The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 13, 1897, Image 6

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BAS BE NO PLANS? A Who Is Close io the Gwernor Says He Has Not. HAS MAI ÜBED NO DEFINITE MOVEMENT For His Future After the Expiration of the Governorship Stories of a Good Job Pronounced Fabrication. The Atlanta correspondent of ,tbe Macon Telegraph sends his paper the following interesting gossip as to the governor’s plan for the future—or rather his lack of plans: In the course of quite a lengthy con versation with an intimate friend of •Governor Atkinson last night, he re marked that that the governor was quite amused at some of the news paper stories regarding bis plans as-. ter his retirement from the executive office. “As a matter of fact,” this gentle man saicL “the governor has matured no plan, and I know for a certainty that he has made no appointments with a view of advancing his chances politically- The governor has never,’ said the man, * ‘and I am mighty close to him; that he would be a candidate for senator or for congress, or that he had perfected an arrangement to rep resent some big corporation as legal adviser. If there is an excellent trait in Governor Atkinson it is his radical disinclination to talk about himself. He is not a man of wealth and will have to go to work when his salary as governor ceases. That fact he rea lizes, and he will go to work, for the governor is no drone.” Speaking of his recent appointment this gentleman declared that the ap pointment of Librarian Brown and the tender of a seat on the supreme court bench to Judge Harris .were both in harmony with the governor’s way of doing things. He regarded the interests of the state first, and when satisfied on this point, he re warded his friends —not now friends who promised to do for him in the future, but old and tried friends who ' have been loyal to hfm in the past, and who have aided him with propa gandist energy to blaze his path in the political field until he had reach ed his present high office — Brown, for example, the new librarian, has stood by Atkinson for fifteen years; as a cit izen, as a legislator and speaker of the house, and throughout his whole term in bis present office. It is such men as Brown, such friends, rather, as Rrown, Who command themselves to the governor, and who does not ad mire him for it? Guinea Rapidly, •‘After having inflammatory rheu matism I was very weak and my stomach was in such a condition that I could not retain food. I decided to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla and I was soon able to eat and drink anything I wished and gained rapidly in flesh. Mrs. J. B. Stokes, North Decatur, Ga. Hood’s Pilis are the favorite family cathartic. Always reliable and bene ficial. 25c. IMPERIAL DECREE ISSUED. ■ Csar Ja to Appoint m I’einixfinut Chaise <i* Affairs at Carisrahe St. Petersburg. Nov. 12 —Au im perial ukase just issued announces that, it being considered expedient to appoint a permanent charge d’ affairs at Carls ruhe, capital of the Grand Duchy oi Baden, Prince Canracuzene. who has hitherto represented Russia at Stutgart, capital of the kingdom of Wurtemoerg, and at Oarlsruhe, has been relieved of his post at the court of Baden. It is presumable that the diplomatic change announced above is in some manner connected with the alleged slight put upon the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Baden during the Visit of the czar and czarina at Darm stadt, capital of the Grand Duchy of Hesse, where their Russian majesties were guests during the latter part oi last month to the brother of the czarina, the Grand Duke of Hesse. DURRANT SEG’URES DELAY. The San Fratioi.oo Murderer Falls to Hung «»n Scl*H<iU e Huie. San Quentin, Cal., Nov. 12 —Attor ney Eugene Deuprey of the counsel for Durrant arrived here from Sacramento, having crossed the bay in a steam launch. The purp >se of this . tr*n w.ia Tutt’s Pills Cure All Liver Ills. those living i “ialarial districts Tutt’s Pilis r i ■ indispensible, they keep the t .\:i in perfect: order and are •:.£? absolute cure r r sick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills to ina'ke phTsouaT' teVvice on ' Warden Hale of a certified copv of the order of the probable cause issued by cue su ptetne court at Sacramento delaying the execution. The precaution of this per sonal service was that there might be no pretext for executing Durrant. Warden Hale had stated that lie was in doubt as to what course to pursue. However, he dually decided to ucc upon the following dispatch received from Prison Director Devlin of Sacramento: “The supreme court made an order and lias stayed all proceedings until further order of the court. Accordingly you will postpone execution. ” After reading this Warden Hale said that there would be no hanging just jet. RELIEF IN SIX HOUKS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the “New Great South American Kidnpy Cure.” This new remedy is a gieatr surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages in male or female. It relieves re-< teutionof water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold hy Curry-Arrington Co., druggists, Rome, Ga.' th-fr-sat & w. TRUSTS TAKEN TO TASK. Governor Kiianoll >ays < otnbinn Are Not Smictimied by Law« of God. Raleigh, Nov. 12. —Governor Russell has issued his Thanksgiving proclama tion. Its second paragraph attracts much attention, and is as follows: “Our state has been spared strikes, disasters, contagion and internal strifes; onr people have been blessed with bountiful harvests, many of them with peaceful and happy homes, and they have been vouchsafed progress in the promotion of education in the full pre servation of their religious freedom, and to some extent the retention of their civil and political liberties as citi zens of the republic.” He concludes by a hit at the trusts and corporations in an appeal “not to forget, those who may be oppressed or deprived of equal opportunities by such of their fellowmen as may be in posses sion of privileges and prerogatives that are not consistent with the fundamental principles of free government and are not sanctioned by the laws of God.” '. ■ . You can’t afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneumo nia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure, For sale by Curry Arring ou Co., Rome, Ga. CS‘.Zk_&»-x-K J ILIA,. Vandals at Work Hi Virginia. Chancellorsville, Va., Nov. 12.—A handsome granite monument was erected in 1886 on the battlefield of Chancellorsville to the memory of Gen eral Stonewall Jackson, who fell in that battle. Vandals and relic hunters have marred the beauty of the memorial, chipping and breaking off the granite in numerous places around the upper edge of the base of the. monument. The attention of the authorities has been called to the vandalism, and if canght the vandals will suffer the full penalty of the law. J. M. Thlrswend, of Grosbeck,Texas says that when be has a spell of indi gestion. and feels sluggish he takes two of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers at night, and he is all right the next morning. Many thousands of others do the same thing. Do you? For sale by Curry-Arrington C . I can supply you with the best Jellico coal Office No. 5 Broad street, Telephone Nos, 182 and 183, H, G, Smith, Alleged liarilerer* Arrested. Eureka, Kan., Nov. 12. George Dobbs and Mrs. Joseph New are uudet arrest here, charged with having mur dered Mrs. New’s husband. Tne crime with which they are charged was com mitted on the night of Oct. 31, at the home of the murdered man, in Otter Creek township. Suspicion was di rected against Dobbs, who is a widower with two children, soon after the mur der, and when he finally went to live at Mrs. New’s house the feeling against him became intense. Notice. I want every man and woman in the United States interested in the opium und whisky habits to have one of my books of these diseases. Address B. M. Woolly, Atlanta, Ga., Box 362, and one will be sent you free. PROTECTED HIS PRISON E& Sheriff of Denver Hud the Juil Surrounded by >*olice end *oldler*. Denver, Nov. 13.