The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 13, 1897, Image 5

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HAVEYOUIOO MUSH MONEY? We ask the above question and know what your answer will be before it is heard. We know you have not as much as you Want, hence we call your attention to the fa st that he who trades with us saves money 12 months in the year. We have bargains for you all the time but. in a ver»’ few davs we Will tell you of sorue that will start the competitors tongues to work tryi g ing to explai.t how we can sell these goods so cheap and why they cannot sell them as we do. Watch for our next ad. This week we will sell you 2 nice fat mackerel for 5 cents, these mackerel are small but very sweet and fat. one tine fat mackerel for 10 cents. A fine inacken 1 with heads and tailscut off for 12 1 2 Cents. If yon can buy one like them anywhere in town for 15 c»nts we will let you breakfast on ours ar our expense. 15 Cent bottle of House-hold Am monia for 7 cents 65 cent sack salt for 45 cents. A 6) cents gallon syrup for 50c. A 40 cents gallon black molasses for 25 cents. ASO cents gallon New Orleans syrup for 35 cents. Quait pi kl s for ten cents, old old price 15 cm s We have as Hue salmon as was ever packed in a can, and one which we had packed for us on the coast, intending to sell it at 20 cents the can, as we sold it for 25 cents last season, but we have cut the profit feature from it and will sell it for 15 cents the can, knowing ;it will be a winner for us. Ask for Hand’s fancy c almon and you will get a can th t would cost yon 20 cents anywhere else. E ch can has our name on it If you want something cheaper we will give you a fine grade for 10 cents the can, Tennessee Buckwheat Flour, You know when you get Ten nessee buckwheat you are get ting the best. It is a little high, but the quality makes up for the price. 25 pounds tor $1.25. Then comes Maple syrup It cannot he made belter than our Pure Maple Syrup It:S a pure •ap Maple and will please all who know what good maple syrup is. The price is very much lower than that of last season. O. and Q, That means Quality and Q tan tity. and is the name of the uest M Cha and Java coffees roasted and packed in cans. Money cannot buy it any bettir, and if you can get as good anywhere 3 pounds for $1 00, then you will get a can of Q and Q. gratius. If you want coffee ten pounds for the dollar you can get it from us that is good value. Flour, Hand’s Best has stood the test, and stands today without a complaint having been entered up against it. It is the best that can be made, and if you can find it as good in Rome for the same money, then you get a barrel of Hand’s Best free. HAND & CO. Opposite Armstrong Hotel. Rome, Ga., Nov. 6, 1897. m How to Break a * * Watch? Drop It I How to Fix It ? CARRY IT TO JOE VEAL’S. He doep the work the best. WEAK MAN CURE YOURSELF, "S. Dr. Grady’s wonderful Ineh Zs \ Invigoraior, the great at ... -V runeoy for Lost Manboott. ZXb&CzCt' overcomes nrematnrenerti ivsfc»nd etons all unnatural SMr S»l> draina end loss ». All small \ .eak organs enlarged an' 5 jDitieuvtlier.ed. St ifsrera lx MU A ' I>y remitting St CO a sea'-' rtSHfatos' 1 K" containing 00 pill IWf stefnlly compounded, win 10 BeD ' *>y mail tr •tn our lub viJ> ÜB. ORADY oratory, or we will furnish Bu< cess for BO yrs. six packages for w th h 2(o,oooCured. GUARANTEE to cure ot money refunded. a'l letters confidential, and goods sent with full laetruo tlone free from observation. Address, CBYiTAL MED. CO, Lowell, Mass. WHERE THEY PRE ICH All of City Pulpits To Be Filled Sunday By Visiting Ministers. DR. JAMES FAIR’S ELOQUENT SFKMON i He Preached Cast Krening on the Divin ity of Christ—Business Transacted By Synod at Yesterday’s Sessions All the churches of Rome rod suburbs will be tilled Sunday by vi-iting minis ters. The appointments as read out last night were as follows: Presbyterian. First church. —11 a. m.. Rev. J. H. Pinon; 7 p. m., Dr. E H. Barnett. Second church.—ll a. m., Dr. Chal mers Frazer. At 3 o’clock in the afternoon a Sunday School Memorial service will be neld ,n Rosalie Clark Memorial chapel of the First Presbyterian church. Rev. R. R. White and Dr. Marion Hull will make addresses. Methodist. First church.