The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 23, 1897, Image 3

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MINISTER TO DENMARK. Professor Swenson Has Distinguished Him self as an Educator. Laurits S. Swenson, the newly ap pointed envoy extraordinary and min ister plenipotentiary to Denmark, is a representative of tho Scandinavian ele ment of Minnesota and other north western states. He is a man of educa tion and refinement, having been prin cipal of Luther academy in Albert Lea, Minn., sinoe 1889. The new minister to Denmark was born in New Sweden, Nicollet county, Minn. His father and grandfather set tled there 40 years ago, having emigrat ed from Norway in 1857. They settled on a farm, and in time Swen Swenson, father of Professor Swenson, became a wealthy and influential man in the new neighborhood, being elected to the state legislature in 1887. His son he sent to St. Olaf college, which institution Laurits entered at the / / fa I '“Wror •’ LAURITS S. SWENSON. early age of 14. Seven years afterward he was graduated from Luther college, in lowa, and then he went to .Johns Hopkins university at Baltimore, where he took a postgraduate course. In 188!) he was given the degree of master fit arts. As soon as he had completed his studies in Baltimore Professor Swenson was elected principal of Luther academy of Albert Lea, and he has held that po sition until now, when he retires to go abroad to represent his government at the Danish court. Besides being a leader in educational affairs, Professor Swenson lias been active in politics. Among his personal friends he numbers Senator Knute Nel son and Secretary of State Brown. In the last presidential campaign he was energetic in working for the election of the Republican ticket. Minister Swen son was married in 1887, his wife being Ingeborg Odegaard. He will find Copen hagen an expensive city in which to live, but he will receive a salary of <7,500. Yellow Jack Preventative. Guard against yellow jack by keeping the system thoroughly clean >md fne from germ breeding matter. Cascarets Candy Cathartic will cleanse the system and and kill all contagious disease germs. PRIZEb .Grt i‘ IN ivl ICHIGAM. Hyun hihl Jul,ii.on I Ollier ut m Lake Kesort. Grand Rapids, Oct. 22 “Kid” Ryan and John Johnson, negroes, both of Chicago, fought a knockout contest before a big crowd at Reed’s lake resort just before daylight. Ryan was the cleverer, but he exhausted himself in offensive work in the sixth and seventh rounds, when he had the negro going, but he lacked steam to put him out. After that Johnson rallied and forced the fighting. In the eleventh round, while Ryan’s hand was still on Johnson’s shoulder, the latter swung on Ryan’s jaw and knocked him senseless. Johnson’s blow was declared a foul under the rules and Ryan got the money. Deputy sheriffs were present, but did not interfere. WARNING:—Persons vho suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warnings o£ danger and save themselves suffering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. For sale by Curry-Arring ton Co. sir. iia.- -0.-.xr*onikiait 'nsane. CoTCago, Oct. 22.—Ex- Congressman Charles N. Woodman has been taken to tne detention hospital, suffering from paresis Three weeks ago Mr. Wood man was prostrated by an attack of hemorrhage of the brain and for a time his life was despaired of. Since his re covery he has shown marked signs of mental disorder. He finally became so violent taut he was placed under re straint. Mr. Woodman is an oidtime figure in Chicago politics. He was elected to the Fifty-lourt-h congress as a Republican and attained considerable reputation there as a champion of Cuba SKINS nHF®r &VS ai Hl; : Skins on fire with torturin';, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and pirn, !y humors, instantly relieved by a warm bath with CUTiceiiA Soap, a. single application -d CuTiccr.A (ointment.), the great skin cure, and a full dose of Cuticura Resolvent. @ti6ura Io «014 throveboutthe wnrld. Pottrr D. ftC. Cobp , Sole Props., Beaton. •• How tov'ure 'Torturing Humors,” BABY’S SKIN titled by Cutwubl r* eatt CARGO OF ARMS FOR CUBA. The Schooner Mirer Takes