The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 20, 1897, Image 7

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A WORLD OF TRADE DEATH NESTS. Ruling Prices of the Leading Articles of Commerce. WE HOME MARKETS FULL? QUOTED Latest I’rlce* Given From t> tily'Corrections Liverpool and New York Cotton Market Fluctuations. Rome Cotton Market. By wagon l*i@ 6 Cotton. Saw York, Oct. 19 —The following are to day’s quotations: Cotton Futures. Opening Close Close today, today, yesterday oanuary. .. ••••••• 665 6 13 6OS February 6 1" 6 16 6 2 March 6 15 6 *2l 6 15 April.* 6 IK 6 18 6 26 May 6 23 6 29 6 24 Juno .* ..... 6 26 July ..... August .... .... •••• September I •••• •••• October 6 13 .... '•••• November 6.12 • 6 06 6 CO December.... .... 616 611 603 LtVKHP ioL. Ost.l9.—The following were the quotations touay: Sales. 10,0X1 Dales, tone steady. Middlings, 3 11-16 d. Opening Close. January and February 3 21 3 21 February and March 3 21 3 21 March and April 3 22 3 22 April and May .'. 4 23 3*23 Mayan.', .lune 3 34 3 24 June and July 3 25 July and August 3 26 .Augustand September.... 1... September ana October 3 31 3 3’ October and November 3 24 3 24 November and December 3 21 3 21 December and January 3 21 3 21 LOCAL MARKETS. I CORRECT KD DAILY. J GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Rome Oct. 19 -The following are the whole sale prices; small lota to consumers are rela tively higher. Wheat—New wueat 90c. These are the .prices paid by commission merchants. Corn-Dealers are paying 4«c packed forcom and are selling at 50@35c ao.ked. delivered on •cars in carload lots. Smaller quantities, 2@3c higher. Bulk corn, 2c less chan racked. Ear corn. 55c per bbl., with or without snucirs. Oats-In car lota. No, 2, mixed. No. 2 white bulk, 29c; sacked from store, No. 2- mixed,. 30@32; No. 2, wuite 35c, FnoUB-Fancy patents, $5.75@6.0J; straight, $5.40; extra fancy, 85.00; fancy, $4.85; choice family, 83.65. in selling consumers, grocers a' 1 20c to 3'ic per bbl to these prices. Graham dorr, .$5 50; rye fl>ur, 81.00; patentspring wheat flour, $6.00; wuole wheat flour, 86.00. Hay—in car lots, choice timothy, $14,00@16.00; No I timothy,Bls.oo; No 2. $14.00; less than car dots, ?!,u0 per ton higher. Groceries and Provisions. Suoar—Clarified, white, 4%c; yellow, 4J4@ 4 5-16:; sscouds. 3%@4c; standard A 4.9(i; gren ulatrd 5.40 c; powdered ft.Boc; cubes,s.2sc; con tecti ners A, 6.63 c; cut loaf, 5,10 c; open kettle, ■4® 4.25 c •+bs?bn Coster—Per pound, Rio ordinary, in@llc , fair to good, 12@t4c; choice to fancy 15@16c; peaberry, 17c; Curdova. KOA3TED Coffee—Equality plan, fob, New York basis, 1-lb, packages, per case of 100 pack ages, Arbuckle's 11.19 c; Leveriugs 11.10;Mocha and Java, 50-lb, tins 28@32c. Westen Pork Products—Bacon, sides, ex tra short, 7%e; regular, 7%c; fancy, 'Sc; shoulders, choice, B@yt/ 4 c; fancy shoulders, fancy -8c: hams, luVigpge; bellies, 8@8?4c; breakfast bacon, choice, 10@’lc; fancy, 12.rg1.4e: bologna sausage. 5%@6c; dry salt regulars, 5@ 5%c; extras, 5%c. Laud—Fancy leaf, 6@6%c; choice leaf, 5y 8 @ 554 c; choice family, sc; refined, sc. Coal Oil—Georgia test, ide, headlight 12c, fire proof 12‘Ac: Apex axle, per case, 1 to boxes, 82 25; per case of 3 doz., 2% and 3-lb buckets, $4.00; Mecca axle grease, 1-lb tin boxes, per case $2.25;2%1b tin boxes, per case, $3.25; 3%-lb tin boxes, per case. $3 85. Country Produce. Beeswax -Per pound, 22@23c. Bacon—From wagons; shoulders 7@Bc; sides, ■6@7c; hams, 9@tle: country lard 6c l / 2 7/ 2 . Butter—Per pound, 10@20c, Feathers—Prime goose, white, per pound, ■39@3tc; gray goose, 28c; mixed, 20@25c; old 20e; mixed gray and white, 28@30c. Poultry—Spring chickens, each 12' /s @l7‘/ s c; ■hens I5c;olo roosters 10c each; geese, full leath ered, 20c each. Egos—Per dozen, first hands, open market, 12%c®l8M. Tallow—Per pound, 3c PoTAToBS -New Irish potatoes. 