—ll a. m., Dr. J. W. Walden; 7 p. m., Dr. F. H. Gaines. Second church.—ll a. m., Dr. J. B. Mack; 7 p.m., Rev, A. J. Smith. Third church.—ll a. m., Rev. C. H. Hyde. East Rome.—ll a. m., Rev. C. C. Carson. North Rome.—ll am., Rev. J. H. Alexander. Baptist. First church. —ll a. m., Rev. J. H, Plunkett; 7 p. m., Rev. Theron Rice. Second church. —ll a. m., Dr. S. L. Morris; 7pm.. Rev. N. B. Mathit. Morning Session. The second day of the Synod of Georgia convened yesterday morning at 9 o’clock. The morning was devoted to routine business, a great amount of which was on hand to occupy the Synod. An invitation was read from Dr. A. J. Battle, president of Shorter college for the synod to visit the college. It was received with thanks, and His probable that the members will visit the college before adjourning. The report of the permanent com mittee on Sabbath Schools was receiv ed, and showed a splendid work ac complished. Rev, C. B. McLeod, of the Alabama Synod was introduced as a correspond ing member. Rev, T. F. Pierce, of the Methodist church was introduced to the synod as a visiting brother. • The report of the finance committee was then read. The chairman of the synodical work then made his report. Dr Mack, the evangelist, arose and made an earnest appeal (or the broadening of the evangelical fields. He said he had been at the work seven years. The original salary was $2,000 per year. He asked that it be reduced to $1,500 and three evangelists placed in the field, as the labors were beyond the strength of one man. The three were placed in the field, but bad not been kept there, and now the burden rested on him alone. He asked that the salary be reduced to $1,200 and three men placed at work. His talk was earnest, heartfelt, and made a deep impression on the synod, Dr. Mack said that there were 400,- 000 white people in Georgia who were members of no church. He told how more laborers could establish new churches in as many as twenty five places in Georgia, and thus save souls for Christ, Afternoon Session. At the afternoon session the ques tion of extending the evangelical work was again taken up, and the debate was general, very nearly every mem ber in the house taking some part in the discussion. The synod seemed to have a great deal of trouble relative to that section of the chairman of the Synodical work’s report which provided for ad ditional evangelists. The report read: * ‘Your committee recommends that the general committee put two additional evangelists in the field, if the way be clear. ’ ’ That ‘‘if the way be clear” seemed to be the rock about which the mael strom of Syuodical differences of opin In the PATHWAY of the Expectant Mother dangers lurk. and should be avoided. “Mother’s Friend” Vo so prepares the system iW , I i'Wi j for the change taking > il IfiLNri place that the final hour is robbed of all Danger. Its use insures safety to the life of both mother and child, and makes child-birth easy and recovery more rapid. “ ‘Mother’s Friend’ is the greatest remedy ever put on the market, and all our customers praise it highly.” W. H. KING & CO., Whitewright, Tex. Sent by Mail on receipt of price, SI Pft BOTTLE. Book u To Expectant Mothers” mailed free. The BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.* ATLANTA,GA amr ar all aauaaisw. TfiE HOME TBIBINE SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 13, iSBT. Ilia O Fifty Years Ago. This is the cradle in which there grew That thought of a philanthropic brain; 0 remedy that would make life new For the multitudes that were racked with pain. • Twas sarsaparilla, as made, you know By Ayer, some 50 years ago. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla was in its infancy half a cen tury ago. To-day it doth “be stride the narrow world like a colossus." What is the secret of its power? Its cures! The number of them I The wonder of them! Imitators have fol lowed it from the beginning of its success. They are still be hind it. Wearing the only medal granted to sarsaparilla in the World’s Fair of 1893, it points proudly to its record. Others imitate the remedy; they can't imitate the record' 5o Years of Cures. iin seethed and boiled. It began in the morning and it was 4 o’clock in the afternoon before the discussion ended. After various substitutes, amend ments, etc., bad been offered, the af fair was disposed of by adopting the original report. The discussion throughout was good natured, and oe casionaly there was considerable laughter. Dr. Cleveland moved the adoption of the report as a whole, and then as an after thought, added ‘‘lf the way be clear.” Embodied in the final report as accept ed was the following. ‘ That for the purpose of extending the evangelical work the synod be asked to raise the sum of $8,500 for all purposes, and that the evangelists be paid the sum of $1,200 annually.” The sum of $8,500 is to be apportion ed among the six presbyteries constitut ing the synod of Georgia. Dr. J. B. Mack was unanimously re commended as one of the evangelists, a work which he has been activelv engaged m for the past seven years. After this the reports of the theological seminaries occupied the atten’ion ot the synod until adjournment. The Night Session. The church was comfortably filled last evening to hear Dr. James Y. Fair, of Savannah, deliver a ser mon beautiful in its chaste and rounded English, tender and human io its message of love. Dr. Fair has a magnificent pulpit appearance. His voice is rich and son orous. It is such men that lead the doubting into the clear light of God’s love. His text was taken from third chap let of John and the third verse. ‘‘The Deity of Jesus,” With a convicting earnestness and wonderful eloquence he told of the influence of Christ and His teachings upon the world. “Elaborate proof* of the divinity of Christ were not necessary. The proofs came thundering down through the dim corridors of the centuries, and to day the name of Christ was known to almost every nation of the world, “From the few words uttered by this lowly young mechanic men have drawn the inspiration for their loftiest ideals, and upon it builded the ladder to heaven. These few words have done more to lift up man to bis inher* ent rights than all the combined writ ings of all the philosophers of the ages. “How, then can we account for the influences of this man upon the world for centuries, in any other way than that Christ is divine? “Single-bauded and alone he met all opposing forces and overcame them. Through the world he moved, dispel ing darkness, giving warmth and life to the dying, God was in Christ. God was Christ. “I ask about Christ’s influence upon the ages. Is there any decadence of it? I say no. Miracles have not ceased. I can see them, faint wrought out, yet bearing the touch of divin ity. “I have seen the drunkard kneeling before the portrait of his dead mother swear by the sacred memory of she who bore him, never to drink again. I have seen him in the gutter. I have asked what brought this change, and the answer was, Christ. “Skeptics tell me not that this love of Christ is but a golden dream, a legend., If it be a 4xeam, oh, let me dream un- til 1 fall into that dreamless sleep which knows no waking. “Our Christ is divine. Through life be can strenghten, su-tain and uplift us. At death’s door he can smooth the troubled waters, and guide us safely into port. ” Dr. Fair was listened to throughout wiih the closest attention. At the conclusion of the sermon the sacrament was administered, Dr. Stacey and Dr. Cleveland presiding. Today the synod will wind up its busi' ness sessions. * The Colored Synod. The Synod of Atlantic met at 9 a. m. The committee on education then re ported. The place ol next meeting of Synod was then in order. A large number of invitations were presented and after some pleasant remarks Green ville, S. C., was chosen as the next place of meeting of the Synod. Allen Wilson was examined as a candidate for the ministry and was received under the care of the Presby tery of Knox, The afternoon session of Synod meet at 2:30 p. m. The judiciary commit tee then reported. The report of the general Sabbath school missionary was made the first order of business for this morning. The report for freedman was de fered until today. The entire day was a strictly business one. The Ladies’ Home Missionary Society of the Synod of Knox Presbytery oc copied the evening in g a popular meet ing with the Rev. Mrs. C. McCurdy presiding. Cascar ts stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. 