The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 19, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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M< 'l' S AMONG OUR Bp A little success spoils some adver » tisers. * * » |B Is your watch broken? Joe Veal can • H fix it. BV * * » An advertisement may be too brief ;■ ; as too prolix. B■* * * pt Never put off until tomorrow the B advertising you should do today. * * * A good ad never gets that tired feel K ing—neither do people who read it. * * * ■ B. S. Lester. His name stands for all ■ that is best, and purest in table supplies * * * B> Good advertising is largely a mat- ■ ter of good taste and good judgment. * * * If 4He who knows all about advertising B is not equal to him .who believes in it. * « * «B One advantage an ad possesses is that ■ it never has an impediment in its speech. ‘ Advertising is a honeycomb, which holds in it the sweets of business suc cess. • , * * * The most expensive advertising is frequently that which it costs least to insert. * » * A business without an advertise ment is like a watch without a main Bpring -. It is a well known fact that women love to read love stories and adver- I tisements. * * * An ad is unlike lightning,, in that lightning never strikes twice in the ' same place. * * * * i B. F. Clark is agent in* Rome for Phillips & Crew Co.. the big Atlanta music house. * * * If its sash doers or blinds you need the ’O’Neill Manufacturing company can b eupply your wants. ►* * » Character in advertising makes itself 'ielt as does an individual character. Both are worthy of great attention. * » * “Variety is the spice of life, ’ ’ particu larly so in advertising. Be unique, origi nal; yet never fail to be business-like. I .* * The Rome Pharmacy compound pre scriptions with pure drugs. The work is done by an experienced prescriptionist. * * * • J: R. Cantrell & Co., believe in The Tribune’s columns as an advertising medium Their trade is lively all the time. » * * Thomas Fahy is one of Rome’s oldest , and most experienced dry goods dealers. His stock is choice, and prices are as low as the lowest. * * * The new drug house of Taylor & Norton in the old Briant corner, are meeting with the success these enter prising young men deserve. 4* * * A man who keeps putting off adyer . tising until he is more prosperous, is like a dog trying to catch his tail. There ♦ is plenty of motion, .but no progress. * * * F. J. Kane & Go’s store is a very busy place these days. This fact will be readi ly accounted for if you will only read their offerings in The Rome Tribune. * * * M. N. West &|Co., on watches, guns pistols, household fur niture, etc. They also have much of value to dispose of at reasonable rates. * * * If you want a piano, organ, violin, mandolin or any kind of a musical in strument the E. E. Forbes house can supply your wants. They have bicycle ß > too. •* * * M. A. Thedford's “Vegeture’’ is a household remedy throughout this section. It is unexcelled for dyspep sia, indigestion, sick headache, loss of appetite, and all sickness arising Tutt’s Pills . Ctire All Liver Ills. ARE YOU BANKRUPT in health, constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre garding the laws of nature, or 1 physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt’s Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills an absolute cure. 1 _ ■ i from an unhealthy condition of the stomach. * * * J. A. Gammon & Co., do just what , the/ advertise, and they advertise bar gains that bring customers. Seeing is believing you know. So give them a call. ** * 1 Its pleasure to see the exquisite crea t ons in fall hats at Mrs. J, F. Ward laws. We know it must be the acme of joy to the ladies to wear one of them. * * * Dull time advertising pays, because some people are buying all