The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 11, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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IT SHALL BEI I **«s’•*• . .>: li'.,, V*-’ ■ -dt? «.£ ' z * . > ■ ' f '■■ t . K ■■ ' _ t ~f ... .. * '."'.""'l* ,<* ***» - v '. ■■■■ ■' ■ ' E y"< * ( " ’ , ■ [AND we ll make short work OF IT !•’ » J . < " ' ; , x ' *•' h ■ * [ We want $25,000 out of this stock to | put into the Tedcastle business. We k ' know how to get it. Let us tell you. r iiovsl no This great aggregation of select merchandise, as a whole, is on sale at prices lower than the mills values of today. $85,000 worth of very choice goods— K stuffs fit for a king’s son, a president’s daughter, or a poor man’s twins —all sea sonable goods—thus Offered to the people will give us the $25,000 in quick time and give you a chance to make a saving in your purchases. We mean this. *We’ll sell you during the next few weeks goods lower than you can buy them .South of Mason and Dixon’s line. < Very best Indigo prints Double width worsted, black and colors 9c Two hundred ladies capes, neatly trimmed - -40 c Very best AAA 4 quarter Raccoon^ sheeting, nothing Two cases ladies seamless hose, per pair -4c Good beaver capes, fur or braid trimming -78 c better made, worth at any factory price ° Be - . ’ 1c ehlrts' all sizes One hundred bolts high grade lining cambric 2gC For tv dozen pretty hemstitched handkerchiefs 2c ’ c Thirty pieces AC A ticking' 9Jc Ball knitting silk, all shades - - - 5c Nine cases 10-quarter bed blankets, heavy fleeced 19c One case good mattress ticking 5c Imported hair pins, per package - - - 1c Sixty dozen spools sewing silk . . . i c Good wool Jeans 9c Assorted hair pins, per box . . 5c Thirty-ffve dozen ladies 40-guage hose, very special 19c 10-quarter Pepperel sheeting, bleached Beldings embroidery s'lk, big stock - 2c 260 dozen ladies Jersey ribbed vest, 35c grade, at 19c All-wool flannel . 9c Good 25 inch checks, choice patterns • - 3ac Two cases men’s undershirts and drawers, each 15c DRESS GOODS--THE Gfflß ISHT ML CLOTHING Dress Trimmings, strictly choice and up to date. Dress Too Divorced from high prices. Go tO OUr third Linings, stock lacking in nothing. Notions to suit every notion floor for anything in clothing, men’s Suits, of notions. Ladies’ wraps for every want and fancy. Children’s suits, knee pants, overcoats, etc, The Millinery stock too full, and to help in making quick lower than anywhere—we mean lower than work of the $25 000 raising, every hat, everv bonnet will be sold anywhere. Get your clothing from US, giv- at cost or below cost, NOT ONE ABOVE COSTJ ing your pocket the benefit of a profit. If you you want a hat or a bonnet, our elevator will carry yon KfiPP©f}dorfS Shoes, the best-—all Shoes go in to x . . . „ . ■ . . . do their share towards the desideratum to a place where you can buy from the most select stock in Rome $25,000--S0 with everything in the house, at just what it cost us, or below the cash we paid for it. Come, see and be convinced. t Those who come late run the risk of losing the best. Come at once. It’s an opportunity of opportunities-nearly all new goods, suited to the fall trade, < • • » L r ' i? ' # I jT zMA / j - -V ** * . iS » ' 1 . . ... TH£ KUMH THIHUNB. THURfIDJLV. SGVEMBEK 11. 18W 11