The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 12, 1897, Image 3

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THE FACULTY ACTS Univehity Teachers Pass Resolution Concerning AtWelic Sports. TEAM COM I ENDED FOR DISBANDING Tt ey Displayed the Proper Spirit After Sad I oath of Von Gammon-Urged to Itefrala From Dangerous Sports. The last Wednesday’s issue of' tbe Athens Banner contains the following: In Faculty meeting, Nov. Sth, 1897 Whereas, In the absense of suitable provision by the university for the phy sical culture of its students, through systematic exercises of a gymnasium in charge of a qualified instructor, the stu dents necessarily resort to outdoor sports to secure such physical exercise as is necessary to the maintenance of health and bodily vigor, and Whereas, Being solicitous that ath letic exercises, sports and contests on the part of students of the university should be conducted in such manner as would best contribute to physical and moral development and be free from evils possibly incident thereto, the fac ulty without relinquishing their ulti mate authority or responsibility in con neotiou therewith, have, by tacit con sent. entrusted the management of such exercises, sports and contests to the Athletic Association of the University, a body comprising students, alumni, and members of the faculty and of the board of trustees, and directed mainly by an executive council known as the Athletic Council, composed of the physi cal director, and representatives of the students, the alumni, the faculty and the board of trustees, selected by the asso ciation, and Whereas, Tbe faculty have had and have full confidence in the wisdom and ability of said association and its Coun cil in the management of athletic mat ters connected with the university. Be it Resolved, I,' In view of the sad and deplorable accident by which Von Gammon, a student of the university, recently came to his death as the result of injuries received during an intercol legiate game of football, that the faculty earnestly recommend to the athletic as sociation, through the Athletic Council, that measuies be taken whereby stu dents of the University may be discour aged from engaging in such athletic contests as are not reasonably free of liability to serious physical injury. 2. That, being apprised, through the physical director, that the present foot ball team oi tbe Athletic Association has voluntarily disbanded and that tie Athletic Council has cancelled all en gagements for further participation in inter-collegiate games of football, tbe faculty heartily command the students and the council for such action, as being under the circumstances, praiseworthy and proper. A copy from the minutes. W. D. Hooper, Sec’y. University of Georgia, Nov. 6, 1897. Dr. C. H. Herty, Director of Physical Culture, University. Dear Sir:—ln accordance with the in structions of the faculty, 1 beg to hand you herewith a copy of action taken by the faculty for transmittal to the Ath letic Council of the Athletic Associa tion. Very truly, W. D. Hooper, Secretary of Faculty. Don't Tobacco uni BuiOhv If you want to quit lou’icco usiou eu»ii; and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic, lull of new life and "igur, lane No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac of your druggist, under guarantee to cure, 50c or SI.OO. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling KemedyCo.,Chicago orNew York. COULDN’T STOP THE RAILROAD. Mansfield Brothers Post Notices and , Build Fences. When the men in charge of the work of building the railroad from Emerson to the Wheeler iroh ore bank were ready to lay their track last week they met an obstacle, says the Cartersville Courant-Ainerican; two fences had been built across the right of way and notices were posted warning trespassers from property thus enclosed and naming the Gran ger Mining Company as those who might consider themselves warned. The property was claimed by the Mansfield Brothers. No previous no tices bad been given tbe company, but the grade had been made and tbe Mansfields removed the ties off the Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrify in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache. Hood’s insomnia, nervousness, and, _ if not relieved, bilious fever I R or blood poisoning. Hood's R R R Pills stimulate the stomach, “ ■■ ■ w** rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. The Only Pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Rheumatism Cure Is guaranteed to be absolutely harmless, and a strong tonic In building up the weak and debilitated. It cures acute or muscular rheuma tism In from one to five days. Sharp, shooting .pains In any part of the body stopped In * flew doses. A prompt, complete and permanent cure for lameness, soreness, stiff back and all pains in hips and loins. Chronic rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago or pain In the back are speedily cured. It seldom fails to give relief from one to two doses, and almost invariably cures before one bottle has been used. The Munyon Remedy Company prepare a separate cure for each disease. At all druggists—23 cents a vial. If you need medical advice write Prof. Munyon, 1605 Arch Street, Philadelphia. It la absolutely free. claimed land built tbe fences that the railroad builders found confronting them. The company sought terms to avoid delays that would hurt them when ready to lay their tracks and start op erations, which meant the raising and shipping of several hundred tons of ore per day, bat tbe Manbfields set their figures too high to suit them and the company took out an injunc tion on the proceedings. The Mansfields claimed the lands under a deed executed back in the sixties and had held possession until now. Tbe Etowah Company also held a quit claim deed to the land and a good claim behind it. Tne action of Judge Fite after hear ing the case on Monday, was to tbe effect of allowing the Etowah compa ny to proceed with their railroad ano tbe main issue will be tried at the next term of the superior court. Tbe com pany were required to make a bond. The Etowah people claim the land taken up is about one-twentieth of an acre worth at the rate of $5 per acre, twenty five cents worth of which is oc cupied. In contrast to this the Emerson Land company have, recognizing the value to the general community of having rail roads built or properties developed and employment given to workmen, given the right of way through their lauds, and so set a good example that we hope will always be follower by our people m similar cases. W » J. M. Thirswend, of Grosbeak,Texas says that when he has a spell of indi gestion. and feels sluggish he takes two of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers at night, and he is all right the-next morning. Many thousands of others do tbe same thing. Do you? For sele by Curry-Arrington C . CALVIN A <JA"NDIDATE. Representative From Richmond In the Race For Commissioner Agriculture. The Atlanta correspondent of the Macon Telegraph says: Representative Martin V. Calvin of Richmond county stated to me today that he would be a candidate next time for tbe office of commissioner of agriculture, that he bad an ambi tion to hold tbe place, and besides, he was being urged by friends ter stand for it. In this connection it might be well to say that ex-Congressman Ben Rus sell is here to make Harrali the coun ty judge of Decatur county and to in cidentally assist Senator O. B. Stevens of Terrill to be tbe commissioner of agriculture. Stevens, it will be re membered, was a candidate for con gress when Ben &ussell was nomina ted the first time, but the have buried the hatchet. Asked today if he would submit to to an interview on public questions, tbe Hon. Ben said “nit.” “We’ve got too many papers. We are loaded down with reading matter. Lots of days I throw my own paper down be fore 1 get it read all through.” Just try a 10c. box of Cascarels, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made, AN OLD MAM PASS-S AWAY. Ciiic*£o Minnr 1 i Ku<»in nt Him " indy < iiy. Chicago, Nov. 11.