The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 20, 1897, Image 8

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Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. row POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. THE NEWS OF A D O Short Stories of Various Kind Grouped Under One Head. ALL SORTS OF LITTLE LOCALS They Are None the Lees Interesting Short, and Their Importance Should Not Be Underestimated. Closed By Sheriff. Dr. P. H. Turnley, the seedman and druggist, under the Central hotel, was closed by the sheriff yesterday afternoon for non-payment of back taxes. An Alabama Wedding. "Miss Eula Suwyer will be married to “Mr. Montgomery at Talladega, Ala., to day. Miss Sawyer is a niece of Mrs. John D. Moore of this city, and has fre quently visited Rome. Enjoy a Nice Banquet. The Woodmen of thejWorld par took of delightful refreshments last night that were highly enjoyed by all present. It was a very nice affair as these occasions always are. Library Open at Noon. Miss Linnie Hargrove wishes The Tribune to announce that hereafter the Young Men’s Library room will be open at noon every day. Members wishing to get books at that hour eau call. Young People’s Missionary Society. The Young People’s Missionary society of the First Methodist church will give an entertainment Friday night, October 22, at Mrs. Alice Griffin’s, on Fourth avenue. A nice programme has been ar ranged. Miss Estelle Mitchell will recite. Refreshments will be served from 7 to 10 o'clock. v Bridal Party Entertained, The Clark Magill bridal party was very handsomely entertained last night by Miss Ruth Norton at the home of her mother. A card party was given to Miss Clark,; Mr. Magill and the attendents of the wedding which will occur tomorrow night. Miss Norton is a rare hostess.and she fully demonstrated this in last night’s delightful affair. What It Will Result In. The Atlanta Commercial says: The expurgation, by the Philadelphia board Where To Buy Your Groceries. C>me to see us and we will in terest you in this line. You will be sure to come again. We carry instock a complee as sortmont of Fancy and Family Groceries, Canned Goods, To bacco, Cigars, Conntry Produce, Vegetables. Fruits, etc. Finest Flour in Rome. Try some of our TEAS and COFFEES. Give us your or ders for your month’s supply and we will save you money. We meet prices on ail goods We have the best quality of goods and are anxious to serve you. Prompt delivery, E. C. Wood & Co. Telephone 44 202 Broad Street, Feme, Ga, of education of Victor Hugo’s greatest work, Les Miserables, from the list of books to be read by the girls of the high schools in that city, will advertise the book as it was never adveitised before. It is safe to say that every girl in the Philadelphia high schools will be sure to read it. Notlcs to Citizens, The chief of the fire department and all members of the service unite in re questing every one who holds a key to an alarm box to use it when possible in pre ference to the telephone. If you have a key, and even after giving a telephone a’arm, pull a box. As Rome has large ly a volunteer service, they depend upon the tower alarm to be notified of a conflagration. THAT SECRET MARRIAGE. Mr. .A. McCormack and Miss Bessie Por ter Were the Parties. The Tribune yesterday told of a secret wedding that took place Sunday after noon, but could not give names then be cause bound in secrecy not to do so. Sunday afternoon Mr. W. A. McCor mack, who is employed by the Jones Manufacturing company, took Miss Bes sie Porter out buggy riding. They drove to the home of Mr. J. W. Jones m North, and Rev. T. P. Grahame soon pronounced the words that made them man and wife. The young people are well known and popular. DIVNER SERVED TODAY. Ladies of St. Peter's Episcopal Church Will Serve From 12 to 2 p. m, The ladies of St. Peter’s Episcopal church will serve dinner and lunches today from 12 to 2 p. m. They have secured F. A. Johnson’s old stand between the Merchant’s Bank and Lloyd’s store. It will be a turkey dinner, and the business men can get served with a splendid dinner for 50 cents or a nice lunch for 25 cents. The