The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 23, 1897, Image 8

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Awarded Highest Honors—World’s Fair. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DIV t«Ktr F CREAM BAKING POWDIR A Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. TAFnEWSITa W Short Stories ol Various Kind Grouped Under One Head. ML SORTS OF LITTLE LOCALS They Are None the Lepe Interesting 'Because Short, and Their Importance Should Not Be Underestimated. A Harmless Lunatic. Chvrles Tutt, a negro, who is mentally unbalanced, was sent to Rome yesterday from Cunningham’s station and placed in jail on a writ of lunacy. He is harmless, but his mind is a total blank. Yesterday a Busy Day. The city was crowded wilh country people yesterday, and the merchants ■were all as busy as bees. The farmers are all bringing cotton ,to the city, and ■.are spending their money for winter .clothing. Broad Street Bridge Repaired. The Broad street bridge is under re pairs. A force of hands began work Thursday night, and continued all night. A new flooring is being put down, and though traffic was impeded by this route considerably, there is general satisfaction over the improvements. A Splendid Besturant. Warner’s Nonesuch Lunch rooms for ladies and gentlemen on tbe fifth floor of the Norcross building in Atlanta is a first-class restaurant iu every particular. The place is above the noise and dust of the city, and everything is served in elegant style. Romans visiting the Gate City will do well to call at the None such Lunch rooms. Sheriff Johnson Happy. Deputy Sheriff Jim Johnson smiled and smiled yesterday. It is nothing unusual for him to smile, but there was something about his smile yester day that told of a momentous event. And it transpired that a little baby girl had come to make her home at_ his house, and that accounted for his extraordinary good humor. Oscar Wesley Is Better. Oscar IVesley, the negro, whose skull was crushed by a blow from a billet of wood in the hands of Stanford was some better yesterday. The opera-| tion of removing the broken piece of bone off of the brain was very success fully performed by Dr. Garlington and Where To Buy lour Groceries. < Come to see us and we will in terest you in this line. You will be sure to come again. We carry in stock a complete as sortmont of Fancy and Family Groceries, Canned Goods, To bacco, Cigars, Country Produce, Vegetables. Fruits, etc. Finest Flour in Rome. Try some of our TEAS and COFFEES. Give us your or ders for your month’s supply and we will save you money We meet prices on all goods We have the best quality of goods and are anxious to serve you. Prompt delivery, E. C. Wood & Co. Telephone 44 202 Broad Street, Rome, Ga, other physicians. Since Wesley obtain* ed the relief he has been much improv ed and the chances for his recovery are good. Tbe negro Wright is still in jail. Hurt by a Wagon. Mr. Charles R. Johnson was severe ly bruised yesterday afternoon while returning from East Rome on one of the Burney Transfer wagons. The animal gave a jump and Mr. Johnson fell with legs through the spokes of one of the wheels. He was thrown to tbe ground, but fortunately sustained no serious injuries. His legs were bruised, and the leaders in one were severely strained, Delegates to-Rome. The delegates elected from the Nine-, teenth Century History class to attend the gtate Federation cf Clubs at Rome neat month are Mrs. W. P. Pattillo, with Mrs. W, A. bright as alternate; those from the Every Saturday club ars Mrs. James Jackson, and Mrs. Maty Belk Barnes alternates, says the Atlanta Journal. . The presidents of these two clubs, Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. Cox, are delegates by virtue of office. An Artistic Window. Mr. R. Lee Byrd has decorated one of the big ghow windows in Fahy’s store in a truly artistic manner. It is a realistic scene of a country home, and everything is done in linens—towels, napkins, etc. From the window of the old farm house peeps a little negro girl. To the left of the house, facing the window, is the barn, surrounded by a rail fence. An old fashioned windmill stands in the back ground. A group of people may be seen standing before this window at all hours of the day. Carl Ellison Injured. Carl Ellison, the young son of Mr. J. W. Ellison, was thrown from his bicycle in front of the opera house yesterday afternoon, and sustained painful injuries about the back and head. The boy had started onto the sidewalk on the plank crossing, when his wheel slipped and struck against the curbing and young Ellison was thrown violently, to the hard Sidewalk, where he lay stunned, until picked up and earned Into Trevitt’s drugstore. Restoratives were applied, and after a little while he was earned to his home in East Rome. The gentleman who by mistake ex changed his hat for mine at court house vesterday evening, will please re-ex change. My hat has “M. R. Emmons & Co.” on sweat band. His has “Hawes.” October 23, 1897. Henhy Walker. The Armstrong, ROME, GA, I Ipentrally Located and first class in all appointments, Rooms en suite, single rooms and rooms with bath. Charges liberal and satisfac tion guaranteed The and express offices, city ticket office and brokerage offices are located in and close to the hotel, making it con venient for the busi ness men.