The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 22, 1897, Image 7

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A WORLD OF TRADE Ruling Prices of the Leading Articles of Commerce. THE ROME M4BKETB FULLY QUOTED jGatesf Pric®* Giyn From Daily Corrections Liverpool and’New Y<» k Cotton Market Fluctaatkn 8. Kouie l <itton Market. x er wagon Cutton. New Yubk, Oct. 21 The following are to •day’e quouitioiib: Cotton Fatorea. Opening Cloie Cloee today. today, yesterday January 6 10 6 12 6 09 flPebrQat” l ' b 13 o 14 6 .0 MMCh./. 6 17 6 18 6 17 " 625 626 624 June 6-9 6 29 .... July 6 34 6 32 . b 31 August •••• •••• September...- •••• October 6 02 6 <•? .... November 6 04 6 07 6 03 December 606 6 09 6 06 Liverpool. 0ct.21.—1 he following were the quotations today: Sales, 12,0 K) baios. lone steady. Middlings, 3 5 Bc. Onentng Close. January and February 3 20 3 20 February and March 8 29 3 20 March and April 8 21 3 21 April and May 4 22 3 22 May and June 3 23 3 *z3 June and July 3 2:3 3 24 J*»ly and August 3 24 3 25 AO.JfQSt and September .... deptember and October 3 29 3 30 October and Novemiier 3 22 8 23 November and Deceu.oer 3 .0 3 20 December and January 3 20 3 20 LOCAL MARKETS. (CORRECTED DAILY.] GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. home. Oct. 21.—The following are the whole sale prices; small lota to com timers are rela tively higher. Wheat—New wheat 90c. These a r e the prices paid by commission merchanta. Corn—Dealer, are paying 4«c t ached for corn -and are selling at su@ssc sacked, delivered on care in carload lots. Smaller quantities, 2@3c •higher. B ilk corn, 2c less than sacked. Ear .corn,sse per bbl., with or without ’hucks OATS-In car lots, No, 2 in xed. No. 2 white bulk, 29c; sacked, from store, No. 2. mixed, 30@32; No. 2, wuite3sc, Flour—Fancy patents, $5.75@6.00; straight, $5.40; extra fancy, $5.00; fancy, $4.85; choice family, $3.65. In selling consumers, grocers add ,20c to 3uu par bbl to theee prices Graham flour, $5.50; rye 11 ur sl. "0; patent spring wheat flour, $6.00; whole wheat flour, $6.00, Hay—ln car lots, choice tlmou-y, $14,00@16,00; No 1 timothy. $15.00; No 2. $14.00; less than car Hots, SI,OO per ton higher. Groceries and Provisions, , Sugar—Clarified, white, 4%c; yellow, 4H@ 4 5-16 c; seconds. 3%@lc; standard A 4.90; gran ulated 5.40 c; powdered 6.80 c; cubes,s.2sc; con fectioners A, 5.63 c; cut loaf, 5,;0c; open kettle, 4@4.250. Gbebn Coffee—Per pound, Rio ordinary, 10@llc; fair to good, 12@14c; choice to fancy, 15<§16c; peaberry, 17c; Cordova. 17J4@18c. KoaStbd Coffee —Equality plan, fob, New York basis, 1-lb, packages, per case of 100 pack ages, Arbuckle’s 11.19 c; Leverings 11.10;Mocha and Java, 50-lb, tins 28@32c. Westen Pork Products—Bacon, sides, ex itra short, 7%c; regular, 7%c; fancy, 8c; shoulders, choice, B@By,c; fancv shoulders, fancy. 8c; hams, lu l / 4 @'2c; bellies, 8@8)4c; breakfast bacon, choice, 10@lle; fancy, 12g13c; bologna sausage. 5%@6c; dry salt regulars, 6@ 514 c; extras, 5% c. Lard—Fancy leaf, 6@6%c; choice leaf, 5%@ 5‘,4c; choice family, sc; refined, sc. Coal Oil—Georgia test 10c, headlight 12c, fire proof 12‘4e: Apex axle grease, per case, 1 ib boxes. $2 25; per case of 3 doz., 2 1 /, and 3-lb buckets; $4.00; Mecca axle grease, 1-lb tin boxes,per case $2.25; 2% lb tin boxes, per case, $3.25;3J4-lb tin boxes, per case. $3 85. Country Produce. Bbbswax -Per pound, 22@23c. Bacon—From wagons; shoulders 7@Bc; sides, '6@7c; hams, 9@Uc: country lard 6c%7‘/£. Butter—Per pound, 10@20c. Feathers—Prime goose white, per pound, ■3o@3lc; gray goose, 28c; mixed, 20@25c; old 20e; mixed gray and white, 