The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 19, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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PROGRESS OF THE SOUTH. The New Indaatrl.a It.port.d la Dbtla rar the Weak J«« Kndad. Chattanooga, Oct la—Among the most important new industries for the week just ended The Tradesman re ports the following: Brickworks at Palatka, Fla.; the Union Compress company, capital $24,- DOO, Augusta, Ga.; a flouring mill to cost $120,00) at Atlanta, Ga.; tlie_ Cy clone Air Power company, capital $500,- 000, Alexandria, Va.; the Green and Streugele Irrigation company, capital $40,000, Beaumont, Tex.; the Calhoun Automatic Scale company, capital $50,- 000, at Charleston, S. C.; the Phenix Cotton Oil company, capital $50,000, at Phenix, Ark. .and an electric or com ' pressed air power plant to he erected at New Orleans, La. A 7.500 spinale cotton mill will be built at Fort Smith, Ark., and a cord age fuctury at Paducah, Ky. The Reynolds Tobacco company, cap ital $60,000, at Richmond, Va.; the Ap alachicola Lumber company, capital $50,000, at Apalachicola, Fla.; the Kid der Lumber company, capital $50,000, Wilmington. N. C.. and the Cameron Lumber company, capital SIO,OOO, at Point Washington, Fla. A SIOO,OOO plauingmill an i box fac tory is to be erected at Nasuviile, Tenu.; a $5,000 lumber-mill at Elizey, Fla.; one to cost SIB,OOO at-Columbus, Ga.and other woodworking plants at Prairie Grove, Ark.; Fitzgerald, Ga., and Ham ilton. N. O. A system of waterworks to cost $200,- 000 will be put in at Augusta, Ga., and other plants will be constructed at Ha zlehurst. Miss ; Lumberton, N. C., and Canadian, Tex DR. NEWTON BATES DEAD. President Ale Kinley** Family Vliy.iolan PaaMa Away In Waehington. Washington, Oct. 18.—Surgeon Gen eral Newton L. Bates of the navy, the president’s family physician, died at the Shoreham hotel from a renal trouble. He was appointed surgeon general about two weeks ago to succeed Sur geon General Tryon and was obliged on account of illness, which resulted in his death, to mice the oath of office in bed. His illness at tins time was not regarded as serious, but developed alarming symptoms within the last day or two and then grew steadily worse. He ehtered the navy from New York state in June. 1861. and prior to his ap pointment as surgeon general was a medical director with the relative rank of captain, and was on duty at the na val museum of hygiene in this city. The diseases cured by Hood’s Sarsapa rilla are many, because most ailments disappear a« soon as the blood is enriched and purified by it. FOK RENT.«//Five room cot/ tageon Howard avenue, East Rome. For terms apply to 302 Howard Important Change In Railroad Service. The "Sunset Limited” here-to fore running between New Orleans and San Francisco will this city be oper ated between St. Lou is and Los Angles via the "True Southern Route.” St. Louis, Ir.op' Mountain & Southern. Texas Pacific and Southern Pacific Railways. This train will leave St. Louis at 10 p. m.. Tuesday jnd Saturday of each week, commencing Oct. 19sh, arriv ing at Los Angeles Friday and Tues day. Parties from the south east go ing via Memphis will connect with this train at Little Rock, leaving Memphis Tuesday and Saturday evenings. Consist ot Train. Composite ear, with bath and bar ber shop, sleepers and dining car. Vestibuled steam heat, pinteh gas light. This is the most complete and . best equipped train-now in service to Calafornia. No form of transporation will be hon ored on this train except first-class one way or round t'ip tickets. For special schedules and full partic lars, address H. C. Townsend, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.; E. P. Turner, G. P. A., Dallas, Texas.; A. A. Gallagher, S, P A.. No. 103 Read House Chattanooga. Tenn. Wanteck/Two reliable men to represent business in Rome, see). D. GRADY, 329 Broad Street, i Hit* • « i Raleigh, Oct. 18.