The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 06, 1897, Image 7

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don’t forget the LOHG DISTAHCE TELEPHONE ■ A WORLD OF TRADE fiubng Pritts ot th; biding Article.' of Commerce. * THE ROME MARKETS FULLY QUOTED ianst Price, Blyn From Daily Corrections Liverpool and New York Cotion Market Pluctu tioua. Rome Cc t’.on Market. •By wagon • 11/4@s‘zil l /4@s‘zi Cotton. Nnw Yobk, Nov. 5 —The following are to -day’s quotations: Cotton Futures. Opening Close Close today. today, yesterday « January. 5 71 5 75 5 75 February S 82 » 78 March 5 80 5 84 5 82 April 5 89 6 88 Mar 5 89 5 93 5 91 June 5 91 5 97 :... Jnly ............... 697 6 <’3 596 August 6 01 6 < 5 599 September •••■ •••• October •• ••* November 5 73 5 79 5 68 December 5 68 5 72 5 70 Livbkpool, Nov. s.—The following were the quotations today: Sales, 19,000 bales, rone .steady. Middlings, 3 l-4d. « Opening Close. January and February 3 10 3 09 February and March •••• March and April. 8 It 3 11 April and May 8 12 8 i 2 May and June 3 13 June and July .. 8 14 July and August 3 15 -August and dentember 3 16 September and October October and November........ 5 12 3 It •November and December 3 11 3 t 9 December and January 3 10 8 19 LOCAL MARKETS. [CORRECTED DAILY.J OR UN AND PROVISIONS. Koub Nov 5.-The following are Che wh He sale prices; small iota to consumers are rela tively higher. Wheat-New wueat 90c These are the .prices pa'id by commission merchants. Cobn—Dealers are paying. 46c racked for corn and are selling at sU@ssc racked, delivered on cars in carload lota. Smaller quantities. 2@3c 'higher. B Ik corn, 2c Uss than sacked. Ear • corn. 55c per bbl., with or without shacks Oats-In car ots, No. 2 mixed. No. 2 white bulk, 29c; sacked from store, No. 2- mixed :30@32; No. 2, wnite 3aC, Fpoub—Fancy patents, $5.75@6.00; straight ’.55.4:>; extra fancy, 85.00; fancy, 84.85; choice ■family, J 3.65. In selling consumers, grocers add '2oc to 3;ki per bbl to these prices Graham flour. 185.50; rye fl >ur. B*. oo l patent spring wheat flour, -36.00; wnole wheat flour, 86 00, Hat —In car lots, choice Cimou./, $14,00@16,00; No l timothy,Bls 00; No 2. $14.00; less than car ‘lots, sl,ooper ton higher. Groceries and Provisions, Sugab—Clarified, white. 4%c; yellow. 414@ 4 5-16 c; seconds. 3%@lc, standard A 4 90; gran ulated 5.40 c; powdered 5.80 c; cubes,s.2sc; con fectioners A, 5.62 c; cut loaf, 5,0 c; open kettle, M@4.25c. Gbben Coffee—Per pound, Rio ordinary, in@lic ,I'air to good, 12@14c; choice to fancy 15@i6c; peaberry, 17c; Cordova. 17%@i8c. koastko Coffee—Equality plan, fob, New York basis, 1-lb, packages, per case of 100 pack ages. Arbuckle's 11.19 c; Leverings 11.10; Mocha and Java, sp-'b,s p -'b, tins 28@32c. Westen Pobk Pboduots—Bacon, sides, ex tra snort, 7&c; legnlar, 73JC: fancy, 4 3c; Shoulders, choice, B@sy 4 c; sane v shoulders, t fancy. 8c: hams, 1,«/ 4 @2<s; bellies, breakfast bacon, choice, 10@i|c; fancy. 12g13c; bologna eanhage, S‘^@6c; dry salt regulars, 5@ 5%c; extras, 5%c. Laud—Fancy leaf. 6@6%c; choice leaf, s*/«@ syjc; choice family. sc; relined, sc. Coal oil—Georgia tear. 10c, headlight 120, rare proof 12'41: Aoex axle gie;se, per case, lib ’■boxes, $2 25; per case of 3 doz , 2% and 3-lb buckets, 84.uU; Mecca axle grease, 1-lb tin boxes, per ca-e 82 '25; 2*4 lb in b axes, per case, $3.25; 3%-lb tin boxes, per cate. $3 85. Loantrv Produce. Beeswax -Per pound, 22@23c. Bacon— From wagons; suoulders 7@Bc; sides, "s@7c; hams, 9@llo; country lard 6c%7*i. Buttbk— Per pound, 1< @2oc. Feathskb—Prime goose white, per pound, .■■3o@3lc; gray goose, 28c; mixed, 20@25c; old ■ 20c; mixed gra, and white, 2*®lOo. Poultby—Spring chickens, jeach l2y»@l7HC; bens iftc;olo roosters 10c each; geese, full 1 eatti »ered, 20c each. Eggs—Per dozen, first bands, open market , '1214' ©Vila. Tall w -Per pound 3c Pqt» t >es -New Irl-h potatoes, B'@9sc peri iiushel; irom store per barrel, $2.00. I APPL’s-Home grown, 4e@s<'c per bushel from wagons; 4<@soc bushel from store. Tomatoes—New, six basket carrier crate, 75; shipped, 20@Hc basket crate. Cabbage-Florida or Tennessee $1.25.. Beans—New Green, $1 00 per bushel. . /Onions— From store,'7s@9oc per bushel; in bushel baskets SI.OO. Hide—Dry flu ts over 8 lbs., Nos 1 and 2 9c; •dry salted over 10 lbs, Nos. 1 and 2 7c; kip hides 7c; green salted numbers 1 and 2 BVjC; green not salted, numbers 1 and *2, 4%c; greeu glue 2c, <drv glue Sc; skins 20@5i)c. Wool—Choice unwashed. 13.®14c; slightly burry, H @lte; moderate burry B®9c; hard burry S@6; choice tub-washed 22c: dingy tu law ashed 20-a)- J lc. Georgia Sorghum From wagons, old, 81412 c as® *VvvT PAIN KILLER TUB OBBAT Family Medicine of tbe Ace. Taken Internally, It Cure* diarrhoea, Cramp, and Pain la the •tomack. Bore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, fee., &c. Used Externally, It Cures Cato. Braises, Buena, Scalds, Spraiaa. Toothache, Pain In the Face, Me* tolgia. Rheumatism, Frosted Feet. *• artiel. *w attained la MMk -- wl ** Mw " “ 4 Wtot ▲ spssdy sirs for pain—no family Vfthont tt.-Xoalreol TVs n err lai. (■lMS.—Tsna. Ore jr. Kt jeallr • Tita able medtolni-4l It waft to *>ay FhjMWißß.—lVassllsr. wtuaag , . • r ... . . V—. CoXcriklj ELY’S CREAM BALM la a positive core. Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 50 cents at Druggists or by mail; samples 10c. by mall. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St. New York City. per gallon; new 22@ sc; good steck and cooper age Beans-From store, New York navy beans $1.60 Meal Pe<rl oia’n or bolted 43 lbs, to the bushel-46c; 46-lbe. bushel, 45c. oysters—Standard weight, 1-lb cans, $1,65© 175 per csss; 2-lb cans $2 90@3,10. Canned Meat,— qrn beef, 1 lb, cans JI.SS: 1 2-lb, $2.10; chipped beef, *4-10 cans. $1.50; 1-lb 82 40: po’ted and deviled nam, U-lb cans, 50c; I K-lb 81,00. Canned Vegetables—Tomatoes per case of ; 2-lbcans 81.50 c: 3-ib $i,75@2.09; corn. $1,25@2,'0 Itrlng beans. $1 00; early June peas 2-lb si,oo@ 4,80; marrowfat. $1.60. Cheese- Half cream 10c; full cream 1114 c; Young Amer ca, 1114 c; chedaar, 1134 c, Sabdlnes -American quarters, per case $2.75 @3,00; ditto mustard, $2,60@2,75: imported, $9,00&12 50. Salmon—Columbia Rivers, fancy fla s per d sen,gi,9u; tails. 8t,75; choice Columbia River flats, $1 35; tails $1.45; Alaska, tali,. *l,li>; flats $1,85; pink $1,00@t,15. Molasses— Straight choice, open ket’le, new 35- 4°; prime 32c; good 28c; common centrifugal, lu@2oc; cane syrup choice, new 35c; mixed goods 3@4c per gallon less. Vinegar—3o-gralns I0@l2o; 40 grain. 12@l’c; 50 grains, 15@18c; Mott’s pure apple 20c; ad. vance of 2c per gallon for half barrels. Crackers—XXX soda and picnic, 4 1 / J @5 l 4c; XX soda, butter and picnic 4%c. Pickles—Bulk, 1200 in barrel, $4.00; 2,400 in oarrel $5.00; 1,200 half barrel $3.25; 600 half barrel $2,75; plain mixed tia'r barrel $4,50@ s,o<’; sweet mixed Der barrel sll 50. Ammunition—Shot, buck, $1,50; droo st.2s@ 1,30; bar lead sc; powder, 254 b kegs, rifle, $4 00; blasting $1 55; fuse 40gi80c. R<«’E—Cotton. No 2, 9@loc; No 1,11*4@1234C; sisal, 7%c; manilia. 12c. Soda-Iu 112-lb kegs loose, 2@2)4c; In 60-'b, boxes, ! lb, packages $3,45; 1-lb, and 14-lb, pack ages $3,30@3 60,14 lb, packages, $3,45@3,75; 5c size, $3.30@3,60. Salt—Tsble salt in barrels of 280 pounds each —Buk $165; '2B 10-lb hags $1.90; 60 5-lb bags $1,90; 1003-lb b’gs $2.10; 140 2 lb bags $2 20; salt in bags 60@70c. Candy—Smail stick, in boxes and baskets 654c@ c; buckets half cent higher. Nog'S—Pecans, 9@l2c; walnuts (California), 12@15c; Alberts 9@ 11c; almonds 12@15c; Brazil nuts Ide. Urdu an 4 Provwiuiiv. Chicago, Nov 5 OKBX CI.OSH Wheat—November ■ ... Wheat—December ... >B'4 Wheat—May - ... Hl 1 Uuk.s November ... iio’ll Corn—December Corn—May.,: ... 0931 Oati—November ... 18tJ Oats —December ... lyaj Oats— May ... 219] Pork—N v, m ... 73J Pork—D'-cemoer ... 7.58 Pork —January ... 84; Laho —Nov-aner ... 4. y Lard—December.....’... ... 4. <1 Laud—January ... 48i tuns—November '. ... 4.41 Ribs—December ... 4.41 Ulßs-January ... 4.481 N»v»- Stirsi. Savannah, Nov. 5.—T iriwutine, steadv at •9' a »1. .'l’B ca<k<: receipts. 1,083 casks. Rosin, .irm; sales, .8 1 barrels: receipts, ■ , ;A.B.C, D. Sl.l :E, sl. fF, $1: 5; G, SI. :H. $1 I. $1 1; K. $1.55: M, $ ,-U; N, $2. 0; windowglass. 82. l 5 ■ wiiferwblte, $°. s » 1. . gton. -n. c., nV. 4—Bosm, u 1 : strained. si. 1; gaol sceaiaa 1 $ .2 ; reoeipta . uarre.s. Spirits turpentine t ; receipts. casks. Tar, at sl. 9; r csipts, 3il barrels. Crude turpentine, ».. At sl. .0, '2)81.99; receipts, 2 barrels Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been 1 found to be peculiarly adapted to the re-1 lief and cure of all Female Complaints, ' exerting a wonderful direct influence in i giving strength and tone to the organs.! If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa- 1 ! tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are ■ Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Mel ! ancholy or troubled With Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and Strength are guar anteed by its use. Fifty cents and SI.OO at Curry-Arrington Co. ’s drug store. .•'■“’v zZi-’T T -!s ea „ Wijpes. Herrinann and the Cheat. A characteristic story is told of Herr mann. The incident tobk place at a well known London club, where ecarto was one of the favorite games indulged in for stakes by no means insignificant. It was' observed that on these occasions. a certain member almost invariably rose a considerable winner. At length so marked became the good fortune of this member that another determined to probe the matter to the bottom. One evening, accordingly, at his own rooms, he introduced Herrmann under a false name to a select party of the members, among whom figured the suspected one. At the close of the night’s amusement, when the guests had departed, tlie host turned to the conjurer and demanded his opin on. “Not a doubt of it,” re plied Herrmann, “our friend cheats, but exactly how I can’t say yet. Give me another chance.” A second meeting was subsequently arranged, and play began. Suddenly Herrinann, looking straight at the supposed culprit, ex claimed, “Where did you get that king?” “When?” replied the other. “Out of the pack, of course. ” “Impos- ' sible, my dear sir,” retorted Herrmann, “for I happen to have all the four kings here,” and thereupon he calmly drew them from his sleeve and laid them on the table. —St. James Gazette. Incontinence of water during sleep stopped immediately by Dr. E. Detchons’ Anti Diueretic, Cures children and adults alike. Price sl. Sold by D. W. Curry, druggist, Rome. Ga. Robert W, Graves & Co., can fill your order for coal prompt* | ly. Telephone 93, llfi TUSGNS gATDKDAY NOV£MJ<> B 6v IM*'} PUBLIC BUILDING BOSS. James Knox Taylor, the New Supervising Architect of the Treasury. The appointment of James Knox Tay lor as supervising architect of the treas ury department is a most important one, for the incumbent of the position has general direction over the work of erecting all new public buildings, and ’ as new postofflees are continually being built in many cities of the Union his influence on architectural matters will i be widely felt. American architects have been fighting for years against the system by which the government main tains a force of artists to draw plans for public buildinga They claim that too ■ ' much dependence is placed on the ar- I chitectural taste and ability of an offi- 1 cial who may have secured his place ' through political influence in spite of his incompetency. Naturally the ar- |ME7 JAMES KNOX TAYLOR. chjtects would like to have the contracts let only after a competitive contest which would give every architect in the country a chance to do government work and add to,his reputation. Mr. Taylor’s appointment, however, was made strictly in accordance with civil service rules, for he was formerly head draftsman iu the office, having held over from the former administra tion. This removes the chief objection to the system, and it remains to be seen whether the public building business can be conducted without political in terference. . As to Mr. Taylor’s architectural abil ity, there can be no doubt, for he stood very high in the competitive test. He is a native of Pennsylvania, and for several years was in private practice in St. Paul, leaving the latter city to en- ■ ter the supervising architect’s office in Washington three years ago. He is said to have made many friends both among his superiors and his subordinates in the office, and a successful career is pre dicted for him. The salary attached to the office is $4,500. How's Tbisl We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Caiarrh Care. F. J Cheney & Co. Preps. ToledoO. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all i business transactions and financially ■ able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. i Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Drug gists. Testimonials free. Quadruple Murder In Quebec. MoNTREAt., Nov. 5. —A quadruple murder is reported from Rawdon, Mont Calm county, province of Quebec. Ti e 1 victims are the three daughters and one son of Mr. Nulley, a farmer, who, hav ing gone on a visit Wedii' sday morn jug. found the children murdered when he returned home at’ night. The girls were 18. 16 and 14. and the boy 10 years old. Three large parties are huntiua the woods for a tramp who is suppose ! to be the murderer. EvervDcuy Stys So. Cascarets Canil y Cathartic, the most won lerful medical di.-ieoverv of the age, pleas nit and refreshing to the taste, act. gently md positively on ! limeys, liver and bowels, leansintr the system, dispel eolds, ore headache, lever, habitual constipation nil bi iousnees. Please buy jnd try a box 1’ C. C. C. to-day; io, 25. 51)cents. bcJdand i.araateed to dire oy a!.' druggists He ‘uccebdn h Georgian, Washington, Nov. 5. —The president has selected Frank W. Mondeli of New castle. Wy., as assistant commissioner of the general land office arid his ap pointment will shortly be announced. Mondeli is expected here in a few days and probably will take the oath of office about the middle of the mouth. He will succeed Judge Emory F. Best of Georgia. Condensed Testimony Chas. B. Hood, Broker and Manu facturer’s Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies that Dr. King’s New Discovery has no equal as a Cough remedy. J. D. Brown, Prop. St James Hotel, *‘t. Wayne, Ind,, testifies th't he was cured of a Cough of two years standing, caused by La Grippe, by Dr. King’s New Dis covery. B F Merrill, Baldwinsville, Mass., says that he has used and recom mended it and never knew it to fail and would rather have it than any doctor, because it always cures. Mrs. Hemming, 222 E. 25th St. Chicago, always keeps it at hand and has no fear of Croup, be- I cause it instantly relieves. Free Trials I Bottles at Curry-Arrington Co. ’■ drng | store. ■■ = SOUTH CAROLINA LADIES DON’T LIE. Inman, S. C.; Bays: I have used Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine for I y eara . with the best of re- ■•-- B suits for Sleeplessness, J Nervousness, Indlges- u M rw. tion and Swollen Feet. \ wk. f' It cured Miss S. Hammett i \ UiLs / of a complication of dis i \ w ’ L cases; she sayslt saved her ! Iwuu'i”' 'Jri hfc. J think it far excels i “Zcllin's” and the “Black Draught" medicine. Falling of the Womb. The cases of uterine displacement are Very numerous And constitute a prolific cause of intense and wide-spread suffering. Its symptoms are bearing-down or dragging ' sensations, pain or weakness in the back, sometimes a sense of goneness at the pit of I the stomach. It may result from too fre . qnent childbearing, wearing garments that I nompross the waist and abdomen, over ' lifting, standing on the feet too long, and general debility. We would strongly urge the use of Dr. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine which will purify and vitalize the blood, give tone and strength to the muscles of tbe uterus, So that it will be kept in place. To facilitate a quick and complete recovery, we recofn mend as an injection our Mexican Female Remedy, which will produce the happiest results. Walhalla, I have used Dr. M. ▲. Sim. H mone Liver Medici ne ■ more than 28 years, for Tor- 1/ 1 fl? ?*** I 'l ver an< l Dizziness, r* I take a dose every two L weeks and feel all right I know it is far Superior to “Zeilln’s Regulator," In my JKH case. Womanhood. The health and well-being of mankind depend upon the physical health and per fection of womanhood. Among the diseases which most impair the female constitution are lencorrhcpa, irregular and painful men struation, falling of the womb, chlorosis, ■canty or too profuse menstruation. These diseases can be cured. Dr. Simmon* Squaw Vine Wine is a delightful remedy to take, entirely harmless, free from nar cotics, purely vegetable and produces no unpleasant after-results. It is unequalled as a uterine tonic and enrative agent for all female diseases, as it is impossible for weak ness of the uterns and generative organs to exist when it is faithfully and persistently .used. Constipation is another bane of woman’s life which can be cured by using Dr. M. A. Simmon* Liver Medicw s. Buy a Smooth White Skin For Your Face! It probab’y needs renewing, for it is rough, red, freckled, blotched o. pimpled, until It lias become repulsive iaste&d of attractive Healthy skin is always b eutiful. The sun and wind, Impure soaps ana aosmotics injure the skin. Viola cleanses, nourishes and restores the akin, making it soft, white and beau tful. It id not a cosmetic —does no< cover up, but remote* blemishes. It Is harmless and always docs jiK whut we claim for it. The only prepann’on shat will positive’y remove Freckles, Blackheads, Tan, Bunburn and Pimples Hundreds of testimonials from promi nent ladies P-ice 50 cents 4 jar druggists* aG. BITTNER =O., DEAD STUCK for BUGS Kills Roaches, Fleas, Moths and Bedbugs. Non poisonous; won’t stain. Large bottles, at drag gists and grocers, 25 cents. SAVEPfROM A LIVINO CRAVE. JKsbaaxw WE FORFEIT if ourtestknonials are not true. Have the druggist show A3S"U *" U them to you, or address with staino “ and we will send them and book tree. The Elixir of Youth cures all Nervous Diseases, sueb as * eak.Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Lost Vitality, Nibgtly Emissions, Vericocele, Evil Dreams, Headache, Pains in the Limbs and Back, and Insanity, caused by youthful errors or excesses, over indulgence or abuse ot any kind of either sex. Ask for Elixir of Youth. In tablet or liquid form. Take no other, tl per bottle or I box, 6 for 86. Sold under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Prepared only by THE GERMAN HOSPITAL REMEDY CO., Grand Rapids, Michigan, U. S. A. For sale;by Rome DrugJDo.. and C. A. Trevitt, Rome, Ga. and Safe WOMAN’S RELi-r. Always prompt and reliable. Avoid Imitations. Get Caton's Tansy Pills and save krorets, H At drue store*, or *ent direct • seated), price •I. Catom Sfbc. C'» • HmtoD. Mas*. Panipblette vy FREE: $20.00 IN GOLD, V 011 nO* Bicycle,Gold Watch, Diamond A Ring, or a Scholarship iu * Draughon's Practical Business College, Nashville, Teun., or A Texarkana, Tex., or a schol- ?rehip in most any other reputable business col iege or literary school in the U. S. can be secured by doing a little work at home for the Youths’ Advocate, an illustrated semi-monthly journal. It is elevating in character, moral in tone, and especially interesting and profitable to young people, but read with interest and profit by peo ple of all ages. Stories and other interesting matter well illustrated. Sample copies sent free. Agents wanted. Address Youths’ Advocate Pub. Co., Nashville, Tenn. [Mention this paper.) Cushman’s MNTHOL INHALER iTtrL Cure? all troubles of the Head aud Throat CATARRH, FicADACHE. NEURALGIA, LaGRIPPE, WILL CURE ;^ : <S^ n P 21 sneezinx, snuffing, coughing HEADACHE. Con u*e effect’ 8U n E c;. dE. enooksed s ar,w ', ica ’ a " \ ihoritf a? oi Euroj • V R»d America so \ CCLDS.Sore Throa’ Eay Fever, Bron L Chltl.i, Lft GRIPPE i Th® reahhij and Healtufu' aiu t« HEADACHE Suffer ’rt. Brings Sleep to the Sleepless. Cure Insomnis and Nervous Prostration. Don’t be* foolea with worth..a imitations. Take only CUSHMAN’S. Price. 6Oc at ail Druggists, or mailed free. AGENTS WANTZL CUSHMAN’S MENTHOL BALEI winder I ful cures of Salt Rheum. Old Bores, Cuts. Wounds Burns, Frostbites. Excels all other remedies PILES. Price, arte, at Drucviata. B»M>k on Went ho free. Address Cushman Drug Co., V!n> nennss* Ind.«r dkammoui st.. Chicaao. ilf re y° u |fe k wholly /K. satis- There’s a deal of eatlsf ac , tion when you know that f.Ari von are str ng and well, if HO VI you are not, you ought to be. We will make you so if pos- Bible. < ur distinctive . . specialty is all diseases pe- TTTff’rq culUr to men and wooer, W A Lil such as Blood Poison Stric. ture, Nervous Debility, Kidney and Bladder Trou bles, Rheumatism, Catarrh, etc " also a>l d seases of J VzlAl women Call on or write us and if necessary we cm prove to you that we care ~ * where some of tbe best CplfJ physicians have failed. l Mail treatment glved by sending for Symptom blank No. 1 for Men; No. 2 for Women ;No 3 for Skin Diseases; No. 4 for Catarrh. Call on or address DR. HATHAWAY &|CO. , South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. “Better late thin never,” ’♦ The ABOVE OLD ADAGE ’A I is as foiceful now ss ever and suffering ones will rejoice when tbey hear of the wonder ful efficacy of ACDIPIIIA The M arve)ous BLOOD ’♦ ArnluAnA purifier. 9 j Hundreds who have become discouraged By trying a score of other remedies f? and upon whom tbe best of physicians Lii failed, have ere it was too late, heard t j of the grandest of all Medicines, W ..Africana.. « The Sure Cure for all Blood j W Diseases, H —— LA For sale by all Druggists. MZ* >AZ* wz* wz* The Great Remedy, Africans. Rome, Ga., July 7, 1897, This is to certify that I suffered with old sores on my body. They were con sidered incurable. I have used four bot tles of Africana and am entirely well and the sores healed. Ned Hughes (Colored) Ned Hughes is one of the best known and most reliable colored men ib the city, and his word is considered as good as a bond. His statement made above as Lo the efficacy of the Africana remedy may be relied on as being absolutely true. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co.,•and Taylor & Norton, druggists Rome, Ga. [~A Handsome CompiexiorT 4 ) I is one of the greatest charms a Woman can I I possess. Pozzoni’s CoMrUSkioN Powder I | gives it. M. A. THEDFORD’S VEGBTURE DYSPEPSIA / W I S ‘ CK aR Indigestion \ \ NcRVOiJ s- B/UObShESS \ J A UNDfCE SDURNESS OSS OF Stomach Appetits None Genuine WiihoutThe Likeness Ano Signature orM. A.Theoforo on FrontDf Each Wrapper. M.A.Theoforo Med.@‘ »TRoM e . g a . ——*——————* Pawtucket Fur Company, 294 Main S’, Pawtucket, R, I. WANTS ALL KINDS OF Raw Furs, Skins, G n eng, Senaca, etc Prices quoted for next 60 days are an fol lows: Silver Fox, sls 00 to 8150 00; Bear, $5.00 to $25 00; Otter, 84 00 to $9.00; Martin $2 00 to $9.00; Beaver, $3 00 to $3.50 wr pound ; Wolf, SI.OO tos2 00; F. x, SI,OO to $2,00; Mink, 75c to SI.OO, Skunk, 25c to $1.00; Gray Fox, 50e to 75c; Rat, 20e to 25c Price list on all other furs and skins fur nished upon application. Full prices guar anteed, careful selection, courteous treat ment, and immediate remittanee on all consignments. Ostrich Feathers- Boas, Plumes and Tips Cleaned, Curled and Dyed. Kid Gloves cleaned, 15c to 50c pei paiy, I. PHILLIPS Whitehall St,, JAllanta Ga ToCure* Coldln One" Day Whyiiot Buy a Piano At Home Where jou are in position to get one at ihe lowe-t possible price, from one of the largest dealers in the South. The E. E. Forbes Music House is enjoying one of the most prosperous year's in the history of its exis ence, and is better prepaired than ever to trade with you in away to save you money. Call on or wri e them for prices on CONOVER, KARNICK & BACH, BEHR BROS, KNABE, CCHBERT AND KINGSBERRY PIANOS Found at 327 Broad St., Borne, Ga. S. P. DAVIS, Manager SOUTHERN RniLS'ftY. 108 .eanril Schfdu!e in affect Jmj 4, , Stations. >o. 1 ■ ol4iNo IT t»F Chattanooga suOan 2.45 pm lu uupi* Ar Dnlton 9 2<'am 4 2 pm 12.11 am Ar Rome ]d.4oau 5 3-pm 156 am Ar Ail nta 1. hiam 8. pm 500 am Lv At anta 4. Opn S 3 po 5.20 am Ar Mac< n 7.0 pm 11.10 pm B.loam Ar J<mp *. 4. Uum 2.38 pm Ar Everett 5 25am 32. pm Ar Jacksonville 8 l<mm 03- pm Lv Jesun u. 6 2opn Ar Jacksonville I OOpn 11 lbpn| Lv Evi'iet’ a.JDam *3 80pm / Ar Brun-wick ftSOan »,3>>pn| 1 No. Scarries Pullman sleeping car ChatWte nooga to Atlanta. No. 10c tr<ie Pullman Union Sleeping Ca> Chattanooga to Atlanta. * No I Pullman Drawing Room Buf fer p ! ngCar Chattanooga to Jacksonville and A la ta to Bruns vic*. ST A: IO N S No. 13 \O 9 No. f i Lv Atlanta 7 ->o-.irn 2.3< p n 10.0' pH Ar Rome in. 9 .m 4 5 pm 1..57ain Ar Dalton 11 3>am 6i6pm 2 -o*a> 1 Ar Chattanoogi I.oopm 7.30 pm 4.1 ft* tn Lv ( hattanooga. 745 pm 3.00 am Ar Lexington 4.3»am 5.06 pm Ar Louisville 7.55 am 3.15 pm Ar i incinnati 7.3i>am ’7.3 ipm Lv Cbattai.ooja t.3opm & 1 >am Ar N: *hvilie 6.55 pm I.3spm' No. 13 carries Pullman Drawing Room Bull tetSkeping Car Atlant. to Nashville. i< No 9 Carries Pullman Union Sleeping Car Atlanta to Louisville and Pullman Sleeping, ear Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No. 7 carries Pullman S eeping Car Atlant*' to < hattauooga and from Chattanooga to Cin> elnnati. Stations. N0"6iN0.12 No. iQ Lv Chattanooga L 330 m 4.10 am 5 50pm Ar Knoxville,. 1159 am &05am 9.50 pm Ar Morristown 1 lOp.n 9.50 am 10.5obflj Ar Hot Springs 3 liptn 11.4 .am 12 23am, Ar Asheville 4.35 pm 1 lopm I.39am* Ar Salisbury... ~ 8.40 pm aooam i Ar Greensboro. .<"7!.... 9 s'.'ptn 3 Siam Ar Raleigh 7.10 tn 11 45am Ar Norfolk. ... s.2upm -f Ar Washmgio'n........ ....... B.4‘Jim iUiipm Ar New York 12.43 pm 5.23 am j No. 12 carries Pullman Sleeping oar Chatta nooga to New York via Asheville. an 4 Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Ricbmone I? 18 ,oII<I train Chattanooga to Norfolk 1 *“b Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga t« Norfolk without change. Close connectio* . made at Norfolk with steamers for B .Itl more. New York and Boston. Pullman Sleep. . ing Car Salisbury u N*w York via Washingto* STATtoWA No. 16 No, 3 Lv Cbaitanooga a supm K3oam ArKnoxville. ; 9Sopmit.s9am Ar Morristown. 12.27 am I 10pm Ar Bristol 5.00 am 4 05pm Ar Washington .•..1125pm 735 am Ar New York 6 2mm 1.20 pm Na Bearrie* Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Washington and Chattanooga to New Tork without change. N 0.16 carries Pullma S'eenlngCar C'latt*. aooga to Knoxville and Knoxville to Bristol, STATIONS. No 18 Lv Rome i o 50am Ar Anniston I.lopm Ar Birmingham 10. 10pm Ar Selma .... 617 pm Ar Meridian 10 30pm Ar New Orleans t 11.45 am tr Jackson 9.4‘atn r Vicksburg 11.35 am Ar Shreveport 7.20 pm tN0715 ~| Na 8 tNo? 16 | NoTI3 !. 15pm 5.10 pm Lv 9.30 am 8.0 ipm 7.08 pm Ar Gadsden ar 6 3-sam 7.15 am 6.30 pm 7.15 pm Ar 615 am 7.00 am t Daily except Sunday. ) Sunday only. W. H. GREEN, Gen. Supt Washington, D O, J. M. CULP. Traf Mgr Washington, D. C. W. A. TURK, G P. A Washington, D a a A. ■■NBOOTEX.a *.«.▲. Ohattaneoga TMe Chattanooga, Hume & folumbus KA 11. KO A I). EUGENE E. JONES. Receiver. Passenger Schedule in effect May 2, 1896. soul B BOUND STATIONS No. 2 No. 4 No. 10 Lv Chattanooga 8 01am 4 10pm 500 ara Battlefield 8 37 4 36 5 40 Chickamauga 844 |4 45 625 LaFayette 912 513 725 Trion 9 39 5 40 8 35 Summerville. 9 48 5 49 8 5i Lyerly 10 06 607 94t Rome 1100 7 00 12 10 r Cedartown 11 44 7 45pn> 1 45 Buchanan 12 27 Bremen 12 43 Ar Carrollton 110 pm NOBTH BOUND. STATIONS No. 1 No. 8 No.# LvCarroqton .... 140pn> Bremen *O7 Buchanan 2 24 Cedartown 307 615 an 910 am Rome. 3 50 7 00 1100 Lyerly 4 45 754 105 Summerville 503 8 12 1 55 Trion 5 12 8 21 2 30 • LaFayett* 539 848 335 Chickamsnga 6 07 9 17 5 05 Battlefield 614 9 24 5 20 Ar Chattanooga 6 40pm’8 50an 6 00 pm Nos. 9 and 10 dally except Sunday. Nos. 3 and 4 Sunday only. No*. 1 and 2 daily. Trains No*. 9 and 19 arrive and depart bom C. R. A C- shops near Montgomery avenue. Connections made at Chattanooga, Tenn., with all reads for point* North and Weat. For any Information apply to «■* C< B - WILBURN, Traffic Manager, j Rome. Ga. I _ ‘ ;or C. 8. PRUDEN/Tlcket Agon