More Supplies t«» the Insurgent a. New York, Oct. 22. —The Herald says: The Herald has made a thorough investigation into the alleged departure of the filibustering expedition from the port of New York in the schooner “Sli ver Heels” last Saturday night. As to the suspicious circumstances attending 'the departure of the vessel, H. P. Browp, her agent, said: “There is nothing suspicious what ever about tha sailing of the Silver Hoels. She took nothing whatever on board which could be regarded as con traband goods. She sailed for Norfolk and Charleston in search of a charter. I have engaged a charter for her since her departure, and I am waiting to hear from Captain Quinlan when he touches at Norfolk or Onarleston to order him back here with the schooner.” Despite the emphaticueuialsof Agent Brown, The Herald learns from other sources that the Silver Heeis did leave New York on Saturday night, loaded With arms and ammunition, and that she went directly to sea. At some point on the high seas-sheis expected to trans fer her cargo to another craft, which may have armed men on board, whose destination is Cuba. ,N<» Duty on Miners* Outfit*. £57., Ottawa, Oct. 22.—The report tele graphed from Victoria that the Cana-, aian government had decided to charge a duty on every class, of goods taken into the Klondike country, including miners’ packs, is not correct. There has been no change in the customs laws affecting that country, and miners are still permitted to take in outfits free of duty when not exceeding <IOO in value. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the “New Great South American Kidney Cure.” This new remedy is a g eat surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages in male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Curry-Arringtpj Co , druggists, Rome, Ga. th-fr-sat & w. Moilier mu • hiid Murdered. ' Spokank, Wash., Oct. 22 —When Mrs. A J. Lynch entered the residence of C. W. Kessler, a shocking sight met her eyes. Mrs. Ke-sler was dead from a ghastly wound in the throat and near by lay her 4 year-old sou with a ouilet hole in his head. The husband and father is in the city prison halt msaye and under suspicion o; having killed his wife ana child. He protests his inno cence ami c.iaims ms wife shot their chi d and committed suicide. Physi cians think the cm id may recover. Cascarets Candy Cathartic kills yellow jack wherever they find him. No one who takes Cascarets regularly and sys tematically is in danger from the dreadful disease. Cascarets kill yellow fever germs in* the bowels and prevent new ones from' breeding. 10c, 25c, 50c, all druggists. Nashville and return for $3:-* 45 by the Southern Railway, tickets on sale Oct. 20th, good for 5 days, J, N, Harrison, C. T, A, ______ RKDUCKD KATES VIA SOUTHERN KY. Special Excursion Tot Nashville, Account Tennessee Centennial. Oct 20. On October 20th, the Southern rail way will sell special excursion tickets to Nashville, Tenn... and return at the following very low rates for the round trip: Plainvill, <3.25; North Rome, <3.45; Rome, $3 45; Lindale, <3.55; Silver Creek, <3.55; Chambers. <3.55; Seney. <3.70; Roekmart, <3.75; Braswell, <3.75; Dallas, <3.75; Hiram, <3.75; Powder Springs, <3.75; Austell, <3.75; Mableton, <3.75; Nickajack. <3.75; Chattahoochee, <3 75. Tickets will be said on October 20th only, limited to return five days from date of sale. This will be the last opportunity parties will have to visit the centen nial at this very low rate, and as the attractions will begranderthismonth than at any previous time, everyone should endeavor to attend. Call on any ticket agent of the < Southern Railway for further infor mation. Alleged Mioplifter Arrested. Selma, Ala., Oct. 22. —Louis Gerts mau, atone time the most prominent insurance man in Alabama, has been arrested for pilfering from stores. In his room was found all manner of ar ticles, including corsets and children’s caps, things he had no earthly use for. Some time back he was fined in ths mayor’s court for stealing articles from a roommate’s trunk. His friends claim he is a kleptomaniac. For a number of years lie was manager of the Academy of Music, and he is well known through out the south. 