—The Southeastern Tariff association notifies the authori ties of Wilmington that unless they or ganize a paid fire department the in surance rate will be greatly increased. There seems no doubt tiiat a paid de* partment wiil be organized. Penitentiary Book* Examined. Raleigh, Oct. 18.—Governor Russell has had T. S. Evans of Wilmington here for a month examining the peni tentiary books for four years past. Evans reports that the expenses in ex cess of total receipts lust year were 111,901!. Die* on 1 iving l>ay. Raleigh, Oct. 18.—George Johnson, a negro, who assaulted Bertha Brewing ton, a pegro girl, is sentenced to be hanged ar Wiimiugt >n. on Thanksgiv ing day. Blood poison A tiary BLOOD POISON permanently cured in 15 to 35 days. You can be treated at home for same price under eamoguaran ty. It you prefer to come hero wewillcon troettopay railroad fareand hotel bills,and nocharge, if wo fail to cure. If you have taken mer cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and pains, M ucous Flitches in mouth. Sore Throat, I'luiplcs, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON we guarantee to cure. Wo solicit the most obsti nate cases and challenge the world for i* case wo cannot cure. This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent physi cians. SHOO,OOO capital behind our uncondi tlona 1 guaranty. A baolute proofs sent sealed on application. Address COOK REMEDY CO- W7 ILa sonic Temple. CHICAGO, ILL, MASSACRED by red men. Haifa UuWm Calirornlan. Killed la Alaaka While on a Gold Haul. San Francisco, Oct. ia From ad vices received, A. 0. Wright of Seattle tends etrohgly to the belief that Harry T. Newman and William J.-Swartz of San Francisco, together with four com panions, whose names are not known, have peri-hed on the Taku river, while ou the way to the Klondike. The plainest inference that can be deducted from the meagre iuformation at hand is tnat the entire par y was massacred by Indians. This or else they were drowned in the swift current of the Ala-kan -tream. Nothing more is known here regarding their fate than they were alive and well on Sept. 15 at a point 80 miles up the river from Taku inlet. Harry T. Newman is about 42 years old and has a wife and child living in Los Angeies. Swartz was about 37 years old. He came from Philadelphia origiua lv and has no relatives on the coast. He followed the' trade of car penter, but had some mining experience in Fresno county. Black Eye t*<»r <>. stores. Columbia, S. 0., Ot. 18 Judge Bu chanan of the state circuit court created a sensation in Anderson by declaring the original package stores, declared le gal by United States Judge Simonton under the interstate commerce law, could expect no protection from state courts. He refused the application for injunction against the city of Green ville, imposing a license or tax on these stores. He intimated the taxing ordi nance was void, but said the liquors in original package stores were confiscated to the state and these men had no in terest in liquors which could have state protection. Black Itepnbllean. Are Mart. Raleigh, Oct. 18.— Forty negroes, all well known by that race, have issued a call for a state convention here Nov 3, to set forth grievance. The address states that while the negroes cast 120,000 votes, they get oniy one state clerkship, at $1,500, and ten postmasters,at a total of $15,000, wnile white Kepub.leans and Populists are getting $1,601,000 in offices. The address concludes: “Those fehows are-simply making fools of us and fat tening at our expense.” Small pill, safe pill, best pill. De- Witt’s Little Early Risers cure bil iousness, constipation, sick headache. For sale by Curry Arrington Co. Mint IMredor*. "Report. Washington, Ot 18—The director of the mint has submitted to the secre tary qf the treasury his report for the fiscal year 1897, covering the operations of the mint and a-say offices, together with the statistics of foreign countries relative to production, coinage and the monetaiy condition of each. A Pre.l<i«>itlal Appointment. Washington, Oct. 18 —Colonel Peter O. Haines, of the engineer corps of the army, at present in charge.of the river and harbor improvement for the Balti more district, has been appointed to >e engineer commissioner on the Nicara guan cana commission and has ac cepted the appointment. Arnold’s Bromo-Celery. The greatest remedy of the 19th century for headaches. lOcts. For sale by Curry-Arrington- Company.. Cbi«rl «•«$-<•«• ”* ai.