85@95c per bushel: trom store per barrel, $2.60. ApPLrs—Home grown. 40@5<’c per bushel from wagons; 4C@soc bushel irom store. Tomatoes—New, six basket carrier crate, *75; shipped, 20@4( c basket crate. Cabbage—Florida or Tennessee $1.25. Beans—New Green, $1 00 per bushel. Onions—From store, 75@90c per bushel; in bushel baskets SI.OO. Hide—Dry flints over 8 lbs., Nos 1 and 2 9c; dry salted over 10 lbs, Nos. 1 and 2 7c; kip hides 7c; green salted numbers 1 and 2 5V 2 c; green not salted, numbers 1 and 2, 4%c; green glue 2c, drv glue 8c; skins 20@50c. Wool—Choice unwashed. 13® 14c; slightly burry, l( @llc; moderate burry B@9e; hard buiry 5@6; choice tub-washed 22c: dingy tub-washed Georgia Sobohum "From wagons, old, 8!412c per gallon; new 22@ sc; good Steck and cooper age. ?|Beans— From store, New York navy beans 1.60. Broken C, Chain The family circle j is never so happy after the chain is J broken and a link J ( taken. Some family M chains are strong, ¥ others weak. Have V you a good family history? Or is there a tendency to coughs, throat or bronchial troubles, weak lungs? Has a brother, sister, parent or near relative had consumption? Then your family chain is weak. Strengthen it. Take SCOTT’S Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites. It g makes rich blood, gives strength I and vigor to weak lungs and I run-down With I its aid the system throws off ■ acute coughs and colds. It pre- ® vents the chain from breaking. Sb Shall we send you a book about this, ■ free ? For sale by all druggists at 50c. and st.oo 9 SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. «l MUNYON TALKS ABOUT THE KIDNEYS. " Wars and plagues,” says Professor Munyon, ’’ kill fewer people than dlsee es of the kidneys. In health these organs relieve the system of all poisonous ma terial and dis- charge It jMBHL through the urine. If dis- ■_ HB • eased the pol- *l*ll son remains in LaA. 7 the blood and Vw'jF Increases by minute quantl- ga ties, piling up J&U Z atom by atom, t ZiXxSTo.’iY until the sys- fifj trn can no TsSj !• 4 longer resist Its i efforts. The ' WaMBEBr-\ heart is pol- Igyf soned. Its ac- g jl tion falls and .-r vi dropsy ap- n 7n, fl 'gfc. , / pears. The U/mS' Wi mi. M nervous system BmWi ■w ■/.' Kgfpi is poisoned and ;-i •<.,'« 4 jSe-I convulsions are KnM S IK- 4 folio wed by B|i ’ll Z M death. Have il T F yow neglected \ aiir®— your kidneys? ;aH||j|W A* fly Have you been 7®X;i!¥ P a heavy drink- Sr ® B er? Have you I JI allowed a cold I fl to settle In these organs? Have you overworked your stomach, liver, or nerv ous system, and thrown more strain on your kidneys than they can bear? No matter what the cause, trust our Kidney- Cure. It is the joint product of the most eminent and successful physicians of the world, and has cured thousands of cases. " I will guarantee that my Kidney Cure will cure 95 per cent, of all forms of kidney disease. When the disease is far advanced and there are other complica tions patients had better send a four ounce vial cf their urine, with full symp toms. We will then make a careful analysis of the water, and advise the best course to pursue to get well, ab solutely free of charge.” < ■ Prof. Munyon has a separate specific for each disease. They may be obtained from ‘druggists, and nearly all are 25 cents a vial. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1.505 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.,©answered with free medical advice for any disease. Meal-Pearl, plain or bolted 45 lbs, to the blsabel, 46c; 46 -lbs, bushel, 45c. Dysters—Standard weight, 1-lb cans, $1,65@ 175 per case; 2-lb cans. $2 90®J3,10. Canned Meats— orn beef, 1 lb, cane $1.25: 2-lb, $2.10; chipped beef, %-lb cans, $1.50; 1-lb 82 40: potted and deviled nam, *4-lb cans, 50c; -lb 81,00. Canned Vegetables--Tomatoes per mise of 2-lbcaus $1.50c; 3-ip 81.7552.00; corn. $1,25®2,’0 prlng hr ans. $1 00; early June peas 2-lb 8L0U& 8,80; marrowfat. $1,60. Cheese- Half ceam 10c; full cream, 1154 c; Young America, 1154c;chedaar, ll%c, Sabdines -American quarters, per case $2,75 @3,90; ditto mustard, $2,60@2,75; imported, $9.00<&12 50, Salmon—Columbia Rivers, fancy flats per d zen,«1,90; tails. $1,75; choice Columbia River flats, $1.35; tails SL4S; Alaska, tails, »l,10; slate 51,35; pink $1,00@1,15, Molasses—Straight choice, open kettle, new 35-40; prime 32e; good 28c;common centrifugal, lt.'@2oc; cane syrup choice, new 35c; mixed goods 3@4c per gallon less. Vinegab—3o-gralns 10® 12c; 40 grain. 12@15c; 50 grains, lt@18c; Mott’s pure apple 20c; ad. vance of 2c per gallon for half barrels. Crackers—XXX soda and picnic, XX soda, butter aud picni<r4%c. Pickles—Bulk. 1200 in barrel, $4.00; 2,400 tn oarreFßs.oo; 1,200 half barrel $3,25; 600 half barrel $2,75; plain mixed ba'l barrel $4,50@ 5,0 f; sweet mixed uer barrel sll 50. AMMUMTIOV—Shot, buck, $1,50; dron $1 25® 1,30; bar lead sc; powder, 25-lb kegs, rifle. $4 00; b'astlng $1.55; fuse 40@80c. Rope—Cotton, Nv 2, 9@ioc; No 1, UJ4@l2i4c; sisal, 7%c; manilla, 12c. Soda-Iu 112-lb kegs loose. 2@2J£c; In ►O-'b, boxes, 1 lb, packages $3,45; 1-lb, ami %-lb. pack ages $3,30@3.60, % lb, packages, $3 45@3,75; 5c size, $8.30@3.R0. .-alt T bie salt in barrels of 280 poinds ea h —Bink $1.65; 28 10-lb bags $1.90; 60 5-lb bags $1.9(1; 100 3-'b b>gs S2.IQ; 143 2 lb bags $2 20; salt, iu bags t.V@7oc. Candy—Small sti'*k, in boxes and baskets 6%c@ e; buckets half cent higher. Nuts—Pecans, 9@l2c; walnuts (Calitornlai, 12@15c; filberts 9@llc; almonds 12@15c; Brazil nuts 10c. Grain aud Provision*. Chicago, Oct. 19. opmx ci.osn Wheat —October. .. doja W heat—December. Wheat—May ... 6914 Corn —October 24m Cohn—December 1'5?6@36 '. . Corn—May gws; Oats—October ... Oats—December 1854 1.-iU OAIN-May 8 ... 2014 PORK—October ;.. 7.7 u Pork—December 780 ... L 75 Pork—January ... L'aKD —October *’.* 4,;;y Lard—December 4.3.’H 433 Laud—January ... 447 Bibs—October .. ' 4 55 Bibs—December 4 3214 ... 4.47 Bibs-January ... 465 Naval store*. Savannah, Oct. 19.—Turnentlne flrm at c: aes 335 casks; receipts. 717 -asks. Rosin, firm: sales. .H -b’ ■ receipts, *.’,531 barrels: A. B. C, D, $1.25; E, $1.3 ; F, sl.:X>: (». $1.3-: H. $1 4u; I, sls -; K, $1.0; M, SI.MI; N. $2. window ..-las*. si4'>: waterwiiito. $2.-0. vVILMiNGrox, -V. L., U :t. 9. —xiosin. linn; strained, $1.1;; good scraiae I*. sl. .0; receipts, 780 barrels. Spirits turpentine, . 2814 c; receipts, 3 casks. Tar, flrm at $1.5 ; receipts, 334 barrel*. Crude turpentine, at $1.50, $2 00 and $2.00; receipts, 8> carrels. Spaii II a- Po'i-t u e 6*e All iiincn. London, Oct. 19.—A special dispatch from Madrid says there is much discus sion at the Spauisli capital on the sub ject of the alliance between Spain aild Portugal, whicu is reported to be in processor' negotiation. The Portugese minister of marine,- who is now in Madrid, has expressed’ the belief that such an alliance may be’ accomplished at uny moment. Convicts Will Not H» Leased. , Raleigh, Oct. 19.—1 t is learned from Chairman Claude Dockery of the peni tentiary board that the penitentiary will not bo leased. Governor Russell is ex tremely anxious to lease, but objections to it are powerful. The Republicans claim it would ruin their party, so bit ter is negro opposition. I'onnl Tolstoi Quite sick. Berlin, Oct. 19.