drug Gto . Rome, Ga w r 1-71 1 FREE: Sao.oo IN GOLD, Young 'TV '2.'l-"fHl'•' DTOughon's Bmctfflalßusiaess ■ Cyllege, Nashville, Tenn., or V VVJJIw Yekarkanh, TeW.,“or a schol- i arthtp in i*o»Latiy other reputable, business col lege or literary school in the U. S. call be secured by Uoitiga Httlfe work at home for tta Youths’ > especially interestingi and iprofiteblfl, to young people, but read with interest and profit by peo ple of’till ages. St6HeS and Other 'interesting inattw well illustrated. Sample copies sent fret Agents wanted. Address YoutM* Advocate Pub. Co., 'Nasbville, iTcnn.. "' [Mention paper.] ’ 'For Delicacy, for purity, and for improvement of the com- { pleriou npthiny,equals PofisoNi’s Pownait. f Cto/ r~ * 7 ij-W / : CoDii Final When a CttAb ik referred to a cour.C ot final appraXi ii-n G'evi?>joa is irre vocable When you have lost all hope, in your “wn case of being cured of tthpumattotD.or any disease caused by impure b]oi»d’ try Afneana ’ Africana cures positively, Africana cures permanently, Africana cures perfectly, Africana cures quickly. Read whkt a j TomiheEt Atlanta Broker writes u«: Africana Company: I was attacked with'Rbeupaatism in my feet and knee joints, whs in duced to try Africana. and after using five bottles as prtScrib’ed and not using any other remedy dr ttea'- ment during use of AFRICANA, I now regard mvself as free :c m Rheum al istn, .Your&'trulv, S; M. PONDEB ' The Great Remedy, Africana. 1; ? . • Rqme, Ga. July 7,..1&97. This is to certify that I ‘ Suffered wnfa old sores on my body. They were con sidered incurable. I have used four bot tles of Africana and am entirely well and the sores healed. ’ i,:'> : Ned Hughes (C.olpred) Ned'Hughes iis one.of, the best knQwn and most reliable colored men in the city, and his word is considered as good as a bond. His statement made above as lo the Pflibacy lof the Africana remedy may be relied on. as being absolutely true. Ghronic Diseases ot all forma Successfully Treated. Rheumatism, Bronchitis, Palpita tion; Indigestion, etc. of the Nose, Throat and Lungs. Diseases Peculiar to Women, Prolaptos, Ulcerationa. Leucorrhea, etc. Write, giving history of your case and it will receive immediate attenti m Ari opinion, price of treatment, pamphlet and testimonials will be sent you fbeh Dr. S. T. Whitaker, Specialist. 205 Norcroas Buiiding, Atlanta, G UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA H ' ‘— f‘ NINETY-SEVENTH - SESSION ■ —BEGINS D.t ll'ii) M I,J, I Wednesday, Sept. 15th, i 897. ' ■ ■ 1 .'ll ..... ~ , .For information address WILLIAM C. BOGGS, CfIANC&'iLiML ■ -111 I'. . . , ' AlllEA’S, GA. __________ • ’ ■' ‘ ' 1 PXIOFESSIONALC Dr. HENRY H. BATTEY Surgeon and Physician, moxaie, Georgia, Dr. D. T. McCALL : ■■ ... .■ ' Office 401 Broad Street, " l: 11. ) , In .Building Occupied by Rome Drug Co TELEPHONE 167. OR. JAMES E. IVEY, Physician and Burgeon ROME, GEORGIA. Office; over Rome Drug Company.) , Telephone 157. , -■ l ‘- '■'ri'r.ill.. , ~,/ DENTIST. R S. ROBINSON, D. 0. S., .I'llll.l II o/,;i. 1 /( . Office over F. A. Johnson’s Drug Store. RESIDENCE, 103 SECOND AVE. r 1 JI ‘ .11,; ill , .in ?,, „•( ~ Wm. J. Neel, attorney at law, ROME. GEORGIA. ( Hv Office ip New King Building. Will practice In all tbo Courts. 6p«>< ial attan • tion given to Commercial Law and the exami nation of Lapd Tlfiiw. 1( , ] k . ~, HALSTED SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office n City Hall, Rome, Ga.