The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 06, 1897, Image 8

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Awarded Highest Honors—World's Fair. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DU hb F CREAM BAKING POWDIR A Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, THE NEWS OF A D 47 Short Stories <»f Virious Kitd Grouped Under oje Hid. ILL SORTS OF LITTLE LOCALS hey Are None the Lees Int' reeting; Became Short, and Their Impbrtanoe Should Not Be Underestimated. Justice Courts. Justices Harns and Treadaway are holding their regular courts in the city court room. Considerable minor business was attended to yesterday. Catholic Services. Services at the Catholic church to morrow. Sunday school at 9:00 a. m. Mass at 10:00 instead of 10:30: Rosary, Sermon and benediction At 7 ;30 p. m. Rey A, Reis, Pastor. Broke His Arm Playing Football. Robert Mumford, of Cartersville, while engaged-in a game of football Thursday, had an arm broken. Mrs. L. S. Mum ford, mother of the boy, was in this city when the accident occurred. Robert is 15 years of age. New Citizens of Rome, Col. and Mrs. C. C. Carpenter, of Ro.kmart, have moved to this city, where they will reside in the future. Col. Carpenter is a member of the legal fraternity, and will practice in the courts of this county. Mrs. Carpenter is a refined cultured lady. Prominent Railroad Men. Hunter McDonald, chief engineer; W. H. Whorley, assistant engineer;’ and H. G. Butler, roadmaster, all of the N. C. & St. L. R R , were in the city a short while yesterday. The “ghost walked” on the N. C. & St, L. yesterday, too. and as a conse quence their employees are jingling silver in their pockets. Shorter Girls Will Attend. Sixty Shorter college young ladies will attend the Scalchhi grand opera tonight. It is expected tbaU society will probably be out in full force as this will doubtless be the only oppor tunity Romans will have to see grand opera this season. The management wishes to say that the price of fl 50 is received by the company every where they play, and is not an ad vance over other places. An Approaching Wedding. Cards have been issued announcing the marriage of Mr. Stewart Marshall, of Where Toßuy Your Groceries. Come to see us and we will in- • terest you in this line. You will be sure to come again. We carry in stock a complete as sortmont of Fancy and Family Groceries, Canned Goods, To bacco, Cigars, Country Produce, Vegetables. Fruits, etc. Finest Flour in Rome. Try some «of our TEAS and COFFEES. Give us your or ders for your month's supply and we will eave you money. We meet prices on all goods We have the best quality of goods and are anxious to serve you. Prompt delivery, E. C. Wood & Co. Telephone 44 202 Broad Street, Rome, Ga. this city, to Miss Maude Bivings, at the ! home of the bride’s parents in Dalton, Wednesday, November 17. Miss Bivings is one of Dalton’s fairest and brightest young ladies, and belongs to one of the leading families of that city. Mr. Mar shall is one of Rome’s enterprising young business men. The young people will make their home in this city. Help a Worthy Women. Mrs. Chester Scott at the Beuua Vista building wishes plain sewing to do. Mrs. Scott has several small chil dren to support, and is making a brave struggle against adversities. She does not ask charity, but only work which will bring her the money necessary for the sustenance of her self and children. Let everyone who has plain sewing to be done carry it to Mrs. Scott. She will do the work neatly and well. Death of a Little Girl. The sweet little baby girl of Rev. and Mrs. O. L. Millican, of Turkey town, Ala., died yesterday afternoon She was one year old, and the very light and sunshine of the parents’ hearts. The remains will arrive on the Rome & Decatur train at 11 o’clock, and will be carried to Mrs, Millican’s parents’ home, Mr. and Mts. C. W. Morris, in the Fourth ward. The funeral arrangements have not been decided upon. Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys aid bowel. Never Isicken, weaken or gripe. 10c. ______ THE BRIDGES CASE. • ——————— Supreme Court Adjourned Without Ren dering Decision. There have been many inquiries in Rome within the past few days relative to the action of the supreme court on the case of W. M. Bridges. It had been expected that the decision would be nandfed down the first of the week, but such was not the case. The supreme court has adjourned until the 15th of this month, aud it will not be known until then whether Mr. Bridges will get another chance or his sentence stand, Smoke ’Trix" cigars, clear Havana filled and Sumatra wrapper, The best 5c cigar that ever came over the hill. For sale only by Taylor £ Norton. Football Must Go, (Columbus Enquirer-Sun) Certainly there is little to be gained by the continuation of the game. Grant ing that it is a good exercise, it must be acknowledged that it is an exceedingly [dengerous one—an acknowledgement verified by a new made grave in a Georgia graveyard. We would not discourage athletic sports. We believe in them. A sound body is as much to be desired as a sound mind, but football is by uo means nec essary to the development of either—no more so than is pugilism . The tide has turned against the game in this state. Let it go, and let it never return. You can’t cure consumption, but you can avoid it and cure every other form ot throat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. For sale by Curry Arrington Co., Rome, Ga. liGnped *r«»iii4i train to liberty. Buffalo, Nov. 5 —William Moran, 40 years old, and John Moran, hit nephew, 16 years old, were sentenced to the Erie county penitentiary from Westfield, N. Y., for cur burglary. Con stable Briggs was detailed to bring the prisoners to Buffalo. They traveled on a fast Lake Shore train, and when near Lakeview the prisoners made a rush for the car door and jumped from the train. Both rolled down a steep embankment. A farmer noticed the men running to ward the woods, shackled together, aud notified the county police. The men were captured very shortly afterwards. Neither han been injured. Catarrh, like scrofula, is a disease of the blood and may be cured by puri fying the blood with Hood’s Sarsa a rilla. Slldsieti • Su, New York, Nov. s.—The suspension of H. A. Patterson has been announced on the Consolidated Stock and Petro leum Exchange. The failure yas pre cipitateu by the sudden drop in the market. * Patterson was once a larue l trailer, but of recent years had not been very conspicuous. Over 250 shares of stock was sold for his account under the rule. Assets and liabilities are not yet kuown. The Patterson failure is the third on the Consolidated Exchange withiu the past seven days. Robert W f Graves A Co,, can fill your order for coal prompt ly, Telephone 93, Fon Rent—ln East Rome seven room residence with cistern and city water. R. J. Ragan. ' 28 6t. Morrison & Trammell make the best brick possible and sell them all over the country. For Rent—A very desirable seven room house, centrally located. Would prefer to rent it furnished and to board with person renting. Reference required, address A. Z. Tribune office, ts. THE ROME TBIBtNE SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 6. 1897. 1 POINTS ABOUT PEOPLE. I ... - Some Who Go Some Who Come and Some Who Stay at Home, Dr. Alva Thompson, of Cedartown, was here yesterday. Editor James A. Hall, of Calhoun, was in the city yesterday. Judge and Mrs. E P. Treadaway have moved to 306 East Second street. Dr. J. M. Spinks, of Rockmart, was in the city yesterday on business. Editor John W. Cain, of th? Summer ville News, was in the city yesterday. Mr. L. J. Spinks, one of Cedartown’s leading young attorneys, was in the c ty yesterday. Rev, M. J. Cofer, of Carrollton, who attended the Sam Jones lecture re turned home yesterday. The many friends of Miss Mary Mor ton will regret to learn that she is quite ill at Mrs. Wimberly’s, on Second ave nue. Rev. A. S. Harris and son, who have been in the city several days the guests'of Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Harris, returned home yesterday. Mrs. J. B. Shcnster, Mr. and Mrs. Hirschfield and child, of Selma, and Mr. and Mrs. Goldsmith, of Mobile, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrr. Spiegelberg for several days returned to their respective homes yesterday. Insure with Goetchius Phone 169, A SERIOUS DIFFICULTY. Gus Barnes and Moses Locklear Have Fight at Round Mountain. Mr. Thomas Swanson, who is a mail agent between Rome and Gadsden, brought the news of a serious alterca tion at Round Mountain Thursday even ing. Gus Barnes and Moses Locklear, two white charcoal workers, employed by the furnace at Round Mountain, tad some words over a small matter. Locklear became so incensed finally that he seized a heavy billet of wood and struck Barnes over the head with it. The blow was a terrific one and Barnes fell bleeding and unconscious. He was carried lo his home and a physicien was called in, who pronounced Barnes in a critical condition. His skull was crushed in and the sur geon said there was slight hope of his recovery. It is not knowij whether Locklear was arrested or not. You can’t afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneumo nia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. For sale by Curry Arring ton Co., Rome, Ga. Robert W, Graves & Co,, can fill your order for coal ly. Telephone 93* MORE ’IMPROVEMENTS. Stores Occupied By W. H. Coker & Coni " pany are to be Improved. Judge W. T. Turnbull's property next to G. J. Briant’s new saloon will be raised and greatly, improved at once. The buildings will be added at the rear, also. W. H. Coker & Co., find their busi ness increasing and growing so rapid ly that they must have more room. They will enlarge the wholesale de partments of both dry goods and groceries. The improvements on Broad street are constantly going on, and this important thorougbfqre is becoming one of the handsomest in Georgia. Just try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the« finest liver atjd bowel regulator ever made. When in need of coal call up H, G, Smith 'Phone Nos, 182 and 183, _ Pocketbook Found. Some person left a pocketbook con taining several dollars on counter in our meat market. Owner please call and get your property. Mooke & Reece. Robert W. Graves & Co., can fill your order for coal prompt" ly, Telephone 93, Wanted To Buy—Georgia Reports. State price and condition. Address O. R. K., 358, East Fair street, Atlanta, Ga. . 