The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 09, 1897, Image 3

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JACKSON COTTON IBAVD. Notices That are not Complimentary to the Proflific Plant* The widely advertised Jackson cotton is now undergoing a cross fire of criti cism and the comments and facts brought out are not in the least compli mentary to the new cotton, says the Columbus Enquirer-Sun. Perhaps the latest and most vigorous attack, that has been made upon tue plant is that of Mr. A. B. Shipperson, the noted co: ton expert, who has made a thorough examination of the so-called Jaoksou, in a letter to Messrs. Latham Alexander and company of New York. ft will be remembered that Mr. Jack son claimed that he came in possession of the seed by a gift from a traveler who secured them in Africa, He claimed that the stalks would produce six hun dred bolls each and that several bales to the acre would be p'oduced. Mr. Jack son did succeed iu growing a field of re markable cotton on bis dairy farm near Atlanta, the stalks being six or seven feot high and almost free of limbs. Mr. Sheppersou denies that the seed came from Africa. He has, he says, se cured specimens of all African cottons both in the Congo country and in Egypt, and he says that no such cotton as was described as Jackson cotton grows there. He does not deny that Mr. Jackson may have been told the story about the seed which he claims to have had imparted to him. Mr. Shep persou sees nothing new in the Jackson cotton. He says that it has been raised in the south for years and is known as “Welborn’s Pet. ” He says that the tall stalks which the cotton developed on Mr. Jackson’s place were due altogether to fertilization and cultivation, and that the yield even on this “garden spot” was not unusually large. Mr. Shepper son cites the opinion of the superintend ent of the Georgia experiment station as well as that of the Georgia commis sioner of agriculture, both of which agree with his own. It appears that the Jackson cotton is a ‘'fake. ” Mr. Jackson was perhaps the dupe of a fakir who gave him the seed, and he has by intelligent cultivation made rhe common seed given him very fruitful. His experience is "a valuable lesson to the southern farmer who is disposed to profit by it. The lesson is this: Most any sound seed will produce remarkable crops if the cultivation and fertilization is properly looked after. How’s This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Care. F. J. Cheney & Co. Pr< ps. ToledoO. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Welding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 750. per bottle. Sold by all Drug gists. Testimonials free. When in need of coal callup H, G. Smith 'Phone Nos, 182 and 183. OWNED BY ONE MAN. A Reminiscence of Atlanta Connected With the Suicide of a Printer’s Wife. The Macon Telegraph’s columns have already told of the sad and tragic death of Mrs. Zion Bridwell, who suicided in Atlanta a couple of day’s ago, but there is one story in connection with the affair which is worth repeating, since it has thus far escaped the attention of the newspaper men of Atlanta Mrs. Brid well was the wife of a well known printer, whose boast it has long been that his family once owned all of the ground on which Atlanta was built, and that the property was sold for an Indian pony. Mr. Bridwell has a great many friends and acquaintances among the newspa per fraternity of the country, and the story of his sensational arrest on the charge of having murdered his poor old Cures “ Cures talk ”in favor I I of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. H JW lIX as for no other medi- ■ ■ «wk cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful, convincing language of grateful men and women, constitute its most effective ad vertising. Many of these cures are mar velous. They have won the confidence of the people; have given Hood’s Sarsapa rilla the largest sales in the world, and have made necessary for its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is known by the cures it has made—cures of scrofula, salt rheum and eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh—cures which prove Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the best—ln fact the One True Blood Purifier. «. j, rkia* cure Uver fils; easy to TlOOd S Hills take, easy to operate. 