«vN Oil *rantine. , Charleston, Oct. 18 —Charleston has raised the quarantine against Atlanta. Atlanta passengers who heretofore have been refused admittance into this city, will be permitted to come from now on. when they show certificates from At lanta's boaru of that they have beeu there for ten consecutive days. To Grade a Neiy Kail way* Raleigh, Oat. 18.—The Southern rail way is setting stakes preuaratory to the grading of its new line from Mockvilie to Mooresville, which will give it an other liue between Charlotte aud Dan ville. The grading begins this week, aud a heavy force will be employed. Smoke War ter s' Extra Good Cigars, If it isn’t the best 5 cent cigar you ever smoked, well treat It is made right here in Rome and for sale by all enter/ prising dealers, White Kibboner* of the World. Toronto, Oct. 18 —The headquarters of the Toronto W. O. T. U is at present the scene of great activity, in prepara tion for the gathering of the world’s white ribboners. The hospitality com mittees have almost completed their ar rangements for the entertainment of the delegates. The best homes in To ronto will be open to the visitors. Mbs Eiizabetu Greenwood of New Y6rk is to . preach the convention sermon u Mass u y hall, as the substitute for Lady Henrv Somerset, ou Sunday afternoon Oct. 24. Boy Killed by stray Bullet. Spartanburg. S. 0., Oct. 18. —George Brown, a negro 13 years old, was killed here. The older negroes at a frolic got into a shooting match and George re ceived the bullets. Dui runt Case .A <1 Viiiiced. Washington. Oct. 18.—The supreme court has advanced the argument of the Durrant murder case, brought here from San Francisco and set for hearing Nov. 15. , Senor Several’s Saoca.sor. Lisbon, Oct. 18.—Count Macedo, the minister at Madrid, has been appointed Portuguese minister for foreign affkira in eucceeaiuu to Seuor Several. The ROME TKIEUNE. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, I«*7. CONVICTS MAKE BAD COIN, Humber of Prisoner* In the lllvereide Pen • Imrired Illi Counterfeiting Pittsburg. Oct. 18—Warden E S. Wright of the Riverside pettiteut-iary has discovered that a number ot the convicts confined in the institution have beeu manufacturing counterfeit 50-cent pieces. He has unearthed the meral from whieh the ’•queer” money wa* l made, the mouis in which it was cast aud the names of several of the convicts who were connected with the mutter, but us yet he has been unable t.> find the man who originated aud curried out the scheme. , The counterfeits are magnificent spec imens of the coiner’s art. The die from which they are made is almost perfect, and the milling of the coins, which is the government’s chief protection of metal money from those who would im itate it, is as near perfect as it is possi ble for human ingenuity to make it, and that such coins could be made within the walls of the Riverside peni tentiary with the crude implements to be obtained by the prisoners is the start ling feature of the case The counter feiters had already secured a connection with outside parties and some of the money is m>w in circulation. Warden Wright has a list of nearly a •cor .’ of con vims and persons sunno-ed to be connected with the counter.sit ing, and when tile full story of the crime comes ..nt it. is said there will be some seusatioual developments. i’he llid.i. at *’.»rl lioynl, Columbia, ;L C., Oct. 18.