The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 12, 1897, Image 5

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HUVETCU TOO MUUH HOKEY? We ask the above question and know what your answer will be before it is heat'd. We know you have not as much as you Want, hence we call your attention to the fact that he wno trades with us saves money 12 months in the year. We have bargains tor you all the time but in a verv few davs we Will tell yon of some that will start the competitors tongues to work try i g ing to exp ni' now we can sell goods »<> cheap and why they cannot sell t-t'etn as we do. Watch for our next ad. This mb; we will sell you 2 nice fat mackerel for 5 cents, these mackerel are small but very sweet and. fat. one fine fat mackerel for 10 cents. A fine macker 1 with heads and tails cut off for 12 I 2 Cents. If vo« can buy one like them anywhere in town for 15 r< nt.s we will let you breakfast on ours a' our expense. 15 Cant bottle of House-bold Am monia for 7 cents 65 cent sack salt f0r.45 cents. A 6 ' cents gallon syrup for 50c. A 40 cents gallon black molasses for 25 cents. A 50 cents gallon New Orleans syrup for 35 cents. Qjait pi k* s tor ten cents, old old r.rice 15 c ii s W'e have as tine salmon as was ever packed iu a can. and one which we had' packed for us on the co«st, intending to sell it at 20 cen’s the can. as we sold it for 25 cents last season, but we have cut the profl ; feature from it and will sell i\for 15 cents thecan, knowing it will be a winner lor us. Ask tor Ham’s fancy almon and you will get a can th t would cost you 20 cents anywhere else. E ch can has our name on it If you want something cheaper we will give you a tine grade for 10 cents the can, Tennessee Buckwheat Flour, You know when you get Ten nessee buckwheat you are get tirg the best. It is a little high, but the quality makes up for the price. 25 pounds tor $1.25. Then comes Map e syrup It cannot be made better than oUr Pure Maple Syrup It s a pure ap Maple and will please all who know what good m»p'e syrup is. The price is very much lower than that of last season, t Q. and Q. That means Quality and Quan tity. and is the name of rhe uest M< Cha and Java coffees roasted and packed in cans. Money cannot buy it any better. and if you pan set as good anywhere 3 pounds for $1 00, then you will get a can of Q and Q gratins. If you want c:»ffee ten pounds for the dollar you can get it from us that is good value. Flour, Hand’s Best has stood the test, and stands today without a complaint Laving been entered up against it. It is the best that can be made, and if you can find it as good in Rome for the same money, then you get a barrel of Hand’s Best free. HAND & CO, Opposite Armstrong Hotel. Rome, Ga., Nov. 6, 1897. * How to Break a jjj J Watch? * t*t-«c**«eeeeee»e* Drop It I How to Fix It ? 4 CARRY IT TO JOE VEAL’S. He doep the work the best. WEAK MAN CURE YOURSELF. '"'s. Dr. ttrady’a wonderful Irish * jW \ Invigorator the groat at in .. k i.tneoy for Lost Manhood. vt overcomes prematureners au<l etons all unnatural *flrjsw|l drains and loss a. All small jJjPJ yjVtbuweak organs enlarged and 1 >'fSitievEthened. Sufferers bv ■L i ' I>y remitting $1 CO a sea-d k* u ' containing SO pills. Ims aretuliy compounded, will WMW*gbvlCW'jfrr» '» Bent by mail tn- m our Isli hady oratory, or we will furnish Success for 50 yrs. ’lx packages for |n w th a 200,000 Cured. GUAkAN TEE to cure or money refunded. A'l letters confidential, and goods sent with fuU lAOtrno , lions free from observation. Address, CBYBTAI. MED. CO, Lowell, Maas. SYNOD YESTERDAY ■ » -Wi.. ./• Morning Session Doioied lo Subject of i Christian Education. ' PLUKKETT OPPO'ED TO WOMENS CLUBS ; Subject of Foreign Missions Discussed Last Evening in a Most Interest ing anti Entertaining Manner. _ The synod of Georgia held its first day session yesterday morning. The session opened with devotional services at 9:30 o’clock. I’he subject of Christian education was discussed luily and at length by Dr. F. H. Gaines, president of Agnes Scott In stitute, Dr. J. T. Plunkett, Dr. Barnett and Dr. J. W. Walden. This session lasted from 9:30 to 12:30, when an adj >urnment was had until 2:30 o’clock. Dr. Plunkett’s address was eloquent, stirring and created quite stir. He put himself on record as opposed to woman’s clubs. Dr. Piunkett said that 75 percent of the criminals of today were young men under the age of 30 years, ..nd attributed it to the lack of home influences. He said the mother was lunning after these clubs too much and neglecting the home, and that the sweet and holy influ ences of the home circle were suffering as a consequence. He s ud he longed to see the day when women would cease to appear on the ros trum as a public speaker, and stop elbow ing her way to public notice through such methods. His closing perioration to chaste and beautiful motherhood was a rare gem of eloquence. The others we :e also opposed to the co-education scheme and spoke against it. There were many ladies present dur ing the session, and heard the talks ot these gentlemen Afternoon Session. It was near 3 o’clock before the synod was called to order. Dr. Barnett sub mitted his report on the work of the several presbyteries on home missions. The report was referred to a special committee on home missions. Rev. Mr. Hyde, chairman of the committee.- Dr. J. K. Hazen secretary of the As sembly’s Executive Committee of Pub lication, Richmond, Va., was heard. He spoke of the distribution of tracts, hymn books and all kinds of literature to the Sunday schools in mission fields. The committee has done a noble work also in distributing libraries. Dr. Hazen outlined the duties of the committee. The General Assembly had directed that an annual collection be made for the maintenance of the work, and also appropriated $20,000 as an ad junct to tne fund so collected. 4 The average collection has been SB,OOO since this branch has been organized. The collections have not kept pace with the growth of the church, and unless the amounts become larger the colpor turage must be dropped. The address was referred to the committee on educa ticn. Dr. J. H. Lumpkin, of Memphis, as sembly secretary of education, was heard. He presented .three propo sition: 1. Educated ministry is necessary. 2. In order to secure a competent ministry the benificiary method of education must be kept up. 3. The success of the system depends upon carefully guarding it. Dr. Lumpkin’s talk was strong and earnest. He told in details of the work of educating young men for the ministry. After other routine business, the Synod adjourned until the night session. Committees Appointed. The following committee were ap pointed: Devotional Exercises—Dr. G. T. Goetchius, chairman. “lUDDER TROUBLES. The bladder was created pur pose, namely a receptacle for the urine, and as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one or two days. The first way is from imperfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from 1 careless local treatment of other dis eases. SAMPLE SENT FREE Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid neys is the chief cause of bladder trou bles. It is comforting to know that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root fulfills every wish in quickly curing bladder and urin nary troubles. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding or stinging pain in passing it, dr bad effects follow ing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is soon realized It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most disti easing cases. If you need a tnedlcide you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bot'le and pamphlet, both sent free by mad. Men tion The Rome Tribune and send your j address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing bampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this j paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. ■ THE 1 ’ rUiDAY. SbvfMBEB 14, •’•18W. dr* C < Beautiful eyes grow dull and dim As the swift years steal away. Beautiful) willowy forms so slim Lose fairness with every day. But she still id queen and hath charms ta spare Who wears youth's coronal beautiful hair. •vn/Ws/w* Preserve Your Hair and you preserve your youth. "A woman is as old as sha looks,” says the world. No woman looks as old as she is If her hair has preserved its normal beauty. You can keep hair from falling- out, restoring Its normal color, or restore the normal color to gray or faded hair, by the use of Ayer’£ Hair Vigor Narrative—Rev. C. C. Carson, chair man. Bills and Overtures—Dr. 8. L. Mor ris, chairman. Theological Seminary—Dr. J. W. Walden, chairman. Judicial Business—Dr. J. T. Plunk ett, chairman. Financial— W. G. Woodbridge, chairman. Leave of Absence —W. E. Dozier, chairman. Ministers of General Assembly—Dr. J. B. Mack, chairman. Printed Records—Dr. T. Cleveland, chairman. Presbyterian Record: Atlanta—L. A. Simpson, fl. H. Lo gan. Augusta—W. S. Hatniter, J. J. Jones. Cherokee —N. B. Mathis, W. S. But tolph. Macon—R. S. Fulton, R. A. Steel. Savannah—William McKay, J. M. Lowery. Night Session. The services last night were devoted to foreign missions. Dr, Marion Hull was the first speak er of the evening. He will shortly go to China as a missionary. He illus trated his talk with charts, which showed the work of the missionary branch. The United States spends $5,000,000 annually for ostrich feathers and foreign missions. For chewing gum $22,000,000. For church work at home $100,000,- 000. For tobacco $400,000,000. For liquor, $1,200,000,000. Dr. Reed of Nashville chairman of the assembly committee on foreign missions was heard. He told of an instance several years ago when dis aster threated the mission work Salaries of missionaries were about due, and no funds were on hand to pay them. An appeal was made to the people for their prayers, and then to come to the assistance of missions. The response was most generous money poured in from every side, and funds were soon in hand to disburse all obligations. . From the Ist of September to the eighth of November this year the re ceipts have fallen off more than $12,- 000. Again it became necessary to lay these sad facts before the people and appeal for help. He spoke of the harm done the work of the church by yellow fever. ' The synods oi Miss ssippi and Alabama have suffered more than any others. The