The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, September 21, 1897, Image 2

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board of health State Medical S cle y Hasn't Giv<*n Up Struggle to Secure One. DR. LeHiRDT SUBMITS THE BILL Which Wl.ll Be Presented To the Next Legis lature. Urges Drainage of Swamps, etc as Neooeesarly to Health. The State Medical Society has not given up its struggle to secure a state board of health for Georgia. It wilt be remem bered that at the last meeting, of the as sociation, held in Macon last April, Dr. K. P. Moore of this city offered a resolu tion as follows: “Resolved, That this association Rec ommends the adoption by the legislature of an act to create a commissioner of health and drainage for the state of Georgia.” « Dr. J. B. Morgan, of Augusta, offered this substitute: “I wish to off dr as a substitute that this association appoint as a committee of one Dr. LeHardy, who is conversant with the question, has given it a great deal of attention, and is one of the best authorities in the South, to properly bring it to the attention of the public, and of the legislature at its next ses sion.” The substitute, being seconded, was carried. In accordance with this action of Jhe society, Dr. LeHardyof Savannah has just issued an address to the grand juries, ordinaries, county com missioners and medical profession of the state, calling their attention to the matter, and asking their earnest ■consideration, as he believes it to be one of the most important measures ever brought before the legislature and people*of the state. The act to be carried before the next general as sembly reads: An act to create a commissioner of health and drainage for the protection of life, the preservation of health and the prevention of disease in the state of Georgia. . Section 1. Whereas, the interests of the people of this commonwealth re quire the enactment of some law for the preservation of the public health and the thorough drainage of malaria-, laden lands and swamps, therefore be it resolvedly the general assembly of the state of Georgia,that within thir ty days after the passage of this act, the governor shall appoint a com missioner of health and drainage for a term of four years, who shall be a physician of skill and experience, the graduate of a chartered school of medicine in good repute, who shall have control of all mattejs pertaining to public health in the state, and who shall supervise the drainage of lands and of swamps, whenever called up on by the authorities of any county in the state, provided the use of state convict labor is granted by the gov ernor thereof. Sec. 2. There shall ba provided in the capitol of the state air office to be known as “Department of Health and Drainage,” which shall be supplied with such furniture, books and stationery as may be needed to carry out the provis ions of this act. Sec. 3. The commissioner of health and drainage shall be provided with a secretary, of his own selection, who must be a physician of good repute and well versed in state medicine. He shall perform all the duties pertaining to his —— Beware 01 the Me. Mr. Lincoln Nelson, of Marshfield, Mo , writes: “For six years I.have been a sufferer from a scrofulous affection of the glands of my neck, and all efforts of physicians in Washington, p. C., Springfield, 111., and St. Louis failed to reduce the enlargement. After six months’ constant treatment here, my physician urged me to submit to a re moval of the gland. At this critical mo ment a friend recommended S.S.S., and laying aside a. deep-rooted preju dice against all patent medicines, 1 be gan its use. Belo I had used one bot tle the eulargein . began to disappear, and now it is er, rely gone, though lam not through wit • my second bottle yet Had I only used your S.S.S. long ago, I would have escaped years of misery and saved over $150.” . This experience is like that of all whe suffer with deep-seated blood troubles. The doctors can do no good, and even their resorts to the knife prove either fruitless or fatal. S.S.S. is the only real blood remedy; it gets at the root bf the disease and forefes it out perma . uently. S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegetable) K Real Blood Remedy* Is a blood remedy for real blood troubles, it cures the most obstinate cases of Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism, etc., which other so-called blood reme ties fail to touch. S.S.S. gets at the root of the disease and forces it out per ' manently. Valuable books will be sent free to’ any address by the Swift Specific Co., At- lanta, Ga. W W office and assist the commissioners when ever called upon to do so. Both the commissioner and his secretary shall de vote themselves to the performance of the duties set forth in this act. Sec. 4. The pay of the health and drainage commissioner shall be thirty five hundred dollars ($3,500) per an num, and his secretary shall receive fif teen hundred dollars ($1,500), together with their necessary traveling expenses, to be paid out of the state treasury. Seo. 5, It shall be the duty