28@30c. Poultry—Spring chickens, each 12h@17%c; hens I6c;old roosters 10c each; geese, full feath ered, 20c each. Eggs—Per dozen, first hands, open market, 12‘/ 2 c®l3l i . Tallow—Per pound, 3c Potatoes—New Irish potatoes, 85@35c per bushel; from store per barrel, $2.60. Apples—Home-grown, 40@5 n c per bushel from wagons; 40@50c bushel from store. Tomatoes—New, six-basket carrier crate, 75; shipped, So@4fc basket crate. Cabbage—Florida or Tennessee $1.25. Beans—New Green, $1 00 per bushel. Onions—From store, 75@90c per bushel; in bushel baskets SI.OO. Hide—Dry flints over 8 lbs., Nos 1 and 2 9c; dry sailed over 10 lbs, Nos. 1 and 2 7c; kip hides 7c; green salted numbers 1 and 2 5%c; green not salted, numbers 1 and 2,4%c; green glue 2c, dry glue 3c; skins 20@50c. Wool—Choice unwashed, 13@14c; slightly burry, 10@llc; moderate burry B@9c; hard burry 's@6; choice tub-washed 22c: dingy tub-washed -20@21C. Georgia Sobghum nFrom wagons, old, 8J412C per gallon; new 22@ :sc; good stack and cooper age. ■Bbans—From store, New York navy beans $1.60. Meal—Pearl, plain or bolted 48 lbs, to the bushel, 46c; 46-lbs, bushel, 45c. Broken fChain | ► The family circle T m is never so happy r/ S after the chain is wi m broken and a link m X taken. Some family r/, chains are strong, Wl ot^ers weak. Have you a good family history? Or is there a tendency to coughs, throat or bronchial troubles, weak lungs? Has a brother, sister, parent or near relative had consumption? Then your family chain is weak. Strengthen it. Take SCOTT’S Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites. It makes rich blood, gives strength and vigor to weak lungs and run-down constitutions. With its aid the system throws off acute coughs and colds. It pre vents the chain from breaking. Shall we send you a book about this, tree? For sale by all druggists at 50c. and SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. Rheumatism Cure is guaranteed to be absolutely harmless, and a strong tonic in building up the weak and debilitated. It cures acute or muscular rheuma tism In from one to five days. Sharp, shooting pains In any part of the body stopped in a few doses. A prompt, complete and permanent cure for lameness, soreness, st iff back and all pains In hips and loins. Chronic rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago or pain in the back are speedily cured. Itseldom fails to give relief from one to two doses, and almost invariably cures before one bottle has been used. The Munyon Remedy Company prepare a separate cure for each disease. At all druggists—2s cents a vial. If you need medical advice write Prof. Munyon, 1506 Arch Street, Philadelphia. It la absolutely free. i iybteb*-Standard weight, 1-lb cans, $1,65@ 175 i>erc»se; 2-11? cans, $2 90@S,l'.'. Canned meats— orn beef, 1 lb, csne $1,25: 2-ib, $2.10; chipped bdef, J4-lt> cans, $1 50; 1-lb $2 4'l: po'tidand deviled num, cane, 50c; 14 lb« Canned Vegetables—Tomatoes per case of 2-lbcaus $1.50c: 3-ib $1,75@2.00; corn $1,25@2,10 1 ring brans $1 01; early June peas 2-lb si,(iv@ a,80; marrowfat. $1.60. Cheese- Half c earn 10c; full cream 1154 c; Young Atnerca, lU4c;chedaar, 11‘Ac, Sardines -American quarters, per case $2,75 @3,00; ditto musiaid, $2,60@2,75; imported, $9.00<512 50. Salmon—Columbia Rivera, fancy flats per d z n,si.9o; tails. $1,75; choice Columbia River flats, $1,35; tails $ 1.45; Alaska, tails, jl,10; flats $1,35; pink $1,90@t,15, Molasses—Straight choice, open kettle, new 35-40; prime 32c; good 29c;common centrifugal, 10@23c; cane syrup choice, new 33c; mixed goods 3@4c per gallon less. Vinegar—3o-gralns 10@12c; 40 grain. 