- ————a, Meals served quickly and at most any hour. Many of our rooms have been renovated, and we can now accommo date from 100 to 150 people. Give us a trial. McCALL & YOUNQ, Proprietors. I The Btirney Transfer. Company, —HANDLES— Baggage Promptly. THE fiOMI TBLBUNK. SATURDAY, OCTOB KB 28. COTTON WEAKENED Market Decided Eight Points In Nev York Yesterday.. WEEK’S GAIN WAS WIPED OUT For the Past Two Week,|Today Not In cluded, Cotton Has Declined 34 Points—Heavy Local Receipts. Cotton slumped badly yesterday. The market opened weak, continued to go downward until it registered 10 points off, rallied, gaiued two po:nts, and cloa td eight points below Thursday’s close. Up to. Thursday the market had gain ed five points for the week, above last week’s heavy decline of 31 points. Yes terday’s heavy blow makes the week to date shy three points. For the past two weeks, leaving out today, the market ha weakened 34 points. Yesterday was a record smasher in wagon receipts in Rone. By earliest dawn wagons began rolling into Broad street, and each wagon had from two to six bales piled on it. As the sun climb ed up the eastern horizon the wagons came faster and faster, until Broad street was jammed to Third avenue. Rounsa ville’s and Bass’ warehouses were tbe scenes of the greatest activity, and lines of wagons extended over a block far into the afternoon waiting for their turn to unlcad. Street prices still maintain at 5£ for middlings, though should the market continue to drop so rapidly there will be a fall in local prices. ' While cotton was drifting downward, wheat was on theascendancy and advanc ed three cents— December closing at 94J. BIG SALE, If you wish to feel that good times have come back to Rome visit Parks, Brannon £ Co's,- Big Sale today. They Are rushing things in the old time way.' Everybody is busy and this store is crowded with customers, Their going out of business prices are drawing and holding the people, This sale is a great blessing to the trading public, POINTS ABOUT PEOPLE. *on>e Who Go, Some Who: Come and Some Who Stay at Home, Will A. Logan, of Chattanooga, is at the Armstrong. Mrs. H. H. McClure has returned from a very pleasant visit to Augusta. Dr. Joseph F. Davis has accepted a position with the drug house of J. T. Crouch. Miss Edna Cain, who so ably edits the Summerville News now, was in ths city yeste: day, Capt. L. B. Stone, of Farrill, Ala., was in the city yesterday, shaking hands with his numerous friends. Mrs. J. F. McClure and Miss Sara McClure 'have returned from a pleasant visit to Knoxville and other points in Tennessee, Tne friends of Judge and. Mrs. W. M. Henry will be pleased to learn that their little daughter Evelyn was better yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Cantrell and children returned from Calhoun yes terday afternoon. They drove through the country and were absent several days. If you are tired of the poor bread you are getting, go to Hand & Co. and buy Peter Kern’s celebrated steam baked bread at the same price. Don’t fail to attend Hill Bros,* Auction Sale of horses at Doug" las* stable Monday, October 25th, Every horse as represent ed or money refunded, You Cant Afford to Miss It! The great Tennessee centenial closes October 20th. The last week of the Ex position promises to be the most notable of all. The Fireworks display will be grand, the horse races finest on earth. “Thomas Day” and “Atlanta Day” the event of the exposition cheap rates on the 27th. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. Sc. We have for sale several well broke, sound, acclimated horses These horses we are handling and working every day, call and see them at Rameys stable, $3,50 to Nashville and re" turn via. Western £. Atlantic R, R, Wednesday October 27th, limited October 31st, Train leaves 9a, m, No change of cars, C, K, Ayer, P, £T, A, COUR! SUSPENDED Superior Court Ovir Until Judge Fite Can Come |'o Rome. CANNOT LEAYE DALTON NEXT WEEK Busy With the Train Robbery Cases. All Cases Remaining Those in Which Judge Henry is Disqualified. Superior court has suspended until further notice. Judge Henry cleared the civil docket for the week yesterday. It was the orig inal plan to have Judge Fite, of Dalton, to preside here next week in cases where Judge Henry was disqualified. But Judge Fite telegraphed yesterday afternoon that it would be impossible for him to come. He has not yet finished the trials of parties implicated in the Southern train r ibbenes, and wishes to complete them at the piesent term of court. Judge Henry dismissed all traverse jurors until further notification. As soon as Judge Fite finds tl at he can con e here to try the disqualified business all jurors who were drawn for the October term will be notified and will have to attend court. The following cases were disposed of yesterday. Henry Walker vs C. W. Underwood, administrator for George P. Burnett, suit for fees. Verdict of $66.59 for the plaintiff. Merchants National Bank vs Jack King and others, settled. Charles F. McCrary vs H, C. Wood, appeal dismissed. Catarrh, like scrofula, is a disease of the blood and may be cured by puri fying the blood with Hood’s Sarsapa rilla. Horses that are broke sound and acclimated for sale at Rameys’ Stable, BROUGHT BACK TO ROME. C. M. Stevens Wanted For Assault With Intent to Murder Brought Here. Deputy Sheriff W. P. McLeod return ed from Birmingham yesterday afternoon with C. M. Stevens, a white man, want ed here on a charge of assault with in tent to murder. 