The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 09, 1897, Image 6

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doh’t forget the .qhG DISTANCE TELEPHONE A WORLD OF TRADE Ruling Prices of the Leading Articles of Commerce. THE ROME MARKETS FULLY HOOTED Latest Prices Given From Daily Corrections Liverpool and New York CoUon Market Fluctuations. * • Rome Cotton Market. By wagon Cotton. Naw York, Nov. 8 —The following are to days quotations: Cotton Futures. Opening Close Close todav. today, yeaterday January 5 69 5 64 .... February. 5 73 5 69 .... March.... 5 74 6 74 .... April 5 12 5 78 May B 87 S 82 June 6 92 B 87 .... July 6 98 6 90 .... August 6 00 6 oO .... September .... .... October ... .... November B 63 5 69 .... December 5 63 >6O .... LOCAL MARKETS. [CORRECTED DAILY.] OKA IN AND PROVISIONS Bomb. Nov. B.—The following are the whole sale prices; small lots to consumers are rela tively higher. Wheat—New wheat 90c. These are the prices paid by commission merchants. Corn—Dealers are paying 46c sacked for corn and are selling at 50@55c sacked, delivered on care In carload lots. Smaller quantities, 2®3c higher. Bulk corn, 2c lees than sacked. Ear corn. 65c per bbl., with or without shucks. Oats—ln car lots, No. 2, mixed. No. 2 white bulk, 29c; sacked, from store, No. 2< mixed, 30®32; No. 2, wuite 35c, Flour—Raney patents, $5.75(g6.00; straight, >6.40; extra fancy, >5.00; fancy, 34.85; choice family, $3.65. In selling consumers, grocers add 20c to 3oeper bbl to these prices Graham flour, >6 .60; rye flour, $4.00; patent spring wheat flour, $6.00; wuole wheatflour, $6.00, Hay- In car lots, choice timotu/, $14,00@16.00; No 1 timothy.*ls.oo; No 2. $14.00; less than car lota, 90 per ton higher. Groceries and Provisions. Sugar—Clarified, white, 4%c; yellow. 4J£@ 4 5-16 c; seconds. 3%@lc, standard A 4 90; gran ulated 5.40 c; powdered 6.80 c; cubes,s.2sc; con fectioners A, 5.61 c; cut loaf, 5,.0c; open kettle, 4@4-26c. Gbeen Coffee—Per pound, Rio ordinary, 10@Uc, fair to good, 12@14c; choice to fancy, ls@l6c; peaberry, 17c; Cordova. 17H@i8c. Boasted Coffee—Equality plan, fob, New York basis, 1-lb, packages, per case of 100 pack ages, Arbuckle’s 11.19 c; Levering! 11.10; Mocha and Java, 50-lb, tins. 2b@32c. Westen Pork Products—Baoon, sides, ex tra short, regular, 7J|c; fancy, 8c; shoulders, choice, B@By t c; fancy shoulders, fancy, 8c: hams, li>y«@'2c; bellies, 8@8&c; breakfast bacon, choice, lOfflllc; fancy, 12g13c; bologna sausage, 5%@6c; dry salt regulars, 6@ Wc; extras, 5%c. C.ABD—Fancy leaf, 6@6%c; choice leaf, 5%@ 5%c; choice family, sc; reUned,sc. Coad Oil—Georgia test 10c, headlight 12c, lite proof 12%c; Apex axle grease, per case, 1 lb boxes, $2 25; per case of 8 dot., 2% and 3-lb buckets, $4.60; Mecca axle grease, 1-lb tin boxes, per case, $2.25:2% lb tin boxes, per case, $3.35; 3%-lb tin boxes, per case, $3 85. Country Produce. Beeswax-Per pound, 22@23c. Bacon—From wagons; shoulders 7@Bc; sides, 6@7c; hams, 9@llc; country lard 6c%7%. Butter—Per pound, 10@20c. Feathers—Prime goose white, per pound, 30@31c; gray goose, 28c; mixed, 20@25c; old 20c; mixed gray and white, 28@30c. Poudtby—Spring chickens, each 12%@17%c; hens I6c;old roosters 10c each; geese, full feath ered, 20c each. Eggs—Per dozen, first hands, open market. 12%c®13M. • EVERY FAMILY SHOULDKNOW THAT remarkable remedy, both for IN. TBRNAL and EXTERNAL use, and won. serial in its quick action to relieve distress, I £■*“■» Diarrhoea, Dy.entery, Cramps, Chelara, and all Bowel Complaint,. the BEST rem. edy known for Sea tek.eaa,Hick Headache, Pain in the ack or Side, Rheumatism and Neuraleia. bf“^J u i’ , inTment JU A DE. It brings speedy and permanent relief “ all cases of Bralsas, Cuts, Sprains, Seyer. Burns, Ac. PstinmlCiller *• ,h * w,n tr,ed * nd £7**-*" trusted friend of ths IHerhanrc, Farmer. Planter, Sailor, and to fact all Classes wanting a medicine always al hand.and anfe Io us Internally or externally wlak certainty es relief. IS ftEOOMMENDED ; •» by Jflsrtonartes, by Ministers, by ? Jfaehanics, by JVursss in Soipitalt. BY BVBItYBODY. ** * Medicine Cheat in ' itself, and few vessels leave port without s euaply of It. KF rjo family can afford to be witboat thia Mvmttyols remedy In the house. Its price brlnn nwtthln tbs reach of all, and it will annually eave many times Its c at la docton' bills Beware es imitattoM. Take none hut the «aehs-rn>T St u." 3 m oim I Family Medicine of the Age. s. Taken Internally, It Cures 1 Diarrhoea, Cramp, and Pain in the Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, ,i Coughs, &c., &c. Used Externally, It Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neu* , talgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet. Mo article over attained to such nnbonndod popularity.— Salem Observer. An article of great merit and virtue^—Ctan. Nonpareil. We can bear testimony to the efficacy of the Pain-Killer. We hare seen its magic effects In toothing the severest pain, and know it to boa good articio.— Cincinnati Dispatch. A speedy cure for pain—no family should bo Without it.— Montreal Transcript. Nothing has yet surpassed tho Pain-Killer, « Which ia the most valuable family medicine now in use.—Tenn. Organ. It has real merit; as a moans of removing pain, no medicine has acquired a reputation equal to Ferry Davis* Pain-Killer.—JFewyori (JCy.) Daily *in. really a vatoaM. madlnina—B la used by I Many Phyaiclane.—Bo«oa IVavaller. Beware of imitation*, bay .ply th. rennin. < I Tallow—Per pouad, 3c foTAToxs -New Irish potatoes, 85@95e per I bushel; irom store per barrel, $2.60. ArrLKS—Home-grown, 40@6<'c per bushel from wagons; 40@60e bushel from store. Tomatoes—New, six-basket carrier crate, S 16; shipped, 20@4ic basket crate. Cabbage—Florida or Tennessee $1.25. Beans—New Green, *1 00 per bushel. Onions—From store, 75@9Jc per bushel; In ■ bushel baskets SI.OO. Hide—Dry flints over 8 lbs., Nos 1 and 2 9c; )' dry saUed over 10 lbs, Nos. 1 and 2 7c; kip hide" 7c; green salted numbers 1 and 2 6%c; green not salted, numbers 1 and 2,4%c; green glue 2c, i dry glue 3e; skins 20@50c. I Wootr—Choice unwashed, 13@14c; siightl; s burry, 10@llc; moderate burry B@9c; hard burry s®6;choies tub-washed 22c: dingy tul<-wiahed GbobolA Sobghum nFrom wagons, old, 8%120 per gallon; new 22® sc; good stock and cooper age. Beans—From store, New York navy beans $1.60. i Meal—Pearl, plain or bolted 48 lbs, to the bushel, 46c; 46-lbs, bushel. 45c. Oysters—Standard weight, 1-lb cans, $1,65@ ' 175 per case; 2-1 b cans, *2,90@3,10. Canned Meats—corn beef, 1 lb, cans 3t,25: 2-ib, $2.10: chipped beef, %-lb cans, $1.50; 1-lb $2 40: potted and deviled num, %-lb cans, 60c; J4-lb 81,00. 'I Canned Vegetables— Tomatoes per case of ■ | 2-1 beans $1.60c; 3-ib »i,75®2.00; corn. $1,25@2,10 • ; Bring beans, $4 00; early June peas 2-lb sl,oo@ - 1,80; marrowfat, *1,60. • Cheese- Half eream loo; full cream ll%c; - Young America, 11 %o; Cheddar, U%c, Babdinbs-American quarters, per case *2,75 - @3,00; ditto mustaid, $2,G0@2,75; imported, ■ $9,00&12 So. Salmon—Columbia Rivers, fancy flats per ■ dozen,*l,9o; tails. *1,76; choice Columbia River • flats, $1,36; tails $1.45; Alaska, tails, *1,10; flats • |1,85; plnk*l,oo@l, 15, Molasses—Straight choice, open kettle, new 35-40; prime 32c; good 28c: common centrifugal, 10@20c; cane syrup choice, new 36c; mixed goods 3@4c per gallon less. VINEGAB—3O-gralns 10@12c; 40-grain. 12@15c; 50 graine, 15@18c; Mott’s pure apple 20c; ad. vance of 2c per gallon for half barrels. Crackers—XXX soda and picnic, 4%@6%c; XX eoda. butter and picnic 4%c. Pickles—Bulk, 1200 in barrel, *4.00; 2,4001 b barrel *5.00; 1,200 half barrel *3,26; 600 half ■ barrel *2,75; plain mixed ba’f barrel $4,50@ - 6,00; sweet mixed per barrelsll 50. ammunition—Shot, buck, *1,60; dron *1.25@ 9 1,30; bar lead sc; powder, 25-lb kegs, rifle, $4 00; blasting $1.55; fuse 40@80c. 1 Rote—Cotton. No 2, 9@loc; No 1, 11%@12%c; 1 sisal, 7%c; man!)la. 12c. ' SoDA-ln 112-lb kegs loose, 2@2%c; in tO-’b, r boxes, 1 lb, packages $3,45; 1-lb, and >4-lb, pack ages *3,30®3,W), % lb, packages, *3 45@3,75; 5c > size. $3.80@3,60. • salt—Table salt in barrels of 280 pounds ea h —Bulk $1.65; 28 10-lb bags $1.90; 60 61b bags > $1.90; 100 3-lb b >gs; 14(4 2 lb bags $2 20; • salt In bags 60@70c. l Candy—Small stl'-k. In boxes and baskets , 6%c@lc; buckets half cent higher. i Nua-s—Pecans, 9@l2c; walnuts (California), 12@15c; Alberts 9@llc; almonds 12@15c; Brazil ; nuts tee. ( »ud -. Chicago. Nov. 8 , Oi>d).M 01. Wheat—November ... 9;54 Wheat—December 9?%®! 3% . 12-j , Wheat—Mav 90%x8% ... m/ ( Wheat—.uir ... 5.% , Corn—November ... 25 Corn—December 25% ... ro;a Oobn—May ... 3'i Oats—November ... luty Oats—December 19% ... 19% , Oats—May Pork—Novtmber ... 7.g0 Pobk—December -* 82% ... 7.65 Pork—January ... B.go Laicu—Nov,-.uoer ... <.J7 Labd—December 4 27% ... 4.27 Lard—January ... 4.0- Ribs—November ... 4.45 Bibs—December 4.45 ... 4.45 Bibs-January ... 4.7- N,tvu Savannah, Nov 8 Tiirbentiue. flrm at 29; sales, 3'B casks; receipts, 1.051 casks. Rosin, firm: sales, I:,**' barrels: receipts, •>,l >•; A. B. C, D. sl.l< ; E, sl. 5; p, sl. ; G, $1.20; H. *1 I, $1.40; K, *1.55: M. $ .-1 ; N, $2.20; wipdov glass. *2. '5; waterwhite. * ’. Wilmington, „., ,>v. . ,u-.u. 1: strained, *l. 5; good strains i $ .2 ; receipts Ila barrels. Spirits turpentine a • t <Q>: ; receipts, . casks. Tar, vat $l.O f rieeipts,-.3barrels. Crude turpentine, ..--dr at *1.«0,@51.90; receipts, 3o barrels BUCKLEN’B ARNICA BALVE The best salve in the world for outs or bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain , corns and all skin eruptions and post tvely cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satiskjotion or money refunded. Price 26 cents per box. For sale by Curry Arrington Co., druggists, Rome Ga CALLED THE JUDGE A CUR. North llwkota Lawyer Fined S2OO and Give-11 thirty Days in Jait. Fargo, N. D., Nov. B.—Taylor Crum, the most noted criminal lawyer in the northwest, was ordered out of a case here by Judge Pollock for calling a wit ness on the stand a name, and Hued for contempt. Crum appeared in court When the state’s attorney was making an argu ment. He raised objections to certain statements mane by the state’s attorney, and the court called Crum’s attention to the order of the preceding day. Crum urged his objection, whereupon he wa< ordered from the courtroom. In pass ing before the judge’s bench he clinched his fists, saying to the court, “You are a mean, contemptible cur. and I will fix you when you get outside.” The court immediately remanded Crdtn to the custody of the sheriff, fined him S2OO and imposed a sentence of 30 days for contempt. A meeting of the attorneys for Ca.-s county will be held to consider the matter of disbarring Crum. Nervous troubles all kinds cured with Animal Extracts. Free book tells how. Washington Chemical Co. Washington, D C. For sale by Tay lor and Norton, Druggists Rome. Ga. inO WHISKY COMBINE NOW. Th* Plan For a Big Trust Is <al«l to H»v« Fallrii 1 lirougli. Louisviij.e, Nov. ,b. —It is given out on good authority that the long con templated distillery syndicate scheme has fallen through. From indications this seems more than propable, despite the fact that the eastern promoters maintain that the deal is on the eve of being consummated. A meeting and consultation have been held in Cincinnati with the result that most of the rich firmshaving head quarters there, with whom negotiations were pending, including Freiberg & Workum, James B. Levy & Son ami others, have drooped out. The Louis vide d sliders re;use to say auvthing about it. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab | lets. All druggists refund the money I f it fails to cure. £ Sc. Bf ££■■ TH E BOMB TBXBQNB TUESDAY. NOVJEMBfH 9* - lbV7 MAGNATES ARE TO MEET. Tal*k Am«»n g Bniirbxll Men of Dropping the empie Cup Trophy. New York, Nov. 8. The Herald says: The Natioual league and Ameri can association of Bur eball clubs will begin its annual meeting in Philadel phia Tuesday. Standing out promt . nently on the list of subjects to be con sidered is the Temple cup question. None the less prominent is a mass of i i evidence concerning the rowdyism ol players on the field, which increased this year to such proportions as to dis gust the public and alarm the owners i for fear that a farther continuance of it ( next year would injure the game. There will be more or less talk of having the i western teams make three trips east in stead of two. as has been the custom. ; Numerous other knotty problems wi'l also come up. W. O. Temple of Pittsburg, who gave ; to the national league players the > trophy which bears his name, has an nounced that he will be at the meeting ' to protest against the abuses which have i been creeping more and more into the ■ games played for the oup. Mr. Temple . says that in the very first contest for the cup in 1894 between New York and Baltimore, one important condition, that of the division of the gate receipts, was divided, some of the players, in stead of'standing on the provision of 60 per cent of the receipts to the winners and 40 per cent to the losers, agreeing to divide on a 60 per cent basis. Mr. Temple says he asked the league to punish the players, bat was te.'d tu let the matter pass, as a similar offense would not be made again. That, in his opinion, was wi ere a serious mistake was made, for had the offending play ers been punished at that time no fur ther offenses would have been commit ted and there would have been no scan dal this fall when the Baltimores and Bostons played for the cup Some ciub owners are opposed to the Temple cup altogether; others are in favor of it and will work for its contin uance. Edward Hanlon, manager ot the Baltimore team, which has taken part in every series yet played for tha cup, very naturally will use hie ener gies in support of it, and he has gone so far as to formulatea new plan by which he hopes to regain the encouragement ol those who have expressed their opposi tion to the way matters have been con cucted. Who can fail to take advantage of this offer. Send 10 cents to us for a generous trial size or ask your drug gist. Ask for Ely’s Cream Balm, the most positive catarrh cure. Full size 50 cents. ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., N. Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since a boy, and I never hoped for cure, but Ely’s Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many acquaint ances have used it with excellent re sults.—Oscar Ostrum, 45 Warren Ave. Chicago, 111. field Her I'lilld ns Security. Dalton, Ga., Nov. B.—Two months ago a Mrs. Johnson went to Chatta nooga from Georgia in search of work. With her 18-months-old infant she put up at the boarding house of Mrs. Berry After two mouths of failure to secure a position, and having no money, Mrs. Johnson was ejected from her boarding hou-e, the iauulord holuing her child as security for the board bill. The novel case figured in a judicial proceeding, the local judge granting Mrs. Johnson an order for her child. Everybody Sxys So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won lecful medioai discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, ante headache, lever, habitual constipation n,d bi iousnnss. Please buy and try a box ■f C. C. C. to-day; in, 25. 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to.'•tire tn »!' druegists Aii<ierM«»>s to L«u<l Her Aid. Anderson, S. 0., Nov. B.—An en thusiastic massmeeting was held here in the interest of the Black Diamond railway, as projected by Colonel Albert E. Boone of Zanesville, O. A pro moting fund of $5 per mile traveled through Anderson county was pledged and resolutions unanimously adopted requesting the city council to order an election at an early date to submit to the voters the question of subscription to the road’s bonds to the amount of $50,000. J. C. Berry, one of the best known citizens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that he cured himself of the worst kind -of piles by using a few boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. He had been troubled with piles for over thirty years and bad used many different kinds of so called curss; but DeWitt’s was the one that did the work and he will verify this state ment if any one wishes to write him. Cur ry-Arrington & Co. Cotton GrowtirM t<>*<'oo▼«*ss•. Columbia, S. C., Nov B. The cotton growers’ convention, which will meet here this week, will have delegates from most of the counties in the state. The interest in the convention is growing, and outsiuers are expected to come here to see what the South Carolina conven tion will do. PERFECT MANHOOD |Tbe world admires Oc perfect Man! Not courage, dignify, or toug'jui'vi development alone, jut that bubtlfwiid Tt onfterfful force known at SEXUAL VITALITY which is the Rlory vs wanhrod-tbo pride 01 both old and young, but there arc thousands of men suffering the mental tortures of a weakened manhood, chatterer nervea and failing sexual power who can bo cured by our Magical Treatment wblcL may oe talii’n «t hom<- inder our direction* or we will par R. R. fare anu hotel bills for those who wish to come here. If we fall to euro. We have no free prescriptions, free cure or C.O.D. fake. We have 8250.000 capital and to cure every case we treat or refund every dollar you pay us, or tee may be deposited In any bank to be paid u» When a cure la effected. Write for full particular*. WTATM MEDICAL UO., Omaha, GEORGIA LADIES HATE SHAMS; f 1 rZZ Whiteville, Ga., wrlteß: Have used Dr. M. A. Sim mons Liver Medicine 15 Xm years for Sick Headache, in Costiveness, and no W woman passing through the K) Change of Life should be v iff without it. It acts on me r' more mildly and thorough* J ly than the “Liver Regu r lator” made by Zeilin or the “Black Draught’’ made by Chattanooga Medicine Company. Nervous Depression of Women. A woman will often without knowing it commit slow suicide for her family. She will think, toil and worry for her children. Too often they do not appreciate it. Her tired nerves and weary body at last reach a stage when she is almost powerless for any kind of mental or physical work, and she is depressed and worried over the conscious ness that she is unable to perform her ac. customed duties. Her organs of digestion are disordered and although there is a con stant disposition to rest, wakefulness and loss of power to sleep are serious indica tions or nervous depression. What she needs is a course of Dr. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine to restore a healthy functional activity and give tone and vitality to her nervous system. At the same time the stomach, liver and kidneys should be stim ulated with Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. Ball Ground, Ga., writes: I have known Dr. M. A. JBj ■ Simmons Liver Medi 1L cine 20 years, and that It cures La Grippe, Head- Jtir E/ ache and other Co m - / plaints. I think It is MLLAZ stronger than “Zeilin’s Ak Regulator” and “Black MF*! Draught,” and that it gives better satisfaction. Pains in Lower Back. After reaching maturity, and especially after passing through the experience of maternity, most women find their health seriously damaged, if not entirely impaired. The painful and weary dragging ana bear ing down sensation in the back almost every woman has at times experienced. Some times these are from uterine displacement, but often they are simply from weakness. Women who have to bear heavy burdens, to undergo severe fatigue or to endure crush ing disappointment, are subject to this and many other diseases. W e cannot too strongly recommend the ascot Dr. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine, the great female tonic and regulator. . Btiy a Smooth White For Your Face! Itprobab’y needs renewing, for it Ik rough, red, freckled, blotched v. pimpled, until it hw become repulsive instead of attractive Healthy akin is always b tiotltul. The sun and wind, impuie >oaps ana cosmoticF injure the skin. Viola Cream cleanses, nourishes and restores the skin, making it soft, white and‘beautil ul. Il is not a cosmetic 1 —does not cover up. but reinore* blemishes. It Is harmless and always •toes Ju*, what we claim for it. The only preparav'on -hat will positively remove Freckles, Blackheads. Tan, Sunburn and Pimples. Hundreds cf testimonials from promi nent ladies. P-ice 50 cents a Jmt at <l. C. BITTNER -0.. TOLEDO. OHIO. - DEAD STUCK fob BUGS Kills Roaches, Fleas, Moths and Bedbugs. Non poisonoua; won’t stain. Large bottles, at drng c’ists and grocers, 26 cents. I J 1 ! j This great remedy CURES all Nervous Diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Lost Manhood, Nightly Emissions, Evil Dreams, Varicocele; and strengthens the Generative Organs of either sex, that may be impaired through youthful errors, which toon lead to Consumption and Insanity. Sold with a guaranty to cure, or money refunded. $1 per box, six for $5. Easily carried in vest pocket. Write us for free sample book and testimonials. Ask your druggists for them ; take no other, don’t let him sell you one of his own make under a for eign name. Address NERVE DROP CO., Grand Rapids, Mich., U. S. A. For sale by Rome Drug Co . and C. A. Trevitt, Rome, Ga. The Rosy Freshness And a velvety softness of the skin is inv«- I riably obtained by those who use Poezom’s J Complexion Powder. f - r FREE: Sao.oo IN GOLD, V At ino" Bicyde.Gold Watch,Diamond I Ring, or a Scholarship m w-k . * Draughon’s Practical Business College, Nashville, Tenn., or A VVFpflfl** Texarkana, Tex., or a schol grehip in most any other reputable business col lege or literary school in the U. S. can be secured by doing a little work xt home for the Youths’ Advocate, an illustrated semi-monthly journal. It is elevating in character, moral in tone, and especially interesting and profitable to young people, but read with interest and profit by peo ple of all ages. Stories and other interesting matter well illustrated. Sample copies sent free. Agents wanted. Address Youths’ Advocate Pub. Co., Nashville, Tenn. [Mention this paper.J Cushman’s ONTHOL INHALER Curve aii trout lee of me H«-.ud bn-] Turoat CATARRH, licADACHc MEUfiALGIA, UGRIPPE. $1 WILL GURr ( Y eneezing, fluffing, cough*np HEADACHE. Con ask *5 Fflevv W ? ENDORSED •£. h’.ghc-t meoical au -horiti s of Euro;- ano America to I CCLDS.Sore Throat Eay Fever, Bron chitiu, La GRIPPE. The most Ue reehing and HeaVLful aia tv H2ADAOH3 Suffer ere. Brings Sleep to tt?e Sleepless. Curn Insomnia and Nervous Prostration. Don’t oe fooled trith worthLs* imitations. Take only CUSHMAN’S. Price. sOc at ail Druggists, or mailed free. AGENTS WANTED. CUSHMAN’S MENTHOL BALM wonder- l ml cures of Salt Rheum. Old Sores, Cuts, Wounds, Burns, Frostbites. Excel! all other remedies for PILES. Price, 9»c. at Druggiste. Book on Menthol free. Address Cushman Drug <.0., Vln cannea. Ind. wM4 bzaxbom n. Chicago. Clk ■Shall I not take mine eaae in mine inn 7”—HxhßT IV. iJk Elegant :1\ Meals [ ■ \ The Best in the City. Prompt , Attention and High, Cool, , Airy Rooms. You pay only i for what yon order. Warner’s Nonesuch Lunch Rooms For Ladies and Gentlemen. i i Sitting Room and Toilet i i Conveniences are provided. ! Con Peachtree end Marietta Sts. Norcroae Building. ATLANTA, GA. Ktaki elevator. FIFTH FLOOR. CHANGE $ POZZONI’S y yComplexionv POWDER X a|a REMAXS ALWAYS THE SAME, ijf XThe finest, purest and -aost beaut! - \Z tying toil< ' powder ever made. It is /L soothing healing, healthful and Fev A harmless, and when rightly used is A FsX Invisible. If you have never tried ro A POZZONI’S A vou do not know what an IDEAh. COMPLEXION I’oworn is. A IT IS SOLD EVERYWHERE. Z A / “HAGGARD'S IF r.OT OH SALE AT YOUR PLACE ORDER FKOM Atlanta, Ga 7 —’ ONE BOX . THREE BOXES SIOO ' $2.50 For nervous women that suffer from menstrual derangement they have no equal on the market. Slid by Curry- Arrington Co., and Taylor & Norton. Chronic Diseases of all firms Successfully Treated. Ilheuniattßm, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Pa’pita tion. Indigestion, etc. Oectojrirlsi. of the Nose, Throat and Diseas s Peculiar to Women, Prolap’us, Ulcerations Leucorrbea, etc. Write, giving history of vour case and it will receive immediate attenti n An opinion, price of treatmert pamphlet and testimonials will be sent you freh Dr, S. T. Whitaker, Specialist 205 Norcross Building, Atlanta, G DELICIOUS CASTOR OIL STRANGE BUT TRUE. “Castorean Honey,” Manufactured by the Atlanta Chemica Co., Atlanta, Ga., is pure Caster Oil, with all of its medicinal virtues, but actually agreeable to the taste. Think of it, a child will drink a whole bottle if allowed Sold only by agents and the Atlanta Chemical Co. Agents wanted. Address as above. Stop When in Chattanooga, either on business or at the most comfortable and oouvenvient hotel in the citj. Stanton House, Near the Central Station and convenient to business center Rates. $2 a pay. I. M. Kline & Co. Proprietors. Why not Buy a Piano At Home Where you are in position to' get one at the lowest possible price, from ons of the largest dealers in the South. The E, E. Forbes Music House is enjoying one of the most prosperous year's in the history of its exis ence, and is better pre paired than ever to trade with jou in away to save you money. Call on or wri e them for prices on k CONOVER, KARNICK & BACH, BEHR BROS., KN ABE, ‘ CCHBERT AND KINGSBERRY PIANOS Found at 327 Broad St., Rome, Ga. S. P. DAVIS, Manager ftnitsny. <.oa<l«n»ed Schedule in Ltfrct Juiy 4, Ibu,. Stations. No. 1i o 14 NoT" tv Chattanooga SDUam 2.45 pm lu vipo. Ar Dalton 9.2<)am 4 2 pm Ij.Ham Ar Rome lC.4oaio 6 3-pin 1.56 am Ar Atlanta l.lUam 8. -pm ao«>.» Lv Atlanta .. 4.opm S- pn 5.20 am Ar Macon 7.0 pin 11. :opm 8 10am Ar Jesup 4.oam 2.38 pm Ar Everett 5 25am 32. pm Ar Jacksonville 8 loam 9 3 pm Lv Jesup :0.07am 6 2vnm Ar Jacksonville 100 pm 11 Lv Everett 6.30 am 3 30pm Ar Brunswick 6,30 an :.3epm< No Scarries Pullman .creeping car chatta, nooga to Atlanta. No. lOcarvles Pullman Union Sleeping Ca» Chattanooga to Atlanta. No. 14 carrie* Pullman Drawing Room Buf fet Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Jacksonville. and Atlanta to Bruns a lea. ST4-lION3. No. 13 No. 9 No. f Lv Atlanta 7.nOam 43opm 10 it >p3 Ar Rome 10.19 am 4 s>pm 1 oTam Ar Dalton... 11 S.sam 6o6pm 2.:.0am Ar Chattanooga I.oopm T.l’.Opm 4.16 an» Lv Chattanooga. 745 pm B.ooam Ar Lexington 4.85 am s.oftpm- Ar Louisville 7 s’am 8.15 pm Ar < incinnati 7.3i>am TTipw tv Chattanooga 1.-iopm 8 I 1 an: Ar Nashville....,, 6r.spm I.3npm- No. 1.3 carries Pullman Drawing Room Buf-' set Sleeping Car Atlant to Na-hvllle. Na 9 l arries Puttman Union Sleeping Car Atlanta to Louisilile and Pullman Sleeping ear Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No. 7 Carries Pullman S>ee.,lng Car Atlant* to < hattauooga and from Chait .nooga to Cin cinnati. STA iIONS. No" 6 Na 12 Na 14 Lv Chattanooga 830 tn 4 loam 5 50pm. Ar Knoxville 11.59 am &o.’>am 9.50 pm Ar Morristown 110 pm 9.50 am !<>.sspm it Hot Springs. 3 Uprn 11.4 am 12 23am Ar Asheville 4 35pm 115 pm 1 3»am Ar Salisbury 6 40pm C.*Hiatß Ar Greensboro 9.52 pm 8 suans Ar Raleigh 7.10 mll 45am-< Ar Norfolk ;, 2opro Ar Washington 6.42 am 9.4'ipm Ar New Yo;k 12.43 pm ti.23ane>i No. 12 carries Pullman Sleeping oar Chatta nooga to New York via Asheville, anfl. Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Richmond 6.00 a. m No. 16 Is solid train Chattanooga to Norfolk J Ith Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga ttt. Norfolk without change. Close connrctioir made at Norfolk witn steamers for B ill more. New York and Boston Pullman S.eep *ng Car Salisbury to New York via Washington stations. Na W No.T Lv Chattanooga....... ' a 50pm k 30am, Ar Knoxville 9 50pm 11.59 aw Ar Morristown. 1227 am I 10pm Ar Bristol . 5.00 am 4 05pm Ar Washington It 25pm 7.35 am Ar New York 6 25am 1.20 pm No. 6carries Pullman Sleeping "Car Chatta nooga to Washington and Chattanooga to New- York without change. Na 16 carries Pullma Sleeping Car Ch atta aooga to Knoxville and Knoxvble to Bristol STATIONS. J" j SO If Lv Rome 10 50am Ar Anniston I.lopm Ar Birmingham io. 1 oom Ar Selma « 17pm Ar Meridian 10 :<opm Ar New Or lean* f 11.45 am Ar Jackaon T7777T $ 43am Ar Vicksburg 11.; 6am Ar Shreveport.... -. 7.20 pm ♦No. 15 |Nq t ~ ~ +No~ic SNo, 1» 4.15 pm o.lopm Lv lo.UO.un 9.30 am *0 pm 7.08 pm Ar Gadslen ar 8 33am 715 am 6.30 pm 7.13 pm Ar A’.talla. 616 am T.ooam ♦ Daily except Sunday | Sunday only. W. H. GREEN, Gen Sujl Washington, D O, J. M. CULP. Traf Mgr VMblngtoa. D. C. W. A TURK, G. P A W aohington, D C 0. A ■MNfIOOTKK.a a.•. a. Chattaaeoff* T«m Chattanooga, R’oine & tolmbos RAILROAD, EUGKNE E. JONES. Receiver. Passenger Schedule in effect May 2, 1896. SOUTBBOUKD STATIONS No. 2 No. 4 NO. 10 Lv Chattanooga 8 01am 4 10pm 600 atn Battlefield 8 37 4 36 5 40 Chickamauga. ... 844 445 625 LaFayette 912 513 725 Trion 9 39 5 40 8 35 Summerville 9 48 6 49 8 5; Lyerly .....10 06 16 07 944. Rome 11 00 7 00 ’ 2 10 Cedartown 11 44 745 pm 146 Buchanan 12 27 Bremen .. 12 43 Ar Carrollton 110 pm WORTH rouno. STATIONS No. 1 No. * b 0.6.6 LvCarroliton ....140pm Bremen 2 07 Buchanan 2 24 Cedartown 307 615a in 910 am Rome 3 50 7 10 11 00 Lyerly 4 45 7 54 1 06 Summerville... . 503 18 12 155 Trion 5 12 8 21 2 HO LaFayette 5 39 8 48 3 35 Chickamauga 6 07 917 5 05 Battlefield 6 14 9 24 5 00 Ar Chattanooga 640 pm. 9 50a u 600 pm Noe. 9 and 10 daily except Sunday. , Nos. 3 and 4 Sunday only. Nos. 1 and 2dally. Trains Nos. 9 and 10 arrive and depart from, C.B. *O. shops near Montgomery avenue. Connections made at Chattanooga, Tenn., with all road* for point* North and West. For any information apply to L C, B. WILBURN, Traffic Manager, Rome. Ga. o;or 0. S. PRUDEN, Ticket AgM»