The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 03, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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TEAS. Tetley’s Stands at the Head of the Column. Why is it that Tetley’s teas are the beatr is asked by many. There are various reasons, both convincing and unanswerable to any intelligent thinker. Tetley is among the fields ot the greatest tea country in the world for high grade teas. He his made the tea industry a study and selects only the very best goods for his trade. His teas are rich, fragrant and mellow, and from it you will not get any of the poisonous effects so common in Jtbe low grade teas. It is handled but once with the hands, that in the picking, the balance is done with machinery. It is packed in halt pound packages and sells at 25, 35 and 50 cents the package for the Oolong, Ceylon or the mixed. As a proof of our statement above we ask that you try a cup of it. It is being served by Mrs. A.C. Heggie on the second floor at the store of Bass Bros. & Co, where she will be until Saturday ut 9 n, m If you ask your grocer for Tetley’s tea and he reports none in stock ‘‘but can supply you with some just as good,” we would have you to remember that the string of self-interest answers with its chords to every sound. It vibrates with the funeral bell, and the snng of a grocer who desires to sell a cheap tea for a large profit is considering the interest of his purse and not the good of your stomach. If he desires to give you the beat, he can quickly get Tetley’s teas from us as cheap as he can buy them anywhere m the United States, We are their wholesale agents for Rome. The Way to Get Trade is to keep the best. Cheap, trashy goods never have and never will satisfy and hold a first class trade, is why we have always sought the best, tor there is nothing too goo i for our customers and the large trade we have is proof sufficient that what we state is true This is particularly true of coffee. Most people want it good. Some will not be satisfied unless they have thebes’, and when they gets can of our Q & Q Mocha and Java they have tne height of perfection in strergth and flavor the world produces You can get it in 3 pound cans for SI.OO each. HAND t CO, Opposite Armstrong Hotel. Rome, Ga., Oct. 1, 1897. DELICIOUS CASTOR OIL STRANGE BUT TRUE. “Castorean Honey,” Manufactured by the Atlanta Chemica Co., Atlanta, Ga., is pure Caster Oil, with all of its medicinal virtues, but actually agreeable to the taste. Think of it, a child will drink a whole bottle if allowed Sold only by agents and the Atlanta Chemical Co. Agents wanted. Address as above. For sale by Taylor & Norton. VIM, VIGOR. VITALITY RESTORES 30 DAYS. Good Effects at Once. CATON’S VITA LIZ ER Cures general special debility, wakefulness, spermatorrhoea, emissions, impotenty, pare sis, etc. Coirects functional disorders, caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring Lost Manhood tn old or young, giving vigor and strength where former weakness prevailed Convenient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate. The Cure is Quick and Thorough. Don’t be deceived by imitations: insist on CATON’S Vitalizers. Sent sealed if your druggist does not have it. Price $1 per pkge, 6 for $5, with written guarantee of complete Cure. Information, references, etc., free and Confidential. Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week’s trial treatment. One only sent to each person. CATON MED. CO.. Boston. Mass fc ‘HAGGARD’S fa. TABLETS W. ■ rsw l WITHOUT DOUBT THE MOST WONDF.RFUL J (* VITAL. REMEDY EVER DISCOVERED. S ® MANUFACTURED BY T one boxes! Atlanta. | Their great success and remedial pow er is largely due to their action on the nervous, mental and genital organisms. When there is no disturbance and con ditions healthy at these points a man is a man; but less a man as there may be disturbance at these canters. Sold by Curry-Arrington Drug Co., and Tay or & Norton,(Rome, Ga. FOUND BIG PEARL Tio Boys’ Valuable Discovery la OoLta naulr Near Sugar Valley. RNGAETCOLOR WITHGREERISH LUSTRE Boy. Had Placed Ma tael Shells on Log to Kill Coon’s—Going Hack Mix Weeks Later Pearl Was Found. Sugar Valley, Ga., Oct. 2.—Yester day evening Cecil Harbour and his “pal” went to the river in search of pearlsand were well paid, having found one as large as an English pea and per fectly round. The color, however, is not that required by the experts to con stitute a perfect gem but with this ex ception it is a jewel. The color is gar net with a faint green’sh lustre. This only indicates that there are more of the gems in the waters of the Oostnnaula. The find was made near the mouth of Lick Creek and the most remarkable thing about it is this: Some six week g ago Ceoil and bis same “pal” were down at the river fishing and as boys usually do they went in swimming and While in began to throw out the mus sels for the “coons” to oat having been told that they would