The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 22, 1897, Image 5

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Quality First! Price Afterwards! It has been our policy for years to handie good and best quality goods, for we know that p •<■!' goods, even a' very low prices, will do us an injury. We give you tne very best goods at all limes at the price of p Or goods. Hot Cakes and Syrup. The season has arrived when s’, rup and hot cakes are a very welcome addition to the breakfast table. From us you can get the best Buckwheat Flour, We offer you the best dark bucs whia - flour, and when y u have bought y ou .'.now that you have it as g od as ever grew from mother earth SYRUPS. We have a large line of syrups, all pure goods But o< r choic- St table syrup )S frjm the 1 sugar cane j ice, shipped direct to us from the planta tion, possessing a fine flavor, peau liarly its own: price cut from 60 .cents to 50 cents the gallon. Then we have a 50 cents syrup which we have marked down to 40 cents the gallon. Old time Cuban Molasses 30 cents the gallon. These goods are very black and fine. Maple Syrups We have it to suit the taste of any and everybody, and will guar antee to sell it to you from 10 to 25 cents the gallon cheaper than you can ouy it elsewhere. Here’s a Bargain. The very best household ammonia at 7 cents the bottle. You will pay 15 cents tor the same goods when bought from drug stores. - Jellies and Preserves, We are receiving and marking the largest shipmen of tt ese goods that ever came to Rome at a single ship ment. We ha\e both je lyand pre serves made entirely of sugar and fruit, and our re ail price will be the who'esale price. You can buy them fr< in us at same price that the small dealers have to pay for the same goods. Mince Meat, Twenty pound pails for $1 50: 10 pound pails 85 cents each. Macaroni. New Macaroni, new shipment ar rived today, 10 cents the package. Coffee and Tea. If you wi 1 ask your neighbor where the best coffee and tea can be bought for the least money and he does not say “at Hand & Co’s,” walk down and we will “set ’em up.” Our Q <fc Q. brand of coffee is the best Mocha and Java that grows, put up in three pound tins and $1 00 is the price. If jou can equal it forth money vou can have a can from us free. Teas letter that Tetley’s do not grow, and it lakes kssof his goods to make a pot than it does of any tea that has ever been sold on this market. Price 25c, 35c and 51 cents. HAND & CO. Opposite Armstrong Hotel. Rome, Ga., Oct. 15, 1897. m How to Break a * * * * Watch? * Drop It I How to Fix It ? % CARRY IT TO JOE VEAL’S. He doep the work the best* Miss Barker is. without question the best designer and Trimmer ever connected with our business. Leave your order with her and you’ll wear a prettier hat the coming winter than you ever wore before, Make a note of this,//Bass, BIG SUIT SETTLED Case of McDonald vs. Dougherty Re sults in Verdict for Defendant. JURY OUT ONi.Y A FEW MINUTES Suit for Slander Growing Out of Suit of Dougherty vs. McDonald—The Case Has Attracted Much Attention. Superior court was occupied yester day in bearing the concluding evi dence and the speeches in the ease of A. B, McDonald vs. A. Dpugherty. The-judge’s charge was delivered shortly after three o’clock, and the jury were out only a few minutes be fore returning a verdict for the defend ant. This has begn a big suit, and has at tracted much attention in Floyd. Lit igation has been in the courts two or three years in one way or another connected with the suit finally settled yesterday. The case of McDonald vs. Dougherty grew out of the suit of Dougherty vs. McDonald. Mr. McDonald was proprietor of the Keeley Institue, a yeer or two since, and Mr. “Doc” Dougherty was a pa tient there. While under treatment he died and Mr. A Dougherty brought suit against Mr. McDonald charg’ng that “Doc” Dougherty came to his death from brutal and in human treatment while an inmate of the Keeley Institute. Mr. McDonald then entered suit against Mr, Dougherty for slander, which result, d in a verdict for the de fendant last evening. Fouche & Fouche and Col. W. 8. McHenry represented the defendant and Seaborn Wright and Hal Wright the plaintiff. Court Stenographer Gordon Tatum was compelled to be absent yesterday on account of the very sad death and feueral of his father, M. A. B. Tatum. Misses Ida Langston and Connie Ross, two bright young ladies took down the evidence, and did their task well. Croup Q ickly Cored. Mountain Glen. Ark.