1 Stevens is a son-in-law of E. G. Hill, of this county. Last summer Hill and Stevens had a falling out with Lester Corley about some tan b»rk. Corley emptied his shotgun at them several times, wounding Hill severely and Stevens slightly. Stevens left Rome and went to Birm ingham to work at the carpenter’s trtde. He was located by the Birmingham police, and they at once notified Sheriff McConnell. Stevens refused to return without requisition papers, and they were procured and sent on. By some mistake they went to Montgomery occasioning some delay. Deputy McLeod left Birmingham Thursday afternoon, but had to lie over in Anniston until 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Don’t fail to attend Hill Bros’, Auction sale of horses at Douglas’ Stable Monday, Oc" tober 25th, Every horse as re" presented or money refunded, • City Tax Notice, The last half of city tax for 1897 is past due. Executions will soon be de livered to the marshall. Persons owing, will save cost by prompt payment. Oc tober 19th 1897. Halsted Smith, 10-19 lOds. Clerk of Council. WE WILL LEND MONEY ON 12 Bleech loading shot guns, 12 38-eaiibre 6. & W, Pistols, 12 Ladi'S’ filled case Watches. We will sell on time or rent 8 Singer Sewing Machines, 2 Cottage Organs at sls and $20.00. 3 Rifles, $6. $7.50 and $7,50. 1 suit Furniture $7.50. 1 Suit Cheval Furniture $25. Watches. Diamonds, Pistols. M. N. West & Co. Favcra-broliera, No, 24, Broad Street Surity for All We Will Bond You 1 . We will maKe bonds for officers and employees. Also bonds for ad ministrators, executors, guar dians, trustees, Receivers, as signees, replevin, attachment and injunction cases, and all undertakings in judicial pro cedings. We are also bond contractors. For particulars call on 1 H. Yancey & Co. QOLD JDTTST 1 pzaTrrrmxminnf i n ; from morning till night—the woman who still ;J; > uses soap for cleaning. The ‘‘Gold Dust” woman i is through by noon —as fresh and bright as her ' house is clean. ’ ’ I•' ! GOLD DUST i £; makes one stroke serve for two in house clean- I 5 ing—and the saving of money is equal to the ! 5 saving of labor. Sold everywhere. Made only by ! 3 THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, J A. _gt. Louis, New York, Boston, Philadelphia. > ' Sea Shell Complexion Cream, -x- Uns wonderful article will post- • ilw lively remove all FfeCial blemishes, «/f|h *f* ' JA. such as Tin, Freckles, Pimples, A4 If/ Llverniolep, Moth Patches, etc. It H .V. Jkx is a food for the skjn, will remove Ij If* wrinkles, tilling out the face plump J .T 5 and smooth as yout h. /Al Read what an emirent physician kfl/ says of Sea Shell Cream: Ji. “Having carefully analyzed your zb If/ preparation I find that it contains xE no poisonous substance. From its II /Al chemical composition I consider it 1 a roost valuable preparation. X /f\ ... “G. W. HauSENSTEIN. “105 Dwesin St,, Ilkharl, Ind,” /l\ J F >r sale and guaranteed by “/ TAYLOR <fc NORTON- A "" The Druggists. jl < Remember that this preparation is V iai If/ guaranteed to remove Freckles JV or money refunded; 33333333 ’“Hu, You Stop Taking t BRADYS Patent Medicines for your health and blood. Drink our old rich Pure PURE CALIFORNIA CLARET. f. - ' IVTalf 0® What is better and healthier i J ♦ IVldrlL W than a Lemonade with a A I i I 11 wine glass. of our Claret / mixed. For strength, health land blood, try it. » si St. Julian, Pontet, Canet, Chateau, Leoville, Char, SSL IzvwixJ F Margaux All pints. We are selling this wine very i f i low, at 5 g 3 -tBBWMnX* | JpV '1 ?3-oo per Dozen. isl i I Our Sherry wines are very fine M 01d Topaz, Old Pine Apple, AS 1 ’; Old pure Mederia just received Kg® ' fronNewYork - .<55.1 * Telepton# 148, WIIiSKCy. Curran, Scott & Co., Sole AgeutS| No ' 6 Broad St Your Physician Aims To put all his knowledge, experience and skill inter the prescription he writes. It is an order for the combination of remedies ycur case demands. Pure and Reliable. He cannot rely on results unless the ingredients are pure and reliable and are properly compounded. Bring your prescriptions to the ROME PHARMACY, Where is carried one of the best stocks of drugs in town, and a complete line of Squibbs’ Shemicals for, prescription use. Everything of the purest quality that money can buy or experience select. Prescriptions’compounded By a careful and experienced prescriptionist. Everything at reasonable prices. ROME PHARMACY, 309 Clark Building, Broad Street, Rome, Ga,