—Informa tion bus been received .here that the battleship Maine, which it was an nounced a few days ago had been or dered to Port- Royal to be docked, naa been at Port Royal, in the lower bay, since Monday. She has been practicing her big guns off Buy Point with tavoru- Ige res*J rg. .. Have You Tried It cures Constipation, Sick Headache and Biliousness in such a gentle, coaxing way that the unpleasant results of common medi cines are avoided. Sold by Druggists for jo years. “IT TASTES GOOD, TOO.” When Others, Fail Consult DR. NICHOLS Nicbols Building, 407 Union St., NASHVILLE, TENN. The Leading and Most Successful H"* Never Fails to Cure Syphilis, Stricture, Light Losses. 1 ’ Piles, Gleet, Hydrocele, Hi Varicocele, Diseases of Women. < BLOOD POISON days. You can be treated at home Ofor same price under same guaranty. If you prefer to come here v e will W contract to pay railroad fire and no charge if we fail to cure. n r LOST MANHOOD Night Emissions, Impotei ey. the dreaded effects of early vice, which brings organic weakness. On e: am ning the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found, aud sometimes small particles of albumen will appear. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is Seminal Weakness. The Doctor will guarantee a permanent cure in all cases. WRITE for symptom blank.’ You can be cured at home by correspondence. WRITS' f° r Symptom Blank, correspoud il 111 IEI ence private. All letters an swered in plain envelope. YIM, VIGOR. VITALITY RESTORED 30 DAYS. Good Effects at Once. CATON’S VITALIZES Cures general special debility, wakefulness, spermatorrhoea, emissions, impotenty, pare sis, etc Coirects functional disorders, caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring Lost Manhood in old or young, giving vigor and strength where former weakness prevailed Convenient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate. The Cure is Quick and Thorough. Don’t be deceived by imitations: insist on CATON’S Vitalizers. Sent sealed if your druggist does not have it. Price $1 per pkge. 6 for $5, with written guarantee of complete cure. Information, references, etc., free and confidential. Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week’s trial treatment. One only sent to each person. CATON MED. CO.. Boston, Mass y FASHIONS CHANGEv BUT POZZONI’S $ X POWDER X REMANS AR WAYS THE SAME. XThe finest, purest and “nost beautl* V tying toils * powder ever made. It is soothing healing, healthful Ana JK harmless, and when rightly used is FA Invisible* If you have never vried F»< POZZONI’S * vou do not know what an IDEAi. COMPLEXION POWDER is. A IT IS SOLD EVERYWHERE. Z Just as the Flashlight Pierces Through Night humikh co. XjiO-VST F’RICE POWER PERMEATES ■ EVERY ■ MARKET ■ OF ■ MERIT. <“*‘l Z\ T-IT-TT" im<N Wm. x to. .fl I ' 7 ’ wrflW y Our price s on Carpets are lower than you can buy tht-m of cost sales elsewhere, no matter what price is mQuoted our price will be lowei. Get our prices before you BUCK’S * urui t ure » Mattings, Rugs, Lace and celebrated Cbeneille Curtains, Window poles, Shades, Blankets, Comforts, Quits, Bed Spreads, Baby Carriages and all - housefurnishing goods. We also carry a full line of Cole’s celebrated* Hot Our immense Stock is now complete and we are mak- Blrst Heaters. The best f n g a display of elegant goods never before excelled in heating apparatus on the K _ market. North Gvojgia. Come, let us show it to you. We want your Trade, and shall endeavor to please you. Don’t fail to visit and inspect our stock, now in store and ready for your inspection. This stock cannot be surpassed in detail of Goods and our prices are beyond competition. McDONALD-SPARKS-STEWART CO THE BIGGEST THING IN ROME. Coffins, Caskets, Undertaking Embalming. WE HUE DFCUDFD MEET THE PRICES Os Any And All Comers I Your Money Must Stay in Rome. I Chicago and New York made to order clothes ‘ aint mit,” compared to our price and quality of work. We make every suit and pair of pants here in Rome, and can give you a perfect fit. Suits of elegant all-wool suiting made to your order for only $15.00, $16.00 and SIB.OO to $40,00. The little tailors in Rome have no possible chance to com pete with us; we can buy every one of them out and not miss the pocket change it would take to do it. Come see our Great New Stock. We will sell you. BURNEY TAILORING CO, 220 Broad Street, Rome, Ga. 5