The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 08, 1897, Image 5

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HAND Offers You Something New for Breakfast. Yonf own appetite tells you it is time tor you to make a change in your hill—fare. Add Buckwheat Cakes made from our new Tennessee Buckwheat flour, which we sell at 5 curd the poun i or 25 lbs for $1 10. Pure Sap Maple Syrup, fresh from the trees of Vermont $1.35 the gal-. lon Half ga'lon cans 75c, quart cans 40c. The above is the bes gooes made. If you want something a little cheaper, but a fine goods not pap syrup, try a can of our Old Time Maple Syrup at *1.20 the gal lon halt gallon for 65c and one quart 35t. Old time is tine goods and sola by many for Sap Syrup. We also have a good Maple Syrup at SI,OO the gallon can Neufchatel cheese, large size, 4 for 25c, Swiss cheese 30c the poUad. Midget Hams, when nicely broil ed are very fine, 10c the pound. A cup of Tetley’s tea on the break fast table will send oqt such a fine aroma that even the sick will have an appetite. Among the new goods which we have are: Large fancy cranberries at 12 1 2 cents the quart. Lima Beans 12 l-2c the quart. Fam-y new crop Citron. * California Evaporated Apricots. Ginger Preserves 25c the jar. Codfish, new catch, 10 and 12 1-2 cents the pound. Republic Pork and Beans in To mato sauce, lib. cans 10c, 31b cans 20c These are the very finest goods and if you try a can and you are not pleased with the beans, it will cost you nothing. YEAST. Don’t forget Fleischmann’s yeast when you get your buckwheat it is the best and will cost you only 2c, FLOUR. The verdict of all who have used Hand’s Best is that it is the best flour they ha\e used We guaran tee every sack of it to give Satisfac tion qr yen get your money- back and no charge for what you have used. COFFEE. Yes, that is the name of the troublesome item, that causes the good wife so much anuuyance. If you want the best try a can of our Quality and Quantity Mocha and Java, the best coffee that grows, and must be better than any you can get in Rome or here’s your money. Sells at SI.OO for a 31b. can. Large and beautiful I>t Silver ware just opened. Bring your cou pons and make your selection. It does not cost our customers any thing to get it. HAND £ CO. Opposite Armstrong Hotel. Rome, Ga., Oct. 10, 1897. * How to Break a * Watch? *•***«*♦«*£ Drop It I How to Fix It ? z CARRY IT TO JOE VEAL’S. « » He doe? the work the best. fIAGGARD'S Ow Sold , IF MOT Ort SALE AT YOUR PLACE ORDER FROrt rtf W«; anta, GaT" s ONE BOX' . THREE BOXES $ LOO. $2.50 For nervous women that suffer from menstrua] deraugeme nt they have no equal on the market. Sold bv Curry- Arrington Co., and Taylor & Norton. MAKES ANOTHER TRIP. . Prof. Komis and Jennie Yan Yau Pl-ased a Fairly Good Crowd. There was a larger crowd at Mobley park yesterday afternoon to see the balloon ascension and parachute leaps of Prof. Romig and monkey than any day since they began, There was a stiff upper current of air and the balloon was torn. The ascension was not as high as usu al for this reason. Owing to the accident to his bal loon Prof. Romig will not make a trip today. But everything will be in readiness for Saturday when the final ascension will be made. Should the condition be favorable Prof. Romig w’ll go higher than usual before cutting the parachutes loose. These-asoensions are well worth a trip to Mobley to see, and the only charges are the car fare to and from the park. WELL KNOWN BERK. Willingham, Who Died in Cartersville Wednesday, Old Newspaper Man. Jesse B. Willingham who died very suddenly of heart disease at the Tennes. see house in Cartersville Wednesday, was well known in this city. • He was city editor of The Rome Courier for about three years, and up to 1887, when the paper passed into new hands, and became The Rome Tribune. He was a fine printer and a good writer. He was a brother of Alex Willingham, and lately has been assisting him in editing the Cartersville News. To Cure a Coldin One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. sc. BRANN OF THE ICONOCLAST, He Is Meeting With Bough Treatment Out lu the City of Waco. W. C. Brann, the denunciatory though fearless editor of the Iconoclast, has again met with rough treatment from some of the incensed citizens of Waco. Brann published a bitter attack upon Baylor college of that city, and several days ago about two hundred male