The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 26, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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8 ITS A BIG HUMBOG The Idlelj Advertised “Limbless” Col ton Is Mo Good. GEORGIA EXPERIMENT STATION TRIESIT When Tried With Other Well Known Verities, Nine out Strip the Limb less—A Fake Exploded. From time to time for about a year , there have appeared in certain pub lic prints most sensational and flatter ing articles descriptive of an alleged new kind of cotton called ‘‘limbless” in the articles and credited with most wonderful achievements. It was claimed that the stalks grew to be from 10 to 14 feet high, without limbs, but from the stalks sprang great numbers of bolls wnich bore the finest cottom staple in the world, long, silky and strong, perfectly white and having a satan-liks touch. It was further alleged that the new variety was the most prolific in the world, producing from four to six bales of lint to the acre with no more than the ordinary fertilization and the average cultivation. East spring it was announced in some of these ar ticles that the Georgia experiment station had secured seed for an ex perimental patch of four acres, and that tue director expected to harvest twenty bales from the four acres. Coupled with all the fu some laudation of the wonderful limbless cotton was a statement of the prices at which seed could be had; and therein may the milk in the coaconut be accounted for. Nat urally the cotton planters would greatly desire seed that would give such wonder ful results, so the price was run up until it reached the sum of SI,BOO per bushell Later, however, the price dropped to $209 per bushel. It is a fact that the Georgia experi ment station did secure some of the seeds, of unquestioned purity, and plant ed four acres with them. The harvest has now progressed far enough for the director to judge of the merits of the “limbless'’ cotton. In a bulletin just issued from the station the director makes it plain that those farmers who have been paying fancy prices for the seed under the supposition that they were getting something extraordinary, have simply been buncoed. The ‘‘limb less” cotton was put into competition at the experimental station with twenty other varieties, all under similar condi tions and all highly fertilized and care fully cultivated, and in the matter of yield, the “limbless” wonder stands tenth! There are at least nine other old and well-known varieties which are more ■ prolific and produce a staple in every particular as good as that of the al leged magical variety. The director, furthermore, recognized the so-called new variety as an old variety known in Georgia ten years or more ago as “Welborn’s Pet,” which never amounted to much. So far from this wonderful cotton producing four to six bales to the acre, as was claimed for it, the experiment station says the person who plants it will be Incky if he gets more than one bale from it. after fertilizing it very highly and giving it the most careful,cultivation. Furthermore, it is not even limbless, but ordinarily grows five to six long branches, beginning at the ground. So far from the seed being worth even S2OO per bushel, Director Redding says that seed which will grow iden tically the same variety can be had for probably less than $2 per bushel. It is to be hoped that fcvery few Geor gia farmers have bitten at the glitter ing bait. BY MAIL. OR EXPRESS. Officials of a Leading Company Comment On the Recent Loss of $14,800. Recent press dispatches, says the New York Herald, reporting the mysterious disappearance of a large sum of money in Tutt’s Pills Cure AU Liver Ills. ARE YOU BANKRUPT in health, constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt’s Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills an absolute cure. \ ’*"*• I ■"'! ’’MW Gold Medal. Highest Awards Diploma of Honor AWABDBD TO A. K. HAWKES, BV THE Cotton States and International Exposition For superior lens, grinding and excellenc j in the manufacture of Spectacles and Eyeglasses. Curry-Arrington Co,, Has a full assortment of these famou transit through the mails from a banking house in Chicago to one of its western correspondents, prompted an inquiry as to the cause for such amount being in trusted to the postal service, and, when approached on the subject, a prominent official of one of the leading express com panies stated yesterday that the last year had witnessed a radical change in the transportation of money, which formerly had all been forwarded by express, but were now being sent in many instances by mail, the aggregate postage and registry fees presenting a difference as compared witn the express rates that tempted manv to depart from the old method and adopt the new. The official added further stated that the frequent train robberies had compelled the express companies to go to great expense in equipping their through cars with stationary com bination safes, which, as recent “hold ups” had proven, afford security against any attempts on the part of road agents To get at the contents, but that even should they succeed, in the majority of cases little would not be obtained for their pains on account of the moneys from express to the mails, and that it would not be un natural to expect that “Uncle Sam.” would soon have his hands full look ing after the protection of the value able parcels in his care, as trains rob bers will of course go where the mon ey is and it is now in the mail instead of the express car. Inquiry as to what steps the express companies would take to regain the traffic elicited the reply that they had expended all the revenue from this source in the past in surrounding the money with every possible pro tection and running down and pun ishing thieves, and that they would simply wait until such losses as the one referred to and the attention of the train robbers to this new channel for transporting moneys proved it to be neither a successful nor profitable experiment. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Th. fM- MAY BE TRIED THIS WEEK. Luetgert Case Will Probably Come Up Wednesday—Attorney Dineen Talks. Chicago, Oct. 25. —There is a possi bility that the second trial of Adolph L. Luetgert, the alleged wife murderer, will begiu this week. State’s Attorney Dineen said that unless the defense asked for a continuauce and still persisted in their demaud for the release of the pris oner on bail, he would put the case on trial Wednesday. The state’s attorney does not know what judgs will be s<« lected to hear the second trial. JudgJ Horton has been suggested and the oast may come up before him. “The second trial will not be as long as the recent trial,” said State Attor ney Dineen. “We know the difference now, and are also bettor prepared with our own evidence, and there is much of it that was submitted during the trial just ended that will be omitted in the new trial “We have considerable important new evidence which we will introdnce. But now that we know the situation thoroughly the progress of the new trial will be more rapid, but none the less in teresting than the first trial. We shall not consent to bail, and if the defense will not ask for a continuance the trial will proceed as indicated. State’s Attorney Dineen will insist that something b, done in the .Luet gert case this week. He does not in tend to permit tne defense to spring upon him the technical assertion that Luetgert has been in jail four terms of court without a trial and is therefore entitled to discharge. With the gelose of the. present week four full terms of the criminal court shall have elapsed since Luetgert was indicted. As the case now stands the same as ii no trial was ever had, the prosecution fears the defense may next week urge that Luetgert has been in jail four full terms of court without trial and will ask for his release upon this technical construction of the law. City Tax Notice, The last half of city tax for 1897 is past due. Executions will soon be de livered to the marshall. Persons owing, will save cost by prompt payment. Oc tober 19th 1897. Halsted Smith, 10-19 10ds. Clerk of Council. THE ROME TBIBUNE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26; 1827. DIVISION OF ALASKA. PLANNING A NEW TERRITORY TO BE CALLED LINCOLN. "The Town of Wears Haa Been Chosen For the Capital—The Rich Placer Mines of the Yukon May lie In the New Ter ritory. It is proposed to establish a new ter ritory in Alaska, to be known as Lin coln, out of the northwestern portion. Its boundaries have not yet been fully decided upon, but it will include the Yukon river country and extend north to the Arctic ocean. The scheme meets with the approval of the North Ameri can Transportation and Trading com pany, the officers of which recently held a confereuoe on the matter with Senator Carter of Montana and several other United States officials. The town of Weare, on the Yukon, about half way between Dawson City and St. Michael’s, has been chosen for the capital of the proposed territory. Should the proposed territory of Lin coln be created by the division of Alas ka, it will have as its southeastern boundary Mount St Elias. From that point the eastern boundary will run di rectly to the Arctic, which ocean will form the northern boundary. The west ern boundary will probably run down the coast line below St. Michael’s to the top of the divide between the Yu kon aud continue to Kokyn river. The boundary on the south will follow the sixty-second parallel east, to the Copper river, where it will cut down to St Elias. Should the division occur and the boundary lines mentioned prevail, Alas ka proper would then include the Aleu tian islands, the coaling stations of Dutch Harbor and Unalasfia and the balance of the Alaskan peninsula, the island of Unga and its quartz mines, Kodiak island, Kauai peninsula and the placer mines of Cook inlet, Prince Wil liam sound and the placer mines along the Copper river, the towns of Wrangell, Sitka, Juneau, Dyea, Skagguay and the passes on the overland route to the Yu kon. Within the new territory would be the rich placers of the Yukon as far as the boundary line. It would also in clude the numerous settlements and trading posts from St. Michael’s to Cir cle City, containing a population at present of over 3,000 whites and 8,000 natives. In view of the reports of the expected founding of a new city in Alaska, to be known as Weare, on the Yukon river, between the boundary line of British Columbia and St. Michael’s, with the design of making it the capital of the proposed new territory, it may be possi ble that the interior department may deem it necessary to locate the new laud office there instead of at Circle City, where it was originally contem plated. Official reports have reached Washington that Circle City, until late ly practically the only settlement on the Yukon river, has been practically aban doned.