the time. and they are more likely to buy of the man who advertises than of the man who doesn’t. * * * The First National bank has a capital and surplus of 1300,000. It is one of the leading banaiug bouses of the country, and has the confidence of the people. * * * The Armstrong hotel is at present enjoying one of the most prosperous seasons in its history Messrs. Mo Call & Young are the right men in the right place. -» * » The exchange bank is one of Rome’s most solid financial institutions. It has the utmost confidence of the busi ness men, hence a large measure of tbeir patronage. * * * Rhudy, Harvey & Co., are progres sive furniture dealers. Their under takingdepartment is in charge of Mr. West who is a graduate of an em balming college. * * * E. C. Wood & Co., keep nothing but the freshest and best of goods, and tbeir prices are moderate. Here the good housekeeper can find every thing for her table. .* * * The Knox hat is the correct thing for the well-dressed man. There is no pret tier, or more stylish gentleman’s head gear in the world. J.. B. Watters & Son aie exclusive agents for it in Rome. * * * J. Kuttner has a very attractive adver tisement in this issue of The Tribune. Attractive in its rich offerings of bar gains to the trade. That is the reason the store is always crowded with cus tomers, * * * The Rome China and Stove company have one of the prettiest and most use ful lines of crockery, glassware, stoves, etc., in North Georgia. Their bargains should and do attract many customers. * * * Dyer & D iniel handle everything in crockery, glassware, stoves, tinware, etc. A glance through their select stock and prices which will be quoted you insures for them a customer, * # * You will need warm, serviceable clothing for the coming winter. W H Coker & Co., can supply your wants and at figureres that will as tonish you because they are so low. * * * Lanham & Sons are not only progres ■ ve advertisers, but are up to date mer chants in every respect. A visit to their six stores just across the bridge in the Fourth Ward will convince the most skeptical. ,' * * * There is nothing in the drug line or that is usually kept in a drug bouse that can not be found at Curry Arrington com pany’s. Four licensed pharmacists in sure correct service in the prescription department. * * * “Quality first, price afterwards.” That is Hand & Co’s motto. Their cus tomers —they are legion—will tell you that they mean it too. Nothing season able or good in the grocery line that you can’t find there. * * * The vehicles turned out by the Rome Buggy Company are reliable and first class in every particular. If you want a buggy, trap, carriage, wagon or anything in that line, why, we advise you to consult them. * » * “The Dutchess” trousers are of the never rip variety. The guarantee that goes with every pair is assurance of their worth. Edwin Clapp's hand sewed shoes have no peers, W. M. Gammon & Son is the place to find shoes and trousers. * * * Think of all-wool tailor made suit ings for sls, sl6, and $lB. But the Burney Tailoring Company make them at ttibse prices. Os course you can get suits on up to the highest. His prices and his workmanship are suit movers * * * It lies through Rome, and at G. J. Briants & Company’s two bars the gold fields are found. At Armstrong and the Briant’s Corner Bar the very choicest and rarest of wines, liquors and- beers arc to be bad, They represent the best distil- ■ lers and importers in America. * * » The live and progressive furniture THE HOME TRIBUNE, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 19. 1897. 