12@15c; 50 grains, 15@18c; Mott’s pure apple 20c; ad. vance of 2c per gallon for half barrels. Crackers—XXX soda and picnic, 4 1 / a @s*4c; XX soda, butter and picnic 4%c. Pickles—Bulk, 1200 in barrel, $4.00; 2,4001 b barrel $5.00; 1,200 half barrel $3,25; 600 half barrel $2,75; plain mixed ba’f barrel $4,50@ 5,00; sweet mixed ner barrelsll 50. Ammunition—Shot, buck, $1,50; dron ?1.25@ 1,30; bar lead sc; powder, 25-lb kegs, rifle, $4 00; blasting $1.55; fuse 40@80c. Rope—Cotton. No 2, 9@loc; No 1,1114@1214c; Sisal, 7%c; manilia. 12c. SoDA-ln 112-lb kegs loose. 2@254c; in tO-’b. boxes, 1-lb, packages $3,45; 1-lb, and 14-lb.pack ages $3,30@3 60,14 lb, packages, $3 45@3,75; 5c size, $3.30@3,60. Salt-Table salt in barrels of 280 pounds ea h —Bmk $165; 28 10-lb hags $1.90; 60 5-lb bags $1.99; 100 3-lb bigs $2.10; 149 2 lb bags $2 20; salt in bags 60@70c. Candy—Small sti'-k, in boxes and baskets 6%c@ c; buckets half cent higher. Nuts—Pecans, 9@l2c; walnuts (California), 12@15c; filberts 9@llc; almonds 12@15c; Brazil nuts 10c. Grain aud Provisions. Chicago, Oct. 81. open or.osß Wheat—October ... 9014 Wheat—December •-- 91 Wheat—Ma ... 894-4 Corn—Octob r ... 24w Corn—December -6®J4 ... -ri Corn—May ... 29J4 Oats—October ... >7 Oats—December 1844 ... Is Oats—May ... 20M Pork—October a ... 7.81 Pork— December 7 8214 ... 7.8? Pork—January .... ... B*l Lard—October ... 4.37 Lard—December 4.32(4 44'' Lard—January ... <4 Ribs—October ... 4 Ribs—December 459 ... 4.57 Bibs-January ... 4 efi Naval Stores. Savannah, Oct. 21.—Turpentine, quiet at Klc; shies 3J5 cask<: receipts. 704 casks. Rosin, firm: sales. 0 h, r receipts, 1,281 barrels; A. B, C, D, $1.2.5; E, $1.3 ; F, $1.30; », $1.35; H. $1 40; I, $1 55; K, $1.80; M. $ . Os N,s2. (1: windowgiass. $2.<5: waterwhite. 5 wibBUUKD, -4. e., .Jut. 21.—viosiu. hr 1; strained, sl.l >; gooi strains I, receipts, 4 , barrels. Spirits turpentine, a 29c; receipts, 8 casks. Tar, q at sLsij receipts, oarrels. Crude turpentine, a, at SI.SU, $2 LU and receipts, io . urrelS. You can’t cure consumption but you can avoid it and cure every other form of throat or lung truub'e by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. FORTUNE FOR A CONVICT. Heir ami L:»ti£ Loat *M»n Di*cov«ro<i In the A t .burn t;ite Hris<»u. Auburn. N. Y., Oct. 21.—Convict No. 24,498 111 die state prison was commit ted as Join .Murphy, alias -Frank Ma son, from New York for attempted bur glary, and has two years and six luouihi to serve. Chief of Police McMaster recently re ceived a letter from ex-Sheriff John Kivel of Argyle, Minn, requesting assistance in finding liis son, Fred M., who disappeared from home ten years ago at the age oi 14. Nothing had been heard from him until a few weeks ago, when Mr. Kivel received a letter signed Frank Mason, No. 135 State street, Au burn, N. Y., and saying that the writer was his son. No. 135 State street is the prison, but Mr. Kivel was uot aware of that fact when he wrote the letter in which he stated that bis father died a short time ago, bequeathing a large amount of property to his missing grandson. A detective called at the prison and fully identified Mason as young Kivel, and so notified his father, who was greatly distressed to learn that his son was a convict. He is now on his way east, and will apply to Governor Black for the young man’s pardon. Medical men say rheumatism is the forerunner of heart disease. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures rheumatism by its action on the blood. ROBBERS TRY TO ESCAPE Hohannon a>i<l Hiis Gans Use a Steel >aw on the Dalton Jail Bar*. Dalton, Ga., Oct. 21. —Bohannon ami his accomplices were caught in an at tempt to break jail. They had obtained a small steel saw and had cut seven bars in two. They had three more to cut to get to the brick wall; An hour’s work would have let them out of the cage. The prisoners in the cage appeared to be very jolly and sang for an hour. The singing was to drown the noise of the saw. The jailer became suspicious, and without giving an alarm kept close watch. He discovered what was going on, gave the prisoners a stiff talk and told Bohannon to produce the saw. Bohannon xvas inclined to put the re sponsibility on the others, but they would not have it. So Bohannon lifted Sam Painter up on his shoulders and Painter pulled the saw from a crack in the wall behind the cage. Bohannon was very much taken aback by the discovery. He has evi dently been counting on getting away in a few nights. Once through the iron bari-ed celh they could Imve dug through the brick wall in an hour or so. To Core a Gold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Ta b iets. All druggists refund the money f it fails to cure. sc. THE HOME TRIBUNE FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2*J, POTATO CROP VERY POOR. New Turk I'm per Hukn* It* Fl-ial of Mie Yield For ISO?. New York, Oct. 21.—Not since 189* has the potato crop of the United States proved so nearly a failure, says The American Agriculturist in its final re port of the yield of 1897. Compared With the liberal crop of last year there is an apparent falling off of nearly 30 per cent in tonnage, and the quality of the whole is greatly deficient. County -nnd township returns from all the leading potato growing states to this weekly newspaper show the yield of potatoes to be 174.000,000 bushels against 240.000.000 in 1890, 2b6,000,000 in 1895. 185,000,000 in 1894 and oulv 155,000,000 in the short crop of 1892. The average rate of yield per acre is placed at 64 bushels, taking the country at large, against 86 busnels in 1096, 89 in 1895 and 62 in 1892. The reasons for the disaster to the potato crop of 1897 are about as varied as a multiplicity of causes could make them. Standing out with more promi nence than any other two factors are blight and rot, as a result of extremes of weather conditions. Excessive rain fall here and there, failure of germina tion, later serious drouth, rust, scab, insects, etc., have all been prominently in evidence, though complaints of this character are less general than for the two first named. While the yield in bushels is small th* quality is also deficient. This is true of most, but not all states. The crop is best in the northwest. Such portions of Canada as make a specialty of potatoes, notably Ontario and the maritime provinces, show a general but not serious shortage. WARNING: —Persons who 'suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warnings of danger and save themselves suffering and fatal reeu ts by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. For sale by Curry-Arring ton Co. Mosebery Calia on Bismarck. Berlin, Oct 21.—Lord Rosebery, the former premier and leader of the Lib eral party of Great Britain, in company with Count Herbert Bismark, is visit ing the former chancellor. Prince Bis marck, at Friedrichsruhe. ________________ ' Wedding of an Aged Couple. Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 21.