—Our children were suffering with croup when we re ceived a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It afforded almost instant relief. —F. A. Thornton. This celebra ted remedy is for sale by Curry-Arring ton Co. SAM JONES TO LECTURE. Ou Evening of November 4tli Will Ap- - pear at Nevins Opera House. Rev. Sam Jones will lecture in Nevin’s opera house on the night of Nov. 4th. The sale of tickets etc., will be managed by Rev. A. A. Tilly in the interest of Howard Avenue Metho* dist church. Tickets are now on sale at the various drug stores in the city. Price 50c. Seats can be reserved without extra expense by applying at Trevitt’s drug store, , This is a good hit, for Sam Jones is the most popular lecturer on the continent today. He is too well known in Rome to need a iv extended notices or enconiums. The simple announcement that he is to lecture will pack Nevins opera house to its utmost capacity on the night of November 4th. Arnold’s Bromo-Celery. The greatest remedy of the 19th century for headaches. lOcts. For sale by Curry-Arringtor- Company. YOU SHOULD ATTEND. Entertainment of the Young People's Missionary Society Tonight. The Young People’s Missionaiy Society of the First Methodist chuich will give an entertainment tonight from 7 to 10 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. Alice Griffin on Fourth avenue, A delightful program has been arrang ed for the evening, and dainty refresh ments will be served to a'.l present. Every one should go out and encourage the little folks. . WHAT IT INDICATES. Nothing so interferes with one’s plans or ambition like sickness or poor health. Have you ever thought that your kid neys may be the cause of your sickness ? You can easily find out by setting aside your urine for twenty four hours; a sed iment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. It is a source of comfort to know that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is the great remedy for all kidney and bladder com plaints. It relieves pain, stitch or dull aching in the back, difficult or painful urination, frequent desire to urinate, scalding or pain in passing it, and quick ly overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during tne night. The mild and extra ordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon rea'ized. Its action is gentle, yet im mediate, the relief speedy and the cures permanent. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sam p'e bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail. Mention the Rome Tribune, and send your address to Dr. Kilmer <S Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The proprie tors of this paper guaiantee the genu ineness of this offer. HIE ROME TRIBUNE. FRIDAY OCTOBER 22. 1891, \ v It V® J % Seftutiful eyes grow dull and dint As the swift years steal away. Beautiful, willowy forms so slim Lose fairness with every day. But she still is queen and hath charms ta spare Who wears youth's coronal beautiful hair. Preserve Your Hair and you preserve your youth. "A woman is as old as she looks,” says the world. No woman looks as old as she is if her hair has preserved its normal beaaty. You can keep hair from falling out, restoring its normal color, or restore the normal color to gray or faded hair, by the use of Ayer’S Hair Vigor, POINTS ABOUT PEOPLE. Some Who Go Some Who Come and Some Who St-ty at Home. Mrn. James B Nevin has returned from Chattanooga. Mrs. W. A. Patton is quite ill at her home in East Rome. Elifiu Randall, of Rockmart, was in the city yesterday, Emmett Cole has returned from a bus iness trip to Chattanooga. Miss Flora Tomlinson, of Cedartown, is visiting friends in the city. Walker Bradford, of Cedartown, is the guest of friends in the city. Mr. Jesse Reynolds, a prominent citi zen of Bartow county, is in the*city. Mr. Ellis Davis, a slate manufacturer < f Rockmart, was in the city yesterdav. Dr. J. P. Buwdoin. editor of the ■ Adairsville Banner, was in the city yes terday Miss Lucile Hawkins is spending a few days with relatives in Cartersville this week. Major C. H. Smith and wife, of Car tersville, are the guests of their son, Mr. Hines M. Smilh. Capt. John W. Taylor, a very promi nent business man of Summerville, was in the city yesterday. Editor James A. Hall, of Calhoun, was in the city yesterday looking as hand some and prosperous as of yore. Hon. John W. Maddox returned from Trenton yesterday, where he had been to attend the funeral of Mr- M. A. B. Tatum, Miss Myra Alton Rowan, of Carters ville, arrived in the city last night, and will be the guest of her uncle, Mr. W. Cunyus. Mrs. Laura Seay IVatson, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Sandifer, at Rock Hill, S. C„ has returned home. Her many friends are giving her a cordial welcome. J. M. Thirswend, of Grosbeck,Tex., says that when he has a spell of indi gestion. and'feels sluggish be takes two of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers at night, and he is all right the next morning. Many thousands of others do the same thing. Do you? For ssle by Curry-Arrington Co. PREPARING FOR SYNOD. Presbyterians of Georgia to Meet Here On November 10th. The time is drawing near for the Georgia Synod to meet in Rome. It convenes on Wednesday, November 10. and will continue through to Sun day night. Mr. G. T Goetchius, pastor of the First Presbyterian church where the daily sessions will be held, is busy preparing to receive the large num ber of ministers and delegates who will be present. There are 105 minis ters and something over 200 churches, and each church is entitled to a rep resentative. It is not probable, how ever, that near all will be represented. But there will be fully one hundred here daring the synod. ATLANTA AND RETURN, On October 28th and 29th, the Southern Railway will sell tickets to Atlanta and return at the rate of $2,- 21, account National Bicycle League Meet, Tickets good for return passage until October 31st, J. N, HARRISON, C, T, A SKULL CRUSHED IN Serious Disturbance Betw en Two Ke/ • gnes at Miller’s Nurs'ry OSCAR WrSLEY WiS BADLY INJURED Hit in the Head With Stick-Crushed Skull Resting; on Brain—Stafford Wright, His Assailant, in Jail. Wednesday afternoon Stanford Wright’ and O car Wesley, two negroes living out by Miller’s nursery, got into a dis pute, and Wright hit Wesley a terrific blow on the head with a heavy stick. A warrant was sworn rut yesterday morning for Wright, and he wa's arrested and placed in jail. At that time Wes ley’s wound was not considered serious, and the trial was set for four o’clock yes terday afternoon before Justice Walter Harris. But Wesley’s condition became so seri ous that he was removed to the Emer gency hospital for attention. There four well known physicians examine i him and found that the blow had crush ed the negro's skull and a portion of it was resting against the brain. Wesley is in a critical state, an l may die, as the wound is a serious one. The trial was postponed until Wesley either recovers or dies. Should he die it w1! be a serious ease for Wright. Those who believe chronic diarrho, a to be incurable should read what Mr. P- E. Grtsham, of Gaars Mills, La , has to say on the subject, viz : “I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have tried all kinds of medicines for it. At last I found a remedy that affected a cure and that was Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. ” This medicine can always be depended upon for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It is pieasant to take and never fads to effet a cure. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Curry-Arrington Co, BIG BANQUET. Atlanta Chamber of Commerce Have Covers For 400 Guests. Atlanta, Oct., 21.--The chamber of commerce banquet at the Kimball house tonight was attended by four hundred if Atlanta’s leading business men. Governor Atkipson, Mayor Collier and others made speeches. SpHln to Kck on I* i ll bn <ter«. Madrid. Oct. .21. —The Spanish cab inet considered the draft of the answer of Spain to the uote of the United States ou the subject of Cuba, delivered to the Spanish government by the United States minister, General Stew art L. Woodford, shortly after his ar rival here. It is reported that the an swer of the Spanish government W'U include a formal protest against fili bustering. Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds may be avoided by using De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. liupoitant Change In Railroad Service. The '‘Sunset Limited” here-to fore running between New Orleans and San Francisco, will this city be oper ated between St. Louis and Los Angles via the “True Southern Route.” St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern. Texas Pacific and Southern Pacific Railways. This train will leave St. Louis at 10 p. m.. Tuesday j nd Saturday of week, commencing Oct. 19ch, arriv ing at Los Angeles Friday and Tues day. Parties from the south east go ing via Memphis will connect with this train at Little Rock, leaving Memphis Tuesday and Saturday evenings. Consist of Train. Composite car, with bath and bar ber shop, sleepers and dining car. Vestibuled steam heat, pint-ch gas light. This is the most complete and best equipped train now in service to Calafornia. No form of transporation will be hon ored on this train except first-class one way or round trip tickets. For special schedules and full par’ic lars, address H. C. Townsend, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.; E. P. Turner, G. P. A., Dallas, Texas.; A. A. Gallagher, S. P A.. No. 103 Read House Chattanooga, Tenn. When Others, Fall Consult DR. NICHOLS Nichols Building, 407 Union St., NASHVILLE, TENN. The Leading and Most Successful Never Fails to Cure Syphilis, Stricture, Light Losses. Piles, Gleet, Hydrocele, Hsl Varicocele, Diseases of Women. < BLOOD POISON SS3S."JJ2' i J days. You can be treated at home Ofor same price under same guaranty. If you prefer to come here v e will W contract to pay railroad hra and no charge if we fail to cure. (1, LOST MANHOOD fA Night Emissions, Impotei ey, the * dreaded effects of early vice, which brings organic weakness. On e? am ning the urinary deposits a ropy sedin ent will often be tound, and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is Seminal Weakness. The Doctor will guarantee a permanent cure in all cases. WRITE for symptom blank. You can be cured at home by correspondence. WRITF for Symptom Blank, correspond n Ull U ence private. All letters an swered in plain envelope. To Grocers. yC*’ - utf We h ave direct proof that peddlers of washing /L powders say that the stuff they’re selling is '///u XllKw 6 ! “ ma de in the same factory” as PiVarline Wy ill I an d that buying from them will saw going io, 111 t-*V or ordering from, the grocery store. Do you want people “saved” that. You have theso same washing-powders in stock. Possibly you ~ ~ Jr — are g* v * n .? them out, whenever you can, in place of Pearline. You are trying to push them i,\to notice.; they are trying to crowd you out. You flunk you are “making more money on them.” But will it pay you, in the end ? 545 Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you “ this is as good as” or “the same as I’earline.” IT’S FALSE—Pearline is never peddled, if TT 1 and if your grocer sends you something in place cf rearline, be Jt5cLCxC honest— send it back. JAMES PYLE, New York. I /SHANDY CATHARTIC | g . a. . I W r? oM rx i I ' -i- I I ?e* An- t 125* 50 * "riWGGiSTS f ♦ AR'iOLIITRLV fHi p :»«?•.••• of ’mrtip-c*.™. C’asrt’V sre (he Ideal Luxa-Z , v. /'.lluj > . tit c. Tver or rrine.Juit p'losa eaayHatnrai results. bani>l J pie and booklet free. A*. STWIMJ V‘ i G*. :«« ?.. €au., tork. 217.1 F- •‘.f-CS .■ »>.**■-« - *- •*-■"-?*■ fff—j- rS ■■*_•* ~igl I - fli •> O »Q. - . ——— ******■■ Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy cures Indigestion, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Hiccoughs, Heart-burn, jtiaranteed. STRANGE EQUINE DISEASE. Horses In the Country Were Attacked With a Peculiar kilment. Farmers from central Missouri say that a strange disease recently appeared among horses They seem to have been affected with some kind of an influenza, and their legs sws lied to great dimen sions and their joints became so stiff that they could scarcely move. As the disease only appeared a short time ago the farmers were at a loss to know how it would terminate or what treatment to use in combating it They did not think that it would prove fatal, but of this they had no assurance. It caused a good deal of uneasiness. A strange feature connected with the disease was that it only attacked coun try horses, and no cases were reported from the cities.