—The Lokal Anzeiger •ays Count Lyof Tolstoi, ths Russian author and social reformer, is suffering from an illness which will necessitate the performance of a serious operation. Court martial For Loveriug. Chicago, Oct. L9.—Secretary Alger has directed General Brooke that a’ courtmartial be ordered for the trial of Captain Lovering, in case the captain does not ask for a court of inquiry. Yellow Jack Preventative. Guard against yellow jack by keeping the system thoroughly clean und free from germ breeding matter. Cascarets Candy Cathartic will cleanse the system and and kill all contagious disease germs. THE ROME THIEUNE. WEDNESDAY, OUTOBEB 20, 1»»7. FIREHUGS AT ADAIRSVILLE. another HJaz» Morning Can <J ttho Wildcat H-xeitemeni. Are the firebugs trying to destroy tbe little city of Adairsville? Itwould seem so from the following special in yesterday’s Constitution: Seventeen days ago eleven of tbe leading business houses were burned between 1 and 3 o’clock. Last Sun day four buildings were burned at 1:15 a. m. This morning at half-past 1 o’clock fire was discovered .in some seed cotton at the gin of A. M. Cox, with no loss. For over two weeks now the town has been in a nervous strain and great anxiety has existed among the people. A reign or horror has seized upon ne. The attempt to burn Cox’s gin this morning only adds to it. Mr. Cox keeps three men on the gin lot at night. One of the men bleeps in the gin proper and one in an outhouie Last night two men were sleeping in a cow stall that had a quantity of seed cotton in it. it having been placed there for safety. This cotton was the bed of James Hilburn. About 1 o’clock Hilburn aw oke to find' his bed on fire. A hole was discovered in the partition and by this hole was a match, showing the origin of the fire. A man was seen to run from the house. The fire was put out at once and no alarm given. Circumstances point to a certain man as the incendiary, and Mr. Cox feels sure that he knows him. This fire would have been a great loss to Mr. Cox, as he has a new ‘plant and one of the best equipped in Georgia, He was a heavy loser in the first fire, having lost four store bouses. The town is thoroughly aroused and nothing will be left undone. BUCKLEN’B ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for outs or bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, ohapped hands, chilblain corns and all skin eruptions and posi ively oures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed no give perfect satis, or money refunded: Price 3ft cents tier box. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co., druggists, Rime Ga REDUCED KATES VIA SOUTHERN RY. Special Excatsion To Nashville, Account Tennessee Centennial. Oct. 20. On October 20tb, the Southern rail way will sell special excursion tickets to Nashville, Tenn-, and return at the following very low rates for the round trip: Plainvil), $3.25; North Rome, $3.45; Rome, $8 45; Lindale, $3.55; Silver Creek, $3.55; Chambers. $3.55; Seney, $3.70; Rockmart, $3.75; Braswell, $3.75; Dallas, $3.75; Hiram, $3.75; Powder Springs, $3.75; Austell, $3.75; Mableton, $3.75; Nickajack. $3.75; Chattahoochee, $3.75. Tickets will be sold on October 20th only, limited to return five days from date of sale. This will be the last opportunity parties will have to visit the centen nial at this very low rate, and as the attractions will be grander this month than at any previpus time, everyone should endeavor to attend. Call on any ticket agent of the Southern Railway for further infor mation. “oe fao- z7 daild Jfl Oft s' s 7^-/—?'y"7^— e'sry M vrippw. WANT TO GO CHi< KAMaUGA Leg'ittlature Will B) Asked to Appropriate Funds for State Troops to Go