The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 27, 1897, Image 7

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A WORLD OF TRADE / 7 Ruling Prices of tin Leading Articles of Commerce. THE ROME MARKETS FULLY QUOTED Latsst Price* Given From Daily Corrections Liverpool and New Yo'k Cotton Market Fluctuations. Rome Cotton Market. By wagon s’i@6 Cotton. Nxw York, Oct. 26.—The following are to day’e quotations: Cotton Futures. Opening Close Close today, today, yesterday January 5 94 5 96 5 97 February J 9* 6 00 March 6 oi 6.3 6 64 April •••• .... May 6 09 6 It 6H June .... 6 15 6 17 July .... 6 16 6 21 August .... .... September .... .... J October ... 5 96 November 5 89 5 91 5 94 December 5 9J 594 596 Liverpool. Oct.26.—The following were the quotations today: Sales, 10 0)0 Dales, rone quiet. Middlings, 3 5 Bc, Opening Close. > January and February 318 316 February and March 3 18 3 17 March and April S 19 3 18 April and May 3 18 MayandJune 3 21 3 19 June and July 3 20 Jnly and August 3 21 August and September .... September and October 3 24 October and November 3 20 3 18 November and December 3 18 3 16 December and January 3 16 LOG ALTMARK ETS. [CORRECTED DAILY.J GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Rome. oct. 26.—The following are the whole* s ale prices; small lots to consumers are reia t ively higher. Wheat—New wneat 90c. These are the prices paid by commission merchants. Coßn—Dealers are paying 46c sacked tor corn and are selling at 50@55c sacked, delivered on cars in carload lots. Smaller quantities, 2@3c higher. Bulk corn, 2c less than sacked. Ear corn, 55c per bbl., with or without shucks. Oats—ln car lots, No. 2, mixed. No. 2 white bulk, 29c; sacked, from store, No. 2- mixed, 30@32; No. 2, wulte 35c, Floob-Fancy patents, $5.75@6.00; straight, <5.40; extra fancy, 85.00; fancy, $4.85; choice family, $3.65. In selling consumers, grocers add 20c to 3tM per bbl to these prices. Graham flour, *5.50; rye flour, *4.00; patent spring wheat flour, *6.00; wnole wheat flour, $6.00, Hay—ln car lots, choice timotuy, $14,00^16.00; No I timothy,sls.oo; No 2. $14.00; less than car lots, SI,OO per ton higher. Groceries and Provisions, Sugar—Clarified, white, 4%c; yellow, 4J<@ 4 5-16 c; seconds. 3%@4c; standard A. 4.90; gran ulated 5.40 c; powdered 5.80 c; cubes,s.2sc; con fectioners A, 5.63 c; cut loaf, 5,70 c; open kettle, <@4.25c. Gbeen Coffee—Per pound, Rio ordinary, lO@IIC, fair to good, 12@14c; choice to fancy, 15@16c; peaberry, 17c; Cordova. 17'/J@ißc. roasted Coffee—Equality plan, fob, New York basis, 1-lb, packages, per case of 100 pack ages, Arbuckle’s 11.10 c; Leverings 11.10;Mocha and Java, 50-lb, tins. 28@32c. Westen Pork Products—Bacon, sides, ex tra short, 7%c; regular, 7%c: fancy, «c; shoulders, choice, B@By,c; fancy shoulders, fancy. 8c: hams, lo>/ 4 ®i2c; bellies, B@BJ4c; breakfast bacon, choice, HXgllc; fancy, 12@13c; bologna sausage, 5%@6c; dry salt regulars, 6@ 5%c; extras, 5J4c. Labd—Fancy leaf, 6@6%c; choice leaf, 5%@ 5%c; choice family, sc; refined, sc. Coal Oil—Georgia test 10c, headlight 12c, fire proof 12Kc: Apex axle grease, per case, 1 lb boxes, $2 25; per case of 3 doz., 2% and 3-lb buckets, $4.00; Mecca axle grease, 1-lb tin boxes, per case, $2.25;2%-lb tin. boxes, per case, *3.25; 3>4-lb tin boxes, per case. $3.85. Country Produce. Beeswax -Per pound, 22@23c. Bacon—From wagons; shoulders 7@Bc; sides, 6@7c; hams, 9@llc: country lard 6c%7H. Butter—Per pound, 10@20c. Feathers—Prime goose, white, per pound, 80@31c; gray goose, 28c; mixed, 20@25c; old 20c: mixed gray and white, 28@30c. Poultry—Spring chickens, each hens 15c;olc roosters 10c each; geese, full feath ered, 20c each. Eggs—Per dozen, first hands, open market, t«Kc®lBK. Tallow—Per pound, 3c Potatoes—New Irish potatoes, 85@95c per bushel; irom store per barrel, $2.60. Apples—Home-grown, 40@50c per bushel from wagons; 40@50c bushel from store. Tomatoes—New, six basket carrier crate, 75; shipped, 20@40c basket crate. Cabbage—Florida or Tennessee $1.25. Beans—New Green, $1 00 per bushel. Onions—From store, 75@90c per bushel; in bushel baskets SI.OO. Hide—Dry flints over 8 lbs.. Nos 1 and 2 9c; dry salted over 10 lbs, Nos. 1 and 2 7c; kip hides 7c; green salted numbers 1 and 2 5%c; green not salted, numbers 1 and 2,4%c; green glue 2c, <lrv glue 3c; skins 20@50c. Wool—Choice unwashed. 