The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 03, 1897, Image 6

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Our Prices Made to Suit The People. G-oods must be sold in sixty days- cost not considered! tr- $2,25 Cents to $3.48, Hats and Caps. Boys Common hats 23 cents Boys Sunday Hats 48 cents Boys fine Sunday hats 68 cts Boys Cassimere caps 19 cts Boys Golf caps . . 25 cents Boys Bicycle caps . 25 cents Mens wool hats . 25 cents Mens Cassimere hats 75 cts Mens fine Fur Hats 98 cts Few Pointers. We cannot name prices in this advertisement. Prices made at our counters to satis fy and sell you quickly. These prices indicate what we are doing: Extra large 10-4 white bed blankets, per pair, only 38 cents. Ladies ribbed vests, 35c grade, 18 cents. Good bed ticking 4c and upward. All wool red flannel Good cotton flannel sc. Boys and girls stout ribbed hose, sto 9, the 10c grade, for 5 cents. Cotton checks 3c and up. Good woolen jeans B|c to 23 cents All our prices lower than the lowest cost or cut prices in Rome. Do you want a good business suit? If so, call to see us at once. We have a choice line of custom made suits for men and boys, lully 25 per cent under regular clothing house prices. Good business suit, all wool $4.48 to $7.50, PARKS, BRANNON & GO • • - We thank the people of Rome and the country at large for their liberal patronage and prompt attention for the last two weeks to our GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE! If you will buy your winter goods of Parks. Brannon & Co. you must do so in the next 60 days. Our stock is the newest, cleanest and best in Rome—a fact known by all Romans. Our prices will be the lowest ever named in this or any other Southern city. In order to make this sale a grand success for November, we promise our customers, to make prices to suit these times of little money—prices that will make quick sales: prices that satisfy any half reasonable person. Prices lower than any and all kind of cost or forced money raising sale prices. 100 Lovely Novelty Suits ol the Latest Styles, io Black anil Colors. i m i— l ft 1 $2,98 to $8.65, CAJPES. 150 Cloth Capes only 39c. Good heavier Capes, extra value, 68c. Lovely Double Cloth Capes, trimmed in fur and braid, for $1.98. Fine BeaverJCapes, the $5.00 quality, for only $2.98, Fine Blankets. ____________ If you want a genuine bargain that all housekeepeis can appreciate call and buy a pair of our fine Cal ifornia Wool Blankets. We have all kinds of blankets from the small crib to the long 10x4 Wool Blanket. i THE ROME TBIBBNE.; U WEDNFSDAY NOVEMBER 3. 1897. Novelty Suits. We have just received the balance of our back orders of Novelty Suits find Suitings. They are very choice 1 in style coloring and effect. They f are the prettiest and most stylish ’ Suits and Suitings to be found in* any house south of the Ohio River. i Call early and make your selections. ( Dress Trimmings. Remember we are the only I house in Rome who make a specialty of dre-s trimmings. Ask your dress maker about our trimming department. If you want trimmings for a new or old suit call on us and we will give you the latest at prices lower than the lowest, • l I Fine Laces. i It will pay anyone to buy Laces of us now. Fully 50 per cent will be saved on next Spring prices. Our stock of fine Laces is second to none in Georgia. Wholesale. The merchants around Rome will Ido well to call to see us and secure some excellent bargains in Shoes, Jeans, Clothing, Hats, Caps and Woolens, No house in Rome can show a better nor a more select and stylish line oi neckwear than ours. All the new shapes ir all the new silks just out. Now on exhibition. Twenty-five per cent under regular retail prices. Black Dress Goods. We have added many excellent things to our black Dress Goods stock this week, More than a dozen lovely black Novelty Suits just re ceived. These are the last of our bxckor Jers for Novelty Suits. Th<y are all in the new effects, and all go at our closing out prices. Kid Gloves. This is one of our pet stocks. All our Gloves are new, and are war ranted in blacks, colo s and evening 1 shades. T:y a pair and save the 1 retailers profits. Fine Corsets. It is comfort and perfect fl,ting you want in a Corset. You get both j by buying one of our fine Corsets at 1 our reduced prces. We have all 1 kinds. 1 < Remember. If you want any article named below you can buy it at our Closing Out Business prices; dry goods, flannels, domestics,white goods, J aces, corsets,hosiery, gloves, quilts, blankets, trunks, valises, zephyrs, German and Saxony wools, table damasks, nap kins, gents furnishing goods, etc. I I $2.25 to $12.25. Great Bargains. 50 fine all wool Jackets, made by the best manufacturer in America, in black and colors, made to sell from SB,OO to $15,00. Take your choice at 50c on the dollar of New York cost. , Fine Shirts. We have just received our new line of fall shirts, which were de layed on account of the strike amorg the shirt makers. They are in the newest up to-date styles in white and colored bosoms, made by Joseph Fowler, “The Perfect Shirt-Maker.” These Shirts all go into this sale at marvellously low prices. Call while the assortment is good. jag. Remember that we have one of the best stocks of cotton and woolen ribbed unler wear for men, boys, ladies and misses iq Rome. Fully twenty-five per cent will bl saved by taking advantage of our great] bargain sale. Going I Out of 1 AB Business Sal J Everything sold al -less than any cosq or cash raising sail prices. I / po I \ V I / j o o /\ \ B r □ J\ I I / I Hl/ b Boys woolen suits 5 to 12, 68 cents Boys woolen suits, 5 to 12 98 cents. Boys cassimere suits,fs t( 12. $1.38. Boys casbimere suits. 5 tt 14, $1.98. Boys cassimere suits, 10 t( 14, $2 48. Boys cassimere suits. 101< 14, $2.75. Boys cassimere suits, 10 td 14, $3.25. I I Boys fine cassimere suits,] ils to 19, $1.98 to $4.50. J A Fine Shoes. ' ■ We have one of the best and finest line of ladies cus J i tom made French Kid Shoes in Rome; also the best and most serviceable line of J schodl shoes ever sold in thil city—none better—all go ■ this sale at our closing otN low prices. All our $1.25 dongola but ton shoes and Climax grain for ladies and miste go in this sale at 98c. 144 pair infants kid but ton shoes, Ito 5,75 c grade, for 48 cents.