1 house of McDonald-Sparks-Stewart I Company offer some rare bargains in carpets in today’s Tribune. They have one of the largest and choicest stocks ever bi ought to Rome, ano say (that cost prices will not be hi it with tbeir offerings. You will need car pets, and you will do well to see this stock before buying * * * “The Going Out of Business” sale inaugurated by Parks Brannon & Co., on last Wednesday has kept this popular dry goods emporium crowded to the doom with eager buyers. The sale con tinues through this week, and until the immense and choice stock is sold out. Go this week before the best bargains are gone. • « « Bass Bros. & Co’s, advertisements are always very readable, because they are of literary merit and always offer the buying public something new and choice. There immense store is packed with rare bargains from ever/ quarter of the world. See their offerings, and prices. That will clinch the argument. In this age of advancement one has, so many things to remember. When a man reads your first and only ad, it may strike him in a favorable way. But alasl how prone is the human mind to forget. For most probably when he is in need of the article advertised by you, he has entirely forgotten your existence. A constant ad is a constant reminder, while one ad is but the corner-stone of a future trade. * * • Cotton is low, it is true, but all kinds of goods in the mercantile iins are cheaper than they have been in years. This is true of everything in the big store of the Rome China and Stove company at 213 Broad street. Think of tea sets of 56 peices for $2 48 per set; and elegant cottage dinner sets for $3.74 per set. They have everything from the cheapest to the costliest makes of the world’s great potteries. See their stock. * * * For good liquors, wines, etc., at reasonable prices you will do well to consult Curran, Scott & Co. They handle nothing but the best. In nothing is purity a matter of such prime importance, indeed necessity, as in wines and liquors, whether procured for medicinal purposes or ordinary con sumption. In either case the employ ment of anything but a pure article causes inestimable damage. No dealers conduct their business upon a fuller understanding of the import ance of this matter than Curran, Scott & uo. * * * The more one knows about an article the better able he should be to write the advertisement. Too often, however, it is a fact when an owner of an article does the advertising that he is so filled with the advantages, methods of making and general excellence of his specialty that he forgets that all others are not so well posted on this particular subject as he; the result is he does not start at the foundation in preparing his announce ments, takes too much for granted and overlooks the points which Would prove most convincing to a purchaser. Yellow Jack Preventative. Guard against yellow jack by keeping the system thoroughly clean and free from germ breeding matter. Cascarets Candy Cathartic will cleanse the system and and kill all contagious disease germs. Lo«t Arts of Egypt. Analyses of weapons and tools, dat ing from very ancient times in Egypt, have convinced M. Berthelot, the French phemist, that the old Egyptians used pure copper in the manufacture of such objects. They displayed much ingenu ity in manipulating that metal. A chis el was made by folding thin strips of copper over one another and then forg ing them into a solid blade, while hol low needles were formed from copper leaf by a method very similar to that which is employed at the present day tn making helical tubing for bicycles. J. M. Thirswend,of Grosbeak,Tex., says that when he has a spell of indi gestion. and feels sluggish he takes two of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers at night, and he is all right the next morning. Many thousands of others do the same thing. Do you? For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. Wordetwonh’H Search. So long as there are writers of books there will be many who will never re sort to the