1 hr V*’ hi t eheiiii- / Trial. x Athens, Ga., Oct. 22.—The White head-Weir case is on trial in Clarke su perior court. This is a famous case and is attracting much attention. Weir was shot from am ush, several months ago. He charged Whitehead with being tne guiity parry, aim prosecuted him on the charge of assault with intent, to in or der The case has been before a jury in Oconee county five times, and was trans: tfrred here from rhe fact that an the jury material was exhausted. Disfigurement for life by htiruo or scalds may be avoided by using De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. THE HOME TBIBUNB SATURDAY. OCTOBER ‘23. 1897. NEW ROAD I'S COMMENCED. 1 The Fimt Dirt Broken on the Annum I mid 'eliux Air 1.1 tie. Selma, Ala., Oct. 22.—The first dirt on the Atlanta and Selma Air Line was broken in the eastern suburbs with im posing ceremonies. Mayor Meyer tfii.l members of the city council, Colonel Mitchell, president of the road, and a large number of citizens were prevent when the first scraper, drawn by tour mu es, was imbedded into the earth by Mrs. Watkin M. Vaughan, who lu.d been selected as the sponsor of the road. There was speech making and cheering. Fifty mules and 100 men were put to work ami these will be quadrupled in a few days. When 10 miles are graded track will be laid and trains pur. on. The road will then be pushed througn Alianga, Chilton, Coosa, Elmore, Tal lapoosa, Clay and Ruudoiph counties and on to Atlanta. The road will, wheu completed, form the short line from Atlanta to New Or leans and will open up extremely val uable sections -of mineral, farm and timber lauds. AGAINST'A LEASE SYSTEM. North Carolina Penitentiary Directors Opposed to Hiring Out Convicts. Raleigh, Oct. 22.—The penitentiary directors have decided that the convicts should not bo leased, as the general sen timent iu the state is strongly against leasing. . Chairman Dockery says an excellent showing is made by Superintendent Smith as to the farming operations and that after paying the debts th«e will be 4250,000 surplus, putting cotton at a basis of 5 cents, and that there will be , also plenty of grain and feed for an other year. A proposal from a Petersburg firm for convicts to make shirts in the peniten tiary was referred to a committee. It was decided that ail incompetent em ployes should be dropped and the peni tentiary not made a reiuge for office seekers. Train Kill. a SiimaaiubulUt. Jesup, Ga.. Oct. 22. —Northbound passenger traiu’No. 13, on the Southern railway, struck and instantly killed a man at Pender vis, a flag station 11 miles south of Jesup. He was walking in the center of the track approaching the train and was supposed to have been asleen, since he paid no attention to the train. A health certificate and receipt for <3O were found on his body. These were m favor of August Sates bury of Chicago. Ills., and were dated Oct. 18, 1897 ' This is supposed to be the dead man’s name. J. M. Thirswend, of Grosbeak,Tex., says that when he has a spell of indi gestion. and feels sluggish he takes two of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers at night, and he is all right the next morning. Many thousands of others do the same thing. Do you? For sale by Curry-Arrinfeton Co. r'Teaby Synod Stirred. New York, Oct. 22.—The signature of Rev. Dr. Charles Woodruff Shields of Princeton to. an application for a liquor license for Princeton Inn threat ened to completely disrupt the Presby terian synod of New Jersey, which has been in session at' Plainfield. The fol lowing resolution was adopted: "The synod finds occasion to reiterate the judgment that the renting of property lor saloon purposes and signing of liquor licenses is not consistent with Christi anity and th it the attention of all pres byteries, set ions, pastors and teachers be brought to bear upon this matter.” Small pill, safe pill, best pill. De- Witt’s Little Early Risers eurejjil iousnees, constipation, sick headache. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The fae- /J ilmile //if. „ ““ ie M ligature/ X s >vtt T of Ejiil.ptic.’a. Jwykyll- Fly,les. New H?.ven, Oct. 22.