The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 21, 1897, Image 3

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EVANS’ CIRCULAR CofimnitfS'of Confed rue Camps to Mee‘ in Atlanta November sth. DISIUSS PLANS FOR NEXf REUNION General Evans Hopes to M«k a the Atlanta Kvunion the Orrateat or Th-iu Al- -Un ere . or 100 -lamps In Georgia There will be a meeting of the com manders of different camps <>f the United Confederate Veterans’ associa tion throughout the state in Atlanta on Friday, November sih, says the Atlanta Journal. The following circular has been sent out from headquarters request ing that all commanders be present so as to take such measures as will be necessary to make of the next reunion the grandest in the history of the as eosiation: •‘Headquarters Georgia Division, U. C. V., Atlanta, Ga,, Oct. 15, 1897. Commander of all camps will meet at Atlanta on Friday, November sth, 10 o’clock, a. m„ in the halt of the Y. M, C. A., building, on Pryor street, north of the Kimball house, to confer t gether. Among other important matters to consider, are: The great reunion of Confederates in this place next year; also the methods of co operation with the Sons %nd Daugh ters of Confederates; the question of uniform, etc. Where the commander cannot attend, he will appoint one or more representatives. All Confeder ate associations, and all counties without camps, are invited to be rep* resented. It is proposed to make the next reunion the most impressive of any yet held. (Signed). Clement A. Evans, ■‘Maj, Gen’l Commanding.” General Evans says of the meeting. “There are nearly 100 camps of Con-, federacy veterans in Georgia, and we should have nearly that many command ers here on the sth of November. This meeting is preliminary to the great re union of next year, and it is time that Atlanta should wake up to the fact that there will be 30,000 to 40,000 veterans here next summer. “There are about 1,000 camps in the south, and from all these states, as well as from many in the north, I am receiv ing letters expressing gratification that t ie reunion is to be held here. “Besides the veterans, the orders of the Sons of Veterans and Daughters of Veterans are growing rapidly, aud we expect to have at least 1,000 Sons of Veterans in line the day of the great parade. “The idea is to have the reunion the latter part of July, when crops are lajd ’ by, business is light and low rates can ' be secured on the railroads. The rate has been 1 cent a mile heretofore, but we will have still lower excursion rates from territory more than 600 miles dis tant. “The latter part of July includes the anniversaries of the two battles of At lanta, on the 20th and 22, and the battle of Manassas, on the 21st. These can be celebrated, and we intend to have great pictures of those battles painted and sus pended across the streets. There will be thousands of Confederate flags, with United States flags in eqnal number, and the veterans will wear the gray blouse, with dark pants and Confederate cap or hat.” Yellow Fever Germs breed in the bowels. Kill them and you are safe from the awful disease. Cascarets destroy the germs throughout the system and make it impossible for new ones to form. Cascarets are the only reliable safe-guard for young and old against yel low jack. 10c, 25c, 50c, all druggists. PRESIDENT POLLOCK Made a Stirring AddrMS at an Atlanta Ban quet L*»t Night. President Pollock, accompanied by , Professors W. H. Kilpatrick. J. R Moseley and Dr. B. D. Ragsdale, left on tbe Southern road at 4:45 yes ter day afternoon to attend tbe banquet , at Second Baptist church, Atlanta, says tbe Macon Telegraph. Few events have occurred in At lanta which were more closely allied ECZEMA Most Torturing, Disfiguring, Humiliating Os itching, bunting, bleeding, scaly skin and scalp humors Is instantly relieved by a warm bath with Cuticura Soap, a single application of Cuticura (oint ment), the great skin cure, and a full dose of Cuticura Resolvent, greatest of blood purifiers and humor cures. (uticura Remkdibs speedily, permanently, and economically cure, when all else fails. Pottsß Drug AMD Chrm. Corp.. Role Prope., Booton. ■r" How to Cure Every Skin and Blood