The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 11, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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DOH’T FORGET THE f .QHG DISTAHCE TELEPHONE THAT WATER MAY DO IN THE DESERT LANDS MT. MAKES DESERTS TO REJOICE AND HILLS TO BLOSSOM. "What It Has Done' For the Great State of California —It Furnishes Light, Heat and Irrigation—Streams Fed by Perpetu.M Snow. I [Special Correspondence.] Redla.nds, Cal., Nov. B.—Water Will do almost anything except revive the dead. Like salt, which the little boy declared to be that substance which made potatoes taste bad without it, * water needs to be mixed with something -else to show forth all its latent virtues. The old toper might object to this state .ment on the score that the less of it in .his whisky the better he likes it. But ’ we were speaking of water, not whisky, and, again, the man who “topes” is not always in condition to pass an opinion. Water judiciously applied' has been the salvation of southern California. The problem confronting the settlers . here was how to get from a dry but gen erous soil the dormant elements of fer tility. It was solved by their going to the hills and mountains and tapping the streams which, fed by perpetual mows, had been running to waste ever since the period of creation. Those vyho have seen a California I i -or the place where, the stream I to be—may recall that, like an I ardent honeymoon, it is short, though it may have been sweet. Some one—l find the expression in Kate Sanborn’s book, though Kate did not originate it —declared that all the rivers and streams of southern Caliiornia ran bot tom upward. This axiom, like many another terse expression of the people, is almost strictly true. No matter how ■ fiercely, tumultuously, the mountain I streams may flow, starting out on their I wild career in the region of springs and snow banks, after they have reach ' ed the plains where the refreshing in fluence of their society is imperatively | necessary they dive beneath the porous soil or sand and disappear. | You come, perchance, to a wide I waste of sand or gravel, where, if you ‘ should have the misfortune to get lost, .you would perish of thirst and are told that it is the bed of a stream. If it shows an inch or two of water on it, the southern Californian tells you that if • congress did its duty that stream would be made navigable and goes wild with . joy if he happens to kind a fish in it. That being the character of the average lowland river and the Californian Mo hammeds not being able to bring the mountainsto the plains, they took coun sel with common sense and themselves went to the mountains. I might mention scores of towns and at least one city which have been in debted to water for their creation and their subsequent prosperity. While dis claiining any intention to make invidi ous distinctions, yet as it is necessary to confine my observation, in a limited article, to one or two examples, I select in the first instance the case of this flourishing town of Redlands. It has been called the Magic City, although perhaps not any more entitled to this designation than many another in this state, but in. ten years, or from 1887 to Sales With Hood’s Sarsapa- ■■■ ■ ■ rilla, “ Sales Talk,” and I *1 llf show that this medi- ■ CA IRk cine has enjoyed public confidence and patronage to a greater extent than accord ed any other proprietary medicine. This is simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than any other. It is not what we say, but what Hood’s Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. AU advertisements of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, like Hood’s Sarsaparilla it self, are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superlative medicinal merit, is why the people have abiding confidence in it, and buy Hood’s Sarsaparilla Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try It Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. u ma* are the only pills to take Hood S Pills with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. PIPE LINE. BEAR VALLEY WATERWORKS. /897, it sprang at a DoUffd irom a sim ple country hamlet to a prosperous town, lighted by electricity, with hun dreds of beautiful homes and 50,000 lores covered with orange groves. Fourteen years ago last month the great Bear valley dam was begun and completed a little over a year later. The town site is mountain surrounded on all sides except the west. Great snow cov ered peaks, such as those of San Bernar- BEAR VALLEY WATERWORKS FLUME, dino, Gray Back and Old Baldy, rise