The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 21, 1897, Image 2

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doh’t forget the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE WISDOM FOR WOMffl Inieusting Article Appearing in the Last Isiue of Carknville Sews. , ‘WOMAN, PRA. IICAL POWER OF WOHL’ Mrs, H< urotin, President of tho Woman's Federal v u of Clubs, and Who Will He iu K< me bhurtlj, *o Believes. A writter iu the Cartersville News says: Our most noted club woman, Mrs. ' Heurovin, says, “woman is the practi cal power of the world.’’ Then she on to say in what way woman is such a power, and that called to mind the many ways in which women with out even knowing it have influenced the readers of tneir books and the rising generation by their deeds of heroism and of love. There was a time when it was considered not at all feminine, hardly respectable, for a . women toj play the violin, and now ; what a change in public opinion. When Mrs. Humphrey Ward wrote' “Robert Elsmere’ ’ she had no thought of any influence in musical matters, yet that book started the fad of the fashion among girls for the violin in this country. One of her heroines is a young and beautiful girl whose vio lin playing creates much excitement i in London. As soon as the book was published there was a demand for violins, especially in Washington City among young women, and it is said that Washington is filled with good lady violinists. Camilla Urso, the noted Swedish violinist, said when in Washington recently, “since I came here I have been visited by scores of young girls who wished me to pronounce on their playing, and there was hardly one of them whom I had to discourage. Even iu Europe I never saw suets equal merit among | so many.” Long before “Robert' Elsmere” was written, women wrote with a nobler purpose than Mrs. I Ward, and no doubt their writings | have had lasting and beneficial in fluence on many readers. Hannah Moore wrote to elevate and improve her sex; Elizabeth Fry to stimulate women to thoughtful ehristiau, self improvement; Chirlotte Elizabeth wrote for the .same • purpose and her “Captain Rock” was the beginning of the Fenian movement in Ireland. Her “Lion of the tribe of Judah” aroused many youthful readers to earnest Bible study, and who has not felt the patriots love of country when reading Miss Potter’s “ Uhaddeus of Warsaw” or her Scottish Chiefs,” Fanny Fouesteis “Life of Ann Hasel tine Judson” stimulated the mission ary movement all thougbbur country, and I could name.many more women whose writings and whose lives have left their mark on our present genera tion that would go to prove the truth of Mrs. Henrotin’s assertion. When she comes to Rome, Ga., next mouth she may make a fine address before theJFederation of Clubs on this sub- j jeet, and I see by the Press that her husband will come south with her and the Rome ladies are much inter-sted in that fact. We read that Mrs. Robert Abbe, the originator and most active pro moter of “The City History Club of —i A pickpocket is I 1 o <?• despised, dreaded ’ and avoided. He I a sneaking, despicable foe r—— w^lo ro ' )s a inaa VyyX 11 fr-—unawares.* Men I( !• // hate him worse v Ili W/ - than the more ® LL 11 tH* highwayman ***- whose attack is made in the open. There are some dis- ■ eases that are like pickpockets. They are sneaks. If men only knew it, these sneaking diseases are more to be dreaded than small-pox or yellow fever. The sneaking disease begins with some slight disorder of the digestion aud sluggish ac tion of the bowels. The blood becomes disordered and the body receives insuffi cient or improper nutriment. Emacia tion follows ami the sufferer is troubled with nervous prostration, brain fag, and debility, and very likely falls a victim to that dread destroyer, consumption. All this happens before the sufferer fairly realizes that he is in danger. These sneaking diseases that undermine a man’s constitution, and rob him of his health are conquered by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It puts strength jnto every fiber of the body and replaces the lethargy of sickness with the buoyancy of health. It is the best blood maker and flesh-builder known to science. Mr. A. W. Caynes, of Elkhart, Elkhart Co., Indiana, writes: “ I send you a testimonial iu regard to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discoverv and what it did for me in acute inflammation of the liver, about six years ago, when I had an at tack in Los Angeles, Cal., and also one since I came here. I consider Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med ical Discovery one of the best medicines offered to a suffering people to-day. It has only to be given a fair trial to prove itself such.” Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Ad viser has had a larger sale than any other book of this class ever offered the public. This book of 1,008 pages witlj 300 illustra tions is full, from cover to cover, of practi cal advice on health matters. This great book, in heavy manilia covers, is now of fered free to whoever will send 21 one-cent stamps to pay for mailing only, uan ele gant French cloth binding is desired, send 10 cents extra: 31 cents in alt World’s Dis pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Who can measure m M ■ ■ ■ the influence of a | lasts through all ages and enters the confines of eternity. With what care, therefore, should she be guarded and how great the effort be to make her lite happy. Mother’s Friend makes child-birth easy, assists nature in its sublime effort, leaves the Mother stronger after than before confinement, and robs the trying hour of its terror. No Mother can afford to neglect its use. 1 Os druggists at fl. 00, or sent by mail op receipt of price. Write for book containing valu able Information for all Mothers, mailed free The Bradfield Eegsiator Go., Atlanta, Ga. New York” is doing a most necessary work iu that great city in organizing different classes for the study of the history of New York. Such clubs ‘ would be most interesting and useful I in all our rural districts too. | Os all work being done by women of the present day, that of the W. C. T. U. is the most extensive, the most noble and most useful. Miss Frances E. Willard has recently, in a very short and most interesting article in the “Review of Reviews,” given a s r atemeut of the origin and work of this organization, and it is a wonder ful thing, for now the W. C. T. U, societies are at work for temperance, purity and moral elevation in all coun tries, and it is managed by women everywhere, an evidence of the truth of Mrs. fienrotin’s assertion about woman. In our own little city the work of the Woman’s Club begins to show the energy and progressive spirit of improvement that is now moving the feminine world. While all are looking with interest to Alaska as a gold field, why is it that the Missionary and Philanthrop ist have not taken more interest in the neglected and much suffering native Esquimaux? Dr. Lincoln Cothran, in the Overland Monthly, made a state ment regarding the present condition of the natives “that is truly disheart ening.” Ha adds, “the saddest feat ure in the life of this cheerless people is their extreme destitution,” and all this he attributes to the greed and dishonest repaeity of a few wealthy corporations who have taken advan tage of these poor, simple minded Es quimaux by using the laws enacted at Washington for their own advan tage without any regard to the higher moral law of right and justice between men. These people are wards of the nation and should be cared for. Condensed Testimony Chas. B. Hood, Broker and Manu facturer’s Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies that Dr. Krng’s New Discovery has no equal as a Cough remedy. J. D. Brown, Prop. St James Hotel, i't. Wayne, Ind., testifies th-t be was cured of a Cough of two years standine, caused by La Grippe, by Dr. King’s New Dis covery. B F Merrill, Baldwinsville, Mass., says that he has used and recom mended it and never knew it to fail and would rather have it than any doctor, because it always cures. Mrs. Hemming, 222 E. 25th St. Chicago, always keeps it at hand and has no fear of Croup, be cause it instantly relieves. Free Trials Hotties at Curry-Arrington Co. ’s drug store. DR. WYNNE COMES HERE, Pr m nent Young Roma Physician to Live In Atlanta, Dr. Frank A. Wynne, who has for three years been connected with the Battey infirmary at Home, and a young practitioner who stands very high in the medical profession, has decided to make his home iu Atlanta says the Atlanta Journal. Dr. Wynne has associated himself with Dr. Harry Huzza in the practice of medicine, and will soon make his way in the city, as he is a young man of excep tionable talents, experience and pleasant address. Mob After •‘•rveii Murderers. Metropoijs, Ills., Oct. 20.—Sheriff Parks of Williamson county and a dep uty arrived from Carterville with seven Italians to be lodged in the Massac county jail for safety from an infuriated mob of 150 men. The Italians, it ts chargrd, murdered a Mr. Young Satur day night, near Carterville, brutally stamping out his brains and bowels, while George Colombo, it is alleged, cut the poor victim’s liver out with a butcher knife. They will be held‘here until next Monday. Noted Client Player D»ad. Vievna, Oct. 20. —Berthold Englisoh, the well known chess player, is dead. The cause of his death was brain affec tion. Englisoh withdrew from the re cent touruaiuant at Berlin, declaring that his head was not clear. At this tune rumor accused hitn of accenting a bribe from a weak opponent to with draw, but his death uisnroves that re port Notice. I want everyman and woman in the United States interested in the opium and whisky habits to have one of my books of these diseases. Address B. M. Woolly, Atlanta, Ga , Box 362, and one will be sent you free. MORE ABOUT BEKESFOAd. N«w Yo:k sun’s Acorn t of tbt* Festive Mutt Doiitgs iu Now hA. glund The following dispatch appeared In Tuesday's New Yoik Suu relative to Beresford’s plan of operation iu Worcis ter, IV, ass,: HE WAS "LOUD BERESFORD.” I LANCASTER HAD A LITTLE FLING IN WOR CESTER AND WAS TRACED TO BUFFALO. Worcester, Mass. Oct. 18.—A photo graph of the crook, “Lord Beresford,” received here today has been fully identi fied as that of Fred S. Lancaster, who came to Worcester on about August 1, and opened an office in the new State Mutual Life Assurance Company’s build ing as agent of the Merchants’ and Manufacturers’ Life Insurance Company of Massachusetts. He left Worcester suddenly on Sept. 17, his fraud being confined to a few debts for board, clothes, etc., and a loan of SIOO, amounting in all to less than S7OO. While in Worcester he lived at the Bay State House with his wife, but before he went away signed a three yeai lease for a house in the most fashionable part of the town and hired a pew in AH Saints’ Episcopal chureh. He was not apparently successful in placing insurance, and attempted to float the Worcester Yukon Mining Development and Invest ment Company at $5 a share. This also | failed, and his departuae from town soon followed the failure. The photograph which has been identi fied as Lancaster’s was sent to the police here by Capt. George W,. McClusky of the New Yolk Detective Bureau as the photograph of “Beresford.” Lancaster was traced to Boston and Buffalo after leaving Worcester. a r.ov .« »<- • .... r.*.- Chicago. O t 20. —Whether to risk being held co the grand jury on acharge of assault. or to part, with a portion of his curic.e. so t-nat ins viociin may ben efit by a skm grafting one a ion, is the alternative which laces Paul Czyet, a lad .4 year-, of age, who threw hot water on Anton Kwitka, scalding him so severely that an operation is made imperative. In Justice Sabach’s court the boy was given his choice of two evils and allowed until Oct. 28 to con sider the proposition. Did You- Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the re lief and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Mel ancholy or troubled With Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine'you need. Health and Strength are guar anteed by its use. Fifty cents and SI.OO at Curry-Arrington Co.’s drug store. •-v fry .-? s'-ib ———f 13 58 z" z *•- - , £ MONKEYS to pick cotton. Hardest Wot k Mortal Nbn Fver Toiled at days A.n Observer In an interview in the Washington Post a southern cotton planter says: “Cotton picking is about as hard work as mortal man ever toiled at. It is a constant bending of the back to take the fleecy stuff out of the open bolls. Men go into the field with big sacks depending from their necks, or tied about their waists, and into these they drop the cotton until the sack is fnil, when it is emptied into a basket, the process of filling and emptying going on with monotonous regularity. At the end of the day the picker has done fairly well who has gathered 200 pounds, though expert hands will, in good fields, often get out 400 pounds by starting in at dawn and working till the last glimmer of the light has faded. The price given the pickers Tutt’s Pills Cure All Liver Ills. xDP YOU BANKRUPTinhealth constitution undermined by ex cravagance in eating, bydisre jarding the laws cf nature, oi physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt’s Liver Fills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid .liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills an absolute cure. varies with the price of cotton, but 50 cents per 100 pounds is the average wages. “Negroes do the bulk of the cotton' picking ail over the south, and as a, i rule, are more efficient than whi e help. The women are almost as capa l bleasthe men. Hundreds of patents have been granted for machines to take the iiiaee of human beings in gathering this crop. The main troub le is that, the cotton does not All ma ture at the same time, and the ma chines not only gather the open bolls but also the green. i “Some ingenious fellow once sup- I gested that monkeys would be excel lent as pickers, and the idea seemed so plausible that a trial was made,but after a few minutes’ work the monk eys failed to see anything interesting in their job, and abaudonded it in disgust.” Yellow Jack Killed. Cascarets Candy Cathartic kills yellow jack wherever they find him. No ore who takes Cascarets regularly and sys tematically is iu danger from the dreadful iisease. Cascarets kill yellow fev. r germs in the bowels and prevent ue ■ ires from breeding. 10c, 25c, 50c, al) druggists. d&nerow (.<» a<*<»lin>t« Winston. N. C.. Oct 20—The Wins ton Tobacco Fair association has for warded an invitation to Miss Cisneros, the young Cuban girl recently rescued from prison by a representative of the New Yori< Journal, to artend the big tobacco lair Here on Nov 3. 4 and 5, as tne gue.-t of the association. look a- |> «»f I‘tAt'ia Green, Decatur. Ala., Oct. 20. —B. M. Cooper a prominent citizen of Colbert county, committed guide by taking Paris green. He had for ,-otne days beef; in .i imspoadmt imiud. Cooper was about 60 years of are. a justice of the peace and a prominent Presbyreri.o 3h nrcii man HgOiEMfl in Meffl-dfoOeaa, ELY’S CREAM BALM is a positive cure. Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 50 cents at Druggists or by mail; samples 10c. by mall. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St., New York City. VIM, VIGOR. VITALITY RESTORED Good Effects at Once. CATON’S VITA LIZ ER Cures general special debility, wakefulness spermatorrhoea, emissions, impotenty, pare sis,etc Corrects functional disorders, caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring Lost .Manhood in old or young, giving vigor and strength where former weakness prevailed Convenient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate. The Cixe is Quick and Thorough. Don’t be deceived by imitations: insist on CITON’S Vitalizers. Sent sealed if your druggist does not have it Price $1 per pkge. 6 for $5. with written guarantee of complete cure. Information, references, etc., free and confidential* Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week’s trial treatment One only sent, to each person CATON MED. CO.. Boston, Mass Kill to Live. That living germs oy millions infest the human system and produce dis eases of blood aud nerves is no longer a theory but a proven fact. That King's Royal fenneliiir Cures these diseases in a speedy and pleasant way, is equally proven. O’RIAG Is here. Look to your health at the beginning of the hot. season. Keep Germeteur on hand. Use it as a tonic preventive and cure. Sold every where. SI.OO per bottle. Atlanta Chemical Co. Atlanta, 6a. MANUFACTURERS. -Haggard’JL Sold by A IF HOT OH. SALE AT YOUR FLACE t ORDER FROM ANTA, GA. ONE BOX' . _g_: THREE BOXES sioo.- For nervous women that suffer from menstrual derangement they have no equal on the market. Sold by Curry- Arrington Co., and Taylor & Norton. "V'OU will find that painting A properly done with Pure e White Lead and Pure Linseed Oil is a good investment—more than the cost will be added to the at tractiveness and value of your property. Make sure that the ©brand is right. (See list of brands which are genuine.) Avoid the ’ “ just-as-good, ” “ sold-for-lcss money” sorts. . CDEIC using National Lead Co.’s Pure White Lead Tinting Col- * ors, any desired shade is readily obtained. Pamphlet giving valuable information and card showing samples of colors free; also cards showing pictures of twelve houses of different designs painted in various styles or combinations of shades forwarded upon application. . . t NATIONAL LEAD CO., CINCINNATI BRANCH, Cor. sth St. and Freeman Ave., Cincinnati, O. ® LADIES WHEN IX TROUBLE £ USE DR. DAVID NICHOLS & $ Female * Periodical* Pills, t LADIES, by spacial request from patients who cannot personally con- S 5& £» suit me, aud being unable o prepare at short notice the Favorite Prescrip- \ “ tion as used by me during a practice of twenty-five years, have consented A to supply to yon this celebrated Remedy for all Female irregularities and \ “ suppression-. These Pilis are guaranteed six degrees stronger ttian any A known medicine, yet so mild that the feeblest can take them with perfect X W security, yet so powerful in their effects that they can he safely called a gB A never-failing regulator. Refuse all Patent Medicines and avoid delay by T " taking ths prepared prescription of a* Specialist in practice. Highly eh- 0 A dorsed by thousands and rec mtnended by prominent, physicians aII K y orders supplied direct from office, Nichols Building, Nashville, Tenn. In A A Sealed Plain Packages S 3 per box, with fu.l directions enclosed, corre- \ W snondence Private. A ot, ><>)<( m lirug Nloref. 0 GLASF, LEAD, POTTY, Oils, Varnishes, Ready Mixed Pain’s, Varnish and Paint Brushes Also a full line of Imported Heir and Tooth Brushes, Soaps- In this line we carry not only the largest but the most varied stock in Georgia. Our stock of PATENT MEDICINES, Includes all the remedies known, when you need them call onus. VYe can and will save jou money if you buy from us. We have some Fresh and Pure Field Seeds. The best on the market. • Cail and examine our stock. CURRY-ARRINGTON CO. Broad St., Rome, Ga. OUR LEADER w--1 • You Stop Taking B 'BRADYS Patent Medicines for your health jW i and blood. Drink our old rich 1(1 Pure MLIFOMIA CLARET. I ‘ f \ ’J * ' IVT If hat is better and healthier IVlaiL iJdf than a Lemonade with a y ? L ' i; wine glass of our Claret f{ m ’J ed hor strength, health /Ji \ and blood, try it |Z i M ’ i-\ St. Julian, Pontet, Canet, x/ Wk „ wdChateau, Leoville; Char, Margaux All pints. Vl r e wvuviu.e. ky. Hi/yUßciX.'■ & ~ • * are selling this wine very 1 t »dne>l K -«riow. at gg jw I rrr $3-oo per Dozen. iTtt Ottr Sherry wines are very fine O | Old Topaz, Old Hine Apple, Old pure Mederia just received fro* l New York. i ~; ' z Telephone 148. Whiskey. Curran, Scott & Co., |RR| Sole Ageuts> No<6BroadSt W P SIMPSON, Pres. 1. D. FORD. Vici-Pres. T. J. SIMPSON, Cashm. EXCHANGE BANK OF ROME, moxvsJET. kwoh-G-ia.. O STOCK!, 5100,000 Accounts of firms, corporations and iuclividuals solicited. Special At mtiot given m collections. Money loaned on real estate or other vood seomiues. Prompt and courteous attention to customers. Board ot TUyectorM. A.R. SULLIVAN. J A- OA ' H,U " T ' w.p.BairsoN. ,D -° KD -