Next May. There is a strong movement on foo* to get the next legislature to appropri ate funds for the state troops to go to Chicamauga next May. At that time the unveiling of the monument to the Georgia troops that fought at the battle of Chickamauga, will take place. It would be a splendid idea for the volunteer service to be on hand at such a momentous event. Capt. Oscar J. Brown, of Atlanta, has the mat ter in hand and will push it for all its worth. , Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. sc. COUNT OF CONVICTS. Lots of Laborers, Farmers Frequent, But Re porters Rare, According to the report of J udge Turner, the principal keeper of the state penitentiary, there are a goodly number of farmers in the pen, two newspaper men—one reporter and one printer.; Judge Turner’s list is interesting to run over and note bow the different trades and professions are represent ed. There are 975 laborers and 863 farm- PERFECT MANHOOD ■ Tbe world admires tZ»e perfect Mani Not courage, dignity, or muFcular development alone, out that subtle and wonderful force known a* SEXUAL VITALITY which la the glory v? man he od—the pride oi both old and young, but there arc thousands of men suffering the mental tortures of a weakened manhood, chattereu nerves and failing sexual power who can be cured by our Magical T reatment which may be taken at home inder our directions or we will pay R. R. fare and hotel bills for those who wish to come here, If we fall to cure. We have no free prescriptions, free cure cr C.O.D. fake. We have 9250,000 capital and guarantee to cure every case we treat or refund every dollar you pay us, or fee may be deposited In any bank to be paid us When a cure Is effected. Write for full particulars, STATIC MJBI>ICAI< CO.. Omaha, ers in ihe penitentiary. Os the other occupants, none ure represented by over 100. Carpenters come next, with 28-, and brickinasous next, with 27, There are twenty-four painters and 21 cooks, 18 sailors and 15 coaehmen. Eleven merchants are doing penal ser vice, but the prison walls enclose but 2! newspaper men—l reporter and 1 printer, while the school teachers show up with 5 convicts, and, strange to say, the preachers are represented by 2 zebra-striped workers. There are 58 women in the penitentiary. Medical men say rheumatism is the forerunuer of heart disease. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures rheumatism by its act.on on the blood. TO THE CORRECT DKEBSER. 8. M. St»rl*.The Anist Taylor, Hag a Beanti fui Line of Goods I have recently moved across the street from the Curry building to the Dougherty store. lam fully prepared for my gentlemen friends and custo mers with one of the newest and most fashionable stocks of goods ever displared in Rome. 1 have the choicest selections of suitings and trouserings from the for eign mills. You will find everything turned out from my establishment correct in style, finishand price. Give me a call and see for ypurself. S. M. Star k. A Surprise. A cook at a cheap boarding house played a little game on a grumbling boarder by serving him with a piece of sole leather instead of beefsteak. “You’ve changed your butcher, Mrs. Hascher?” said the boarder, locking up at the landlady, after sawing two- or three minutes at the leather. “Same butcher as usual, ” replied the boarding mistress, with a patronising smile. “Why?” “Oh, nothing much,” said the board er, trying to make an impression on the steak with his knife aud fork, “only this piece of, meat is the teuderest 1 have had in this house for some weeks. ’' —Strand Magazine. Arnold’s Bromo-Celery. The greatest remedy of the 19th century for headaches, lOcts. For sale by Curry-Arrington- Company. Important Change In Railroad Service. The “Sunset Limited” here-to fore running between New Orleans and San Francisco, will this city be oper ated between St. Louis and Los Angles via the “True Southern Route.” St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern. Texas Pacific and Southern Pacific Railways. This train will leave St. Louis at 10 p. m.. Tuesday jnd Saturday of ench week, commencing Oct. 19th, arriv i ing at Los Angeles Friday ahd Tues ; day. Parties from the south east go ‘ ing via Memphis will connect with this train at Little Rock, leaving - Memphis Tuesday and Saturday i evenings. , Consist of Train. • i. Composite car, with bath and bar ber shop, .sleepers and dining car. i Vestibuled steam heat, pintch gas light. This is the most complete and best equipped train now iu service to Calafornia. No form of transporation will be hon ored on this train except first-class one way or round t»*ip tickets. For special schedules and full partic lars, address H. C. Townsend, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.; E. P. Turner, G. P. A., Dallas, Texas.; A. A. Gallagher, S. P A., No. 103*Read House Chattanovga. Tenn. Chippvudale. ’ Chippendale not only made chairs, but almost everything in the furniture line, except the one article with which his name is most frequently associated today. We refer to sideboards. It is doubtful if he ever made a spdeboard. In his book there is no reference to side boards, though there are several large tables which he calls “sideboard ta bles.” Though the word sideboard was used long before his day, it is probable ! that the early English sideboards were merely tables. Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the re I lief and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have Lobs of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Mel ancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health add Strength are guar anteed by its use. Fifty cents and SI.OO at Curry-Arrington Co. ’s drug store. CA.STOHTA.. Removal Notice. F. S. Robinson, denti*t, has moved his office to the new Glover building, over Hanks & Co.’s furniture store, at 305 12- Broad street, where I am prepared to do all kinds of dental work. City Registration LlstJFor Elec tion March Ist. 1898. Colored. Smith. Amos. Don’t Wnit Until cold weather to have your grates reset and repaired. Dick Treadaway is prepared to furnish new grates and take your old ones in part pay. Leave orders at Crouch &Co. I have just received a car load of first/class Jellico coal Order at once, E, E, Holder Phone 169, TEXAS HEROES SPEAK PLAffILY, fSan An ton 1 o , Tex., writes: In 1862 I had Chronic Dysentery nnd Periodical Con* slipatioa. Dr. 31. A. SiihmonsLiver Bledi eine cured me then, and I have raised my Daugh ter, MYss Julia Bel!, ■whcsi'picture I send, on It.. Some Dealers try to force “Zeilin's Regu lator” on me, but I al- ’ wayareluTn it. Prc?ua« Menstruation. Fiooding is always anannoyingand some times a very aangerous disorder. When the nicLotrual discharge is natural, it is so grad ual that by mixing with the vaginal secre tions it is prevented from coagulating, vrhij.o in this disease,, clots are often formed. Where there is a. tendency to costiveness, laxative doses of I’r. A.Simmons JLiver Medicine should bo taken, and to give tono and strength to the pelvic organs I)r. Sim mons Squaw Vine Wino should be used continuously for weeks, to efiect a penna* hentcure. _ .g- Dublin, Tex., writes: Dr. 31. A. Simmons Liver Medicine has saved many lives in this malaria! coun try. It prevents Bil-- '■ air ions Malaria! In tevmittent Fever and Congestion. It AU thoroughly cleanses my system without ’’’/ an I P ai n. while tha •‘Zeilm’s