—Oimries Pearcey, who for 15 years was u tamiiiar figuru on West Madisou street, is dead. Ha was old, at least 55, when he took his lodgings in a, liu.e room at 224 Wts« Madison street. He liven the life of a recluse from the beginning. At time-i be did his own choking; some times he are in the cheapest restaurants of the neighborhood. He never did any work. Neither did he ever seem to be in actual want. He made no friends. He both ered no one. All he asked was to be let aloue. Yet there were things about the old man that provoked curiosity. He gave signs of having seen better days. The busybodies kept up their prying until they discovered that the old man had come to Chicago from Virginia. Next they learned that he hud a brother somewhere in the state who was a county meric or something of the kind. Still later it was reported that he hud another brother in New York who was rich. But tbe old man would not taik about himseif and would neitner affirm nor deny these reports. Although living the lite of a miser, an investigation of his room after his death shows that he was wealthy. The room was shabbily furnished and lit ters., with all sorts of odds and ends. Toe chances of finding anything seemed siighr, but from all sorts of impossib e places government bonds, money in small atnonnts. two watches, a memo randa showing deposits in various banks to the amount of SI,OOO and other valu ables were dragged our. The total amount ot h's wealth i« es timated at between $85,000 and $lO OJO To Care a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tbe money if it fails to cure. sc. TH» TOMK TiIIBITNTC. STIR IN BRAZILIAN SENATE, Statement of Government Supporter tsttara Quite a Rk> dr Janeiro, Brazil,Nov. 11.—Se nor Riveira, one of the government supporters in the Brazilian senate, de clared in open session of that body that the opposition had predicted rhe death of President Moraes before Nov. 9 This statement, taken in counectiin with the alleged plot which Led to the alleged at tempt to kill the president, caused u sensation. tie nor Barcelos of the opposition pro tested vigorously against this charge. In the chamber of deputies seabra, in an attack on the opposition, declared that an attempt was made upon the president by anarchists. This caused a hot discussion in that body. Many -charges have caused the onpo sitiou to issue a manifesto denying any responsibility for the attempt on Presi dent Morae’s life. This manifesto. Which sets forth that the attempt grew out of diecontent in the army, was not well received. Comparative quiet reigns in Rio Ja neiro, although the chamber of depu ties has passed a measure declaring the city under martial law. An armed patrol surrounds the city. Resolutions of congratulations for the president on his escape from assassina tion were passed. There is no need of little children being tortued by i-cald bead, eczema and skin eruptions. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures permanently. For sale by Cur ry-Arrington Co. rmi-tfin <u Floated. Glasgow, Nov. 11.—The Anchor line steamer which went ashore off the Isle of Irrau at the entrance of the Firth of Clyde proven to be the Persia, bound from Liverpool for Glasgow, as antici pated. She was floated at midnight and proceeded to her destination. Old Officer* <re Ke-Eleu ed. Charleston; Nov. 11. —The annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Carolina and Georgia railroad was held at the general offices of the company here. All the old officers of the com pany were re-elected. The reports were accepted with satisfaction. You can’t afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneumo nia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. For sale by Curry-Arring ou Co., Rome, Ga. 'TTiiool Burned. Charleston. Nov. 11.—Information reaches here of the destruction by fire of the Frederick Demining Industrial school at Maryville, S. C. The school was established by philanthropists for the advancement of the negro race. William White, a negro, who was as sisting in the .efforts to get the fire un der control, was probably fatally in jured by falling timber. The school was insured for about $2,000. It will be rebuilt. Disfigurement for life by burns o scalds may be avoided by using De- Witt’s Witcb Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. Jellico coal has no superior makes a quicker and hotter fire; less ashes; burns up cleaner and lasts longer than any other. A trial order will make you our customer, Office No, 5 Broad street. Telephone Nos, 182 and 183, H. G. Smith. O & A. In In Coaiditlon. Americus, Ga., Nov. 11.