—The sheriff re ceived word that an attempt would be made to enter the county jail and lynoh Fred O. Sanchez, charged with murder ing his young wife. The police wers notified and Chief Farley summoned •very patrolman in the city to report at headquarters. In the meantime, to render futile *ll assaults on the jail, the prisoner was not returned to his cell at the conclusion of the day’s trial, but was smuggled away to the residence of one of the court offi cers, where he was kept all night under a strong guard. At the jail the warden maintained a vigilant watch, with every deputy who could be called into requisition iqrned to the teeth. Upon orders from the governor the Denver city troop reported at its armory fully equipped for active service. The members w'ere sent out as scouts to pa trol the territory contiguous to the jail with instructions instantly to signal on the appearance of any gathering. The mob. however, did not appear, evi dently having heard of the sheriff’s preparations. Just try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. THE ROME TRIBUNE, NOVEMBER 13, 181 H. MANY ARRESTS ARE MADE. i'oatel '••Id i« Here Hmm Violated Or Pro, l Mople. Ohattanooga, Nov. 13 —For nomo time past gross violations of postal laws have been occurring at various points in North Alabama, but principally in the neighborhood of Acalla, Weaver's sta tion and Union Grove. Postoffice Inspector Warren has made 15 arrests in the past few days for vio lations of postal laws, chiefly the use of mails to defraud. The inspector arrested S. Weaver at Weaver’s station for stealing post-office records. He also arrested at Union Grove, Ala., W. E. Barnard, Edgar Barnard and J. W. Barnard on the charge of using the mails to further the fraudulent scheme. An attempt to rob the postoffice at Leeb,. Ga.. was reported, and Clerk Hadley was arrested on suspicion. When Inspector Warren maites a full report of arrests a great sensation is promised, as it is said many prominent people are involved. J. C. Berry, one of the best known citizens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that he cured himself of the worst kind of piles by using a few bux'es of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. He had been troubled with piles for over thirty years and bad used many different kinds of so called curss; but DeWitt’s was the one that did the work and he will verify this state ment if any one wishes to write him. Cur ry-Arrington & Co. ATLANTA 50 YEARS OF AGE. City tt» OlebiHie Her Birthday U (th 1 mportitiK: 'erelDonlvg Atlanta, Nov. J 2 —The celebration of the semicentennial anniversary of the birthday of Atlanta, as a city, will be celebrated next spring with great eclat by the Pioneer society. The movement set on foot some time ago to that end has grown nntil it has awakened a responsive echo in the heart of every patriotic citizen of Georgia’s capital, and the pioneers are determined that nothing shall be lacking to make the celebration worthy of the occasion. The first mayor of Atlanta was inau gurated in February. 