emtributions for foreign missions in these two synods have fallen off $1,632 He argued that if the people spent $22,000,000 for chewing gum, the falling off could not be attributed to poverty. The widespread feeling of fin ancial stringency was the primal cause. The average Christian does not feel it incumbent upon himself to curtail his in come for the purpose of contributing to foreign missions. Old orthodox churches must glean lessons from fanatical enthu iasts upon sustaining their institutions and furthering the work Dr. .1. W. Walden then addressed the synod on foreign missions. Christ, he said, was the great missionary. He was not satisfied with ministering to the Jews, but went into other lands to preach His lesson of love and mercy. His talk was short but eloquent, and he pointed out the great good arising from foreign missions. The synod will convene again this morning At 9:30 o’clock. Routine busi- ness will occupy the attention of the synod. This evening at 7:30 o’clock synodical communion will be the order. Dr. James Y. Farr, of Savannah will preach. Services On Sunday. , The pulpits of the Rome churches will be filled on Sunday by visiting ministers. Dr. J. W. Walden, of Athens, will preach at the First Methodist chtneti on Suuday morning. He was former ly pastor of a large church in New Orleans and is regarded as a verj strong man. The pulpit of the First Baptist church will be filled by Dr. J. T. Pluuket. He is one of themostelo quent and scholarly ministers of the denomination. Announcement of the other appoint ments will be made tomorrow. When in need of coal call up H. G. Smith 'Phone Nos. 182 arid 183. COLORED SYNOD. They Held Meeting Yesterday and Trans acted Much Important Business The Atlantic Synod met in Ebenczer Presbyterian church yesterday at-9 o’clock. Revs. L. W. Coates, J. C. Hunt and Lewis of M. E. Church and Revs. J. D. Poindexter. Darden and Miller of Baptist churches of this cry were invited to sit as correspondin ' members. Committees of recordset the several presbyteries were appoint ed. The questioji of establishing a mormon bureau was discussed. Abie addresses were delivered by Revs. Cole and Dillard showing the pernicious doctrine of Mormonism. On the strength of their addrees.-s a bu re«.ii was established. A beautiful gavel was presented to the moderator by the colored W. C. T. U. on condition that moderator should be a tetotler. It was received in a befitting speech by Dr. Brown moderator. A request from the generally assem bly to the synod for the proper obser ation of the Sabbath day was consid ered and discussed. The home missionary board was re ported by Chairman M. S. Johnson, of Columbia, after thorough discussion was adopted with the following recom mendation, “That the synod urge upon all the churches in its bounds to take a collection for this board each year and forward the same to the board. Last evening a pouular meeting in the interest of Sabbath school and publica tion work was held. Dr. Coles, clerk of synod, discussed the subject of education, stated that the policy of the church has been from the beginning, not only to educate her minis ters, but the masses of people; spoke also of the difficulties of the problems involved. Dr. Sanders said that the church has always been liberal in its policy of educ ation, not only her own ministers but many able and strong leaders of other denominations also. The Woman’s Missionary society will conduct the popular meeting tonight. The public is invited. Cascar ts stimulate liver, kidngys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. 10c, OA&TOIATua.. fte fie- /J , I can supply you with the best Jellico coal. Office No. 5 Broad street, Telephone Nos. 182 and 183, H. G, Smith, HlsvAarck’n Health Better. Fkederichsruhe, Nov. 11.—There is nothing to cause anxiety as to the con dition of Prince Bismarck, contrary to the report published in the United States. His facial neuralgia has been aggravated by the east wind, which has prevailed recently, and thus prevents him from going out driving. But the general health of the ex-cliaucellor is better than usual. I can supply you with the best Jellico Coal Office No. 5 Broad street phone Nos, 182 and 183, —H. G. Smith, A rfiie Ikmoh *»or<e Dead. Nashville. Nov. 11. Malvolio, owned by Jake Marklein and John Fay. died at Cumberland park o: catarrhal fever. He was one of the best 2 year-olds in the west, and his owners recently refused $19,000 for him. Mal voiio had been sick for several days. For room house water and gas and all mod' em conveniences on First avenue, opposite Mr, Coker’s, now occupied by Mr. Roddy, Possession Dec. 1. Apply to J, Branham, When in need of coal callup H, G, Smith 'Phone Nos, 182 and 183, A big stock of plaid silks at Bass’, Beautiful Line Bridal Presents and Fine Cut Glass at J.T. CROUCH & GO’S. Finest toilet goods, Huyler’s candy, choicest perfemerits. Our extracts are the best and purest. Our stock of Pure Drugs and Patent Medicines ate strictly firs: class and up--to-daie. In our prescription di partment our Dr. D»vis is ever ready to fill your wants, bigot, or day. Prescriptions are compounded accura’ely and de ivered to arty part of the