—St. Louis Republic. A few weeks ago the editor was taken with a very severe cold that caused him to be in a most miserable condition. It was undoubtedly a bad case of la grippe and recognizing it as dangerous he took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the advertisement of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy and the many good recommendations included therin, we concluded to make a first trial of the medicine. To say that it was satisfac tory in its results, is putting it very mildly, indeed. It acted like magic and the result was a speedy and perma nent cure. We have no hesitancy in recommending this excellent Cough Remedy to anyone afflicted with a cough or cold in any form.—The Banner of Liberty, Libertytown, Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Curry- Arrington Co. Kot Many Like £ie«. Mrs. Jane Huff of Carter county, Ky., is in many respects a remarkable woinan. Though past 78 years old. she sticks to the primitive methods and habits of earlier mountain life and thinks nothing of riding 40 miles a day on horseback. Mrs. Huff, while 78 years old, has had only 20 birthdays, and will have no other till 1904, having been born on the last day of February in leap year. —Louisville Courier-Journal. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. sc. Don’t fail to attend Hill Bros', Auction Sale of horses at Doug/ 1 las’ Stable Monday, October 25th. Every horse as repre/ sented or money refunded. Don’t Wait Until cold weather to have jour grates reset and repaired. Dick Treadaway is prepared to furnish new grates and take your old ones in part pay. Leave orders at Crouch A Co. Don’t fail to attend Hill Bros,’ Auction Sale of horses at Doug las’ stable Monday, October 25th, Every horse as represent ed or money refunded. Messrs. Broach & Trammel have com pleted the big Chamlee building run ning from Broad to First street. The brick, lime, lumber and materials were made and prepared in Rome by Rome mechanics and with Rome’s money. Parties wanting buildings put up, apply to Broach & Trammell. City Registration List For Elec tion March Is 1- . 1898. Colored. t Smith. Amos. $2,21 to Atlanta and return via Western L Atlantic R, R, Oct, 28th and 29th, limited to return until Oct, 31, C.K, Ayer P, 81, A. JUST IN AT LESTER’S ' Fiesb lot of the famous Ferris Hanis and Breakfast Bacon, If you want something fine, tiy one of these. COFFEE I am sole agent for Chase & San born’s fine Boston Roa-ted Coffee. The same was served exclusively at the Wcrli’s Fair, 1893. C. &P. Farragon Vinegar. Hun garian Paprica ( Sweet Pepper , Fine Butter 25 cents per pound. B, S, LESTER, Old’Postoffice cor. ,'ROME, GA. Surity for All We Will Bond You! We will make bonds for officers and employees. Also bonds for ad ministrators, executors, guar dians, trustees, Receivers, as signees, replevin, attachment and injunction cases, and all undertakings in judicial pro cedings. We are also bond contractors. For particulars call on H. Yancey & Co. fW II £ - ; “Shall I not take mine ease < f * in mine inn?”—Henry IV’. ( ( I Jk H 1i i Meals II *5 9 \ Tbo B *st i i tho citv. Prompt ! [ 4 'ife-W Attomion and High. Cool, u j Airy P 'oms. jon pay only j r for what you order. ( > | V/dFiie/’s ;; Nonesuch !; 2 Lunch nooms j For Ladies and Gentlemen. | | b < > v Sitting? Boom and Toilet \j > ’•* Conveniences are provided. ( > ■>* I ► 4 Con Peachtree and Marietta Sts. ( > Nim cross Building. ATLANTA, GA. 11 2 TAKC elevator. ] | jj t&MLiSjp FIFTH FLOOR. ( , Stop When in Chattanooga, either on ’ business or pleasure, at the most comfortable and convenvient hotel in the city. Stanton House, Near the Central Station and convenient to business center Rates, $2 a pay. M, M. Kline 4 Co. Proprietors. Nashville and return for s3x 45 by the Southern Railway, tickets on sale Oct, 20th, good for 5 days, J, N, Harrison, C, T.A.