kill “coons.” So they decided to kill all the coons on the river and carried out fully a bushel of mussels and placed them along on some logs where the “coons” passed over going up and down the banks. Having thus placed the deadly bait they struck out for home. Yesterday learning of pearls being found in mussel shells he started out to make his fortune on that line. He got to the river and after a fruitless search; for some time said to his “pal,” “Lets go up and see if the “coons” ate all our mussels.” So off they went up the river to tho old logs and there found the shells. They began to open them and when Cecil picked up the shell containing the pearl, he said he heard something rattle inside. On opening, out rolled the gem on the log. As he was looking forblack or pure white ones he thought this worthless and started to throw it away but his pal said, “You better put it in your pocket and carry it to town and show it to Mr. Blitch and ask him what it is.” So he did as suggested. They looked awhile longer in the shells they had placed on the log some six weeks before and found one more very small one and of irregular shape and of no value. The boys found Mr. Blitch down the river who advised them of their luck, and a happier boy you never saw than Cecil. He is a lad of 15 and lives With his grandfather at Sugar Valley. A few weeks ago the editor was taken with a very severe cold that caused him to be in a most miserable condition. It was undoubtedly a bad case of la grippe and recognizing it as dangerous he took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the advertisement of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy and the many good recommendations included therin, we concluded to make a first trial of the medicine. To say that it was satisfao tory in its results, is putting it very mildly, it deed. It acted like magic and the result was a speedy and perma nent cure. We have no hesitancy in recommending this excellent Cough Remedy to anyone afflicted with a cough or cold in any form.—The Banner of Liberty, Liberty town, Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Curry- Arrington Co. A PERSONAL CARD. From th?. Manager of Nevin’s Opera House About a Cemlng Attraction. To the patrons of the opera house. On next Wednesday evening Mr. R. E. Graham and his splendid company will present a comedy at the opera house en ■ titled “Who’s Your Friend.” By the merest chance I secured this company. They were booked in Mobile for that date, but were compelled to cancel on account of the yellow fever. This will be unquestionably the most notable en-. gagement of its kind this season, and were it not for Mobile’s misfortune I whould not have been able to secure the company at all. Mr. Graham has played the part of General Knickerbocker in “The Litt’e Tycoon” over two thousand times, besides many other characters in which he has BEAUTIFUL SKIN Soft, White Hands with Shapely Nails Luxu riant Hair with Clean, Wholesome Scalp, pro duced by Cutiovba Soap, the most effective skin purifying and beautifying soap in the world, as well as purest and sweetest, for toilet, bath, and mirsery. Tbe only preventive of inflammation and clogging of the Fores. (uticura Boa rl* *old throughout th. world. Pottbb Dboo asd Chbm. Cour., Bole Prop*., Button, U. 8. A. nar- “ How to Purify »nd Beautify th. Skin, Scalp, and Hair.” mailed free. BABY HUMORS ieved B oy"c < * uiss. THE ROME TRIBUNE. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 3. 18JH. WEjB Before Retiring.... take Ayer’s Pills, and you will sleep better and wake in better condition for the day’s work. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills have no equal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They are sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with out the annoyances experienced in the use of so many of the pills on the market. Ask your druggist for Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. When other pills won’t help you, Ayer’s is THE PILL THAT WILL. made a great hit in the larger cities. I assure all wto attend this play a most enjoyable evening, and can safely state that nothing in the comedy line will ever visit Rome more worthy of patronage than this. Mr. Graham stands at the very top in his profession, and I hope that he will receive an ovation in Rome. J. B. Nevin, • Manager Opera House. Those who believe chronic diarrhoea to be incurable should read what Mr. P. E. Grisham, ot Gaars Mills, La , has to say on the subject, viz : “I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have tried all kinds of medicines for it. At last I found a remedy that affected a cure and that, was Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. ” This medicine can always be depended upon for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea, It is pleasant to take and never fails to effct a cure. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Curry-Arrington Co, I have just received a car load of first-class Jellico coal Order at once. E, E, Holder Phone 169, RUNAWaYTEAM. Mr. G< orge Ramey's Horses Break Foie of Vehicle. Child Ir jure' l . Yesterday afternoon Mr. George Re.mey and Ed Mims, colored, were driving a double team on upper Broad street wh< n the horses became frightened at an elec tric car. They made a sudden turn and snapped the pole off before Mr. Ramey could get them under control. The horses ran up Sixth avenue and turned into the side street leading to wards the cotton factory. The two year old son of Mr. McAfee stood in the road way, and in passing one of the horses stepped on the . little one’s foot crushing the end of the third toe. It is almost a miracle it was not killed. Mr. Ramey was not hurt, but the negro had his knee and leg bruised and skinned. The horses were slightly hurt about the legs by the pole. » • EAST ROME TAX PAYERS You must pay your taxes or executions will issue at once, W, M, GAMMON, Clerk. THE hunting season. Romans Are Anxious For November First to Roll Round. The woods are said to be full of quail and other game, and the Romans who shoot Bob White aro anxious for No vember Ist to roll around, the date on which the protection by law expires. Rome has some fine shots, and they rarely fail to bring in a good string of quail when the bird can be found Among the most ardent followers of the sport are D. W. Curry, Dr. E. B. Mar shall, W. J. Griffin, Ab. Dean, I. D. Ford, John McClure, Lucius Carey, J. A. Caldwell, Chas. Pitner and many others. The law says quail, wild turkeys and wheat birds shall not be killed between March 15th and November let. Doves shall not be killed between March Ist and August 15th. Wild deer or fawn between January Ist and September Ist. Any person violating these laws is liable to severe punishment. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-’ lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 5?. THIS PRINCE OF *i)NBTKICbB. ▲1 G. Field and Unequalled Compary of Artis tn io Be Here Oct. 9. The name of Al G. Field in conjunc tion with a minstrel company brings up recollections of this popular branch of stage amusements which are pleasing to the minds of all who love sweet singing, and the unctions humor of the of our sunny southland. The stage of todaj is no more like the stage of thirtv years ag than modern means of travel are like those of a similar period. In the short space of thirty years, comic opera travesty, and the outgrowth of a vitiated taste, faice comedy, have come and gone. Tragedy and romantic drama are still with u«, but neither of them have the same charm for the theater goers of today they had m olden times. Min strelsy, unlike all other stage amuse ments, began its career iu a humble way, a ban joist, a fiddler, an accordion player and a man playing a tambourine Emmitt, Brower, Whitlock and Dick Pelham were the originators. This quar tette started the minstrel business, wnich fl /I f •f * AL G. F ELD. has never made a backward step, and year by year has grown more popular. It is true changes have been made but, all for the better, the foundation is still the same. The people who love the popu lar music of the day look to the min strel stage for it. No band of music can render airs that catch the popular taste singer can extract the melody from a plaintive bal lad as can the minstrel. No chorus has the soul stirring harmony of a chorus as rendered after the popular minstrel style. Therein lies the secret of the long life and uninterrupted success of min strelsy. The Al G. Field minstrels em body all that is good ia minstrelsy, and with the big company advertised an en tertainment is given that makes the lover of this popular style of amusement wonder where it’s all going to end. In addition to tbe GO minstrels headed by those two real comedians Al G Field and Billy Van, there are the Cornalla family, seven in number, the greatest troupe of lady and gentlemen acrobats in tbe world. O. Judd Monola and Lafelet Miller, the gymnastic marvels. Ollie Young, the champion in his line, Eddie Fox, and numbers of other, all of whom will appear at the opera house Oct 9. POINTS ABOUT PEOPLE. Some Who uo ( Some Who Come and Some Who Stay at Home, Ed Butt, a popular traveling man is in the city on business. Mr. Tom Branson, of Rockmart, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Henry Harvey is in Naw York on business. He will de absent for several days. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Love and Miss ce cil, went down to Atlanta yesterday to spend a few days. Prof. Connor Wright, of the Deaf and Dumb school in Cave Spring was in the city yesterday on business. Mr. Will Henry Johnson will leave Monday for Atlanta, where he will take a course in the medical college there. Judge Tom Tumblin, a very promi nent citizen from just across the Ala bama line, was in the city yesterday. tfiofac- X . . eiuile x'TZ //fTZ, rr •Ip>atur4/_X Xv 5- x- e ’” 7 at wrapM* COTTON RECEIPTS FOB WEEK. Smaller Than For Corresponding Petiod For the Past Four Years. The cotton receipts for past week are 1,854 bales, against 4,730 bales same week year ago, 1,934 bales two years ago, 2,718 bales the year previous, and 2,546 bales four years ago. Total to date 4,352 bales, agairst 10,498 bales last year, 2,524 bales the year previous. 