10c, Lost//A small K. A, badge, A liberal reward will be offered for its return to this office. QUARANTINE STILL HOLDS. Sanitary Board of Savannah Not Ready to Relax Until Frost. Savannah’s quarantine will proba bly not be relaxed until cold weather manifests itself, says the News. This may be any time in the near future. Health Officer Le Hardy is desirous of removing the quarantine now, being of the opinion that restrictions are no longer needed. Other members of the sanitary board do nut agree Jwith him, however. Acting Mayor Hamilton said yester day that as yellow fever still exists in Mobile and New Orleans, the quaran tine will hardly be relaxed nntil the appearance of a heavy frost. As this is likely at any time, however, he said said it would probably be only a short time before the restrictions are removed. The sanitary board will meet next Tuesday and the subject will doubtless be discussed then. Now that the yellow fever scare is over the quarantine restrictions are proving somewhat irksome, and the business people are anxious to be relieved from this interference with trade. Io Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab fets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. se. A big stock of plaid silks at Bass', An Absentminded Man. “Writers for comic papers and their unthinking readers, ’ said Mr Werken day, "consider it funny to be an absent minded man lam absentminded and in a position to contradict them. This morning 1 was hurrying across Wall street to keep an appointment 1 lit a cigar without checking tny pace, for 1 was late, and the appointment meant much for me “A few minutes afterward 1 happened to put my hand in my pocket and miss ed my new silver matchsafe. Os course 1 retraced my steps in a hurry, scan ning every inch of sidewalk and gutter anxiously So occupied, naturally 1 col lided more or less severely with people, who, not having lost a silver matchsafe, might have kept out of my way, 1 think “However, they did not. and by the time 1 reached William street my bat had been knocked off. the polish of my shoes had been ruined by strange feet, and one of my new gloves had disap peared. “At William street a very fat man ran into me. or rather over me Tho shock staggered me, and something fell out of my hand and clattered on the pavement It was my new silver match safe 1 picked it up with unkind reflec tions about myself, aud a little mental arithmetic showed me that 1 had made an absentminded fool of myself at a cost of 5 cents for a shine. $1 to get my hat blocked aud $2.25 for a pair of gloves, ruined by the loss of one. And then.' gentlemen, 1 walked serenely to my office, and it never struck me until two hours afterward that 1 had quite forgotten to keep that highly important appointment.—New York Press. For Rent—The store next to Rome Grocery Co., now occupied by us for storage purposes. 11-9 6t. H. D. Cothran & Co. Bass' for blankets. When in need of coal call up H. G, Smith ‘Phone Nos. 182 and 183. Beautiful Line* 1 ”® J Bridal Presents and Fine Cut Glass at J. T. CROUCH & CO’S. Finest toilet goods, Huyler’s candy, choicest perfumeries. Our extracts are the best and purest. Our stock of Pure Drugs and Patent Medicines arostrictlv first class and up -to-date. In our prescription depart meat our Dr I> vis is ever ready to fill your wants, uigtit or day. Prescriptions are compounded accura ely at rl de iv< red to any part of the city. We ate carrying the ties'- lift- o fancy aitides in Ont Glass. Our line of per fumes i-t ti e best the market affords. Ladies can find just what they want for bridal presents at prices which cannot be duplicated outside of New York city. At <nr fountain you can be itfresbed with Hot Chocolate, Hot Coffee, Hot Beef Broth ;an delightful drinks. Call on us and you will find the best of »v tvlhing Ottr line of Cigars and Tobacco has never been so full and with such brands that delight, the taste. Try our 5 cent cigar. J. T, CROUCH & GO., 300 Broad St., Rome, Ga- IM O WfS Thanksgiving Visits, i '’’hen invited out to dinner, should be niadein the Dea»e-t, and m’stfashion- I tSo able attire, ».nd your hat, you must ■ remember, hangs on the hat rac.t at iLW \WfUwil i w ——jW the entrance door, so adotn it with W/j! ione of our ultra fashionable Derbys ° r Fedoras ’ of the latest 1897 Winter Bt .vtes, in quality fine as silk, and at R1 prices abnormally low. j - A. GAJUMON A- CO. iiu- NEARLY 100 PONIES, The Finest CoH,ction| in the World to Be Seen in Sipe & Blake’s Show. Lovers of fine horse flesh will find in Sipe & Blake's America’s greatest dog. pony and monkey show, which will be seen here in two performances on No vember 13 the finest collection of Shet land ponies ever presented to the amuse ment world. The herd comprises 98 little horses ranging from 24 to 42 inches in heigth, and as they are all kind and gentle all the children are invited to visit and play with them free of charge in their pony tents that will be located adjoining the exhibition tent on the Hunt lot at the corner of Second avenue and East Second street. All of the ponie's appear in each per formance tn conjunction with the dogs and monkeys, but after the show is over the ch'ldr ly invited to ride the ponies free of charge. Nervous troubles all kinds cured with Animal Extracts. Free book tells how. Washington Chemical Co. Washington, D C. For sale by Tay lor and Norton, Druggists [Rome, Ga. ' ; l’u. worst cold I ever had in my life was cured by Chambt rain’s Cough Remedy,” writes W. H. Norton, of Sutter Creek, Cal. “This cold left me with a cough and I was expectorating all the time. The Remedy cured me, and I want all my friends when troubled with a cough or cold to use it, for it will do them good.” Sold by Curry- Arrington Co., Rome, Ga. For Rent-v Five room house water and gas and all mod/ ern conveniences on First avenue, opposite Mr, Coker’s, now occupied by Mr, Roddy, Possession Dec, I. Apply to J, Branham, . The Crimson Flow. The Blood’s the life, the crimson flow Th»t gives us health or gives m w< e That sets the maiden's cheek ag ow, Or makes them pile and white as snow. That sets the soul of youth afire, And kills all hope and fond desire, Or make them noble, strong and brave, Aud saves them from an early grave. So now to men, maids atd all,’ Both little and big, great and small, Ever since o’d Adam’s fall. Tainted blood has coursed our veins. So if yon would always be From these evils ever free, Take o'd reliable B. B. B. BASS BROS, The speceal sale at Bass Bros, £ Co.’s grows with each day, When this firm annonnee specially low prices the people believe it, and the st or eattracts the crowds. Bass Bros, have a great trade, Fou Rent-In E .«t Rome seven room residence with cistern and city water. R. J. Ragan. 28-6 t. Finest saddle and draft horses a private sale at Douglass* stable by George T, Muse, of Bell Buckle, Tenn, Will Lend $600.00 “ON Real Estate. M. N. West & Co. r’avc’, No. 24, Broad Street. Surity for All We Will Bond You! We will make bonds for officers and employees. Also bonds for ad ministrators, executors, guar dians, trustees, Receivers, as signees, replevin, attachment and injunction cases, and all undertakings in judicial pro cedings. We are also bond contractors. For particulars call on H. Yancey & Co. Rome, One Day Only Saturday, Nov. 13th, Lot Corner 2d ave. 8 E. 2d St, SIPE & BLAKE’S America’s Greatest Dog, Pony AND Monkey Shows. Positively the largest, best and richest show of its kind on earth, with 122 x ✓ Intelligent Dogs / / 122 98 / o Beautiful Ponies '•> » 98 27 / o Comical Monkeys » » 27 Educated to the highest point of animal intelligence by and performing under the personal direction of PROF. R, J, BLAKE the world renowned trainer, Popular prices—Children 15 cente ; sdults 25 cents. Afterno, nat 2:30; night at 8. Smoke Warters’ Extra Good Cigars, If it isn’t the best 5 cent cigar you ever smoked, we’ll treat It is made right here in Rome and for sale by all enters prising dealers.