25c. wife, has caused him to be discussed considerably. Os coarse, nobody would have believed’the good old fellow guilty, even if the coroner’s jury had not ex onoratsd him, unless the evidence had been mighty plain. His wife is said to have killed herself, because she was either demented or despsrste through hunger, and this caused a Macon ac quaintance, who knew the family dur ing the “dark days of reconstruction,” to remark: Uncle Zion at that time was an aged man, and his eccentricities made him a notable character among the printers of the city. The craft numbered nearly 200 then, as typesetting machines were not in use, and only “hand composition' ’ filled the columns of the newspapers. There were morning newspapers, and iu their rivalry to crush each other, compositors were in constant demand at good wages. Bridwell, at that time, boasted of once having owned Atlanta, now the capital of the state, and how foolishly he parted with his unknown wealth of millions. The story be told was that his family owned the land on which Marthaville was built, and they exchanged the en tire tract for an Indian pony. That was long before the days of railway comma nication, when the pioneers of that sec tion never dreamed that the densest population of the state would have Mar thaville, now Atlanta, as the center. Whether Bridwell owned the land dr not, the newspapers have told the story over and over again, evidently believing it to be true. The Coming Woman Who goes to the club while her husband tends the baby, as well as the good old fashioned woman who looks after her home, will both at times get run down in health. They will be troubled with lose of appetite, headaches, sleeplessness, fainting or dizzy spells.* The most won derful remedy for these women is Elec tric Bitters. Thousandsof sufferers from Lame Back and weak Kidneys rise up and call it blessed. It is the med-.ciue for women. Female complaints and Nervous tr< >ubles of all kinds are soon relievtd by the use of Electric bitters. Delicate women should keep this remedy on hand to build up the system. Only 50e per bottle. For sale by Curry-Ar rington. Jellico Coal has no superior makes a quicker and hotter 'firei less ashest burns up cleaner and lasts longer than any other, a trial order will make you our customer, Office No. 5 Broad street Telephone Nos, 182 and 183, H. G, Smith, A MARVELOUS ATHLETE. Harvey Griffith, a United States Artillery man, Stationed at Chickamauga. Harvey Griffith, a cannoner of the First United States artillery at present station ed at Chickamauga park, was in the city last night, sajs the Chattanooga Times. Griffith is without doubt one of the most remarkable men in the United States, possessing, as he does, a faculty both un usual and surprising. He c a n th r ow every joint in his body out of place; can break horseshoes in two, ebnd large nails around his fingers, or drive them through an inch board and pull them out again with his teeth. He also posssesses the wonderful faculty of making his shoulder blades touch each other, and, lying down, allows a heavy man to stand on his chest, throwing him off by sudden expansion. In short, he can do things with his body ■ that baffle physicians to explain. Griffith is from Chicago, where he was born and raised. He is about five feet four inches in height, weighs 175 pounds, and has an abnormal chest and muscular development. Before he entered the army he earned a living by posing for clinics of medical students and artists. WARNING:—Persons rho suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warnings of danger and save themselves suffering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. For sale by Curry-Arring ton Co. BIRD NOTES. Item* of Personal Interest in a Little Village on the Southern Railway. Byrd Ga., Nov. B.—November comes with a cold rush of rain, but all are glad to see it, hoping it will check the yellow fever. Mr. Shorter Pullen who is attending College at Rome visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pullen, of Byrd re cently. Mr. Hugh B. Dickson, of Sharp’s. Ga , and Mies Lula Gooden, one of Byrd’s most popular young ladies, were happily united in the holy bonds of matrimony last Sunday night. We wish them much joy. Mrs. Ida Summers, of Briceville, visited her sister, Mrs. William Col quitt, Saturday. There is no need of little children b“ing tortued by i-cald head, eczema and skin eruptions. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures permanently. For sale by Cur ry-Arrington Co. Wanted To Buy—Georgia Reports. State price and condition. Address O. R. K., 858, East Fair street, Atlanta, Ga. H-6 3t. TBB ROME TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18d7. BABY’S SKIN In all the world there is no other treatment so pure, so sweet, so safe, so speedy, for pre serving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, and hair, and eradicating every hu mor, as warm baths with Cuticuba Soap, and gentle anointings with Cuticuba (oint ment), the cure. (yticura Drug * Chbm. Corp., Bole Props., Boston. ®T" “ All About the Bkin, Scalp, and Hair,” free. EVERY HUMOR cured by Cuticuba. NEWS FROM LINDALE. A Marriage Sunday Morning l The Lin dale Nightingales Personal Men ion. Married Sunday morning at 9 o'clock at the residence of the bride’s parents, by ’Squire H. A. Powers, Miss Lizzie Garnett to Mr Ed Mize. A large crowd were present to witness the happy nu ptials that makes two hearts beat as one. Rev. J. W. Pullen, of Cave Spring, has been called as pastor of the Lindale Baptist church and will preach on the first Sunday in each month. Miss Minnie Pollock, of Lyerly, Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. H. Shiflet this week. Rev. Mr. Landium, of Pleasant Hope, preached in the morning and Rev. Ed Smith, of Pleasant Valley, preached at night to large congregations at the vil lage church last Sunday. Mark Dodd went to Plainville last Sunday, we suppo e t > see bis best girl. He returned Sunday evening with a smile on his face as large as a cutton basket. Mr. Hunter left on the Southern at 6 o’clock Sunday evening on a business venture to Rockmart. Some think he is going to invest in futures, or foreclose an old mortgage that is nearly out of date. The next meeting of the “Lindale Nightingales” will take place at the church Sunday evening. There will be an old time singing out of the Second Harp, and the president asks all lovers of the grand old book to bring them out. There will also be used the latest up-to date book, psalms, hymns :md spiritual songs, which huve been adopted by tbe society. You can’t afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneumo nia or consumption. Instant relief and»a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Gough Cure. For sale by Curry-Arring ton Co., Rome, Ga. CASTOIIIA. The he- /O signature/ of wrapper. LARGEST TROUPE Os Dogs, Ponies and Monkeys in the World to be Seen Here on Nov. 13. Dogs, ponies and monkeys galore, presenting an entirely original and novel program of difficult and amusing feats, will be seen in Rome in two performances on November 13, in Sipe & Brown’s America’s greatest trained animal exhibi tion, which will be seen under canvas on that date on the show grounds at tbe corner of Second avenue and East Second street The troupe comprises 123 aristocratic doge, 98 beautiful little ponies and 27 comical performing monkeys educated to the highest point of animal intelligence by and performing under the personal direction of Prof. R. J. Blake, tbe world’s greatest trainer of domestic animals. Prof. Blake is without an equal as an educator of domestic animals, and the performance he gives with his great aggregation of pets will be found clean, moral, refined and decidedly in teresting to ladies and children. Disfigurement for life by burns o scalds may be avoided by using De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. ftntt.erwortli’ -lightly Better. Cleveland. Nov. B.—Commissioner of Patents Benjamin Butterworth, who is lying ill with pneumonia at the Hol lenden hotel, is reported siightiy better. Dr. J. Kent Sanders, who has remained almost constantly at the bedside of the sic_ man. states that Mr. Butterworth rested quietly throughout the night, and that his condition now is such as to cause strong hopes of his ultimate recovery. Just try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. 'he !'•»ik<» ..e<i «»er Ha<bind. Tavares. Fla., Nov B.—ln the case of the state versus Mary Mozeick o: Clermont, for poisoning her husband, the jury rendered a verdict of murder in tlie first egree, and the judge sen tenced her to the penitentiary for life. Snow on Grrin Mountain Newport, Vt., Nov. B.