Humor," free. PIMPLY FACES r " rI CUTICU«A**SOAr. * to rhe ini. rests of Mercer than the banquet last, night. Mention has already been wade in the columns of the Telegraph ccncertnng this event This is the fleet event of its kind iu it was a grand occasion. It is needless to say that this occa sion will result iu great good for Mer cer. The Baptists of Atlante expected a big speech from . Mercer’s president, aud they were not disappointed. His speech was on the history of early educational movements in Georgia, which culminated in the founding oj Mercer. Mercer’s-president hasmadea record iu speech-making, aud when the ann< uncement is made that he is to speak it gladdens the heart of every oun who can possibly bear him. WARNING; —Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warnings of danger and save themselves suffering aud fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for eoughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. For sale by Cnrry-Arring ton Co. A HUNDRED MINERS. Lft For Alabama On Saturday to Accept Positions. The agents of the Corona Coal and Iron Campany, says tbe Chattanooga News who were in the city several days last week seeking men to work in their mines, met with better suc cess than at first expected. Satur day night the agents left for Birming ham over the Alabama Great South ern railroad with nearly 100 negroes, secured from the city and surround ing section. Fifteen of tbe negroes were secured from Kensington, Ga., and about twenty five more from small stations around the city. The agents found the number of unemployed men here much smaller than they ex» pected and experienced much trouble in accomplishing their mission. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward fir any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props. Toledo O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Drug gists. Testimonials free. GREATER ATLANTA HITS A SNAG. The Scheme KeccmmenfiPd, But the City Council Doesn’t Approve It, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 20. —The scheme to make a Greater Atlanta by extend ing the corporate limits in all direc tions, so as to take in every one of tbe adjacent settlements, did not go through, as expected, at the mteeing of the city council Monday afternoon. It was strongly recommended by the council committee, but in the cham ber it struck.a snag that will delay it some, though the council will ulti mately pass tbe ordinance. By the proposed extension, which departs from the plan heretofore ad hered to, breaking up the systemati cal circular line and leaving it in zig zags shape, 6,000 or more would be added to tbe city’s population. In some quarters there is violent opposition to the extension, especially in tbe Peachtree district, where many expensive homes are located. By being outside the line, they have heretofore escaped city taxation, though enjoy ing practically all the advantages of tbe city. When the plan is finally completed, Greater Atlanta will have taken in everything in sight and will have no more suburbs to feed on until a bran new crop ie raised. J. M. Tbirswend, of Grosbeak,Tex., says that when he has a spell of indi gestion. and feels sluggish he takes two of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers at night, and he is-all right the next morning. Many thousands of others do tbe same thing. Do you? For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. GEORGIA LUMBER Will Ba Ured in the Con.truetlon of Pull man Care. ' Mr. Frank Mims, of Lee county, who owns two of tbe most extensive saw mills in Southwest Georgia, was in Macon yesterday afternoon en route to Chicago and Pullman, Illinois, where he goes to close a trade with the purchasing department of the Pullman Palace Car Company to sup ply them with Georgia pine lumber to be used in the construction of their cars, says tbe Macon News. Mr. Mims had dealings with the them with he says it is the of tnssEßhauy to finish the interior of someoMiheir cars with Georgia long leaf and curley pine. He will also sell them large lots of timber for use in different part of the cars. So far no cars have been finished in Georgia pine, and Pullman will no doubt make some beautiful effects with It. THE SOME TRIBUNE THURSDAY, OdfOßEtt 21, IBV7 i?'NGLEY B'LL D".NOUN<JES. <>«• Hi-tn I'du- r : >» t-,14 ■ h«. N-w - ar;3 . vasilr .. M <> Bkblin O 't. “0. -At a nippling of the Central Associutioii of G-rnian Indus triaiisr- to e.eet del gates to Prince Ho heniolie’s committee for drafting new commercial treaties, Herr Buck, who Was tiie chief speaker, denounced the Dingley tariff as "the most complicated. Contradictory aud uncertain tariff ever conceived.” They declared that it was due to cap ital and speculation, which were prov ing fatal to tiie industrial existence of tbe United Stares. At the satue tune Herr Buck said he felt hound to protest against the danger of a customs War. The sugar industry won'd suffer thereby; and Germany would be in a position to support her self if trite United Statesshou.dretaliate with repressive dusies ou corn, cotton or petroleum. On rhe other band he said be did not antu ipare a long life tor "toe era of tb.i capitalists’ donriniou io America.” You can’t cure consumption but you can atoid it and cure every other form of throat or lung truub’e by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. THE LOSS OT THE TRITON. Three More <urviv«»m Huvima and Holme a Terrible Talw Havana, Oct. 20.—Three additional survivors of the wreck of the coasting steamer Triton, which went ashore be tween Dominica and Mariela ou the north coast of the province of Ploar del Rio on Saturday morning last, have ar rived here. The screaming of the men, women ■nd children when the ship went ashore, the survivors state, was terrible. When the Triton found-red there were 230 persons aboard her, .msseugers and crew, and so far only 49 of this number have been heard from. Medical men say rheumatism is tbe forerunner of heart disease. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures rheumatism by its action on the b'ood. Important Change In Railroad Service, The “Sunset Limited” here-to fore running between New Orleans and San Francisco, will this city be oper ated between St. Louis and Los Angles via the “True Southern Route.” St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern. Texas Pacific and Sontbern Pacific Railways. This train will leave St. Louis at 10 p. m.. Tuesday .nd Saturday of each week, commencing Oct. 19th, arriv ing at Los Angeles Friday and Tues day. Parties from the south east go ing via Memphis will connect with this train at Little Rock, leaving Memphis Tuesday aud Saturday evenings. Constat of Train. Composite ear, with bath and bar ber shop, sleepers and dining car. Vestibuled steam heat, pintch gas light. This is the most complete and best equipped train now in service to Calafornia. No form of transporation will be hon ored on this train except first-class one way or round trip tickets. For special schedules and full parHc - lars, address H. C. Townsend, G. P. 'A., St. Louis, Mo.; E. P. Turner, G. P. A., Dallas, Texas.; A. A. Gallagher, S. P A., No. 103 Read House Chattano ga, Tenn. CASTORIA. he- . . ilalle S'Tjf sj 11 * slga*tur»Z>2 Ralmlw’&r ........... .. a. Seattle. Wash., Oct. 90.—Dr. Shel don Jackson. United States superin tendent of Alaskan schools, who has just returned from Alaska, says: “There is but one solution to the transportation firobiem and that is the reindeer. I be ieve that the mines of the Yukon can never be fully developed without tbe use of the reindeer. It is my belief that the government could, to great advant age to the people living in Alaska, es tablish reindeer ataliOM on the Yukon all the way from Dyea Io St Micnaela la this way mails could bo transported regularly and expeditiously and the food supply would never be allowed to' gel to that point where a famine is imminent ” Small pill, safe pill, best pill. De- Witt’s Little Early Risers cure bil iousness, constipation, sick headache. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. For Ihe Columbia, 3. 0.. Oct. 20. Vice Presi dent 3L John of the Seaboard Air Line met Captain H A Smythe of Pelzer and Colonel Jarnea L Orr of Piedmont at Abbeville to confer about running a spur of the Seaboard Air Line from Abbeville to thowe two manufacturing towns in Orrenvilie and Anderson counties. Messrs. Orr and Smythe are presidents of large cotton mills. Il has been settled that the road will be built from Abbeville to those towns, a dis tance of 40 miles. Both of the towns are on the Southern. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. sc. Arnold’s Bromo-Celery. The greatest remedy of the I9th century for headaches. lOcts. For sale by Curry-Arrington- Company. PERFECT MANHOOD | The world admires tT»e perfect Man! Not courage, dignity, or muroulur development alone out that subtle and wonderful force known at SEXUAL VITALITY which Is the glory us wanhrod-the pride 01 both old and young, but there ar< thousands of men suffering the mental tortures of a weakened manhool, ohattereu nerves, and falling sexual power who can be cured by our Magical T reatment wblcL may be taken at hom< under our direction, or we will pay K. K. fare aou hotel bills for thoee who wish to come here. If we fall to cure. We have no free prescription., free cure or C.O.D. fake. We bare *390,000 capital and guarantee to cure every case we treat or refund every dollar you pay ns, or tee may be deposited In any bank to be paid ns When * cure Is effected. Write tor full particulars ■VA'ff* BkOICAI <X>.. OBsate, .DYNAMITE IN HIS POCKET. The Deadly Expltmlva Fatally It jurat ■ -hjn-ouri -**Clio<.| bi»jr. Springfield, Mo., Oct 20. Ray mond, the 12-year-old son of D. Allen, stenographer in the circuit court, went to school carrying a portion of a stick of dynamite. Tne explosive, which the boy had found iu a stone quarry, was in his pocket with a knife, top, marbles and a quantity of tilings common to boys’ pockets. In getting into his seat the boy banged his dangerous collection against tire desk, causing an explosion which will probably cost his life, ami winch was# heard for two blocks. The chile’s right hand was blown off,, and in his right groin a terrible wound was inflicteu. Hom which the surgeons say he cannot recover. Tbe teacher. Miss Nack, was close by, and had her skirts torn into shreos, but she was not hurt. The explosion caused a panic among the otoer children and several were hurt in trying to get out of the building. nig car Varc.i n.-nm.. St. Louis, Oct. 20. —The Brownell Car Company, which went into liquidation July 25, aud is temporarily in posses sion of Ford W. Thompson, as trustee, will be reorgan.zed iu a tew days. The mill is in running oruev ana the factory will resume operations by the first of tne month, giving employment to 250 men. Mr. P. B Joseiyn, representing Mr. Brownell, speaking of the resump tion. said: "We have received assur ances of large orders for cars from sev eral of the large cities throughout the country. I think it is due to a return, of prosperity.” Yellow Jack Preventative. Guard against yellow jack by keeping the system thoroughly clean end free from germ breeding matter. Cascarets Candy Cathartic will cleanse the system and and kill all contagious disease germs. The'twinerection In Intll«. Simla. Oct. 20.—Official advices from Fort .Lockhart, say that after the fight ing ou lust Monday between the British troops under General Sir Yeatman- Biggs and the insurgent tribesmen from Ohagru, on the Sumina range, the Brit ish force returned to Shinwan, aud the tribesmen, greatly reinforced, reoccu pied in force the heights of Chagru. The city brigade of the punitive expedi tion, which advanced to Kaharapha. expects to have a lively time in cleaning the heights. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money f it fails to cure. sd. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The fit- /y liaila /''fit „ ““ * c » dCMtureZ f e-iry X tt W«PPW. Children Burned to Death. Lowknbukg, Va., Oct. 20.—While Mrs. W. H. Wallace of near this place was iu the yard, a can of oil exploded in her house. The flames spread so rapidiy t mt she could not rescue her three small children, ali of whom were burned to death. <?a*t«*ni*laii "ar Knd«d. Washington, Oct. 20.—The legation of Guatemala has received the follow ing official dispatch: “Revolution sub dued; order restored ail over the coun try.” Have You j&jgglw Tried It cures Constipation, Sick Headache and Biliousness in such a gentle, maxing way that the unpleasant results of common medi cines are avoided. Sold by Druggists for yo years. "IT TASTES GOOD, TOO.” F*r« y. . lh,fc ’ A ' ‘ - ne «•<* o th- 'iM>a;r-. oi: ua Gen ito-Ur inury sh -—» ■ 1 rr-n- q’ljrrr no change of uiet o nines to M Gtken internally Wbv v** 0 fe* • ky either«c-x iv is iropo&si'dte <ucontrv any varere*' d'wee**: hut in a? case * — »r.-ise slreArty kriidui ‘ ~~ZZ TZZZ. with Gonorrhea end Gleet --“5 juem a nnM For sale by Curry-Arrngton Co wholesale druggists, Rome. Ga. CHANGE BUT POZZONI’S $ yComplexionv POWDER X •jy KEMAKS AI.WAYS THE SAME, ij* XThe finest, purest and -aost beauti- V tying toile 1 powder ever made. It is /I soothing healing, healthful and F»V Jk harmless, and when rightly used is A, FA Invisible. If you have never tried F»v POZZONI’S von du not know what an IDEA!, COMPEEXION POWUEK is. A IT IS SOLD EVERYWHERE. / A 1 OLD IDTTS’T’ Every » Room jy you hardly feel that you’ve gleaned I i 111 ||||liwuSlL ,1 them. Tomaster your housework, fly' -- I jf” • and not let. it master you— use JT * n Washing PoWnEk I . Does two hours’ work in one. W D / Sold everywhere. Made only by 1y ” O ft THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMP/NY, H K rbtaW 81. LoaU, Sew York, BwMoa, PhtledelpHe. X ’J I Sea Shell Complexion Cream, xl/ -a- This wonderful article will posi- Xf/ lively remove all Facial blemishes, wk* such as Tin, Freckles, Pimples, W Xiivetmoles, Mo>h Patches, etc. It ■ .15 uAL is a food for the skin, will remove |J wrinkles, filling out the face plump .x' w/ an d smooth as youth. ... Read what an emirent physician says of Sea Shell Cream: _ “Having carefully analyzed your W/ preparatiou I find that it contains .y. AL no poisonous substance. From its m chemical composition I consider it I -x' had a most valuable preparation. F -x.“G. W. Hausen-tein. “105 Dwesin St,, Ukhart, In<’,” /|< JAL ' ' -If >r sale and guaranteed by /ai TAYLOR & NORTON- JL \f/ TteJDruggists. /|X Remember that this preparation is ■ dfii W* guaranteed to reihove Freckles JX Lx ? or money refunded, ! 25 ♦ 50 ♦ DRUGGISTS ;; ■ ARSOLIITRT.Y fiTIIR JNTFPT) 10 core *nye»«eof comtlpatiOß. Cateareto are the Ideal Laxa- i HDOVtIUICiLI UUfinamritiU ti , e . Bever rrip or rripe.hßt ean>e eaayaataralrennlU. bam- , ( pie aad biyklet Ad. STERLING REMEIIf CO.. Chicago, Montreal. Can., or New Tori. an. Your Physician Aims To put all his knowledge, experience and skill into the prescription he writes It is an order for the combination of remedies ycur case demands. Pure and Reliable. He cannot rely on results unless the ingredients are reliable and are properly compounded. Bring your prescriptions to the ROME : PHARMACY, Where is carried one of the best stocks of drugs in town, and a complete line of Squibbs’ Shemicais for prescription use. Everything of the purest quality that money can buy or experience select. Prescriptions'compounded By a careful and experienced prescriptionist. Everything at reasonable prices. &DME PHARMACY, 309 Clark Broad Street, Rome, Ga. Illi’S MANHUOD restoredss ■ ;\V y ona or , iof the generative organa, such as Lost Manhood, ■ S hiAl Insomnia, Pains in the Back, Seminal Emicsiona, Nervous Debility, L k Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele and ■ Xr f V V Constipation. It stops all losses by day or night Prevents quick* ■ dgss of discharge, which if not checked leads to Spermatorrhoea and ■ BEFORE amb AFTER all the horrors of Impotency. CVPIDERE cleanses the liver, the ■ Jvwr-wtLt- 7 -7” kidneys and the urinary organs of all impurities. " CuPIDENE strengthens and restores small weak organs. The reason • sufferers are not cured by Doctors is because ninety per cent are troubled with Proatwtltia. CUPIDENE is the only known remedy to cure without an operation. 6000 testimoni als. A written guarantee given and money returned If six boxes does not effect a permanent euret |I.OO a box, six fur 15.00, by mail. Send for fbkk circular and testimonials. Address DAVOL MBDICINB CO., P. O. Box 2078, San Francisco. Cal. Jbr /Bats bv FOR SALE BY TAYLOR & NORTON AND C. A. TREVITT. Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy cures indigestion, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Hiccoughs, Heart-burn