The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 02, 1897, Image 8

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Highest Honors—World’s Fair. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. •DIV VWCfj * CREAM BAKING POWDER A Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, TfiE NEWS OF A DAY Short Stories of Various Kind Grouped Under One Head. ALL' SORTS OF LITTLE LOCALS They Are None the Lees Interesting; Short, and Their Importance Should Not Be Underestimated. You can get stamps, postal cards and street car tickets at the drug store of Jervis & Wright, 4t. Armstrong Elevator Repaired. 'The Armstrong hotel elevator is again in good running order after some weeks of disuse. The old cable broke, and a new one has been put in. City Court Adjourns. All business in city court was wound up yesterday and it was adjourned. The last case disposed of was Lucius Shrop shire vs. the City Electric Railway. The case has been in court along while. The jury brought in a verdict of $250 for the plaintiff. The adjourned term of Superior court will begin one week from Monday, Gold Near the City. Mr. Joe H. Lumpkin, city health inspector, found a rock on Fort Jack son yesterday that shows strong marks of gold. The stone is rather flat, but worn smooth. It is a white, shaly formation, and the gold can be readily traced in all parts of it. Mr. Lumpkin picked the rock up from among several others of a like nature. New Sou,hern Ticket Agent. Mr. C. E. Jackson, the genial travel ing passenger agent of the Southern, was in the city yesterday He says that Mr. Harrison will arrive from Chattanooga Monday to assume the position of city ticket agent for the Southern in this city. Mr. T. C. Smith, who has held the position for a number of years, will enter business here shortly. Matinee Saturday Afternoon. Guy Woodward and his excellent com pany will present “Cheek” at the mati nee Saturday afternoon. This is the play made famous by the great comedian Roland Reed, and which has been exclu sively leased by Mr. Woodward. His presentation of the leading role is said to Where To Buy Your Groceries. Come to see us and we will in terest yon in this line. You will be sure to come again. We carry in stock a gotuple e as sortmont of Fancy and Family Groceries, Canned Goods, To bacco, Cigars, Conntry Produce, Vegetables. Fruits, etc. Finest Flour , in Rome. Try some of our TEAS and COFFEES. Give us your or ders for your month’s supply and we will save you money. We meet prices on ail goods We have the best quality of goods and are anxious to serve you. Prompt delivery, E. C. Wood & Co. Telephone 44J 202 Broad Street, Rome, Ga, be equally as perfect as Mr. Reed’s. The matinee begins at 2 o’clock, and the ad mission is only 10 and 20 cents. Do not miss it. Boat Launching Today, Ths new steamboat of the White Star Line will be launched this afternoon at 3 o’clock. Contractor Holbrooks has completed the hull, which is 90 feet long and 14 feet wide. The boat is be ing built especially for low water traffic. ■ The Amend Honorable. By one of those unhappy mistakes, unintentional, but none the less aggre vating both to the reporter and the wronged party, credit was given in yes terday mornings Tribune to No. 1 for being the first at the scene of the fire at Wooten’s stable. It is apparent to all that it was simply one of those hitherto chronicled “unhappies. *’ No. 2 and her gallant drivers are due the palm, and it is herewith tendered with the utmost good will. The Lest Dey. Bass Bros’, opening will end this even ing. It is pronounced on all sides as the most successful exhibition of its kind ever seen in Rome. Those who have not seen it should not let the day pass without visiting the store. The decorations on the second floor by Mrs. Morgan and the work-room creations by Miss Baker can not be too lavishly com mended, while the co’lection of -dress goods aud match trimmings and the felicitous arrangements of them, in dis play, on the main floor, make an eye feast f»r every lover of the beautiful. Wc again recommend a visit to Bass Bros, store today. An opportunity of witness ing such an opening may not come again to Rome. DATE 18 ANNOUNCED Wedding of Mis. Carrie Clark And Mr. Ed ward Magill, of St. Louis, The most brilliant autumnal wedding in Rome, perhaps, will be that of Miss Carrie Clark and Mr. Edward Magill, of St. Louis, on Thursday, Oct. 21 at 8:30 p. m. It will be a home wedding of the style and ceremony historic in the south for such homes as .that of Capt. R. G. Clark. In every respect the wedding will be a notable social event. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the monty if it fails to cure. se. The Armstrong, ROME, G-A, Centrally Located and first class in all appointments, Rooms en suite, single rooms and rooms with bath. Charges liberal and satisfac tion guaranteed The telegraph and express offices, city ticket office and brokerage offices are located in and close to the . hotel, making it con venient for the busi ness men. Meals served quickly and at most any hour. Many of our rooms have been renovated, and we can now accommo date from 100 to 150 people. Give us a trial. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. The Burney Transfer. Company, * —HANDLES — Baggage Promptly. THE ROME TKIBUNE. SATURDAY. OCTOBEB 2, 1895. IS IT CO INCIDENCE? Nearly All Fires in Rome Occur On Wednesdays aod Thursdays. AND BETWEEN 4 AND 8 O’CLOCK P. M Are th* Fire Ruge at Work Mere? Uoquen tioaable Evidence That Several Were Os locrndlary Origin. For several months past Rome has been visited with many fires. Fortunately few of them have proven very serious, the last in the Masonic Tem ple. the Van Dyke fire, the Morris store and the one that ruined Stoffregen’s bakery being the most damaging. Within the last eight months fire has broken out in the Masonic Temple some six times. Circumstances in every in stance pointed to incendiarism. Once or twice there were convincing proofs of suoh facts, but the miscreant covered his footsteps well—too well for the vindica tion of law and order. There have been two very peculiar sea» tures about the fires about town too. At least two-thirds of them have occurred between four and eight p, m., and nearly all on Wednesdays and Thursdays. The records will bear this fact out. • The fires in the Masonic Temple were not the only ones where there were evi dences of the incendiary’s dreadful work, The blazes in the cotton compress were unquestionably so, as was the attempt to destroy Mr. W. H. Coke.’s bam. The fire in McGhee’s warehouse was evident ly of that nature. The question naturally arises as to who are the enemies of the city? And why are they attempting to destroy property? Their efforts seem to be aimed at no one in particular, but only the malicious and depraved intention of destroying property. It is to be hoped that these evil char acters will be run to earth, and have jus tice meted out to them. They are a menace not only to property but to hu man lives. Rome, Ga,, Oct, Ist., 1897 s Read the order of the Water Board, published in this paper. Don't abuse an officer for obey/ ing orders, J, T. MOORE, Secty, & Tr, HAS THE BOTTOM.BEEN BELCHED? Cotton Continues Low. and tho Receipts Are Still Very Light. Has the price of cotton yet reached the lowest mark and will there be a strong reaction soon? Those are questions that are not only puzzling and worrying the producers but the dealers also. In the face of adverse reports from every section of the country telling of a crop badly cut off, prices to decline steadily. It is selling here and elsewhere from 5 5 8 to 6 cents on the streets. Now and then a bale brings more, but it is a rare occurrence. Usually at (.this period of the year Broad street is literally jammed with wagons fiom Third avenue down to the bridge. There was a continuous stream of wagons to the several warehouses from early to late. Ancj while cotton is coming in pretty lively now there can be but little doubt that farmers are holding the crop as much as possible. A prominent broker yesterday, in an swer to a query from a reporter said: ••I wish I knew myself whether there was hope of a raise in the price of the staple. But honestly I fear that there is no immediate prospects at least, You need not be surprised to see cotton go even lower.” SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT. Splendid Show Next Wednesday Night At Opera House. “Who’s Your Friend?” is the title of the new comedy written by Louis De- Lange for the well known star, Robert E. Graham, who will appear at the opera house on Wednesday Oct., 6th. The comedy is thoroughly up to the times and well adapted to Mr. Graham’s style of work. Messrs Williams & Nichols have engaged for Mr. Graham’s tour this season a most competent cast and have spared no expense in placing this production on the road properly. All newspaper men and critics, who have witnessed the performancs,agree it -s entirely free from any horse-play or spe cialties to fill in time. The uerformance for two hours and thirty minute, is one continuous laugh, during which time Mr. R. E. Graham, as Otis Dewberry tries through many laughable situations and acenes to discover “Who’s Your Friend?” TO THE PUBLIC, The Foundry and Machine Shops of the late Junius A, George wifi be open lor business from this date, I will retain the present force of experienced and skilled workmen and so/ licit the continued liberal pat» ronage of the public, SAM’L FUNKHOUSER. Administrator, Rome, Ga,, Sept, 29/97, 6t, A DANGEROUS BLAZE This Morning at 1:30 An Marm Was Turned in From Box 13. FIRE LADDIES RESPONDED PROMPTLY It Was Found to Be the Cotton Factory Ware House Aflame- Almost Destroyed* But Was Fully Insured. The Rome cotton factory had a very narrow escape by fire this morning. And it is another case of an in cendiary’s dreadful work. The fire was discovered by the watchman at Rome cotton factory in the big warehouse where there was stored something over one hundred bales of cotton and several bales of cloth and other valuables, The warehouse and contents wt a almost completely ruined but is par tially covered by insurance. The damage done by fire and water will be about $2,000. The fire laddies responded promptly but the blaze had gained too much head way to save the entire building. POINTS ABOUT PEOPLE. Some Who Go, Some Who Come and Some Who Stay at Home. Dr. and Mrs. Robinson are now boarding at the Armstrong. Mrs. Frqpk Hanks, of Rome, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. J. D. Stewart, this week.