—Dr. .Baldwin, an insanity expert, was the principal witness in the Clark embezzlement case in the superior court here, the defense being masked epilepsy. Dr. Baldwin said that under the influence of masked epilepsy the. victim often performs un accountable things. He may steal and be whohy unconscious of such act; he may commit murder or any other crime and yet know nothing of what he has done at the time. In short, according to Dr. Baldwin’s testimony, the Jeykll and Hyde existence occasionally re vealed is a species of masked epilepsy. Bob Davit* at Bessemer. Chattanooga, Oct. 22.—80 b Davis, wanted at South Pittsburg for murder, has been arrested at Bessemer, Ala., and will be brought back to be tried. There was a reward of 4100 for his ar rest. Davis, three years ago, borrowed a doublebarrel shotgun from a neigh bor, loaded- it with buckshot, went to the furnace at South Pittsburg, where Andrew Holloway worked, and calling Holloway to one side deliberately fired the contents of both barrels of his gun into Holloway’s body, killing him in stantly. m bsfebsK ELY’S CREAM BAJ,M Is a positive cure. Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Drnes’ists or by mail; samples 10c. I>y mail. ELY BROTHERS. M Warren St.. New York City. A<C ~ Simply Warn Out MANY A WOMAN KNOWS THE PURPORT OF THOSE THREE WORDS. . ■ ■■ —.- v Petty Household Cares and Lack cl Healthful Out door Exercise Largely Responsible (or Woman’s 111-Health. ► 4 ■ ;s ' THE REMEDY. Prom the Courier-Herald, Saginaw. Mich. Miss Mary Horn, of Bay City, Michigan, laughter of Mr. John Horn, the wealthy Bay County pioneer, says: MISS MARY horn. “I actually believe that I owe rny life to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Last May, after mouths of suffering with weakness, I was compelled to take to my bed. I was com pletely run down. Sintply worn out. My face was absolutely colorless, and I weighed at least forty pounds less than when myself. Physicians’prescriptions failed to strengthen me. “Two months spice I was induced by a friend in West Bay City to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and before I had taken one-half a box I began to regain my good health and strength. I have now consumed less than two boxes and am as well as I ever was in my life. I would not be without Dr. Wil liams’ Pink Pills, and will cheerfully re commend them personally or by letter to any person who may call upon or write to me.” Miss Horn can be addressed at Bay City, Michigan. THREE SWORN STATEMENTS. from the Visitor, Lawrence, Mich. State of Michigan, I County of Van Buren, j Mrs. Sarah B. Geddis, of Lawrence, Mich., being first duly sworn deposes and says: “ I nave been a hard working woman since the death of my husband in 1884. Through the failure of a hank we lost 42,250. Soon after my husband’s death, I returned from Indiana and have since supported myself and daughter by doing any kind of honest labor I could find. But hard work and con tinual mental strain, made me almost unable to work. I became so I would gladly have quit work hut could not. My liver became inactive and I was nervous, unable to sleep. My blood being out of order, I had no appe tite. I had been on a general decline since having the grippe in 1890. “ A year ago -last August in conversation with a neighbor, Mrs. Geo. W. Fisher, she asked me if I did n<>( think I would be bet ter if I took some of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. I enquired where I could ge| them, and began the treatment, j GLASS, LEAD, PUTTY, Oils,. Varnishes, Ready Mixed Painls, Varnish and Paint Brushes. Also a full line of Imported Hair and Tooth Brushes, Soaps In this line we carry not only the largest but the most varied stock in Georgia. Our stock of PATENT MEDICINES, Includes all the best remedies known, when you need them call onus. We can and will save you money if you buy from us. We have some Fresh and Pure Field Seeds. The best on the market. Call and examine our stock’. CURRY-ARRINGTON CO.. ' Broad St,, Rome, Ga. I ■■■ —■■■—■ ■■ ■■!■ Ilf ■ !