painstaking labor of Words worth, as indicated in the journal of Dorothy Wordsworth: “William.has come back tired. He has spent all the day in thinking of an adjective for the cuckoo. ” . . Disfigurement for ]jfe by burns or scalds may be avoided by using De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the g»eat remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. PebfecFßnhoTd fiThe world aduitred tNe perfect Mani Not courage, dignity, ormutoalar development alone out that subtle and wonderful force known at SEXUAL VITALITY which is the glory u? inanhc od—the pride of both old and young,butthcre ar- thousands of men suflering the mental tortures of a weakened msnhool, chartered nerves and falUng sexual power who can be cured by our Magical Treatment which may be taken at home ander out directions or we will pay R. R. fare and hotel bills for those who wish to come here, If we fall to cure, We have no free prescriptions, free cure or C.O.D. fake. We have $250,000 capital and guarantee to cure every case we treat or refund every dollar you pay us, or fee may be deposited In any bank to be paid ua when a cure la effected. Write for full particulars. OTA’rj® MJEJDICAJL ©O.. Omaha, ALABAMA'S BRAVE WOMEN. Jenifer, Ala.,says: I have used Dr. M. A. Simmons Kfe Liver Medicine 20 years, -asrS'S 1 K, ’WS'ffISP'W and know it will cure Liver (I Disease, Nervousness, \ Bowel and Stomach Troubles. I like it bet ter th ‘ ln "Black Draught” or “Zeilin’s" medicine. Parenthood. Cbi-Mren bind husband and wife more closely than the wedding ceremony itself. One-half o£ married misery is due to the growing physical weakness of women, which makeschild-bcaring a dreaded burden and prevents those close relations between hus band and wife, without which happiness cannot exist. How important then is it that the woman be brought to as perfect a condition of health, ct which she is capable, so* that she can give to her offspring out of her abundance of life and spirits. Dr. Simmons Squaw Vine Wino will do this; it will purify her blood, tone np her nervous system and give her courage and assur ance of safety to go through the ordeal of childbirth. Ashland,Ala., writes: Have used Dr. M. A. Simmons M Liver Medicine 10 years H or Colds, Diarrhoea, u| Summer Complaint with \ T chlldren - 14 Bives better satisfaction than “Thed ford ’ s Black Draught,” or dose Ph ’s Regulator,” or anything we can get. Dimness of Vision. Incases of weak and imperfect vision, the causes of disease should, if possible, be correctly ascertained, so that they may be as far as possible obviated and guarded against Where the trouble is functional and arises from some constitutional de rangement or debility, ench as torpid liver or inactive kidneys, producing a morbid condition in the organism, constitutional treatment with Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine will produce the happiest results. When caused by prolonged nursing, exces sive sexual indulgences, abuse of stimu lants, the excessive use of the eyes on too bright or too minute objects,-too mnch sleep or other circumstances which produce de termination of blood to the head, Dr. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine quickly cures. Buya Smooth White Skin For Your Face! It probably needs renewing, for 5t is rough, red, freckled, blotched o. pimpled, until it bis become repulsive inate&d of attractive Healthy skin is always bteutiful. The bui; and wind, impure soaps ana sosinoties injure rue mkld. Viola Creiim cleanses, nourishes and restores the skin, making it soft, white and beautiful. It is not u cosmetic —doos not cover up. but remove* blemishes. It la harmless and always docs jix. what woolalm for it. The only prepann ‘on that will positlve’y remove Blackheads. Tun, Sunburn and Pimples. Hundreds ts testimonials from promi nent ladies. Price cents aUr at druggist*. G-C. BITTNr u TOI3?FM>. OHIO— DEAD STUCK for BUGS . Kills Roaches, Fleas, Moths and Bedbugs. Non poisonous; won’t stain. Large bottles* at drug gists and grocers, 25 cents. 0 sis A HHr ■ I This great remedy CURES all Nervous Diseases,’such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Lost flanhood, Nightly Emissions, Evil Dreams, Varicocele; and strengthens the Generative Organs of either sex, that may be impaired through youthful errors, which soon lead to Consumption and Insanity. Sold with a guaranty to cure, or money refunded. $1 per box, six for $5. Easily carried in vest pocket. Write us for free sample book and testimonials. Ask your druggists for them ; take no other, don’t let him sell you one of his own make under a for eign name. Address NERVE DROP CO., Grand Rapids, Mich., U. S. A. For sale by Rome Drug Co.. and C. A. Trevitt, Rome, Ga. w j FREE: $20.00 IN GOLD, V ftl 1 tl O* Bicycle,Gold Watch, Diamond * '-f ****£>, Ring, or a Scholarship in y-k a Draughon’s Practical Business College, Nashville, Tenn., or * T ex arkana, Tex., or a schol- arship in most any other reputable business col lege or literary school in the U. S. can be secured by doing a little work at home for the Youths’ Advocate, an illustrated semi-monthly journal. It is elevating in character, moral in tone, and especially interesting and profitable to young people, but read with interest and profit by peo ple of all ages. Stories and other interesting matter well illustrated. Sample copies sent free. Agents wanted. Address Youths’ Advocate Pub. Co., Nashville, Tenn. [Mention this paper.] For Delicacy, I for purity, and for improvement of the com- | plexion nothing equals Pozzoni’s Powder./ Always prompt and reliable. Atxnd Imitaticns, Get Caton’s Tansy Pills and save regrets. At drug stores, or sent direct (sealed), price (1. Catun Spkc- Co.. Boston. Mass. Pamphlet 4a* Cusnrnans ffITHOL INHALER. Cures all troubles of the Head and Throat CATARRH, licADACHc. NEURALGIA. U6RPPE. WILL CURE ;^’^ r s t l n p r 21 sneezing, svuffinv, coughing -w HEADACHE. Cun effe ‘ ’■ W endorsed & b‘.ghe..t zrieiHcal au- \ vtJv thorit: s of Euro.” f A America .'or Throet \ Hay Fevei’, Bron '' ck chlti L La GRIPPE- r nicst Re'resiling and HeahLfu’ aio tc HBADACHH Suffer ers. Brings Sleep to the Sleepless. Cun?.- Insomnia and Nervous Prostration. Don’t be fooler* <*iTh worthL-M nnitations. Take only CUSHMAN’H. Price, 6Oc at ail Druggists, or mailed free. AGENTS WANTED. CUSHMAN’S MENTHOL BALM wonder- I fill cures of Salt Rheum. Old Sores, Cuts, Wounds Burna, Frostbites. Excelc all other remedies for PILES. Price? 26c. nt Druggists. B«Hik on Menthol free. Address Cushman < Drug Go.« Vin cennes, Ind. or 524 DKABBOZU ST.. “Setter late than never.” T HE A BOVE OLD ADAGE ’ is as foiceful now »s ever j’J and suffering ones will rejoice when they hear of the wonder ful efficacy of WAFRIMHA PURIFIER. j ’ * Hundreds who have become discowaged By trying a score of otner remedies and upon whom the best of physicians failed, have ere it was too late, heard of the grandest of all Medicines, ..Africana.. The Sure Cure for all Blood Diseases. H ; For sale by all Druggists. A. jit, Ji j* X. X The Great Remedy, Africana. Rome, Ga., July 7, 1897. This is to certify that I suffered with old sores on my body. They were con sidered incurable. I have used four bot tles of Africana and am entirely well and the sores healed. Ned Hughes (Colored). Ned Hughes is one of the best known and most reliable colored men in the city, and his word is considered as good as a bond. His statement made above as to the efficacy of the Africana remedy may be relied on as being absolutely true. , For sale by Curry-Arrington Co., and Taylor & Norton, druggists Rome, Ga. B. F. Clark, Local and Traveling agent for Phillips & Crew Co. ATLANTA GA First Class Pianos and Organs. The largest Music House in the South, Lowest prices and most liberal terms. Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired, For particulars call dn, or address, B, F, CLARK, Rome, Ga M. A. THEDFORD’S ■SZ'KQ-KTTTR.EJ oys/ 3 J . f.c;.A ! ] . ; i-a/? //.•T7l7£s'W,V MSS&gKf AMx " £ ' \ .launuic!: iOURfc'£SS OF Si-UMACM Appef/te None Genuine Without The Likeness And Signature of-M.A.Thedforo on FrontOf Each Wrapper. M.A.Theoford Med.© 1— Chronic Diseases—.— of all forma Successfully Treated. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Palpita tion; Indigestion, etc. Oevteiarirlx of the Nose. Throat and Lungs. Diseases Peculiar to Women, Prolapsus, Ulcerations Leucorrhea, etc. Write, giving history of your case and it will receive immediate attenti «n An opinion, price of treatment, pamphlet and testimonials will be eent you freh ' Dr, S, T, Whitaker, Specialist, 205 Norerosa Building, Atlanta, G Pawtucket Fur Company, 294 Main St, Pawtucket, R, I. SWANTS ALL KINDS OF Raw Furs, Skins, Ginseng, Senaca, etc Prices quoted for next 60 days are as fol low-: Silver Fox, sls 00 to 8150.00; Bear, $5.00 to $25 00; Otter, $4 00 to $9.00; Martin $2 00 to $9.00; Beaver, $3 00 to $3.50 ner pound ; Wolf, SI.OO to $2 00; Red Fox, SI,OO to $2,00; Mink, 75c to SI.OO, Skunk, 25c to $1.00; Gray Fox, 50c to 75c; Rat, 20c to 25c. Price list on all other furs and skins fur nished upon application. Fall prices guar anteed, careful selection, courteous treat ment, and immediate remittance on all consignments. Stop When in Chattanooga, either on business or pleasure, at the most comfortable and convenvient hotel in the city. Stanton House, Near the Central Station and convenient to business . center Rates, $2 a pay. M. M. Kline & Co. Proprietors. Rniiwn.y. tou.rnw.i Selirdo'i? ih s.ifret cuiy 4. .su,. Station-. >o, 1, o u~No f Lv ChHttanooga a uuam 2..5nm:1u übpsa -Ar Dalton s.u'oam 4 2 pm 12.11 am Ar lU.idau, i£ pm l.&oam Ar Atlanta l.lnam 8. <pm &00aa» Lv Atlanta 4. opm 83. p , a.2oaa> Ar Macon 7.0-pm 11. Upm 810 am Ar Jesup. p 4. .O.imi 2.38 pm Ar Everett 5 25am 3 2:>nm Ar Jacksonville 8 loam. S3pn» Lv Jesun v.u7au> 6 jupin Ar Jacksonville 1 OQpm 11 laptq, Lv Everett 1 a.auam 3 30pm Ar Brunswick AlOaiol J.Sopm No. Scarries Pullman sleeping tar Chaits,' nooga to Atlanta. No 10car.-ie-< Pullman Union Sleeping Cas Chattanooga to Atlanta. No. n carries Pullman Drawing Room Buf fet Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Jacksonville and Atlanta to Brun-viea. BIA! 10X8. No. H No- 9 Ne. 7 Lv Atlanta Zaoam 23" pm lU.OopS Ar Rome ... lu.lftam 4 s>pm l.'.oTam Ar Dalton... Il3>am Au6pm 2.20 am Ar Chattanooga I.oopm 7.30 pm 4. Item Lv Chattanooga 745 pm S.ooam Ar Lexington 4.35atn 5.08 pm Ar Louisville 7.35 am liipm Ar t tucinnati...,... ~ 7.3>am 13opm Lv Chattanooga H..:opm & ><>am Ar Nashville tlsspm t3spm No. 13 carries Pullman Drawing Room Bui fet Sleeping Car Atlant. »o Nashville. No. 9 carries Pullman Union Sleeping Car Atlanta to Louisville and Pullman Sleeping car Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No. 7 carries Pullman S eeping Car Atlanta to ( hattanooga and- Omni Chattanooga to Cin cinnati. STATIONS. No~« Na IS Na 1* Lv Chattanooga &30,im 4 tOam iSOnn Ar Knoxville 1159 am &85am 9.50 pm Ar Morristown 110 pm 9.50 am H.sspm ar Hot Springs. 3 is pm il.dnam 12 23am Ar Asheville 4 35pm I 15pm 1.39 am Ar Salisbury &40pm 6.00 am Ar Greensbora. 9.52 pm 8 50am Arßaleizn 7.1»..m 11 45am Ar Norfolk ».2opm . Ar Washing ’oa a «2tm 9.4upm Ar New York 12,43pm' .1.23 am No. 12 carries Pullman Sleeping oar Chatta n°o«» to New York via Asheville, an* Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Richmond o.viA *. m BoHd tr,ln Chattanooga to Norfolk keeping Car Chattanooga t« Norfolk without change. Close conn.