students of that school took him out. and sub jected the tearer-down of idols to rough treatment. Wednesday he was again assaulted by three prominent citizens of Waco, and was badly used up. As he drove away in his carriage, bleeding from scores of wounds about the head and face, he shouted: “Truth Will Mount Again-” It is said that Brann was educated for the ministry, but for some reason found the calling not to his liking. He began the publication of the Iconoclast, and scarcely a public man or institution m the country but that has been the object of his wonderful and vituperative lan ■ guage. {t is said that he is a man of polished manners, and ihat his conversations are al brillint, though not as undignified, as his articles in the Iconoclast. Yellow Jack Preventative Guard against yellow jack by keeping the system thoroughly clean and free from germ breeding matter. Cascarets Candy Cathartic will cleanse the system and and kill all contagious disease germs. Rome Baggage Transfer Company. Handles baggage promptly, 'Phone 103, Central Hotel, Revival In Cave Spring;. For the last ten days the M. E church in this place has been greatly edified and blest by revival services. The presence and labor of Rev. C. M. Verdel pastor of South Rome have been a benediction to the town. He was with us in the Spirit of the Mas ter and the power of the gospel. He delivered a series of sermons which for correct exigesis, close analy sis, spiritual force pathos and power, as well as eloquence and scholarly NOT ALWAYS UNDERSTOOD. A fact often overlooked, or not al ways understood, is that women suffer as much from distressing kidney and bladder troubles as the men. The womb is situated back of and very close to the bladder, and for that reason any dis tress. disease or inconvenience mani fested in The kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage is often, by mistake, at tributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided by setting urine aside for twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling is evidence that your kidneys and bladder need doctoring. If you have pain or dull aching in the back, pass water too frequently, or scanty supply, with smartiug or burning, —these are also convincing proofs of kidney trouble. If you have doctored without benefit, try Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. The mild and the extraordinary effect will surprise you. Lt stands the highest for its wonderful cures. If you take a medicine you should lake the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamplet, both sent free by mail. Mention Rome Tribune and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The pro prietors of this paner guarantee the genuineness of this offer. THE ROME TRIBUNE FdIDAY. OCTOBER 8 Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral costs more than other medi cines. But then it cures more than other medicines. Most of the cheap cough medicines merely palliate; they afford local and tempo rary relief. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral does not patch up or palliate. It cures. Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough,—and every other cough, will, wheif other remedies fail, yield to Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral It has a record of 50 years ol cures. Send for the “Curebook” —free. J. 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. finish have lately been equaled in any of the churches. He impressed him self most favorably on the hearts and consciences of the people, and made many friends among all classes. He conducted nearly all the ser vices, morning and night, and large and attentive congregations attended bis ministry from day to day. The ministry was one of the best the church has enjoyed for a long time, though there were but few accessions, the church has been bnilt up in faith and Christianity. The peo ple feel that they have bad indeed a “season of refreshing,” and of every gospel privilege. Bro. Verdell worked harmoniously with the pastor, who feels that he was greatly favored with such able ministerial help. A few weeks ago the editor was taken with a very severe cold that caused him to be in a most miserable condition. It was undoubtedly a bad case of la grippe and recognizing it as dangerous he took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the advertisement of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy and the many good recommendations included t her in, we concluded to make a first trial of the medicine. To say that it was satisfac tory in its results, is putting it very mildly, indeed. It acted like magic and the result was a speedy and perma nent cure. We have no hesitancy in recotnmending this excellent Cough Remedy to anyone afflicted with a cough or cold in any form.—The Banner of Liberty, Libertytown, Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Curry- Arrington Co. $3,50 to Nashville and re/ turn including admission into the Exposition Tuesday Oct, 12th limited til 16th, train leaves at 9 a, m, via, W. & At R, R, C, K, Ayer. P. & T. A. Mai trentMii by Al Raleigh. Oct. 7.—Moonshiners are attacking people near the Franklin and Warren county boundary. Raids of illicit stills have lately been made in that locality. The moonshiners sus pected two respectable citizens of in forming the revenue officers. They went so the houses of these citizens at night, pulled them out of their beds and whipped them and maltrea* Ad them. One was taken from his home in the presence of a wife and two children Indignation is intense throughout War ren, and Franklin counties. Your Back Taxes Are going to be pressed for collection at ofice by order of county authorities. If you need more time in paying them, and want to avoid unnecessary trouble and expense, call on W. T. Cheney, Masonic Temple Annex. Don’t Wait Until cold weather to have sour grates reset and repaired. Dick Treadaway is prepared to furnish new grates and take your old ones in part pay. Leave orders at Crouch & Co. Old C’hiVC Im Not Ousted. New Orleans. Oct 7.—The police board, by u vote of 8 to 2, deferred ac tion on Chief of Police Gaster's resig nation. leaving him still in power. The mayor had hree supporters m his effort to displace SupHiiuteudeut Gaster until Wednesdav night, when one of the po lice commissioners changed his vote. Elegant through coaches to Nashville without change on train, leaving Rome 9a, m, Tuesday morning Oct, 12. very cheap rates, Removal Notice. Dr. R. P. Cox has removed his of fice to the building occupied by Tay lor & Norton, near Armstrong hotel. 1 mo 9-6 IT IS VERY FUNNY. I •‘A Trip tn the Kluudikn Gold Dipglnga” In Al. i lilu’h Miuislial. • A trip to the Klondyke Gold Dig gings” is the rib tickling skit wl ieh closes the first part of the Al. G. Field Big White ministrele, which appear at rhe-opera house Saturday night. It is written by Mr. Field himself and introduces Field, Donnelly, Quinlan and the entire strength of the com pany. As may readily be imagined from the title the skirt is a satire on the latest popular fad, the gold bunt ing craze in Alaska, and brings for ward the genial Al. as a prospector in quest of the precious yellow metal. It is absurdly (funny and has been a screaming hit wbereever produced. So great has been its success in fact that Mr. Field has bad special scenery painted for it and made it quite a fea ture of his performance. To the Colored Teaobertof Floyd County. At the solicitation of myself and some of the colored teachers, Prof. A. B. Fortune will open on Monday, the 11th of October, a normal school for the colored teachers. The school will open in the basement of the col ored Presbyterian church. I desire that the teachers in the county schools attend and thus add to the es ficiency of their work. All who failed in the examination of May 29th will be given a private examination in December provided they bring from Prof. Fortune a certificate of faithful work in his school. Teachers who desire to know upon just what points they need study cau call at my office and I will point out the errors in last examination. Os course, the attendance upon any other good school will secure the priv ilege of anotber examination in De cember. Very truly, J. D. Gwaltney, C. S. C. Those who believe chronic diarrhoea to be incurable should read what Mr. P. E. Grisham, of Gaars Mills, La., has to say on the subject, viz : •‘I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have tried all kinds of medicines for it. At last I found a remedy that affected a care and that was Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. ” This medicine cau always be depended upon for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea, It is pieasant to take and never fails to effet a cure. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Curry-Arrington Co, The Feel of an expert barber on your face is as pleasant a feeling as you can have, Mark Taylor’s shop is served by ex/ perienced barbers, It is the place ■to get a first/class Shave or Hair Cut Polite attention to your wants. Hot and Cold Baths and excellent service and satis/ faction guaranteed//by Mark j Taylor,- Barber, No, 224 Broad ! St, Rome, Ga, Crimson Flow. The Blood’s the life, the crimson flow, I That gives us health or gives us woe I That sets the maiden’s cheeks aglow, Or makes them pale and white as snow. That sets the soul of youth afire, And kills all hope and fond desire, Or makes them noble, strong and brave, And saves them from an early grave. So now to men, maids and all, Both little and big, great and small, ■ Ever since old Adam’s fall, Tainted blood has coursed our veins, And caused us many aches and pains. So if you would always be From these evils ever free, Take old reliable B, B B. Messrs. Broach & Trammel have com pleted the big Chamlee building run ning from Broad to First street. The brick, lime, lumber and materials were made and prepared in Rome by Rome mechanics and with Rome’s money. Parties wanting buildings put up, apply to Broach & Trammell, Smoke Warters’ Extra Good Cigars, If it isn’t the best 5 cent cigar you ever smoked, we’ll treat. It is made right here in Rome and for sale by all enter/ prising dealers. Sp clal Rates to the Knoxville Carnival, Oct. 12th and 13th the Southern Rail way will sell round trip tickets to Knox vill Tennn. good to return until Oct. 17th for $3 30. This carnival will be very interesting and instructive to all who at tend. Call at city ticket office Armstrong hotel for further information. t 12 J. N. Harrison, C. T,A. Night Class English mathematics and classics taught at night from 7 to 9:30 o’clock, commencing today. Paleman J. King. 10 5 Iw. I have just received a car load of first/class Jellico coal Order at once, E. E, Holder Phone 169, Removal Notice. F. S. Robinson, denti-t, has moved his office to the new Glover building, over Hanks & Co.’s furniture store, at 305 12- Broad street, where I am prepared to do all kinds of dental work. Rome Baggage Transfer Company. Handles baggage promptly, 'Phone 10L, Central Hotel. DID IT EVER STRIKE YOU That without pure drugs and accurately compounded medicines, the ablest physi cian cannot help you. We have four licensed pharmacists and instre correct service. Send us your prescriptions. Just received large and splendid stock of GLASS, LEAD, PUTTY, Oils, Varnishes, Ready Mixed Paints, Varnish and Paint Brushes. Also a full line of Imported Hair and Tooth Brushes, Soaps- In this line we carry not only .the largest but the most varied stock in Georgia. Our stock of PATENT MEDICINES, Includes all the beet reme*dies known, when you need them call on us. We can and will save you money if you buy from us. We have some Frosh and Pure Field Seeds. The best on the market. Call and examine our stock. CURRY-ARRINGTON CO. Broad St., Rome, Ga. B STt HMDS. JUST OPENED. We beg to inform our friends and the public that we have opened a fine selected stock of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Stoves > Tinware and Household Novelties. No. 213 Broad Street, Rome, Ga. We ask and invite our friends and the public, and people from the country and surrounding towns, to visit and inspect our stock, learn our prices and select from them the goods they want Our stock of goods will pay for the trouble and time. You will find them cheaper and better quality than have been offered in Rome. The stock of Crockery, and glassware is the choicest and up-to date. We intend to keep abreast of the times and give our customers the advantage of our ;ash purchases and discounts. The goods we are offering you need every day. Don’t wait till next week. Come at once. We have the best and newest stock in Rome. Stoves- No stove now offered is superior, and our prices will capture the trade. XjcLixrpsi. Our stock is large, embracing the latest patterns for every day use, for parlor, library or kitchen. Burners, Lamp Chimneys, etc, etc. Embraces dinner sets, tea sets iu 100 piece lots. We have some imported dinner sets that are real beauties. Our Granite Ironware. We must in/ite your especial at tention to these goods. F r kitchen use they have no equal, Our store is full of novelties. Come and look and you’ll want them. ROME CHINA STORE.