—San Francisco Call. ATLANTA AND RETUR N, On October 2fith and 29th, the Southern Railway will sell tickets to Atlanta and return at the rate of $2,- 21, account National Bicycle League Meet, Tickets good for return pas: age until October 31st, J. N, HARRISON, C. T, A, CA.STORIA.. The he- _ linlle ZY . 77 I’..™ signature ( , ’’ of vripptt. A Tragedy ar. - Kaiuai < Ity. Kansas City, Oct. 25.—William N. Allen, manager of the Kansas branch of the Keeley institute at Kansas City, Kan., was shot and perhaps fatally wounded by C. E Kiley, a traveling salesman. Riley’s action was prompted by the belief that Allen had alienated his wife’s affections. There were no witnesses to the shooting. Riley is un der arrest. Dr. Holderby Has Declined. Atlanta, Oct. 25 —Rev. Dr. A. R. Holderby, pastor of Moore’s Memorial church, has decided to decline the call of the Presbyterian college of Olinton, S. 0., to be chancellor. $ BRADFIELD’S ; FEMALE REGULATOR ? is for women’s diseases and irregu- ‘ i s laritiee. It cures everything that is < 1 J '> commonly called a “female trouble.” < [ It acts directly upon all the distinctly j, 1 I feminine organs of generation, driv- ( ' ‘ b ing out weakness and imparting : ' i £ strength; stopping unnatural drains, ', i and regulating the monthly flow J 1 'i in every instance. It makes sickly < [ i and weakly women strong and well J > <again. $1 a bottle at drug stores. < 1 ]f> Send for a free book about it. <' i hrheßradfleldßegulatorCo., Atlanta, Ba.! > SSOO Reward! W E will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache In digestion Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West’s Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give sat isfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, 25 cents Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen uine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY CHICAGO, ILL. r nr sale by Curry-Arrngton Co wholesale druggists, Rome, Ga. THE CRISP MONUMENT. A Simple Shaft Marks the Last Renting Place of the Late Speaker. A simple and not expensive shaft marks the grave of the late Charles F. Crisp, who was one of the leading statesmen of the new south. The mon ument is the first one erected to the memory of the ex-speaker and stands in the family plot in the Oak Grove ceme tery at Americus, Ga., of which city Mr. Crisp was an honored citizen for nearly a score of years. It was not erected, however, by the public—perhaps it is too soon for such a movement to lie started—but by the Crisp family. The shaft is of Italian marble, artistically but not elaborately carved. One of the panels bears the in scription, “Husband and Father;” on another are the words, “Charles Freder- if 1 II so Cliwl - ’’ : i l j Kill ’ THE CRISP MONUMENT, ick Crisp, born in Sheffield, England, Jan. 29, 1845; died in Atlanta Oct. 23, 1896. ” On the north side is inscribed the following, “Speaker of the house of rep resentatives of the United States, Fifty second and Fifty-third congresses. ” Although the erection of the mon ument was purely a private affair and the ceremony of placing the stone in po sition was conducted without any form al exercises, yet hundreds of people were on hand and watched the unveil ing of the stone with uncovered heads, which was a striking tribute to the per sonal popularity of the ex-speaker. Mr. Crisp was not only a political leader, but he was a man of whose mental su periority, sound judgment and other good qualities the people of Georgia were proud, and although this is the first monument to his memory it may not be the only one. Nervous people find relief by enriching their blood with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which is the one true blood purifier and and nerve tonic, NEVIN OPERA HOUSE. g JAaxNßvwffl Saturday Night, October 30th. On account of yellow fever at New Orleans, local theatre goers of Rome will have an opportunity of seeing the famous original Irish Comedians Murray and Mack and their Company. The largest Farce Comedy on the road. Prices 25c, 750 and SI.OO. "The best and funniest comedy on the read.” VIM, VIGOR. VITALITY RESTORED 30 DAYS. Good Effects at Once. CATON’S VITALIZES Cures general special debility, wakefulness, spermatorrhoea, emissions, impotenty, pare sis, etc. Corrects functional disorders, caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring Lost Manhood in old or young, giving vigor and strength where former weakness prevailed Convenient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate. The Cure is Quick and Thorough. Don’t be deceived by imitations: insist on CATON’S Vitalizers. Sent sealed if your druggist does not have it. Price $1 per pkge, 6 for $5, with written guarantee of complete cure. Information, references, etc., free and confidential. Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week’s trial treatment. One only sent to each person. CATON MED. CO.. Boston, Mass BUT POZZONI’S y yComplexionv POWDER X eje BEMATfS ALWAYS THE SAME. Jjf XThe finest, purest and ’host be anti- V fying toile powder ever made. It is soothing healing, healthful and JL harmless, and when rightly used is rA Invisible. If yon have never tried FAi A POZZONI’S e vou do not know what an IDEAk, Xrt tOMPLEXIOX POWDER is. IT IS SOLD EVERYWHERE. £ THERE is no getting away from the fact that Pure White Lead (see list of brands which are genuine} and Pure Lin seed o*l make the best paint. Properly applied, it will not chip, chalk or scale off, but will outwear any of the mixtures offered as substitutes. It is, there fore, by far the most economical. nnnP By using National Lead Co.’s Pure White Lead Tinting Col- M H* ors, any desired shade is readily obtained. Pamphlet giving * valuable information and card showing samples of colors free; also cards showing pictures of twelve houses of different designs painted in. various styles or combinations of shades forwarded upon application to those intending to paint. NATIONAL LEAD CO., CINCINNATI BRANCH, - Cor. 7th St. and Freeman Ave., Cincinnati, O. ' .... ... . - ii - W. P. SIMPSON, Pres. LD. FORD. Vice-Pres. T. J. SIMPSON, Cashie. EXCHANGE BANK OF ROME, HOME. CU3ORGI.A.. C-A.ZF’ STOCK, SIOO,OOO Accounts of firms, corporations and individuals solicited. Special at.antioo given to collections. Money loaned on real estate or other good securities. Prompt and courteous attention to customers. Board of Directors. A.R. SULLIVAN, J. A. GLOVEK C. A. HIGbT, I D. FORD. W. p, SIMPSON LADIES WHEN IA T TROUBLE £ USE DR. DAVID NICHOLS <| • Female * Periodical * Pills, t " LADIES, by special request from patients who cannot personally con- * suit me, and being unable io prepare at short notice the Favorite Prescrip- Y tion as used by me during a practice of twenty-five years, have consented A to supply to you this celebrated Remedy for all Female irregularities and Y suppression". These Pills are guaranteed six degrees stronger than any A known medicine, yet so mild that the feeblest can take them with perfect Y security, yet so powerful in their effects that they can be safely called a £ never-failing regulator. Refuse all Patent Medicinesand avoid delay by Y taking the prepared prescription of a Specialist in practice. Highly en- A gb dorsed by thousands and ree mmended by prominent physicians. All v " orders supplied direct from office, Nichols Building, Nashville, Tenn. In * Sealed Plain Packages S 3 per box, with fu.l directions enclosed, corre- Y snondence Private. Solti m Drug Store*. M MANHOOD RESTOREDSS \t\ x\ ) WR ' youa or diseases of the generative organs, such as Lost Manhood, Insomnia-Pams in the Back, Seminal .Emissions, Nervous Debility 1 V Fimpies, Unfitness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele and / V Constipation. It stops all losses by day or night prevents quick- ness of discharge, which if not checked leads to Spermatorrhoea and BEFORE and AFTER pH the horrors of Impotency. CETPIDENE cleanses the liver, the i K.r» kidneysand the urinary organs of ali impurities. CUPIDENE strengthens and restores small weak organs. The reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors is because ninety per cent are troubled with Prostatitis. CUPIDENE is the only known remedy to cure without an operation. 5000 testimoni als. A written guarantee given and money returned if six boxes does not effect a permanent cura f 1.00 a box, six fur $5.00, by mail. Send for free circular and testimonials. Address »A VOD MEDICINE CO.. P. O. Box 2076, San Francisco. Cal. For Sale bv FOR S ALE BY TAYLOR & NORTON AND C. A. TREVTTT. i •ssessessesMSSSSSSsssss “Shall I not take mine ease ( l | in mine inn ? ”—Hbnby IV. , & Elegant ; Meals The Best in the City. Prompt ] Attention and High, Cool, ( Airy Rooms. You pay only , , for what you order. ( : Warner’s Nonesuch Lunch Rooms i i For Ladies and Gentlemen. ! , | Sitting Room and Toilet i i i Conveniences are provided. i l Con Peachtree and Marietta Sts. i Norcross Building. ATLANTA, GA. | 1 TAKE ELEVATOR. [ FIFTH FLOOR. 9————9——t Why not Buy a Piano At Home I Where you are in position to get one at the lowest possible price, from ons of the largest dealers in the South. The E. E. Forbes Music House is enjoying one of the most prosperous year’s in the history of its exis ence, and is better prepaired than ever to trade with you in away to save you money. Call on or wri e them for prices on CONOVER, KARNICK & BACH, BEHR BROS, KNaBE, CCHBERT AND KINGSBERRY PIANOS Found at 327 Bxoad St., Borne, Ga. S. P. DAVIS, Manager. Kill to Live. That living germs oy millions infest the human system and produce dis eases of blood and nerves is no longer a theory but a proven fact. That King's Royal Germeteur Cures these diseases in a speedy and* pleasant way, is equally proven. SPRING Is here. Look to your health at the. beginning of the hot season. Keep- Germeteur on hand. Use it as a tonic preventive and cure. Sold every where. 81.00 per bottle. Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta, 6a., MANUFACTURERS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. HENKY H. BATTEY Surgeon and Physician, Romo, Goorgisi Dr. D.T. McCALL Office 401 Broad Street, In Building Occupied by Borne Drug Co» TELEPHONE 157. DR. JAMES E. IVEY, Physician and Surgeon ROME, GEORGIA. Office over Rome Drug Company. > Telephone 157. ATTORNEYS. Wm. J. Neel, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HOME, GEORGIA. Office in New King Building. Will practice in all the Courts. Special atten* Mon given to Commercial Law and the exami nation of Land Titles Halsted Smith, attorney at law. Office n City Ball, Roke. Ga.