of the com missioner of health and drainage to in form the authorities of every city and town, and the ordinaries and commis sioners of every county in the state, of the provisions of this act, and to re quest their co-operation in the work of removing' local causes of disease, in pre venting the spread of epidemics among men or animals, in ascertaining the pre vailing diseases and the causes of mor tality, in obtaining, reliable records of births, marriages and deaths in every city town and county, and in getting accurate information relative to the area of undrained lands and swamps, their condition and effect upon the health of the inhabitants. He shall, when called upon to do so by the au thorities of any . county, city or town, repair to any point in the state, as soon as practicable and render such assistance as may be in his power to do in carry ing out the provisions of this act. Bee. 6. It shall be the duty of the mu-, nicipal authorities in every city or town in the state, of the ordinaries and com mis' ioners of counties, and of the grand juries, to advise the health and drainage commissioner, upon all relating to the promotion of health, the safety of life, to the prevailing diseases and the causes thereof; to apprise him of the ex istence of nuisances capable of affecting public health; to report as far as practi. cable, the births, marriages and death?, and to give the area of undrained lands and swamps in their respective counties. It shall be their imperative duty to ap prise him of the nature and extent of any epidemic disease that may occur, whethei among the people or domestic animals, and to call upon him for help, to prevent the spread of epidemics and to rid them of malarial diseases by the drainage of marshy lands and swamps. Seo. 7. It shall be iu the power of the commissioner of health and drain age. when called upon by the munici pal authorities of cities or towns, by the ordinaries, the commissioners, or the grand juries of any county; also in cases of great emergency, to drain ma laria-laden lands or swamps, and to re move nuisances capable of affecting the public health; to use the state convict labor for the purpose, and get transpor tation for said labor. It shall be his duty to supervise such works. In case of the occurrence of an epidemic dis ease breaking out among men or ani mala, in any county of the state, it will also be his duty to repair to the spot and do all he can to prevent the spread of the disease and to assist the stricken community in any manner consistent with the provisions of this act, or with funds provided by the legislature for epidemic purposes. Sec. 8. Repeals all conflicting laws. Condensed Testimony. Chas. B. Hood, Broker and Manu facturer’s Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies that Dr. King’s New Discovery has no equal as a Cough remedy. J. D. Brown, Prop. St James Hotel, 4 t. Wayne, Ind,, testifies that be was cured of a Cough of two years standing, caused by La Grippe, by Dr. King’s New Dis covery. B F Merrill, Baldwinsville, Mass., says that he has used and recom mended it and never knew it to fail and would rather have it than any doctor, because it al ways cures. Mrs. Hemming, 222 E. 25th St. Chicago, always keeps it at hand and has no fear of Croup, be cause it instantly relieves. Free Trials Bottles at Curry-Arrington Co. ’s drug store. About Frank Sparks. The Boston Herald of Thursday has the following to say of Frank Sparks pitching for the Philadelphia team: “The Phillies were again at the mercy of the Bostons yesterday, and after the third inning were not in the game. Sparks, one of the youngsters just acquired by the Phillies, was put in against the veteran Stivetts, and it proved an nneqnal match. The young ster has fine curves, good command and handles himself well, but he was hit hard, and only some excellent fielding saved him from worse punishment than he got. Again, the Philadelphia club could not begin to accord him the sup port that the Boston players gave their pitcher.” . • Just try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. Hon. James Noble Sr. Says the Anniston Hot Blast: “Ex- Mayor James Noble went up to Rome last night to attend a banquet given by Cherokee Masonic lodge to Moun tain City Fire company in return for the fire company’s good work in sav r ing the Masonic temple from destruc tion by fire recently. Mr. Noble be came a member of Cherokee lodge forty-one years ago and was the founder of Mountain City Fire com pany and was the founder and first chief of the Rome fire department. The firemen, who look npon Mr. Noble as a f ith'er, sent him an urgent invitation to be present with them last night.” THE HOME THIBDriE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 18V7 supbpmb couftr. I Tbe Next Term Will Begin On Octob'r 11th Criminal Docket Flrtt. The next term of tbe supreme court will begin on October llth, am’ the criminal docket will be taken up first. There are 27 criminal cases. On the civil docket thirteen clrcuitg will be taken up before Rome is reached. They are as follows: Cbattahooche Circuit, 21 cases. Pataula Circuit, 6 caees. Southwestern Circuit, 18 cases. Albany Circuit, 11 cases. Oconee Circuit, 29 cases. Brunswick Circuit, 29 oases. Atlanta Circuit, 63 cases. Stone Mountain Circuit, 22 cases. Middle Circuit, 8 cases. Augusta Circuit, 5 cases. Northeastern Circuit. 