13@14c; slightly burry, 10@llc; moderate burry B@9c; hard burry ‘s@6; choice tub-washed 22c: dingy tub-washed 2O@ZIC. Georgia Sorghum mFrom wagons, old, 8% 12c per gallon; new 22@ :sc; good Steck and cooper age. Beans—From store, New York navy beans *1.60. Meal—Pearl, plain or bolted 48 lbs, to the bushel, 46c; 46-lbs, bushel, 45c. Oysters—Standard weight, 1-lb cans, $1,66@ 175 per case; 2-lb cans, $2 90@3,10. Friend or Stranger? Which ? Which would you rather trust? An old, true friend of twenty years, or a stranger? You may have little health left. Will you risk it with a stranger? If you have a cough, are losing flesh, if weak and pale, if consumption stares you in the face, lean on Scott’s Emulsion. It has been a friend to thousands for more than twenty years. They trust it and you can trust it. Let us send you a book tell ing you all about it. Free. Two sizes, 50 cts. and 1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemijts, New York. Best is Cheapest. Every one admits this theoretically, and yet many continue to use inferior articles because they think they save a few cents. Allcock’s Porous Plaster is the ideal remedy, fcr lame back, sciatica, pleurisy, rheumatism, pneumonia and similar complaints. Be Sure and Ret the genuine Allcock’s. Do not be deceived by misrepresentations. Allcock’s Corn Shields, Allcock’s Bunion Shields, Have no equal as a relief and cure for coma and bunions. Brandreth’s Pills by purifying the blood assist natura They are purely vegetable. Canned Meats—Corn beef, 1 lb, cane $1.25: 2-lb, $2.10; chipped beef, %-lb cane. $1.50; 1-lb $2 40: potted and deviled nam, 14-lb cane, 50c; H-lb SI,OO. Canned Vegetables— Tomatoes per case of 2-lbcans $1.50c; 3-lb $1,75®2.00; corn. $1,25@2,10 Itring beans. $1 00; early June peas 2-lb si,oo@ s,80; marrowfat, $1,60. Cheese- Half cream 10c; full cream llHc; Young America, 11 Me ; Cheddar, 1154 c, Sardines—American quarters, per case $2,75 @3,90; ditto mustard, $2,60@2,75; imported, $9,00*12 50. Salmon—Columbia Rivers, fancy flats per drzen,4l,9o; tails. $1,75; choice Columbia River flats, $1,35; tails $1,45; Alaska, tails, $1,10; flats $1,85; pink sl,oo@l, 15, Molasses—Straight choice, open kettle, new 35-40; prime 32c; good 28c; common centrifugal, 10@20c; cane syrup choice, new 35c; mixed goods 3@4c per gallonless. VineGab—Bo-gralns 10@12c; 40 grain. 12@15c; 50-gralns, 15@18c; Mott’s pure apple 20c; ad. vance of 2c per gallon for half barrels. Crackers—XXX soda and picnic, 4%@5%c; XX soda, butter and picnic 4%c. Pickles—Bulk, 1200 in barrel, $4.00; 2,400 in barrel $5.00; 1,200 half barrel $3,25; 600 half barrel *2,75; plain mixed ha 1 f barrel $4,50@ 5,00; sweet mixed uer barrel $11.50. Ammunition^—Shot, buck, $1,50; drop $1.25@ 1,30; bar lead sc; powder, 25-lb kegs, rifle, $4 00; blasting $1.55; fuse 40@80c. Rors—Cotton, No 2, 9@loc; No 1, U!4@l2%c; sisal, 7%c; manilla. 12c. SoDA-ln 112-lb kegs loose, 2@254c; In tO-’b. boxes, 1 lb. packagess3,4s:l-lb, and %-lb. pack ages $3,30@3,60, % lb, packages, $3.45@3,75; 5c size, $3.30®3,60. Salt—Table salt in barrels of 280 pounds ea h —Bulk $1.65; 28 10-lb bags $1.90; 60 5-lb bags $1.90; 100 3-lb b'gs $2.10; 140 2 lb bags $2 20; salt in bags 60@70c. Candy—Small stick, in boxes and baskets 654c@ic; buckets half cent higher. Nots—Pecans, 9@l2c; walnuts (California), 12@15c; Alberts9®lie; almonds 12@15c; Brazil nuts 10c. Qraiu and Provisions. Chicago, Oct 26 OPEN CLOSE Wheat—October ... 93J4 Wheat —December ... 9444 Wheat—Mav ... Corn—October ... 24W Corn—December 26J4 ... 25J* Corn—May ... 29yj Oats—October ... 17W Oats —December.. 