Regulator” —'' JUL, and “Black Draught” I used caused great uneasiness in bowelsi and griped. I think it as far ahead of them as noonday la ahead of midnight. fa e an se^l n M e ePe B l r ®3s system, Vitiated blood, uterine derangements, dis placement of womb, excessive menstrua tion, and often completely incapacitates suffering women for anything except suffer ing untold agony. For relief of painapply Cloths wet with hot water to backandhlps. For permanent cure take one tablespoonful Dr. Simmons Squaw Vine "Wine before each meal for three days before, and during the monthly period, and each night during the period tako a dose of Dr.M. A. Sim mons Liver Medicine, nnd enrols certain. Keep Tour Eyes Open. Some men for money we learn are trying to deceive the public with a preparationi called “Black Draught,” telling the people “it’s lust the same” as M. A. S. L. M. The statement ia false. There is none genuine without the Kame, Picture and Autograph of Dr. M. A- Simnions. Buy a Smooth White Skin For Your Face! Itprobab'y n<-eds for it it rough, red. freekied, bloteheiiv. pinap'.ed, until It l-'is become repulsive Inst of 3'TraeUvo He.fthy ckln is alwaj’s b isvtiful. The :.-un and wind, impure soaps ana injure rhe *kiD. Viola Cream cleanses, nourishes and res' \he skin, making it soft, white end beiv.i :if u.. hi* not u cosmetic —does not cover no. i. i( It la harm*ess and ain - • $ ja. n we claim for it. The only | j 4 u viii iMfSitive’y remove Freckje*--. ’’hr.j'ht-ii i- -a;., sunburn and Pimples HuiKn ; t from promi* neric ladies. P'-jcc «<? Ck-nts a jar ut druggists. G.C. 3<TTNE<* *n., TOLEDO, OHiO. . DEM) STUCK for BUGS • Kills Roaches, Fleas, Moths and Bedbugs. Non poisonous; won’t stain. Large bottles, at drug gists and grocers, 2o cents. This great remedy CURES afl Nervous Diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Lost Hanhood, Nightly Emissions, Evil Dreams, Varicocele; and strengthens the Generative Organs of either sex, that may be impaired through youthful errors, which soon lead to Consumption end Insanity. Sold with a guaranty to cure, or money refunded. $1 per box, six for $5. Easily carried in vest pocket. Write us for free sample book and testimonials. Ask your druggists for them ; take no other, don’t let him sell you one of his own make under a for eign name. Address NERVE DROP CO., Grand Rapids, Mich., U. S. A. For sale by Rome Drug Go., and C. A. Trevitt, Rome, Ga. w r FREE: $20.00 IN GOLD, V 1H 0* Bicycle,Gold Watch, Diamond X ARing, or a Scholarship in w-k f Draughon’s Practical Business College, Nashville, Tenn., or * WFjyiVz -p exar kaiia, Tex., or a schol g-ship in most any other reputable business col lege or literary school in the U. S. can be secured by doing a little work at home for the Youths’ Advocate, an illustrated semi-monthly journal. It is elevating in character, rtioral in tone, ai'd especially interesting and profitable to young people, but read with interest and profit by peo ple of all ages. Stories and other interesting matter well illustrated. Sample copies sent free. Agents wanted. Address Youths’ Advocate Pub. Co., Nashville, Tenn. [Mention this paper.] For Delicacy, for purity, and for improvement of the com* plexion nothing equals Puzzoni’s Powder. tbikd,True awd Safe WOMAN’S RELILr. Always prompt and reliable. Avoid Imitations. US-1 Get Catok’stawit and save rkgkets. JK At drug xtorex, or oent direct (scaled), price spgggs Catom Spbc. Co.. Bmton. Max*. Pamphlet 4c- Cushman’s MENTHOL INHALER Cures fU troubles of tlie Hetul and Throat CATARRH, IitADACHL NEUlifll - GIA ' taGRIPPE. \\ WILL CURE Q-zi aneeziug, snuffing, congliing W?a? LSI head/.Owe. con tNOOESED •r.f.-lic t medical au hjiiJ-S Eur.i/Y I A \ r n d Amer i c a Zo ’ \ CCLDS.Sore Thrca' Az. Fevor, Pron • Rk chili... La GRIPPE. . • The most Re resiling jrifi HenhLfui aiu 1c EEADAOHB Suffer Brines S'leep to rhe Sleepless. Curt- Jnsomnis rnd N«T”ousi prostration. Don’t a jti wo.-U;.*ru mnfuinns. Take ouly LLSHMAn’S. Price, sOc Ai ail Drugg.’ste. or mailed fiv-. AL ENTS UANT.3D CUSHMAN’S MENTHOL GALH ini cures oi Salt Rheum. Old Sores, Cuts,Wounds, Buriw, Froatpitea. Excel-: all other remedies foz FILES. Price; 2f»c. nt Drurtrtsts. Book on Menthol JYee. Address Cushman Drug Co., Vin cennes. IntS or »24 DbAißO’iX ST- Chicago, !li. Arc yoD ® wholly satis- There’s a deal of eatlsfac - tlon when you know that T1 Os! vou are str ng and well, if IJ.WVI you are not, you ought to be. We will nuke you so if pos eible. < >ur aietinctive . . > specialty Is all dieeaees pe- YTMTrY eniiartomen and won.en, VV £ LIX such as Hlood Polson, Stric- ture, Nervous Debility, Kidney and Bladder Trou bles, Rheumatism, Catarrh, ’UOlIt”” etc ” &>BO all d eeases of jVUI women. Call ou or write us and if necessary we cm prove to you that we cure *. «. where some of the best GAI t J physicians have failed. • Mail treatment glvad by . eending for Symptom blank No. 1 for Men; No. 2 for Women :No 3 for Skin Diseases; No. 4 for Catarrh. Call on or address DR. HATHAWAY & CO* 22)£ South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. “Better late than never.” * ♦ “The above old adage • is as forceful now as ever and suffering ones will rejoice yJ -when they hear of the wonder ful efficacy of- . . . . . ' irDiPllil The Marvelous BLOOD ’sArniuANA PURIFIER > t Hundreds who have become discouraged .*.,*.* By trying a score of otner remedies and upon whom the best of physicians failed, have ere it was too late, heard r of the grandest of all Medicines, ..Africana.. The Sure Cure for all Blood Diseases. For sale by all Druggists. The Great Remedy, Africana. Rome, Ga., July 7, 1897, This is to certify that I suffered with old sores on my body. They were con sidered incurable. I have used four hot* ties of Africana and am entirely well and tbe sores healed. Ned Hughes (Colored). Ned Hughes is one of the best known and most reliable colored men in the city, and his word is considered as good as a bond. His statement made above as to the efficacy of the Africana remedy may be relied on as being absolutely true. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co., and Taylor & Norton, druggists Rome, Ga. THEDFORD’S Fort i ii-\'..-:-7rz.T5S dyspepsia / li) \ Sick on /fiD/cssTiou \ \ / HEADACHE. \ h Jaundice DObR.VESS OF OF Stomach Appefjte None Genuine Without The Likeness Ano Signature orM.A.THEuroRD on FrontOf Each Wrapper. M.A.Thedford Meo.@< Pawtucket -Fur Company, 294 Main St, Pawtucket, R, I. [WANTS ALL KINDS OF Raw Furs, Skins, Ginseng, Senaca, etc Prices quoted for next 60 days are as fol lows: Silver Fox, sls 00 to $l5O 00; Bear, $5.00 to $25.00; Otter, $4.00 to $9.00; Martin $2.00 to $9.00; Beaver, $3.00 to $3.50 per pound ; Woif, SI.OO t 052.00; Red Fox, SI,OO to $2,00; Mink, 75c to $1.00; Skunk, 25c to $1.00; Gray Fox, 50c to 75c; Rat, 20c to 25c. Price list on all other furs and skins fur nished upon application. Full prices guar anteed, carsful selection, courteous treat ment, and immediate remittance on all consignments. Ostrich Feathers- Boas, Plumes and Tips Cleaned, Curled and Dyed. Kid Gloves cleaned, 15c to 50c per pair. I. PHILLIPS Whitehall Nt„ Atlanta Ga. To Care a Coldin One Day Stop. When in Chattanooga, either on business or pleasure, at tbe most comfortable and convenvient hotel in the city. Stanton House, Near the Central Station and convenient to business center Rates, $2 a pay. JI. 9. Kline & Co. Proprietors.