15 cases. Blue Ridge Circuit, 9 cases. Cherokee Circuit. 32 cases. The,calendar for the Rome Circuit is as follows: I. Puryear vs. Cavender. 2 Porter vs. Pierce, admr. 3. Chattanooga Southern Ry. Co, vs. Hunter. 4. Bradford vs. Cooledge & Bro. et. al. 5. Merchants’ National Bank of Rome vs. Fouche. 6. Ewing vs. Freeman. 7. Freeman vs. Ewing. 8. Norton vs. Paragon Oil Can Co. 9. Holmes vs. Murphy. 10. Leig vs. Chattanooga, Rome and Columbus R. R. C0.,t0 nee,etc. 11. Coker & Co. vs, McConnell, sheriff, to use, etc. 12. City of Rome vs. Dougherty. 18. Shannon vs. Berry. 14. Black vs. Maddox et al. 15. Bale vs. Foster. 16. King, receiver,vs. Shepard & Cc- 17. Hartshorn vs. Smith. 18. Merchants’ National Bank of Rome vs. Vandiver. 19. Vandiver vs. Merchants’Nation al Bank of Rome. 20 Glover vs. Patton et ux. 21. Stephens vs. Johnson & Bro. 22. Howell et al. vs. Davis,ordinary. 23. McConnell sheriff, vs. West. To Cure a Coldin One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to care. 50. LINHAM A SONS.* They Are Displaying Many Rare Bargains at Their Seven Stores. New goods continue to arrive daily at Lanham & Sons seven stores in the Fourth ward. This popular firm have a of clerks to wait on the trade, and it keeps them on the jump to attend to the wants of the great crowds who visit the stores every day. ' Elsewhere in this issue of The Tribune they offer some rare bargains in night robes, skirts and embroidery. Call and see them. SUITS Tn ORDER. Specla' R'pr'ppvinative of Large House Will Be at J. A. Gammon & Co’s. On the 12th and 13th of October Messrs. J. A. Gammon & Co. will have on display the latest paterns for gents’ suitings. The full length paterns will be shown, and a special representative will be here to take measures. They will have a very large variety of seasonable styles, and it will pay every one to wait and examine the line. The prices will be moderate.. Eternal Vigilance. Is the price of perfect health. Watch carefully the first symptoms of im pure blood. Cure boils, pimples hu mors and scrofula by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Drive away tbe pains and aches of rheumatism, malaria and stomach troubles, steady your nerves and overcome t hat tired feeling by taking the same great medicine. Hood’s Pills are the best family cathartic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable, sure. Removal Notice. Dr. R. P. Cox has removed his of fice to the building occupied by Tay lor & Norton, near Armstrong hotel. 1 mo 9-6 Tbe Short Line to Texas And the Southwest, is via the Ala bama great southern railroad. Tickets may be routed either via Shreveport or New Orleans. Train service and sched ules via this hue, are unexcelled. This is the only line operating tourist sleep ing cars from Chattanooga to Texas points and the Pacific Coast. Parties contemplating a trip should address C. M. Billheimer, Trav. Pass. Agt., Birmingham, Ala., C. E Jack son, Trav. Pass. Agt., Chattanooga, Tenn. C. A. Benscoter, Asst. Gen’l Pass. Agt., Chattanooga, Tenn. Bloodpoison A SPECIAL.TYXSSffi: tlary BLOOD POISON permanently cured In 15 t 036 days. You can be treated at home for same price under same guaran ty. If you prefer to come hero wo will con tract to pay railroad fareand hotel bills,and noebarye. If we fall to cure. If you have taken mer cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and pains, Mucous Patches In mouth. Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper Colored Snots, Ulcers on any part of tholiody, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, It Is this Secondary BLDOD POISON we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti nate cases and challenge the world for a case we cannot cure. This disease has always bullied the skin of the most eminent physi cians. SHOO.OOO capital behind our unlondl tlona- guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on application. Addreu COOK REMEDY CO.. W 2 Masonic Temple, CHICAUO. HJ. COTTON COMPABKE, Mr. B. D. Lumsdeg Plants a Row of the Egyptain By the Common Cotton. Mr, B. D. Lumsden, the well known Bibb county planter, has mado prac tical test of tbe Egyptian cotton, com monly known in tbe state as the black seed cotton, and Saturdky be brought to the Macon Telegraph office a stalk of this and also one of the ordinary Georgia plant He planted a rWw of each side by side and cultivated them in tbe same way. Tbe seeds of the Egyptain cotton had been sent to him by the government’s agricultural de partraent, and he determined to test it thoroughly. The fibre is of superior quality and much finer than the or dinary cotton planted in Georgia, and is said to be worth about 16 cents a pound. Os course, if it could be bandied and cultivated with as little expense and produced in the earns quart ty as the G -orgia cotton it would pay all