1854 ... 18?$ Oats—May ... -og4 Pork—October.. ... 7.70 Pork —December 7.77J4 ... 7.7.1 Pork—January ... 861 i Lard—October ... 4.2111 Lard—December 4.4744 ... 4.211 Lard—January ... 4.37 Rins—Oclolx r. ... 4 4.1 Ribs—December 4.2744 ... 4.4a Ribs—January ... 4.55 Naval Store*. Savannah, Oct. 26.—Turpentine, quiet at -944°: sa'es 594 casks; receiuts. 1,5911. Rosin, firm: sales, 3no barrels: receipts, 4.86.' bar rels: A, B, C, D, $1.20; E, $1.3 ;• F, $1.35; G, sl. 0; H. *145; I, $155; K, sl.*o; M. *'. <); N, $2.10; windowglass. *3.115: waterwhite, $3.0 . Wilmington, ... oct. -B. 05.,, ■»; strained. $1.15; gooi strains 1, $1.20; receipts, 255 barrels. Spirits turpentine receipts, 25 casks. Tar, t at sl. 0; ceipts, I<6 barrels, crude turpentine, niet at $1.50. $2.00 and SI.UO; receipts. m. parrels Nervous people find relief by enriching their blood with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which is the one true blood purifier and and nerve tonic. The Festival of Halloween. As there are many families in Rome who continne the old custom of celebrat ing Halloween, the evening preceding All Saints Day, which occurs the Slst inst., the following pretty suggestions by the New Orleans Picayune may be of interest: Much sport may be had at the Hal loween supper by having a large cake in the center of the table, with as many candles around it as there are guests, each candle a different color. The cake is passed last. The guests each take a candle and apiece of cake, choosing whatever color pleases their fancy. As they do so some one reads: He who takes the candle blue Will find his sweetheart ever true. The pink, the sweetest of them all, Will wed a fellow six feet tall, Alas, for yellow, bright to see, Your lover e’er will jealous be. Happy she who orange takes; Now begin your wedding cakes. Hopeless, homeless bachelor he, If white candles his should be. The hostess may evolve some other pleasant and clever couplets to finish the list. The candles come in play later, when each tries his or her fate. All candles lighted, each holds his at arm’s length and blows three times; should the candle go out the first time he will be married that year! if the second, in two years; if the third, in tbiee years. Supper may be served between the games and fate-charms, or afterward, and should consist of salads, sandwiches, biscuits, olives, oakes, nuts apples and coffee. J, M. Thirswend, of Grosbeck,T ex., says that when he has a spell of indi gestion. and feels sluggish he takes two of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers at night, and he is all right the next morning. Many thousands of others do the same thing. Do you? For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. HIB BOMB TBIBLNE, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 27, RICE CROP NEARLY RUINED. Mach Dumagti Done by 11m iiiMtornM In the Bin pi re of the Mikado. Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 26.—Oriental advices per steamer Emporia: Sept. 80, a heavy rainstorm occurred all over Japan, and up to the time the steamer Emporia left Yokohama, reports wer« coining in of the terrible havoc done. Government railways were washed out in several places between Hogdogaya and Kambara. A part of the tunnel between Hogdogaya and Totsuka col lapsed and fell ou five trucks of a train which was passing through at the time. Parts of the line between Osio and Kodsu and Matsula, Yamakita and Oyama and Okitsu and Kambara, were submerged, and the railway people are now busy repairing damages. A Kobe dispatch says that numerous floods have occurred in that vicinity, Akashi being under water with seven houses swept away and traffic stopped on the San Yo railway. Many bridges and embankments have been swept away and enormous damage done. Many people were killed in the several districts. • At Musais 22 houses collapsed; at Akashi 20 houses were destroyed and 22 badly damaged. The Maiuichi stated that 63,000 houses are booded at Nado gaya. According to an official report from Aiychi prefecture there are 42 villages, altogether containing 10,000 houses, still submerged in the Kaito, Kaisai, Nakashima and Haguri districts, whiie 66,100 peasants are at present dependent on the rations of food issued by the gov ernment. The damage to the rice crop is estimated to be not less than 1,600,000 yens. The late rice crops are reported to have been almost completely ruined in many districts. An official report from Hiogo states that the Takarad Ouka bathhouse, well known to most of the foreign residents, was washed away. There were 20 deaths In Arima. Two parsons were killed, five houses washed away, 19 houses destroyed and 166 houses partly destroyed in Kako Gunn. Sung to a Well Known lune. One of the hymns in the hymnbook of the Canadian Presbyterian church is sung in Toronto to a tune identical with that of the song “Put Me Off at Buffalo. ” —Toronto World. - No Theory Here. The greatest claims for S.S.S. (Swift’s Specific) are made by those whom it has cured, and after all the most valuable reputation is one which is given by those who speak from experience. We could publish a page of what we claim S.S.S. will do, but the people prefer to read of what it has done, and hence we give the testimony of reputable, well-known people in different parts of the country, who gladly tell of how S.S.S. has cured them of blood diseases, after trying other treatment in vain. No wonder S.S.S. has such staunch friends. The experience of those who take it to-day will be the same as of those who twenty years ago found it the only cure. Blood diseases are obstinate, and cannot be cured by one medicine in a dozen which claims to cure them; so when S.S.S. is taken with satisfactory results, after a disappointing experi ence with other remedies, it is not strange that it has grateful friends by the score. MR. WILLIAM SOWERS. Mr. William Sowers, of Bradford, Ohio, was cured by S.S.S. ten years ago of a severe blood poison, ana writes that to this day no sign of the dreadful disease has ever returned. He says: “I had a terrible blood disease which is considered incurable, and was treated for a long time by the best physicians, but they did me no good. The disease seemed to get a firmer hold on me, and attacked my tongue and throat, which were soon full of vile ulcers. “I changed doctors several times, and afterwards took nearly every blood rem edy on the market, without the slightest benefit. After five years of treatment which did me no good whatever, I was induced to try S.S.S. This remedy proved itself equal to the case, for in a few months I was entirely enred and my skin was perfectly clear and smooth. I could hardly believe that the enre was permanent, but ten years have elapsed and no sign of the disease has yet ap peared.” S.S.S. is a sure cure for Cancer, Ca tarrh, Contagions Blood Poison, Scrof ula, Rheumatism, Eczema, and all other blood diseases, which other remedies have no effect whatever upon. It is Purely Vegetable and is the only blood remedy which is guaranteed to contain no mercury, potash or other harmful mineral. S.S.S. is sold by all druggists. Books on Blood and Skin Diseases will be mailed free to all who address Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. AFTER AN HEIRESS. The Alleged Object of Prince Alexander*! Visit to America. Alexander of Teck, who is Boon to visit this country for the pur • pose of wooing, as it is rumored, an American heiress, is the youngest son of *the Duke and Duchess of Teck. His brother-in-law, the Duke of York, may some time be the ruler of England, for he is the eldest son of the Prince of Wales. Prince Alexander is a tall, ath letic young man of 23, who has always behaved himself and in whose future Queen Victoria has taken no little in terest. Long ago she arranged that he should marry Wilhelmina, the little queen of Holland. There has been some hitch in this ar rangement, and the prospects are that the Dutch queen will not take a Teck for a consort. In this event it is prob able that the prince will wed Miss Mary Goelet, daughter of the late Og den Goelet. Miss Goelet’s mother, who was one of the Wilson girls, is of that family of famous matchmakers. The prince met the young woman last spring and is said to have been very much taken with her. Through the aid of the Prince of Wales he contrived that her PRINCE ALEXANDER OF TECK. parents should meet the queen, and the royal lady was much pleased with them, so much so in fact that it is alleged she gave her conditional assent to the pro posed match. The condition was that Prince Alexander should first try his best to persuade Wilhelmina to accept him. Less than a month ago Prince “Lecky” went to Holland. What the result of his perfunctory wooing was has not yet been divulged, but it is known that after reporting to Queen Victoria he at once made arrangements to visit America. The prince will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burrell-Hoffman at their magnificent country seat near Len ox. Yellow Jack Preventative. Guard against yellow jack by keeping the system thoroughly clean and free from germ breeding matter. Cascarets Candy Cathartic will cleanse the system and and kill all contagious disease germs. Smoke Watters’ Extra Good Cigars, If it isn’t the best 5 cent cigar you ever smoked, well treat It is made right here in Rome and for sale by all enter/ prising dealers. Toning Solutions. The formulas for toning solutions are almost without number, but the toning process which gives the best results for aristo papers—the papers most com monly used—is the one in which the toning and fixing are done separately. A favo’rite bath is made as follows: Make a stock solution of 15 grains oi chloride gold and sodium (price, 40 cents) and 7 ounces water and a satu rated solution of bicarbonate of soda. A saturated solution is a liquid which contains a little more of the substance placed in it than it can dissolve and is shown by a deposit at the bottom of the bottle or vessel in which it is placed. Mark the bottle containing the gold “Gold Solution,” and the bottle con taining the soda ‘ ‘ Bicarbonate of Soda Solution. ” To make the toning bath take one-half ounce of the gold solution and add ounces of water. Dip a piece of blue litmus paper into the solu tion, and if it does not turn the papei red add a little more of the gold. Then put in enough of the bicarbonate of soda solution to turn the litmus paper back to blue. The soda should bo added a few drops at a time and the mixture stirred with a glass rod. Mix the bath half an hour before needed for use. Place the prints in this bath, and tone till nearly the desired color. Rinse and place for five minutes in a fixing bath composed of an ounce of hyposulphite of soda and 8 ounces of water. Wash in running water for half an hour.—Harper’s Round Table. You can’t cure consumption but you can avoid it and cure every other form of throat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. For sale by’Curry-Arrington Co. City Tax Notice, The last half of city tax for 1897 is past due. Executions will soon be de livered to the marshall. Persons owing, will save cost by prompt payment. Oc tober 19th 1897. Halsted Smith, 10-19 10ds. Clerk of Council. $3,50 to Nashville and re/ turn via, Western £. Atlantic R, R, Wednesday October 27th, limited October 31st, Train leaves 9a, m. No change of cars, C. K, Ayer, P. £. T, A. HOT SHOT. Hot Springs,Ark. .writes: I I" 101 25 years have used Simmons f Liver Medicine for WA Biliousness, Torpid araaaigE**- Liver, Diarrhoea, Dys -1 7 wv iKW eatery, Cholera Mor -0 '*7 bus, Dyspepsia and la General Debility. It is .If perfectly harmless, and V_v 3- Z I I think far Superior to A “Zeilln’sLiver Medicine” 'A. OU< l “Black Draught” in AUtV. X strength and action. Williford, Ark., writes: Have used Dr. M. A. Sim mons Liver Medicine 10 W —, ■ years in my family. It has cured cases of Knlarge- W La V mentof biverand Spleen, r Bilious Fever, and cured my Wlfeof Nervous Head -1 ache. I And it far Superi or to “J. H. Zeilin’s Liver Regulator,” also far ahead of ‘‘Black Draught.” a San Anton Tex., writes: I am 76 years old past, and feel that my days have been lengthened by Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine, which cured me of Chronic Consti pation of long stand ing. Have used it in my family 30 years for Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles and Bowel Complaints. I took one dose of "Zeilin’s Liver Regulator,” and some of the Sticks in it lodged In my throat, causing me to vomit, and I took no more of it. 1. refer to any Counjy Officer in Bandera County. Canton, Texas, writes: One Package Dr. M. [ | A. Simmons Diver F) Medicine cured me of Q M V Neuralgia and Pal- V / pitation of Heart. I Thedford’s Black Draught, and it did no ■SwfcJ/W ™ good. Atbikd,Taub awdSafk WOMAN’S RELIt... Always prompt and reliable. Avoid Imitations. Get Catom’s Tansy Pills and save regrets. At drug store*, or sent direct (sealed), price Catomßpbc. Co.. Bnaton« Mass. Pamphlet 4c- Buy a Smooth White W Skin For Your Face! It probab’y needs renewing, for it is rough, red, freckled, blotched o. pimpled, until it has become repulsive instead of attractive Healthy skin is always b ontiful. The M:n ind wind, impure soaps ana sosmotien Kj.inre ’he judn. Viola Cream cleanses, nourishes and restores rhe skin, making it soft, white and beauiiful. It 13 not a cosmetic —does not cover up. but blemishes. It Is harmless and always ices ju. what we claim for it. The only prepurat’on jhat wiil positively remove Freckles, Blackheads. Tan, Sunburn and Pimples. Hundreds of testimonials from promt, nent ladies. P-ice 50 cents a jar at druggists. O. G. BITTNER TOLEDO, DEAD STUCK for BUGS Kills Roaches, Flens, Moths and Bedbugs. Non. poisonous; won’t stain. Large bottles, at drug gists and grocers, 2o cents. SAVED FROM A cIVIHO ORAVK. yr WE FORFEIT if our testimonials are wKfinn not true. Have the druggist show them to you, or address with staino and we will send them and book free. The Elixir or Youth cures all Nervous Diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Lost Vitality, Nihgtly Emissions, Vericucele, Evil Dreams, Headache, Fains In the Limbs and Back, and Insanity, caused by youthful errors or excesses, over indulgence or abuse ot any kind of either sex. Ask for Elixir of Youth. In tablet or liquid form. Take no other. SI per bottle or box, 6 for So. Bold under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Prepared only by THE GEEMAN HOSPITAL REMEDY CO.. Grand Rapids, Michigan, U. S. A. For sale by Rome Drug Co., and C. A. Trevitt, Rome, Ga. The Rosy Freshness And a velvety softness of the skin is inva-1 riably obtained by those who use Pozzoni’s I Complexion Powder. / « y FREE: sao.oo IN GOLD, V m 1 fl O* Bicycle,Gold Watch, Diamond * Ring, or a Scholarship in * Draughon’s Practical Business College, Nashville, Tenn., or * VirpriW Texarkana, Tex., or a schol arship in most any other reputable business col lege or literary school in the U. S. can be secured by doing a little work at home for the Youths’ Advocate, an illustrated semi-monthly journal. It is elevating in character, moral in tone, and especially interesting and profitable to young people, but read with interest and profit by peo ple of all ages. Stories and other interesting matter well illustrated. Sample copies sent free. Agents wanted. Address Youths’ Advocate Pub. Co., Nashville, Tenn. [Mention this paper.] Cushmans MENTHOL INHALER Cures all troubles of the Heid and Throat CATARRH, litADACHL NEURALGIA, LaGRIPPE, WILL CURE nalatlon stope | < 21 sneezing, snuffing, coughing, WPS? HEADACHE. Con- tinned use effects 7 SURE CURE. endorsed x highest medical au dioritics of Euroj* T A P-’ ld America for ! 'JIV. COLDS.Sore Throat Hay Fever, Bron chltiJ, La GRIPPE. The most Re’ reshing 1 ■ i^'^ 1 and Healthful aia tc HEADACHE Suffer ers. Brings Sleep to the Sleepless. Curet Insomnia ind Nervous Prostration. Don’t be fooleo •srifh worthLßß • m.tatioris. Take only CUSHMAN’S. Price, 6Oc at ail Druggists, or mailed free. AGENTS WANTED. CUSHMAN'S MENTHOL BALM wonder- I ml cures of Salt Rheum. Old Sores, Cuts, Wounds, Burns, Frostbites. Excels all other remedies for PILES. Price, 2fio. nt Druggists. Book on Menthol free. Address Cushman Drug Go.* Vin cennes* Ind. or DKA3BORK BT M ChiCSSO. !11. •A- re you wholly satis- There’s a deal of satisfac .. , tiou when you know that vou are strong and well. If AAASVI you are not, yon ought to be. We will make you so If pos sible. «>ur distinctive . . specialty is all diseases pe- vjtnrrl cullirtomen and women, WIG JLI such as Hood Poison, Stric ture, Nervous Debility, Kidney and Bladder Trou bles, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Xmilt*" etc ” aIBO diseases of Jr V. LAX women. Call on or write us and if necessary we cin prove to you that we cure .where some of the beet QCklfp physicians have failed. • Mail treatment gived by sending for Symptom blank No. 1 for Men; No. 2 for Women; No 3 for Skin Diseases; No. 4 for Catarrh. Call on or address - DR. HATHAWAY A CO. 22J£ South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. “Better late than never.” “The above old adage M I is as forceful now as ever and suffering ones will rejoice when they hear of the wonder ful efficacy of ACDIPAIIA The Hsrvelous BLOOD rj ArnluAliA purifier, m Hundreds who have become discouraged By trying a score of other remedies and upon whom the best of physicians failed, have ere it was too late, hesrd of the grandest of all Medicines, ..Africana.. The Sure Cure for all Blood Diseases/ H ‘ For sale by all Druggists. w-'WZ-w-w- 1 The Great Remedy, Africana. Rome, Ga., July 7, 1897, This is to certify that I suffered with old sores on my body. They were con sidered incurable. I have used four bot tles of Africana and am entirely well and the sores healed. Ned Hughes (Colored). Ned Hughes is one of the best known and most reliable colored men in the city, and his word is considered as good as a bond. His statement made above as to the efficacy of the Africana remedy may be relied on as being absolutely true. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co., and Taylor & Norton, druggists Rome, Ga. M. A. VEIG-S ITT It IE ~ I ®LYOSTzv£Af£SS dyspepsia / 1 sick or Indigestion \Nervous- ESILIObSNESS \ ]j A UNDICE Sourness of Stomach Afper/rc None Genuine Without The Likeness Ano Signature orM.A.THEOFORO on FrontOf Each Wrapper. M.A.Theoford Med.@. Rome. ga. Pawtucket Fur Company, 294 Main St, Pavtacket, R, I. [WANTS ALL KINDS OF Raw Furs, Skins, Ginseng, Senaca, etc) Prices quoted for next 60 days are as fol lows; Silver Fox, sls 00 to $150.00; Bear, $5.00 to $25.00; Otter, $4.00 to $9.00; Martin $2.00 to $9.00; Beaver, $3.00 to $3.50 per pound; Wolf, SI.OO to $2.00; Red Fox, SI,OO to $2,00; Mink, 75c to $1.00; Skunk, 25c to $1.00; Gray Fox, 50c to 75c; Rat, 20c to 25c’ Price list on all other furs and skins fur nished upon application. Fall prices guar anteed, careful selection, courteous treat ment, and immediate remittance on all consignments. Ostrich Feathers- Boas, Plumes and Tips Cleaned, Curled and Dyed. Kid Gloves cleaned, 15c to 50c per pair, I. PHILLIPS Whitehall St,, Atlanta Ga- To Cure a Coldin One Day Letters of Administration. GEORGI A, Floyd County: To all whom it may concern: J. P. McConnell having in proper form applied to me for per manent letters of administration on the estate of Mrs Nancy Winn, late of Bald county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Mis. Nancy Winn, deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time al lowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to J. P. McConnell or some other fit and proper person on Mrs. Nancy Winn's estate, witness my band and official signature this 4th day of October, 1897. JOHN P. DAVIB, Ordinary Floyd County,