The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 28, 1897, Image 6

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TOWS OF TECH DIES' Expires Very Suddenly at Her Residence In England. / BUOOUMBS TO KNIFE OF SUBGEON She Passes Away From the Effects of an Operation Performed by Louden Spec ialists- Constu of Queen Victoria and Sister of the Duke of. Cambridge—Over Sixty-Five Years Old. Richmond, England, Oct. 27. —The Duchess of Teck, cousin of Queen Vic toria, sister of the Duke of Cambridge and mother-in-law of the Duke of York, died at the White Lodge here. She waii born Nov. 27, 1b33, and was married on June 12, 1866, to Prince Francis, Duke of Teck, (eldest son of Prince Alix oi Wurtemburg) who was born Aug. 27, 1887. The death of the Duchess of Teck was entirely unexpected. It was supposed that she had entirely recovered from a complaint which caused her considera ble suffering. During several days past active prep arations have been on foot for the open ing of. a charity bazaar at Richmond, the duchess having promised to be present at the ceremony. The streets have been in progress of decoration, and the bazaar itself was approaching completion. Everything possible was being done to make the bazaar a merit able event, and do honor in every way possible to her royal highness. Inquiries made at the White Lodge, the residence here of the Duke and Duchess of Teck, show that it was only when the dnchess returned from the north a few days ago that there were alight symptoms of a recurrence of strangulated hernia, for which she sus tained an operation last July, but it was not expected that any serious conse quences would ensue. On Monday, however, the duchess became ill, though even then no seri ous symptoms were observed. On Thursday she became worse and Lon don specialists who had previously op erated upon hes were summoned to Richmond. They held a consultation and decided that the life of her royal highness conld not be sustained without another operation. This was sucess fully performed, but the duchess grad ually sank and died at 3 a. m. The Duke of Teck is prostrated at the death of his wife. The Duchess of York was the only other member of the family present at the death of the duchess, as fatal con sequences were not expected. When the condition of her royal highness grew more serious her relatives were hastily summoned and they have been arriving all the morning. The Duke and Duchess of Teck had four children, of whom the eldest. Princess Victoria Mary, born May 26, 1865, is the Duchess of York., The Duchess of Teck was the daugh ter of the Duke of Cumberland, seventh son of George HL She was 65 years of age. An official statement has been issued to the effect that the Duchess of Teck died of cardiac failure, two hours after the operation was performed upon her. Pure blood is absolutely necessary for perfect health. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the one true blood purifier, and great health giver. FOOT BALL SATURDAY. Big Game Between Virginia and Georgia Will Be a Great Event. Rome will probably send down quite a delegation to Atlanta Satur day to see the football game between the Universities of Virginia and Geor gia. The Virginia champions will have a fight to hold the championship of the south that they have won every year. Georgia holds the baseball championship and will do all they can to take from Virginia the football championship. When the red and black lines up against the orange and blue it will be for the most important game of the season. Other games will follow that may be better, but this game means more to both teams than any of the games to come. If Georgia should take it they will also take the title of champions, and Virginia will have to wait till next year to regain the title they have worked so hard for and held so long. But Virginia will not take any chances and they know that they are going up against a team that will give them a hard fight and they are coming prepared for it. They will Tutt’s Pills Cure All Liver Ills. ARE YOU BANKRUPTinhealth. constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt’s Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills an absolute cure. Druggist CATARRH for a generous 10 Cent BAW® Tri all Size. Ely’s Cream Balm contains no cocaine, mercury or any other injurious drug. It is quickly ab sorbed. Gives relief at once. . ■ ■ ■■■ * WASSES COLD HEAD Allays Inflammation. Heals and Protecte the Membrane. Restores the Senses es T <sts and! Smell. Full sire 50c.; Trial size 10c. ta druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren-Bt.. New Yotk. fight hard and the game will be for blood. While this is the first game of the season here, the teams do not come untried. Georgia has had two games and Virginia has had four. Georgia has defeated Clemson college. South Carolina, by a score of 24 to 0 and the Technological school by a score of 28 to 0. Virginia Defeated Franklin and Marshall college by a score of -38 to 0, St. Albans by a score of 14 to 0 and lost the game with the University of Pennsylvanie b” a score of 42 to t®. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists the money if it fails to cure. 50. "FINNIGAN’S COURTSHIP.” The lulmdtable Comedians and Company Here Saturday Night. Murray & Mack, the greatest laugh producers on the stage, will be at Nevin’s opera house Saturday night, In these days of a wilderness of thea trical ventures of various degrees of worth, it is a gratification to lovers to have our theatrical firmament crossed by stars of such magnitude as Murray & Mack. Their past efforts .re a guarantee that the inveterate reader, whether of book or stage story, will get his mead; the close financial calculator his money's worth, and everybody their evening’s enjoyment and hearty laughs. This season they have a new farce entitled ‘•Finnigan’s Courtship” said to be a worthy second in the series of Finnigan absurdities and by the same author as was “Finnigan’s Ball,” which won such success for both author and stars. From all occounts their business, which hvs been large during past seasons, is greater this year than ever. Cascarets Candy Cathartic kills yellow jack wherever they find him. No one who takes Cascarets regularly and sys tematically is in danger from the dreadful disease. Cascarets kill yellow fever germs in the bowels and prevent uew ones from breeding. 10c, 25c, SOc, all druggists. Society Notes. Mrs. James U. Jackson is visiting friends in Rome. In a beautiful gown of white satin, with pearl ornaments, she was one of the most attractive guests at the brilliant Clark-Magill nuptials in that city Thursday.—Augusta Chronicle, Mrs. Henry Bruton was considered by many the prettiest gowned woman at Mrs. Buntin’s reception. She wore a black and white silk waist made with the Russian blouse effect, which came from a yoke of white shirred chiffon, from this fell a bertha of Duchesse point lace.—Nashville American. The Macon News says: Mrs. Jackson will visit Mrs. Hamilton Yancey while in Rome. Mrs. Yancey will also have as her guests, Mrs. Peter W. Meldrim, of Savannah, Mrs. H. C. White, of Athens, and Mrs. Loulie M. Gordon, of Atlanta. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. De- Witt’s Little Early Risers cure bil iousness, constipation, sick headache. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. MEET FRIDAY. Commanders of Confederate Camps to Convene in Atlanta on That Day. The following circular has been is sued from Atlanta: Headquarters Georgia Division 1 United Confederate Veterans. > Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 15, 1897. ) Commanders of all camps will meet at Atlanta on Friday, November sth, 10 o’clock a. m., in tbe hall of the Y. M. C. A. building, on Pryor street, north of the Kimball bouse, to confer together. Among other important matters to consider, are —the great re union of Confederates in this place next year; also the methods of co-op eration with the Sons and Daughters of Confederates; the question of Uni form, &e. Where the commander cannot attend, he will appoint one or more representatives, All Confeder ate associations and all counties with out camps, are invited to be repre sented. It is proposed to make tbe next reunion the most impressive of any yet held. Clement A. Evans, Maj. Gen’l Commanding. Messrs. Broach <fc Trammel have com pleted the big Chamlee building run ning from Broad to First street. The brick, lime, lumber and materials were made and prepared in Rome by Rome mechanics and with Rome’s money. Parties wanting buildings put up, apply to Broach & Trammell, THE HOME TRIBUNE THURSDAY. OCTOBER 28. 1897. SEWED Up his mouth. Alexander Myatt Took Fifteen Stitches tn His Lips. Alexander Myatt, an insane patient confined tn the Central Insane asylum of Columbus. 0.. recently sewed up his mouth to keep from eating. While the attendant in his ward was asleep a few nights ago be performed the task, tbe operation requiring 15 stitches. Myatt has often threatened that he would starve himself to death before he would condescend to eat the food furnished by the state, but the su perintendent has always managed to bring him around and induce him to join the other patients at their meala Myatt, it appears, finally came to the conclusion that he would be compelled to resort to means yet untried to succeed in his determination. The discovery of what Myatt had done was made recently when one U the attendants notified Myatt that it was time for breakfast. Myatt heard all that was said, but merely shook his head in a manner to indicate that he didn’t want anything to eat. His mouth was sewed completely shut. The stitches were removed by the hospital physicians, and Myatt succeed ed in getting along all day on a diet of milk and brandy. The crazy fellow had stolen the needle and thread from the attendant in the dormitory. Just how he managed to run the heavy needle through his lips without causing pain so intense as to force him to cry out is a mystery to Superintendent Richard son as well as to the other attaches of tbe state institution for the care of the insane. Arnica tincture was applied to the needle wounds in the lips of the patient, and be is getting along as well as can be expected Unless blood poisoning sets in Myatt will eventually recover from the injuries he inflicted on him self.—New York Journal. Yellow Fever Germs breed in the bowels. Kill them and you are safe from the awful disease. Cascarets destroy the germs throughout the system and make it impossible for new ones to form. Cascarets are the only reliable safe-guard for young and old against yeb ow j ack. 10c, 25c, 50c, all druggists. NON-BREAKABLE BANKS. Hot Roast ofW. S. Witham By a Selma Newspaper. This is what the editor of the Selma, Ala., Times, who knew him in days gone by, has to say about Witham’s tel egram to Senorita Cisneros, “Witham, W. 8. Witham, of Atlanta, who is the president of 19 banks, tele graphed Evangelina Cossio Cisneros, the rescued Cuban girl and offered her the cashiership of one of his banks. We know Witham. He once lived in Annis ton. He is smart. He knows how to es tablish banks. He put in his telegram to “Cissy,’ the words ‘unbreakable banks.’ Witham knows how to get free advertising. He knew that this girl could not speak jjnglish and had no idea that she would accept, but Witham 'wanted the free advertising. “William has a great amount of cheek, but he’s smart. He took good pains not to state how much salary he wanted to pay her like he did his employes in his ‘unbreakable bank’ in Anniston, which did not break but went to voluntary liquidation, the poor girl could not wear a great many silks and satins. And if she should accept and wish to visit Can ada, we do not think she would embarasa one of Witham’s banks by walking off with a great deal of cash.” CA-STORIuX. Mr. Pullman’s Discernment. A few years ago an inventor who had devised a new sleeping car took his plans to Mr. Pullman. The latter, after looking over them, said: “There is an idea there. I will give you SIOO,OOO cash for your patents.” The inventor was a poor man, but he would not accept the terms. He said that if the idea was worth SIOO,OOO to Pullman it was worth millions to him. The car was built and proved a financial failure, and it is be lieved that even to this day the inventor does not know where the “idea” was whose presence Mr. Pullman discerned in the working plans.—Boston Trans cript. Coley's Private Car. Jacob S. Coxey, the Populist candi date for governor of Ohio, will no lon ger travel in the middle of the pike by horseback. The. Lima Locomotive and Machine works’ car department has a private car almost completed in which Mr. Coxey will travel The car is being fitted up in fine style. One end has storage room enough for his big tent and equipments, and he will go prepared to unload at any point in Ohio, talk to the multitude on short notice and then Ziove on. —Pittsburg Dispatch. fsSiwmt if the valuable properties of Tarrant’s Effervescent Seltzer Aperient were uhiversally known, no family would be without it. It Is the best known preventative of and cure for Biliousness. Sick Headache, Constipation, Imperfect Digestion, Disordered Stomach, Vomiting, Loss of Appetite, Eruptions* on Face, Prickly Heat, and all bad effects arising from excesses in eating or drinking. Sold by Druggists for 50 years. SIMPLE AT FIRST. It is Foolish to Neglect any Form of Piles Care Them at tbe Beginning. Piles are simple in the beginning and easily cured. They can be cured even in the worst stages, without pain or loss of blood, quickly, surely and completely, ffiere is only one remedy that will do it —Pyramid Pile Cure. It allays tbe inflammation immediately, heals the irritated surface and with con tinued treatment reduces the swelling and puts the membranes into good, sound, healthy condition. The cure is thorough and permanent. Here are some voluntary and unsolicit ed testimonials we have lately received: Mrs. M. C. Hinkly, 601 Mississippi St., Indianapolis, Ind., says: Have been a sufferer from the pain an j an noyance of Piles for fifteen years, tb e Pyramid Pile Cure and Pyramid Pills gave me immediate relief and in a short time a complete cure. Major Dean of Columbus, Ohio, says: I wish to add to the number of certificates as to the benefits derived from the Pyramid Pile Cure. I suf fered from piles for forty years and from itching piles for twenty years and two boxes of Pyramid Pile Cnre has effectually cured me. Most druggist sell Pyramid Pile Cure or will get it for you if you ask them to. It is 50cts for full sized package and is put up only by the Pyramid Drug Co., Albion, Mich. South Should Unite on This. Among the resolutions adopted at a meeting of southern commercial clubs at Nashville. Tenn., were these: That it has been demonstrated by actual experience, which can easily be verified by investigation, that the iron and steel needed by the government for such armor plate and for other needs of its service, can be produced in the south more cheaply than anywhere else in tbe United States. That all commercial bodies of the south are hereby earnestly requested to impress on their respective members of congress to use their best endeavors to locate the said armor-plate plant at the most economical and eligible point in the south for the manufacture of such armor plate. There is a platform upon which the whole south should unite. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the “New Great South American Kidney Cure. ’ ’ This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages in male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Curry-Arrington Co., druggists, Rome, Ga. th-fr-sat & w. Bicycle League Meet. For the occasion of the National Bicycle League meet at Atlanta, Ga., October 29th, 30th 1097, tbe Southern railway will sell tickets from points on its lines between Chattanooga and Chattanoochee, and Birmingham and Lithia Springe, to Atlanta, Ga. and return at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold October 28th and 29th, limited to October 31st for return passage. Call on any agent of the Southern railway for further information. CA-STORIA. The fw- _ limib . st •*” of J-C&CC+iMC vrzpper. You Cant Afford to Miss It! The great Tennessee centenial closes October 20th. The last week of the Ex position promises to be the most notable of all. The Fireworks display will be grand, the horse races finest on earth. “Thomas Day” and “Atlanta Day” the event of the exposition cheap rates on the 27th. City Tax Notice. The last half of city tax for 1897 is past due. Executions will soon be de livered to the marshall. Persons owing, will save cost by prompt payment. Oc tober 19th 1897. Halsted Smith, 10-19 lOds. Clerk of Council. Smoke Watters’ Extra Good Cigars. If it isn't the best 5 cent cigar you ever smoked, we’ll treat It is made right here in Rome and for sale by all enter/ prising dealers, Atlanta and Return, *2.21. On October 28th and 29tli, the South ern railway will sell tickets to Atlanta and return at rate of $2.21, account of National Bicycle League meet. Tickets good returning until October 31st. t 29 J. N. Harrison, C. T. A. City Registration List For Elec tion March Ist. 1898. ; Colored. Smith. Amos. For Re At —A very desirable seven room house, centrally located. Would prefer to rent it furnished and to board with person renting. Reference required, address A. Z. Tribune office, ts. ATLANTA AND RETUR N. On October 28th and 29 th, the Southern Railway will sell tickets to Atlanta and return at the rate of $2.- 21, account National Bicycle League Meet. Tickets good for return passage until October 31st, J. N, HARRISON, C.T, A. Your Physician Aims To put all his knowledge, experience and skill into the prescription he writes. It is an order for the combination of remedies ycur case demands. Pure and Reliable. He cannot rely on results unless the ingredients are pure and reliable and are properly compounded. Bring your prescriptions to the / ROME PHARMACY, Where is carried one of the best stocks of drugs Tin town, and a complete line of Squibbs’ Shemicais for prescription use. Everything of the purest quality that money can buy or experience select. Prescriptions compounded By a careful and experienced prescriptionist. Everything at reasonable prices. . ROME PHARMACY, 309 Clark Building, Broad Street, Rome, Ga. JOHN H. REYNOLDS, President. B. I. HUGHES,[Cashier P. H. HARDIN, Vice President. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ROME, GEORGIA. Capital and Surplus $300,000. AU Accommodations Consistent With Sa's Banking Ex tended to Our Customers. Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy cures indigestion, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Hiccoughs, Heart-burn. F-gT’Guar anteed. You Stop and Think. Go and get OLD PURE WHISKEYS of Reliable Dealers OUR LEADER FOR ONE DOLLAR riiyf I (u s I .A.. Il LOMVluk. KV. WTMFMALin H**rn _— 1 ill Genuine OLD CROW I ® I Oy ROSEDALE SI.OO I Mua-u-i s CURRAN, SCOTT & COMPANY TELEPHONE 148 .ngraix. Fayette County jp| PURE GRAIN 0 JI RYE M, WHISKEY, fSS /4k 75 CENTS / iSKE-gak QUART We are the leaders in the Purest Whiskey, The genuine labels are shown on the cuts. Look at them and see if you get the genuine Gib/ son Nectar, Gibson Cabinet, Gibson xxxx, VIM, VIGOR. VITALITY RESTORED 30 DAYS. Good Effects at Once. CATON’S VITALIZER Cares general special debility, wakefulness, spermatorrhoea, emissions, impotenty, pare sis, etc. Corrects functional disorders, caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring Los*. Manhood in old or young, giving vigor and strength where former weakness prevailed Convenient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate. The Cure is Quick and Thorough. Don't be deceived by imitations: insist on CATON’S Vitalizers. Sent sealed if your Iruggist does not have it. Price JI per pkge,. > for $5, with written guarantee of complete jure. Information, references, etc., free and jonfidential. Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week’s trial treatment. One only sent to each person. CATON MED. CO., Boston, Mass Stop When in Chattanooga, either on. business or pleasure, at the most 7 comfortable and convenvient hotel in the city. , Stanton House, Near the Central Station and' convenient to business center Rates, $2 a pay. M. M. Kline & Co. Proprietors. DELICIOUS CASTOR OIL STRANGE BUT TRUE. “Oastorean Honey,” Manufactured by the Atlanta Chemica. Co., Atlanta, Ga., is pure Castor Oil, with all of its medicinal virtues, but actually agreeable to the taste. Think of it, a child will drink a whole bottle if allowed Bold only by agents and the Atlanta Chemical Co. Agents wanted. Address as above. Chattanooga, R ome & Columbus. RAILROAD, EUGENE E. JONES. Receiver. Passenger Schedule in effect May 2, 1896.. SOUTHBOUND - STATIONS No. 2 No. 4 No. 10 Lv Chattanooga 8 01am 4 10pm 800 a Battlefield 837 436 540 Chickamauga 844 445 625 La Fayette 912 513 725 Trion 939 540 833 Summerville 948 549 860 Lyerly 19 06 607 940 H?me 1100 700 12 10 Cedartown 11 44 745 pm 1 45- Buchanan 12 27 Bremenl2 43 Ar Carrollton 110 pm NORTHBOUND. STATIONS No. 1 No. 8 No.ff LvCarroltton .... 140 pm Bremen 2 0, Buchanan........ 224 Cedartown 807 615 am OIOBOb Rome 8 50 7 00 1100 Lyerly 4 45 7 54 1 05 Summerville 5 03 8 12 1 55 Trion 512 8 21 2 30 LaFayette 539 848 335 Chickamauga 6 07 9 17 5 05 Battlefield 6 14 9 24 5 20 Ar Chattanooga64o pm 9 50am 6 00pm. Nos. 9 and 10 daily except Sunday. Nos. 8 and 4 Sunday only. Nos. 1 and 2daily. Trains Noe. 9 and 19 arrive and depart from, C.B. *O. shops near Montgomery avenue. Connections made at Chattanooga, Tenn., with all roads for points North and West. For any information apply to C, B. WILBURN, Traffic Manager, Roma. Ga. or C. S. PRUDBN, Ticket Agann