skyward, attaining to an altitude of from 6,000 to 12,000 feet. Over behind old San Bernardino was the partly drained bed of an ancient lake, which had once burst its bounds and riven a canyon through the mountain wall. It is 6,000 feet above the sea and the stream flowing from it, called Bear creek, wast ed itself in the larger torrent of Santa Ana river. Across the mouth of the can yon, where at one time ages ago the natural barrier had been burst away, an artificial dam was erected 62 feet high, thus impounding the waters of a lake now five miles long and a mile in width, with water enough for irrigat ing 50,000 acres of land. By means of iron pipes, cement conduits and subsid iary reservoirs, the water is conducted to the valleys and lower foothills, and there distributed, thus converting what had been practically a desert section in to a green and blossoming garden. The most notable instance of what Water can do under intelligent guidance is on the outskirts of Redlands, between the town and San Timoteo canyon. Such trite phrases as Edens and Paradises have long since been worn threadbare in describing the beauties of the Canyon Crest park, evoked from the soil of a formerly barren hillside by the Messrs. Smiley, natives of and summer residents in New York. Selecting 160 acres of the average soil of this section, they have, wholly through the influence of water acting upon it, converted a waste and barren tract into one of the most beautiful of parks. Here we find nearly all the trees and flowers of tropics and semitropics, acres of roses, gardens of geraniums and chrysanthemums, groves of olives, oranges, lemons, eucalypti, pepper trees —in fact, running through the whole range of northern and south ern flora, and all has been created with in the space of seven years’ time. There is another aspect of this water problem, and, like the irrigation ques tion, it is commercial. This is an age of utilities, and the prospect of that enormous volume of water in the Santa Ana canyon going to waste has appealed to another combination of business men, who have formed a company to hitch it to the car of electrical progress. In a small way—that is, for the lighting of Redlands—the Santa Ana river has been utilized to secure a current, but latterly it is proposed to furnish electricity to all tbe towns and cities within the ra dius of 100 miles. Even Los Angeles, ?5 miles away, as well as Pasadena, is to be provided with all its electric pow er from this canyon, conducted over cables, and guaranteed to yield not less than 5,000 horsepower. There are other canyons with their streams descending to the lowlands, some of which have already been brought into the service of the electri cians, but none in this section with the flow and fall of Santa Ana. The success of the great scheme will cause a new business awakening, perhaps another boom, though from the latter the almost universal prayer is, Good Lord, deliver us I Fred A. Ober. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab fets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. sc. TBR, ROME II. JSB7. A WOMAN DENOUNCES The Legislature's Action in Reference to the Killing the Bush Bill. To the Editor of The Tribune: What a picture of inconsistanoy our legislature is presenting to the world today working vigorously in muoh haste to suppress a game, the real purpose of which, is to develops boys into physical strength and beauty, because forsooth of the death of one young man in the flush of his manly pride and youthful vigour. A death which could bring no tears of shame or mortification to his spartan mother’s cheek, while at the same time it deals a death blow to pro hibition (Bush bill)leaving legal, a traffic, a growing monster which palsies the brain, unnerves the arm, robs the pocket, kills the soul, and leads hun dreds of our men into worse trouble than death, bringing tears of shame and mortification to mothers, filling hearts with unutterable anguish, causing many a mother to envy Mrs. Gammon’s sor row. Her boy died bravely doing his part as a brave mother would wish her boy to die. Von Gammon's picture was good to look upon in the health and strength of a well developed young man. Gladly would another mother exchange the blurred features, sunken eyes, husky voice, and uncertain step, a living and present picture, with all its memories, for the one the 'dead boy has left his mother. Men of Georgia why take away from our boys at the university that which is intended to develops brawn and brain, mind and morals, that which has a ten dency to suppress vice and immorality, yet