11-6 3t. Notice to Public. We have opened up a typewriting and shorthand office in the writing room of the Armstrong. We respectfully solicit the patronage of the public in this line. ts Misses Lindsay & Wyatt. Jellico coal has no superior makes a quicker and hotter fire: less ashes: bums up cleaner and lasts longer than any other. A trial order will make you our customer, Office No, 5 Broad street Telephone Nos, 162 1 and 183, H. G. Smith, GRAND OPEtCA TONIGHT. ’ Mme. Scalchi and Company at Opera * House Will Bea Social Event. The appearance here of Mme. Sofia Scalchi, together with her associates, to night at Nevin’s-opera house, marks the event of the season. Scalchi is without doubt the greatest artist in her line in the world. She has had twice the ex perience of any living artist; not because she is older, but because she has had the greatest number of steady 'engagements which kept her continually before the public. In 1888 she wis engaged from May to July in London, from Sept mber to Feb ruary in St. Petersburg and from. Feb ruary to May in New York. No oper atic artist in the world was ever in so great demana. For seven years this round of yearly engagements was con tinued, and it is the great artist’s boast that no other operatic artist has been heard by so many people as she has. Scalchi’s voice is at once a noble and flexible contralto. Hei diction is re markable, and thousands who beard her with Patti have declared that the songs sung by Scalchi we-e far more enjoyable than those rendered by Patti. It is a well known fact that after two seasons with Scalchi, when honors were evenly divided, Patti would not sing with the great contralto either m opera or concert, for invariably Scalchi managed to carry the bu'k of the honors, and this was too much for the jealous Patti. Scalchi in the operatic entertainment to be given here will be assisted by a wond;rful soprano, Marie Toulinguet, a young woman who made an immense hit last season with the Imperial Opera Co., under the veteran Mapleson who chose this young lady as his principal dramatic soprano. Both of these wonderful artists will Le heard in grand opera with a fine oust and it will moreover be presented with full scenery, costumes, parapherna lia, etc. Aside from the operatic pres entation we are to have a miscellaneous concert programme that will introduce all the artists of the company in favorite selections, with Mme. Scalchi in her remarkable singing of the page’s song from the Huguenots which she has sung no less than thousands of times, Aside from Mme. Scalchi aud Mlle. Toulinguet the company includes Mlle. Mane Du Bedat, mezzo soprano; Mr. Thos. Me Queen, tenor; Sig. A. Alberti, baritone and Sig. Gallia, pianist. Tickets on sale at Trevitt’s. Prices 50c., $1 aud $1.50, Fifty Shorter College girls have reserv ed seats. I can supply you with the best Jellico Coal Office No 5 Broad street phone Nos, 162 and 183,-H. G. Smith. Curran. Scali & Co. Are always in the lead. They .have jnst rec«ived the first shipment of rhe Runnymede Club Whisky Bottled in bond by the dis ’il'eis, under the protection c Ye U. ••.. government Protection to Consumers: ■ Runnymede Club Whiskey is bottled in the bonded warehouse of our distillery at full legal standard (100’) proof, un der the direct supervision of the United States gov ernment, in accordance with an act of congress which took effect March 3, 1897, This will furnish taconsumers the only ab solute guarantee of age, purity, stiength and natural condition, as is certified by by the government stamp on every bottle. .... The “Ru nytnede Club” Whiskey represents the very highest type of flee gtraight Ken tucky whiskey. It is es pecially Suited for the tour ist, the club, the family, the case, and for medicinal purposes. Curran. Scott & Co. AGENTS, ‘Phone 148. 16 Broad St i Full ofSnap, Sparkle and Vim | Promptly relieves J distress arising from g overeating or indi- g * ■ a £ est * on > regulates • rcJS] disordered stomach g ZivWJ cures sick headache g • and constipation. g g CHILDREN LIKE IT ■ ADULTS PRAISE IT ■ g Tabbant & Co., Chemists, New York. Druggists. Extraordinary Values Can be Found at IR. CNUBELL £ (WANY OUR STOCK OF China, Classware and Housefurnisliings, » are and bought very low with the ready cash. Our idea is to sell the best goods for the least money possible. We have a great many new and useful articles for the housekeeper which you should see. DO YOU WANT A NEW STOVE? Get the vet y lowest price you can anywhere, and we will discount it 10 per cent. Call and see our line before you buy, and we will sell you. J. R CANTRELL & CO. 241 and 243 Broad St,. Rome, Ga, P——— I have used Piso’s Cure for Consumption, and can recommend it above all others for Coughs and Colds. It is selling like hot cakes. GUSTAV F w omo. HR • J§!s® August 31, 1897. TAILOR & NORTON, Tile ID jttjl grists MENTION A FEW TOILET REQUISITES. Rogers <fc G illen’s Extrac s, Vi lette de Parme, White R sc, Heliotrope, R >g rs & Galle t’s Soaps, Bois De Santal and Violette de Parme, Murray & Lanham’s Florida Water, Lautier’s Extracts, Q iiat< sjeiice of Vi Its and Rose de Cashni're, Ciown Extracts,' Crab Apple and Viok tte de Parme, Libin’s Extracts Rose and Violet, Coudray's Soap, Vi .lette Des Bois and Rose Fine. these good* are selected from the products of the world 0 best perfumer, TAYLOR & NORTON, THE DHUGGIST3. JOHN H. REYNOLDS, President. B. I. HUGHES, Cashier. P. H. HARDIN, Vice-President. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ROME, GEORGIA. Capital and Surplus $300,000. AH Accommodations Consistent With Sa's Banking- Ex tended to Our Customers. Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy cures Indigestion, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, H’ccottghs, Heart-burn. f3*"Guaranteed.