—Piedmont Enquirer. Mr. B. C. O’Rear, who is representa tive for the Thompson Hiles company, with headquarters in Atalla, is in the city for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rounsaville have returned to the city for the win ter, and are at home in the Armstrong. They spent the summer at their love ly summer home on Silver Creek. Mrs. J. P. Ledbetter left Tuesday for Rome, to join her husband in their new home. She was accompanied by Miss Ella Ledbetter who will spend a few weeks with them. —Piedmont Enquirer. Mrs. C. S. Sparks is in Atlanta, the guest of Mrs. Frank Lester. She was an attendant at the Ed wards-Lewman wedding. Mr. Sparks, who attend ed the wedding, returned from Atlan ta yesterday. Mr. J. F. Wardlaw received a mes sage yesterday from Dr. J. B. S Holmes in Atlanta stating that Claudd Wardlaw was not critically ill. Mr. Wardlaw did not go to Atlanta, and will not do so, unless bis son’s con dition becomes more serious. Mr. Ab Pitner is back on his run again as Conductor on the Southern railway from Rome to Selma. There are no more gentlemanly conductors on the road. The Inquirer is glad to see him recovered from his recent accident aud back to his post. —Piedmont Enquirer. Mrs. Penn and her daughter, Mary, left yesterday for their home at Trion. Miss Mary, who was attending Short er college was taken seriously ill With fever. She will remain at home until well and strong again, when she will return to resume her studies. - ci C, B Goetchius has moved his of/ lice from the King Building to the Western Union Telegraph office in the Armstrong Hotel, See him for Life Fire or Accident Insurance. His companies are among the best, 'Phone No, 169, Cash or Time! Furniture, Organs, Machines. We rent machines. We store furniture, M. N. West & Co. Fawntoroliors, No, 24, Broad Street, Nevin Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLY, Wednesday, Oct. 6. Special Engagement of the pop/ ular Comedian,, , , , , , R. E. Graham In the most Laughable Comedy ever written, entitled, WHO’S YOUR FRIEND? Seats on sale at Trevitt's Drug Store, ! For Constipation e B | SicX~= i: j Headache i; | and disordered IWkB IH rw HrO it Bl ' ’ X stomach, there is < I i but one reliable t remedy, and that is ♦ 50c. and sl. All druggists. < > Extraordinary Values Gan be Found at J. R. CANTRELL & CO. OUR STOCK OF China, Classware and Housefurnishings,. are up/to-date and bought very low with the ready cash. Our idea is to sell the best goods for the least money possible. We have a great many new and useful articles for the housekeeper which you should see. DO YOU WANT A NEW STOVE? Get the vet y lowest price you can anywhere, and we will discount it 10 percent. Call and see our line before you buy, and' we will sell you. J. R CANTRELL & CO. 241 and 243 Broad St,. Rome, Ga Taylor & Norton HAVE NEW SODA DRINKS. Drinks never before served in Rome. Try their “ Marasquin.” Try their New Egg Phosphate. TAYLOR & NORTON. xxxxx You Stop Taking '* l/M fiUDlldi/in Patent Medicines for your health pl vuuuuiuu and b]ood Drink our old rich JjL Clnl) PURE GALIFORHI* CLARET. I r • Pfll What is better and healthier j 1 * /T than a Lemonade with a A 1 i iFsi i h wine glass of our Claret / mixed. For strength, health //- \ and blood, try it. jMB [f i St. Julian, Pontet, Canet, twl'' -J W Chateau, Leoville, Char, SSL Margaux. All pints. We are selling this wine very rm sh 3 rTF s3»°° per Dozen. F'l Our Sherry wines are very fine. W Old Topaz, Old Pine Apple, Old pure Mederia just received fron New York. WnfliP Telephone 148. Kgbi Whiskey. Curran, Scott & Co., YYVVA Sole Agents, No, 6 Broad St ■" .■■■■■■■■■ .1.1 II .111.1 ■■■■■■ ■ ■ 1.l I W. P. SIMPSON, Pres. I. D. FORD. Vice-Pres. T. J. SIMPSON, Cashie. EXCHANGE BANK OF ROME, ROME. CIEORaiA.. C-A-JF*lTj£Llj STOCK, SIOO,OOO Accounts of firms, corporations and individuals solicited. Special attantioa given to collections. Money loaned on real estate or other mod securities. , Prompt and courteous attention to customers. Soard oi Elreotox-B. A.R. SULLIVAN. J. A. GLOVER O. A. HIGHT, 1 D. FORD. W. P. SIMPSON Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy cures indigestion, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Hiccoughs,-Heart-burn. j {^“Guaranteed.