-ctloi made at Norfolk wltn steamers for H dtl more. New Vorg an(J Boston Pullman Sleep ing Car Salisbury to New York via Washington ' stations. No~i6 No’T Lv Chaitanooga ;. a svpm ».39ai» ArKnGxvillc j 9 50pm 11.&9an Ar Morristown. 12.27 am 110 pm w ris L? ! 5.00 am 4 05pm asl^ ng ! on 1125 pm T.3sim Ar New York -8.25 am 1.20 pm Na Scarries PjllmanSleeping-Car Chatta nooga to Washington and Chattanooga to New York without change.. No. 18 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Ciatta aooga to Knoxville and Kuoxville to Bristol STATIONS. No. 14 Lv home ........ io 50am ArAnnision I.lopm Ar Birmingham 10.10 pm Ar Selina g npn, Ar Meridian 10 30pm Ar New Orleans ]i, 45am ArJacison 9.45 am Ar Vicksburg \ 11.38 am Ar Shreveport -. 7.20 pm Wo- 15 |Nq P tNo _ 18 j NoTTS J 15pm 5.10 pm Lv Rome.... ar 10.00 am 9.30 am 8.0 >pm 7.08 pm Ar Gadsden ar 6.35 am 7.15 am 8.30 pm 7.15 pm Ar Attalla,,.lvt 815am[ T.OOam t Dally except Sunday. * Sunday only. W. EL GREEN. Gen Supt Washington, D C, J M. CULP, Trat Mgr. Washington, D. C. W. X TURK, G. P. A Washington, D. C. 0. A. BCNKOCKR.A a >.x ChattanoogaTtoM Mumga, H'orae 4 Columbus RAILROAD. EUGENE E. JONES. Receiver. i Passenger Schedule in effett May 2, 1896. ; SOUTHBOUND I STATIONS No. 2 |No. 4 No. 10 Lv Chattanooga 8 01sm4 10poi 500 am Battlefield . 8 37 4 36 5 40 Chickamauga. ... 844 445 625 LaFayette 9 12 5 13 7 25 Trion 9 39 5 40 8 35 Summerville 9 48 5 49 8 55 Lyerly 10 06 6 07 9 40 Rome 11 00 7 00 2 10 Cedartown 11 44 745 pm 145 Buchanan 12 27 Bremen.. 12 43 Ar Carrollton 110 pm northbound. STATIONS No. 1 No. 3 No. 8 LvCarrol(ton .... 140 pm Bremen 2 07 Buchanan 2 24 Cedartown 307 615 a m 910 am Rome 3 50 7 00 1100 Lyerly 4 45 7 54 1 05 S- uminervllle 5 03 8 12 1 55 Trion 5 12 8 21 2 30 LaFayette 5 39 8 48 3 35 Chickamauga 6 07 9 17 5 05 Battlefield 6 14 9 24 5 20 Ar Chattanooga 840 p m<9 50 atn 600 pm Nos. 9 and 10 daily except Sunday. Nos. 3 and 4 Sunday only. Nob. 1 and 2 daily.. Trains Nob. 9 and 18 arrive and depart from C. R. & C. sbope near Montgomery avenue. Connections made at Chattanooga, Tenn., with all reads for points North and West. For any information apply to C, B. WILBURN, Traffic Manager, Rome. Ga. or C. s. PRUDEN, Ticket Agent Southern Pacific and Sunset Limited ARE INSEPARABLE THE FIRST is that, great steel highway which links New Orleans to the Pacific Coast, a road distinguished by its superb physical condition, its sump tuous equipment, its perfect system ' its ad option of every modern improve ment that contributes to safety, com fort, convenience. A road that runs through the Acadian Land of Louis iana, the pine forest region and high plains of Texas, the romance-fraught plateaus of New Mexico and Arizona, and into the orchard and garden dis tricts of Southern California. A liqe redolent with history and romance and filled with wonderful charm. THE SECOND is the great transconti nental train of the Southern Pacific, making direct connections at New Or leans (which point it leaves every Monday and Thursday at 10 a. m.) with all through trains from the North and East, running through solid to San Francisco in 75 hours. The finest train extant—vestibuled, steam heated gas lighted. Has ladies’ parlor, wait • ing maid, drawing rooms; gentlemen’' smoking room, barber shop, bath room, buffet, dining car, library, etc., •etc. A home on wheels. DESCRIBING BOTH we have a great deal of literature which the prospec tive Wrist should read. Some beau tiful books. If ■ going to California, Mexico or Arizona, write and enclose 10 cents in stamps anclfwe will be glad to send such as you seed, or any Southern Pacific Agei<t will cheerfully give information, S. F. B. MORSE, [General Pasarnger and'Ticket Agent ; NEW.ORLEANB 11