—The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Geor gia and Alabama railway was held here. The reports of the officers submitted showed the company to be in a highly nourishing condition. The gross earn ings for the fiscal year ending June 30 were $1,022,886. An increase over the previous year of $398,785. Net earn ings for the fiscal year were $284,051 Small pill, safe pill, best pilL Da Witt’s Little Early Risers cure bil iousness, constipation, sick headache. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. M*r. John J*, tobeu Marries. Atlanta, Nov. 11. Mr. John S. Oo hen, formerly private secretary to Sec retary Hoke Smith of the interior de partment, and Washington correspond ent of the Atlanta Journal, now asso ciate editor of that paper, was married here to Miss Julia Oiarke, a well known Atlanta society lady. Prisoner Fit es h J HI. Waycross. Ga., Nov. 11. —An es caped negro convict from Genoa, Fla., who was arrested here by Chief ot Police Miller, attempted to burn his way out of the city jail and was himself se riously injured. The flames were ex tinguished before much damage was done. SLEEP FOR SKIN-TORTURED BABIES And rest for tired mothers in a warm bath with Cuticura Soap, and a single application of Cuticura (ointment), the great skin cure. Cuticura Remedies afford instant relief, and point to a speedy cure of torturing, dis figuring, humiliating, itching, bnrning, bleed ing, crusted, scaly skin and scalp humors, with loss of hair, when all else fails. Bold throushouttho wotM. PorrssDsos asdCbsm. Cobp-, Bole Phot, Boston. ** How to Cure Skin-Tottered BoMeo,- 800. SKIN Don’t drudge. * Use Pearlinc. cX There is the secret cf a co.-YorLabb. pleasant, healthy life fir women. Don 1 : oia stand up over the wash-tub, do'.n.;- tii:Y IU/ grinding hard work, that isn’t f.t lor an; woman. Use Pearlinn. Soak the clothes [HI [d) over night, .vLEc ’you sleep • Lo'l them a— little; then there’s no work -,n do but to rinse them. Don't make a slave of y.our self trying" to scrub things clean in the ordinary ways. Use Pearlinc, and make ;! ,h work easy and quick and more economical. 537 When Olliers, FhII Consult. DR. NICHOLS Nichols Building, 407 Union St., NASHVILLE, TENN. The Leading and Most Successful Never Fails to Cure Syphilis, Stricture, Light Losses. Piles, Gleet, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Diseases of Women. BLOOD POISON days. You can be treated at home for same price under same guaranty. If you prefer to come here we will' contract to pay railroad fare and no charge if we fail to cure. LOST MANHOOD. Night Emissions, Impotency, the dreaded effects of early vice, which SPECIALIST brings organic weakness. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediufent will often be found, and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is Seminal Weakness. The Doctor will guarantee a permanent cure in all cases. WRITE for symptom blank. You can be cured at home by correspondence. U7DITI? for Symptom Blank, correspond- H Ull u ence private. All letters an swered in plain envelope. pantthjj | Female y | Regulator y W For all diseases peculiar to women and girls. < 1 d/ It Tones up the Nerves, Improves the Ap- < I <ll petite. Enriches the Blood, and gives Life, < t ill Health and Strength. It is the t QUEEN OF TONICS MAKES THS COMPLEXION OLEAS < > Us EDEE ! A bottle of “ Monthly ” Regulating ’ f l liLL i Pills with each bottle. For sale by ' j w all dealers or sent direct upon receipt of price ky w $ New Spencer Med. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. • ' t LADIES'SPECIAL TREATMENT: m <> JK cases requiring special treatment, address, J . J: giving symptoms, Ladies' Hedical De- i JJf partment. Advice and book on Female . . $ Diseases, with testimonials, free. J For Sale and Recommended by Curry-Arrington Co., J. T. Croucb & Co., Rome Drug. Co., -C. A. Trevitt and Taylor & Norton. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. HENRY H.BATTEY Surgeon and Ph/slaa, Home, ’• J Georgia Dr. D. T. McCALL Office 401 Broad Street, In Building Occupiedjby Rome Drug Co TELEPHONE 167. DR. JAMES E. IVEY, Physician; and Surgeon ROME, GEORGIA. Office over Rome Drug Company.) Telephone 157. ATIORNEYS. Wm. J. Neel, ATTORNEY AT LA|W, jBOME. GEORGIA. Office in New King Building. Will practice tn all the Courts. Spr < la! atten tion riven to Commercial Law and the exami nation of Land Titles. Halsted Smith, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office n City Ball, Rome. Oa. c. w. underwood ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rom*, GeorglH. CORPORATION LAW ONLY. Sheriff’s Sales for Dec., 1897. GR< RGIA. Floyd County. Will be told before the Court house door jn tbe city of Rome, Floyd county. Ga.. betwei n t-e legal home of sale, on the first Tuesday in D-.ceiuirr. 18s7, the following described prop erty to-wit: All that trac . or parcel of Uud lying, situated and being in the county of rioyd and-tate ot Georgia, and more particularly described s f dlo" e-sa all tii.t part or land lot No. 217 lying n >1 th and east of line straight from northwest co southeast corners of said lot; also a strip fronting Mill road one and one half acres from southeast corner, being in direc ion tows, ds tbe min; also a small tract off of souihwt st corn*' of li t >O. 236 about 20 by so feet, more or less; 1 vied on bv virtu. of a fi fa issued from ihe 9 9b district, G. M. Jus Ice Court, in f svor of ■ erbune-Nixon Co vs I T. O’Bryan and J. D O’Biyan; as the property of .I, D O’Bryan, one ot the defendants: levy made bv W M Byars, L. C. Also at the tame titre and place, all tbst trret or parcel of land lying and being in the 3d d o trict and 4th sectii n of Fkiyd county, Geor,'- and known and distinguished as lots Ncs .'65 s*B 634,635 6 6,637, 661, 662, <63 and a 1 that y... t ol 5'7 lying north ot Big Cedar crei k: also » I that part of f3l which lies north of Big Ctosr cm k, supposed to be 8 acres, more or less; »> <i all that pai tof 590 lying south of the ndddk t the channel or Big i edar creek and westol’le main i übllc road coßtaiulnr 2 seres, more ■ i less;' ha whole tract containing 460 seres, m<> e or less, and known as ’ Cottage Home,” a <1 being the farm wherdon M’jir.lno H. Dentie sided at the time ot his death. Levied on by virtue of a fl fa issued from the Floy d City Court iu favor of S. Funkboue-r ve- C D Henley, maker, and Mrs. Carrie M. Henley as guarantor »nd end< rser; as the property of Mrs. Carrie M. Henley. Also at the same time and phee, all that tract or paictl of land lying, situated and being in the : d district and 4th section of Floyd county, Geoigia, in the village of Cave Spring, Ga, known as part ot lot No, 929, and described as tollowa: bounded on the north by the property of 11. P chlldrers, <n the west by Cedartown read or street, on the south by tne Episcopal church and on the east by tbe Hearn School, together with all members and appurtenances hereto belonging. Levied on by virtue of ali fa Issued from tne Floyd Superior Court in favor of Mrs. E. J. Gresham vs. H. M. Penny and Julia Penny, as the property of Mrs. Julia A. Penny, one oi the defendants. Also at the same time and place, one black horse, mule about 11 years old, about 14H hands byh nime B< b. also cue light bay mare about 7 yeais old, ab(nt bands high nr me lean y a'eo carriage top sorry, side bar, bought of u. J. Price.also ipring one-horte wagon bought of J. L i ass In December, 1895, one single set one horee harness, one Towers plcw sto, k this befr g all property ihat could be found mentioned in this moi tgage flfa. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fl fa Issued from the Floyd City Conn in favor of Bass Bros & Co. vs- Julia T. Hunt; as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place, 'hat part of land lot No 270 in 23d district and 3d section of Fiojd county, Georgia, extending across said Jot from east to west ard lying just north of that portion of said lot sold to Anthony Smith, and containing 59 and 23-100 acres as appears by reference to a plat of the same, made by Hine M. Smith, also that parcel of land lying in 23d district and 3d section Floyd county, Georgia, 15 acres of lot No. 270, which is fully de scribed In a decree in the case of Claik Pruitt vs. Elizabeth Davie, in Floyd Superior Court, ao joining tbe above described 15 acres and Alex Hawkins property and Clark Pruitt’s land; all f said property- being the same upon which C' zar stalling new resides. Levied on by virtue of two flf..s issued fromtbe 1048thdistricts. M. Justice couit In favor of J.B. Cbamlee, trane teree, v«. C< zir Stallins; as the vr pertv of ’he defiildant. Levy trade by Joe Lanham, L. C. Also st the same time and place, one lot in tbe city of me, Floyd county, Georgia, upon which Is situated the power house of the Rome Street Ra iroad Company, together with the improvements thereon, the same is situated on the east side of Eighth avenue, 4 motor, 3 open cars, Nos. 2, 3 and 4 rtspectively, and 1 closed car No. 1. all of said cub equipped and In good running order; also 2 engines made by The Ball Engine Co., and being of one hundred and fifty horse power each; also 3 one hundred horse power boilers made ny same company and fullv supplied with all necessary app iances; aiso one railway generator one hundred and thirty horse power, with neceesa>y switch board and equipments; one lot cf car repairer tools, one lot of track tools, also all lands, depots, depot grounos. station houses, all railroads, tracks, ride tracks and switches. Levy made July Sth, 1894 at 8:30 A. M. The sheriff an ends his above entry and return of levy by adding that the above property at the time es levy was n pos session of the defendant fn H fa, Levied on by virtue of a fl fa issued from tbe Floyd City C< urtin favor ot Watters and Garland vs. Rome Street Railroad Company, as the property ot the defendant. Also at the same time end place, one resi dence lot with improvements thereon, in the Fifth ward of the city of Rome Floyd county, State of Georgia, said lot fronting on Main St. 3 II feet, and running back seme width 300 leer, and hour ded north and east by Lytle property west by Rupee pr >perty and south by Main St., and being the seme on Oct. Ist 189 > owned and occupied bv said defendant, with a special lieu as of date o"f oct- let, 1890. Levied on bv virtue of a flfa Issued from Floyd superior Court iu favor of tbe Trustees of Ripon College. Rip< n Wiscon la vs. Jessie C. Lytle, as tbe property of the defendant. Al <o at the same time and pise*, 5 incandes cent electilc dynamos Nos 555, 651. 552. and 664 Edison General Electric Company and No 287 dfsonElectric. Light Company, snd one switch boai din the power of the city of Electric Rail way Company on Eighth avenue In the city of Rome Georgia. Levied on by virtue of a flfa is sued of a fira issued from the F oyd CPy Court in favor of Fouche & Fouche vs The Rome Electric Light Company as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place, all that tract or parcel of land situated lying and being in Floyd County. Georgia. 23rd district and 3rd section and being part of land lot No 275 in 23rd district and 3rd section of said cosnty in what is known as Cheney’s addition to East Rome, said lot being in frontorwest of the residence lot of Capt. R. G. Clark, on the west side of Gor don street beginning at the Northern inters»c tlon of LeHardy’s spring branch and west side ot Gordon street 20u feet more or less, le. vine a 10 toot alley between the property herein de- scribed a’ d the lot of Mrs. A. H. Ch«-eey tbis alley way to be kept open, thence west 335 feet more or less to an elm tree at or near the inter section of LeHardy ’s spring branch ar d a ditch, thence nn and along the northern bank of Lo fi udy’s spring branch to the beginning point on the West side »f Gordon street, said lot being in the shape of a tri angle with the base on Gor don street, this being the property desi rlbed in the within attachment flfa. Levied on bv vir tue of an attachment flfaissued from the Floyd Justice Court of tbe 919th dis’-iict G. M. iu favor ot Fannie L Tracy vs Lola Wilder end Mattie Thomas, as the i roptrty ot the defend ant. , also at the same time and place, a certain city lot together wtb the resloenoe. dwelling bouse and improvements built thmei.u: “and espe cially a certain town lot In Printup city, which includes lots Noe 93 and 94. aeco ding to a sur vey wh’Ch appears irom.aud is shown bv a map of said Printnp city ot file in tbe o tbe superior court, of said c innty, tJo lot, which inemdes nos. 93 and 94. fronts no teet on Forsyth -t. between second and third streets, and rnns ba< k same width to a depth of 9) feet, together with a new dwelling house, and all other improvements erected snd bnllt thereon.” Levied on by v.rrue of a special lien flfa. issned from tbe Flovd Superior Court, in favor ot R. H. Johnson w. L D. McCurry as the property Why not Buy a Piano At Home Where jou are id position to gr’t one at the lowest possible price, frotn one of the largest dealers in the South. The E. E. Forbes Music House is enjoying one of the most prosperous year s in the history of its exis ence, and is betLer pre paired than ever to trade with you in away to save you money. Call on or wri e them for prices on CONOVER, KARNICK & BACH, BEHR BROS, KNABE, CCHBERT AND KINGSBERRY PIANOS Found at 327 Broad St.. Rome, Ge, S. P. DAVIS. Manager of the defendant, to satisfy the within special lien flta against the property hen in described, Alto at the same time and place, all thoee’ lots ot land numbers 10, 11. 12.13 14, 15, 16. 17 r 18, 19. 20,21, 31, 85 59, 69,61. «3, 65, 64, 70 71,78, 79, 93, 94. «5, l!6. 97, I(i3. Il 6, 107, 108, 09, HO, 111, 112. 113.114, lift, 116, 117,118,119,120, 121, i24,anl 126 in the Stansberry addition to Notth Rome, known as Fair View, Floyd < onnty Georgia, levied on by virtue "f a fila Issued fr<m Floyd Justice Court of tbe 919th district. G. M. in favor' of Holme-, Juhneon <fc Garlington ve, C. W. Underwood, u oministrator ot J. A. Stansbury deceaseo, as ihe property of J *, Stansbuiy t» thehandsoft W. Underwood, Aduinistratdr ot the estate of J. a Bunsuury. Also at theesme lime and piece, west half of land lot one hundred and two 1102) fourth dis tiict and fourth section, Floyo County, Georgia containing eighty (80) acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage flfa issued from tbe Floyd supeaior com t. in f vorof D A Hettle vs Thomas L Harden, as the property of tbe defend ant. J. P. MCCONNELL, Sheriff. Sheriff Tax Sales for Dec. 1897. GEORGIA Floyd County. Will be sold before tne court house door, in the city of home, Floyd count’, Ga.. between the legal hcurs of sale, r-n tbe first ’(needav in December, 1897, the following detcrlLed prop erty, by virtue of state and county tax fifes, in favor of the State of Georgia. county ot Floyd issued by the tax collector tn Floy-i counit Ga., and : gainst the following named defendants: Aleoat the seme time and place, land lots numbers 170,160, 156, 155, and 131 in the 22nd dis trict and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga., tax for the year 1896. as the propiry of Chas. I. Craton, administrator. Also at the same time snd place, all those lots numbers 10,11,12, 13,14,15,16,17, 18, i 9, 20, 21.34, 85,59,69.61, 63 64.65,76.71,78. 79, 93, 94, 95,96 97, 193 196,107.11.8, 109, 110, Hl, 112.113, 114, 116.110. 117, 118 119,129, 121, If 4, and 125 In the Stansbury addition to North Rome, known - as Fair View Floyd county, Ga.,tax for the years 1894, 1895 and 1896, as the property of Chas. Underwood, Administrator Stansbury. Also at the fame time and place, all that trac or parcel of land lying and being in Forestville Floyd coun-y Ga., adjoining the lands rwned by Geo. P. Burnett, and more particularly de scribed as a triangular piece of land fronting 4fo feet on tbe right of way of the Southern R’y. Company and running back 285 fe>t to a point in an alley between tbe lands of said Sheibley and said Burnett; thence back 340 feet to the eaid right, of way of Southern Railway Company containing one acre m< re or less, Ena incluqing a street to be left open to the public, this being an indivisible tract, tax for the year 1896, as the property of Southern Steel Alumi num & Alloy Company. Also at the same t me and place, that tract or parcel of land being part of lots 315 end 3 4 in the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county Georgia, commencing at the corner ot Mrs. J. E, Hendrick’s rot on Howard avenue beyond East home and running south east alorg said Ave. 194 feet to ihe corner of Mrs Mary Robinson’s lot and tber ce along the line of her lot weer 235 feet to Bill street, thence 94 fezt. thenee west to original starting point 235 feet, tax for the year 1893, as the property of Miss Mat Hurt, levy made by J. A, Jones L, C Also at tbe same time and place, one residence lot with buildings thereon being city lotN» 11’4 in North Rome. Floyd county Georgia fronting on corner of broad St, 39 feet and running back same width 96 feet along third street and being •neblock from the Rone A Decatnr Railroad depot, tax for the year-* 1895 and 1896, as the property of V iiliam M. Bridg< s. Also at tbe same time and place, a one twelfth undivided imereat in the following tract of land, lying and being apart < f land lot No. I 326 in the 23rd dietrict and 3rd section of Floyd I connty Georgia, described as follows, being ! designated as lota “A” & -B” of Ban well’s 1 tuivey of the Glanton place, near East Rcme, Isaid lots lying contiguous to each other and con t Ining about 25 aeies. being bounded on tbe north by Veal’s property on tbe sonth by lot ”C.” on the east by Lean St. and on the west by lands of 1, H.Miller, taxes for the tears 1886, 1895 and 1896, as the property of W. If. zidkins. Also at the same time and place, city lot No -65 in the Etowah division of the city of Rome, Floyd connty Georgia tax for the yea-s lEB6 and . 18£6 as the property cf Miss Mary \dkins. I Also at the seme time and place, all t hat tract ior pates’ of land eitngtsd. lying and being 1- tbe county of Flovd State of Georgia, being part of 'city lot number 9in tbe Oostanaula division of | the city of Rome Georgia, fronting on Broad street 'went? two feet, more or leer, measuring from ihe corner of lot No. 8 and extending back along and adj ining lot No 8 sixty six feet, more or less. The 22 teet Ir nt is the same covered by tbe brick building now on said lot. Levied on to satisfy snecial tax e due State and ' county for the year 1 96 by Joseph Robmeon, agent for his wife. Mary J Robinson, as the . pioperty of Joseph Robinson Agt. Also at the same time and place, one 41 herse power engine, and boiler, one planer and matcher, Richardson make, one rip saw machine, one resaw machine, one eager lathe one eager band saw. one Frank pnny planer, one six Inch moleing machine, ose jointer, one shaper, one ' forge, one resaw with counter shaft, two sanders, two door and sash clamps, one dado machine, two moulders, one tenon machine, one mortieer, one sash machine, one dour till machine, one shaper, one swing cut off, one boring machine, one blind slat bor. r, one blind slat wirer. one Iron frame variety saw, 80 feet msfn ihalting, all ci nplera, hangings, pulleys, and belting, tax for the years 1894 and 1896 as the property ot the Pat ion Sash, Door& Blind Co. • Also at the same time and place, 1 oil tank, 1 sti ve, 1 pair ot truck', 3 show cases, 1 cigar sign, lin n asfe, 1 tods fount. A. D. Puffer make, 1 gas generator, 1 stock of goods constst ing of drug-, medicines, cigar-, tobacco, soap, seeds and all fixti>ria in store home on Broad Bt. low ocenpi-d by P. L ""nrn'ey & Co tax for the yes s 1889. I‘SO. 1892. 1693, :894, 1895, and 1896, ’hs above property will lie eolo ar rhe store bouse on broad stieet now cc’ npied bt P, L, Tnrnley & ?0., as thd property of P. L. Tnixley St Co. Also at tbesame time and place a!) that tract or paici lofluml known and deter bed as the east half of land lot nnmter >4l in rhe 22nd, Disiriil ai d 3rd Sec. of Fioyd Co., Ga., exoept 20 acres sold < ft of tht sum beast o.t-ner to Ade-. line F. Bradshaw, as appears in bo< k V, page 2M in roe office oitbe clerk of the superior conrt ror B'ioyd Co.. • a., eaid lot containing sn uerre more or less, tax lor the year 1894 is i lie pro; er- , ty of P H C Wood agent for W H Wood estate. Also at the same time and place one two-story dwelling and lot nin-ber 7c, Utuated oa the west corner of Ninth avenue aid Broad stieet in the Ooetanaula dlv.sioß of tbe eity of Rone Floyd < O, Ga, tex for tbe yeat 1894 as tbe prop erty of Mrs L W Adklaa.