—Benja min F. Hunt of Bridgeport, aged 87, and Mrs. Julia Auu Sherman of thia City, aged 90, were married here. —AU. WOMEN of 'TjT all the pain Jp andsicknessfrom jj "“nx which women roL suffer is caused £aF by weakness or derangement in the argans of ' menstruation. Nearly always Kjyggfeti?] <Myw when a woman is not well these » organs are affected. But 'when K they are strong and healthy a u woman is very seldom sick. W&lui Is nature’s provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cures all "female troubles." It is equally effective for the girl In her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the "Change of Life." They all need it. They are all benefited by it. o For advice In cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptom*, the " Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chatta nooga. Tenn. THOS. J. COOPER, Tupelo, Miss., sayst " My elster suffered from very Irregular and painful menstruation and doctor* could not relieve her. Wine of Cardul entirely cured her and also helped my mother through the Change of Life." t P DDHM’C FOR EITHER SEX. LE DnUN d This remedy being in. ——jeered directly to the seat of those diseases «■ ■■ of the Genite-Urinary «jh| Jfj MMI Organs, requires no El® change of diet. Cure SS-xEM K«aranteed in 1 to 8 ■ days. Small plain pack- TT ‘B® XET age. by mail, SI.OO. £*■&*Sold only by For sale by Curry-Armgtou C<? wholesale druggists, Rome. Ga. | FASHIONS POZZONI’S v POWDER ft ♦Je REMANS ALWAYS THE SAME, XThe finest, purest and *nost beauti- V lying toile V powder ever made. It is Xl* soothing healing, healthful and A. harmless. and when rightly used is Invisible, if you have never tried r • A POZZONI’S A /JX vou do not know wbat an IHEAIU I’OMPVEXION JPOWUEK is. A IT IS SOLD EVEKYWHEBE. A GOLD FIELDS. New Route to Klondike! How to Reach Alaska. Stop over in Rome and we will show you the Gateway wherein untold thousands can be found by calling at G. J. BRIANT & CO’S THE ARMSTRONG A r*fr BRIANT CORNER J D/A IX W . io. The best appointed and most elegant in Rune, saying 50 per cent on your purchases is the first step to wealth. We are first hands for everything in the Liquor line. We represent the best distilleries and Im porters in America. With an experience vs over 30 years, we feel confident we know the wants of the Trade a“iai° ari su PPv CUB t° me Fß to the very best advantage. Don’t throw away your money before you give us a Look LOOK AT THIS LIST! Monogram' Rye, Monongahela Murray Hill Club, Clover Club, Old ®y e > Nathan XXXX Rye, Yellow Lincoln County 6 yrs. Old, Jas. E. Label Whisky. Pe.iper & Co, Rye. Nathan’s Old Cabinet, Gold Med- 01d Forrester Rye, Watermelon al, Lewis’66 Rye Baker’s Rye. , r Old Family Nectar, Golden Age Gins, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Rye. Canadian Club Whisky, Paul Fannin ami Pickens County Com Mglll Jones & Co’s Pure Rye, Whiskey, Jae. Hennessey’s Brandy. Jno G ibs on Sons & Co. Rye, Otarl Du P u & Co -’ 8 Brandy, J ' XXXX Acme, Green Briar Lincoln G ’Mumm’s Champaigns. ill W . txte- 1 • Wines, Imported and domestic, county Whisky. Tobaccos, Cigars, &c, &c. j 11 Sole agents for the Celebrated. Pabst Milwaukee V I' j Beer, the best on the market. Largest and VdJJ most select stock of whiskeys, Brandies, A\ w 7 Domestic and imported wines, Ale, Porter, i\\ { U gin, cigars, tobacco, etc. Bottled and draft ■ k eers> J° s * & End weiser bottled beer J Corn Whiskey a Specialty. rill W We make a specialty of the Jug Trade, and all orders by mail Jlu IIW " 11 or telegraph will have our prompt attention. Special in- ducements offered, ■Ol BRIANT’S CORNER, Bass’ old stand. ROME, GA. COST SALES! Going Out of Business Sales! .; Are not in it compared to the prices given by W. H. COKER & CO. % % 19, 21, 214 Broad St., Rome, Ga. THE GUT PRICE HOUSE. No matter what prices are quoted you, ours will be lower. Come to see us before buying. W. H. COKER & CO. If You Want the Best Paper Take The Tribune.