The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, October 30, 1897, Image 6

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HIS AMAZING GIFT. MR. KAUFMAN IS ENDOWED WITH A REMARKABLE FACULtY. Preaches Eloquent Sermons Only Under the Influence of a Strange Power —Many Thrilling and Dramatic Scenes Have I Taken Place During His Sermons. The Rev. John Kaufman, whose home is near Napannee, Elkhart county, Ind., is endowed with a faculty which is of the most remarkable order. He is gifted with the peculiar power of preaching while in an apparent state of somnam bulism. This word does not quite ex press the for he is semi conscious before he delivers himself of his wonderful sermons. He has been in the ministry over 20 years, being first a Baptist, but his strange power dates from the time when at a great camp meeting held near Terre Haute some years ago he became a convert to Metho dism. He attended this meeting regu larly and toward its close became won derfully impressed with that faith—so much so that he decided to join the Methodists. He did so, but before the close of the meeting his nervous system gave way, and he was laid on a bed ot sickness for several weeks. When he arose from his bed, his mental condition had undergone an en tire change. He was transformed from a lively, active, matter of fact person to a man of a dreamy, ethereal cast of mentality. He would sit for hours silently poring over the Bible without paying the slightest attention to what might be transpiring around him. Dur ing these periods it was impossible to engage him in conversation Pulling him by the arm or pushing up lightly against him would not draw his atten tion from his dreamy study During one of these reveries he re cently astonished those about him by launching forth in a voice that was strange to them. He repeated his text and then poured forth a sermon of great power and beauty. His naturally rough tones were changed to a voice of the purest tenor, musical and flexible, and his words flowed with the ease of a pol ished orator. This first sermon, preached to the members of his household, was broken short by his falling forward as if shot. He was assisted to his bed, and a physi cian was summoned, who, upon making an examination,, found Mr. Kaufman in a deep sleep, with heart beating reg ularly. It was impossible to awake him, and he slept for several hours. Since that time his Sunday morning sermons have been delivered under these strange circumstances. A peculiar fea ture of his case is that this power is ex ercised only in the morning. In the evenings his sermons are delivered in a rather coarse voice, and neither his manner nor matter is up to the average. He is well aware of his amazing gift, but talks of it only when forced tc do so. He speaks of it with great reluc tance, as though it were something that should not be discussed. When he rises to speak, he stretches forth his right arm and assumes a rigid position. He remains thus with closed eyes for a few minutes without uttering a sound. His delivery at first is in a slow and distinct voice, but as he pro gresses his utterance is more rapid, and his voice searches every cranny of the edifice like the notes of a clarion. He electrifies his congregation and brings tears or smiles from his hearers at will. At one moment he seems to draw the screen which shuts the divine mansion from mortal sight and paints for his hearers a glimpse of the home of eter nal happiness. At another he rolls back the ponderous gates of hell and ex hibits with fearful distinctness the aw ful abode of the damned. He is fervid in his pleadings, forceful in his exhor tations and terrible in his denunciations. He claims not to know upon what sub ject he will speak at a given time. The inspiration coqies while he stand* <& The chair made vacant t>y death is ,lk JS*®? always a sad re minder. It is es- pccially sad when '*■ ’ s mot ' ler ’ s chair. All over l^’S i )roa< l land ; the, : e are vacant -J||p / T*—T j chairs that would *—* 'y3tC—. still be occupied . x —■ —by healthy, happy, radiant mothers if women would but realize the importance of keeping well in a womanly way. Women cannot too soon understand that it is little less than a crime to neglect the health of the organs to which are intrusted the perpetuation of a healthy, robust race of human beings. By neglect of these organs a woman ruins her own health, de stroys the happiness of her home, and fails in the performance of the most sublime duty that she owes to the world. The best medicine for women who are weak where Nature demands the most strength is Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion. It acts directly upon the organs that make motherhood possible. It cures all weakness and disease that exists there and stops all distressing, debilitating drains. It prepares a woman for motherhood and in sures a healthy baby, it makes the coming of baby easy and almost painless. Drug gists who oner something “just as good” are either ignorant or dishonest and in either case are not to be trusted. “ I had been a great sufferer for years with fe male weakness," writes Mrs. John Downie of No. 243 Lexington Avenue, Eddystone, Delaware Co., Pa. "Could not walk three squares without terrible suffering. I also had a pain in my left side for seven years—until I used Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, 1 Favorite Prescrip tion ' and ‘ Pleasant Pellets.’ My pain has left me altogether. Have had no symptoms of it at all for two years. Can walk two or three miles at ■ time and it does not hurt me. I cannot recom mend Dr. Pierce’s medicines highly enough. My daughter also has used your medicines with great benefit. She was operated upon for appendicitis and had fainting spells from it. She took the * Golden Medical Discovery.' ‘ Favorite Pre scription,’ ‘Extract of Smart-Weed,’ and the ■Pleasant Pellets’ and has not had any faint ing spells for one year. When she commenced to take it she weighed 95 pounds now she weighs 140 pounds." Constipation ! It is the fountain-head of xuany diseases. It causes impure blood and all manner of disorders are the result. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure constipa tion. Promptly. Surely. Permanently. They never gripe. Druggists sell them. In the PATHWAY of the Expectant Mother dangers lurk, twin and should be avoided. Zwl— “Mother’s JOjf Friend” y/iW so prepares the system iW . mßi for the change taking jm , | place that the final**!. 11l hour is robbed of all Danger. Its use insures safety to the life of both mother and child, and makes child-birth easy and recovery more rapid. “ ‘Mother’s Friend’ is the greatest remedy ever put on the market, and all our customers praise it highly.” W. H. KING & CO., Whitewright, Tex. Sent by Mail on receipt of price, SI PER BOTTLE. Book “To Expectant Mothers” mailed free. Tut BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA.GA. SOLO ALL DRUGGISTS. before' the congregation with outstretch ed arms and he sometimes speaks upon the same subject consecutively, but never in the same terms. A note of warning runs all through his discourses, and he claims to be able to see great calamities ahead for America unless the people turn more sincerely to God. He is especially severe in his condemnation of divorces. He likens the divorce laws of America to a great road smoothly paved over which an ever increasing throng is passing to destruction. He claims to be able to see this road in his inspired moments, guarded by - long lines of demons of horrible shape and hideous aspect He can hear their Satanic shrieks and view their mad joy as they leap around the mouth of hell, where this smooth road lands its vic tims, and when he paints this scene the blood of the bravest sinner curdles in his veins. In fact, his pictures are some times so terrible that many residents re fuse to hear him at alk He has been known to preach powerfully for three hours at a stretch, but usually his ser mons are from an hour to an hour and a half in length. When in this trancelike condition, he is entirely insensible to the things which take place about him. Nothing can disturb him; nothing can wake him from it. He claims that the air is peo pled with good and bad spirits, that he can see them doing battle for the pos session of human souls, and at times he describes these battles as they take place amid the congregation present. These portrayals of a superhuman scene are so vividly brought out that their realism is startling. He claims to be able to tell the just from the unjust, and he has been known to expose the dark and evil intentions of members of his congregation so cor rectly that they have made confession of the facts to him. Above the just he can see a pillar of beautiful light, which reaches from heaven and rests on the head of the righteous. Above the unjust he can see a tower of darkness, which overshadows them in gloom. Many thrilling and dramatic scenes have taken place during his sermons. At one time he was preaching on his favorite theme—divorce. In the sight of God, he said, these double dyed scoundrels are infinitely worse than mur derers. “I see their hideous presence here,” he cried in piercing tonea “There and there the hell born demons are fighting. The home of the damned yawns fright fully close. Repent, repent, brother, for the time is close at hand!’’ Just then a loud cry was heard from the farther end of the church, and a voice rang out, “I do, I do!’’ The cry came from a well known member of the church. He rose and sought to rush to the repentant bench, but fell in the aisle. When he was picked up, he was dead. At another time he was the means of preventing a murder that was planned. One of the conspirators, son of the in tended victim, heard him preach. The minister’s words made such a powerful impression on his mind that the young man revealed the plot to Mr. Kaufman during the following evening, and the crime was thus averted. At the close of his sermons he col lapses and goes into a profound sleep. The attendant can generally tell when he is about to need his assistance and catches him as he falls forward insensi ble.