3,986 bales three years ago, an J 3,862 Constipation Causes fully half the sickness tn the world. It retains the digested food too long in the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indl- Hood’s gestion, bad taste, coated ■ ■ ■ tongue, sick headache, in- ■ S | gy somnia, etc. Hood's Tills ■ 111 cure constipation and all its ™ results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. All druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. ELEGANT Are the beautiful new goods displayed at’ the emporium of DYER & DANIELS Wholesale and Retail Dealers In CWJ, CM, GLASS, IMPS, whs, sms, tin, 4 wfflrai No. 236, Broad Street, Rome, Ga, Odd pieces of Decorated China, suitable for Wedding Presentß. Carving Sets in cases, Water Sets, Fine Vases, Rose Bowls, Chocolate Sets, Bread Boards, Table Mats, Handled Knifes, Fork?, Hundreds of pretty and useful things for housekeepers. New goods coming in every day.. The Ladies are especially invited to call and see our great display of pretty goods. Parties hunting for Wedding and Birthday Presents can be fully suited at our store, Coal Vases. Tin Sets! Coal Sets, all at the lowest prices. DYER & DANIELS Bole Agents in Rome for Cahill grates, Pearl top Lamp Chimneys and GARLAND STOVES AND RANGES- No. 236 Broad Street, Rome, Ga. bsles the year before. Stock on band 1,3 568 bales, against 1,908 bales year ago, 1,399 bales two years ago, 1,577 bales the year previous, and 1,695 bales four, years ago. As will be noted from the above move ments here for past week, while greatly behind last year’s (which was expected,) also shows a falling off as compared with previous three years, which was not ex pected. The cause of the falling off in the movement is ascribed to the disincli nation of farmers to sell their cotton un der six cents. Whether or not prices improve very heavy marketing is ex pected this month, as obligations of far mers are beginning to mature, necessitat ing free selling. The weather continues very dry, no rainfall now for almost six weeks. The days are warm, but nights quite cool, al most bordering on frost. Cotton is opening very rapidly, and cotton pickers are kept busy. It is the opinion of many that the end of October will see the close of the picking season. The co’ton is of a very fine grade, be ing white and free from stains. DEITH YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. Mr. C. B. Huckab-e, a Well Known Black smite, Passes Away at 5:35. Yesterday afternoon at 5:25 o’clock Mr. C, B. Huckabee, a well known blacksmith and respected citizen cf this city, passed away at the home of his son, Mr. Gus Huckabee near the cotton factory. Mr. Huckabee was taken ill at his home in the Fourth ward some weeks ago, but was moved to his son’s house several days since. He was 58 years of acre and leaves a wife and several children. The children are all mar ried. He was a faithful member of the Cedar Creek Baptist church. The burial will take place in the North Rome Cemetery this afternoon at 4 o’clock with Masonic honors. Masonic Funeral Notice. Called communication of Cherokee Lodge No 66, F. & A. M., at 3 o’clock this (Sunday) afternoon, for the pur pose of paying the last tribute of re spect to our deceased brother, C. B. Huckabee. Brethren fraternally in vited. m Max Meyerhardt, W. M. R. H._ West, Sec’y. ASAD DEATH. Miss Ruth Fearce, Aged 15. Died in Whitney, Texas, Yesterday. A telegram was received here yester day bringing the sad intelligence of Miss Ruth Pearce’s death at her home in Whitney, Texas. Ste was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pearce who moved from Rome to tbe Loue Star State some years ago. She was a sister of Messrs. Coly and Alex Pearce, who went to Whitney several days Ago. Miss Ruth was only fifteen years of age, and a girl of many noble qualities. The body will be brought here for burial, and the funeral will probably occur Monday some time. * How to Break a * jj Watch? * Drop It I How to Fix It ? CARRY IT TO JOE VEAL’S. He doe? the work the best. STOP When in Chattanooga, either on business or pleasure, at tbe most comfortable and convenvient hotel in the city. THE STANTON HOUSE Near tbe Central Station and convenient to business center. Rates, $2 a pay. M. M. Kline & Co. Proprietors. WATER TAX NOTICE. At the regular meeting of the of Water Commis/ sion held on Sept, 27th,, the following order was passed, Ordered that the Secretary be instructed to shut off every house in the city which fails to pay all past due rents on or be/ fore Oct, 10th next and to' issue fifas for amount due, J. T, MOORE, Secty, Tr» 3