Georgia farmers to abandon the common variety and take up this. But Mr. Lumsden’s experienced is that, they had had better stick to the old variety Be says it costs a great deal more to raise it, and requires special machinery for ginning it, this machinery being more costly than the apparatus now in use for common cot ton. The stalks are more delicate and do not bear as much fruit. The bolls have only three lobes, while the Geor gia plant has four. The roots of the Egyptian cotton are comparatively slight, the laterals being strings, while tbe Georgia variety has large, vigorous shoots that will stand almost any kind of wind. Tutt’s Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Twenty Years Proof. Tutt’s Liver Pills keep the bow els in natural motion and cleanse the syste n of all impurities An absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, con stipation and kindred diseases “Can’t de without them” P. Smith, Chilesb;irg»k Va. writes I don’t know how I could do without th?m. I have hao Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured Tutt’s Liver Pills CHANGE $ BUT POZZONI’S POWDER . X •je REMANS ALWAYS THE SAME. The finest, purest and ’iost beauti- A tying toil, ' powder ever made. It is Jk “A soothing healing, healthful and Fey A harmless, and when rightly used i» A rA Invisible. If you have never Ined FjV POZZONI’S vou do mot know what an IDE AX. COMPLEXION POWDER is. IT IS SOLD EVERTffHEBE. i E DDIIU’Q FOR EITOEB SEX. LC DnUN » This remedy being in ” -Jerterl directly to the Jh—--dh seat of those diseases HI Si O ■■ of the Genlto-Urlnary Mtn As I—Organs, requires no IStI Qu E/w change of diet. Cure guaranteed in I to 8 days. Small plain pack- dni TT "D age. by mail, 81.00. W U AX* Sold only by For sale by Curry-Arrngton Cc. wholesale druggists, Rome. Ga. M. A. THEDFORD’S VEG-E TTJ 3a E M V SS dyspepsia I iff l Sick or Indigestion \Nepvous- BiuoaENEs\^^^]j Sourness of Stomach Appetite None Genuine Without The Likeness And Sisnature orM.A.THEDFORD on FrontOf Each Wrapper. M.A.Thedforo Meo.@- Rome.Ga. For Delicacy, for purity, and for improvement of the com plexion nothing equals POZZONI’S POWDHR. NARY BALDWIN SEMm FOR YOUNG LADIES, . STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. farm begins Sept, let, 18#7. Located tn Shcnandoau Valley ofVirglnla. U near peened climate, grounde nuu appointments. Board, etc., with full English conrae, 5260. Music, Languages, Elocution, Art. Book-koep. mg, and Physical Culture, extra Paulis enter •»> time. WriU for Catalogue. oold uxtst It’s a I j wWaste of Energy | trying to drive a spike with a tack hammer, I undertaking to do housecleaning with soap, IffiS Th e modern cleaner, Gold Dust, hits wl on ie h ea d all drives it home —settles if g y° ur housecleaning difficulties, injures M ing, cleans everything, saves you. S 3 GOLD DUSTS | f SI t g HI everywhere in large packages, 25c. Made only by ® THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, |. M Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Boston, Philadelphia. THIS IS Taylor & Norton’s Way of telling you they keep Paint for sale, and that one gallon of their C. A. Woolsey's Standaid Mixed Paint Will cover 250 square feet of surface, two coats, These Paints qre guaranteed to do better work, last longer and have a better lustre than white lead and oil mixed in the ordinary way, and if they do not, we stand pledged to do the work over, using any lead and oil you may designate at our expense. This guarantee is worth 100 cents on the dollar to you. Respectfully, TAYLOR & NORTON. OUR LEADER v * f-A . < • dollar You Stop Taking fiATLldilin Patent Medicines for your health Tb . vullUUliUl and blood. Drink our old rich Jk CIqI) PURE CALIFORHIA CLARET. j | Pf® What is better and healthier j I * fSI /a than a Lemonade with a A I-- rM H wine glass of our Claret 4 mixed For strength, health pO //i \ and blood, try it. p ’• \ St. Julian, Pontet, Canet, M , Leoville, Char, KBS3M Margaux. All pints. We, UrST are selling this wine very i t if W B ST^ M low - at § g MMSAUX* ga $3-oo per Dozen. * Fw Our Sh « rr y wines are very fine. U Old Topaz, Old Pine Apple, JfPL Old pure Mederia just received fron New York. BWIIHiP Telephone 148. Whiskey. Curran, Scott & Co., xrxrxvex 8016 A,geut8 ' No ' 6 Broad Sb Tennessee Centennial The Exhibit of the Nashville, Chattanooga < <»St. Louis Railway At the Terminal Station in the Centennial Trains leave the Grounds is one of the most interesting. in- Union Depot, structive, and costly displays at the Expo- Nashville, every sition, and should be seen by every visitor. Fifteen minutes It consists of an artistically arranged dis for the Expositon play of Agricultural Products, Minerals, Terminal Timbers .Valuable Relics, Curiosities, etc, ♦ Station. collected from points along the line trav- The Quickest and eled by this road, which penetrates the Best Route. most fertile and picturesque portions of the South. JDoxx’t to Oee Xtl Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy cures Indigestion, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Hiccoughs, -Heart-burn.