1848, and the city wili consequently celebrate its fiftieth anniversary during that mouth in 1898. The people generally throughout the city have become interested in the pro ject and there will be nothing wanting to carry it through with due credit and honor to the Pioneer society and ail concerned. The Coming Woman Who goes to the club while her husband tends the baby, as well as the good old fashioned woman who looks after her home, will both at times get run down in health. They will be troubled with lose of appetite, headaches, sleeplessness, fainting or dizzy spells.. The most won derful remedy for these women is Elec tric Bitters. Thousands of sufferers from Lame Back and weak Kidneys rise up and call it blessed. It is the medicine for women. Female complaints and Nervous tronbles of all kinds are soon relieved by the use of Electric bitters. Delicate women should keep this-remedy on hand to build up the system. Only 50c per bottle. For sale by Curry-Ar rington. General 'Weyler at Gibars. New York, Nov. 12.— A dispatch to The Herald from Madrid says: Sur prise was caused here by the notices re ceived regarding General Weyler’s con duct at Gibara. Cuba, where the steamer had to put in for repairs. It seems that he landed and a manifestation was held in his honor, which was said to have been gotten up on board. The road was patrolled by troops, anil the same honor was paid to General Weyler as though he were still captain general. He visited the club, and the same inflammatory speeches passed as at Havana. Disease CATARRH A Climatic Ass e ction g Nothing but a local CO LDM remedy or change of in ■ climate will cure it. Get a well-known pharmaceutical rem- ■t. edy - BT yWW Ely’s Cream Balm It is quickly absorbed Gives Relief at once. Opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages pfll R|MUF Afl Allays Inflammation. LULU iILAU Heals and Protects tbe Membrane. Restore the Senses of Taste and Smell. No Cocaine No Mercury, No Injurious drug. Foil sizi 50c; Trial Size 10c, at Druggist or by mail. ELY BROTHERS,S6 Warren St.. New York. CHANGER BUT POZZONI’S § POWDER X •j? KEMANS ALWAYS THJE SAME. XThe finest, purest and •aost beauti- Iff tying tci)<' powder ever made. It is /L soothing healing, healthful and ff»x Jk harmless, and when rightly used la /k ffeA Invisible. If you have never tried ffvl A POZZONI’S vou do not know what an lI>EA>« Complexion powidkk is. A IT IS SOLD EVERY WH£RE. $ A I £ fOH icaTHER. SEX kC DnwW oTJiiH remedy being in- 1 ' ■■ierted directly to tin- dUk-— — fIM seat of those diseaset Q ■■ of the Cenito-Erinarj Xf ■■l Organs, requires no RIM UD Mfl change of diet. Cure guaranteed in 1 to 8 days. Small plain pack nTT M* TEW age, by mail, «1.00. I* U JKJEaSoId only by for gale by Curry-Arrington Co. wholesale druggist®, Rome, Ga. HATE VER is worth do ’ ing, is worth doing well. Painting can only be done well by having the best materials—Pure White Lead and Pure Linseed Oil, properly applied. There is noth ? irig else “just as good.” Avoid ©“mixtures” and unknown brands of White Lead—the “sold-for- Icss-money sort. .(See list of the genuine brands.) PDPP Bv using National Lead Co.’s Pure White Lead Tinting Col- I I\EE ors > a ?, y deslred shaQ = ,s readily obtained. Pamphlet giving t • v ? ,,,ab . 1 “ ‘"lormation and card showing samples of colors free? also cards showing pictures „f twelve houses of different designs painted in nr combtnatuns cf shades forwarded uno: -if „ NATIONAL LEAD CO., CINCINNATI BRANCH, Cor. 7th St. and Freeman Ave. Cincinnati. O. J LADIES WIIEA IM TROUBLE £ ? USE DR DAVID NICHOLS ? Female * Periodical * Pills. S LADIES, by special request from patients who cannot personally con- fl W suit me, and being unable io prepare at short notice the Favorite Prescrip tion as used by me during a practice of twenty-five years, have consented fl W to supply to you this celebrated Remedy for all Female irregularities and v suppression* These Pills are guaranteed six degrees stronger than any fl W known medicine, yet so mild that the feeblest can take them with perfect x •a security, yet so powerful iu their effects that they can be safely called a fl ” never-failing regulator. Refuse all Patent Medicinesand avoid delay by V taking the prepared prescription of a Specialist in practice. Highly en- fl dorsed by thousands and rec mmendec by prominent physicians. all v orders supplied direct from office, Nichols Building, Nashville, Tenn. In fl Sealed Plain Packages S 3 per box, with fu.l directions enclosed, corre- v fl snondence Private. A’ot Sohl 111 Drug Nlores. £ I have used Piso’s Cure for Consumption, and can recommend it above all others for Coughs and Colds. It is selling 5 like hot cakes. w^«- GUSTAV F w^::o hIo . br QaHSwpnQJT«'2sffi August 31, 1897. ! Kentucky Dew Whisky! 