—St. Louis Post-Dispatch. ANDREE BALLOON AFLOAT? Sailors Art Said to Hare Sighted the Air ship No*r Spitsbergen. Christiana, Oct. 28.—Dispatches re ceived here from Vardoe, the island in the Arctic ocean off Finmark, which, with Vardoehuns, is the most northern fort in northern Europe, say the pubdo there is fully convinced of the truth of the report that a whaling ship sighted Professor Andree’s balloon, floating, on Sept. 23, near Prince Charles promon tory, Spitzbergeu. The news has caused considerable depression among ■ the friends of Professor Andree. Brakmo, the arctic explorer, proposes to sail for Prince Charies promontory in order to investigate the trucii of the story told by the crew of the whaler. Captain Sverdrup of Dr. Nansen’s exploring ship Fram does not believe the report of the sighting of Aii"r«"’* balloon, floating near Prince Onarles promontory, is correct. Senator liutler Sonntn a Scheme. Raleigh, Oct. 28.—Senator Butlei says in his paper that it has informa tion which leads it to believe that the Western Union Telegraph company is attempting to work a deal witn tne railroad commission, and that the pian seems to be to remand the injunction case to the commission from tin* "d-nn’t courts and then have the iues>agH rati fixed at 25 cents on onoitiou tne company pays more taxes. Small pill, s■ fe pill, beet pill D* Witt’s Little Early Risers cnre'hil {oneness, constipation, tdek headache. For sale by Curry Arrington Co. THE ROME TRIBUNE. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1807 A GREAT ASTRONOMER. Professor John M. Schaeberle In Charge of Lick Observatory. . Professor John M. Schaeberle, who has recently succeeded Professor Edward S. Holden in charge of the Lick observ atory at Mt. Hamilton, Cal., is prob ably most widely known as the discov erer Os the comet of 1881, but in scien tific circles he has much more solid claims for recognition. Professor Schaeberle was born in Ger many, but came to this country when less than 5 years of age. Ho was gradu ated from the Ann Arbor university in 1874 and immediately entered that insti tution as assistant astronomer and in structor of mathematics. While there he made a study of reflecting telescopes and constructed an 18 inch reflector with which he discovered his comet and whibh is one of the best instruments of its class today. In 1888 he entered the Lick observa tory as astronomer, and for several years has been the senior observer. He has done much work in physical and mathe- JI .Ji PROFESSOR JOHN M. SCHAEBERLE. matical astronomy and has contributed mauy valuable articles to the astronom ical journals. He is cousidered an au thority on solar phenomena, and his theory as to the cause of the sun’s coro na. which is visible during an eclipse, is generally accepted, having never been successfully refuted. It was in order to prove the correctness of this theory that Professor Schaeberle made a trip to South America in 1893, where, from a point on the Andes, he secured photo graphs of the corona which are admit ted to be the finest records of that phe nomena in existence. Last year he assumed command of the Lick observatory expedition which was sent to Japan to observe the eclipse; but, like other observers, he had his. trouble for his pains, as clouds obscured the phenomena at the critical moment. Professor Schaeberle is known to the scientific world as a careful and reliable investigator, and by his friends is con sidered a man of rugged honesty of pur pose as well as a most talented scientist. Did Yon Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the re lief and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Mel ancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and Strength are guar anteed by its use. Fifty cents and SI.OO at Curry-Arrington Co. ’s drug store. Congosto Stay* War U*ill Philadelphia, Oct. 28.—Dr. Joseph Congosto, who for a number of years has been Spanish consul iu Philadel phia, and who recently was appointed secretary general of Cuba, will leave for Havana on the steamer Mexico, which leaves New York Saturday. Dr. Oon gosto states that the plau of autonomy proposed by Spain for Cuba will result in the terminafton of the war in a short time. Dr. Congosto says that the plan of autonomy will probably be put in operation in Cuba in about a month. —— A— - RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the “New Great South American Kidney Cure.” This new remedy is a g eat surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages in male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Curry-Arrington Co., druggists, RomeyGa. th-fr-sat & w. Tennessee and Texae Traffic. Nashville, Oct. 28 —All Cotton Belt trains are running between Memphis and Texas, and all passengers from non infected points holding health certifi cates can reach Texas via Memphis and the Cotton Belt route without being molested. American Looom tlvea Abroad. Washington, Oct. 2b.—Consul Read, at Tieu-Tsin, China, reports to the state department the arrival there of 12 Baldwin locomotives for the Tien-Tsin- Lukoucliiao (Peking {railroad extension. Eight of the locomotives are of the mo gul . ty ne. TjjlOtlD POISOH WA a mija tiary BLOOD POISON permanently t m K 21 cure<s > n 1® t 035 days. You can be treated at 6° mG for some price under same guaran ’ £ i.V-11 you prefer to come here we will con- -“““F tract to pay railroad f areand hotel bills,and no charge. If we fail to cure. If vou have taken mer cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and pains. Bl i’-cous Patches in mouth. Sore Throat, Piinpleo, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of 11 ? obody, Ilitir or Eyebrows falling out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON wo gnai antes to cure. We solicit the most obsti nate cases c.n i challenge the world for • case we rant: ot core. This disease has always ba: led the :■ >. the most eminent physi cians- HF.“<>o,ooo capital behind our uncondi tional guaranty Absolute proofs sent sealed on application. Address COOK REMEDY CO*. 693 Mason" "'-mule, CHICAGO, IM. Ten Years An Invalid. Sow Restored to Perfect Health and Able to Perform All Household Duties—A Cure After Shilled Physicians Had Failed. From the Induetrial News, Jackson, Mich. Mrs. Clara Hazleton, of Webberville, Michigan, related to a representative of the Industrial News the story of her eure from eczema and other ills, which has few if any equals in this part of the country, and puz tled the most learned physicians. She said : “ My husband’s name is John G. Hazleton. He is a farmer, and we live in Leroy, our r st-office address being Webberville, Mich. am 30 years of age, and for over ten years I have suffered from chronic eczema, female weakness and a combination of kidney and bladder troubles. ■“I employed the most skilled physicians we could get, but my case went from bad to worse, until a few years ago womb trouble and painful menses added to my misery. I became so weak and helpless that it became entirely impossible for me to perform n?y home duties. 1 tried again different physi cians, but did not receive the slightest relief, and I finally gave up all hope of ever getting better. “Last June I read in the Jackson Indus trial News of the case of a lady who was cured by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, and although she had only part of ths difficulties with which I was afflicted and they had been of less duration, I con cluded to give Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People a trial in the hope that they mighiftrelieve me to some extent. On the twentieth of June I bought the first box and commenced taking them according to direc tions. After using three boxes I began to feel improved, and I have now taken in all nine boxes and am able to perform all my household duties. I am, however, some what weak, but am without pain or suffer ing. I am now taking the tenth box, and shall continue to use the pills a short time longer and shall never be without them again if any signs of my former troubles shall make their appearance. I can heartily rssommend these wonderful little healers to all women suffering with any of the troubles with which I have been afflicted, and I will cheerfully answer any inquiries regarding my wonderful cure." Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are sold in boxes (never tn loose form bj the dozen or hundred, and the public are cau tioned against numerous imitations sold in this shape) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicins Company, Schenectady, N. Y. YellowComplexionand Dull Eyes. An Indiana Schoolmaster Describes How They May be Brightened. From the New Era, Greensburg, Ind. There is probably not a brighter young country school teacher to be found than Mr. Ira Wonn, who lives on a farm about five miles south of Greensburg, Ind., and teaches school at New Pennington, in Saltcreek township. Mr. Wonn boards with Mr. J. S. Wise, a prominent farmer, who is well-to-do. Mr. Wonn was in this city a few weeks ago, looking stout and healthy, with an en couraging color in his cheeks. All who know him would formerly describe him as pale and languid, with a very sallow or yel lowish complexion, and his eyes dull: his auburn hair having the appearance of being dead. All of these indications of poor health have vanished, and all within the last few weeks, as the result, so we have learned :rom Mr. Wonn himself, of the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. Mr.. Wonn for several years has been farming the whole year round, and taught ■ichool in the winter time, often riding many miles each day to his school. This great amount of exposure soon told on the once stout youth, and he rapidly sank by the suf fering of rheumatism in his lower limbs. He wished to get along with as small ex pense as possible, so confined himself to the family physician, who, it proved in time, did not benefit him any. “In early September," said Mr. Wonn, “ I began my school duties, taking up my abode with Mr. Wise, for I thought the dis tance too far to drive each way every day, feeling as badly as I did. I still treated my trouble, which I learned to look upon as a permanent and indeed, very disagreeable companion. I had been at the home of Mr. Wise but a few days, when he told me that he had just been cured of a trouble of long standing very similar to mine by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. He hssd a few doses on hand, which I took, and bogan'feeling better at once. I sent for two boxes, which I have used, and now I feel ■tout and healthy, as you see me, and am (nite a different person.” Ml. Wonn’s father in talking of his son’s lure to a reporrer << few navs ago said : Your Physician Aims To put all his knowledge, experience and skill into the prescription he writes. It is an order for the combination of remedies ycur case demands. Pure and Reliable. He cannot rely on results unless the ingredients are pure and reliable and are properly compounded. Bring your prescriptions to the ROME PHARMACY, Where is carried one of the best stocks of drugs in town, and a complete line of Squibbs’ Shemicais for prescription use. Everything of the purest quality that money can buy or experience select. Prescriptions compounded By a careful and experienced prescriptionist. Everything at reasonable prices. ROME PHARMACY, 309 Clark Building, Broad Street, Rome, Ga. JOHN H. REYNOLDS, President. B. I. HUGHES, [Cashier P. H. HARDIN. Vice President. FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOME, GEORGIA. Capital and Surplus $300,000. AU Accommodations Con sis tent With Sa's Banking Ex tended to Our Customers. Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy cures indigestion, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Hiccoughs, Heart-burn. “ Yes, sir, Dr. Williams’ Pink PiH> for Pale People were actually a great help to my son. as everybody who knew of his case will testify. j have bought a few boxes for family use, and would not be without them." | Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and re store shattered nerves. They are sold in boxes (never in loose form, by the dozen or hundred) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had ot all druggists or directly by mail from Dr. Williams 7 Medi cine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Nervousness and Neuralgia. . An instance of a marvelous cure of ner vousness and neuralgia of long standing is furnished in the case of Mrs. Benjamin Johnson, of Napoleon, Ripley Co., Indiana. l A reporter drove to see Mrs. Johnson a ! few weeks ago, but as she was not at home he was unable to accomplish the purpose of, his mission. However, Mrs. Johnson learn-’ ing what was desired, wrote a letter, in which' she said: i “ I understand that yon were desirous of learning whether my trouble had been cured, and if a cure had been accomplished how it had been done. I take pleasure in saying through your columns for the bene fit of the public that such is true and the; marvelous cure was accomplished by noth-i ing other than the use of Dr. Williams’Pink Pills for Pale People. For some time I had suffered from nervousness and neuralgia. I continually grew worse, although I was being almost constantly treated by my phy sician. “As time wore on I grew weak, reduced in flesh, and was unable to do much of my work. I tried different remedies without avail, when I was advised by a neighbor to try Dr.Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, I which lat once did. I felt better on taking' the first dose, and when I had finished one, box I had experienced a great change. I; took several boxes and was entirely well. I, have now used three boxes, and can honestly' recommend them, as I believe I would have been in the same condition to-day, or per haps worse had I not been advised to take Pink Pills.” Mrs. Johnson also stated that she induced some ofter neighbors to use the pills which they are doing with good satisfaction. i Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People contain in a condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on receipt of price, 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 (they are never sold in bulk or by the 100), by addressing Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. J Saved by His Friend. | One of the leading formers of Ripley Co. is Jonathan L. Weis, of Napoleon, Ind. Mr. Weis is a wealthy and influential tiller' of the soil, and was a soldier in the late war. I He was one of the first to enlist, and served■ for three years, coming home broken down in health and suffering from rheumatism, which had been brought on by the great ex posure to which he was subjected. Although previous to his enlistment Mr. Weis had been a strong, healthy man, ever since the war he has been a physical wreck, being almost a skeleton, such great destruction has that dread disease worked upon him. Mr-1 Weis for many years was unable to do any work, being compelled to hire others to do i his farm work. To a New Era reporter be stated that to-day he would have been etill in the same condition physically had not a friend advised him to try Dr.Williams* Pink Pills for Pale People, which quickly and permanently cured him, and to-day he weighs more, eats more, and can do more work than at any time since his dismissal from the army, although at a fairly advanced age. "For years," said Mr. Weis, “my pains were almost unbearable and during damp weather they were especially severe. I could sleep but little, and as I had no appe tite I rapidly dwindled away from a larye man to almost nothing. I consulted dif ferent prominent physicians and tried sever al patent medicines claimed to be good for my trouble, but none of them did but little good. As soon as I began taking Dr. Wil liams’ Pink Pills for Pale People I noticed a difference and by the time I had taken a few boxes I was completely cured. Had it not been for that medicine I would have been in my grave long ago.” Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shat tered nerves. They are sold in boxes (never in loose form, by the dozen or hundred) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams* Medicine Company, Sche nectady, N. Y. Are you wholly satis- JSJOiSM! There’s a <.eal of -• , tion when you know f 1 £XZ*I vou are str ne and well. BBS ILxiLA you are nor, vou ought to W e will mi ke you bo if poM| Bible. < 'ur . , specialty is all diseases TXTIrrl * oullirtomen and woneHs W such as lood Poison tor.-, Nervous Kidt ey and Bladder bles, Rheumatism, VCIIT- etc ” aIBO Ell d eeaees J LA* women. Call on or writßl us and if necessary we prove to you that we caiMs .. where some of the s» physicians have tailed. I Mail treatment gived sending for Symptom blanks No. 1 for Men; No. 2 for Women ; No 3 for Diseases; No. 4 for Catarrh. Call <->n or DR. HATHAWAY & CO, ■ 22% South Broad Street, Atlanta,' Gafl “Better late than never/! . • “The ABOVE OLD ADAGH M I is as forceful now as everH and suffering ones will rejoicel when they hear of the wonder-E ful efficacy of ■ A [DIP! 11l Jfhe Marvelous BLOOdH ArnluAllA purifier ’j Hundreds who have become discouraged By trying a score of ottier remedies I and upon whom the best of physicians I LJ failed, have ere it late, heard® of the grandest of all Medicines, ..Africans.. I The Sure Cure for all Blood Diseases? ka For sale by all Druggists. * 3D** MK* Mk** MK* Mk' '•k'* The Great Remedy, A f rlcana. ( Rome, Ga., July 7, 1897, This is to certify that I suffered with old sores on my body. They were con - sidered incurable. I have used four bot tles of Africans and am entirely well and the sores healed. Ned Hughes (Colored). Ned Hughes is one of the best known and most reliable colored men in the city, and his word is considered as good as a bond. His statement made above as to the efficacy of the Africana remedy 1 may be rehed on as being absolutely true. For sale by Curry Arrington Co., and Taylor & Norton, druggists Rome, Ga. nrrTHEDFORD’S" veg-s ttj IE DYSPEPSIA / fe' I Sic, < Indigestion aMMSir Nervous- r DDURNESS DE Stomach Appetite None Genuine Without The Likeness Ano Signature ofM.A.Thedforo on FrontOf Each Wrapper. M.A.Theoford Med.© 1 Pawtucket Fur Company, 294 Main S r , Pawtucket, R, I. WANTS ALL KINDS OF Raw Furs, Skins, G’nseug, Senaca, etc Prices quoted for next 60 days are as fol low*; Silver Fox, sls 00 to $l5O 00; Bear, $5.00 to $25 00; Otter, $4 00 to $9.00; Martin $2 00 to $9.00; Beaver, $3 00 to $3.50 uer pound; Wolf, SI.OO to $2 00; R-d Ft x, SI,OO to $2,00; Mink, 75c to $1.00; Skunk, 25c to $1.00; Gray Fox, 50c to 75c; Rat, 20c to 25c" Price list on all other furs and skins fur nished upon application. Full pries guar anteed, careful selection, courteous tretU ment, and immediate remittanee on at! consignments. Ostrich Feathers. Buas, Plumes and Tips Cleaned, Curled and Dyed. Kid Gloves cleaned, 15c to 50c per pair. I. PHILLIPS Whitehall St,, Atlanta Ga le Core a Coldin One D.<y Letters of Administration. GEORG! A, Floyd County: To all whom it may concern: J. P. McConnell having i<> proper foim applied to me for m-r --manent letters of administration on the er tat of Mrs Nancy Winn,late of said county, deceased. Thia is to cite all and singular the creditor* and next of Un of Mia. Nancy Winn, decea d to be and appear at my office within the time al lowed by law and anow canre, if any tiny can, why permanent administration should n< t be granted to J. P. McConnell or some other fit and 1 proper person on Mrs Nancv Winn's e-tate. Witness my band and official signature this *tls day of October, 1897. JOHN P. DAVIB. Ordinary rioyd Corntyt