ladies have undertaken this work for the very worthy purpose of assisting St. Peter’s church, They should, and doubtless will be well patronized today. Remember it is from 12 to 2 p. m. City Tax Notice. The last half of city tax for 1897 is past due. Executions will soon be de livered to the marshall. Persons owing, will save cost by prompt payment. Oc tober 19th 1897. Halsted Smith, 10-19 lOds. Clerk of Council. Tickets are on sale to Nashville today by tbe Southern Railway, for $3.45, good for five days. The Armstrong, ROME, G-A, Centrally Located and first class in all appointments, Rooms en suite, single rooms and rooms with bath. • ■' Charges liberal and satisfac tion guaranteed The telegraph] and express offices, city ticket office and brokerage offices are located in and close to the hotel, making it con venient for the busi ness men. Meals served quickly and at most any hour. Many of our rooms have been renovated, and we can now accommo date from 100 to 150' people. Give us a trial. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. The Burney Transfer Company, —HANDLES — Baggage Promptly. Telephone 126 THE ROME TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER L'O. 1897 A. B. TATUM KILLED. Stepped From Tram Near Athens, And Fe’l 70 Feet Through Trestle. HE THOUGHT IT WAS HIS STATION. Father oi Gurdon Tatum, Court Bt.noj.’ap ll tr Rome Circuit—One of Heat Known Men in the Revenue Service. Mr. Gordon Tatum, court steno grapher of the Rome circuit received a telegram yesterday morning stating that his father, M. A. B. Tatum had been instantly killed at Athens early that morning. Mr. Tatum was deputy revenue col lector, and made his headquarters in Athens. He was on the train en route to Athens when he stepped off the trestle over the Oconee river and fell 70 feet to the shoals below, breaking every bone in his body and killing him instantly. Deputy Marshal J. M. Wheatley was on tbe train with Tatum and gives the following version of the af fair: “The train was stopping and Tatum said to me. ‘Here is where I get off,’ and just as he got up to leave the coach, the porter came to the door and called out ‘Athens Junction,’ Ta tum said ‘good bye, Wheatley, ’ and went out the car door. “The train stopped just as begot on the platform, and he stepped out into the dark and fell 70 feet, It was not Athens Junction, but the Northeast ern railroad crossing, and the train had merely stopped there because the law re quites it to do so, and was standing on the trestle.” Wheatley and the train hands went down to the shoals and picked up Ta tum’s body, put it in the express car and brought on to Athens, where they put in the station. Every bone in his .body was broken. Tatum was about 48 years old, and was appointed deputy collector by Tram mell, and has served four years. Mr. Tatum was well known in this sec tion, and the news of his terribis death will be heard with regret. He was one of the best known and most efficient men in the revenue service. Mr. Gordon Tatum left at once for Athens. The inquest over Mr. Tatum’s remains was held in Athens yesterday afternoon, at 4 o’clock and the coroner’s jury re turned a verdict attaching all blame on the Seaboard for stopping on the trestle. Those who believe chronic diarrhoea to be incurable should read what Mr. P E. Grisham, of Gaars Mills, La., has to say on the subject, viz : “I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have tried all kinds of medicines for it. At last I found a remedy that affected a cure And that was Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. ” This medicine can always be depended upon for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It is pieasant to take and never fails to effet a cure. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Curry-Arrington Co, WILL LEAVE ROME Prof. Hodges and Children Will Move to Tai ladega. Envtertainment For His Benefit Prof, Hodges, the blind musician and his two blind children wi 1 leave next week for Talladega, Ala., where they will reside in the future. Prof. Hodges goes there in order to educate his little ones, who are forever shut out from a view of the beautiful woild about them. For years Prof. Hodges has been a familiar figure on the streets of Rome. In spite of the fact that he is totally blind, he could make his way to any por tion of the city, with no guide save his stick and own unerring instinct. His sense of hearing and touch is marvelous. He would walk into a store and instant ly locate those present, almost it seemed with no other aid than their breathing. He is a good man, and a true one. Since he is to leave Rome the Young Ladies Missionary Society of the Second Methodist church deem it a fitting tri bute to give a public entertainment foi his benefit. So next Friday evening from 7:30 to 11 at the residence of Mr. J. A. Glover in the Fourth ward an “Art Museum,” will be given for his benefit. An admis sion of ten cents will be charged. A good time is in store for all who attend, and there will doubtless baa large crowd present. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. sc. $2,21 to Atlanta and return via. Western & Atlantic R, R. Oct 28th and 29th limited to return until Oct, 31, C, K, Ayer P, 8 T, A. , To Brick Contractors. Plans for brick work on the C., R. & S. R. R. freight depot can be seen at my office and bids will be received Monday for this work. For specifications and other informa tion call on me. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, Alex Bonnyman. Messrs. Broach & Trammel have com pleted the big Chamlee building run ning from Broad to First street. The brick, lime, lumber and materials were made and prepared in Rome by Rome mechanics and with Rome’s money. Parties wanting buildings put up, apply to Broach & Trammell, POINTS ABOUT PEOPLE. Some Vt ho v»o, Siuio Who Come and Some Who Stay at Home, Emmett Cole is in Chattanooga on business. Prof. IV. O. Connor, of Cave Spring, was in tbe city yesterday, Mr. Sam Graham left yesterday for Cincinnati on business. Miss Susie Gammon, of Collard Valley, in Polk county, is the guest of the family of Mr. J. A. Gammon. Capt. J, M. Elliott, mayor of the en terprising city of Gadsden, is the guest of Capt. John C. Printup. Capt. Elliot is a former Roman with many friends here. Mr. Ed Maddox, of Rome, eldest son of Congressman Maddox, was in town a short while Friday with his friend, Mr. J. T. Norris. Jr., having stopped over on his return from a trip to At lanta. Mr. Maddox was a graduate this year at the State University, is an S. A. E. man and popular with a host of friends throughout the state. —Cartersville News. COST ABOUT 8600. Rome's One Case of Varioloid and Com pulsory Vaccination Cost City That Sum. The one case of varioloid and the com pulsory vaccination cost the city of Rome about S6OO. The city council is auiiting and pty ing bills at every meeting. This cost includes the virus points, pay of physic ians, hire of guards for the East Rome negroes, feeding them, and all other in cidental costs. About 3,000 people were vaccinated. This is a very reasonable expense ac cqunt, considering the fact that one case of yellow fever cost Atlanta $5,000. and smallpox already SI,OOO, and the disease is still prevalent there Tickets aie on sale to Nashville today by the Southern Railway, for $3.45, good fer 5 days. EUGENIE BLUR ILL Th<> Brautiful Actress Very Sick in Atlanta, And Date Cancelled Here. A telegram was received by Mana ger Nevin last night from Atlanta stating that Miss Eugenie Blair (Mrs. Robert Downing) was quite ill in that city, and the date here would have to be cancelled. This will be a distinct disappoint ment to the theatre-goers of Rome who were looking forward with much pleasure to the presentation of Alex ander Dumas. Jr.’s great drama, “Camille.” Her production of "East Lynne” hsre last season won for her) a ver}- warm place in the hearts of Romans. It is hoped that her illness is not of a serious nature. A few weeks ago the editor was taken with a very severe cold that caused him ' to be in a most miserable condition. It was undoubtedly a bad case of la grippe and recognizing it as dangerous he took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the advertisement of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy and the many good recommendations included theriu, we concluded to make a first trial of the medicine. To say that it was satisfac tory in its results, is putting it very mildly, indeed. It acted like magic and the result a speedy and perma nent cure. y We have no hesitancy in recommending this excellent Cough Remedy to anyone afflicted with a cough or cold in any form.—The Banner of Liberty. Liberty town, Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Curry- Arrington Co. $2,21 to Atlanta and return via Western £ Atlantic R, R, Oct, 28th and 29th, limited to return until Oct, 31, C,K, Ayer P, 81, A, WE WILL LEND MONEY ON 12 Bleech loadin? shot guns, 12 38-calibre >. &W, Pistols, . 12 Ladi s' filled case Watches. We will sell on time or rent 8 Singer Sewing Machines, 2 Cottage Organs at sls and $20.00. 3 Rifles, $6 $7.50 and $7,50. 1 suit Furniture $7.50. 1 Suit Cheval Furniture $25. Watches Diamonds, Pistols. M. N. West & Co. I’avtm.broli.eris, No. 24, Broad Street Surity for All We Will- Bond You! We will mane bonds for officers and *.-mpioyees. Also bonds for adj ministrators, executors, guar dians, trustees, Receivers, as signees, replevin, attachment and injunction cases, and all undertakings in judicial pro cedings. We are also bond contractors. For particulars call on H. Yancey & Co SEE that the I sac-simile |llllllllll|ll|ii'l’|l“ ihilllll'll11111(1,1 HI 1,1 IH| 1111,; 111| ■ :uliH,l|'.||l'|[ 'jSjj AVege table Preparation for As- » SIGNATURE slmilatingtheFoodandßegula- fl PromotesDigestion,Cheerful- I ness and Rest.Gontains neither fl Siium.Morphine nor Mineral. Sh to OTV TTTE ot Narcotic. WRAPPER Pumpkin jtlx.Senna» J Ztt&T I I OF EVERY ybwfTwrnf - / -mmsut- i ■ ro ls otp J I ■ tKJ - LJ " Lah Aperfecf Remedy for Constipa- : fl4Ra M I ■ lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, jM KI ■ ■M ■ B S n Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- § K » Kg ■ || lußolUlilfi facsimile signature or I “““” —— ““| NEW YORK. fl Caatoria la put up in one-size bottles only. I flh 8 n °t a °W iu bulk. Don’t allow anyone to sell fl y on Anything else on the ploa or promise that it ■ fl ia “just as good” and “will answer every pur- Hpoae.” 43- geo that you get C-A-8-T-0-B-I-A. fl Thofio- EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. fl X/* „ uwmwwfc- ' rwuMr of Extraordinary Values Gan be Found at imellotw OUR STOCK OF China, Classware and Housefurnishings, are and bought very low with the ready cash. Our idea is to sell the best goods for the least money possible, We have a great many new and useful articles for the housekeeper which you should see. DO YOU WANT A NEW STOVE? I Get the vei y lowest price you can anywhere, and we will discount it 10 per cent. Call and see.our line before you buy, and we will sell you. J. R CANTRELL & CO. 241 and 243 Broad St,. Rome, Ga. You Stop Taking 03 BRADYS Patent Medicines for your health and blood. Drink our old rich JJL Pure PURE CALIFORNIA CLARET. f !'* ; IVToH (3® What is better and healthier i I * uar than a Lemonade with a i I•- z,.—• w^ne glass of our Claret ' (jO I mixed. For strength, health R z/l’ \ and blood ’ tr y it- ( t ? jA St. Julian, Pontet, Canet, i I w Chateau, Leoville, Char, ! K 8033 l;l Margaux. All pints. We I LMI6VIU.Z. K.V. .-I • r i kho are selling this wine very > if 6ftVX 3 -*34- low, at _ s § I HI 1 |\P A Jj*,! <BOBLMDX» n a rrr ?3-oo per Dozen. • iFI ur Sherry wines are very fine Ik| Oi d Topaz, Old Pine Apple, Old pure Mederia just received ron ew York. Telephone 148. Whiskey. Curran, Scott & Co., • Sole Agent,. No. 6 Broad St. W. P. SIMPSON, Pres. I. D. FORD, Vice-Pres. T. J. SIMPSON, Cashie. EXCHANGE BANK OF ROME. ROTHE. GrEORGXA. STOCJEC, SIOO,OOO Accounts of firms, corporations and individuals solicited. Special at .mtios • given to collections. Money loaned on real estate or othev sood secuxities. Prompt and courteous attention to customers. of Directors. A.R. SULLIVAN. J- C. A, HIGoT, I D- FORD. W. P. SIMPSON. Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy cures indigestion, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Hiccoughs, Heart-burn. #