■ 1.1 I ■ W. P. SIMPSON, Pres. I. D. FORD, VicMTes. T. J. SIMPSON, Caahie. EXCHANGE BANK OF ROME H-OD/iiu. <~-KonGrTA. STOCK, SlOO,O(0C Accounts of firms, corporations and ino.ividtals solicited. Special at. intio; given to collections. Money loaned on real estate or other vnod .veenrities. Prompt and courteous attention to cnstomers. ZBO'EWT'd. of! id I'ectox’s. A.R. SULLIVAN, J. A. GLOV £K 0. A, HIGHT, 1 D. FORD, W. P. SIMI BON. The first box helped me so much I kept on wfth them, as a result, 1 have never felt so well for years. “I do not hesitate to recommend these pills to all who need something to build them up. (Signed) _ “Sarah B. Geddis.” Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 9th day of November, 1896. \V. E. Til HUSH Ml, Justice of the Peace. State of Michigan, I County of Van Buren. J s> ' ” I, Mrs. Mary M. Mather, of Lawrence, Mich., being first duly sworn, .depose and say that 1 firmly believe I owe my present existence to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale l>ople. “Some years ago, I was injured in the right side. For months I was unable to use my lower limbs. Medical advisers were un able to help me. My liver became hardened and inoperative, and the most delicately prepared food would distress me so that I ate very sparingly indeed. Though I re gained the use of my limbs, I was very ner vous and utterly unfit for any labor. “My husband died, and I grew worse. My color was sallow, and many suid I look ed more dead than alive. My neighbor, Mrs. Geo. W. Fisher, recommended Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, but I had taken so many medicines of different kinds and it all seemed to leave me worse off that I was afraid to try them. But last fall I grew so bad I concluded I would try them. I took six boxes and thought I was so well and hearty, I could stop. At my brother’s death a few weeks ago, however, I became nervous and disordered, and I again began the matchless treatment. I cannot sperk too highly of the wonderful Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. (Signed) . “Mary M. Mather.” Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 9th day of November, 1896. W. E. Thresher, Justice of the fence. State of Michigan, I County of Van Buren. J s, ‘ Addie L. Holland, of Lawrence, Mich., fifteen years of age, under oath says she has been taking Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People for some time for sick headache and it invariably relieves her. “ Last year I lost a number of days from school on account of sick headache, but this year, by the use of the pills, J have not lost a day from this cause. 1 keep them in the house all the time. (Signed) “Addie Holland.” Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 9th day of November, 1896. W. E. Thresher, Justice of the Peace. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People contain, in a condensed form, all the ele ments necessary to give new life and rich ness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregulari ties and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, over-work or excesses of whatever* nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never in loose bulk) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may' be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Scheneo tadj-, N. Y. Why not Buy a Piano At Home Where jou are in position to gi-t one at, the lowe-t {.Ossible price, from ons of the largest dealers in the South. The E. E. Forbes Music House is enjoying oi e of the most pirO-petous year s in the history of its exis ence, and isbetur prepaired than ever io trade withjouina way tosavejou money. Call on or wri e tLem for prices on CONOVER. KARNICK & BACH, BEHR BBOS, KN A BE, CCHEERT AND KINGSBERRY PIANOS Found at 327 Broad St., Rome, Ga. S. P. DAVIS, Manager. Applicalidii for a Bank Charter To the Hon, Allen D. Chandler, Secretary' of State, Atlanta, Ga.: Dear Str:—We, Josiah L Base, Emmett A. Heard, Linton .a Dean, all residents of Rome. Floyd counry. Ga; and Richard B. Beasley, of Rockmart, Po k coun’y. Georgia, applicants as incorporatois under An Act of lha general As sembly of Georgia approved liecmsber 20th, 1193, entitled An Act ro carry into sffect para graph eighteen of ruction seven of Article three' of the Ctmeiirution of 1877. ae