4/ STANDARD OF PURITY. ® ife $ •1- Distilled of carefully selected grain and pure limestone spring W water; matured in wood and bottled under our own supervision, tL Kentucky Dew is tbe leader of fine old fashion sour mash whiskies, •k- and for mellowness and richness of flavor has no superior. Buy /A W Kentucky Dew boctled by the distiller if you want an absolutely Pure YI/ Whisky for the club or sick room. Ask your dealer for Kentucky 'fl Dew, bottled by ourselves. If he hasn’t it write ns. ife OLD KENTUCKY DISTILLERY, # D. Meschendokf, Proprietor. LOUISVILLE, KY For sale by A. R- Hudgins. Agent. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD CODOS AND- RHLJDY, HARVEY & COMPANY IS THE BEST PLACE TO GO. We have added many new and artistic goods to our stock tbe last few days—lß97 patterns —no old second-hand goods. We want your trade and mean to get it if nice goods, low prices and fair dealing wili win. Below is a few of the many articles just received: Parlor Suits, Dining Sets, Bed Springs, Bedroom Suits, Fancy Rockers, Mattresses, Hall Rockers, Side Boards, Stoves, Window Shades, Rugs, Book Cases, Curtain Polls, Etc, IlkintDTA Mill P Our Bto( 'k ’ n th' B department is equal to any in UNUIII I AMn □“““ North Georgia and in charge of Mr F. L, West, an experienced and practical undertaker. Cails promptly attended to day and night. Day ’Phone No. 9; Night. ’Phone No. 182. DC DA|D RC PA R T IVI FN T Mr. W L L»nsdell is in charge ntrAln UtrAn I IVItIN I— -,f our Repair Department and can repair any broken furniture at small cost. Give us a trial. RHUDY, HARVEY & CO., 337 Broad Street, ROME, GA. Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Hiccoughs, Heart-burn. knitsny. Coßueu—d Ncbedale in Effttci uuj i. , SiatiOPa. AO. o H No f ■ tjv Chattanooga A uOuo 2.46 pm iu oopni t Ar Dalton 9 2<>am 4 2 pn. 1 11 am Ar Rome ju.-iOax 5 ;•» p f . i.Mam Ar Atl.inta «... I. b»am 8. pm 5 Lv Atlanta 4.opm 83 p- h.euaa Ar Macon /7.0 pm 11. vpm 8 H'un Ar JfFup » 4 <»atn 2 Il&poB At Everett a -sain 3. pm Ar Jacksonville ® 3 Pm Lv Jesun »..U7.iu. Ar Jacksonvilla 1 uop ; u Lv Everett a.dt am > 30pm Ar Brunswick | ftSOt. ,3’ pm No 8 carries Pullman sleeping car cbaUa« noox a to Atlanta. No. lOcanie" Pullman Union Sleeping Can Chattanooga to Atlanta. No. U carries Pullman Drawing Room Buf fet Sleep l ng Car Chattahoogn to Jacksonville and Alla *ta to Bruns vic.;. STA rim No. 15 No 9 I \O. f Lv Atlanta 7 '».mi -3< p n lu 0 >p'3 Ar Rome lu. 19am 4 5 pm I U-ilton... 11 3->am dtOpm 2 -0a» Ar Chattanooga I.oopm 7.;opm 4. !?ar» Lv Chattanooga. 74- pm 8 ouam. Lexinvton . 4.35 am s.oopic.‘ Ar Louisville 7.Yam i.ldpm Ar < inciiuiat.... 7.3uam YS’pS Lv Chattanooxa 1.-iopm TTam Ar Nashville 0.55 pm 1.35 pm No. 13carries Pullman” Drawing Room BiiE set Sleeping Car Atlant to Na-hville. No. 9 t arries Pullman Union Sleeping Car Atlanta to Louisville and Pullman Sleeping car Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No • e rriea Pullman S eeping Car Atlaata> to i hattanooga and from Chaitmooga to Ctn cinnati. STATIONS. No 5~Nv. 12 No. 1« Lv Chattanooga &30 .m 4.10 am 5 50pn.A Ar Knoxville 1159 am &05am 9 50pn.- Ar Morristown 1 lOp.n 9.50 am 1“.55pm-» Ar Hoi Springs. 3 ISprr, 11.4 >am 12 23aw; Ar Asheville 4 35pm 115 pm l 3Uam Ar Salisbury 6.40 pm 6.ouans Ar Greensboro 9 8 s‘Hnf Arßaieixh 7.10 .m 11 45aie» Ar Norfolk... n 2i pm. Ar Washington ..... 7 773 pm Ar New York it43pm No. 12 carries Pullman Sleeping oar Cuatta* * x,cw York via ant: Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Richmond 6.00 a. m No. 16 is solid train Chattanooga to Norfolli with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattunoog 11« Norfolk without change. Close conn<-< tioc made at Norfolk wim steamers for B iti more. New Yofk i?nd Boston Pullman Sleep ing Car Salisbury York via WashingtoW’ stations. ’ ' No 16 N0.~6* t-v Chaitanoog* ' .=> :.uprn H. Mam. " r Knoxville ; 9 Mipm 11.59.inr Ar Morristown 12.27 am I 10pm Ar Washington 1125 pm 735 amt Ar New York I 6.25 am l.ZOpißf Na Scarries Pjilman Sleeping Car~ChaU»- noora to Washington and Chattanooga to New York without change No. 16 carries Pu<l ma S’eeping Car O’- atta aoo<a to Knoxville and Knqxville to Bristol STATIONS. No ll‘ hv Rome.... .......... lOaOam ArAnniston I.lopm Ar Birmingham ' io. iopm. Ar Selma 6 I7pm Ar Meridian losopm Ar New Orleans 11.45 am Ar Jackson ........ b 4 -mt. Ar Vicksburg ll.:»ant« Ar Shreveport.... 7.2opn> tNa 15 6 ~ tNo~I6 |XTo.~ 1» Tlbpm 5.10 pm Lv Rom-, 10.00 am 9.3oanet • O'prn 7. OBpm Ar Guas ten ar 6 3-am 7 I Bant. 6.30 pm 7.15 pm Ar T-Odama ♦ Daily except. Sunday | Sunday only. W. H. GREEN, Gcu hu] t. Washington, U C, J. M. CULP, Traf Mgr Vaahlngtoa, D. a W. X TURK, G. P A W ashington. D C 0. A •aXBOOTM.A o. t a ohattaMoga.lte». 11 11 Chattanooga, R'ome & Columbus RAILROAD. EUGENE E. JONES. Receiver. Passenger Schedule In effect May 2, 1896. SOUTH BOUHB STATIONS No. 2 No. 4 No. 10 Lv Chattanooga 8 Olam 110 pm 560 a rn« Battlefield. 8 37 4 3« 5 40 Chickamauga 844 445 625 LaFayette 9 12 5 13 7 25 Trion »39 3 40 8 35 Summerville 9 48 5 49 8 5: Lyerly 10 06 607 9 4». Rome UOO 7(H) 2 10 Cedartown 1144 17 45pm 145 Buchanan 12 27 I Bremen 1243 . Ar Carrollton 1 10pmI NORTHBOUND. STATIONS No. 1 No. 8 N 0.6 LvCarrol(ton .... 140 pro Bremen 2 07 Buchanan 2 24 Cedartown 307 6 15am 916an> Rome 3 50 7 00 1100 Lyerly 4 45 7 54 1 05 Hnmmerville 5 03 8 12 1 55 Trion 5 12 8 21 2 80 LaFayette 539 8 48 3 35 Chickamauga 6 07 9 17 5 05 Battlefield 6 14 9 24 5 20 Ar Chattanooga 640 pm'9 50am 600 pn» Nos. 9 and 10 dally except Sunday. Nos. 3 and 4 Sunday only. Nos. 1 and 2dally. Trains Noe. 9 and 10 arrive and depart from C. R. * C. shops near Montgomery avenue. < onnec«lons made at Chattanooga, Tenn, with all roads for points North and West. For any information apply to t.C, B. WILmURN, Traffic Manager, Rom*. <4a. n‘or C. R. FKIIDEN. Ticket Age- b- Southern Pacific and Sunset Limited ARE INSEPARABLE THE FIRST is that great steel highway which links New Orleans to the Pacific Coast, a road distinguished by its superb physical condition, its sump tuous equipment, its perfect systen its ad option of every modern improve ment that contributes to safety, com fort, convenience. A road that rune through the Acadian Land of Louis iana, the pine forest region and high plains of Texas, the romance-fraught plateaus of New Mexico and Arizona, and into the orchard and garden dis tricts of Southern California. A line redolent with history and romance and filled with wonderful charm. THE SECOND is the great transconti nental train of the Southern Pacific,, making direct connections at New Or leans (which point it leaves every Monday and Thursday at 10 a. m.) with all through trains from the North and East, running through solid to San Francisco in 7S hours. The finest train extant— vestibnled, steam heat,id gas lighted. Has ladies’ parlor, wait ingmaid, drawing rooms; gentlemen’ ■ smoking room, barber shop, bath room, buffet, dining car, library, etc.. etc. A home on wheels. DESCRIBING BOTH we have a great deal of literature which the prospeo tive furist should read Some beau tiful books. If going to California. Mexico or Arizona, write and enclose 10 cents in stamps and we will be glad to send such as yon eed, or any Southern Pacific Agent will cheerfully give information. S F. B. MORSE, LGeneral Passenger andlTicket Agent NEW ORLEANS