—The Green mountains are snow capped for the first time this season. The first fall of snow last year was three weeks earliat PROGRESS OF THE SOUTH. New ludißKPi'te* I«« l>ixie Dari nr Ihe Week Jlßt Chattanooga, Nov 8 —Among th" must important new industries forth ' week just ended. The Tradesman re ports the following: A flouring mill at Lebanon. Tenn.; gasworks to cost s6>>.- COO at Newport News. Va.; the Tisdale .Mining and Manufacturing company, capital $83,500, at Butler, Ga.; the Hu guenot Mining ami Milling company, the Arctic Circle Mining company, cap ital $1,000,000. and the Grand Encamp. incut Mining and Milling company, capital $500,000, at Charleston, W. Va.; the Morgan Countv Cannel Coal com pany. capital $25,000. at Frankfort, Ky.; the Carter Coal and Iron company, cap ital SIOO,OOO, at Pulaski, Va.. and rhe Jackson-Meshier Mining company, cap ital $60,000. at Rome, Gil The Peerless Clay compa"y. canital SIB,OOO, has been incorporated at But ler, Ga.; the New York Petroleum com panv, capital $500,000. at Parkersburg. W. Va.. and riie Frost C >tron 0.l com pany, capital $20,000. at Frost, Tex. A knitting mid will be erected at Burlington. N. C.; a rope and twine mill at Griffin. Ga ; a furniture factory at Little Rock. Ark ; a SIO,OOO lumber mill at Hamilton. N. C.;. a $20,000 saw mill at- Mineoia, Ga.. and a $15,000 luiu ber mill at Vinton, Lil Other woodworking plants will be established at Branford and Holley. Fla.; Belair and Cordele, Ga., and Elkin, N. O. J. M. Thirswend, of Grosbeak,Texas says that when he has a spell of indi gestion. and feels sluggish he takes two of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers at night, and he is all right the next morning. Many thousands of others do tbe same thing. Do you? For ss le by Curry-Arrington C . C ASTORIA For Infants and Children. The fit- /Q SITUATION NOT STRAINED. The Hrojjram Adopted bv Admiral Heard there "ill Be f’eac*. New York. Nov. B—A dispatch to The Herald from Washington says: As further evidence of the peaceful condition of the relations of the United States and Spain, the new department officials point to the program adopted by Rear Admiral Sicard, commander of the North Atlantic squadron, for the next month. Repairs to ths ships will not occur for some weeks, but as each is put iu con dition for service. Rear Admiral Sicard proposes to .-end it to sea for individual drill. It is expected that the squadron will remain at New York until about the middle of D -camber, when it will pro ceed to Han ot-on Roads, which will be the base of .ne squadron’s winter evo lotions. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easilj and forever, beniade well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and ’rigor, time No-To-Buc, the wonder-worker, that, makes weak men strong. Many gain ton pounds in* ten iiayr Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Buc of you druggist, under guarantee, to cure, stie c ?1.00. Booklet and sample ni.idn.' n-ee. A sterling Itenie-tvCo <1 ■>•-...• ■’ —• -.’<«• Subscribe For The Tribune CARTER IN THE CONTEST? Probable That the (iem gIK Popnl iat* " ill ]>e«ert r roln bttion. Atlanta, Nov. B.—The fact that Sen-. ator Yancey Carter, the Populist leader and probable candidate for governor on that ticket next year, voted against the Turner prohibition bill has caused a good deal of talk. It will be recalled that the Populist platform last year de clared for prohibition and the fight was made on that line with a prohibitionist as a candidate ahd ad the machinery of the prohibitionists behind the Populist ticket. A gentieman who knows Senator Car ter’s views on the subject, said that there would be no prouioition plank in next year’s Populist platform, and Sen ator Carter has been quoted as saying ■o himself. He does not think there is anything in the prohibition business, anyhow, and his vote against the Tur ner bill means that so fai as he is con cerned, prohibition and Populism will be divorceu henceforth and forever. Nonce. I want every man and woman in the United States interested in the opium end whisky habits to have one of my books of these diseases. Address B. M. Woolly, Atlanta, Ga., Box 362, and one will be sent you free. The Puritan is now is the fourth quarter of its first year. It was started last January—not long ago, but long enough to have made a place for itself in 100,000 homes. It has already been increased in size 50 per cent, since the first issue and tbe pub lisher promises that it shall be yet fur ther enlarged. Disease CATARRH A Climatic Ass e ction BAWM Nothing but a local CypreCOlDW remedy or change of H 9 £ ->u in H climate will cure It Get a well-known Sl|g JA pharmaceutical rem- ■a' Ely’s Cream Balm It is quickly absorbed Gives Relief at once. Opens and cleanses COLD ‘N H EAD Heals and Protects the Membrau*. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. No Cocaine No Mercury, No Injurious drug. Full e z 50c; Trial Size 10c, at Drnggistor by mail. ELY BROTHERB.S6 Warren St., New York. WHITE LEAD is like a great many other articles offered for sale; some good, some bad. (See list of the brands which are genuine, or good.) They are made by the “ old Dutch” pro ®cess of slow corrosion. Avoid getting the other sort by mak ing sure of the brand. dICC u ’ in ? National Lead Co.’s Pure White Lead Tinting Col pj/FP ors. any desired shade is readily obtained. Pamphlet giving M valuable information and card showing samples of colors free; also cards showing pictures of twelve houses of different designs painted in various styles or combinations of shades forwarded upon application to those intending to paint. NATIONAL LEAD CO., CINCINNATI BRANCH, Cor. 7th St. and Freeman Ave., Cincinnati, O. Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy cures Indigestion, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Hiccoughs, Heart-burn. Are you I a y wholly satis- There’s a deal of eatisfac - tiou when you know that vou are str ng and well, if llCvl you are not, you ought to be. we will mi ke you so if pos sible. 1 ur distinctive , _ specialty is all diseases pe- culiirtoinen and women, VV 1 Lil such as nlood Poison Stric turn, Nervous Debility, Kidney and Bladder Trou bles, Rheumatism, Catarrh, TTZYltf*.. etc,, also all deeases of V uul women. Call on or write us and if necessary we can prove to you that we care . -where some of the bist calf J physicians have failed. Odl I Mail treatment gived by sending for Symptom blank No. 1 for Men; No. 2 for Women ;No 3 for Skin Diseases; No. 4 for Catarrh. Cail on or address :DR. HATHAWAY &ICO. 22% South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. VIM? VIGOR. VITALITY RESTORED 30 DAYS. - Good Effects at Once. CATON’S VITA LIZ ER Cures general special debility, wakefulness, spermatorrhoea, emissions, impotenty, pare sis,etc Corrects functional disorders, caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring Lost Manhood in old or young, giving vigor and strength where former weakness prevailed Convenient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate. The Cure is Quick and Thorough. Don’t be deceived by imitations: insist on CATON’S Vitalizers. Sent sealed if yonr druggist does not have it. Price $1 per pkge, 6 for $5, with written guarantee of complete cure Information, references, etc., free and confidential. Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week’s trial treatment One only sent to each person. CATON MED. CO., Boston, Mass Always prompt and reliable. Avoid Imitation*. Get Catom’i T-*i<BY Pills and save regrets. Jf At drug stores, or sent direct (sealed), price tl Catom wuc. <V».. Unstop. Mas* Pamphlets - - - I— ! I ■ I S E DfillU’Q FOK FATHER SEX J.E Dnufv d This remedy being in • -\ierted directly to the G— — seat of those diseases 0 ■■ of the Genito-l rinary Iff ■■ Organs, requires no fW» change of diet. Cure it- WM guaranteed In 1 to S days. Small plain pack ** WT w> W age - b >’ mail, SI.OO. U JniJCSHold only by For sale by Curry Arrington Co. vholesalu druggists, Rome Ga M. A. THEDFORD’S VEGETUBE re A f DYSPEPSIA I [ j ’ S;sk OS /NO/CESnaN\ CAO ACHE Biliousness\ j A uhdice Sourness oss of Stomach None Genuine Without The Likeness And Signature orM.A.THEOFORO on FrontOf Each Wrapper. M.A.Thedford Med.©- Pawtucket Fur Company 294 Maio St, Pawtucket, R, I. WANTS ALL KINDS OF Raw Furs, Skins, G nseng, Senaca, etc Prices quoted for next 60 days are as fol lows: Silver Fox. sls 00 to $l5O 00; Bear, $5.00 to $25 00; Otter, $4 00 to $9.00; Martin $2 00 to $9.00; Beaver, $3 00 to $3.50 ner pound; Wolf, SI.OO to $2 00; R. dF.x,sl,oo to $2,00; Mink, 75c to $1.00; Skunk, 25c to $1.00; Gray Fox, 50c to 75c; Rat, 20c to 25c Price list on all other furs and skins fur nished upon application. Full prices guar anteed, careful selection, courteous treat ment, and immediate remittanae on all consignments. “Better late than never.” ’ j “The above old adage I is as fotceful now as ever and suffering ones will rejoice when they hear of the wonder ful efficacy of ’3 i [DIP IHi The Ma rvelous BLOOD Q ArnluAHA purifier. m Hundreds who have become discouraged By trying a score of other, remedies and upon whom the best of physicians Ld failed, have ere it was too late, heard t t of the grandest of all Medicines, ..Africana.. The Sure Cure for all Blood Diseases.* w ‘ For sale by all Druggists. The Great Remedy, Africana. "■ •’ Rome, Ga . July 7. 1897. This is to certify that* I suffered with old sores on my body. They were con - sidered incurable. I have used four bot« ties of Africana and am entirely well and tbe sores healed. Ned Hughes (Colored). Ned Hughes is one of the best known and most reliable colored men in the city, and his word is considered as good as a bond. His statement made above as to the efficacy of the Africana remedy may be relied on as being absolutely true. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co., and Taylor & Norton, druggists Rome, Ga. Ostrich Feathers- Boas, Piumfes and Tips Cleaned, Curled and Dyed. Kid Gloves cleaned, 15c to 50c per pair. I. PHILLIPS Ubitehwll Si.. jiilantH Ga For Delicacy, for purity, and for improvement of the com plexion nothing equals POZZONI’S POWDBB. Sheriff’s Sales for Dec., 1897. GEGRGIA. Floyd County. Will be sold before the court b< nse door in the city of Rome, Floyd count*. Gs.. between rhe legal hours of sale, on tbe firei Tuesday in December, 181>7, the following de.criued prop erty to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying, situated and being in the county of Floyd and State of Georgia, and more particularly described as fcllov s- as all tn»t part of land lot No. 237 Ijing north and east of line straight from northwest to southeast corners of said lot; also a strip fronting Mill road one and one half acres from southeast corner, being In direcrion towards the mill; also a small tract, off of southwest corner of lot ~0. 236 abont 20 by 60 feet, more or lese; levied on bv virtuz of a fi fa issued from the 9 9th district, G. M. Justice Court, In favor of Terhune-Nixon Co. vs. I T. O’Bryan and J. D. O’Bryan; as the property of J, D. O'Bryan, one of the defendants: levy made by W M Byars, L. O. Also at the same tiire and place, all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in tbe 3d dla trict and 4th section of Floyd county, Georgia, and known and distinguished as lots Nos. 665, 688. 634, 636 676,637, 661 662, 663 and a 1 that part of 587 lying north of Big Cedar cretk: also all tha- part of 633 which lies north of Big Cedar creek supposed to be 8 acres more or less; and all that part of 590 lying south of the middle of the channel of Big < edar creek and west of tbe main i übllc road c ißtainitfg 2 acres, more or less; tha whole tract containing 406 acres, more or less, and iknown as “Cottage Home,” and being the farm whe can Msjar Jno. H. Dent re sided at the time of hie death. levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from the Floyd City Court in ft-vor of S Fnnkhons. r vs. C D Henley, maker, and Mre. Carrie M. Henley as guarantor and endorser; as the property of Mrs. Carrie M. Henley. J. P. Mo' ONNFLL. Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale, Aur -cable to an order of tbe Court of Ordinary of Floyd count*, will be sold at r übric outcry, befora the court b- use door of said c -nnty, on tbe first Tuesday iu December nexr, within the legal hours of sale, tne foil wing property, to wii : All that trset or parcel < 1 lend situst <!, and belr gln the Sth distric and 4tn sec tion of Floyd county, Georgia, ku .wn in tbe plan of sela dletrict as nun ber one hundred and sixty-four (164), containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less ■ Sold as the prop erty of Archibald Bimpson, late of Anderson countv. South Carolins, deceased. Terms cash. This Nov. 1,1 97. J. B.TOWEBB, Administrator.