city. We ate carrying the best, line o’ fancy at tides in Cut Glass. Our line ot per fumes is tl.e best the maiket affords. Ladies can find just what they want for bridal presents at prices which cannot be duplicated “uiside of New York city. At •nr fouttain yon can be refreshed with Hot Chocolate, Hot Coffee, Hot Beef Broth ; all delightful drinks. Call on us and you will find the best of < v r; thing Otir line of Cigars and Tobacco has never been so full and with such brands that delight tne taste. Try Our 5 cent c'gar, J. T. CROUCH & CO,, 300 Broad St.; Rome, Ga. Wv 0 aSk Thanksgiving Visits, \llr/i ;\< I when invited out to dinter, should be ■?.] I I made in the tiea’e-t. and mint faSbion- I YKw* able attire, and yout hat, you must w® remember, hangs on the bat rac.c at Mir 'il IW W'B I «l Jw the entrance door, so adoin it with Ufl i isl i ucMWiYo one of our ultra fashionable Derbys IH 'I Or Fedora9 ’ of ' he ,ute9t 1897 Winter ffljy styles, in quality fine as silk, and at M1 prices abnormally low. J. A. GAMMON A CO. TO HELP GOLD. Senator Bacon and Congressman Tate Want a Special Man For Georgia Gold. Senator Baeot. and Congressman Carter Tate were in conference yester day over a matter which is of interest and importance to the.state at large, and particularly the northern portion of it, says the Constitution. The great increase in the gold de velopments in Northern Georgia and in some portions of the western and eastern sections of the state is respon sible for this movement on the part of the senator and representative from the ninth. They are going to endeavor to secure from the United States geological survey the assign ment of a special man to the Georgia gold territory for the purpose of mak ing an assay of all the gold properties of the state. It is believed that this would be a vast practical benefit to the state. Such an expert would not conflict with the state geologist’s work, but would be suplemental to it, and would be of special value as coming from a representative of the national government, his opinion car rying great weight, especially with foreign investors, who are anxious to obtain the most substantial and re liable information concerning the Georgia gold fields. The matter will be brought before the director of-the survey as soon as possible. Diseases often lurk in the blood be fore they openly manifest themselves. Therefore keep the blood pure with Hood’s Saraparilla. Koar. Boston, O, Nov. 11.—By the collapse of a 3 i-toiy brick building, winch was being remodeled at the south end, four men were injured.- one of whom will pronabiy d’iq. . , The injured: Moses Lieketsrein, ‘right arm broken, badly crushed about tne body and internally injured; Simon Kifferdltch, face bruised ami head crushed; Haverloch, right arm bruised; T. McLane, a pe destrian, who was struck by flying bricks. How to Cure Billons Colic, I suffered for weeks with colic anl pains in my stomach, caused by bilious ness, had to take medicine all the while until I used Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured me. I have since recommended it to a good many people. Mrs, F. Butler, Fairhaven, Coon. Persons who are subject to bilious colic can ward off the attack by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by Curry-Arrington Co., Rome, Gi. Arnold’s Bromo-Celery. The greatist remedy of the 19th century for headaches. lOcts. For sale by Curry-Arrington- Company. Bass’ for blankets. O-.. -. ... isv we -» , For Rent—The store next to Rome Grocery Co., now occupied by us for storage purposes. 11 9 6t. H. D. Cothran & Co. For Rent—ln East Rome seven room residence with cistern and City water. R. J. Ragan. 28 6t. Will Lend $600.00 ON Real Estate. M. N. West & Co. r’a-wnbroßerei, No. 24, Broad Street. Surity for All We Will Bond You! We, wiil make bonds for officers and employees. Also bonds for ad ministrators, executors, guar dians, trustees, Receivers, as signees, replevin, attachment and injunction cases, and all undertakings in judicial pro cedings. We are also bond contractors. For particulars call on H. Yancey & Co. SSOO Reward! XT E will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, &»ick Headache In digestion Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West’s Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, aud never fail to give sat isfaction. Pugar Coated. Large boxes, 25 cents, Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen uine manufactured only bv THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO. ILL. For sale by Curry-Arrirgton Co. wholesale druggists, Rome. Ga Ostrich Boas, Plumes and Tips Cleaned, Curled and Dyed. Kid Gloves cleaned, 15c to 50c per pair, I. PHILLIPS Whiteha lSt„ A flan a Ga. Kill to Live. That living germs oy millions infest the human system and produce dis eases of blood and nerves is no longer a theory but a proven fact. That King's Royal Sermeteur Cures these diseases in a speedy and pleasant way, is equally proven. Is here. Look to. your health at the beginning of the hot. season. 'Keep Germeteur on hand. Use it an'a tonic preventive and . cure. Sold hvery-' where. SI.OO per bottle. Atlanta Chemical 4!0,. Atlanta, 6a. MANUFACTURERS.: