The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 19, 1897, Page 9, Image 9

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POE I OF PESSIMISM Maur co Maeter Truck, The Belgian Po t Creatts a Big Stir Lit ratore. HAILED "AS A NEW SH'KESPEARE” I rliscreet Critic* Ko Called Him. md It Al tnosr Ruin <1 His Keput»f.»»n—Ha* Lived l>«*wn thH a ccui”* r i<>n. Maurice Maeterlinck, the pessimistic Belgian poet, has again disturbed the literary field with a new work which has just been done into English. The title of the volume is “The Treasures of the Humble,” and it is a collection Os essays in which he unfolds his pecul iar philosophical theories. For so young a writer—he is only 85 —Maeterlinck has produced a profound impression onthe literature of the day. At first he was hailed as “a new Shakes peare” by indiscreet critics, and this handicap nearly obscured him in the beginning. But he has lived down this accusation. He has successfully proved that he is no bhakespeare. Then he was compared to Ibsen, but he has out-Ib sened Ibsen, ’so the litterateurs have finally become satisfied to accept, him as an original personality and have de- ■Er MAITRICE MAETERLINCK. voted their time to searching for rhyme or reason in his weird, somber, welsh rabbit before bedtime effusions. If they could agree as to just what Maeterlinck does mean or if they would all admit that he means nothing at all, then the Maeterlinck fad would go by the board. But they do not agree, and so he keeps on writing plays which cannot be play ed and poetry which is not poetry at all, and making both more mysterious and lugubrious than ever. Although a poet, most of his work has been in the form of dramatic prose. What little poetry he has written is patterned something on the Walt Whit man order. His tragedies have been given up as unpresentable on the stage. Even the people who had read the book could see no meaning in Mr. Tree’s in terpretation of “The Princess Maleinr ’" Maeterlinck is a Belgian of burgher stock and was educated for the bar with his brother, who is a lawyer. But a legal career was too materialistic fcr Maurice, who is a born dreamer, so ho gave it up. He might have been just, an ordinary ne’er do well had he not met Villiers de i’lle Adam, then as un known to fame as himself. But Villiers spurred him on to literary effort, be came his guide and mentor, and now they are both famous. Paul Verlaine. Verlaine is the master of lyric exores sion, using every delicate means in or der to express every shadow of his senti ment and to excite by harmonious sounds tbe nervous strings of the mod ern, ininress ; ce;.h]o |Kt-n«r Thnt is mW '/ \\Sh and consoles. It is a humiliation to any proud woman that the man of her choice should prove at last a failure broken in purse and in spirit. Back of all business failures lies ill-health. No man who is suf fering from brain fag, nervous prostration and debility, due to impure blood and a dis ordered digestion can long succeed in busi ness. Every woman should make it her duty to see that her husband takes proper care of his health. The daest medicine in all the world for hard-worked business men is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It is medicine for both body and mind. It makes the di gestion good, the liver active, and the appe tite keen. It fills the blood with the life giving elements that build new tissues. It invigorates and purifies. It is the one great blood-maker and flesh-builder. There’s nothing in the market “just as good.” A. L. Purdy, Esq., of Otterpond. Caldwell Co., Ky„ writes: “I herewith inclose 31 one-cent stamps to pay postage on one of your cloth-bound Medical Advisers. I know your book to be a good one. I had suffered seven years with liver com- Elaint when I read about your * Golden Medical dscovery' in one of your books. After using a few bottles of the ' Discovery ’ and three vials of the ‘Pleasant Pellets’ I was completely cured.” One copy of a good, practical, medical work is worth more in a home than a thous and works of fiction. Dr. Pierce’s Com mon Sense. Medical Adviser is the best home medical book extant. It contains 1,008 pages and three hundred illustrations and is written in plain, everyday language that any one may understand. Over a mil lion women own copies of it and 680,000 of them paid $1.50 each for their copies. A new and large edition will be given away absolutely free. If you want a copy in a paper cover, send twenty-one one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing only, to the World’s Dispensary Medical Associa tion, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. V. If you desire a fine French cloth binding, send 10 cents extra—thirty-one cents in alt why the “young ones” considered him their leader and why he was called the first symbolist. The "melodious, sug gestive words, the strange, symbolic pictures, arouse in the sonl of the read er the impression which .the poet wishes to give him. “11 pleure dans moncceur, comme il pleut sur laville, ” says thq poet, and the use of assonance and alliteration (“pleure,” “pleut”) gives to the l ; nes pleasing harmony and to the picture charm and color. To move the sensitive soul of the listener by the music of the rhyme, such is Verlaine’s aim. When Leconte de Lisle died, one of the Parisian reviews asked the literati and artists who, after the author of “Poemes Barberes, ” was worthy to take up the national lyre. The votes were all for Verlaine. The public of the boulevards was astonished at such an artistic plebiscitum. The new poet laureate was so little known. Never theless many lovers of poetry loved and admired him. But how many lovers of poetry are there? Paul Verlaine died Jan. 9, 1896, and was buried two days later in Clichy cemetery. All the artistic and literary youth of Paris followed his coffin. Sev eral eminent literati spoke at his grave. Verlaine never soiled himself with a falsehood, nor did he humiliate himself by seeking the applause of the multi tude. His lyre was not for sale.—M. S. C. de Soissons in Forum. How’s This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward fir any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props. Toledo O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. » West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 750. per bottle. Sold by all Drug gists. Testimonials free. The Editor’s Woes. A New Jersey suburbanite tells this one: There is an editor in our little town who just for the present wishes he were somewhere else. Desiring to compli ment the schoolteachers of the place and extend the circulation of his news paper among them, he wrote an elabo rate article, which he headed, “Pension a Lot of Our Schoolteachers.” Hethen continued in an eloquent strain to de clare that “there are about a dozen of the best known teachers in our schools who, because of their long service in the harness, should be pensioned im mediately.” Os course the intelligent compositor got in his work, and as the old man failed to read his proof he was horrified to find his paper declaring that there were a lot of old schoolteachers in that town who ought to be "poison ed” immediately. The editor informs me, with tears in his eyes, that this is one of those unpleasant episodes which occur to an editor now and then.—Hard ware. Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the re lief and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Mel ancholy or troubled With Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and Strength are guar antoed by its use. Fifty cents and SI.OO at Curry-Arrington Co.’s drug store. Mental Maladies. Within the memory of living men there were physicians who held the theory that mental disorders were in the majority of cases nothing more or less than viciousness, ugliness, or, to use their favorite expression, “pure dev ilishness.” The logical sequence of this line of reasoning was that the infirmity was something to be eradicated by chas tisement given in allopathic doses. More, than one sufferer has been merci lessly whipped and many another has been chained and starved with the view to exorcise the evil spirit that was pop ularly supposed to be the cause of all the trouble. The starvation part of all the treatment might have given favor able results, as extreme reduction of the physical system often removes the clouds from the mental, but cruelty or brutal ity is the worst possible remedy for af flictions of this nature, simply aggra vating and increasing them without the faintest hope of benefit. Disturbances of the psychic half of the human econo my are even more numerous and impor tant than those affecting the physical and material. One of the misfortunes of patients who suffer from mental disorders is the lack of appreciation of the grave nature of their disease. Even eminent medical men, especially those who are them selves in the enjoyment of robust health, find it difficult to appreciate the more delicate phases of nervous distress. Merely a nervous attack means a great deal more than the average person is capable of understanding. The horrors that cluster around even the milder forms of insanity are such that the merest shadow of mental disturbance demands the most thorough and intel ligent treatment. Ministering to a mind diseased is a phase of the physician's work that is too little understood and receives much less attention than its importance warrant?. —New York Led ger. To Pare a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 1 sc. When a man is ruined and there is no help for it, a Sgood wife is the =<one stay and com- Lt fort left to him. But no man, who is a man, wants to put his wife to this k extremity. For S woman in het g gentle nature suf || fers with the hus band she comforts Thb home ’rmepHg.’ Tuesday, <>i.tohi>.h i ? , i»»7. It’s a « Waste of Energy ■ trying to drive a spike with a tack hammer, I wf undertaking to do housecleaning with soap.' The modern cleaner, Gold Dust, hits the nail on the head and drives it home —settles Og your housecleaning difficulties, injures noth mg, cleans everything, saves you. vtowliW JalwaMl Powder. Sold everywhere in large packages, 25c. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Boston, Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Sales for Nov., 1897. GEORGIA Floyd Connty. Will be Bold before the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd count*. Ga.. between the legal hours of Bale, on the first Tuesday in November, 18»7, the following described prop erty to-wit: Also ar the same time and place, an undivided ene-eighth interest tn and to the fallowing real estate to w.t: All that tradtor parcel of land situated, lying and being in the city of Rome, Georgia, furu.a riy D Koto, and >n tba county of Floyd, and which is known as toe “Landrum” lot, wfiich earn lot fronts <:n Ross street 89 feet, and runs back 146 feet and 7 inches to a cow house below tbe garden, foiudag a parallelo gram Levied on b» virtue of afi fa issued from the justice court of th- 9 9th district, G. M.. in favor of Austin Mcho's & Co. vs. W a. Tlicmp on surviving partner of Johnson *. Thompson; aa the property of the defendant. L vy made by D. B. Bryan. L. C, Also at the same titre and pines, all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 16th dis trict and 4th section of Floyd count*, Georgia, known and distinguished in the plan of said district, agreeable to the original survey aa land lots Nos 82,135,136, if 4. 2 (i, 167 208, and all of that part of land lots Nos. 154 ana It 3, lying on the eart and south side of Big Cedar Creek, the Creek being the dividing line, and known as tbe "Green” farm acj lnmg Evans en the north, Terry"o« the west, and Mr*. Graham o the east, the whole containing 300 acres, more or less, and better and mure fully described in deed from L. N . Calloway to Felix dated the 21 s t day of October, 1890. This levy being made for the purchase money of eald land. a deed having oeen filed and recorded in clerk’s office of s loyd superior court, a« required by law putting title in the defendant’s for the purpose of levy and sale. Levied un by virtue of four fl fas iteued from tbe Floyo city c mrt in favor of Felix C< r put vs R 8. Griswel . J. C. Griswell ano W. B. Gris well; as the property of the defendant. Also a* the same time and piece, that tract or parcel of land beginning at the northeast cor net of West Seventh and West Fiist street and to the Oostanaula .division of the city of Rome, in said state and county and run ning along west Firststreet a distance ot 66 feet .hence in a northerly direction in a line paral lei with Seventh avenue a nistance bf 96 feet to south line of >otof Mrs. Katherine Baumgart, ner, ihence in a westerly direction along tbe Baumgartner line 66 feet to Seventh avenue, thence in a southerly direction along Seventh avenue 96 feet to the starting point, also No. 104 Seventh avenue Described as follows: Com mencing on the east ride of Seventh av-nue 75 feet south of the corner of Seventh avenue and North Boundary street, running thence in an easterly direction parallel with North Bounda ry street a distar ce of 75 feet, thence at right angles southerly a distance of 20 feet, thence at right angles easterly a distance of 45 leet to Mrs. 8 Chidsey’s lot, theres at right angles southerly a distance us 32 feet to Baumgartner's lot, thence at right angles westerly a distance of 120 feet to Seventh avenue, therce along Sev enth avenue 52 feet to the starting point. All of said described property being parts of lots t 8 and 63 in said Oostanaula division of the city of Rome, Ga. Levied on by virtue of afl fa issued fr< m the Floyd city court in favor of the Ex change Bank of Rome, Georgia, vs. Mrs. Mattie at. Underwood, as tbe property of the defend ant. j. p. mcgonnell, sueuiff. Sheriff’s Tax Sales for November, 1897. GEORGIA, Floyd County; M ill be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd county. Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on tbe first Tuesday in November 1897, the following described property, by virtue ot state ano County tax fi tas, in lavor of the state of Georgia, county of Floyd, issued by the Tax Collector of Floyd c unity, Georgia, and against the folk wing named defendants; Also at the same time and place all that tract of land known and described as part of land lot No- 316 in the 23d district ano 3d section of Floyd county, Georgia, ai:d ceslgnated as lot No 24 in the Bicks survey of the Co dev fai m. a plat of said survey recorded in the Clerk’s office book Xof deeds, page 66, tax for the year 1896, as the property of Crockett Campbell, Levy made by J A Jones, L C. Also at the same time and place, seventy-" ve acres <ff ot the southeast corner of land 1 t No 89 it. the Sth district and 4th section of Fb>yd county. Georgia; which is describedin book A * page 363 in book of deeds, In the office of the clerk of the Superior court, and also same book page 619 in deeds conveying sa d property from Robert McKinney and wife to C M and RT Fouche, and R T Foucbe to C. M. Fouche; tax for the year 1891; as'tbe property ot C M Fouche Levy made by J A Jones. L C. Also at tbe same time and place, all that tract or parcel of land known as land lot 'o 197 in tbe 4rh istrict and 4th section of Floyd county. Georgia; tav for the vear 1896; as the property of Srank Benjamin. Levy m de by J A Jones, LC. Also at rhe sama time and place land lots 181, 182. 183, 179. saia land being and lying in 23d dis trict and 3d sec ion Fioyd county. Georgia; tax lor the year 1893; as he property of P E Giles. Levy made by W'a Hampton LC. Also at tbesame time and place, lots of land Nos 21$, 217 and 224 id the 24th district and 3d section of Fl-'yd county, Georgia; tax for the yea- 1894; as the propelty of John Wood. also at the same time and place, lot of land No 164 in the 3d dlstilct and 4th section of Floyd countv, Gesrgia; tax for the year 1894; aa the propertv of Tht maa Tiller, colored. Also at the Same time and place, lota of land Noe 13) and 159 in the 16th district an 4ch sec tion Fioyd ccnu’y. Georgia; tax for the year 139»; as the property of Jack Daniel, colored. also at the same time and place, lots of land Noe 218 326. 391.4'22, 438,451,489 466.457 and 646, in tbe 16th district and 4th section Floyd county, Georgia: rax for the year 1894; as the property ot M F Kinard, Also at the same time and place, lot of land No 1 oin tbe 24th district and 3d section Floyd county, Georgia; tax for the year 1894; as the property of Laura J Camp. Also at tne same time and place, land lit No 314 in the 22d district and 3d section of Flovd county Georgia: tax for the year 1894; as the property of Warren J Culver Also at the ran « time ano place, allot land lot No 113 in the v3d district and 3d section of Floyd -ounty Georgia: tax for the year 1 896: as the property of Henry Smith. Levy made by J A Jones, LC Also at tbe same time and place, an undivided halt interest in all of land lot No 775 in 3d dis trict ai.d 4. h section of Flovd county, Georgia: tax for the year P-96; as the property ot S K Di< k Levy trade by J A Jones, LC. Also at the same time and place, land lot No 114inth“24tb district and 3d section of Flovd county; Ge- rgia; tax for the year 1896: as tbe property of Z B Hargrove, agent.. Levy made by J A Jones, L C. Also at tbe eametime and place, land lot No . in the 22d district and 3d section of Flcyd county Georgia; for the year 1896; as the property of Mrs M .1 Formby. Levy made by J A Jones.L C. Also at the same time and place, lot of land No 7 in the 23d district and 3d Section of Fl yd GO2-.ID ZOTTSn? countv. Georgia: tax f-r the year 1891; as tbe property of T K Boggs, agent tor wife. Alto at the same time and place, all that tract described a fol'owsicomn mcing at a stake on theo'igtnal land line between ti e property of the East town Company and said lot No. 315. said stake situated atihe noithtast corner of a lot sold by S P. Smith to London Mathis, runnii-g thence 400 feet due south, through the center • f a ten foot al ey adjoining property of London Mati is and Win, Washington to north side ot Hill street 188 feet to a stake (thenre due north 400 feet to a stake «.n north line of said lot No, 315 thence along the original line 1“8 feet to the start ng point all » part of land lot No. 315 in the 23rd district and 3;-J section of Flo., d county, Georgia, containing I’l ot an acre as the prop erty of Srmuel E. S-dp; tax for the year 1896. Levy m de by J. A J nee, L C, Alsu at tbe same time and place, being 50 acres, more or less, off of lot No. 229 in the 4ih district and 4th see ion ot Floyd c unty, bound ed as follows: commencing at a point on the Burnett’s ferry read where the division fence between Ha's’ed Sorth’s tract and this tract touches said road thence southerlv in a straight line along said division fence to the woods, thence along in same direction along a maik-d straight line to the south lice of add lot No, 229. thence along tbe dividing lines ct lots Nos. 229 and 240 of 4th dl-trict and 4th ssetion to the new road leaoing to lot No. 240, thence northerly in a straight line of said line along west side us said road *0 nor h line cf said lot No 2-9,thence west along said north line to tbe b< ginning point; as th-pioperty of Wm. D. McCraw; tax for the year 1896. Levy made by J. A Jones, L. C. Also at the same time and place, one 45 horse engine and boiler, one planer and matcher, Richardson make, one rip saw machine, one re saw machine, une Eagar lathe, one Eagar band saw. one Frank Pony planer, one six inch mould ing inacbin*-, one jointer, one shaper, one forge, one resaw with counter shaft, 2 sanders, 2 door and sash c amps, one Dado machine, two mould ers, one Tenon machine, one mortiser. one sash machine, one door till machine, one shaper, one swing cut oft", one boring machine, one b ind slat borer, one blind slat win r one ironjframe variety saw, 80 feet main shafting, all couplers, hangings, pulleys and beting; tax 'or the year 1895; as ths t roper tv of Patton Sash, Duorand B ind Mfg Co. Also at the sime time and place, lot of land No, 150 in the 22ud district and 3rd section Floyd county, Georgia, tax tor the year 1894, as the property of Geo. W. Lindsey. Also at the same time i>nd place, lots of land Nos. 1059 and 1080 in the 3rd district and 4th section Floyd county, Ga. tax for the year 1894 as the property of Will c hubb White, co). Also at tbe same tune and place, all that tract of parcel of land situated, lying and being in the 23rn district and 3rd section of Floyd coun ty, Georgia, b-ing fifteen acres on the west side of land lot No. 6 and bounded as follows: Com mencing at a point where a pine knob is set up and running north to the original line on north side of the lot. thence along the original line to the northwest corner, thence along the west line to line of said fifty-three acres sold at the same time as this tract to W. H. Simmons as on rec ord book Z Z page 245 in Clerk’s office of Flovd suoe-rior court, thence along that line to the starting point. Tax for the year 1896, as the property of W. H. Simmons. Levy made by J. A. Jones, L. C. J. P. MCCONNELL Sheriff- MARSHAL’S SALES: On the First Tnesday in Nov ember, 1897. Will be sold before the court house door tn the city of Rome, Floyd couaty. \,eorgia, be tween the hours of sale, one bouse and lot in the Cuosa dlvison of the city ot Rome, Floyd county, Georgia, fronting 80 feet mote or less on Second avenue, and runnning back same width 150 feet more or less, bounded on the northeast by the property of E. Hlllyer, on the south bv the protiert.v ot Miss Ltnnie Hargrove and on the West by Second avenue. Levied on by of a city tax tifa in favor ot W J. Nunnally, transferee, ve. Jack King, as the propertv of defendant in fifa, Levy made bv W. Guice, Deputy Marshal of city of Rome by reason of absence of Marshall J. B. SHROPSHIRE, City Marshal. Petition to Foreclose Mortgage GEORGIA, Flovd County. K. W. Benyhill } PETITION / to Foreclose Mortgage vs. > In Floyd Superior I Court. No. 11. Mrs. A. T. Chambers. ) July Term, 1897. To the Defendana— By Special Order, the defendant is hereby re quired, personally or by at’orney, to be and ap pear at the next term of said court, on tbe Third Monday in January next, then and thereto answer plaintiff's petition to >oreclosure mort gage. as in default thereof the court will pro ceed as to justice shall appertain. Witnest, the Hon. W. M. Henry, judge of eald court, tols the 19th day of August, l>-97. Wm. E. BEYSIEGEL, Cterk Superior Court, Floyd <lo., Ga Citation—Lsave to Sell. GEORGI k--Floy d County: To all whom it" Bay concern; W. H. Ennis, administrator of J. J. Miller deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belong l ng to the estate of eald deceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in -November next. Thia 4th day of October, 1897. JOHN P Davis, Ordinary. Application for Letters of Dis mission- GEORGIA, Floyd County, Whereas James li. Garllngton, executor of Mrs. Harrier D. Jones, deceased, represents to thecourtinbis petition duly filed, that he has administered Harriet D. Jones’ estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, Kindred and cred itor-, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be dl4charged from hie administration and receive letters of dis mission onthe first Monday in December, 1897. This September 6, 1897. JOHN P. DAVIS. Ordinary Floyd Connty. Georgis. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA, Floyd County: To all whom it may concern: Mrs. Georgia George and Mrs. Lottie M. Bell, having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Junius A. George, late ot said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Junius A. George to be and appear at my office within Ihe tin e allowed by law and show cause if any they can. why permanent ad minis'ration should not be granted to Samuel Funkhouser on Junius A George’s estate. Wit ness mv hand and official signature thia 4th day of October, 1897. JOHN P DAVIS, Ordinary Floyd Connty Application for a Sank Charter To tiie Hoti. Alleu D Candler, Secre tary of State, Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sir—We, Josiah L Bass, Em mett A. Heard, Liufi n ?. Dean, all res idr ut» of the city of Rome. Floyd coun ty, Georgia, and Kichard R Beasley, of Rockmart. Polk county, Georgia, applicants as inc.irporators under An Act cf the General Assem bly of Georgis, approved December 20ih, 1893, entitled, An Act to carry in to effect paragraph eighteen of Section seven of Article three of tue Constitu tion of 1877, as amended in relation to chartering ot banks, to provide for the incorporation of banking companies by the Secretary of State, and for other purposes,” make this our deciara'ion, praying that we be incorporated as a body corporal e and politic fori he pur p se of doing a general banking business «i h ail the rights, powers, privileges, and restrictions of said Act, under and by the name and style cf Citizens’ Bank and that the principal office of said com pany shall be located in the city us Rome, county of Floyd, and state” of Georgia, with a capital of Fifty Thous and D liars tsso 000,) divided intosbares of one b-undie I dollars, ($100) each, and that the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000 of tbe capital stock sub scribed has actually been paid by the subscribers and that the same is in fact held, and is to be used solely for the business and purposes of the' corpora tion. The fee of fifty (SSO 00) dollars is herewith enclosed as fee for charter or certificate of incorporation as required by said act. Floyd county, Georgia J Respectfully Btb day of October, 1897. ) Submitted. Josiah L Bass, Emmett A. Heard, Richard R. Beasley, Linton A. Dean, Incorporators. State of Georgia, ) County of Floyd. ( In person appeared the undersigned persons, before me, John P. Davis, or dinary of the county of Floyd, and on oath they stated that $15,000.00 of the capital subscribed to the banking cor poration proposed to be created in pur suance of the foregoing declaration has been.actually paid by the subscribers, and that the same is in fact held, and is to be used solely for the business and purposes of the corporation. Josiah L. B iss, Emmett A. Heard, R.c:iaid R. Beasley, Linton A. Dean. Incorporators. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Bth day of October, 1897. ( —) JOHN P. DAVIS, j SEAL j- Ordinary of Floyd County. STATE OF GEORGIA-Office of Secretary of State: I, Alien D Candler, Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, do hereby certify, that the foregoing contain a true and correct copy of an application this day filed in the office of Secre tary of State by Josiah L. Bass. Em mett A. Heard, Richard R. Beasley and Linton A Dean, for a bank charter for Citizens’Bank, of Rome, Ga., as ap pears from the records of file in this of fice. In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office at the Capitol, in the city, of Atlanta, this II th day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-Seven and of the Independ ence of the United States of America the One Hundred and twenty second, r \ ALDEN D. CANDLER. < SEAL - Secretary of State. ( ) Oct, 11th, 1897. Application for Charter, GEORGIA, Floyd County: To the superior Court of said county: 'ihe petition ot K, G. Jackson. C. L, Meahier L R. Jackson and A. H, Easterly and their associates shows that they desire to create a body cor porate to be named •‘HIE JACKSON MINING COMPANY,” That the company under thia name be author ized to have and iiso a common seal; to sue and be s-.ed; to nave the right to make by laws, and exercise all the rights and privileges that are necessary and incident to all corporations. Tbe term of inc >rporation to be twenty years, with the privilege of rent wal as provided by law. Tbe object of said incorporation is pecuniary gain. The particular business to be carried ou by the company will be to mine ai.d manutacture slate; to reduce, buy, ’ell and transport any ,nd all minerals, clave, ores, or pr> dilution! tneie from: buying, se'ling. owning,constructing and operating any and ail machinery, buildings and plants necessary or useiul in ccnductin< the business of tbe company. Petitioners Ce si'e for the corporation the right to buy, 8--1 I and own real and personal property, water powers and water privileges, easements and servitudes, and to build, construct and operate roads, ways site cana's necessary or useful in the business of the company. Petitioners also desire for the company the right to borrow and secure the payment thereof by mortgage, trust deed, or other conveyance, or by the n>pothe< a tion of choses in action or property as collateral. The capital stock of said c tnpany 1 hall be fixed at a n inimum of sixty thousand dollars, to lie divided into e. aros of fifty d -llars each, with the pri ileire of increasing or uecreastng the same at the will of a majority of the eto'-k holders to any amount between said sum of sixty thousand dollar 1 and tbe sum of five hundred thousand dollars. Said capital stock to lie paid for in cash or property at a valuation to be agreed upon between the subscriber or pur chaser thereof anil the corporate authorities. At least ten per cent of the wnoie amount 10 be actually paid in. The principal place of business shall be e.t or near Rome. Floyd county, ueorgla. with the right to have branch mffices at other places, with tbe right to hold stockholders ana directors meeting o -tside the State of Georgia, as con venience and necessity mav require. This 15th day of October, 1897. DE kN & DEAN, Petitioners’ Attorneys. fIAGGARD’S Sold IF MOT Oft SALE AT YOUR PLACE ORDER FkOM :, - AV ANTA, ONE BOX' THRtE BOXES $ I 00. ' ' $ Z-SO, For nervous women that suffer from menstrual derangement they have no equal on the market. Sold by Curry- Arrington Co. ,sand Taylor & Norton. Assignee’* Sale. OF bE 'KG«A Count* oi Floy*. Wheteavlhe iu <jc i» o nid tbe d • 1 Octo vi , I*9/ ex ca v huij d iver to B fc. A ruling, ou, r.-r tur cru.i r* of eald coiupHL*. m. ut argigt nit-nv rating to him a»afeth-DFv ;dl <•• i»s pr< D rry ot every sort be u cP u;t<! <»r e * h tim • ot lb i extcuuou ol taid • e d • f"«-6 ind wh reRSSHid *•» t izinw t. tuat St id assignee »■ ba 1 r cevd n.nlnvith o »*u at public auct on, .a . uvk* e il aa *■ can te made 10 ad van: a v <k c id*. C e propei ty of every u< wneabv said c wpaiiy after advertising the Time aud t-uc? of sale once a we» k tor two we» ka m the K< u e Hibune, a public gazette übiisbed io the city (flieme, Georgia Nt w. therefore mconiorn iry v ith the poweis contained in said need «»i at*o)gnn B. F, Armingion, asbigi e«r will sell b>4ore J v court hoa<*e dui' r of Fi' dcuu ry ,Ge •;g»a on '1 uet day October: 6 h 1H97, between cbe h ursof Ida. m, ard 12 m, r,o the h’gh» st bidder for cu*h, tbe fol lowing desciilivii pr *p r y tuwltf i’hv mineral inteiett in .ill bar rra< r v r pa c 1 < t ia *d eituated lying and beii g in ibe -late <f Georgia and county of -i-** •11 of ong na* land lot number 133 intbedSd di-vnct and 2d section, with all ugh e «nd p‘iviorKt*B ro ihe nevn<eof said anuiorth* pu p se of vuivng and using timt er; u.akii g r< eda • ver s id property, and such other and u ih r p rp’+e as nay he neces sary r o uiiu pi the «»ivr up n said lands. Alho the mineral into esi in all that tract r parcel of land situbted hi'g and bring in Un* State of Georgia and co my ot Flo>d heir g all t.f origi nal land lot unm er 13*. tn the tMd «datr cr and 3ißfCtion <»f said btate at.d connty, except tifty-Bix acres, tn »re or less, siniatt’d in the southwest corn* rof raid !<>t. The dividing line at th n r hue t corner ot said lot <uid running diagonally acroea 8. id ’o* hiicisect ing the non h line of said lot about halfway 'the land herein eJC-pftd b mz th«» property whi h John F. Ward <ow owns With Ml righto aud pm iie*.* sto th «in e tti-e cr enia laud iei the purpose of cutting and r.sirg timber, making roads uver said pr pert} aid eiich other and further purpose way bv utc«?eury t- mine tbe ores upon said lane’s. Also one engine and boiler, two pumps, ore UMionary engine 45 horse p< wer, oi e sta’i na\\ boiler 60 horse pow’i r, on»- leg wa hr r, or ec.i finder dner 80 feet long, ene c.r track, etc: ore stand ard twlv? thousand pound ect'e; •ne lot of shove io. one :ot o' vi'k*. five cans of blasting; pnwdi r,. 3 pounds ot d>UKinir.e. o»*eore elevator, twenty tons < f vie nuned. five wheelbarrows. Also all books, books of acc >»rnt. cliosee in action held or ownrd by raid c tupany. All he above drsciibect pr- fe t- wll be o‘d a whole. Said assignee hereby reserves the riwh'.aiur adver tising said pro erry as provided in eaid deed, to. sell tue same at p - iWe sa e f .-r c?sh if tbe . axe. can be done to ru age. Thia Oct 1.i1h.1.97, B F. ARA I --,Tt N <•«'. igtee. Dean & Dean, aGort .or atai<> Pu bI io Sfl 'e of v :il' u ib I e La ii(L GEORGIA. Fi«nd Ccnnty: Wl ervas, uu the first day of September. U 9?, Josephus McKrn ze. William vt. McKenzie Coh iurd C. McKe< tie and Josephus F. McKei z .e executed and delivered tu the Security Lnv< st ment Company th ir deca under sections ’96J, 1970 and U7l of the code of Georgia of iHB.\ to the lands uvieiuatier desuiib d, tor the purpose of securing a debt reforied to in waid deed, which need is recorded in the ele. k’s office of Flo; d S uerior cuuit in bock L’T of u td . page 691. And, whereas in said deed sal i McKenzies gave to said c u pany the p» wer toseil said lauds in c se or default in the prompt , aymenc at maturity of principal or Interest of said debt; Now, therefore, by virtue of th« power vested in the undersigned, which is more accurately ihown bv rctercnc ‘ to said deed Tbe Security luv stmt nt Compauy will sell at pubii; < u'e y to the h sheet bidder for c .r;». on the first Tuetday id November. 1897. du»iig the I*gal hours of sale before the court • ouse door at R me, Ga.. the laud? dvscritiuc in tne aforesaid depid. to-wit: <>nv farm m 24th district and third (3d) R« -,u not Ffoyd county. Georgia, contair fvg 320 acres inure or less, btdog all sf land lots Nos and 2?5. said first above mention* d was cxe* cuted ana delivered to aecure p•j mo t <•! owo cer tain promissory n«»t»*8 for t lie sem of 0 each and the interest coupons sitachedthereto, all of said in ilea dated Kept* inlier )Nt. IH.B, and the pr ncipal notes bearing interest at ibv rate of seven and one-naif p - ceur. per annum. The principal notes atorcsaiG are i.uw past due by tbe terms thereof. The an uuut of princi pal snd interest th it will be due on debt on the first'! unsdny in ’November, 1897, is $1,093 55. Fee bimple titles will bo made to the purchaser at the satd sale, and tne> r<»ceed<ot B<*id e will i»e apj’ked first to the payment of said debt,prin cipal, interest and expenses of this proceeding, and the remainder, it any, waif be paid over to said several MoKei zips or their legal represen tatives. Dated ihis k9ch day of September, 1897. THE 8 ’ C UIIIT Y I \ V RBT ME N T CO. Hoskinson & Hanis. Atiornt-ys. Citation—Leave to SelL GEORGIA, Flojd County. To all whom it may concern: J. R; Towers, administrator of Archibald Simpson, accessed, has in due form applied to tbe u> dur-signed for leave to ee.l the lands belonging to the e-tate us said dt ceased and said a< plication w ill be heard on tbe first Monday in November, next. This 4th day <>f October. 1897. JOHN P. DAVIS, Ordinary. Citation—Leave to Bell. GEORGI A, Floyd County: To all whom it may concern: W. H. C< ker, administrator of John H. Whorton, deceased, has in due form applied to tim undersigned tor leave to sell the lands belonging to tbe estate of said deceased, and said appl Calion will be heerd onthe first Monday in November next, ’ibis 4 h any of October, 1897 JOHN P DAVIB, Ordinary Citation—Leave to Sell. GEORGIA. Floyd County. To ad whom it. may c i.eera: W. H. Ceker, administrator of Mrs. M. A. E. Whorton, de ceased, has in due form applied to (he under signed for leave to sell tbe lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said application wib ue heard <>n tbe first Monday in November next. This 4th day ot October. 1897. JOHN P DAVIS, Ordinary. Citation—Leave to Sell. GEORGIA, Fioyd County. To all wh m it may concern : Thomas Holsen i’a. k. executor of ,iohn Holsenbaek, deceased, has in due form applied to tbe undersigned for leave to sell the lanes belonging to the relate ol' said deceased, aud said application will be heard on the flret Monday in November next. This 4t'a day cf October, i 897, JOHN P. DAVIS, Ordinary. Citation—Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Hoyn County: To all whom it may concern: W. 11. Ennis, administrator of William M. Bartow, deceased, has in due form applied to toe undersigned for leave to cell tbe lands belonging to the estate of said dereaeed. and said applicati. n will be heard on the tbsr. Monday in November next. Ti.l- 4th day of October, 1897. JOHN P. DAVIS, Ordinary. Service by Publication. State of Georgia, Fioyd Co) No. 14. To the Defendant. i Floyd Sup’r Court. H. W. Edmondson. 1 July Term, Montg mery & Company j 1897. vs. | Petition and Pule W. H. Edmondson | Nisi to Foreclose m. 0 i Mortgage ou Real H W. Edmondson. J Estate Bv special order the defendant, 11. W. Ed mondson, is hereby n qnlred personally or by attorney, to be and app- arat tbe next Superior court to be held in and for said county, on the thiid Monday in January next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s petition and rule nisi, t > foreclose mortgaire on real estate. As in de fault thereof eald court will proceed as to jus tice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable W. M. Henry, ju'go of sale court, ihis 4th day of September, 1697. W. E. BEI’SIEGEL. Clerk Superior Court Floyd Co., Ga. Letters of Adminis ration. GEORGI V, Floyd County: To ad whom it may concern: J. P. Me'onnell having i . properiorm app led to me for per manent letters < f adu.iniet’ Htion ou the estate of Mis Nancy Winn.late of said County, det eased. This i' to cite all and eiiigniar the cieditors and next of kin of Mis. Nancy Winn, deceas'd, to he and appear at my office witi iu iho time al lowed by aw and show cause, if any th«.y can, why permanent administration should not be granted to J. P. McConned or some other fit and proper person on Mrs. Nancy Winn s estate. Witness my band end official signature this 4th day of October, 11-97. JGPNP. DAVIS, Ordinary Floyd County, 9