i mended in re lai ion to cbartt ring of hanks, to provide for the ircorporati-'n ot tacking companies by rhe Sec retary of s ta-.e, and for other purposes.” make this our di c aration, praying that we be incor porated as a body corporate and politic for the purpose of doing a g-neral banging business withall the rights, powers, privilegesand re strictions of eaid Act,under and by the name and style of Citizens’ Bank, and that the principal oftree of said e mpany shad be located in the city of Rome, counry of Floyd, State of G orgia, with a capital stock of fiity thousand dol lars (SSUOiO.) divided into shares of one hundnd dollars, ($100) each, and that the sum of fifteen housand dollars (S'S,OCO) of the capital stock subscribed has actually been paid by the subscribers, and that the same is in fact held ana is to be used solely for the business and purposes ot the corporation. The fee of fifty (SSO 00) dollars Is herewith en closed as tee for charter or certificate of incor poration as required by mid a- >. Respectfully submit ed. Josiah L. Bass, Fmmstt -. Hb no. Richai dR. Beasley, Liston a. Dean, a Incorporators. Floyd county, Georgia, Bth day ot tictober, 1897. STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Floyd : In person appeared the undersigned persons, before me, John P. liavia. Ordi ary or the county of Floyd and on oetb they suited that *ls,oi:oof the capital subscnbid to the banking corporation propos* d to be created tn pursuance of the foregoing declaration, has been actually paid by the Subscribers, and that the same is in tact held, and is to be ased Solely for the busi ness and purpesea of the corporation. Josiah L. Baes, Emmett A. Heard, Richard R. Bersley, Linton A. Dean, Incorporators. sworn to and subscribed before me, this Bth day of October 1897. JOH' P. DaVIH, . Ordinary of Floyd County. | seal • STATE OF GEORGIA—Office of Secretary of State : I, Allen D Chandler. Secretary of the State of Georgia, do hereby certify, that the fore, oing contain a true and correct copy of an applica tion thia day filed tai the office of Secretary ot State, by Joaiab L. Base, Emmett A Heard Richard R. Beaglev and Linton A. Dean, for a bank charter for Citizens’ Bank, of Rome, Ga., ae appears from the records of file in thia office. In testimony whereof. 1 hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office st the Canltol in the city of Atlanta, this 11th day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Nlnety-seven, and of the indepen dence of the United States of America the one Hundred and twenty-aeconf. ALLEN D. CHANDLER, < RE ., I Secretary of State * ’ October 11th, 1897. Chronic liisffases of all forms Successfully Treated. Rheun atiem, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Palpita tion, Indigestion, etc. of she Ncse. Throat and Lungs. Diseases Peculiar to Women, Prolapsus, Ulcerations Leucorrhea, etc. Write, giving history of your case and it will receive immediate attenti m An opinion, price of treatment pamphlet and testimonials will be sent you fbeb Dr. S. T. Whitaker, Specialist, .205 Norcross Building, Atlanta, G Kill to Live. That living germs oy millions infest the human system and produce dis eases of blood and nerves is Do longer a theory but a proven fact. That King's Royal Geimeteur Cures these diseases in a speedy and pleasant way, is equally proven. " SPBINe Is here. Look to your health at the beginning of the hot season. Keep Germeteur on hand. Use it as a tonic preventive and cure. Sold every ■where. SI.OO per bottle. Atlanta Chemical Co., Mihnta, Ga, MANUFACTURERS. Application for Letters of Dis mission. GS 'GGIA. Floya County. Whereas J»mw <l. Gailirgtcn. fxrculoy of Mrs. Hairier D. Jmes. decearfo. ret resents to Ihe court in hie pet tii.n di.iy nled. that lie has a.,ministered Harriet I>. Jines’-ei tu e. 'Jhm is to cite all persons concerned, xindreik ard cred itor , to show cause, it any they can, why said i dmii is rater should not be dircharped from his administration and receive letters of dis mi’sion oirthe first Monday in December, 1897 This Septec her a, 1897. JOHN P. DAVIS. Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia,