The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 03, 1897, Image 7

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doh’t forget the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE A WORLD OF TRADE filling Prices of the Leading Articles of Commerce. JflE ROME MARKETS FULLY QUOTED latest Prices Given From Dally Corrections Liverpool and New Yoik Cotton Market Fluctuations. Rome Cotton Market. ■By wagon s«i@ff Cotton. LlVßKrooi.. Nov . 2.—The following were the quotations today: Sales, 10,000 bales Joie ■quiet. Middlings, 311-32(1. Opening Close. . January and February 3 14 3 13 L February and March 3IS 3la ‘ March and April 316 314 I April and May 317 3IS L MayatyUune 3 18 316 [ June and July 3 18 317 I July and August 8 19 3 18 LAugnet and September 3 19 and .October .... and November 3 16 3 15 and December 3.15 3 13 and January 3 14 3 13 “ LOCAL MARKETS. ([CORRECTED DAILY.] OB AIN AND PROVISIONS. ■ BOM> Nov. 2. -The following are the whole- ■ Bale prices; email lota to consumers are reia r tlvely higher. Whiat-New wheat 90c. These are the to prices paid by commission merchants, K Cobn—Dealers ars paying 46c racked for corn M-andareselling at si@ssc sacked, delivered on I -care In carload lots. Smaller quantities. 2@30 F ihigher. Bulk corn, 2c less than sacked. Bar | corn. 55c per bbl., with or without shucks. I Oats— In car lots, No. 2, mixed. No. 2 white .'bulk, 29c; sacked from store. No. 2. mixed, i :30®32;N0.2, wait«3sc, I Fl.OUß—Fancy patents, $5.75@6.00; straight, 1-95.40; extra fancy, $5.00; fancy, $4.85; choice ■ tamily, $3.65. in selling consumers, grocers add I 20c to 300 per bbl to these prices Graham flour, I -$5.50; rye flour. $1.00; patent spring wheat flour, I ,$6.00; wuole wheat flour. $6 00. I Hat—ln car lots, choice tirnotu/, J14,00@16.00; I No I timothy.sls.oo; No 2. $14.00; less than car I ’dots, SI,OO per ton higher. K Gr teeries and Provisions, a 'Sugar—Clarified, white. 4%0; yellow, 4>4@ 5-16 c; seconds. 3’,4@lc;standaid A 4 90; gran f ulated 5.40 c; powdered 5.80 c; cunee,s.2sc; con- I tectioners A, 5.63 c; cut loaf, 6,0 c; open kettle, 1.25 c. ■ i+bbkn Cokfbb—Per pound, Rio ordinary, B)lo@ltcUfair to good, 12@14c; choice to fancy, ■ >ls@l6c;peaberry, 17c; Cordova. 17%@i8c. ■i Roastbd Coffee—Equality plan, fob, New ■ . York basis, 1-lb, packages, per case of 100 pack ■agee, Arbuckle’s 11.1'JC; Coverings 11.10; Mocha ■gnd Java, 50-lb, tins 28@32e. ■ Westen Pobk Products— Bacon, sides, ex ■tra AShort, 7%c; regular, 7%c; fancy, ■sc; snuuldere, choice, B@By 4 c; fancv shoulders, Blaney. 8c: bams, l<)i/ 4 @’2c; bellies, B@BJ4c; Mbreakfaet bacon,choice, 10@llc;fancy, ■bolegna sausage, 5%@6c; dry salt regulars, 5@ ■514 c.; extras, 5%c. ■ ulbb—Fancy leaf, 6@6%c; choice leaf, 5%@ ■554 c; choice family, sc; relined, sc. ■ Coal (Ml—Georgia test 10c, beadlight 12c, ■fire proof 1214 c; Apex axle grease, per case, 1 lb ■boxes, $2 25; per case ot 3 doz , 2% and 3-1 b ■buckets, $4.00; Mecca axle grease, 1-lb tin ■boxes, per case. $2.25; 2%-lb tin boxes, per case, ■|3.S5; 314-lb tin boxes, per case, $3.85. HE Country Produce. I Beeswax -Per pound, 22@23c. s’:| Bacon—From wagons; shoulders 7@Bc; sides, ■o@7c; hams, 9@tlc; country lard 6c%754. ■ Butter—Per pound, ic®29c. ■ F'siteeuh-Prime goose white, per pound, FlB0@3lc; gray goose, 28c; mixed, 20@25c; old ■gOo; mixed gray and white, 28@30c. K Poultry—Spring chickens, each 12‘ 11 @17 1 4C: ■hens 15c;olo roosters 10c each; geese, full leatn ■ered, 20c each. ■ Eggs—Per d>zen, first hands, open market ■l2s4c® 1314. ■ Tallow—Per pound, 3c ■ Potatoes—New Irish potatoes, 85@95c per ■bushel: irom store per barrel, $2.50. ■ apples—Home-grown, 40@50c per bushel ■from wagons: 4('@soe bushel from store. ■ Tomatoes—New, six basket carrier crate, ■?5; shipped, 20@li c basket crate. J® Cabbage -Florida or Tennessee $1.25. Beans—New Green, $1 00 per bushel. ■ Onions—Ft' >m store, 75@90c per bushel; in ■trjshel baskets SI.OO. ■ 5< Hide—Ury flints over 8 lbs.. Nos 1 and 2 9c; ■•dry salAed over 10 lbs, Nos. 1 and 2 7c; kip hides B.7c;greFn salted numbers 1 and 2 5%c; green ® not ealted. numbers 1 and 2,4%c; green glue 2c, ■dry glue 3e; skins 20@50c. ■ Wool—Choice unwashed. 13@14c; slightly ■wry, lb@llc; moderate burry B@9c; hard burry ■b@6; choice tub-washed 22c: dingy tub-washed feUkStflc. ■ Georgia Sobgbum uFrom wagons, old, 81412 c ■per gallon; new 2t@!sc; good stock and cooper «a Beans—From store, New York navy beans ■ $1.69. ■ Meal-Pearl. Diain or bolted 48 lbs, to the ■ bushel. 46c; 46 -lbs. bushel. 45c. ■ Oysters—Stanrtatd weight, 1-lb cans, $!,65@ ■ 175 per case; 2-lb cans. $2 90@3,10. M Canned Mwats—. orn beef, 1 lb, cans $1.25: ■ 2-lb, $2.10; chipped beef, 54-lb cans, $1.50; 1-lb £2£ ALL WOMEN off—- all the pain andsicknessfrom which women suffer is caused by weakness or derangement in the argans of Aw'Wfnl menstruation. Nearly always rewwibgf when a woman is not well these orpins are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom sick. ftOMCUllui Is nature’s provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cures all “ female troubles. ” It is equally effective for the girl in her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period Hgpwn as the "Change of Life.” Twsy all need it. They are all benefltted by it. 0 For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, £ivlne symptoms, the 'Ladies' Advisory Department,’’ The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatty nooga, Tenn. THOS. I. COOPER, Tupelo, Mlm„ says: "My sister suffered from very Irregular and painful menstruation and doctors could not relieve her. Wine ot Cardul entirely cured her and also helped my ■Mtbor through the Change of Lin.” $2 40: potted and deviled nam, 14-lb cans, 5Qc; 54-lbsl,oo. - w Cannbd Vegetables--Tomatoes per case of 2-lbcans $1.50c; 3-ib $1,75®2.(»; oom. $1,25@2,10 firing beans. $1 00; early June peas 2-lb si,oo@ s,80; marrowfat. 41.60. Cheese- Half cream lOo; full cream 1154 c; Young America, 1154 c; Cheddar, 1154 c, ' SABDIHBe -Amerlcan quarters, per case $2,75 @3,00; ditto mustaid, $2,60@2,75; Imported, 1 $9,00*12 So. I Salmon—Columbia Rivers, fancy fiats per ’ d<D6n, tl,9u; tails. $1,75; choice Columbia River flat*.sl3s; tails $1.45; Alaska, tails, *1,10; flats j sl,3s;pinkst,oo@l,ls, 1 Molasses—Straight choice, open kettle, new 35-40; prime 32c; good 28c; common centrifugal, lc@20o; cane syrup choice, new 35c; mixed goods 3@4c per gallon less. Vinegar—3o-gralns 10@12c; 40 grain. 12@15c; 50 grains, 15@18c; Mott’s pure apple 20c; ad. vance of 2c per gallon for half barrels. Crackers—XXX soda and picnic, 4%@s*£c; XX soda, butter and picnic 4%c. , Pickles—Bulk. 1200 in barrel, $4.00 ; 2,4001 b 1 tmrrel $5.00; 1,200 half barrel $3,25; 600 half barrel $2.75; plain mixed hs'r barrel $4,50@ 5,00; sweet mixed oer barrelsll.sof 1 Ammunition—Shot, buck, $1.50; dron $1.25@ ! 1,30; bar lead sc; powder, 25-lb kegs, rifle, $4 00; blasting $1.55; fuse 40@80c. I Rope— Cotton, No 2, 9@iOo; No 1,1154@1254c; I sisal, 7%c; mantlla. 12c. I SoDA-ln 112-lb kegs loose, 2@2sic-, in rO-lb. boxes, 1 lb.packagess3,4s; 1-lb, ifed 54-lb,pack : ages $3,30@3.0T, 54 lb, packages, $3 45@3,75; 5c size, $3.30@3,60. ' Salt -Table salt in barrels of 280 pounds ea h —Bulk $165; 28 10-lb bags $1.90; 60 glb bags salt. In bags 60@70c. Candy—Small stick, in boxes and baskets 654c@ c; buckets half cent higher. Nurs—Pecans, 9@l2c; walnuts (California), 12@t50; filberts 9@ilc; almonds 12@ 15c; Brazil nuts 10c. Grain au,l Provision*. Chicago, Nov $ open oi.osa Wheat —November gg Corn—November, sj; Corn—December 2654 ' "sti Cohn—May s-jlI Oats—November isv! Oats—December 19’4 ’’’ lui! OATS-May Pork—N.vimier ... 7.3] POKK—D“cemoer 7,oo FORK—January g 'sj Laho— Nov - über 4 Lard—December Lard—. January 4.3.5 4 34 Ribs—November 4'41 Bibs—December 4 5,1 Ribs—January 4.47J4 415. Naval etoret. Savannah, Nov 2 —Turpentine flrm, “Wo; sales, 718 casks; receipts. ■ o’2 casks. Rosin, firm: sales, 5 <> ’bav 'i.; receipts, A. B * L2 : B ’ SL ' 5; F ’ 81 •■: «, *1.3 ■; H. $1 3>; 1. 91 a>: K, 51..0: M. $ .T’: N, $2.35; window gjasii. S2.HO; waterwhite. $3.00. w tia.o N m-v, .* .. 2- — strained, sl. o; goal straine L > .2 ; receipts, Jit barre-s. Spirits turpentine receipts, o casks. Tar, at sl. 0: r*ceipts, .1 barrel®. Crude turpentine, , i t at $1.90 and $1.90. receipts. oarrels Notice I want every man and woman in the United States interested in the opium end whisky habits to have one of my books of these diseases. Address B. M. Woolly, Atlanta, Ga., Box 362, and one will be sent you free. iONFEDS IN THE CAPITAL. Ail Couimaiidern of GeorgiH ('Hinps to Hold H .Meeting at Atlanta. Atlanta, Nov. 2. —All commanders of confederate camps in the state will meet in Atlanta Friday for the purpose of better organizing the forces, prepara tory to the annual reunion here next year. General C. A. Evans, who is oouimander-m-ciiiof of the veterans in Georgia, and in response to whose call the old soldiers will come, has heard from a number .of those who are at the head of camps, and ail have agreed to come. The object of the meeting will be the formation of new camps in the state, the consideration of a plan whereby ad old soldiers in this state can attend the reunion and the discu-sion of the battle abbey question. Under present pros pects General Evans hopes to have every camp in the state in line at the great parade during the reunion. There will be much rivalry as to which will turn out the greatest number of' men. Recently a number of new camps have been formed in the southern part of the state, and it is to encourage the formation of new chapters that Gen eral Evans called the present session. To Cure a Gold in Oue Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the mom y if it fails to cure. se. ASSAULTED IN HIS OFFICE. The Former Speaker <iA the Tennessee Senate Is Badly I'reated. Nashville, Nov. 3. —At Gallatin, Hon. W. O. Dismukes, ex-speaker of the state senate, was assaulted by Jim and Charles Rodes, in his office. Jim Rodes had filed suit against E. B. Tur pin’s estate to recover $2,100, alleged to" be due. Mr. Dismukes filed an answer that Turpin had supported the RodeS family, and owed him nothing. The Rodes brothers went into Dis muke’s office and assaulted him with heavy sticks, but were interfered with Martin Dismukes, -a brother of the man who was assaulted, secured a guu and fired at the Rodes brothers, but shot ex-Mayor G. N. Guthrie in the leg. He Put a Ballet In Hj« Heart. Columbia, S. 0., Nov. 2.—Joseph W. Atkinson, 21 years old, and a telegraph operator in the office of the truiu dis patcher at this place for the Southern railway, committed suicide here by shooting himseif through the heart. He left a note to his mother, which was taken possession of by his roommate. Atkinson’s mother lives in Atlanta, and he has a brother at Seneca. His posi tion afforded him a comfortable living, and he was in line of promotion. Kdwaril Haynes I* Convicted- Watertown, N. Y., Nov. 2.—The Haynes trial, the longest murder trial ever held in Jefferson county, has ended, and Edward G. Haynes, alias George Allen, who, while a soldier in the Ninth infantry at Madison barracks, on April 10, last, killed Mary Crouch and Mary' Daly, has beeirdeclared guilty of mur der in the second degree. The trial lasted eignt weeks. Wool, wool underwear, special sale at Coker £ Co, TELE ROME TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1897. SEVERAL MINERS RETURN. They Discredit Report* In Regard to Dig Output of Aleekan Gold. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 2. —Several re* turning miners from Cook’s Alaska, arriving at Port Townsend oe the schooner Norman Sunde, have reached this city. Their story does not agree with the one sent out from Port Townsend in respect to the amount of gold on the Sunde. Instead of the amount being 94f1,000, they say it will not exceed SIO,OOO. They discredit the statement hereto fore made that this year’s output ai Cook’s inlet would reach $1,000,000. One-quarter of that amount would be nearer the amount. The country is not developed. While there is no big bo nanza on the Cook inlet, tlire are plenty of paying claims. Mills creek is tne best of all. The Polly Miuing company averaged during the season, with 20 men working, SI,OOO a day, or SSO to the man. The claims run all the way from $25 to SSO a day. It is a significant fact that in Cook’s inlet the Klondike fever is raging with virulence, and a majority of those com ing out intend to go to the Yukon. Ou her downward trip the Sunde encount ered a severe storm off Dixon’s entrance. She was becalmed five uuys when off Cape Flattery. Nervous troubles all kinds cured witb Animal Extracts. Free book tells bow. Washington Chemical Co. Washington, D C. For sale by Tay lor and Norton, Druggists Rome, Ga. JUDGE PARDEE IN ATLANTA. He WjH Try Several iiiip*»rta<it t'eae* Be fore Golnjf to New Orleaii*. Atlanta, Nov. 2. —Judge D. A. Par dee of the circuit court of appeals has arrived in the city for the purpose of trying several important cases which have been carried to his court, and it is probable that he will be here for seveial weeks. Casps have been put down on his docket for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, but they are ail lengthy and it is extremely likely that each one will take a day or two for settlement. Judge Pardee came to this city from his summer home in Onio, which has been his place of residence for the past several ‘ months. It is his invariable rule to take a lengthy vacation during the heated term of each year, and he is now on his way back to liis winter resi dence and the place of the sitting of his court, New Orleans. What his actions will be after trying the cases in this city it is, of course, im possible to tell, but it is thought that he will remain in this city until after the yellow fever epidemic has boon stamped out of New Orleans. Catarrh is a Disease Which requires a constitutional rem edy. It cannot be cured by local appli cations. Hood’s Sarsaparrilla is wonder fully successful in curing catarth because it eradicates from the blood the scrofu lous taints which cause Sufferers with catarrh find a cure in Hood’s Sarsa parilla, even after other remedies utterly fail. Hood’s Pills are prompt, efficient, al ■ wavs reliable, easy to take, easy to operate. Fatal Collirtimi In Germany. Bermn, Nov. 1. —Au engine collided with a train at Eiienburg, on the Halle- Kottbus line, 15 miles from Leipsic. Twenty-nine persons were injured, and of this number six persons may die as a result of the injuries they received. Big Warehouses Are Burned. LiONDON, Nov. 1. —The extensive ware houses of Carter. Peterson & Co., lim ited, the well knoAvn carriers’ railway agents, forwarding and shipping agents, in Gosweil Road, London, have been destroyed by fire. CASTOR! A Uor Infants and Children. The fao- The W ."»> O. «»-* fair Opn:K. Waycross, Ga.. Nov. 2.—The Way cross fair opened here. Senator Steve Clay delivered the opening address. He was introduced by Representative W. G. Brantley. An immense attendance marked the first day. Several thousand visitors are on hand. North Carolinian Named. Washington, Nov. 2 —B. P. Stepp has been appointed postmaster at Flat- Rock, N. O.’ The Hand« ■ biw rules the world. But few appreciate the danger to which £5? the expectant vll mot her is exposed. an(l t * le foreboding with which she InWroaFl I n/Ja 100,53 forward to the hour °f approach 1n K motherhood. u. By the use of “Mother’s Friend” the body is made to yield pleasantly to the change. Headache and nausea are dispelled, the depressed and nerv ous feeling yields to one of hopeful ex pectation. Danger to life of mother is avoided, and she passes through the trial quickly and her recovery is rapid. Sent by Mail, on receipt of price, SI.OO. Book to "Expectant Mothers'- free upon application The Bradfleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, 6a. •OLD SV ALL DRUGGISTS. [THE OLD SYSTEM ON TOP. I Chairman Hall to Report a Hilt Renewing 1 the Lease of Convicts. • Atlanta, Nov. 2.’—The penitentiary committee of the house spent most of the afternoon in trying to decide what to do with the tattered remnant of the Hall bill, which the joint committee re ported to the legislature. Chairman Hall called the committee together and laid the measure as reported before the members. They wrestled with it for several hours, and accomplished noth ing except the elimination of that sec tion which provided for the establish ment ot a penal colony on the property which the state now owns at Milledge ville. The bill-is thus left with no provision for either a central penitentiary or a reformatory, and it will go to the legis lature as practically proposing a re newal of the old lease. The Milledgeville suggestion was knocked one by the subcommittee ap pointed last week to inspect the prop erty. This committee spent three days in Milledgeville and in their report they say that it would be “impracticable and highly improper” to mix the state’s convicts with the state’s lunatics. Chairman Hall was instructed to pre sent what is left of his bill at the first opportunity. The present condition of the convict question is a good deal worse than it was a couple of months ago, when the chairman of the house and senate peni tentiary committees called a special meeting of those two bodies to settle it in order that no contest would be dumped upon the legislature. As it stands today the settlement of the ques tion is no nearer solution than it was when the voice of the first advocate of reform was lifted in Georgia. Cascarets Candy Cathartic kills yellow jack wherever they find him. No one who takes Cascarets regularly and sys tematically is in danger from the dreadful disease. Cascarets . kill yellow fever germs in the bowels and prevent new ores from breeding. 10c, 25c, 50c, all druggists. REINDEER TO THE RESCUE. Threatened Famine in the Yukon Valley Will He KeUeved. Chicago, Nov. 2.—The threatened famine in the Yukon valley will be re lieved. Dr. Sheldon Jackson, enroute from the Klondike to Washington, said that the recent order of Secretary Alger to Lieutenant Colonel Randall, in com mand of the military reservation at St. Michaels, Alaska, directing him to use the reindeer for hauling food to the miners, will save much suffering. Dr Jackson has in the herd 200 head of reindeer trained to harness. He also has two Lapps and several Eskimos ex perienced in driving deer, which he can turn over to Lieutenant Colonel Ran dall. He further states that the pres ent exigency appeases the urgent need of procuring trained reindeer in larger numbers—tiiat the mines of Alaska are so peculiarly situated that they cannot be supplied with a continuous and ade quate food supply until reindeer trans portation is systematically organized on a larger scale. Nervous people find relief by enriching their blood with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which is the one true blood purifier and and nerve tonic, 'liairyine'i to Meet. Macon, Nov. 2.—More than 250 dairy men from ail sections of the state will meet in Macon on Nov. 17 in attend ance upon the fourth annual convention of the Georgia Dairymen’s association. The meeting this year promises to be the most interesting that has ever been held, and the dairymen from all parts of the cattle raising districts of Georgia are enthusiastic in their rivalry with each other for the various prizes that are offered. The association was or ganized four years ago for the purpose of encouraging the dairy interests of the state. R. J. Redding of Griffin is president, and M. L. Duggan of Sparta is secretary. There’ is no need of little children being tortued by scald head, eczema and skin eruptions. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures permanently. For sale by Cur ry-Arrington Co. State Library Appointment. Atlanta, Nov. 2.—The appointment of Judge Harris of the Coweta circuit to a place on the railway commission, which seems to baa foregone conclu sion, may affect the library appoint ment, as the governor will hardly g,< down into rhe Fourth district for both officers With Brown out of the race the issue will be between Glessner o' Griffin and Milledge. Both men are confident of success. Mrs. Longstreet is said to strongly favor the appoint ment of Mi leuge, and it is even ru mored that she withdrew in his interest. • ... Incontinence of water during sleep stopped immediately by Dr. E. Detchons’ Anti Diuefetic, Cures children and adults alike. Price sl. Sold by D. W. Curry, druggist, Rome. Ga. ..ntiball Law In Atlanta. Atlanta, Nov. 2.—The general coun cil has passed a bill prohibiting the playing of football in the city limits. Any person violating the ordinance wiil be subject to a fine of SIOO or imprison ment tor 30 days, either or both, in the discretion of- the recorder. J. C. Berry, one of the best known citizens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that he cured bimsejf of ' the worst kind of piles by using a few boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. He had been troubled with-piles for over thirty years and had used many different kinds of so called curas; but DeWitt’s was the one that did the work and he will verify this state ment if any one wishes to write him. Cur ry-Arrington & Co. THE FRAUD ENJOINED. 0f Decree—Tbe Famous 950,- 000 "FBade-marli Case Decided—C. F. Simona Medicine Company, St, Lonte, Defeats X 11. ZeilinX Co., PbHadelpbia. [From Si. Loais Republic. July 4,1893.1 * The Supreme Court o£ Tennessee on June 80 de cided the most important trade-mark case that has ever been tried in that State and one of the largest ever tried iai the Union, affirming and enlarging the opinion of the*court below. The court he d; 1. That Dr. M. A. Simmonu, the predecessor of complainant, by extensive advertising of his cele brated remedy known as ‘-Simmons Liver Medi cinßy’ * made it a. standard’ remedy for Ever diseases long prior to the acquisition by J. H.Zsilin & Co. of any rights. 2.. That the assignor all. H. Zeilin & Co., through whom* they claimed' the right -to make the fraudulent packages enjoined, neven derived anytixlefrom A. Q. Simmons to make tha medicine xmnt to aso- Bis name or picture,.and: that auehuse by Zeilis < Co. jg a fraud upon the public,, and iir therefore enjoined. 8. That Zeilin Ar Co* purposely, fraudulently la beled their medicine in imitation ot complainant’s medicine; to unfairly appropriate the trade of the Simmons Medicine Cbm.pany r and the-execution of this fraudulent purpose*and act is enjoined. 4L Enjoined’ Zeilin, fc C<x from using their com petitor’s trade-marks, or sy-.bols, or imitations-thereof, to deceive the public and unfairly appropriate to: themsalvas Ba trade of the C. F. Simmons Medicine Co. 6. Enjoined Zeilin Ar Co., front deceiving a"d practicing a fraud upon the public by labeling their packages in imitation of the wrappers and trade marks of the complainant. 6, Enjoined Zeilin &. Co. from Ihe manufacture ana sale of the> medicine under the name of•• Si mmons Liver Medicine,** or ‘‘Dr, Simmons Liver Medicine,*’ or** Liver Medicine by A. Q. Simmons,’” and from using the picture »f A.Q, Simmons to connection therewith. 7. Enjoined Zeilin S: their assignees, agents and employes from, deceiving and practicing a fra d upon, the public by the- sale of packages thus falsely labeled', either upon orders er calls for the genuine *• Simmons Liver Medicine” of complainant, or in any package thus falsely labeled. & The court stated that, it was the purpose of the court to entirely destroy the frasdulently labeled packages above described, and cause their removal fconr the market* and ordered Zeilin & Co. to d liver to the clerk to be destroyed, an cuts* dies, electro types, engravings and other paraphernalia used in impressing: either of the abm names er the picture A. Qk Simmon, s. 9. Decreed that. Zeilin & Cbtpsy all the damages which have accrued to complainant by the sale of these fraudulently labeled packages. The damages etefaned by complainant were s'>o,o. Qi Bi Decreed, that Zeilin < Co. pay all tiro costs, which amount to several thousan d dol tors, i he record betogoufrof tha hugest ever Bled in the Rupteme Cheap* Medicine. As a “cheap medicine* * is inert, worthless, or dangerous In Zeilin & Col’s answer to our bill they said the packages enjoined were designed as**cbeap negro medicine far the negroes of the Missus;ppi Valley J ’ Now v as Zeilin ft Co. ’s advertiseraen ts say, and their manager swore, that ail the liver medicine which they make is made by the same fbmnla, is this not conclusive evidence from their sworn testimony and advertisements, that all the liver medicine eman ating from them i»•‘•Cheap Negro Medicine?* * Ques tion: Do the sick of America desire •'Cheap Negro Medicine?” Let the afflicted answer by their future purchases. Dr. M. A. Simmons’ Liver Medicine, established in 1840, la not -cheap medi cine.” It is ‘no cure all,” and » only recom mended for those indispositi oas caused by inactivity of the liver. Buy a Smooth White Skin For Your Face! It probab’T needs yenewing, for it Is rough, freckled, Wotched o. phnpled, until it b&s become repulsive iustehxl of attractive Healthy sktzx is always bicutiful. The sun wind, impure soaps ana cosmetics injure the win. Viola Cream cleanses, nourishes and restores vbe aklx making it soft, white and beautiful, it i« not a cosmetic —does no*, cover up. but remove* blerafehes- It is barmloss aud ai ways does what we data for it. The only preparav’on ihat wiil positively remove Freckles, Blackheads. Tan, Sunburn and Pimples. Hundreds of testimonials from promi nent ladies P-ice 50 cents a jar >tt druggist*. G.G. 31TTNCQ TOLEDO, OH DEAD STUCK fob BUGS Kills Roaches, Fle«a, Mothe and Bedbugs. Non poisonous: won't stain. Large bottles, at drug /rists and grocers, cents. Hr I This great remedy CURES a(1 Nervous Diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Lost Manhood, Nightly Emissions, Evil Dreams, Varicocele; and strengthens the Generative Organs of either sex, that may be impaired through youthful errors, which soon lead to Consumption and Insanity. Sold with a guaranty to cure, or money refunded. $1 per box, six for $5. Easily carried in vest pocket. Write us for free sample book and -testimonials. Ask your druggists for them ; take no other, don't let him sell you one of his own make under a for eign name. Address NERVE DROP CO., Grand Rapids, Mich,, U. S. A. For sale'by Rome Drug Co., and C. A. Trevitt, Rome, Ga. fzi TOITS'TMISY-PiLLSt Atbied.Tkub awdSafk WOMAN’S RELILr. Always prompt and reliable Avoid Imitations* Get ('atom’s Tansy Pills and savk ricgrbts. At drug ato-ea, or sentdirect (sealed), price sl. CatomSpbc. Cc., Hostn). ?1 as*. l‘ampnle<4o ■ y FREE: $20.00 IN GOLD, V Fl? 1 tl O* Bicycle,Gold Watch, Diamond * Ring, or a Scholarship in g Draughon’s Practical Business College, Nashville, Tenn., or * WJ/1V Texarkana, Tex., or a schol r”-ship in most any other reputable business col lege or literary school in the U. S. can be secured by doing a little work at home for the Youths’ Advocate, an illustrated semi-monthly journal. It is elevating in character, moral in tone, and especially interesting and profitable to young people, but read with interest and profit by peo ple of all ages. Stories and other interesting matter well illustrated. Sample copies sent free. Agents wanted. Address Youths’ Advocate Pub. Co., Nashville, Tenn. [Mention this paper.] Cushman’s IENTHOL INHALER Cure? all troubles of tiro Hund au-1 Throat CATARRH, fitADACHL NEUrtALGIA, LaGRIPPE, WILL SURE t sueezhig, eirj.Tirg, coughing HEADACHE. Con tinned use eflecU 'W ENDORSED & h’.gbe/ medical au -li'-rif s of Euro;- pnd America 10. K X ' COLDS,Sore Throat ttd-y Fever, Bron *X IM. 1 M. Chiti.;, La GRIPPE. Th© most Ue reshiuf and IleaU’.iftil aiu tc HEADACHE Suffer ere. Brings Sleep to the Sleeple.w. Curer. Insomnin and Nervous Prostration. Don’t befoo-oo -a-kth worthk-sj tattations. Take only CUSHMAN’S. Price, 6Oc at ail Druggists, or mailed free. ACENTS WANTZD CUSHMAN’S MENTHOL 6ALH wonder ful cures of Salt. Rhoum. Old Seres, Oute.Woaude, Bums, Frostbites. Excelr all other remedies foi PILES. Price, 260. at Druggists. Hook on Nentho' free. Address Cushman Drug '.0., Vln. Cannes, Ind. or m dkaubous Chicago* !lk Are - you M I .$ i wholly . satis- i There’s a deal of satiefac , tioo when you know that fl pH vou are strong and well, if AAV. VI you are not, you ought to be. W e will make you ao if pos sible. <>ur distinctive • . , specialty is all diseases pe- -IXTIrh euli.rtomen and women, *v * VAX . such as. lood Poison. Strlc ! ture. Nervous Debility, i Kidney and Bladder Trou . bles, Rheumatism, Catarrh, etc -> Blse all d-eeases of Jr VILA 1 women. Call on or write us and if necessary we cm . ■ prove to you shat we cure «a .. wbere some of the best GAlf fJ physicians bavefailed. sending for Symptom blank No. 1 for Men; No. for Women ; No. 3 for Skin Diseases; No. 4>for Catarrh. Call on or address DR. HATHAWAY A CO. 22>£ South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. “Better lite than never.” ** The above old adage M ’ 18 as forceful now as ever ,4 and suffering ones will rejoice when they heai of the wonder fid efficacy of .... . irnimui rhe Marvelous BLOOD ’♦ ArnluAl'iA purifier ’ * Httndreds who have become $4 discouraged By trying a score of other remedies and upon whom the best of physicians failed, have ere it was too late, heard of the grandest of all Medicines, ’t ..Africana.. The Sure Cure for all Blood Diseases.' For sale by all Druggists. The Great Remedy, Africana. Rome, Ga., July 7, 1897. This is to certify that I suffered with old sores on my body. They were con sidered incurable. I have used four bot tles of Africana and am entirely well and tbe sores healed. Ned Hughes (Colored). Ned Hughes is one of the best known and most reliable colored men in the city, and his word is considered as good as a bond. His statement made above as to the efficacy of the Afrieana remedy may be relied on as being absolutely true. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co., and Taylor & Norton, druggists Rome, Ga. A Handsome is one of the greatest charms a woman can I possess. Pozzoni’s Complexion Powdeu I gives it. VSGE TXT K, S rOR J DYSPSPS/A j .j , . ijj j Sick UR Indigestion UfiUNOfOS Sowwess of oss gs Stomach Ndne Genuine Without The Likeness And Signature ofM.A.Thedford on FrontOf Each Wrapper. M.A.Thedford Med.@* Rome. GA. Pawtucket Fur Company,’ 294 Main St, Pawtucket, R, I. WANTS ALL KINDS OF Raw Furs, Skins, Ginseng, Senaca, etc Prices quoted for next 60 days are as fol lows: Silver Fox, sls 00 to .9150 00; Bear, $5.00 to $25 00; Otter, $4 00 to $9.00; Martin $2 00 to $9.00; Beaver, $3 00 to $3.50 oer pound; Wolf, SI.OO tos2 00; Red F,>x,sl,oo to $2,00; Mink, 75c to $1.00; Skunk, 25c to $1.00; Gray Fox, 50c to 75c; Rat, 20c to 25c’ Price list on all other furs and skins fur nished upon application. Full prices guar anteed, careful selection, courteous treat ment, and immediate remitcanse on all consignments. Ostrich Feathers- Boas, Plumes and Tips Cleaned, Curled and Dyed. Kid Gloves cleaned, 15c to 50c per pair. x I. PHILLIPS Whitehall St„ Atlanta Ga-•- To Coro a Goldin One Day ‘ V