at the same time deliberately with out undue baste, leave with them that which deadens the physical and the moral man, that which is worse than dynamite on the track of a nation’s pro gress, that which makes human sacri fices day by day, and year by year? Is our country being led by patriot, or partisan? Viewing the work of our Georgia legislators today one might an swer partisan, seeing how they “strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.” A Patriot’s Daughter. BUCKLEN’B ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for outs or bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum fever ■ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain corns and all skin eruption' and posi- cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect aatisijoticn or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co., druggists, Rome Ga Biggest Cannon Ever Made, The largest gun ever built in the world is no v being constructed at the Bethlehem iron works. This enormous piece of ordnance will weigh when com pleted 126 tons. It will exceed by six tons’ weight the monster gun which Krupp of Germany exhibited at the World’s Fair in Chicago, and in length it will be five feet longer than the Ger man gun. This monster weapon is being fabrica ted under the orders of the War De partment. If is the biggest order ever given to any establishment in the world. The calibre will be sixteen inches. The length, from breech to muzzle, will be forty-nine feet two inches. Through the breech in a vertical line the gun will have a measurement of exactly five feet. Mr. Meigs computes the weight of a shot for the new gun at a little over 2,300 pounds. That means more thas a ton of meta'. The heaviest shots fired in England have not weigqed over 2,000 pounds. The powder charge for the American gun will weigh nearly 1,000 pounds. The building of the new sixteen inch gun is an extensive undertaking. The gun itself will cost about $120,000. For single guns the average cost to the gov ernment for all fabrication work in this country is roughly SI,OOO per ton of gun. The cost of the gun carriage and turret will bring the cost up to as much aga'u as the weapon, while the cost for founda tion will, it is est'mated, round out a grand total of at least $300,000. The foundation for the six teen-inch gun will require a depth, it is said, of fifty feet, if earth b-s the basis. This foundation must be constructed of concrete. fIcT HUMORS Pimples, blotches, blackheads, red, rough, oily, mothy skin, itching, scaly scalp, dry, thin, and falling hair, and baby blemishes prevented by Cuticuba Soap, the most effective skin purifying and beautifying soap in the world, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery, (yticura Soap is sold throughout ths world. Form D»u« an* Cu*M. Cobp., Bole Props., Boston, U. 8. A. “How to Prsrsnt Foes Humors,**msilod free. EVERY HUMOR i MISSISSIPPI GIRLS NOT AFRAID. Crape, Miss., says: I have usedDv-M. A. Simmons. Diver Medicine 18 years; It is the best of all Liver Mu' Fkf Regulators. It cures Side W j Haadßche, and Is a great B / deal more popular than. “Black Draught” or any other liver medicine, in this ermmtry. Menstrual Non-Appearance. Absence of the flow may arise from soma organic defects orfroni abnormal condition of the blood or nervous system. As the time, approaches there are many symptoms that should be apparent toan intelligent mother.. When they are tardy, the attempt to estab lish this tunction is attended with pain in the head, loins and back, chilliness, nausea, and bloating of the. abdomen. The treats ment necessary is moderate out-door exer cise, the use of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine to correct the action of the diges tive organs and a dose twice a day for soma weeks of that great uterine stimulant. Dr. Simmons Swnaw Tine Wine. t Postmaster, Merchant and First Assistant Principal Hebron Normal High School, Fuller, Miss., writes: I am 25 years old. and my Father, who died when he were 75 years old, had been using and sellingDr.M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine ever since I could remember. It does ail thatiselaimed for it, and is as staple as Sugar, Flour and Bacon. I consider it muoh Superior to “Zeilin’s Medicine,“ which I don’t use at any price. Girls Approaching Puberty Frequently suffer from irritability, restless nees, smothering sensations, palpitation of heart, depression of spirits, nansca, consti pation and sometimes fainting spells. Dr. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine, taken With the original Dr. M. A. Simmons Diver Medicine, quickly relieves these and other distressing symptoms and assists nature in performing its natural functions at the proper time. Dook Out.—Don’t let the preparation called “Black Draught” come into your house on the fraudulent pretension of being “just the same” as M. A. 8. L. M. It is “not” the same. If the component parts were tho same there is as much difference between them as between day and night* Beware of all imitations. Buy« Smooth White i£ W Skin For Your Face! It probably naeds renewing, for It is rough, red, freckled, blotched o. pimpled, until It has become repulsive instead of attractive Healthy skin Is Bl ways bi&utlful. Tho sun and wind, impure soaps ana cosmetics injure the t*kin. Viola Crenm cleanses, nourishes and restores rhe skin, making it soft, white and beausilui. It is not a cosmetic —does not cover up. but remote" blemishes. It Is harmless and always does jih. what we claim for it. The only prepura'.’on ;hut will positive’y remove Freckles, Blackheads, Tun. Sunburn and Pimples Ebindrods cf testimonials from promi nent ladfes. P-ice 50 cents a jar at druggists. a. c. BITTNro -n.. TGtX’DO. OHIO. - OEM) STUCK for BUGS Killßßoache,.Flo.,Moth,and Bedbugs. Non poisonous; won’t stain. Large bottles, at drug gists and grocers, 26 cents. . This great remedy CURES aH Nervous Diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Lost flanhood, Nightly Emissions, Evil Dreams, Varicocele; and strengthens the Generative Organs of either sex, that may be impaired through youthful errors, which soon lead to Consumption and Insanity. Sold with a guaranty to cure, or money refunded. $1 per box,'six for $5. Easily carried in vest pocket. Write us for free sample book and testimonials. Ask your druggjsts for them ; take no other, don’t let him sell you one of his own make under a for eign name. Address NERVE DROP CO., Grand Rapids, Mich., U. S. A. For sale by Rome Drug^Oo., and C. A. Trevitt, Rome, Ga. The Rosy Freshness AnS a velvety softness of the skin is inva- I riably obtained by those who use Pozzoni’s J Complexion Powder. f w y FREE: $20.00 IN GOLD. V 011 tl O* Bicycle,Gold Watch, Diamond * Ring, or a Scholarship in w-u ' 1 Draughon’s Practical Business B-Z/A/AVAjp* College, Nashville, Tenn., or * 7 exa rkana, Tex., or a schol- "-ship in most any other reputable business col lege or literary school in the U. S. can be secured by doing a little work at home for the Youths’ Advocate, an illustrated semi-monthly journal. It is elevating in character, moral in tone, and especially interesting and profitable to young people, but read with interest and profit by peo ple of all ages. Stories and other interesting matter well illustrated. Sample copies sent free. Agents wanted. Address Youths’ Advocate Pub. Co., Nashville, Tenn. [Mention this paper.] Cushmans MENTHOL INHALER -/rgh Caret ail trout lea or tlio H (nd an J I hroat CATARRH, hcADACKL 7* NEURALGIA, LaGRIPPE, BoM WILL® laiation stop s n sneezing, snuffing, coughing W? HEADACHE. Con tinned use eflevf '• / aVP. E CL. RE. W* endorsed ft, hlgbe:.t medical au JioriUui cl Euro;n re. America for ! X COLDS,Sore Throat \\\r Hay Fever, Bron chiti.i. La GRIPPE 1 V* The mobt De reshing ard* Healthful aiu tc HEADACHE Suffer er*. Brlpg* Sleep to the Sleepless. Cura. Insomnia and Nervou* Prostration. Don’t be fooled with worthies* imitations. Take only CUSHMAN'S. Price. 6Oc at ail Druggists, or mailed free. AGENTS WANTED CUSHMAN’S MENTHOL BALI.I wonder ful cures of Salt Rhjeum, Old Sores. Cuts, Wounds, Biiftis, Frostbites. Excels all other remedlee foi ; oannsa. Ind. «r M« dkasbou st_ ChiCaco. MJ. Are you 1 wtedL ||t y wholly satis* There’s a oeal of eatlsfac «• a tion when you know that f ICX Fl vou are str ng and well, if you are not, you ought to be. we will make you eo if pos sible. < >ur distinctive ... specialty is all diaeaaee pe- TXrtT'ri collar to men and women, vv > UA* auch as Blood Poison. Strle- tore, Nervous Debility, Kidney and Bladder Trou bles, Rheumatism, Catarrh, etc » al>o all d Beases of Jr L/Ul women. Call on or write us and if necessary we cin prove to you that we cure aa a. where some of the best CPIt r physicians have failed. • Mail treatment eived by sending for Symptom blank No. 1 for Men; No. 2 for Women; No. 3 for Skin Diseases; No. 4 for Catarrh. Cail on or address DR. HATHAWAY AICO. South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. “Better late than never,” T"he above old adage ’ $ I is as forceful now as ever and suffering ones will rejoice when they hear of the wonder ful efficacy of ICDIP A II A The M » rv « ,ous BLOOD ArnluANA purifier. Hundreds who have become discouraged ...... By trying a score of other remedies and upon whom the best of physicians kJ failed, have ere it was too late, heard of the grandest of all Medicines, $ ..Africana.. The Sure Cure for all Blood Diseases. For sale by all Druggists. yXAAAAAAA The Great Remedy, Africana. Rome, Ga., July 7, 1897, This is to certify that I suffered with old sores on my body. They were con sidered incurable. I have used four bot tles of Africana and am entirely well and the sores healed. Ned Hughes (Colored). » Ned Hughes is one of the best known and most reliable colored men in the city, and his word is considered as good as a bond. His statement made above as to the efficacy of the Africana remedy may be relied on as being absolutely true. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co., and Taylor & Norton, druggists Gome, Ga. VIM, VIGOR. VITALITY RESTORED 40 DAYS. Good Effects at Once. CATON’S VITALIZE!! Cures general special debility, wakefulness, spermatorrhoea, emissions, impotenty, pare sis,etc. Corrects functional disorders, caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring Lost Manhood in old or young, giving vigor and strength where former weakness prevailed Convenient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate. The Cure-is Quick and Thorough. Don’t be deceived by imitations: insist on CATON’S Vitalizers, Sent sealed if your druggist does not have it. Price $1 per pkge, 6 for $5, with written guarantee of complete cure. Information, references, etc., free and confidential. Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week’s trial treatment. One only sent to each person. CATON MED. CO., Boston, Mass M. A. THEDFORD’S VEGETUR.E Fen ■ Zi \ci’j;rr.'.r.vrsS DYSPEPSIA I ' jf.i | SICKOR {NDICESTJDU p,. \ / HCADACHP.. Jaumdice DOUR HESS OF Stomach Appof/tu None Genuine Without The Likeness And SiSNATUHE ofM.A.Thedford on FrontOf Each Wrapper. M.A.Thedforo Med.(§‘ r-’S Pawtucket Fur Company, 294 Main St, Pawtucket, R, I. WANTS ALL KINDS OF Raw Furs, Skins, G nseog, Senaca, etc Prices quoted for next 60 days are as fol lows: Silver Fox, sls 00 to $150.00: Bear, $5.00 to $25 00; Otter, $4 00 to $9.00; Martin $2.00 to $9.00; Beaver, $3.00 to $3.50 oer pound; Wolf, SI.OO to $2.00; Bed Fox, SI,OO to $2,00; Mink, 75c to $1.00; Skunk, 25c to $1.00; Gray Fox, 50c to 75c; Bat, 20c to 25c Price list on all other furs and skins fur nished upon application. Full prices guar anteed, careful selection, courteous treat ment, and immediate remittance oh all consignments. “Shall I not take mine ease ’ , la miMinai*— Hxxby IT. , , ; Elegant ; 7\ Meals i ■ \ The Best in the City. Prempt i Attention and High, Cool, i Airy Rooms. You pay only , i for what you order. , Warner’s Nonesuch Lunch Rooms For Ladies and Gentlemen. Sitting Room and Toilet , Conveniences are provided. , Cor. Peachtree and Marietta Sts. Morcros* Building. ATLANTA, GA. j TAKE ELEVATOR. FIFTH FLOOR. vFASHIONS BUT POZZONI’S POWDER X ij. MMA.NS AJLWAYS THE SAME. .j. XThe finest, purest and -.aost beauti- V tying toil, I powder ever made. It is Jk soothing healing, healthful and FA Jk harmless and when rightly used Is /k "A Invisible. If you have never tried POZZONI’S A vou do nor. know what an IDEAJu COMPI.EXION POWDIUt is. A IT IS SOLD EVEKTWHLRE. A A Haggard’S Sold IF KOT OK SALE AT YOUR PLACE ORDER FRO/A —^^Atlanta^Ga?-^ 5 ONE BOX" THREE BOXES $ I 00 SZ.SO J For nervous women that suffer from menstrual derangement they have no equal on the market. Sold by Curry- Arrington Co., and Taylor & Norton. Chronic Diseases of all forms Successfully Treated. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Palplta- - tion; Indigestion, etc. of the Nose, Throat and Lungs. Diseases Peculiar to Women, Prolapsus, Ulcerations Leucorrhea, etc,. Write, giving bistory of your case and it will receive immediate attention An opinion, price of treatinert pamphlet and testimonials will be sent you fbbs Dr, S, T, Whitaker, Specialist. 205 Norcross Building, Atlanta, G DELICIOUS CASTOR OIL STRANGE BUT TRUE. “Castor ean Honey,” Manufactured by the Atlanta Chemica Co., Atlanta, Ga., is pure Caster Oil, with all of its medicinal virtues, but actually agreeable to the taste. Think of it, a child will drink a whole bottle if allowed Sold only by agents and the Atlanta Chemical Co. Agents wanted. Address as -.bove. Stop When in Chattanooga, either on business or pleasure, at the most comfortable and convenvient hotel in the city. Stanton House, Near the Central Station and convenient to business center Rates, $2 a pay. M. M. Kline & Co. Proprietors- 3